Lesson on speech development in the middle group "New Year is coming soon



  1. Continue to develop in children the ability to coordinate words in a sentence.
  2. Exercise in the correct use of the accusative singular and the instrumental plural in the coordination of the pronouns "my", "mine", "mine" with nouns.
  3. Fix the word formation of nouns using diminutive- affectionate suffixes.


  1. Develop auditory and visual attention


  1. Cultivate friendships.

Implementation means.

Demo material:Christmas tree, Christmas decorations, dolls of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, snowflake.

Handout:Christmas decorations.

Preliminary work:reading of fairy tales "Frost", "Girl Snow Maiden", poems "New Year", "Well at the Christmas tree", "Christmas tree", "New Year", "Santa Claus".

Vocabulary work: staff, Christmas decorations, garlands, flags, lanterns, tinsel, rain.

Course of the lesson:

Organizing time. Children gather in a circle on the carpet.

Game "Greetings".

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands together

And we will smile at each other.

Educator. Guys, what is our holiday soon?

Children. New Year.

Educator. Who is the main guest at this holiday?

Children. Father Frost.

Educator. Do you know where Santa Claus lives?

He lives far to the north and comes to us from there every year for a holiday. It takes a very long time to get to us from there. Probably Santa Claus has already left his city and is coming to us.

Surprising moment. A knock on the door. The teacher brings in the dolls of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

Educator. Here it is: our winter guest, a kind wizard and friend of all children - Grandfather Frost.(The teacher shows Santa Claus.)

Educator. Let's consider it, what is it like?

Children. Big, gray, old.(The teacher listens to the answers of the children)

Educator. He has a long, curly beard and hair.

Educator. See what Grandpa is wearing?

Children. Hat, fur coat, felt boots, mittens.

Educator. There is a hat on the head. Long, red or blue fur coat, with white fur, tied with a wide belt. On the hands - warm mittens, and on the legs - felt boots.

Educator. What's in the hands of Santa Claus?

Children. Staff.

Educator. Why does he need a staff?(Answers of children)

Educator. With the help of a staff, Santa Claus makes his way through high snowdrifts. It also has magical powers! What Grandpa touches with his staff - everything will freeze!

Educator. What's in the second hand of Frost?

Children. A bag with presents.

Educator. With this big bag, Grandfather comes to us on the New Year's holiday and gives gifts to all the children.

Educator: On New Year's Eve, the Kind Wizard has a lot to do: all the kids need to prepare gifts, who do you think is helping him?

Children. Snow Maiden.

Educator: That's right, this is the Snow Maiden - the granddaughter and assistant of Santa Claus.

Educator ... Guys, let's have a rest with you.(Finger gymnastics"New Year" )

New Year is coming!(Clap our hands)

Children lead a round dance.(Clasp and uncouple palms, changing position)

Balls hang on the tree(alternately connect the fingers on two hands, forming a ball)

Flashlights are on. ("Flashlights")

Here the ice floes sparkle(clench and unclench fists in turn)

Snowflakes are spinning(easy and smooth rotational movements with brushes)

Santa Claus is coming to visit,(fingers go on the table or on the other palm)

He brings gifts to everyone.(Three palms together)

Let's bend our fingers:(massage each finger in turn)

Educator ... What do they dress up for the New Year?

Children. Christmas tree.

Educator ... Guys, you know what the tree is decorated with!

Children. We know. Garlands, flags, toys, balls, lanterns, tinsel, rain, etc.

Educator. The Christmas tree is decorated with Christmas decorations. Repeat which toys are hung on the tree.

Children. Christmas decorations.

Educator. Guys, let's decorate the tree with you.

Children take decorations and hang them on the tree. They hang a toy on the tree and say: “I’m hanging a ball on the tree”, “I’ll put a gift under the tree”, “I’ll put the toy in a box”.

Educator. Let's praise the Christmas tree, say nice words about it - what is it like?

Children. Green, fluffy, smart, pretty, prickly, small, big, etc.

Educator. And now, guys, I offer you the game "Affectionate Snowflake". I give you a snowflake with a simple word, and you return it to me with an affectionate word. (Children stand in a circle, the teacher in a circle.)

The game "Affectionate snowflake"

Winter is a winter

Hare - bunny

Snow - snowball

Snowflake - snowflake

Fox - chanterelle

Squirrel - squirrel

Snowman - Snowman

Ice is a piece of ice

Christmas tree - herringbone

Star - asterisk

Sleds - sleds

Scarf - scarf

Gift - present

Icicle - icicle

Branch - twig

Ball - ball

Needle - needle

Bump - bump

Garland - garland

Educator. Let's play some more Fix the Bug game. If I speak incorrectly, you will correct me.

My snowflake is my snowflake.

My tree is my tree.

My balloon is my balloon.

My Santa Claus is My Santa Claus.

My Snow Maiden is My Snow Maiden.

My star is my star.

My bump is my bump.

My scarf is my scarf.

My gift is my gift.

My star is my star.

My hare is my hare.

My scarf is my scarf

My garland is my garland.

Bottom line. Reflection.

Educator. Guys, what holiday were we talking about today?

Children. About the New Year.

Educator. How will you prepare for the New Year?

Children. Decorate the Christmas tree, learn poems and songs, etc.

Educator. Guys, you are all great today, you worked well in class. Grandfather Frost and Snegurochka say thank you and give you gifts - coloring pages and say goodbye to you before the matinee.

(First year of study)

Activation and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic “ New Year's celebration”. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (the use of plural nouns)

Develop articulatory motor skills, fine motor skills. Develop visual, auditory perception, creative imagination.

creating a positive emotional background, joy, expectation of the holiday.

Equipment: colored pencils, notebooks, pictures with the image of the New Year's holiday.

1. Organizing time

- Guys, guess the riddles, and you will find out what we are going to talk about today.

What a beauty

Stands, sparkling light,

How sumptuously removed!

Tell me who is she? ( Christmas tree)

He has a gray beard.

Fur coat, staff with a star.

He brought us gifts,

Who is this? ( Father Frost)

He rushes on a frisky troika,

Himself is still small.

Loudly knocking on the door to us,

Sweeping snow from boots. ( New Year)

2. Exercise "Decorate the Christmas tree"

Guess what we're going to talk about today in class?

- What is customary to do before the New Year?

- Today we will decorate the Christmas tree.

- Let's look at the pictures, name them and decorate our Christmas tree.

3. Exercise "Correct the mistake" Working with deformed sentences.

- The Christmas tree turned out to be very elegant. I received a letter from the forest. But with errors. Can you understand what they write there?
- Guys, I will read the sentences, and you listen, find errors in them and name the sentence correctly.

Masha likes to wear the mask.
The Christmas tree is dancing near the Snow Maiden.
The children decorated the toys with Christmas trees.
The Christmas tree was lit on the lamps.
Santa Claus brought a bag of gifts.

Summary of the lesson in the senior group Drawing up the story "New Year's Eve"

based on a series of plot pictures with the continuation of the plot

(First year of study)

Correctional educational tasks:
Teach children to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures. Form the skill of adhering to the sequence of presentation.

Correctional and developmental tasks: Develop children's ability to answer questions in full sentences. To activate the dictionary of adjectives on the topic. Exercise children in storytelling, indicating the time and place of action.

Correctional educational tasks: To foster in each child the ability to listen to the stories of other children.

Equipment: O.S. Gomzyak series of plot paintings "New Year's Eve"

1. Organizing time

- Guys, show me what toys you brought. Who helped you make them?

- All toys are very beautiful.

2. Announcement of the topic of the lesson

- Today in the lesson we will compose a story about how the children at school were preparing for the New Year.

3. Conversation on a series of paintings

The speech therapist puts pictures in a chaotic manner and asks the children to arrange them in the desired sequence.

- What do you think is the coming holiday?

- Why do you think so?

- What are the guys doing?

- Look carefully and name what kind of Christmas tree decorations they get?

- What do children use while working?

- Do they work with pleasure or not?

- What kind of decorations did they get? ( Multi-colored, bright, funny, colorful).

- Where did they hang their toys?

- How did the children spend the holiday?

- What were they wearing?

- What surprise awaited them at the end of the holiday?

4. Writing a story

- Guys, look at the pictures again and make a story based on them. Do not forget to tell about the surprise that awaited the guys at the end of the holiday.

New Year's Eve

The favorite children's holiday - the New Year - was approaching. And the tree stood in the corner and was sad. Olya looked at the tree and suggested:

- Let's decorate it not only with balls, but also make toys ourselves.

The guys agreed. Each of them took scissors, paints and colored paper. Children worked with pleasure. Soon bright, colorful decorations were ready. The guys proudly hung their work on the tree. The tree sparkled and shone.

The holiday has come. The guys put on fancy dress and went to the tree. They sang, danced and danced in a circle. And, of course, Grandfather Frost came to the children with long-awaited gifts.

Lesson topic: Children are friends with Santa Claus


- create an atmosphere of festive mood;

- develop imagination, creative imagination;

- to foster love for Russian folk traditional holidays;

- to teach to distinguish the characteristic features of objects with different analyzers (eyes, nose, hands).

Vocabulary work: nouns (surprise, branch, toy, beard, gift, friend, ice floe, ice cream, snowflakes, titmouse, bullfinch, crow, wolf, hare, fox, squirrel, garland); adjectives (green, beautiful, Christmas tree, big, kind, cheerful, wooden, brick, warm); verbs (feel, lie, bring, please, burn).

Equipment:"Wonderful" bag with a spruce branch, plasticine, boards for working with plasticine, riddles.

Educator... The "wonderful" bag has prepared a surprise for you. Let's try to guess what lies there?

The teacher invites the children to smell what is in the bag with their eyes closed, the children tell the teacher in the ear of the teacher what smell they have learned.

Now close your eyes and feel with your fingers what lies there.

Children try the Christmas tree with their hands with their eyes closed, speak their assumptions in the ear of the teacher.

Guys, who guessed what was in the bag? Listen to the riddle.

On New Year's Eve, everyone is happy with her,

Although her outfit is prickly. (Christmas tree.)

Children guess.

Now guys, smell and touch the tree with your eyes open. What color is the tree? Children. Green.

Educator. Guys, do you like the New Year holiday?

Children. We love.

Educator... What happens on New Years?

Children. A Christmas tree, beautiful Christmas decorations, garlands, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden come, bring gifts.

Educator. What does Santa Claus look like?

Children. Big, with a beard, kind, cheerful, cold, loves children, gives gifts.

Educator... Santa Claus is a great friend of all children, he loves you very much and always makes you happy with gifts. Where do you think Santa Claus lives?

Children... In the forest, in the North, on an ice floe.

Educator. What house does Santa Claus live in?

Children. In wooden, brick, ice, icicles.

Educator. What kind of bed do you think he has?

Children answer.

What food does he like?

Children... Icicles, snowballs, ices, ice cream, snowflakes, cold water.

Educator. Who is Santa Claus friends with in the forest?

Children. With birds, animals, Snow Maiden, children.

Educator. What birds are Santa Claus friends with in winter? (Shows pictures of birds to children.)

Children... With titmouses, bullfinches, pigeons, crows.

Educator. What animals is Santa Claus friends with? (Shows pictures of animals.)

Children. With hares, wolves, foxes, squirrels.

Educator. Santa Claus is very kind. From the far North, he comes to us once a year. Everyone is waiting for him, especially the children. What does Santa Claus bring? Guess the riddle.

Every leaf is a needle.

Guess it's a tree

And underneath in wraps of bright

They have been waiting for the guys for a long time ... (gifts).

Children guess.

Gifts are given by Santa Claus himself or he puts them under the tree. Look, there is a Christmas tree in the doll's corner too, but there are no gifts under it. And the toys are waiting for them! Want to please your friends? Then let's get to work. I will ask Santa Claus and Snegurochka to bring our gifts and congratulate the dolls, bears, and bunnies on the New Year.

The teacher gives each child a piece of plasticine and a small board on which the children sculpt gingerbread and cookies, the resulting products are taken under the Christmas tree to the doll's corner.

Topic: Telling about toys. "Gifts from Santa Claus."

Target: continue to teach children to talk coherently and consistently about the toy in detailed and complete sentences; develop in children logical thinking and memory, ingenuity; to cultivate a respect for toys.

Course of the lesson

The teacher invites children to listen to the story that happened to Santa Claus on New Year's Eve.

December has come. Santa Claus began to prepare for the New Year. I cleaned my fur coat, hat, mittens from dust. He combed his shaggy beard and darned his gift bag. And I prepared gifts - apparently, invisibly, barely tied the sack. Then a telegram came from the children from the kindergarten: “Santa Claus! We invite you to the Christmas tree. Are looking forward to!" Santa Claus was delighted at the invitation and decided to take a nap before the long journey.

Meanwhile, Bab Yaga flew past the house of Santa Claus in a mortar. She saw a whole bag of gifts, was angry that she would not get anything, and decided to deceive Santa Claus.

She poured all the gifts into her mortar, and put the spruce cones in the bag, tied the bag and quickly flew away.

Santa Claus woke up, looked - everything is in order. He put on a fur coat, hat, mittens, put a sack on his back and went to the children in kindergarten.

It was a lot of fun at the party. The guys read poetry, sang, danced, and solved riddles. It's time to give gifts to the guys.

Santa Claus untied the sack and ... gasped !!!

He immediately guessed whose tricks it was, and decided to teach Baba Yaga a lesson.

How Santa Claus hit the floor with his magic staff, how he said the cherished words - and a miracle happened !!!

Baba Yaga's stupa itself flew to the children for the Christmas tree. It landed and immediately crumbled to smithereens. And there gifts are visible and invisible.

And then Baba Yaga herself came running, shouting, scolding: “Give me my favorite stupa! Give it back! I will no longer take gifts from children! "

But it was not there! Santa Claus once again hit the floor with his magic staff and turned Baba Yaga into a beautiful Snow Maiden, sparkling with silver. That was joy! The Snow Maiden began to distribute gifts to children. Enough for everyone!

Guys, there were so many gifts, enough for everyone, and even you got it.

The teacher invites the children to take a toy out of the bag as a present.

Guys, do you like gifts from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden?

Are you happy about this miracle?

Let's tell each other about our toys. At the beginning of the story, you need to say what the toy is called, what material it is made of. Next, say what shape it is, name the color. Say why you like the toy, how you can play with it. Guys, try to have more beautiful words in your stories, then your story will be interesting and festive. Let's please Santa Claus with our stories about toys and thank him.

Children come up with and talk about toys according to the proposed plan. The teacher pays attention to the sequence of the description, the completeness of the story, the imagery, the manifestation of creativity.