Roll up your sleeves: how to do it right. A dangerous moment: how to properly roll up the sleeves on a shirt

Don't know how beautiful it is to roll up the sleeves on a men's shirt or chemise? There are three types of roll-ups for men's shirts.

How to roll up your shirt sleeves

1. The main type of roll-up of the sleeves of a man's shirt. To do this, open the button on the cuff and another one above. And the cuff of the shirt is tucked several times. The sleeves can be rolled up above or below the elbow. This type of roll-up of sleeves is good for doing physical work, for comfort, or for escape from the heat.

2. Casual type of roll-up of the sleeves of a man's shirt. To do this, only one button on the shirt cuff is stretched. This type is suitable for light and thin shirts. It allows you to unwind the sleeve more easily without wrinkles and folds.

3. Italian type of roll-up of the sleeves of a man's shirt. For this, one button on the shirt cuff is stretched. This type is especially suitable for shirts that have a different color on the back of the cuff. It turns out very nicely. Then slide the rolled up cuff onto the elbow. This type of roll-up of the sleeves of a men's shirt is well suited for an informal setting of various dinners and parties.

Tips for rolling up your shirt sleeves. If you take off your shirt and roll up your sleeves, you get a lot more neat than rolling it up on yourself. But this method is not always suitable due to the inability to undress in the bathroom or dressing room.

A shirt with rolled up sleeves looks informal, pretty and bold.

Wearing a shirt, the sleeves are too long? Too hot and want to cool off a little? Want to highlight your casual, casual style? Roll up your sleeves!

Continuing the theme of summer and shirts, I could not help but remember 3 ways to roll up the sleeves on a shirt: to the forearm, to the elbow and the stylish Italian way. If you roll up your sleeves like an accordion the old fashioned way, then today you have a lot to learn. Go!

There are different reasons why you want or need to roll up your sleeves:

  1. Practical necessity. If you work with your own hands, for example, cleaning the garage or repairing a car, then in order not to stain or tear your shirt, you need to roll up your sleeves. In addition, it is much more convenient to work with rolled-up sleeves, since nothing interferes with your movement.
  2. Heat. A light-colored long-sleeved cotton shirt is usually suitable for both walking down the street and going to work. But what to do when it is really hot outside or indoors ?! Correctly rolled up sleeves will help to cool a little. It should be noted, however, that it is necessary to roll up the sleeves of a classic shirt only in extreme cases, since this is not customary.
  3. Style element. Sometimes a man wants to “shout” to everyone around him that he has done his job and is ready to relax in a bar or restaurant after a hard day. Or, on the contrary, to dilute the situation in a difficult situation, when it is necessary to demonstrate control over the situation. Sometimes big bosses take off their blazers and roll up their shirt sleeves in front of the audience, demonstrating control in the more relaxed environment he has created.

How to properly roll up your shirt sleeves

In fact, there are many ways to roll up your sleeves, but the best of them are only 3. Remember the movie Gone in 60 Seconds? So, now we will learn “how to roll up our sleeves in 60 seconds”!

There are some basic principles to know:

  1. It is necessary to roll up the sleeves no less than 10-15 centimeters from the wrist. Anything less will not look harmonious.
  2. Roll up to the elbow or forearm only in an informal setting, not counting the cases when you are left alone at work in the office and work for everyone else.
  3. Better not to roll up your jacket or blazer, even if the buttons are unbuttoned. An exception is the urgent need to roll up the sleeves when it is not possible to take off the jacket. On the other hand, men's fashion is changing and this may be mistaken for another stylish image.

Method number 1. Roll up the sleeves to the forearm

This method is very simple and intuitive. It allows you to free your hands as much as possible, which allows you to work with greater comfort.

How to roll up the sleeves using the classic method:

  1. Unbutton all buttons on the sleeves.
  2. Turn the cuffs inside out, gently adjusting the edges. At this point, set the rolled up sleeve width to the cuff width or half the cuff width.
  3. Continue wrapping the sleeve, adjusting the width gently until you reach the forearm (bicep).

Method number 2. Roll up the sleeves to the elbow

The following sleeve wrapping method is great for men who are done with their work and head to the bar with their jacket slung over their shoulder to have a beer with friends or colleagues. It is quite simple and does not wrinkle the sleeves of the shirt much if you suddenly need to return everything back. By the way, this method looks good with a light sweater, if the sleeves are slightly pulled up to the elbows. It also looks good on thin hands, which is important for many.

How to roll up your sleeves to the elbow:

  1. Unbutton all the buttons on the sleeves of your shirt.
  2. Using the width of the cuffs, wrap 1 to 2 turns up to the elbow joint.
  3. Adjust the rolled up sleeves so that nothing gets in your way.

Method number 3. Roll up sleeves in Italian

The most stylish and interesting method of tucking up the sleeves, in my opinion, is the Italian. It is interesting in that you can adjust the cuffs and add variety every time you decide to roll up the sleeves. The only condition is that the reverse side of the cuffs should be different from the color of the front side, contrasting. Ever noticed shirts with colored lining? It is made precisely to make the sleeves rolled up by the Italian method look stylish.

  1. As always, undo the buttons on the cuffs.
  2. Turn the sleeve over and pull the hem so that the cuffs do not extend slightly to the elbow. You should have a sleeve folded in half, turned inside out.
  3. Next, fold the hem of the sleeve and slightly overlap the colored cuffs that are at the elbow. It turns out that you turned the sleeve inside out 2 times. If necessary, align the sleeve at the cuff to reveal more or less colored underside.


In fact, you can roll up the sleeves in many more ways: unfasten the button and roll the sleeve up, you can simply fold the sleeves like an accordion, but it won't stay there for a long time. You can turn the cuffs not inside out, but tuck them under the sleeve, but the sleeves will look strange, as if you put on a little boy's shirt, and it is too small for you. Etc…. All of them, in my opinion, are full of flaws, so I did not consider them in this article. Thank you all and wish you good luck!

Every man, putting on a shirt at least once, but rolled up his sleeves. Some pursue the practical purpose of this event (for work), others for convenience in the hot season, and still others to emphasize their individual style. Therefore, we will consider several ways how to properly roll up the sleeves on a man's shirt so that it looks appropriate and neat.

Representatives of the stronger sex can transform a discreet classic shirt with the help of a light roll-up of the sleeves. The main thing is not to pull it up with an accordion, but to do it so that it looks neat and laconic outwardly.

There are several classic shirts in the wardrobe of every man. They can be combined with both classic trousers and regular pants. Today it has become fashionable to roll up the long sleeves of shirts, which adds brutality to a man's image, and in some cases just helps to keep the cuffs clean.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

It is recommended that you take a closer look at your old shirts, which, in your opinion, are outdated a long time ago. Even the most outdated models with rolled up sleeves look stylish and fashionable. Old wardrobe items will get new life if they are properly combined with other details of the image.

So, let's look at the most common cases when it becomes necessary to roll up the sleeves of a classic shirt:

  • for convenience... It happens that corporate ethics assumes only the classic style of dress at work. But at the same time, a man actively works with his hands (repairs computers, draws, etc.), then he intuitively rolls up his sleeves for convenience;
  • for cooling... It is very difficult to wear a shirt in the heat of summer. To cool off a bit, guys often roll up their cuffs;
  • to maintain a stylish look... And the last most common case among young people is the creation of a relaxed style. After work or on a walk with friends, jeans and a shirt with rolled-up cuffs look harmonious and even sexy.

What are the ways?

There are many ways to effectively roll up your sleeves, but they all follow these guidelines.

  1. The cuffs are rolled at a distance of at least 15 cm from the hands. If you do not adhere to this principle, then visually the hands will look shorter and rougher.
  2. A tackle to the elbow or forearm is appropriate only in an informal environment at work, such a decision will be the most successful.
  3. If the shirt sleeves are rolled up normally, then such manipulations with the jacket are not worth it, even if the model assumes the presence of unfastened buttons. The jacket is always removed!

So let's take a look at three of the most used and trendy tackle styles.

Up to the forearm

This method of rolling up the sleeve is the most popular and intuitive among men. First you need to unfasten the buttons on the cuffs. Further, the cuff is turned inside out to the wrong side.

This movement should set the width of the future slide. It is best to make it equal to the cuff width or half of it. We continue to roll up the cuff, adjusting its edges approximately to the bicep.

For reference! It is important to choose the right shirt, which has firm and straight cuffs that will not lose their shape when twisted. It is also important that the shirt is perfectly ironed and clean.


This solution is often used by men in a civilized setting, heading to a bar with colleagues or friends, or for a walk after a hard day at work. This method is very easy to perform and does not wrinkle the sleeves of the shirt. To begin with, as in the previous case, we unbutton the buttons on the sleeves.

We make a couple of tackles strictly along the width of the shirt cuff to the elbow. It is important to carefully tuck the fabric so that excess fabric does not get in the way.

In Italian

This method is preferred by stylish dandies. It is interesting in that it makes it possible to adjust the width of the roll, which brings variety to the image every time. The main thing to observe is the only important condition - the excellent color of the cuff lining, it is desirable that it contrasts with the main color of the shirt.

To wrap the sleeves in Italian style, unfasten the buttons on the sleeves and turn them inside out, pulling them almost to the elbow by the cuffs so that they fold in half. Then the edge is folded again, slightly overlapping the colored cuffs. As a result, it turns out that you turn the sleeve to the wrong side twice. If desired, the slide can be adjusted to reveal the colored part for longer or less.

In what styles is it appropriate?

It is important to choose all the details of your image correctly, if you want to complement it with a classic shirt with rolled up sleeves, then you need to complement your image exclusively with trousers. They can be not only a classic cut with arrows, but also a more free style without arrows, which is quite acceptable if you are dressing in a casual style.

Advice! Never mix classic rolled-up shirts with any length. Such a decision will make the male image at least silly. also not the most suitable option, although they are a convenient thing, they cannot be combined with the classic style in any way.

You can complement shirts with rolled-up sleeves with stylish jackets. This option was appreciated by fashionistas and is often used when going to gala receptions. An open wrist will help to demonstrate to everyone around you expensive accessories that will tell without words about a man's wealth.

Do you roll up your shirt sleeves?



We have considered the most common options for rolling up, and what a men's shirt with rolled up sleeves is best combined with. Naturally, you can not adhere to these rules and fold the sleeve with an accordion in the old fashion, but the raised fabric according to this pattern holds its shape very poorly, so it will have to be constantly corrected, which is not very comfortable.

You can also tuck the cuffs inward, but this solution looks strange from the outside, it may seem that the shirt is at least small for a man. It is the three methods that are presented in this article that look stylish and have practically no drawbacks. We recommend trying one of them!

Once upon a time, men rolled up their shirt sleeves for purely practical reasons, but today the rolled-up shirt has become an integral part of the informal style.

In order for a shirt with rolled up sleeves to always look really good, you need to immediately decide on what level the sleeve will be rolled up to, and at the same time study several suitable methods.

Rolled up sleeve: choose your own version

There are two main options: keep the elbow closed or open the elbow. It should be remembered that the rolled-up sleeves of a shirt are a kind of signal that says something like this: "Hey, this is the end of the day: it's time to rest!" Therefore, most men prefer to wear the sleeve, covering the elbows and tucking the sleeve no more than a quarter. This method allows you to always look decent, even if you are in the office. Highly rolled sleeves signal that you are very hot or that you are about to work with your hands. Therefore, experts advise you to choose the first option.

How to roll up your sleeves

There are several common ways. The first method: unfasten the button on the cuff and bend the cuff upwards and wrap it up to its full width once or twice. It is important to make sure that the sleeve looks neat and beautiful. This is a slightly slower, but also more accurate way. Second way: just fold the cuff up. He will appeal to those men who live and work at the fast pace of the metropolis.

Method three: how to roll up your shirt sleeves.

In addition, you can simply raise the sleeve of the shirt to a certain height, fasten the button, and slightly let the remaining sleeve over the fixed part.

There is another interesting option, which will look especially good not on a classic shirt, but on a shirt, the wrong side of which has a color or pattern different from the cuff. You need to unfasten the button on the cuff, pull the cuffs to the beginning of the elbow so that a small part of the sleeve is turned inside out. We fold this part so that it touches the lower edge of the cuff. In this way, you can roll up the sleeve above the elbow.

It should be noted that while rolling up the sleeve, the arm should be straightened and lowered: this will make the process faster, and its result more accurate.