September 2, what a. September in world and national history

Today is a really indicative date, because several big holidays are celebrated in Russia at once. First of all, September 2 is a memorable day not only in our country, but throughout the world, since today the Second World War has ended, and our country celebrates the Day of Military Glory. The national calendar speaks of the onset of Samoilov's day, and all employees of the oil and gas industry, as well as employees of the patrol service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the guard troops, accept congratulations on their professional holiday.

Day 2 September 1939 went down in history as the beginning of a terrible event of a huge scale - the Second World War. It has affected almost the entire planet, turning the lives of representatives of several generations at once. The war claimed the lives of millions of soldiers and civilians, destroyed their families, homes and even entire states. The world tragedy lasted 6 years and 1 day, drawing more than 1.7 billion people from 61st countries of the world into its horrors.

The great holiday of Victory Day in Russia is celebrated on May 9 and means the end of the Great Patriotic War; on this day in 1945, the capitulation of the main aggressor, Nazi Germany, took place in Berlin. After this event, the Soviet Union, together with its comrades-in-arms, went to Japan with weapons in order to secure its territory from threats from the Far East. This period of hostilities became final, and on September 2, Japan admitted defeat, and the holiday went down in history as the Day of the end of World War II.

September 2 became a memorable date back in 1945, but the public holiday appeared relatively recently - only 8 years ago, after the signing of the corresponding amendment to the law. All over the world today the memory of the fallen heroes is honored, who in those terrible years managed to win, showing inhuman courage, dedication and loyalty to their people.

September 2 is an Orthodox holiday in memory of the prophet Samuel

The biblical prophet Samuel was one of the key figures in the Old Testament. His name is translated from Hebrew as "heard by God." King David's anointed lived in a difficult time for the Israelites, and he was to become a great judge, prophet and preacher, who directed the life of the people in the right direction.

In those years, the country was increasingly decayed morally, since the high priest Ilya was not the righteous leader who could unite and protect his people. As a result, the Philistines stole the main shrine of the Jews - the Ark of the Covenant. And only Samuel managed to reason the people, calling them to repentance and spiritual awakening. He rallied the population, and together they managed to expel the Philistines from their lands. Throughout his life, Samuel was engaged in the education and upbringing of the Israelites, earning their strong respect and love.

Until a ripe old age, the saint was incredibly valued and considered the best ruler. The greatest fear of the Israelites at that time was the loss of Samuel, since after his death, anarchy and lawlessness could return to their lands. But before his death, the biblical prophet managed to anoint a worthy successor to the kingdom - King David.

According to the national calendar, Samoilov day has come

The Old Testament judge Samuel was revered in Russia as the intercessor of all boys, youths and men. In appeals to the saint, our ancestors usually asked to extend the fine days in order to have time to finish all the work in the field before the onset of cold weather. On this day, the girls gave their fathers new beautiful shirts and laid festive tables for them. The traditional dish of the holiday was potatoes with fried mushrooms, since the first harvest of honey agarics began to be gathered in the forests by Samoilov day.

In Russia, on the day of September 2, several professional holidays fall at once

On the first Sunday in September, the Russian Federation celebrates the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers. Oilman's Day was established back in 1980. This area occupies a key place in the economy of the Russian Federation, so that all specialists associated with the extraction of "black liquid gold" and gas have always been held in high esteem.

Also today, congratulations are received by the officers of the patrol and guard service of the Russian police, whose main duty is to protect the safety of citizens and maintain law and order on our streets. They are one of the first to react to any disturbances and disturbances, so their work is very dangerous and associated with great risks.

In 2000, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree establishing the Day of the Russian Guard, which is the heir to the traditions of the Russian Guard, created during the time of Peter I. This holiday was created to recreate and improve domestic military traditions, as well as to increase the authority of military affairs. Now, as well as many years ago, a real guardsman remains a strong warrior and a standard of military bearing, a symbol of honor and a model of organization. The Russian Guard also celebrates its professional holiday today - September 2.

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The list of Russian holidays for September 2, 2018 will acquaint with state, professional, international, folk, church, unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can choose an event of interest and find out its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays September 2

Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day

Oil and gas are very important minerals for us. They not only become raw materials for the further production of various items. This is one of the instruments of the international market that directly affects the state of the country's economy. Russia is a country that has quite large reserves of natural resources, such a scale cannot be developed without a sufficient number of specialists. All of them should have their own holiday, thanks to which people will know more about the event. This celebration is celebrated on the first Sunday of autumn.

history of the holiday

This celebration became a memorable date back in 1980. It happened on the first of October. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet decided that people related to gas should be honored additionally. This holiday was established to enhance the prestige of the work. When the USSR collapsed, in Russia the date was preserved on the original terms.

Industrial oil production in Ukraine began in the 18th century, and already in 1909, 2 million tons of oil were produced in the Carpathian region. The gas industry dates back to the commissioning of the Dashava gas field and the construction of the first Dashava - Stryi gas pipeline in 1924.

It is a special occasion for those villages where oil or gas is produced. For such places, this is one of the main holidays, because small settlements are almost completely involved in such work. A similar celebration is celebrated on the same day in Belarus, but the Belarusian people add fuel workers to the number of those involved. The people also call this holiday the Day of the Oilman.

End of World War II

The hostilities that began in 1939 left an indelible mark on the history of mankind. These were the largest and most violent battles, claiming 50 to 65 million lives. The number of victims included not only the military, but also innocent people (women, children, old people).

The heroic deeds and dedication of the soldiers are the main reminder of the value of the victory won. It was captured by the soldiers of the USSR and the anti-fascist alliance of many countries. These people managed, at the cost of their own lives, health and freedom, to defend the independence of eleven European states, Korea and China. The horrific events ended on September 2, 1945, but their echo is still evident today.

history of the holiday

To be precise, this holiday cannot be called completely new. It was established on September 3, 1945, the day after the surrender of Japan by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as the Day of Victory over Japan. But for many years, the holiday was virtually ignored in the official calendar of significant dates. Now historical justice has been restored, and September 2 has been declared a public holiday - the Day of Military Glory.

Celebrating the end of World War II officially began in 2010. The basis was the corresponding amendments to the Federal Law "On the days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia." According to historical documents, the date for the end of hostilities was set the day after Japan's surrender. But the event was not listed on the holiday calendar of the Russian Federation for a long time.

The official significance of the event was influenced by the persistence of veterans and citizens living in Primorye and Vladivostok. They were the ones who achieved justice. Residents of Sakhalin and the Kuriles celebrated the end of the Second World War on the second day of autumn for decades. The activists persistently suggested making this event an All-Russian Day of Remembrance, which they succeeded, but with great difficulty.

Police Patrol Day

PPP is part of the Russian police. Employees of this service protect law and order and the safety of citizens in the territory entrusted to them. They are among the first to react to violations of the law and make every effort to apprehend the violator and prevent the commission of a crime or offense. It may seem to the ignorant that this work is simple and unpretentious, but in fact it is associated with a huge risk to life. A professional holiday is dedicated to employees engaged in such a difficult and dangerous service.

When celebrate

Day of the patrol and post service of the police of the Russian Federation is celebrated on September 2. It was on this day in 1923 that the Central Administrative Directorate of the NKVD, by Order No. 4, approved the "Instruction for the police officer."

Who is celebrating

The date of September 2 is celebrated by employees and veterans of the teaching staff of the Russian Federation, as well as all those who are related to this service, their close relatives and friends.

The history of the police patrol service

The history of the creation of the Russian PPS began long before 1923. The first information about this service appeared in the Russian Empire in July 1811, when the "Regulations on Internal Guard" were announced. However, it was September 2, 1923 that was the first mention of it. In 1926, patrol services were established in almost every city. A white uniform with a badge and a militia baton was the distinctive sign of the staff of the PPS.

On August 17, 1962, the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures to strengthen the activities of the Soviet militia" set the main tasks, determined the role and place of the militia in the state management system. On August 1, 1963, the Charter of the teaching staff came into effect.

Day of the Russian Guard

Day of the Russian Guard was established on December 22, 2000 by the decree of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin No. 2032 "On the establishment of the Day of the Russian Guard" in connection with the 300th anniversary of the Russian Guard in order to revive and develop domestic military traditions and increase the authority of military service.

Guards regiments, brigades, divisions, crews and battalions are the pride of the Russian Armed Forces, a model for the entire army and navy. The Guardsman is a brave warrior with an indomitable fighting spirit and an unbreakable will to win.

The emergence and development of the guard

The Russian Guard was created by Peter I in 1700, and she received her baptism of fire at the beginning of the Northern War, in the battle of Narva on November 19, 1700. Then the guards of Peter I distinguished themselves in 1702 and 1704, as well as near Poltava in 1709.

Before the appearance of military educational institutions, the guard was the only school for officers. But not only those who passed this combat training were called guardsmen: for special merits, distinguished generals received the honorary title of lieutenant colonel of the Preobrazhensky regiment. Thanks to the special trust of the most influential persons of the state, the guardsmen were a significant political force. According to the Table of Ranks, its officers had an advantage over the army of two ranks.

During the reign of Paul I, the number of the guard increased significantly: five new battalions were formed. Then in 1813, along with the Old Guard, the Young Guard was formed - a cuirassier and two grenadier regiments, which distinguished themselves in the war of 1812. In the future, the number of the Guards continued to grow. At the beginning of the 20th century, it consisted of 12 infantry, 13 cavalry and 4 rifle regiments, 3 artillery brigades, a naval crew and a sapper battalion.

Guardsmen were involved in almost all the wars in which Russia took part. Since the formation of the Guard, its military uniform has been considered a symbol of honor and discipline. Every detail of this uniform reminded of the victories won, and the regiments received their names in memory of military merits and were proudly worn on military banners, the protection of which was the primary duty of every guardsman.

The Soviet and current Russian Guard became a worthy successor to the traditions of the Russian Guard.

Samoilov day

The folk holiday Samoilov Day is celebrated on September 2, 2018 (August 20, old style). The Orthodox Church honors the memory of the prophet Samuel on this day.

The saint lived in the XII century BC. NS. From birth he was under the care of the judge of Israel, the high priest Elijah. One of the first revelations that came to the boy in adolescence, said that the house of the judge would fall for the sins and unbridledness of his sons. When the prophecy came true, Eli died of grief. So Samuel became the judge of Israel.

The Prophet saw in this a sign of God and put a lot of effort into the development of the Christian faith in his people. Much was achieved thanks to the "prophetic schools" founded by him, whose task was to awaken love for the homeland and spread enlightenment.

Under his rule, the Israelites recaptured the cities previously captured by the Philistines, and they themselves returned the taken Ark of God. Having reached old age, Samuel did not find a worthy successor and was forced to appoint a king to the people. Leaving his post, the prophet was looking for a person whom he could inadvertently offend, but could not find, and retired with peace of mind.

Traditions and rituals

Among the people, the prophet Samuel is considered the protector and patron of the offended and disadvantaged.

On this day, believing peasants in prayer turn to the saint, asking for good weather. After all, there are still many things to do in the field, and autumn is already on the doorstep.

Samoilov Day is a national holiday of fathers and husbands. In the morning, daughters and wives take care of them, give gifts and set the festive table.

During this period, honey agarics begin to appear in the forest. Therefore, in the old days, people went for the "harvest", while the main dish of the day was often fried potatoes with mushrooms and onions.

1 Orthodox church holiday is celebrated on September 2. The list of events informs about church holidays, fasts, days of veneration of the memory of saints. The list will help you find out the date of a significant religious event for Orthodox Christians.

Orthodox Church Holidays September 2

Samoilov day - Prophet Samuel

The holy prophet Samuel was a native of Rama (Ramafaim-Zofim). His mother Anna, one of Elkana's two wives, remained childless and had to endure insults from her rival as they went every year with the whole family to the sanctuary in Shiloh to perform the sacrifice there. But God heard her prayers - she gave life to her son, whom she named Samuel, which means "God heard." When the baby was weaned, he was dedicated to the Lord. His mother entrusted him to the priest Elijah in Shiloh, so that Samuel would serve God in the sanctuary before the Ark of the Covenant all the days of his life.

Samuel grew in body and grace in the presence of God. Every year his mother brought him a small outer garment, which she herself made for him. Frequent conversations with priests and godly people allowed Samuel to learn the Law of Moses, free from all influence from the pagan cults that corrupted the people who had recently settled in the land of Canaan.

In those days of apostasy, it was rare for God to reveal Himself, and visions were rare. But when Samuel was 12 years old, he went to bed in the temple, where a lamp was burning, indicating the presence of God. The boy heard a voice calling his name. Thinking that the priest Eli was calling him, he ran to his head, but he sent the boy to sleep again. When the call was repeated, Eli realized that it was the voice of God and answered: "Speak, Lord, for Thy servant hears." As soon as Samuel gave such an answer, God invisibly appeared before him and announced that he was going to punish the family of Elijah for the wicked behavior of his sons, who appropriated to themselves what the people offered for a burnt offering to God. In the morning, at the insistence of Elijah, the boy told everything that God had revealed to him, without hiding anything.

Subsequently, the Lord continued to reveal Himself to Samuel; all the people of Israel recognized him as a prophet, calling him Seer, and honored the word of the prophet as the word of God Himself.

When the sons of Eli were completely corrupted, God's judgment was not slow to come true. After the Philistines inflicted a heavy defeat on Israel, the Jews sent for the Ark, which the army greeted with a loud cry. The enemies were frightened, but instead of running, they rushed forward with the force of despair. 30,000 Jews fell in battle, and the Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant. One of the survivors ran to Shiloh with the news of complete defeat. He found the aged priest Elijah, then 98 years old, sitting in alarm on his doorstep. When he was told that his sons had died in battle and the Ark had been kidnapped, Eli, at the mention of the Ark, fell on his back, broke his spine and died.

Meanwhile, the Philistines brought the Ark into the temple of the god Dagon. However, the next day they found that the idol lay shattered on the ground. The hand of God was heavy on their people, and He punished them with growths on their bodies. After consulting, the princes of the Philistines decided to return the Ark to the Israelites. But the sanctuary in Shiloh was destroyed, the people of Israel were deprived of a religious center, so the Ark was placed in Kiriath-Jarim, in the house of Aminadab, where it remained for 20 years.

Samuel became the successor of the priest Eli - the judge of Israel, that is, the supreme leader, whose duty was to lead the people who suffered under the yoke of the Philistines. He began the work of spiritual revival, calling all over the country to repentance, to observe the Law and to renounce the worship of Baal and Astarte.

"Set your heart to the Lord ... and He will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines" (1 Samuel 7: 3) - these were the tasks of his government.

He called a large meeting in Massif (Mitzpah), during which the Israelites fasted and publicly confessed their guilt before God, and the prophet prayed for their salvation. The Philistines, learning of the Israelites' congregation, attacked them. Then the prophet, at the request of the people, brought a lamb for a burnt offering and called to the Lord - God immediately answered, roaring with thunder in heaven. The Philistines, stricken with horror, were defeated, and the Israelites took possession of the cities captured by the enemies.

After the establishment of peace, Samuel continued to judge Israel in Rama, where he erected an altar. Every year he traveled around the country to resolve disputes and call the people to piety and observance of the law. Having grown old, Samuel handed over his duties to his sons - Joel and Abijah, whom he made judges in Beersheba. But they showed themselves unworthy of their father, accepted gifts and distorted the truth.

The elders of Israel came to Samuel in Ramah with a complaint and asked him to appoint a king for them, like other nations, to judge them. The Prophet was saddened by this request and prayed to God.

Then the judge solemnly announced that with the establishment of royal power, they would lose the wonderful freedom given by God, because the Israelites are the only people in which the Creator Himself is the king and leader.

After that, God sent Samuel to Saul, the son of Kees, from the tribe of Benjamin, a brilliant warrior who surpassed all the men of his people in both stateliness and courage. Samuel, taking him aside, poured ointment on his head and announced that God had chosen him to be the leader of Israel and a deliverer from enemies. Soon, a brilliant victory over the Ammonites confirmed this divine election, and a jubilant people proclaimed Saul king in Gilgal. Samuel announced that from now on he would cease his ministry and leave the king at the head of the people, and from that moment he himself devoted himself to prayer and instruction. The Prophet called them to be faithful to God and His anointed one. To capture his words, he prayed and caused thunder and rain, even though the sky was shining.

Saul started a war against the Philistines. At a time when he was in a desperate situation, and Samuel was late to come and encourage the army, ready to flee, the king himself made a burnt offering, exceeding his authority and taking priestly duties for himself. He was finishing the sacrifice when Samuel suddenly appeared. The man of God rejected all of Saul's arguments and announced that because he wanted to act alone and did not keep the law of God, the kingdom would be taken from him.

Far from repentance, Saul persisted in pride. Another time, preparing to give battle, he expelled the priest, who was called to question God, and began the battle. Saul launched military action in all directions - against the Moabites, the Ammonites, against Edom, Amalek and the Philistines - and, thanks to his valor, liberated Israel. However, these victories were fragile because they were based on human efforts. By going against Amalek at the command of God who spoke through Samuel, Saul won a new victory. But instead of anathematizing all this people, he spared King Agag and the best part of the livestock, while bringing God only animals of little value. Once again, acting as an uncompromising interpreter of the will of God, Samuel announced to the king that this new disobedience cemented his removal from power. Summing up in a few words what he had preached all his life, Samuel said to Saul:

“Obedience is better than sacrifice, and obedience is better than the fat of rams ... Because you rejected the word of the Lord and He rejected you so that you would not be king (over Israel)” (1 Samuel 15: 22-23).

Saul pleaded in vain for forgiveness. Samuel, having executed Agag with his own hands, returned to Rama.

When the holy prophet mourned the fate of King Saul, God sent him to Bethlehem to Jesse, from the tribe of Judah, so that he would secretly anoint the young and beautiful face of David on the kingdom of Israel. The spirit of God departed from Saul, and an evil spirit possessed the king - he began to suffer fits of madness. It was at this time that David entered his service as a squire. When the king was possessed by an evil spirit, he calmed Saul by playing the cithara. The ruler's favor gave him joy, but after David won glorious victories and aroused the admiration of the people, Saul's affection turned into deadly hatred. David fled and took refuge in Ramah, with Samuel.

The prophet Samuel rested some time later, full of days, and all the Israelites gathered in Ramah to mourn him. Subsequently, he was revered among the great Old Testament intercessors before the Lord, to the same extent as Moses and Aaron:

“Moses and Aaron are in his priests, and Samuel in those who call on his name; to the call of the Lord, and He will listen to them ”(Psalm 98: 6).

During the reign of Emperor Arcadius, the remains of the prophet Samuel were solemnly transferred from Palestine to Constantinople (May 19, 406). Initially they were placed in Hagia Sophia, and then (October 7, 410) they were transferred to the church, which was consecrated in his honor in the Evdomon quarter, on the outskirts of Constantinople.

This is a holiday for everyone who works in the fuel and energy complex (Photo: Drimi, Shutterstock)

Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers(Oilman's Day), celebrated annually on the first Sunday of September, is a professional holiday for representatives of various gas and oil specialties: geologists and drillers, developers and builders, transport workers, technologists; all those who have tied their lot with the oil and gas industry.

The holiday dates back to Soviet times. It received state status on October 1, 1980 by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Today, the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers is celebrated in some of the former Soviet republics, the gas communications of which were created within the framework of the unified system of the USSR.

The oil industry, which is one of the main branches of heavy industry, includes oil and oil and gas exploration, well drilling, oil and associated gas production, and pipeline transportation of oil.

The work of the community of people of all these professions is incredibly important. The uninterrupted operation of all sectors of the national economy and the comfort of life for citizens depend on the activities of the oil, gas and fuel industries.

However, the work of those who work in these industries is very difficult. These people often risk their lives and health. One can only express admiration for the courage and boldness, decisiveness and resourcefulness, perseverance, patience of these outstanding people.

Along with Russia, oil and gas workers of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova celebrate their professional holiday on the first Sunday of September.

September 2 - Day of the end of World War II

On September 2, Russia celebrates a memorable date - established by the Federal Law "On Amendments to Article 1 (1) of the Federal Law" On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia "dated July 23, 2010.

To be precise, this holiday cannot be called completely new - it was established on September 3, 1945 - the day after the surrender of Japan in World War II - by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as the Day of Victory over Japan. But for many years, the holiday was virtually ignored in the official calendar of significant dates.

Now historical justice has been restored, and September 2 has been declared a memorable date in memory of "compatriots who have shown selflessness, heroism, devotion to their Motherland and allied duty to the member states of the anti-Hitler coalition in the implementation of the decision of the 1945 Crimean (Yalta) Conference on Japan."

The international legal basis for the establishment of this holiday is the Act of Japan's surrender, signed on September 2, 1945 on board the American battleship Missouri by representatives of the allied states, including the USSR, which were at war with Japan and took part in hostilities. This document marked the end of World War II, which began on September 1, 1939 with the attack of Nazi Germany on Poland.

The largest war in the history of mankind between two world military-political coalitions lasted six years - from September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945. It covered the territories of 40 states on three continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, as well as all four ocean theaters (Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Arctic). It involved 61 states, and the total number of human resources plunged into the war exceeded 1.7 billion people. The Great Patriotic War, when Nazi Germany attacked the USSR, began on June 22, 1941, at the same time the foundation of the anti-Hitler coalition was laid.

On May 8, 1945, the final Act of the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany and its armed forces was signed in Berlin, and May 9 was declared Victory Day in the USSR. The Great Patriotic War is over.

Wanting to secure its borders in the Far East and meeting the allies halfway, at the Yalta and Potsdam conferences of the leaders of the three allied powers, the USSR pledged to enter the war with Japan two or three months after the end of the war with Germany. On August 8, 1945, in accordance with these obligations, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and on August 9 began hostilities.

At the final stage of World War II, during the Manchurian strategic, South Sakhalin offensive and Kuril landing operations, the grouping of the USSR Armed Forces in the Far East defeated the troops of the Japanese Kwantung Army and liberated northeastern China, North Korea, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. The military-economic potential of Japan was seriously undermined, and the defeat of the Kwantung Army forced the country to capitulate.

The Second World War was over. It brought innumerable destruction and huge losses to all the states participating in it. The victory of the USSR and the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition over Nazi Germany and militaristic Japan in this war was of world-historical significance, had a huge impact on the entire post-war development of mankind, radically changed the balance of political forces in the world.

The history of Russia has always been rich in significant events worthy of being immortalized in the people's memory. In all centuries, the heroism and courage of Russian soldiers, the power and glory of Russian weapons have been an integral part of the greatness of the Russian state. The memorable date - September 2 - is a kind of second Victory Day - victory over Japan, which ended the Second World War - which is celebrated in many countries of the world, and now in Russia. On this day, various commemorative and solemn events are held everywhere.

This memorable day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was established in 2000 by the decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in connection with the 300th anniversary of the Russian guard (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 2032 of December 22, 2000 "On the establishment of the Day of the Russian military traditions, enhancing the prestige of military service.

The Russian Imperial Guard was established at the beginning of the reign of Peter the Great from the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments. In 1918 it was dissolved and re-established during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

The four rifle divisions that distinguished themselves near Smolensk in 1941 by order of I. Stalin received the name of the Guards. In September of the same year, the concept of "guards unit" was introduced in the Red Army.

The title "Guards" was conferred on military units, ships, formations and formations of the Soviet Armed Forces that distinguished themselves in battles during the Great Patriotic War. The military formation received the guards banner, and the personnel received the guards rank and badge.

Guards of modern Russia, included in the Armed Forces of Russia, these are: Guards Tank Kantemirovskaya Division, Guards Motorized Rifle Taman Division, Guards Separate Motorized Rifle Sevastopol Brigade, 28 Red Banner Guards Missile Division, which is part of the 27th missile army, line formations of the Airborne Forces and Guards Ground Forces and Air Force.

In April 2016, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation (FSVNG or Rosgvardia) was created, which also included the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, created at the same time on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Rosgvardia, along with the FSB, SVR, FSO, GFS, FSTEK and the Service of Special Objects under the President of Russia, belongs to the "forces and means of ensuring security", that is, to the special services.

At the service (Photo:

Employees patrol and post service of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation celebrated on September 2.

On this day in 1923, the Central Administrative Directorate of the NKVD published the "Instruction to the guard policeman." This document regulated the general provisions on the guard service, as well as the rights and obligations of its employees.

By the summer of 1926, units of the patrol and guard service appeared in almost all cities. By this time, a uniform uniform was introduced for the staff of the teaching staff and a distinctive sign was installed - a white metal shield with the name of the site and the post number.

Units of the patrol and guard service were ordered to keep order on the streets, in gardens, parks and other public places. Moreover, the country's leadership defined the protection of public peace as one of the main duties of the police.

In 1962, a decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures to strengthen the activities of the Soviet militia" was issued, which determined its main tasks, role and place in the general system of state administration. A significant part of it was devoted to the organization of the teaching staff. A year later, another important document came into force - the Charter of the patrol and guard service.

In 2002, by the Order of the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, September 2 was approved as the Day of the formation of the patrol and guard service of the public security police. Since then, festive events timed to this date have been held in all departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

To date, more than 5 thousand staff members of the teaching staff have been awarded state awards for courage and heroism displayed while serving on the protection of law and order.

Today the patrol service is one of the most numerous units of the Russian police. Its employees maintain law and order and ensure public safety in all corners of the country.

Baikal is the deepest lake on Earth (Photo: Tatiana Grozetskaya, Shutterstock)

"Glorious sea - sacred Baikal ..." - this uniquely beautiful Siberian lake cannot leave indifferent poets, scientists, or just tourists from many countries. Bay-Kul - Baikal - translated from the Turkic "rich lake".

In order to enhance the significance of this unique natural phenomenon and to attract the general public to participate in activities for the preservation of Lake Baikal, in 1999, the Baikal Day, which is celebrated on the first Sunday in September.

First, its celebration was set on the fourth Sunday in August. Since 2008, by the decision of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk Region, this holiday was postponed to the second Sunday of September, and by the decision of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk Region of February 18, 2015, the celebration of the Day of Baikal was established on first Sunday in September.

By now, the Day of Baikal has received all-Russian and worldwide recognition, has become an important and popular date in our calendar. New and good traditions have appeared. For example, in Irkutsk, photo exhibitions, contests and theatrical performances are timed to coincide with this Day.

Many public events, scientific, cultural and sports events are held under the auspices of the Day of Baikal throughout the year. These are film festivals, exhibitions of artists and photo exhibitions, collective trips of young and adult artists to Baikal for plein-airs, contests of applied folk art, quizzes, environmental clean-ups, actions to clean up garbage from the shores of reservoirs and others.

Some interesting facts about Baikal

Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. Its average depth is about 730 meters. The greatest known depth of Baikal is 1637 meters, and the area of ​​its water surface is 31.5 thousand square kilometers.

Scientists believe that Baikal is 20-25 million years old. But Baikal apparently acquired its present shape several million years ago as a result of seismic changes.

By the way, Baikal experiences earthquakes - several hundred a year. Most of them can only be recorded by high-sensitivity seismographs.

Baikal water is tasty and clean, because the lake has powerful self-cleaning defense mechanisms. Residents of the Baikal villages and settlements often take water for household needs and cooking from Baikal.

Baikal water contains little dissolved and suspended substances, so its transparency surpasses all lake reservoirs in the world and approaches the transparency of ocean waters.

In 1996, Baikal was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The ecological state of the largest freshwater lake on the planet is of great concern to Russian and international environmental organizations. So, in Russia there is a federal target program "Protection of Lake Baikal and the socio-economic development of the Baikal natural territory", designed for 2012-2020, which provides for the modernization and reconstruction of treatment facilities and water disposal systems, as well as the construction of treatment facilities and solid landfills. household waste in the regions located on the Baikal natural territory.

Flag of the Republic of Vietnam

Independence Day, which is celebrated annually in Vietnam on September 2, is the country's main national holiday.

In the second half of the 19th century, Vietnam fell into colonial dependence on France. The country is artificially divided into three parts - the Cochin Khin colony (South Vietnam), the Annam protectorates (Central Vietnam) and Tonkin (North Vietnam). Together with Laos and Cambodia, Vietnam became part of French Indochina.

By the 1930s, a powerful national liberation movement was taking shape in the country, led by the Communist Party of Indochina, led by its leader, Ho Chi Minh.

During World War II, Vietnam was captured by the Japanese, who first disarmed and then completely neutralized the French garrisons. By the end of the war, the Japanese were forced to withdraw their troops to strengthen the defenses of Japan and Manchuria.

Taking advantage of the resulting vacuum of power, the communists, who created the Viet Minh - a broad coalition of various liberation movements, in August 1945 liquidated the last institutions of the colonial administration (the so-called August Revolution), and on September 2, 1945, in a speech by Ho Chi Minh, declared the independence of Vietnam, promulgating Declaration of Independence.

The anniversary of the death of Ho Chi Minh is celebrated in Vietnam on September 3, in the country it is a public holiday. Although he actually died on September 2, it was decided not to inform the people about the leader's departure on the same day, so as not to overshadow the celebrations on the occasion of Independence Day.

Today, September 2, several holidays are celebrated in Russia: the Day of Military Glory or the Day of the End of World War II (1945), the Day of the Police Patrol Service and the Day of the Russian Guard, the Ukrainian people today celebrate Notary Day, and in Vietnam, Independence Day.

Day of Military Glory - Day of the end of World War II (1945) (Russia)

The Day of Military Glory is celebrated in Russia every year on September 2 as the "Day of the end of World War II (1945)". This memorable date was established by his decree by the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev on July 23, 2010. But this holiday is not new, it was established in 1945 on September 3 by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as the Day of Victory over Japan the day after her surrender. This holiday has long been ignored in the official calendar of significant dates. Today, as a token of memory of all compatriots who have shown devotion to their Motherland, selflessness and heroism, September 2 is a public holiday - the Day of Military Glory.

Day of the Police Patrol Service (Russia)

September 2 - a holiday of the patrol and guard service employees. In 1923, on this day, the NKVD published "Instruction to the police officer" - a document that regulated the rights and obligations of the employees of the guard service. By the summer of 1926, units of the patrol and guard service appeared in almost all cities. They were instructed to maintain public peace and order in public places, gardens, parks and streets.

Day of the Russian Guard (Russia)

On September 2, Russia celebrates the Day of the Russian Guard - a holiday that was established on December 22, 2000 in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Guard by a decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The Russian Imperial Guard was established by Peter the Great at the beginning of his reign from the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments.
In 1918 it was dissolved, and during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) it was re-created.
Four rifle divisions, which distinguished themselves near Smolensk in 1941, were named Guards by order of I. Stalin. In the Red Army in September of the same year, the concept of "guards unit" was introduced.
During the Great Patriotic War, formations and formations of the Soviet Armed Forces, military units and ships that distinguished themselves in battles were awarded the title of "Guards". The guards banner was received by the military formation, and the guards rank and badge were received by all personnel.

Day of Notaries (Ukraine)

On September 2, Ukraine celebrates a holiday - Notary Day, which has been officially celebrated in Ukraine since 2010. The introduction of the Day of Notaries in Ukraine is "recognition and confirmation of authority and responsibility, fair reward for the achievements and successes of representatives of this profession."

Independence Day (Vietnam)

On September 2, Vietnam celebrates its national holiday - Independence Day. Vietnam fell into colonial dependence on France in the second half of the 19th century. Since then, the country has been artificially divided into three parts - the Annam Protectorates (Central Vietnam), the Cochin Khin Colony (South Vietnam), and Tonkin (North Vietnam).
Vietnam, along with Laos and Cambodia, became part of French Indochina. By 1930, a powerful national liberation movement had developed in the country, led by the Communist Party of Indochina, headed by its leader, Ho Chi Minh. Then, Vietnam, during the Second World War, was captured by the Japanese, who disarmed and completely neutralized the French garrisons. By the end of the war, the Japanese withdrew their troops to strengthen the defenses of Japan and Manchuria.

Unusual holidays September 2

Today, September 2, those who love unusual holidays can celebrate: Day of the free wind in the wings, Autumn Day or Firebird Day

Free wind day in the wings

How wonderful it is to feel free! But real freedom can be felt only when you can let the other go free. For example, a bird, a toy plane, or a kite like the wind on its wings ..

Autumn day

Today, September 2, it is still very warm, but it is already getting sad from the feeling of the past summer. Trees begin to shed foliage that has been burnt over the summer. And the trunks darken, because they are very tired and want to sleep. Small restless spiders weave webs with incredible speed, and you tear them without seeing their traps. This is how summer always ends and the Autumn Day holiday comes.

Firebird Day

Today is an unusual mythical holiday - Day of the Firebird. On this day, we can recall the content of one wonderful tale about the Firebird, which filled the entire space around itself with sunlight, warming it with its warmth and heat. Then the people began to call it the golden bird, because the people associated gold with the word happiness. Koschey the Immortal somehow found out about the Firebird and decided to bring it to his dark cold castle so that it would rationally work with him as a super-heating pad. Kashchei turned into a hawk, and grabbing the Firebird with his claws, carried it to him.
The Firebird began to drop feathers on its native land, which continued to shine and warm people. And the bird in Koshchei's paws died, but was happy that she managed to leave her golden sun feathers to people.

Church holiday according to the national calendar - Samoilov day

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of one of the biblical prophets - Samuel, or Shmuel (heard by God), who was born in a difficult time for the Israelites and instructed his people on the right path.
The moral corruption of the Israelites under the weak high priest Elijah reached a critical point. Licentiousness, spiritual and physical weakness flourished in the country, but Samuel summoned his fellow tribesmen to solemn repentance and inspired them to drive out the Philistines. And only after that the revival of the people began. A great role in this was played by the "prophetic hosts" organized by Samuel, which were to enlighten people and awaken patriotism in them.
Samuel, as the supreme judge, ruled the people for a long time and wisely, but when he got old, people began to ask him to appoint a ruler over them, because they were afraid of the return of anarchy.
The Prophet warned the Israelites and asked them to abandon this decision, but the people were adamant. Then Samuel appointed Saul king, but during his lifetime he secretly anointed another king, David, because the first ruler Saul disappointed him.
The Prophet Samuel in Russia was considered the protector of the stronger sex. The people said: "Samoilo-prophet means that God himself prays for the muzhik."
Samoilov's day was popular among the people as a men's holiday. On this day, early in the morning, the daughters brought their father a new shirt, and the wives laid a rich table, the owner had to get down to business kind and well-fed.
On Samoilov day, the peasants asked for good weather for the autumn work. Winter was approaching quickly and there was very little time left.
The first winter mushrooms appeared in the forests, and fried mushrooms with potatoes were the main dish on the table that day.
Name days September 2 from: Alexander, Victor, Vladimir, Ivan, Lev, Maxim, Nikolay, Samuel, Stepan, Timofey, Fedor

Politeka will tell you what holidays are celebrated on September 2 in the world and which famous personalities were born on this day. You will also learn about who celebrates Angel Day today, what historical events took place on this day and what is the holiday according to the national calendar.

Ukraine celebrates today Day of the notary... The holiday was established in 2010, according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine. Thanks to this, today notaries can celebrate their professional holiday. Also today Ukrainian entrepreneurs have a good reason for joy, because the first Sunday in September is their professional holiday. Entrepreneur's Day.

Comic Holidays:

Mini skirt holiday

Cleaning day in a woman's bag

1666 - The Great Fire of London destroyed two-thirds of the city.

1789 - Department of the Treasury founded in the United States.

1794 - construction of the city of Odessa began on the Black Sea coast.

1831 - The first part of Nikolai Gogol's work "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" was published.

1889 - the seaport started working in Mariupol.

1945 - The act of surrender of the Japanese Empire in World War II was signed.

1985 - The legendary ship "Titanic" was found off the coast of Newfoundland.

2000 - A prototype AIDS vaccine is introduced for the first time.

2015 - the National Police was created in Ukraine.

Male names according to the Orthodox calendar: Victor, Ivan, Ostap, Samuel, Timofey, Stepan.

1811 - Ukrainian poet Ivan Vagilevich.

1854 - inventor of smokeless powder, French engineer Pierre Viel.

1891 - Ukrainian poet Pavel Filippovich.

1926 - Russian actor Yevgeny Leonov.

1964 - American actor Keanu Reeves.

1965 - Professional Heavyweight Boxer Lennox Lewis.

1967 - Ukrainian actor Ostap Stupka.

  • Many acorns on Samuel - winter will be cold.
  • The mountain ash has freed abundantly - the winter will be fierce and snowy.
  • The cranes fly high - towards the warm autumn.

As reported by Politeka,