20 years of service as a pension. Servicemen's pension for years of service. Lack of indexation of monetary allowances

Against the background of new legislative changes in the pension reform for all segments of the population of the Russian Federation, the news about the increase in the age for receiving a military pension to 25 years of service, a decree on which has not yet been signed by Putin in 2019, practically did not deserve attention.

Pension contributions, which are received by Russian citizens who have reached a certain legal age, are allocated from the federal budget. The distribution of pensions by personalities, the calculation of the length of service, the accounting of data is carried out by the Pension Fund of Russia. Funds for these purposes are collected from the tax deductions of the working population of the country.

Everyone who officially works in any position in a private or public institution deducts a pension contribution from the payroll every month, which is an investment in his future pension and a means of supporting already officially registered pensioners of the present time.

Due to the increase in life expectancy in the Russian Federation, it is predicted that the number of pensioners in the state will increase. Against the background of a low level of demography and a declining number of the able-bodied population, the sources of forming a fund for paying pensions will not be enough.

The bill was developed in 2018 and presented to the State Duma by D. A. Medvedev. The main postulates of the reform for June 2018 were as follows:

  • raising the retirement age from 55 to 63 for women and from 60 to 65 for the male working population;
  • preferential terms of official pension registration for certain categories of citizens (medical specialists, teachers, employees of law enforcement agencies, etc.);
  • other age thresholds for residents living in the Far North.

The main parameter for calculating the pension allowance for the civilian population, law enforcement officers, and military personnel is the length of service or seniority of civilians. By 2028, men will be able to obtain pensioner status at the age of 65; by 2034, at the age of 63, women will also be able to do this. The innovations are planned to be introduced in stages.


As a compensatory measure, the Government approved the possibility of retirement 2 years earlier if the total length of service of a woman exceeds 40 years, and men 45. Thus, if a citizen of the Russian Federation began to work at the age of 19-20, after the age of 60 she can formalize herself retired.

A soldier, an employee of the National Guard, a certified employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service, a policeman has the right to an official registration of a pension after 20 years of service in the ranks of the Russian army. At the same time, he has a choice - to continue his professional activity or retire to the reserve. Only in case of dismissal, the state will transfer pension payments accrued from the state treasury.

Servicemen receiving a seniority pension

According to the head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Anton Siluanov, in connection with the difficult demographic, economic and political situation in the country, the pension conditions of employees of the military-defense forces should be transformed. The politician said this at a press conference. Funding for most social programs is being cut, and staff cuts are taking place in many government spheres. Therefore, it is required to reform the military sphere as well.

The official said that the following proposals are already being considered in a joint study by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense:

  • on increasing the length of service from 20 to 25;
  • on the provision of cash benefits to servicemen forced to end their careers earlier than the term established by law;
  • on the preservation of old installations until January 1, 2023;
  • on adjusting the retirement age for military retirement.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation T. Golikova said that in 2019 everything will remain as before, there will be no changes for the security officials in the issue of formations and registration of pension allowances.

The conditions under which an employee of a security structure can retire are currently spelled out in the normative document "On the status of a serviceman." In accordance with the legislative act, a military man can become a pensioner, having served at least 20 full years from the date of his registration in the ranks of the army, the National Guard or another power unit.

New bill to raise the retirement age

In connection with the increasing number of military pensioners, widespread layoffs, and a decrease in funding for the military-defense complex, the Ministry of Finance had to develop reform changes that would make it possible to predict financial stability in the country and ensure sources of replenishment of the budget.

The specialists of the financial institution analyzed the situation with the state in the defense complex and outlined the following steps:

  • the size of the pension allowance should directly depend on the number of years spent in the service;
  • the term “length of service” has been replaced by the term “social package”;
  • the retirement allowance will be from 65% to 95% of the military's earnings;
  • each subsequent period, payments to a pensioner will be indexed with an increase of 3%;
  • the transition to the new system is planned for 5 years and will come into force on January 1, 2023;
  • introduction of financial incentive allowances for persons who have served more than 25 years, amounting to 25% of earnings;
  • members of the armed forces who retire on the basis of their unfitness for health reasons will receive special benefits. To do this, a pensioner must go through the IHC and receive an official decree on absolute unfitness. Partial suitability after passing the commission is not a basis for obtaining the status of a military pensioner.


The social package introduced by the upcoming military pension reform will provide money allowances for the security officials who were forced to end their service before the legal deadline for retirement (due to injuries, illness, for family reasons).

In 2019, according to the latest news, the bill on adjusting the length of service of military personnel for a pension of 25 years did not enter into force. It is being worked out by the Ministry of Finance together with the Ministry of Defense. A phased implementation was expected from 2019.

At the moment, servicemen can also apply for a pension allowance upon reaching a service life of 20 full years or upon reaching the age of 45 years and preferential length of service in the ranks of the Russian army at least 50% of the total military experience.

According to a note to the new document on changes in the military pension reform, the implementation period will be 5 years. Until 2023, certified law enforcement officers will be able to become retirees with 20 years of service. With the onset of January 1, a serviceman will be able to resign with pension provision only after 25 years of continuous service.

An ambiguous situation is emerging with the military personnel of the CIS countries, who can issue a military pension with the onset of 2023 with 20 years of service if they move to the Russian Federation. This right will not be extended to Russian citizens serving under contract in the defense and law enforcement agencies.

How is retirement done?

The size of the pension allowance upon registration of the status depends on the title received. In all structures - the Federal Penitentiary Service, the National Guard, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian army, there are structural gradations according to which a specialist's career is built.


The age limit for contract servicemen in 2014 was increased from 45 to 50 years.

At the moment, the size of the monthly retirement benefits of Russians who have reached the rank of major is from 15 to 17 thousand rubles. Pensioners ranging from private to sergeant receive 11 thousand rubles. The transition to new calculations of pension contributions and conditions for registration of military pensioners was planned in 2 stages. The reform was supposed to start in 2013 and benefits should have been paid to security officials in 2019 in order to smoothly implement the reform. After analyzing the financial capabilities of the state treasury, these plans were rejected.

According to the law that came into force in 1990, military pensions can be claimed by:

  • officers;
  • conscripts;
  • military leadership;
  • certified employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • FSIN employees;
  • employees of the National Guard.

For 2019, the length of service for the appointment of a pension of the listed categories in case of their dismissal is 20. Employees of law enforcement agencies who continue to serve in excess of the minimum length of service receive monetary compensation equal to 25% of the pension allowance.

A paradoxical situation may arise in which former servicemen of the countries participating in this Agreement, having military service of 20 to 25 years, upon moving to a permanent place of residence in the Russian Federation will be entitled to a seniority pension, and citizens of the Russian Federation with the same length of service - No.

Two pensions for military personnel

According to Russian law, a serviceman who leaves service after 20 years of service has the right to receive one of the types of pensions - military or disability. There is also an opportunity for a law enforcement officer to continue working at any enterprise, subject to official employment.

Thus, a soldier is entitled to 2 types of pension:

  • military, which he can issue after 20 years of service and official dismissal;
  • state (insurance), drawn up on the basis of seniority when working in civilian positions and professions.

A military pensioner will be able to issue an insurance state pension after he has officially worked for 8 to 15 years. Depending on which year is on the calendar. The government plans to raise the bottom bar for receiving retirement benefits by 2024 to 15 full years.

For those who have work experience, officially confirmed in civilian positions, the term of work must be at least 9 years. If a soldier reaches the required insurance pension by age, in order to receive a military pension benefit, he must serve in the security structure for at least 12.5 years.

What a soldier needs to observe in order to receive a seniority pension

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation for 2019, a serviceman or a certified employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the service of execution of punishment, upon reaching 20 full years of service, can draw up a pension allowance for himself. For example, if a man began serving on a contract basis in the army at the age of 21, he will be a retired already at the age of 41.

Currently, the main conditions for calculating the length of service are:

  • a full time period of 20 years, which is counted from the date of execution of the contract document;
  • fulfillment of duties, including work on irregular schedules, business trips to different regions.


In 2015, during the discussion of the military pension reform, a proposal was put forward to increase the length of service immediately to 30 years. The proposal was rejected by a vote of parliamentarians.

The size of the pension allowance depends on the total length of service in the ranks of the Russian army, on the rank received, on the fact of participation in armed conflicts or hostilities. After serving for 2 decades in law enforcement agencies, upon dismissal, the pension allowance will be 50% of earnings. Every year, with continued service, the amount of payment will increase by 1%. Pension subsidies and payments are handled by the authority that was the last in the service record.

What are the retirement criteria for the military

The criteria for the appointment of pension payments depend on the rank at the time of dismissal and the maximum position held. The size of the pension depends on the salary, which is set in proportion to the earnings of the top head of the department. This applies to military prosecutors, judges, and military investigators. For the security department of various directions, the amounts have been increased by 20%. The salary does not depend on the title of this category.

The department from which the officer of the security structure draws up his dismissal upon reaching the length of service established by the legislation is engaged in the calculation of pension allowances. Experts calculate the pension in the following ways:

  • 50% of the average earnings in the service at the time of dismissal + 3% of earnings during the period that the employee served in excess of the length of service x the number of years in excess of the minimum length of service. The maximum possible pension payment can reach 85% of the salary;
  • 50% of the salary in the last place of service + (length of civil service (from 8 to 15 years) + length of service (at least 12.5 years)) x 1% of earnings over a period of 20 years.

According to the law, the minimum military pension cannot be lower than the minimum amount of social benefits approved at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Pension calculator for mixed seniority

The retirement record for military personnel is calculated by the sum of the entire duration of a military career. The beginning of the term of service is the day of registration of a contract or entry in the work book.

When calculating in the total time period, periods are included and the following factors are taken into account:

  • annual periodic vacations;
  • periods when a soldier issued sick leave;
  • maternity leave;
  • the time of study with advanced training or receiving specialized education;
  • type of experience (only military or mixed);
  • the reasons for the dismissal procedure (own desire, reaching the age limit, a court decision, etc.);
  • the presence of a regional and district coefficient;
  • allowances paid (for achievements, for participation in conflicts, hostilities, for awards, etc.).


Changes are expected in Articles 13 and 14 of the approved draft law of 1993 "On Pensions for Servicemen", which concerns police officers, contract servicemen, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, drug control agencies, and National Guard troops. Document number 4468-1

The listed periods are included in the retirement experience in connection with the transfer of tax deductions at this time. It is possible to calculate your military career and retirement time using special programs, automatic calculators. The total length of service of a serviceman can be mixed and add up to the addition of military service and seniority in civilian positions.

For example:

Captain Ivanov served 24.5 years, no work experience in a civilian position. His pension calculation is as follows = 50% of the salary at the time of dismissal + 3% x 4 years worked in excess of the length of service. In total, his pension allowance will be 62% of his salary.

Major Ivanov served for 13 years, has 15 years of experience in a civilian position. Pension calculation = 50% of salary at the time of dismissal + 1% of earnings x (13 + 15-25) = 54%. Ivanov's pension will be 54% of the average annual income while serving.

Cancellation of the reduction factor for military pensioners

Against the background of the unstable economic situation in the Russian Federation, since 2013, there have been no indexations in the law enforcement agencies. The size of the pension allowance for servicemen who quit the service for a correction factor that depends on inflation was not indexed.

The decreasing coefficient, by which the pension subsidy was calculated, was introduced in order to save public funds. Its value in 2012 was 54%. That is, a military pensioner, upon dismissal, had the right to receive from the state treasury only 54% of the average earnings in the last place of service. The government planned to increase the percentage of reduction by 2% annually, but according to the decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, indexations were carried out at an accelerated pace. For 2018, this parameter was 72%.

The reform of the military pension began in 2011, when a reduction coefficient was introduced. Its calculations are regulated in Article 43 in the normative legal act "On Pension Provisions for Servicemen." With its introduction from 2013 to 2017, payments to military pensioners increased by 30%. The indexation of pension subsidies is scheduled for October 1, 2019 and 2020. by 4% in each period. About 63 billion rubles have already been allocated for these purposes.

The pension reform, which is being carried out everywhere, will also affect the military structures. A bill is being prepared for signing by Putin, according to which the length of service for receiving a military pension is increased from 20 to 25 years of service. It is also planned to introduce social packages for military personnel and payments of subsidies to those who serve longer than the period provided by law.

A soldier has the right to receive pension benefits after years of service. An amendment enters the bill, which stipulates the length of service at 25 for the acquisition of the right to claim a pension. What is the reason for this amendment and what it entails.

Features of the bill

Since 2020, the length of service in Russia has increased to 25. This was accepted by the Ministry of Defense. The legislative framework will also be amended of this type. The state decided that it could save several billion rubles on this action.

An exception to the rule will be a military man who has managed to conclude a current contract for 20 services. This is far from a new project. It was already nominated in 2013, but then it was not adopted. In 2015, a proposal was put forward to increase the length of service from 20 to 30, but even then the idea was rejected. Now we have decided to make some amendments.

Pension provision for the military is significant state support for a specific category of people, especially after they are fired from their place of employment. The advantage here is not only the fact that the pension is higher, but also the fact that they have the right to leave for a well-deserved rest much earlier.

A soldier has the right to go on a well-deserved rest in the presence of 20 years of service. Now, the government has increased the term by 5, which has raised the age limit to 25.

The intervention of the president allowed all officials to slightly change the draft and propose a final version, which took into account the interests of each pensioner.

A military man has the right to resign for several reasons:

  1. upon reaching the maximum age bracket;
  2. the presence of medical contraindications;
  3. regular events organized.

Such situations make it possible to assign a pension provision with a setting of 50% of the amount of financial resources, if there is a 20-year experience. Additionally, 3% is paid for each exceeding period, but in total not more than 95%.

The current federal legislation does not stipulate indexation, which is assumed for the annual increase in salaries. Since 2013, the military has been provided with a reduction factor.

The law stipulates an annual increase of 72.23 for 2017. In accordance with this, over the five-year period, the pension-type benefit has increased by 30%.

There are still disagreements and the adoption of the law has been postponed. The government has not yet finally decided when it is profitable for it to do this - in 2020 or 2020. The transitional phase will not be instantaneous. It will be rolled over five until 2023.

This situation is necessary in order to accommodate all those obligated to the new system. All friction and amendments are now complete. And in the near future they can pass the bill at the state level.

The legislative act will gain full influence only from the beginning of 2023, thereby introducing several bewilders to the entire structure of the military forces. The transitional age will allow to clarify the variation somewhat, but most likely the transition will be difficult.

Now all the military will go on a well-deserved rest on a general basis, which are stipulated in the pension legislation.

If a person falls under the above requirements, then he has the right to go on a seniority pension. How much money should he receive? If there is an experience of 20 years, then the security is ½ of the monetary allowance that was received during the work.

Similar indicators apply to citizens whose seniority is 25 years, of which 12.5 years is considered to be service in the army or other military structures.

Service for the military gives the right not only to the acquisition of additional financial security, but also allowances, special conditions for the provision.

Many media outlets have already published this information and it has misled some military personnel. Changes in the age bracket have already been discussed more than once. The bill is ready in full, but cannot find approval from the head of state.

Variants of how this document will be put into effect are already being considered. The reasons for the prolongation of the work activity of this category of citizens are more than serious.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs constantly attracts citizens for military service under the contract. Almost 15 million people are now employed. And people find jobs, and the reason for this is the preferential program, financial assistance and long-term retirement benefits.

There are many bonuses for employment in the military, and this attracts the majority.

It is worth remembering that this is the growing prestige of employment. Regardless of this, the Ministry of the Interior has certain financial plan restrictions that are spent not only on workers in the working class, but also on retired retirees.

The state could have agreed to increase funding, but the crisis did not allow it to be done. If action was not taken, then there would be no opportunity to buy equipment and train new employees. Accordingly, there would be no full-fledged protection of the civilian population.

That is why, they began to consider the possibility of increasing the period of retirement for long service.

The question of the large amount of paperwork for employees of the authorized structure, which should be automated, has already been raised more than once. In fact, this would make it possible to somewhat reduce the current number of workers who do not work off their wages, but just sat behind papers.

This would reduce the costs of the authorized structure and increase the provision of pensioners.

Lack of indexation of monetary allowances

The accrual of pensions is carried out according to a specific algorithm of actions. To begin with, they take official salaries, payments for combination and military awards, a cash bonus for seniority and, in fact, for length of service. Based on these factors, the pension provision for all retired citizens is formed.

The average indicators for the country in terms of the size of the pension provision are:

  1. for the military contingent 23,000;
  2. for the security structure - 30,000;
  3. for a law enforcement agency - 17,000 rubles.

Additionally, it is worth noting here that they are entitled to one more social payment. This is a civil pension scheme. For the period of receipt, the employee must be in reserve, have a specific experience and acquire a salary in civilian employment upon reaching the age bracket. At the moment it is 55 for women and 60 for men.

To acquire a second pension, you need not only to reach above the presented age, but also to have civil employment of at least 8. It is worth remembering that the minimum threshold of work experience is constantly increasing, which will allow it to increase to 15 by 2024.

Under the bill, the length of service must exceed 25. And such a pension will actually lose its relevance. Many will not have the necessary metrics to be adequately secured before reaching retirement age.

Indexing at this point in time is not provided for in the current legal documents. This suggests that a person in terms of experience will not receive any additional promotions, but will be content only with the provision specified earlier. The government is in no hurry to support citizens for consistency in employment and for the defense of the Motherland.

Of course, this will negatively affect further actions to attract citizens to military service. After all, almost everyone goes to this employment, focusing on low indicators for the age bracket and high retirement benefits in the future.

Annual inflation will "eat up" a few percent in the absence of indexation. But the state reassured it, saying that the provision would be increased by payments, regardless of inflation in previous annual periods. How will it be in practice - time will tell.

Video: Expert Comments

Bringing the bill on the length of service of military personnel for pension into force

The length of service for military personnel for a 25-year pension came into effect in 2023. It is this date that is planned for the implementation of the seniority increase program. It is worth remembering that the five-year plan was created to introduce innovations and to clarify some of the nuances that a person can face when applying for additional pension benefits.

For the first years, it is planned to support the military and gradually introduce an increase in service. That is, the length of service will increase by exactly one year every year. This will allow you to painlessly go through the implementation procedure and determine how effective this measure is for the country's economy.

So far, the government is only making amendments to the current legislation. The plan has not yet been signed and, moreover, no specific dates have been stipulated when the countdown of this time will begin. For now, the old rules are in force for the calculation - 20 years for receiving seniority pensions.

Military retirement is always done properly. But in connection with the crisis, the government decided to save payments by increasing the length of service for retirement. By this action, they provoked resentment from those future retirees who were supposed to leave in the near future. It has not yet been adopted for implementation, but many are already afraid to fall under this bill.

It will also affect the military, and there will be no less misunderstandings in it. Already quite a real innovation - an increase in the term of service up to 5 years. This and other pensions changes are aimed, according to the chief for finance, Anton Siluanov, at a relative equalization of the material situation of civilian and military pensioners.

Any story that someone can go into the format of "doing nothing" at the age of 40 hurts the eye and ear, and the retirement age of the "warriors" is not 15-20 thousand. What determines the minimum pension of servicemen - we'll talk now.

The calculation of pensions for military personnel differs significantly from civilian procedures. The main difference- in the accumulated experience and age when a soldier has the right to leave service and retire.

Military personnel, according to the law, must serve at least 20 years - this is a mandatory minimum.

Thus, if a young officer, who graduated from college at 22, immediately starts service, then by the age of 42 he can be considered a pensioner (by 47 - in a new way).

All provisions on the social protection of servicemen are spelled out in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which states that the state is obliged to provide materially for those who have been transferred to the reserve.

Servicemen receive a monetary allowance, the value of which depends on their rank, position, and service life. It is from this parameter that in the future the minimum value of their retirement allowance by age will be formed.

An officer with 20 years of service behind him, upon reaching age, will receive a pension in the amount of 50% of his salary and 3% of each year of service over 20 years, but not more than 85% of the monthly salary.

This is how the minimum pension allowance for a serviceman is formed.

Factors that influence the increase in pay during service:

  • promotion.
  • awards.
  • participation in military operations.
  • obtaining titles.

An increase in salary is guaranteed to affect a high level of pay in the future. There is an opportunity to increase it to a large extent - to continue service until 32 years of age.

Who can receive a military pension

Concept "serviceman" not tied only to those citizens who are related to the Armed Forces. The military pension system also applies to other categories of citizens:

  1. Fire fighting service.
  2. Penitentiary services.
  3. Engineering and construction troops.
  4. External intelligence service.

A person is considered a soldier until such time as he goes to the reserve in connection with retirement or for other reasons. Upon retirement, the dismissed person acquires the status of a military pensioner.

A serviceman or his family is entitled to a pension depending on how many years he served and what was the amount of his allowance. Getting a disability during the period of service can also be a factor in the provision of pension payments, but subject to 20 years of experience.

If 20 years of service has not been accumulated, but a man is 60 years old and a woman 55, then they are entitled to a pension allowance. Its calculation will be made based on the available experience, rank, position and the amount of monthly allowance.

Special conditions of service add years to the total length of service: 3 years are counted as 4. In military conditions, 1 year is 3.

What is the size of military pensions

The calculation is made according to a special formula. Its components:

  1. Official salary.
  2. Grade allowance.
  3. Seniority supplement.

All parameters are summed up and multiplied by 50%. If the person transferred to the reserve has served more than 20 years, the amount of interest increases: for each additional year, 3% is added. During the periods of indexation, the pension must be increased by 2% by law.

In 2016, a reduction factor was set at 54%. In the end, the entire amount received is multiplied by it. The service in the northern regions adds the regional coefficient to the total.

The fact of disability while participating in military operations implies social benefits, taking into account the coefficient and the assigned group:

  • Group I - 280%.
  • Group II - 230%.
  • III group - 170%

On average, a serviceman's pension ranges from 15 to 20 thousand rubles a month. This figure is approximate, since in each case the calculation will be individual, depending on the conditions of service.

Prospects for increasing pensions for the military

In 2015, it was planned to increase military pensions by 20-22%, but taking into account the current circumstances in the economy, the hopes of military pensioners did not come true. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, payments to the military should be indexed annually by 2%, excluding adjustments due to inflation. For 2016, the adjustment factor was 5-7%.

In the past 2018, the indexing of military pensions was "frozen".

In 2020, according to officially sounding assurances from the Ministry of Defense , two tranches are expected from the state budget to increase military pension benefits: more than 22.5 billion rubles in October this year and more than 41 billion - in the fall of next year, 2020. And the increase in the minimum term of service will not break down on the head, but will gently stretch for 5 years.

Today's payments to retired military personnel exceed the size of civilians' pensions by almost 1.5 times.

But the authorities, realizing that the army is the structure on which the country's security is based, are looking for reserves so that future pensioners do not fear the time of the retirement age.

It remains to think how not to catch up with fear on civilian pension debutants ...

What is required for a military pensioner with less than 20 years of service?

More than 1000 military personnel and their family members received answers from the military lawyer of the Mil.Press media group. If your question is related to monetary benefits, pensions, housing, or dismissal from the service, select the relevant topic from the drop-down list below. You can also familiarize yourself with a list of the most popular questions.

New appeals to legal advice are temporarily not accepted.

I am a military pensioner, unemployed. 01.06.2012 I was fired into the reserve when I reached the age limit - 45 years. I served 18 years 6 months. It is written in my pension certificate - the pension is assigned for the length of service. T.K. length of service less than 20 years, they told me that I was not entitled to honey. service in clinics and sanatoriums of the FSB. In September 2012. I passed the medical commission of MSEC and received the 3rd disability group. The certificate indicates that the disease was obtained during the period of military service. Limited fit for military service. I am currently receiving a disability supplement through the FSO.
1. Am I entitled to medical services in medical institutions and sanatoriums of the Federal Protective Service?
2. Am I entitled to any compensation and has the statute of limitations for her appeal expired?
3. Am I entitled to the provision of living space upon retirement. In my contract it was stated that I did not need housing. I express my deep gratitude in advance for the answers to my questions!

Topic of the question: Pension benefits
Locality: Moscow

Dear portal user, on the merits of your question, I can explain the following, that in accordance with Art. 16. Clause 5. The rights and social guarantees of servicemen and members of their families, specified in clauses 2-4 of this article, apply to officers dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, state of health or due to organizational -state measures, the total duration of military service of which in preferential terms is 20 years or more, and with a total duration of military service of 25 years or more, regardless of the grounds for dismissal and for members of their families, as well as for ensigns and warrant officers dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, state of health or in connection with organizational and staff activities, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more. At the same time, these citizens pay vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment or organized recreation in sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses, children's health camps, at tourist bases of federal executive bodies, in which federal law provides for military service, in the amount of 25 percent, and their members families - 50 percent of the cost of the voucher established by the indicated federal executive bodies in accordance with paragraph one of clause 4 of this article.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 22.08.2004 N 122-FZ, of 08.11.2008 N 203-FZ, of 22.07.2010 N 159-FZ, of 08.11.2011 N 309-FZ)
(see text in previous edition)
Servicemen and citizens dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, state of health, or in connection with organizational and staff measures - war veterans have the preferential right to receive medical care and sanatorium treatment.
Citizens dismissed from military service have the right to medical assistance in medical organizations of the state or municipal health care systems and are subject to compulsory medical insurance in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. Thus, if you had 20 years of service on a preferential basis, you would be entitled to treatment. If you were not recognized as needing housing during the period of service, then accordingly you are not entitled to housing. Upon dismissal, you should have been paid all payments. As for insurance payments - as you indicated - you receive a disability supplement through the FSO.

Let us consider the case when an NIS participant has reached a total duration of military service of 20 years or more, incl. in concessional terms.

  • FOIV and FGO monthly, until the 20th, submit relevant information to FGKU "Rosvoenipoteka".
  • The institution within 30 days checks the information received and transfers the requested amount. At the same time, funds are not transferred in the following cases:
    • identification of discrepancy between information about participants and data,
      contained on the INS;
    • excess of the requested amount over the amount of savings for housing, recorded on the INS;
    • refusal of the territorial body of the Federal Treasury to transfer funds in connection with the errors it revealed in the payment details.
  • The savings transferred to their recipient cannot be returned to Rosvoenipoteka.
  • * Please note that according to the Rules, an NIS participant can only indicate the bank details of his personal account. Transfer of savings to the account of family members, close relatives and third parties is not provided.

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