Large knitted cube for the game. Crocheted educational cube. Green side with hiding bead

Developing cubes are made according to the methods of M. Montessori, B. Nikitin, they develop fine motor skills, speech, help to study colors, geometric shapes, and counting. the cube grows with the baby. The older the child, the more difficult the tasks that the cube gives him.

First I will talk about its didactic side, how to play with my cube, which poems to use, then I will move on to a technical description of the process of creating it.

Didactic description

1. Red side. Herringbone lace up. a mushroom is hiding under the tree. There are various textured beads in different colors and sizes on the tree, wooden, acrylic and ribbed. The sun is made of yellow buttons. The very herringbone is made of fleece.

2. The pink side. Flower meadow with a butterfly. Flowers catch on buttons. we learn to fasten buttons and develop fingers. a butterfly flies over the flowers, it can fly from flower to flower.

Butterfly beauty

In a bright, colored dress,

Spun, flew,

I sat on a flower, tired ...

I sat down not to rest

I ate flower nectar.

Amazing flower:

Bright, bright shred!

And lace on the edge.

Ouch! With a mustache head!

Here are the miracles:

This butterfly is beautiful!

Summer beauty

We all like it very much

3. Orange side.

Study of geometric shapes. We ask the kid to arrange the figures in the correct order. they are all outlined. we tell you what a triangle, a square is.

That with the help of them you can make shapes. Please find triangular, square, etc. shapes in the house. You can ask the kid to circle the shapes on the piece of paper.

4. Light green (optionally white) side - creative.

Velcro pyramid (study of color and ratio of objects). The side is like a white sheet - you can sculpt any other details on it, for example, from the neighboring side - geometric shapes. Also in this cube I made the problem more difficult by adding 4 puzzles * to the side. Apple (2 colors), pear and banana. Apples in 4 parts, banana and pear in two. In accordance with the age, we complicate the task. It is better not to show all the puzzles at once, but to give them gradually, in order to constantly increase the baby's interest in the cube.

5. Green side. Hiding Bead. Textured beads on a waxed cord for learning counting and fine motor skills.

6. The purple side is voiced. Noisy, rustling.

To this side in each cube there is a slingo toy of your choice. In this case, a funny caterpillar. A surprise is hidden in each compartment of the calf - peas, rustling bags, bells, small beads. This side also has a colorful butterfly with a bell. You can tell the baby about how a butterfly is born. That at first she is a caterpillar In the sun is hidden a rustling package.

The pocket can be used to fold figures from adjacent sides.

Play and develop!

Knitting datasheet

1. Knit sides


VP-air loop

Сс - connecting column

Art. B / N - single crochet

St C / N - double crochet

* always mark the beginning of the circle with a contrasting thread

* if strayed in rows, knit 10x10 squares, or as you wish

Pink, purple, red, orange, light green

Make a sliding loop, or cast on 2 air loops, in the second loop from the hook, knit the 1st row - 8 tbsp. b / n. 2nd row - in every second loop, tie 3 tbsp. b / n. Rows 3-13 - in each of the four corners, knit 3 sts into the central loop. b / n.

Green side with hiding bead.

Cast on 2 air loops, in the second loop from the hook with a yellow thread, knit the 1st row. - tie 7 tbsp in the center of the ring. b / n. Rows 2-4 - knit st. b / n, adding 7 tbsp. b / n (= 28 p.). 5-11th rows - knit st. b / n exactly. 12th row - change the red thread, divide the knitting into 4 parts (7 loops each) and knit st. b / n. 2nd row - knit st. b / n, in every second loop, tie 3 tbsp. b / n. 3-13th rows - knit st. b / n, knitting in each of the 4 corners into the central loop for 3 tbsp. b / n. Rows 13-20 - knit like row 12.

2 ... Purple side

We knit a caterpillar

For the base, choose juniper beads or beech beads with a diameter of 15 to 25 cm

We tie the beads with dense viscous Sbn.

we string the beads on a waxed cord one by one, between the tied beads inserting a smaller colored bead, or a colorless wooden bead, it all depends on your imagination

scheme for strapping

1 row - 6 PRs in the amigurumi ring

2 row -6 increments
3 row-1sbn, 2snb one loop (increase), repeat to the end of the row
4 row - 2 sc, increase, repeat to the end of the row
5 p-7sbn in a circle
8p - 2 sc, decrease, repeat to the end of the row
9 p -1sbn, decrease-repeat until the end of the row, pull off * if you have a larger bead, then add rows and columns.Two compartments of the caterpillar's body, for example, yellow and red, can be stuffed with peas, and rustling bags instead of beads. We knit the horns according to the following scheme - 1 row - 6 PRs in the amigurumi ring
2 p -6 increments
3-1sbn, 2snb one loop (raise), repeat to the end of the row
4- sc in a circle
5 p -1sbn, decrease-repeat to the end of the row, fill loosely with filler, pull off a bell on the tip

Butterfly(the simplest)

1 row 9 VP, in the last 3 sbn, unroll knitting, sbn to the end of the row, 3 sbn in the last loop, unroll knitting, sbn to the end of the row, 3 sbn in the last loop.

2 row 9 VP knit in 4 loop, 4 VP in the last one. 3 sc in the tail of a butterfly (last loop), unfold the knitting, and knit in a mirror image to the end of the row. then we tie all the wings of the CCH. change the thread if desired.


1- 6 sc in the amigurumi ring we mark the beginning of knitting with a contrast thread (I do this through a sliding loop, you can dial 2 air loops and knit 6 sc in the first loop)
2- 6 increments
3- 1sbn, 2snb one loop (raise), repeat to the end of the row
4- 2sbn, increase, repeat to the end of the row
5- 3 SNB, raise, repeat to the end of the row
6- 4 sc, increase, repeat to the end of the row
7-9 rows - sc in each loop, or we knit rows to the desired size

10 row - extended loops: n Put the thread on the index finger of your left hand - insert the hook into the loop of the base and grab the working thread under the index finger and pull out a new loop - grab the working thread and pull it through the 2 loops on the hook. if the description is not clear, look on YouTube for a video tutorial on knitting elongated loops. On the other side of the sun, we sew on material, fleece or another to choose from and fill the sun with peas or a rustling bag

We knit a sirloin mesh pocket.

Here's what we got

3. The pink side

We embroider a flower meadow with a stitching thread of green color, where there should be flowers we sew yellow buttons on the leg, this will be the core of the flower. we knit the simplest flowers.

A chain of 10 air loops is closed into a ring with a connecting post. Next, we knit * 3 air loops, a column with two crochets into a ring of air loops, 3 air loops and a connecting column into a ring of air loops. We repeat knitting from * 5 more times. Cut and secure the thread. Here is our flower and it is ready. We already know how to knit a butterfly. Our butterfly can fly from flower to flower.

4. Red side

Cut out a herringbone, hedgehog, mushroom from fleece and sew to the knitted side. Sew beads and rings for lacing on the Christmas tree. Decorate the side with a button sun.

I offer several stencils from the Internet, but you can create your own.

5. Orange side.

Geometric figures.

Everything is simple here - we cut out multi-colored figures from fleece - a triangle, square, circle, rectangle, sew them to the Velcro tape. we embroider the contours on the side with a contrasting thread.

6. Green side

We tie a juniper or wooden bead with a diameter of 20-25 mm according to the caterpillar principle. 1 row - 6 sc in amigurumi ring 2 row -6 increments 3 row-1 sc, 2 scb one loop (increase), repeat to the end of the row 4 row - 2 sc, increase, repeat to the end of the row 5 p-7 sc in a circle 8p - 2 sbn, decrease, repeat to the end of the row 9 p -1sbn, decrease-repeat to the end of the row We knit 30 stitches, cut off the thread.

* We will later pass it through the middle of the yellow hole and sew it on the back of the foam base. We put the beads in random order on the waxed cord and tie to the side. We decorate with wooden buttons.

7. Light green side

Sew the Velcro base in the center of the side. Sew the puzzles themselves to the sticky side of the Velcro.

We make simple puzzles in two parts, complex ones in four.

8. Sew the foam base and cut a hole for the hiding bead.

9. Connect the sides of the square in a sequence convenient for you.

I first fasten the orange, red, pink, purple sides with connecting posts, or you can sew with a needle.

Then I connect the rest of the parts and it turns out this beauty.

Thank you for the attention!

All fruitful creativity. Create and love!

Developing cube


Educational cube for toddlers.
Different tactile sensations are created thanks to textured fabrics, fine motor development promoted by various elements on the sides cubes: spiral with moving beads, butterfly with rustling wings, soft fluffy bunny / bear, as well as movable elements.
Smooth and grooved ribbons with different patterns are sewn into the joints of the edges, for which you can tug and examine.
Inside is bell, whereby cube rings softly.

How a developing cube is born

Hello, I am very glad that you are reading my blog. Now I will show in pictures how many already beloved developmental cube for the smallest is born.

First, I select the fabrics by color.

Then I cut out all the details for the cube, it is very important to choose the right colors so that 2 identical colors are not side by side.

Then I sew on all the details on all edges.

Then we sew on all the spout beads and all the rest of the accessories

These are all the details that come off.

These are the cubes that are not yet filled with filler. I leave one edge unstitched, and turn it through it.

But these are ready-made "products"

Perhaps my notes will be useful to someone.

Educational toy Gulliver Cube

How to sew a developmental cube for a kid

I recently sewed a new one for my son developmental toy - cube... If I had free time to work on such a cube - only for a few evenings, however, I sewed it for a long time, a total of almost a month.

Here is such developing cube I did it. Cube dimensions: 20 * 20 * 20 cm.

Materials (edit) which I used:

  • ivanovskaya coarse calico,
  • american cotton,
  • other tissue remnants,
  • fleece,
  • felt,
  • yarn,
  • foam rubber,
  • buttons,
  • ribbons,
  • felt-tip pen caps,
  • thermoapplication.

Nothing complicated, of course, no. The main thing - patience

Almost all elements are completed applique.

On the Internet you will find a lot of similar educational cubes for toddlers, many ideas are repeated. I wanted at least a little originality add to your work, but alas, it was not without trivial details ...

Handmade educational cube faces

I will show the faces of the cube. Each face is actually a small task, one might say a small game. I'll start with a simple one ...

1 face developing cube - Apple:

The worm can be taken out and shoved back:

2 face developing cube - snail and butterfly:

Three different balls are sewn inside the shell of the snail, which you can roll there.

The butterfly is voluminous, rustling, tied separately and fastened to the edge with a button:

3 edge developing cube fly agaric and flowers:

Fleece grass, knitted flowers fasten with buttons, the zipper on the mushroom unfastens - there is a ladybug hiding inside:

4 edge developing cube - doors:

All doors rustle, fasteners are different everywhere. Various animals are hiding behind the doors - decals:

5 edge developing cube - “ finger walker”. I paraphrased the famous finger trainer a bit (from early development sites).

I will write the words of the walker itself: through the snow, through the forest, through the sand, over bumps, into a hole in a clearing, across a river, along planks ... and they found a treasure!

And now what the elements are made of, in order.

White pouch - made of fleece with a rustling bag. Knitted square with long loops, yellow bag with beads. A bag with sewn-on buttons, a knitted square with a knitted real hole. Sack with sewn-in knitted berries, blue ribbon. Marker caps, corduroy pocket:

All this can be touched with your fingers, picked, felt ... And the berries can be untied and folded into a hole:

6 edge developing cube - buttons on satin ribbons: airplane, animals, cars, boat.

All items can be moved along the ribbons and hide... An airplane - for a cloud, cars - into a tunnel, a boat - for mountains, animals - for trees:

Assembling the developmental cube

Inside the cube I put foam rubber... I only had 1 and 2 cm thick foam, so I had to sew in layers. This is a difficult business, I pricked all my fingers.

First I sewed 2 halves. In the center of each half, I cut holes and put there bell, sewn halves:

In the upper edge, I cut hole for a fossa:

When assembling, I sewed 5 edges on a typewriter, and sewed on the top one using a typewriter only for one edge. Then she turned it all out, straightened it out, inserted a foam cube.

I sewed on the upper edge by hand: at first I fastened it with needles, and then sewed it on with a blind seam.

And this is how my son plays with a developing cube:

In general, most of all he likes to pull out and throw out the worm, look behind the doors and put the berries in the hole.

Original of this DIY workshop on making educational toys you can find

dana boehm

Since my favorite hobby is Crochet, with its help I decided to create developing cube for children of early and younger preschool age.

The purpose of this tutorial is development fine motor skills of fingers, enrichment of active and passive vocabulary, development of color perception.

On each side of the cube there is a certain kind of didactic exercise:

Children can get acquainted with the first geometric shapes.

On this side, children will be able to move the beads along the rope, sort them with their fingers. Beads of various textures and shapes, which arouses the interest of children.

Children can assemble a pyramid, the parts of which are mobile and are mounted on a linden tree.

Children are very fond of opening various locks, packaging, fasteners. They also have such an opportunity when playing. developing cube... When opening the castle, children will receive a surprise in the form of smiling emoticons.

Everyone's favorite laces are also on one side cubes.

On our cubes there is a small mouse, which, if desired, hides in a convenient pocket.

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This toy can be used both to consolidate colors and their shades, to develop thinking, in physical development classes (throwing.

Kind time of the day, dear colleagues, friends, guests of my page! Today I want to talk about how I made a decorative "lantern".

Developing cubes, which comprehensively develop the child in different directions: tactile, logical, mathematical and others, are wonderful toys for the development of babies today. The best part is that mommy can create such a cube for her baby with her own hands if she knows crochet skills. Using the example below of the proposed master class on creating an educational toy, you can come up with your own variations of performance.

For work we need:

- Yarn Art yarn in different colors

- thread Iris

- hook No. 1.75

- wooden beads of different sizes and shapes

- multicolored wooden beads, round and flat

- kinder surprise box

- magnet button

- metal half rings

- foam cube 10x10x10 cm

- bright lace

- rustling film

- mushroom buttons

- small buttons 0.5 cm

- contact tape (Velcro) of different colors

- tapestry needle

- waxed cord of different colors

So, when all the materials have been collected, you can proceed ...

1p .: 2 air loops.

2p.: 8 sc in the second loop from the hook

3p.: (1 sbn, increase) x 4 times = 12p

4p.: (2 sbn, 3 sbn in one loop) x 4 times = 20 p

5p.: (4 sbn, 3 sbn in one loop) x 4 times = 28p

6p.: (6 sbn, 3 sbn in one loop) x 4 times = 36p

7p.: (8 sbn, 3 sbn in one loop) x 4 times = 44p

8p.: (10 sbn, 3 sbn in one loop) x 4 times = 52p

9p.: (12 sbn, 3 sbn in one loop) x 4 times = 60p

10r.: (14 sbn, 3 sbn in one loop) x 4 times = 68p

11r.: (16 sbn, 3 sbn in one loop) x 4 times = 76p

12r.: (18 sbn, 3 sbn in one loop) x 4 times = 84p

13r.: (20 sbn, 3 sbn in one loop) x 4 times = 92p

14r.: (22 sbn, 3 sbn in one loop) x 4 times = 100p

There should be 6 such squares of different colors (choose bright, juicy thread colors so that your cube is interesting for a little fidget).

The next step will be to create a specific theme for each side of our toy. First, we will connect all the parts-elements, after which we will disband them on the sides.

1p: increase x 6 times = 12p

2p.: (1sbn, increase) x 6 times = 18p

3p.: (2sbn, increase) x 6 times = 24p

4p.: (3sbn, increase) x 6 times = 30p

We do not tear off the thread, but continue to knit the rays of the sun, for which we knit 5 air stitches, in the second loop from the hook we knit a single crochet, in the next 3rd loop we knit a double crochet, in the 4th and 5th loops - one at a time a column with two crochets. Skip 4 loops in a circle and knit a connecting column into the fifth loop. Again we collect 5 air loops and, according to the same principle, we knit 5 more rays. We get a bright sun.

1p .: 12 air loops

2-4r.: We knit with single crochet in rotary rows.

1 air loop, in the third loop of the row we knit 3 double crochets, 1 double crochet and three double crochets (all in one loop). In the 6th loop we knit a connecting column. We get the arch. We need to knit 6 such openwork arches in a circle - as a result, we should have a lovely cloud. We do not tear off the thread at the end, but we knit a chain of air loops about 15 cm long.

For the droplets, take oval juniper beads and tie them with a thin cotton thread. And to hang them from our cloud, we knit a chain of air loops, for each droplet of different lengths.

The pyramid.


1p.: 6 PRS in the amigurumi ring

2p.: (Sc, increase) x 3 times = 9p

3p.: (2sbn, 3sbn in one loop) x 3 times = 15p

We fix the thread, hide the tail.

Orange oval (we knit all ovals in a circle):

1p: chain of 6 air loops, 2 sc in the second loop from the hook, 4 sc, 5 sc in the last loop, 4 sc, 1 sc in the last loop, connect loop.

2p.: (Increase from sbn) x 2 times, 3 sbn, (increase from sbn) x 3 times, 3 sbn, increase in the last loop, connect loop.

Yellow oval:

1p: chain of 8 air loops, 2 sc in the second loop from the hook, 6 sc, 5 sc in the last loop of the chain, 6 sc, 1 sc in the last loop, connect loop.

2p.: (Increase from sbn) x 2 times, 5 sbn, (increase from sbn) x 3 times, 5 sbn, increase in the last loop, connect loop.

Green oval:

1p: chain of 11 air loops, 2 sc in the second loop from the hook, 9 sc, 5 sc in the last loop of the chain, 8 sc, 1 sc in the last loop, connect loop.

2p.: (Increase from sbn) x 2 times, 9 sbn, (increase from sbn) x 3 times, 9 sbn, increase in the last loop, connect loop.

Purple oval:

1p: chain of 15 air loops, 2 sc in the second loop from the hook, 12 sc, 5 sc in the last loop of the chain, 12 sc, 1 sc in the last loop, connect the loop.

2p.: (Increase from sbn) x 2 times, 13 sbn, (increase from sbn) x 3 times, 13 sbn, increase in the last loop, connect loop.


1p.: 6 PRS in the amigurumi ring

2p: increase x 6 times = 12p

3p.: (Sc, increase) x 6 times = 18p

4p.: (2sbn, increase) x 6 times = 24p

5r. (3sbn, increase) x 6 times = 30p

For hair, we knit three chains of air loops of the length you need (so that the tails do not go far beyond the edges of the cube).

For the handles and legs, we will tie a chain of air loops, pass one end of it through the hole of the small bead, fixing it as tightly as possible so that the beads cannot come off when playing with the cube.


Eyes - knit with white yarn in a ring of amigurumi 6 sbn. in the second row we make an increase 6 times, fasten the thread and cut it off. We knit the pupils with black yarn from 6 sc in an amigurumi ring, close it in a ring, fix and cut the thread.

We knit according to the pattern with Iris yarn.

For the eye in the ring of amigurumi, we knit 4 sbn with a black thread of Iris, we close it with a connecting loop in a ring, change the black thread to a white one and knit two single crochet into each loop of the previous row. We fix the thread, leave the tail for sewing.

We knit 5 air loops, we close them in a ring, we tie the ring with 12-15 single crochets. We need to tie three rings.

We knit a chain of 6 air loops, 1 lifting loop, then in each loop 1 sbn to the end of the chain. Again we collect a chain of air loops (each time of different lengths) and tie in the same way. As a result of reducing and adding loops in each next chain, we get such algae.

Next, we knit the petals - 3 air loops, 2 double crochets, a double crochet, two double crochets, three air loops, a connecting loop. We also knit the remaining 5 petals. After the flower is tied, change the pink thread to light green and knit a chain of 30 air stitches, leaving a long tail for sewing.

Now that all the elements are connected, you can start assembling the cube.

Sew on the head and hairs, in parallel giving the shape of the ponytails.

We decorate the doll's dress with small buttons, sew flower bows on the tails, hang beads around the neck. We embroider eyes and a mouth. The first square is ready.

Place a pyramid on a pink square, having previously cut out a Velcro tape of the desired size and color in the form of ovals. On the side, place flat round colored beads on a chain. Let me remind you that we do not forget to securely fasten all the details and elements to the base.

At the corners of the cube, we fix all the additional elements that we connected with the chains, including securely fixing the beads on waxed cords. It is most convenient to do this procedure when it remains to connect the last square. We attach all the parts inside the cube, after which we insert a foam cube into it and connect it to the last square.

If you have any questions, please contact us, I am always glad to help. Enjoy your creativity!

Many parents from the first years of a child's life are serious about choosing toys for him. The toy should be safe, interesting and develop the baby.

Description of the cube.
You can not only choose and buy a toy in a store, but also make it yourself. For example, a developing cube according to the methods of B. Nikitin and M. Montessori. It is noteworthy that the child will be able to play with such a cube for a long time. When making it, the mother can take into account not only the child's age, but also his favorite colors, shapes, and also come up with tasks that will be most interesting to the baby.
In the presented master class, a cube was made, each side of which is made in a separate color. Some of the sides are used to develop the perception of the surrounding world. For example, a rainbow-colored side with opening doors, behind which the sun "hides".
The other parties provide for the completion of a task. For example, on the blue side, you need to count the petals of a chamomile, on the lilac side, you need to count the beads and put them in a grid. Tasks can be completely different: their complexity and essence depend on the imagination of the mother. Some of the elements of the cube are made of rustling materials; a small container with beads is placed inside one of the flowers - which makes the so-called rattle.

How and from what to make a cube.
To make the development cube shown in the photo, you will need:
Iris knitting threads. You can take any other threads you like and have at hand, but in this case the choice was made on "Iris", since they are 100% cotton, presented in a varied color palette, available on sale and inexpensive;
Crochet hook, sewing game, scissors;
Plain sewing thread;
Cotton fabric;
Various rings, buttons, beads, small containers (for example, from under the eggs "Kinder Surprise");
Filler. As a filler for the cube, you can use foam rubber, synthetic winterizer or any other safe material. In this case, the cube is filled with expanded polystyrene balls (they, for example, are used as a filler in the manufacture of frameless). The balls rustle softly, that's why the cube turned out to be “rustling”.

So let's get to work.
First of all, you need to decide on the size of the cube, as well as think over the design of each side of it. In this case, the size of each side of the cube is 10 cm. Therefore, 6 multi-colored sides of the cube were connected (each side is made separately) 10 by 10 cm.
After the parties are ready, they need to be formalized. For each side separately, it is necessary to select or make figures for decoration. These can be buttons tied with thread and tied small toys, inside which you can place containers filled with beads from under Kinder Surprise eggs.
As it is made, the "developmental material" is attached to the sides of the cube with threads.
When the sides are completed, it is necessary to make a base (it will be placed inside the cube), into which the filler will subsequently be placed. To make the base, you need cotton fabric.
The next step is to assemble the cube. To do this, all of its bright sides must be connected together. In this example, they are sewn together with yellow threads using a crochet hook. Inside is a base with a filler.
The cube is now ready. When making it, it is important to remember that the baby will study the toy not only with the help of his hands, but can also take it in his mouth. Therefore, all elements of the cube must be absolutely safe and securely fixed.

Greetings, dear friends!

Today in my blog there is a joyful event - the opening of a new category "KNITTED TOYS"! Oh, and for a long time I went to this, but there is nowhere to delay, - the granddaughter is growing up and the birth of a granddaughter is not far off! And how can they do without grandmother's knitted toys? No way. 😉

I have never knitted toys yet, so I decided to start with the easiest one. This, in my opinion, turned out to be. As you can see, this cube is not quite ordinary - it is round, like a square ball. Or as the first pancake, which is lumpy. 😉

But despite this, he still did not lose his developing properties. And since I am not a greedy person, I share the process of making a developing cube with you, my dears! Catch Master Class in photos! 😉

Knitted toy "Educational cube" (master class)

Before starting work, decide on the colors of the yarn from which you will create knitted toy "Developing cube" , there should be FIVE of them, well, which ones, decide for yourself, of course, they should not be dark. 😉

You also need to prepare 21 BUTTONS, preferably larger and of different colors, and maybe shapes. I poured out all my button supplies in a heap and selected what I liked the most.

The work is being done . Well, now in more detail:

1. On the needles No. 4, we collect 22 loops of the YELLOW-colored thread ("yolk") folded in half "Children's novelty" from "Pekhorka"(yarn is not expensive, you can find it). Next, we knit a square with garter stitch (a centimeter tape should always be at hand for constant measurements), we close all the loops.

1. We knit a yellow square.

2. Along the pigtails of one of the sides of the YELLOW square, we collect 20 loops with a double thread of LIGHT GRAY color (this yarn turned out to be a little thicker, so measurements must be constantly taken so that all the faces of the cube (squares) are the same) ... We also knit a square, close all the loops.

2. Tie the gray square to the yellow square.

3. Along the pigtails of the second side of the YELLOW square with a double thread of BLUE color, we collect the required number of loops. We knit a square, close the loops.

3. Tie the blue one to the yellow square.

4. Along the pigtails of one of the lateral sides of the BLUE square with a double thread of SALAD color, we collect the required number of loops, knit a square and close all loops.

4. To blue - light green.

5. Along the braids of the second side of the BLUE square, we collect the required number of loops with a CORAL thread, knit a square, close the loops.

5. Tie a coral to the blue square.

6. Along the braids of the left side of the SALAD square, we collect loops with a CORAL-colored thread and knit a striped square, alternating all the colors used when knitting squares.

6. To light green - striped square.

7. On the surface of the unfolded cube, lay out the buttons so that on each square there are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 buttons. Sew on the buttons stronger. 😉

7. Sew on the buttons firmly.

8. Sew developing cube from the inside out along its ribs, leaving one rib unstitched. We turn the cube out and fill it with padding polyester through the remaining slit hole, then sew it.

8. Sew a cube and fill it with padding polyester.

Master Class came to an end! I do not know what will happen with you, but I developing cube turned out like a ball. At first I was a little upset, but then I was amused: the exclusive is there!

So what are the developmental properties of this knitted toy? Playing with the baby with a knitted cube ball:

  • introduce him to five different colors;
  • with stripes (repeating colors);
  • learn to count buttons;
  • we introduce you to the shape of the buttons (as you noticed, there are not only round buttons there);
  • with their color;
  • with traffic light colors (on a gray background);
  • learn to add numbers (on a blue background 2 white + 3 gray buttons).

In general, fantasies have where to play out, you can think of something else! 😉

Here is such an interesting knitted toy "Educational cube" I did it. I would be glad to know your opinion, dear! Well, if this knitted toy you still liked it, tell your friends and acquaintances about it by clicking on the social buttons. networks! 😉

And if you haven't signed up to receive new articles on my blog yet, now is the time to do so! You understand that the first toy should be followed by the second. 😉

With respect and love to you,