Will there be a day off on Monday after Easter. The first Monday after Easter: what can and cannot be done, signs. Who will rest and how

Easter 2018 in Ukraine falls on the first week of April. The holiday is approved as a state holiday, therefore, it provides for an additional day off.

Traditionally Easter falls on Sunday. In 2018, she fell in the first week of April, if you do not take into account the fact that the month will begin on Sunday. Holiday date April 8.

Despite the fact that officials promised to reduce the number of solemn days, the weekend for Easter 2018 remained.

Who and how will rest

Officially, it will be possible to have a rest on Monday, April 9, as the holiday itself falls on a weekend - Sunday. According to individual schedules, representatives of the health care and law enforcement agencies can work.

Private companies also reserve the right to influence the number of days off for employees.

April weekend calendar (photo: 24tv.ua)

Easter weekend around the world

In Orthodox countries, Easter is celebrated in different ways. Many of them also have a public day off, like in Ukraine, and some even have more than one.

Many European countries start celebrating Easter on Good Friday. On this day, no one goes to work in Austria, Germany, Portugal, Estonia.

But a number of countries celebrate this day, from Good Friday to Monday inclusive. Four official leave was given in Montenegro, parts of Spain and Australia.

Cyprus also rests on Tuesday after Easter. And in Georgia, they start celebrating from Thursday and end on Tuesday inclusive.

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As you would like to go to nature in the first, warm spring days or wind up with an overnight stay at the dacha. Knowing that the next day it is unnecessary to rush to work in the morning, allow yourself to sit by the fire until the last rays of the sun and have a glass of brandy with friends, without fear that tomorrow sutra will have to get behind the wheel and rush to work.

Bright Sunday of Christ, in fact, orders to be in celebration, joy in the bosom of family and loved ones. But what holiday, if you defended the night worship, did not have time to sleep off the day and dine at the festive table, as tomorrow you will again have to “dive into the lead ocean” of everyday life?

Thank God, Crimeans don't have such a problem for Easter.

Monday April 9, 2018 is declared a day off on the territory of the Republic of Crimea, because on the eve of the Orthodox believers celebrate Easter. The official name of the holiday is Bright Resurrection of Christ... Easter in 2018 falls on April 8, 2018.

The celebration of Easter in Crimea was established by the Decree of the Head of the Republic of Crimea "On non-working days and holidays" N 32-U dated February 2, 2018. According to the Decree, in addition to the rest on April 9, 2018 in connection with the celebration of Easter Resurrection, the residents of Crimea will have three additional days off until the end of the year, timed to coincide with the religious holidays of the Day of the Holy Trinity (May 28, 2018), Oraza Bayram (June 15, 2018) ) and Eid al-Adha (August 21, 2018).

In connection with the above circumstance and the holiday, the Sevastopol residents had a question: will April 9, 2018 be a day off in our city?

Given that Sevastopol is a city of federal significance, and the working hours for its residents are determined according to the industrial calendar of the Russian Federation, the decision on an additional holiday - Monday April 9, 2018, can be made separately, and in this case it must be published on the official website of the city government ... However, there is no such information on the official Internet portal of the local executive power. It can only be said that on Monday, April 9, in the Intercession Cathedral from 8.00 to 10.00, Metropolitan Lazar of the Simferopol and Crimean Diocese will hold a solemn service dedicated to the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ.

Considering that this will be a working day, not all Orthodox Sevastopol residents working sutras will be able to take part in the divine service, which puts them in a discriminatory position in relation to Orthodox Crimeans ...

About such disrespect of the local authorities for the traditions that have developed in Sevastopol, a heated discussion unfolded in social networks, initiated by Ivan Komelov.

He named his message: "Easter" gift "of the governor!"

“In Sevastopol, Easter Sunday was considered a holiday for many years. Despite the fact that in Russia, church holidays are not state ones, given the multinational culture, the regions are endowed with the right to independently decide in the choice of holidays. Therefore, Crimea and Sevastopol traditionally decided to declare the next day after Easter as a weekend!

This was the case until 2018.

And although the leadership of Crimea has traditionally accepted the corresponding the next decision, the governor of Sevastopol Dmitry Ovsyanikov did not issue such an order! In any case, there is no information on the official website of the government and all city enterprises are working on Monday.

I do not know for certain what caused this attitude towards Sevastopol residents. Either the governor considered that we are resting too much, or Easter is not such a great holiday for him, but the very fact of such an attitude towards the inhabitants of the cradle of Christianity is very upsetting ... " - Komelov shares his griefs, accompanying them with a cynical and rude, in our opinion, picture.

Comments OD "5 Defense of Sevastopol"

Without undertaking to interpret to whom exactly the author of the message is addressing the question on the poster (to which we have no personal sympathy, - editor's note), we completely agree with his arguments ... However, such inaction of the governor, who stubbornly does not want not surprising at all.

The information and analytical publication “5 Defense of Sevastopol” cannot consider such an attitude to the established Sevastopol traditions solely as a manifestation of inattention. It would look ridiculous in relation to the four-time educated governor appointed to our city by the president himself.

We do not exclude that in this way the persons who form the internal policy of the city "Pump their administrative muscles", demonstrate strength by giving a clear message to the townspeople "Who is the head in this house".

Such seemingly ridiculous, previously not discussed with the townspeople, actions, such as: the construction of a slide for rolling in the hay at the Sevastopol shrine - the foot of the monument to P.S. Nakhimov; training of Cossack formations of the city, in the same place on Nakhimov Square, during 18 days, where from 13 to 31 April 2018 to 15 hours in a day, from 7 am to 10 pm, measures will be worked out prompt response during the event and occurrence non-standard situations, etc.(which we will talk about in detail during the week - editor's note); organization of a hairdryer zone for football fans in the same place; the program of the celebration of the 235th birthday of the city, which Berkovich proposed to postpone to the Day of Russia, because football begins on June 14 (which, in his opinion, is much more important for Sevastopol residents, - editor's note); a master class of football players in front of another iconic place of Sevastopol - the Chersonesus bell officials - "manipulators" of public opinion develop and fix the reflex from the understanding of the local “aborigines” of a simple rule brought from the mainland: "Who orders the tune, he dances the girl ..."

In our analogy: "music"- federal targeted programs and the money allocated for them. "The girl who is dancing"- Sevastopol and its inhabitants.

And here is the "owner":

As a result of studying and analyzing the action of Dmitry Plemyannikov's team in Sevastopol, we see the following mechanism of social frustration of the population:

Citizens are simply ignored at first. Then, shaking the foundations that have developed in the city for decades, traditions and values ​​are deliberately replaced by ridiculous, often outrageous "innovations", thereby demonstrating to the townspeople their inability to influence the decisions of the authorities even in small, current issues (for example, holding city holidays, - editor's note) ... After that, the indigenous people are radically removed from participation in the formation of the future city, which the “Varangians” obviously see only as a territory “cleared” for the implementation of oligarch-oriented business projects.

The first Monday after Easter is perceived by many as a weekday. The holiday passed, the bells rang out, we stood the solemn service, greeted our friends and acquaintances with a threefold kiss and a joyful exclamation: "Christ is risen!", Exchanged colored eggs ... Is it time to return to a normal working rhythm? But no! The joy of the bright holiday is so great that it lasts as long as 40 days, the most significant of which are the first 8 - Easter Sunday itself and the entire week that follows it.

Orthodox traditions

Monday following the bright spring holiday has many names. He is Watering, and Volochechny, and Easter ... But above all, Light, that is, sanctified by God; filled with jubilation on the occasion of the resurrection of Christ and the victory of life over death.

On this day - as well as throughout the week - services are held according to a special Easter rite:

  • instead of the usual prayers, a melodious reading of the topar sounds;
  • no weddings or funeral services are performed;
  • the royal gates in temples and churches remain wide open day and night, symbolizing the Heavens open to believers;
  • Artos, the sacred bread, is waiting for the lectern - on Sunday it will be broken into pieces with prayer and distributed to everyone present;
  • after the Liturgy, a procession of the cross takes place, during which parishioners carry lighted candles in their hands, and the ringing of bells is heard in the air.

The ringing, by the way, is not easy. According to custom, during Bright Week, anyone can climb the belfry and sound the bell, simply by asking the priest for blessing.

Easter week is a time of joy, not work and worries

Can I work on Monday after Easter? Let's just say: it is advisable to free this day from routine chores and devote it to God. For example, before the revolution, when Orthodoxy was the state religion, the whole Easter week remained festive. The people had time to visit the church, and at home to pray, and from the heart to communicate, charged with a good mood. There was enough time for everything!

But now we have a secular state, and the opportunity to take a day off is not always given. How to be? Do your duty with a clear conscience, because work is never a sin, as long as you treat it wisely. No one will blame the employee for diligence, because, having got a job, he assumed certain obligations to the employer.

The hostess, who devoted an hour or two of Bright Monday to household chores, will not turn her tongue to condemn. Life, alas, is an integral part of our life. If, after yesterday's feast, a mountain of dirty dishes remains in the kitchen, competing with Everest, and sloppy guests have applied dirt to the rooms, but at the same time you doubt whether it is possible to clean up on Monday after Easter? - Pray and get down to business. You cannot live in disorder for the whole week!

But try to do without acute bouts of workaholism: do the business today, postpone the non-urgent "for later." And be sure to set aside time in your schedule for going to church, then you will definitely not be sinned.

Our ancestors rarely could afford a day off.

Monday after Easter: what should not be done under any circumstances:

  • to be discouraged and indulge in gloomy thoughts;
  • scold;
  • devote the day to extraneous things, leaving prayer aside;
  • get drunk drunk;
  • overeating, rewarding yourself for fasting is harmful both from the church and from the medical point of view.

Some people care if they can get their hair cut on the Monday after Easter. There is no direct prohibition on this action in the church canons. Rather, the same rule applies here as with household chores, urging believers during the Bright Week to indulge less in vain earthly concerns and think more about their souls. Can you postpone your visit to the hairdresser? Do it. No? Go boldly.

Folk rituals

Returning from the divine service, our ancestors hastily collected the remaining colorful eggs and consecrated cakes in a bundle and went away from home: godchildren carried gifts to their godparents, grandchildren to grandparents, and husbands simply walked around friends and acquaintances, congratulating everyone on holiday.

Only the hostesses were supposed to stay within the four walls, in order to properly greet relatives, acquaintances or participants in the cheerful Volochemical rite, reminiscent of Christmas carols, who looked at the light. It was performed mainly by young guys who, with songs and jokes, went from house to house, glorifying the hostesses for their beauty and hard work, and in return received treats from the festive table.

Often the wolves' rite was performed by wandering buffoons

But unmarried girls had to be on their guard that day. The guys who played out were striving to douse their fellow villagers with water, and the prettier the young lady was, the more jugs thrown out she got. But no one was offended: our ancestors believed that the water of Polival Monday would endow a girl with beauty and health, and at the same time predict a successful marriage. So do not be alarmed if someone nimble predicts a happy family life for you this spring!

True, given that in the Calendar of Great Lent in 2018, Bright Monday falls on April 9, in retaliation for a good prediction, the beauty will have to snap her teeth from the cold into her wet clothes. But isn't it worth it?

The zealous housewives did not miss the opportunity to douse poultry and cattle with Monday water - they will be healthier.

Weather signs

The thought of the harvest never left the peasant. So on Monday after Easter, signs advised the plowmen not to yawn, looking around. The sky, birds, rain - everything could tell whether to expect hunger or abundance this year.

  • If the sky is clear and the weather is calm, a downpour will soon begin.
  • As Watering Monday is, so will summer.
  • If the birds behave quietly and do not sing, frosts will still make themselves felt.

Video: Bright Monday in Vyborg

Employers may soon have to give their employees another day off. State Duma deputies propose to make the first day after Easter Sunday a holiday, which will be called Bright Easter Monday.

The State Duma received draft law No. 153075-7 "On amendments to the establishment of an annual non-working day on Monday after Sunday of the religious holiday" Resurrection of Christ. "The authors of the document were deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party Yaroslav Nilov and Igor Lebedev. the production calendar of Russians is another day off.

Religious holidays in the production calendar

The new holiday for the whole of Russia, according to the idea of ​​the deputies, should fall on the first day after Easter, and it can be called "Bright Easter Monday." In an explanatory note to the bill, parliamentarians point out that Easter Sunday is considered their holiday and is celebrated by about 85% of the residents of the Russian Federation. More than 10% of them not only celebrate Easter, but also observe all the requirements of the strictest fast of the year. The text of the explanations to the initiative, in particular, says:

The introduction of the Easter Monday holiday will not only create conditions for satisfying the religious feelings and needs of believers, but will free up time for useful and necessary things in the family, with friends and acquaintances in the spring. It should be noted that in many countries of Western Europe, the Monday following the day of the Resurrection of Christ is a day off.

In addition, the authors of the bill recalled that Russian regions have the right to independently establish additional holidays. Easter itself is an official holiday in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, so workers have a rest there on Monday, since the day off is transferred to it from Sunday. Also, additional days off are established in Crimea, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan on the days of the Muslim religious holidays Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Adha.

The deputies explain their proposal by the fact that most of the country's population (according to opinion polls - up to 85%) celebrates the Orthodox religious holiday of the Resurrection of Christ (Easter). Therefore, the establishment of a new holiday on Easter Monday will not only be a tribute to the deep historical traditions of the Orthodox community, but also another confirmation of the recognition by the state and society of the special role of Orthodoxy in the history of Russia, as well as in the formation and development of the spirituality and culture of the country.

The authors of the initiative note that in many countries of Western Europe, the Monday following the day of the Resurrection of Christ is a day off. They also indicate that in the Republic of Crimea such a non-working holiday this year (April 18) was established along with the Day of the Holy Trinity (June 5), the celebration of Oraza Bayram (June 26), Eid al-Adha (September 4) ( p. 1 of the Decree of the Republic of Crimea dated March 30, 2017 No. 160-U "On non-working holidays").