Black Onyx is a stone for people with a pure soul and love. Onyx - a stone of energy and strength

If you are interested in who the Onyx stone is suitable for and want to understand its meaning, you should refer to the legend of the origin of this mineral. So the ancient Greeks believed that at the moment when Eros cut off the nails of the beautiful Aphrodite, they turned into a precious gem - onyx. Perhaps this legend explains all the multifaceted properties of this stone: from external, to magical and healing.

The main distinguishing feature of onyx is the uneven color of the layers, resembling a nail plate. The stone also has a high hardness, which is rated from 6.5 to 7 units according to the Mohs table.

Who is Onyx suitable for?

An excellent assistant in difficult situations will be onyx for Taurus. Moreover, a person born under this constellation is suitable for absolutely all varieties of a precious stone. In addition, in this case it does not matter at all in which product the gem will be presented.

The beneficial value of onyx framed in jewelry also extends to the following signs of the zodiac:

  • Aquarius

Born under these constellations, onyx helps to direct their life energy in the right direction, not to waste it in vain and quickly replenish it. Also, the owner of this gem will be accompanied by good luck and success in all endeavors.

Onyx used in jewelry has a negative effect on twins. But if the stone is framed in decorative elements, then it loses its negative meaning.

The healing properties of Onyx

Onyx stone has a number of properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body. However, the nature of the effect of the mineral directly depends on its type. For example, green onyx improves memory, facilitates the processes of concentration and memorization of various types of information. Also, this gem is suitable for people suffering from constant stress, being in nervous tension or depression. Green onyx will be an excellent gift for people whose activities are associated with a certain threat to life. These include:

  • Law enforcement and other law enforcement officials
  • Extreme sports enthusiasts
  • Stuntmen
  • Oil drillers
  • Electricians
  • Firefighters
  • Miners
  • Rescue personnel

Black onyx has a wider range of medicinal effects. The interaction of this stone with human skin activates the regenerative processes of connective, bone, muscle and integumentary tissues, as well as internal organs. Black onyx is especially suitable for people suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system, lack of calcium in the body, dermatitis, allergic reactions and digestive problems.

Red onyx strengthens hair, nails and teeth, normalizes blood circulation and metabolism in the body. The healing properties of this stone also apply to the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

People of deep antiquity strongly revered the onyx stone and its magical and healing properties. Among the most valuable abilities of the mineral, they distinguished the analgesic effect. Ancient healers believed that if you apply onyx to a sore spot, then it will surely take all the pain into itself, ennoble it and return it to the owner in the form of pure and light energy. That is why the most accurate answer to the question "who is onyx suitable for" will be people suffering from diseases with prolonged painful sensations.

The magical properties of Onyx

The presence of certain magical properties, as well as healing ones, depends entirely on the type of onyx. So black onyx is able to endow its owner with spiritual strength, unshakable confidence and an inexhaustible supply of energy. Whom black onyx is suitable for is those individuals who are engaged in active physical or mental activity. These professions include:

  • Lawyers
  • Judges
  • Medical staff
  • Athletes
  • Officials associated with active information activities
  • Law enforcement officers

Orange-red onyx is perfect for single people who have been unable to arrange their personal life for a long time. It protects from unwanted acquaintances, as it helps its owner to quickly understand the human nature of the interlocutor, and also attracts the most suitable candidates.

The magical properties of green onyx have a beneficial effect on the resolution of negative and conflict situations. Also, the gem has the ability to cool the ardent disposition of its owner, and helps him think firmly and clearly even in the most extreme situation.

Whom white onyx is suitable for are impulsive and extremely irritable people. It helps its owner to restrain negative emotions and carefully consider their actions, preventing hasty actions.

Varieties of Onyx

Onyx gemstone is one of the varieties of agate. The main distinguishing feature that influenced the division of onyx into a separate group is its multi-colored layers, which run parallel to each other. At the moment, the following subspecies of this mineral are known:

  • Arabic - has alternating layers of black and white
  • Chalcedonyx - gray layers alternate with white
  • Sardonyx - brown and white layers
  • Carneolonics - white and red layers
  • Onyx agate - gray interlayers

If you want to buy an onyx stone, are interested in its properties and to whom it suits, but are worried that you will not find a suitable color scheme, then throw away all doubts now! This mineral has a wide range of all kinds of colors and shades:

  • Green
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red
  • Pink
  • Beige
  • White

Jewelers often use green onyx in their jewelry. However, you should be aware that this mineral does not belong to the genus agate and belongs to one of the varieties of marble. It got its name because the pattern of its layers is very similar to onyx.

Red, orange and brown onyx stones are representatives of carnelian. The original colors of agate onyx are recognized as shades of black.

Onyx products

The value of the onyx stone is diverse, as are the ways of its use. This mineral, due to its beauty and strength, is used not only in jewelry, but also in the manufacture of souvenirs, tableware, bas-relief paintings, monolithic slabs and even architectural columns.

When it comes to jewelry, onyx is perfect for ibex. Representatives of this zodiac sign should especially pay attention to rings and signet rings with black onyx. Such a talisman will help Capricorns find their true purpose in life and contribute to its successful achievement.

Onyx is a stone, the magical properties of which people noticed in ancient times. And they began to use them for their own purposes. Almost all the first civilizations used this mineral in ceremonies and rituals. Onyx comes in different colors: black, white, green. The most common crystal is black. He also has a basic metaphysical and magical meaning for humans.

It is a very powerful stone for the development of intuitive abilities, clairvoyance, telekinesis.

The mineral enhances spiritual vision. Helps to work with lunar energies.

The stone of intuition and happiness. It expels sorrow from the aura of its owner. And it helps him to establish a connection with the Universe in order to make better decisions and move forward more actively. Balances the male and female energy in the human body.

The magical properties of onyx are most firmly bound by its root chakra Maladhara. Thanks to this, the stone can "ground" a person and facilitate the release of unwanted excess energies from his body into the Earth.

The influence on Maladhara also gives the mineral the ability to break the pathological connections between the chakras of its owner and other people who stuck to it and drink its life juices.

White onyx acts not only on the root chakra, but also on the crown Sahasrara, and through it, on all other human energy centers, balancing them.

Impact on the physical body

Unlike most other stones, onyx does not show its healing qualities immediately. To maximize its effect, the mineral must be worn constantly for a sufficiently long time.

Action on the psyche

The magical properties of onyx are largely related to its effect on the human psyche.

Mineral helps to rush with hyperreactivity, inattention, wind and fog in the head. Allows you to focus and with great zeal and courage to begin solving any problem or lesson.

It is suitable for people who have been experiencing emotional stress for a long time.

Reduces excessive sexual desire caused by lust alone.

Helps to get rid of old irrational thinking and pernicious habits that prevent you from moving forward and lead to neurosis.

Who is more suitable for?

  1. According to the sign of the zodiac, onyx is suitable for Capricorns and Leo.
  2. Shown to indecisive people who often experience anxiety out of the blue, suffer from self-doubt and irrational fears.
  3. Helps in learning, doing difficult and boring work. Therefore, it is considered the stone of students.
  4. Onyx is suitable for people who want to improve their intuition, often guess, try to follow the path of spiritual enlightenment and growth.
  5. Useful for those who want to protect themselves from the negative influence of other people. It can be either a purely mental negative impact or energetic vampirism. It is also believed that the crystal is able to save its owner from physical attack.

Proper use methods

  1. Since the magical properties of onyx are most strongly associated with the root chakra, rings and bracelets are the most effective jewelry with this mineral.
  2. Onyx is recommended to be worn as a personal amulet when making night walks, traveling, any absence from home that could potentially be unsafe, both physically and mentally.
  3. Carry the stone with you during the rehabilitation period after an illness, as well as after any event that required tremendous mental and physical strength from you. It can be a complex business project, a diet or fitness course, or a training event.
  4. If you are often teased or bullied by your work colleagues, place a rock on your desk.
  5. Keep the onyx with you when doing it.
  6. Afraid of the dark? Then place the mineral on your bedside table.
  7. To combat fungal and bacterial skin lesions, place the stone in a container of water overnight and, if possible, expose it to the moonlight. Treat the affected skin with onyx infusion several times a day.


This mineral is very often used for meditation aimed at overcoming past negative experiences. And the transformation of this experience from negative to positive.

  • Retire in a place where no one will disturb you.
  • Get into a position that is comfortable for you.
  • Take the stone in your working hand.
  • Try to normalize your breathing and calm yourself completely. Onyx should help you with this, as how it drives away unwanted thoughts, makes a person more focused and disciplined.
  • Once you have reached a state of relaxation, begin to affirm by repeating out loud:

my past life experience makes me stronger;

I can cope with any problems and troubles quickly and easily precisely because there was a negative experience in my life, and it made me stronger;

I am grateful to past troubles for the fact that they taught me resilience, gave me strength.

To benefit from your meditation and affirmations, believe with all your heart what you are saying.

Feng Shui Application

According to Feng Shui teachings, onyx is suitable for managing wealth and wisdom. Therefore, his place is in his office. Preferably in its northern part.

Black mineral boxes are good for keeping money.

For business to go uphill, it is recommended to keep animal figurines made of this mineral, images of the signs of the zodiac, money frogs and other similar talismans on the desktop.

Charging methods

The crystal should be placed under running water at least once a week.

With frequent use, in addition to the cleaning procedure with water, it is necessary to recharge the stone with the Earth. To do this, it is placed on the ground, preferably on open ground, for one night, once a month.

Please note that onyx is a stone that is in dire need of cleaning and recharging. Unlike many other minerals, which, having swallowed energy mud, simply stop working, this crystal begins to have a negative effect on its owner. Since it gives back to him all the absorbed negative energy. This can lead to the development of depression and other negative consequences.

How miraculous they came to see the Jerusalem Temple of King Solomon from all the outskirts of the Promised Land. Not a single window in the walls of the Jewish sanctuary, not a single opening, but inside it is light and joyful.

It's all about the walls made of plates of translucent stone, which was especially revered as one of the main gifts to people from the Creator. Now it is called "onyx", and in those days the stone that adorned the ceremonial clothes of the high priest of Jerusalem was called "shoham", the decoration of the clothes of the inhabitants of the Paradise booths.

The striped mineral, possessing the strongest magical properties, was the key to the return of people to a righteous life, he himself is an assistant in the fight against sin and unrighteousness. Surprisingly, onyx was a sacred stone in Europe, Asia and America. And in all cultures, it was considered the stone of kings, priests and leaders. All agree on one thing - onyx makes a person stronger.

Amulet of kings, amulet of priests, talisman of leaders

Old Chlodion, the leader of the Franks, was dying in his cart. With the last of his strength, he asked to call his eldest son, when Clovis came, the father could no longer tell him anything, the last thing he managed to do was to put a round greenish stone in his son's hand. It was a piece of polished onyx, the chieftain's amulet that protected all Franks and gave them strength.

The power of the amulet was enough to unite all the tribes into one people, to create the first strong state in medieval Europe. The Merovingian dynasty, the descendants of Chlodion, guarded the stone more than their eyes, until the last of the kings of this dynasty, Childeric III, lost him during a feast ... Six months later, the king was stripped of his power and forcibly tonsured into a monastery.

The magical properties of onyx stone are associated with the magical ability of this mineral to make leaders out of their masters, to help in the art of managing other people, to strengthen a person's will, improve his moral qualities and heal. The power of the stone helped kings in battles, politicians in the struggle for power, merchants in acquiring a fortune. These properties of the mineral have been known since ancient times, turning onyx into the stone of kings at the dawn of civilization.

Depending on the color of the mineral, its magical power manifests itself in different ways:

Green is a stone of priests, shamans, sorcerers. Its main property is to help a person constantly keep in touch with the invisible, otherworldly world;

Blue - will temper passions and ensure the fruitful work of creative thought. This kind of mineral is useful for writers, philosophers, artists;

White - helps to get rid of bad habits, sinful thoughts, unseemly actions. Ornaments from such onyx were to be worn by judges, military leaders and monks;

Red - makes a person constantly move while achieving the goal, it gives the necessary energy and confidence in the possibility of achieving the goal;

Pink - the stone of lovers, helps to overcome obstacles in love, strengthens spiritually and physically.

It makes sense to talk about the properties of black onyx.

Black onyx - magical rarity

Ornaments are most often made from the black variety of onyx. The beauty and brilliance of this stone is complemented by its special properties:

  • gives the ability to "read" the thoughts of others;
  • teaches a person to concentrate and analyze what is happening;
  • makes its owner attractive and pleasant to talk to;
  • promotes the development of public speaking skills;
  • relieves a person from the fear of death;
  • protects from troubles and protects in case of dangers;
  • attracts money, forcing a person to use all available opportunities.

The magical properties of black onyx stone are so strong that it is not recommended for children to wear. The mineral can simply rob them of their normal childhood and make them grow up quickly. This jewelry is for strong and self-confident adults.

Onyx and horoscope

Of the dozen signs of the zodiac, only Pisces cannot take advantage of the magical properties of onyx. Dreamy Pisces do not perceive the energy of the mineral and cannot feel its effect in any way. Black onyx is simply useless for the Pisces zodiac sign, although it does not bring any harm. Everyone else can wear the stone, use its power, with some caution.

The stone of the kings has a really strong energy; it is not recommended for anyone to wear it all the time. Even monarchs wore onyx jewelry only on special occasions.

The color of the stone is the only thing that the representatives of the zodiac signs should keep in mind:

  • Blue - suitable for Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. The stone will help these signs to concentrate, facilitate the choice and return to "heaven" to "earth";
  • Red - suitable for the signs of Fire - Leo, Aries and Sagittarius;
  • White - will complement the complex nature of the Earth signs - Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn;
  • Black - has a beneficial effect on Cancers and Scorpions.

Onyx is designed to help people achieve noble goals and constantly improve. The eleven signs of the zodiac can feel it to the fullest.

Onyx jewelry and talismans

Black onyx stone is a favorite material of jewelers. The mineral is very friendly to any metals and other stones, and the black color gives fertile ground for imagination. The stone of the kings is perfectly combined with silver, which enhances its properties. Black onyx with pearls or rock crystal looks good. These stones slightly soften the strong energy of "shoham". A great option for a talisman is a silver bracelet with a black stone.

Colored onyx is also a fertile material for jewelry and amulets. In the form of a pyramid, a green stone with orange stripes looks good. This talisman will save you from reckless actions and is able to turn any negotiations into a pleasant conversation, which will certainly be productive and conflict-free.

Blue Onyx is a material for necklaces, earrings and signet rings. The decoration will benefit health and make the owner irresistible to those around him.

White onyx works perfectly in the form of animal figurines.

One of the most interesting and popular stones is onyx. It is appreciated not only for its unusual appearance, but also for its strong therapeutic qualities. In this article - in detail about which medicinal properties of onyx used in everyday life.

Onyx is a semi-precious stone that is a type of agate. It has an unusual appearance: flat-parallel stripes, usually in the range from white to black. This stone is a powerful talisman and a real home doctor.

Basic properties of onyx

For a long time, onyx was credited with the ability to strengthen the strength of the spirit of a person, as well as to acquire power over people, so onyx was used as a talisman by leaders and leaders. Onyx tends to clarify the mind of its owner and improve his memory, and he makes indecisive and shy people more relaxed and confident. But at the same time, onyx is also capable of soothing, taking away excess energy that interferes with enjoying life. He also brings good luck in married life.

The main sphere of influence of onyx on a person lies in the area of ​​the solar plexus - it is this energy and physical center of the human body that is most susceptible to the influence of the stone.

The healing properties of onyx

  • The healing properties of onyx are very strong. This stone has a positive effect on the emotional state of a person, is able to heal the nervous system, relieve stress and improve sleep. Onyx relieves memory problems and helps to concentrate better.
  • Onyx is a good remedy for combating various inflammations: the stone is simply applied to sore spots and tumors. In general, onyx is called a stone concentrator: it is able to "draw out" the diseases of its owner. So, with colic, this stone is placed on the stomach.
  • Products made of onyx have a beneficial effect on hearing, sharpening it - this effect will be especially strong if you often wear earrings with this mineral.
  • For those who constantly work at the computer, onyx is useful for healing and resting the eyes: in the interval between work, the stone is placed on the eyelids for 5-10 minutes.
  • If onyx is set in silver and always carried with you, it strengthens the heart and relieves heart disease, as well as prevents diseases of the circulatory system. In particular, in order to improve the activity of the heart, it is recommended to wear a pendant with a stone, in the range of which a red tint prevails.
  • In general, if onyx is constantly worn on the body, it relieves various diseases of the internal organs: it heals the kidneys and liver especially effectively, helps to eliminate problems with the intestines and bladder. With a tendency to rheumatic diseases, onyx is worn in the solar plexus region - it heals the joints and gives energy. Black onyx is especially useful in this sense.
  • An onyx talisman helps to strengthen and improve the spine, reduces ailments in meteorological people. The stone helps to heal headaches and dizziness, it is especially useful for this purpose to apply onyx pyramids to the forehead. It is also a good prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx.
  • Onyx is also useful for men's health, as it helps to increase potency, and therefore improves the ability to fertilize. In addition, onyx helps to establish a woman's sex life, while also helping to cure infertility.
  • Onyx is worth paying attention to those who suffer from obesity: if you drink water from an onyx bowl, it helps to reduce appetite.
  • Since one of the medicinal properties of onyx is to absorb the ailments of its owner, from time to time it is recommended to cleanse it of them by rinsing it under running water.

Especially for the site "Stone Magic"

Onyx - which of us has not heard of this stone?
One of the most famous and most beautiful minerals on Earth.

From the ancient Greek "onyx", it means "nail". Indeed, the shine and "layered" striped pattern of the mineral resembles a nail.

There are at least two types of onyx - black onyx and marble onyx. These two minerals differ not only in their appearance, but also in their composition.

Onyx black

Black onyx is a type of agate. The stone is black or black with white stripes.

Onyx is considered a valuable ornamental stone; it has been used in jewelry for many centuries. stunningly beautiful - the charcoal color favorably sets off the delicate skin, emphasizes the correct facial features and the beauty of the eyes. In addition, cameos, all kinds of figurines, etc. are carved from black onyx. The best examples of black onyx are mined in Egypt on the Arabian Peninsula. Also deposits of black onyx are located in India, Brazil, Uruguay, USA.

An ancient Greek myth tells about the origin of the name of the stone: the God of love Eros played in infancy, shooting his quick arrows from a bow. Once he played so much that he shot an arrow towards his sleeping mother Aphrodite. The arrow grazed her nails and the severed pieces fell to the ground. The gods of Olympus, of course, forgave little Eros' pranks, and the pieces of Aphrodite's nails were turned into a beautiful onyx stone, so the body parts of the gods should not be scattered around the world.

There are multiple references to the legendary onyx in biblical stories. Onyx is one of 12 stones that adorned the confidant of the Jewish high priest. The throne of King Solomon is decorated with luxurious black onyxes.

The ancient Egyptians revered this stone as sacred. On the excavations of Egyptian temples, all kinds of objects and decorations made of this stone are still found. The South African Aztecs actively used black onyx in sacred rituals and numerous ceremonies. Ancient Indians revered black onyx as a stone of luck and material well-being.

A luxurious black stone attracts all rays from the surrounding space. Its velvety black depth absorbs all shades of the color palette. The physical body of black onyx and the aura are very powerful. Followers of Buddhism have long turned their attention to the strong energy of black onyx and its effect on the body. Black onyx beads and necklaces are worn to cleanse and activate the heart chakra (solar plexus). It is this energy center that produces that protective energy that strengthens the aura and repels external influences and aggressive attacks.

The energy of black onyx will help weak-willed people. It increases resistance to harmful addictions, helps to concentrate on important things in psychologically difficult moments. This stone boosts self-esteem. It will be very useful for slow and scattered people who always postpone everything and experience a constant lack of strength and energy to conduct their affairs. For timid and indecisive people, black onyx gives additional determination to action.

The energy of black onyx is incredibly useful to everyone who finds it very difficult to defend their borders from deceitful and selfish people who set up their "nets" and try to use everyone in their own interests. Black onyx bestows wisdom and acts as a protector. Sometimes aggression from the outside inflicts a strong blow on the psyche: thoughts begin to get confused, destructive processes are instantly embraced. Thanks to black onyx, one can feel detachment from a conflict situation, clarify consciousness and thinking. Strong vibrations of black onyx help to separate oneself from the negative destructive background and find a way out in this situation. The energy of the stone helps to act effectively, to do the right things.

The tangible effect of onyx energy can be felt using the simplest beads or necklace. Blues, melancholy, depression scatter instantly, as soon as your body is decorated with this stone. You will immediately feel the powerful, elastic vibrations of the mineral, the concentration of attention will increase, all the senses will be sharpened. 10 minutes of contact with black onyx is enough to relieve a headache or tune in to painstaking attentive work.

Black Onyx is a good teacher. It helps its owner to feel their vibrations and learn to distinguish them from others. In addition, black onyx teaches empathy. And most importantly, black onyx helps its owner become a “teacher” himself and provide assistance to insecure people with fragile or traumatized psyche. The owner of black onyx knows how to increase his vibrations and knows how to help others in this.

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The main property and mission of black onyx is the ability to separate a traumatic experience from a healthy human psyche, turn off destructive processes, and block negativity and stressful conditions. Black onyx enhances the personal vibrations of its owner, helps him overcome all difficulties and find the right solutions.

Magical properties
Magicians believed that black onyx is a "stone-dog" that always stands guard and protects the space of its owner from energy attacks. Black agate accumulates energy in itself, moreover, it takes on all the negative from the owner's aura, as well as fears and all negative background that prevents a person from progressively developing.

Since ancient times, magicians have been using black onyx as a powerful protective talisman against love spells and dry spells. The owner of an onyx pendant cannot be bewitched. You can also remove a love spell with the help of black onyx. Onyx amulets protect from the curses of black sorcerers. It is believed that a ring with black onyx saves its owner from death, relieves laziness, chronic fatigue syndrome, and excessive melancholy.

Black onyx protects from external aggression, attempts, from sudden death. This stone saves the elderly from loneliness and trouble.

Jewelry with a stone is considered ideal talismans for businessmen - they bring success in commercial projects, attract the respect of others, contribute to the successful outcome of business negotiations, help in completing all the work begun, develop strong-willed qualities, self-control and self-criticism, communication skills and public speaking skills. Back in the Middle Ages, it was believed that black onyx awakens ambition and business activity in its owners.

An important magical property of black onyx is the development of leadership qualities; it is a stone of winners that increases self-esteem, adds self-confidence. The energy of black agate eliminates unnecessary illusions and suspiciousness. Adds assertiveness, resistance to stress, determination. Helps you focus on specific tasks.

Since black onyx is capable of concentrating energy in large volumes, the mineral has been used since ancient times as a talisman among priests and other representatives of the clergy.

For adventurers and overly addicted natures, black onyx will do a good job: it will add prudence and a healthy attitude to life. In ancient times, black onyx was considered "the guardian of its owner, saving him from fire and madness."

More than other signs of the zodiac, black onyx is suitable for Scorpions, Capricorns, Taurus and Virgo.

Medicinal properties
Black Onyx is an excellent healer. The energy of the stone "pulls out" all ailments and diseases from the body. Mineral has established itself as an effective pain reliever. Plates or stones of black onyx are applied to the head, stomach and other parts of the body that are in pain. In the old days, talismans and jewelry with black onyx were applied to the stomach to get rid of colic. Also, black onyx helps relieve inflammation.

Onyx is recommended for those who suffer from circulatory disorders. Set in silver, black onyx helps with pain in the heart. Black onyx is very useful for those who suffer from insomnia: you just need to put on a necklace or bracelet made of black onyx at night. The powerful and measured energy of the mineral soothes and "lulls".

Black onyx improves and sharpens hearing, strengthens memory. Black onyx beads have a beneficial effect on the spine, muscles and bones. Black onyx accelerates the healing of bone fractures. It is recommended to wear jewelry with it for those who are cold all the time, who always have cold feet.

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An excellent assistant is black onyx, as already mentioned, in case of nervous disorders. The strong vibrations of onyx are soothing and positive. Onyx is considered one of the best saviors against depression. This stone helps to instantly recognize foreign destructive vibrations and to resist in time, relieve stress and quickly neutralize it. To combat depression, it is very good to combine black onyx with other minerals - rock crystal, rose quartz, jasper, pearls, lapis lazuli, hematite, aventurine.

Onyx marble

Marble onyx is a very "picturesque" mineral, amazingly beautiful stone. In its appearance, it is radically different from black onyx. Not only in color, but also in their characteristics and properties.

The name "marble" itself does not reliably reflect the chemical composition of the stone. This type of onyx has nothing to do with marble. Marble onyx is a banded aggregate of calcite or aragonite. For its "sandy" color, this mineral is called "Egyptian alabaster", "cave onyx", "alabaster onyx", "Mexican onyx". The spectrum of shades of marble onyx is very rich. Natural marble onyxes are milky white, beige, brown, brown-black, golden yellow, pink, amber, orange, red, light green, dark green, pale blue, blue onyx.

Deposits of marble onyx are found all over the world, but most of all - in Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt, Mexico, Pakistan, Turkey. At the same time, in different parts of the world, marble onyx has its own specific color: Azerbaijani onyxes are the lightest, Turkmen onyxes are densely colored. Onyx is also mined in small quantities in Russia: in the Krasnodar and Krasnoyarsk Territories. Russian onyx is distinguished by pleasant and very rich honey and honey-brown shades.

By the nature of the pattern, marble onyxes are divided into striped, uniform, spotted, veined. Separately, it should be noted the beautiful "banding" of marble quartz - these are whole pictures on the surface of the stone, picturesque patterns and sophisticated drawings! And even "banding" is of several types - rectilinear, wavy or concentric.

Marble onyx has one peculiarity - it is not strong enough, brittle mineral (3-4 units on the Mohs scale). under no circumstances should it be dropped or subjected to any mechanical stress. It is recommended to be protected from any impact!

Today jewelry jewelry made of marble onyx is very popular - the stone is luxurious and affordable. But this was not always the case. At the dawn of mankind and many centuries later, marble onyx was widely used in artistic crafts. It was used to make interior decor, objects of religious cults. Ancient Indian rulers drank wine from goblets carved from marble onyx. As it is told in the ancient Indian scriptures: "Whoever drinks from such glasses, love and fun between them became stronger." Mexican Indians made vessels from this mineral, which were used during sacrifices.

Marble onyx was also highly valued in Ancient Egypt. For example, during the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun, a stunningly beautiful lamp made of marble onyx was found. The handles of the lamp are skillfully decorated with hieroglyphs, and when a fire was lit in it, the exquisite walls seemed to "come to life", images of the pharaoh and his servants appeared on them. Already in those days, people knew about the magical properties of marble onyx and actively used them: they protected themselves from slander, the evil eye and black magic, as well as to attract the sympathy of others.

The premises, the decoration of which is made of marble onyx, amaze with their beauty and sophistication. Therefore, marble onyx has been used for thousands of years in temple construction. In the Jerusalem Temple of Solomon, the walls are made precisely of marble onyx, since the stone is light and it seems as if the stone transmits light. Since then, it is believed that marble onyx has unique magical properties. Bowls, vases and other household items were carved from marble onyx. People believed that the mineral cleanses the aura of the house from negative energy, from the invasion of alien vibrations and protects everyone at home from dangers.

This stone was considered powerful and truly royal. The sarcophagus of Ulugbek, an ancient Asian ruler, is carved from light-colored marble onyx.