Ditties couplets. Russian folk ditties

Somehow I sailed along the Irtysh (or along Lovati?)
And I met the Kalmyk woman naked very handy.
Oh, the task is not easy - to conquer the Kalmyk woman!
But I got the master key out of my panties just in time.

Where Baikal splashes (such a lake),
I amused the Cuban woman with what is at hand ...
I am grateful to fate that my Cuban
She took me to her place!

One night on the steep bank of the Amur
The girls gazed at the Herd of Bonivour.
There I noticed two young Tuvans
And stayed with them all night between halves.

One night on the Oka River, on an empty barge
I gently crumpled the Chuvash's chest in my hand.
We sat down on the mattress, rolled the mash ...
And the dream (seven times) of a young Chuvashka came true.

Once in broad daylight in Krakow (on the Vistula)
The legs of the polka dangled over my shoulders.
The feed of the long-legged polka was good!
By the morning I went crazy, pushing the slices.

And once in the spring somewhere on the Danube
I met a German woman mentally ill.
I buried myself in it like a mole and bit like a horsefly ...
A German woman defended her degree in about a year.

One night a longboat was sailing along the waves of the Euphrates.
In it, I just taught the Kazakh woman to debauchery.
I aimed my device at a young Kazakh woman ...
The Kazakh woman still has her legs wide open.

The Nile spreads wide downstream ...
There I persuaded the Bashkir woman to porn entertainment.
It was the ninth wave! .. I am Bashkir by morning
Barely tore from himself by the scruff of his neck!

Once on the Limpopo river, which is known to children,
I met a typist from our depot,
That stood in the way, leaning low ...
I couldn't get past the typist!

Somehow near a wasteland, somewhere on the Hudson,
I was picking a Buryat woman in the erogenous zone.
And an arrow of love entered the heart of that Buryat ...
The next morning she could not go out to exercise.

Once on Lake Huron (or on Huron?)
I drove my cartridge into the chamber for an Uzbek woman.
An Uzbek woman rushed from me with all her might ...
But in vain - I could not afford to misfire.

Past a quiet village on the Ohio River
The Swede swam naked, and even naked!
It's a pity, her mother, that she's so Swedish
It can be extremely rare on the way!

Once a Japanese woman under a bush on the Izhora river
She sang "Waltz Boston" in B flat major.
Oh, what an alluring look that Japanese woman had ...
Since then, both of my membranes have been hurting.

A huge crocodile swam down the river Elbe,
Where I spent combat firing with a Czech woman ...
And two days ago at the mouth of the Rio Grande
The Ethiopian was kneading the tonsils about me.

Once a Karelian came to me and brought a Karelian.
I warmed up a whole plate for her ...
On the bend of the Ob, somewhere closer to the night
I loved that Karelian very much outside the box.

Once in Kolyma (or Ilmen?)
I fucked nanaiku her deer too.
Oh, I'll leave in the spring in the wilds of the Amazon!
Finns and Estonians lingered there for me.

Chastushki, replenished by you, our dear lovers of original folk art.Send them and we will definitely publish them.
The publication of ditties will be laid out in alphabetical order.
If you are the author of ditties, we will definitely publish them with attribution in a separate directory.Swearing ditties are not welcome.
You can send your publication here. We are waiting for your ditties !!!

And the girls are darlings
No need to argue.
The guys will choose themselves
Who needs what.

And how are the Borkinski guys
Brave men are so brave.
We ran three kilometers -
The sheep were frightened.

And my dear cheated on me

Thought I was dead.
My dear, your betrayal
I threw it from the bridge into the river.

And my dear cheated on me
I went to Crimea on a goat,
And I didn't give a swing,
I caught up with the cow.

And my dear cheated on me
Says: "Not young!"
And I found one for myself
That the priest has a beard.

And my dear cheated on me
I stand and laugh:
For treason to you, dear,
I'll pay three kopecks.

And my rival

Tall and thin.

Just pull the string -

The balalaika is ringing.

And my rival
Tall and thin.
Just pull the string -
The balalaika is ringing.

Don't push me to the birch,
You don’t waste your labors.
Don't think, I'm not stupid.
Let's get married - tady.

Oh you, my boobs,

Each pood.

I ate cottage cheese

And I will not walk.

Oh, my mother-in-law -

Worse fever:
I cooked cabbage soup, spilled it,
I scalded my heels.

Oh, you, Vanya, dear Vanya,
You slept through your happiness:
How many times did I give you
You never hit!

Ah, I stamped
And I did not stamp.
I ate half a meal of gingerbread
And I did not burst.

Ah, my shoes
The nose is lacquered.
What girls, what women -
The same!

Oh you, my dear,

You pray badly to God.

Will you marry me

You are around the world

Ah, mother-in-law-lyuli,
Grease the pancakes.
And son-in-law is shit
Haven't been for a long time!

Oh you, dear Nadia,

You are my little sister.

I'll put on a blue dress -

I'll lure my dear.

Ah, my skirt -

Four shuttlecocks.
I want to sleep at home
I want from Ivan.

Ahaha! Ahaha!
Whose daughter-in-law will I be ?!
Who will be my fiance ?!
Oh! I will torment them!

Show grandmas danced

And twisted the priests.

The men were laughing loudly

And they clapped their ears.

Balalaichka, shout,
Ori until dawn.
I will part with my dear
do not tell anybody

Berezinochka was cut down,
And they left the stump.
They beat off the little berry,
An orphan was left.

Poor Gena the crocodile

I pinched the eggs in the doorway.

The eggs crashed to the floor -

The game of football began.

Throw, friend, think about thinking
You can't recover from a thought.
You will only lose weight worse
You will stay a little alive.

Your field is green
Our field is greener.
Our girls are better than yours
And they walk more fun.

In the city of Kalyazin
the girls jinxed us,
If we had not been jinxed,
we wouldn't get off them.

Branch above, branch below

A sprig of raspberry.
I love you hard, I rarely see
Beloved boy.

The winemaker has a profit.
It's not in vain that he says:
“Eight liters from a pood,
Everything burns to a drop. "

I have one teenager in the elevator

He offered to touch the pager.

The elevator shook for three minutes ...

The pager is great! But, fine print.

On our wedding night

The master volunteered to help
After all, it is not for nothing that they say:
"The master's work is afraid."
It happened that I gave

Four times a day

And now my little girl

She went to the ballot.

In the garden, on the currant

I found a note.
And the note says:
"Our love is gone"

Thank you, we played,

Yes, and I got drunk.
Young went on a spree
Glory has endured.

In a hurry he washed away again,

My darling Ilya.

The husband did not stay in the pad:

More linen!

I will stand on a steep mountain,

I stand on the ice.
Are you coming today, drolechka?
No fun alone.

Get up mamma early
Walk around the yard.
There the path is trodden,
They said to me.

All the trailers are green

And the last one is blue.

Is it on this carriage

Has mine gone dear?

I go out to the middle
I'm starting to imagine.
I have four brothers
All went to give birth.

You listen to me
I will sing ditties:
A hare is sitting on a birch
A bear is steaming in the bath!

Came out with a nice little bobble:
He suddenly ran home.
And in bed - a darling!
And, of course, with me ...

I go out and sing along
The first song to myself
And the second is about the shuttle,
About gray eyes.

Went out to dance

Grandma Lukerya,

Where there was no hair

Stuck feathers

Get married girls

For Ivan Kuzin!
Ivan Kuzin's
Large corn.

This summer, this summer

Didn't wear a bulletproof vest.

As a result, this summer

They shot this and that!

Accordion player, accordion player,

Put me underneath.

I'll get up and take a look

Am I lying well.

We have a good accordion player,

Like a scarlet flower

The biggest, the big accordion,

And the little finger is small.

Accordion player, accordion player
I will respect you.
I'll buy a jug of cottage cheese,
I will smear everything.

To the accordion player for the game
Passenger car,
To take you home
Your dear.

Accordion player, accordion player,
You play well.
Why, accordionist,
Don't walk with us.

The accordion player plays
Blinking eyes.
And I told him to Morgan
Not noticeable to anyone.

To the accordion player for the game
Half a liter of green.
And a flyer for treason
The poisoned poison.

We have a good accordion player,
We have only one accordion player,
Come on girls, let's get together
We'll give it one by one.

I loved the accordionist.
Didn't hit for him.
Not enough capital
At my daddy's.

We have a good accordion player,
Only darling is not mine.
I would stand all night
I didn’t think about going home.

We have only one accordion player,
balalaeshnik one.
Let's get together girls
and we will give it for you!

Accordion player, accordion player,
put me down!
I'll get up and take a look
Am I lying well?

Accordion player, accordion player -
The cone is violet,
The girls don't give you
Only because of this.

We don't have accordionists,
We are not lost.
If you need to sing songs,
We can cope without them.

The accordionist fell in love
I thought it was a joke.
And now my heart hurts
Every minute.

Where are my seventeen years old
Where is my jacket,
Where are my three gentlemen
Kolya, Vitya, Yurochka.

My eyes, your eyes
Why did they fall in love?
By the porch, by the railing
Remember what you said.

They say Adam and Eve
The first fruit was plucked from the tree.
Me and my little one together
We tear them all, and tear, and tear ...

They say I'm fighting

Combat not quite ...

I gave everyone on Monday

And on Thursday I didn’t give it to everyone!

The old woman says to her grandfather:

- I'm going to America.

I will enter a brothel

I will live by my labor.

They say that I'm an old woman
Only I can't believe it.
Look at me,
Everything in me is moving!

I say jokingly to Kolya:
Are you, Kohl, a werewolf, or what?
He growled, tail between his legs,
The dense man ran away into the forest.

She spoke to a voice:
"Do not be heard in the woods."
Rejoice, my voice,
Sweetheart parted with me.
Blue pigeons
Have a sweet eye.
They cut zealous
Worse than a sharp knife.
They said, they said
I bewitched the guys.
Ask cute mov
Have I bewitched him?

Say what you want
And whoever wants.
I loved, I will love
And love won't end

They spoke, bayali,
Me, my dear, they found fault.
And I went to the show -
It turned out to be better than you.

They say they ate potatoes
Colorado beetles.
Let's do without potatoes
If only there were men.

The old woman says to her grandfather:
- I'm going to America.
I will enter a brothel
I will live by my labor.

I say jokingly to Kolya:
"Are you, Kohl, a werewolf, or what?"
He growled, tail between his legs,
The dense man ran away into the forest.
They say that I am energetic.
True, there is little.
I will settle with the berry
In a short time.

They say that I am energetic.
True, there is little.
I will settle with the berry
In a short time.

They say that it is fighting.
Well, the truth is - a swashbuckler!
From me, from fighting,
The gate climbed to the corner.

Vanechka told me:
“Love me, matanechka!
After all, I value you.
If you want, I'll order a fur coat! "

They say I'm ugly.
I am not a beauty either.
But everyone loves beautiful
Who will like who.

Blue buckets gave
And they sent for water.
It's not fun to live without love
One girl.

Blue blanket
Doves all over the bed.
The guys have such a fashion -
To beat the girls for treason.

White girls
Go to the party.
And how women will be,
Forget the partying.

The girls ran on the ice
Have caught a cold nonsense.
And without this nonsense -
And neither there, nor here.

Girls don't give anymore
All the guys are loafers.
A mass worker came to us
With such an entertainer!

The girls walked through the woods
And they caught a hare.
All day they searched
Where the hare has eggs.

The doctor will give you an enema
And the diagnosis - maybe.
Don't look reproachfully
What can’t be joking?

Village boys
It hurts too much to force:
Instead of seeds in your pocket
They began to wear a mirror.

Girls show off
Do not bother to love guys.
They have cold hearts
They cannot love to the end.

Girls fall in love
Deal with the guys.
Which are beautiful
Those same fluttering ones.

Girls, there is wind in the field,
Girls, there is smoke in the field.
Girls don't trust
Oh, young guys.

My dear, Galya,
Don't love the young.
They forget quickly
And they give birth to new ones.

Come on, Nina, let's start
For a new boyfriend.
High, beautiful,
Yes, black-browed

My girlfriend is dear,
I didn't think to fight back.
I went to your snatch
Jokingly talk.

The girl is not grass
Will not grow up without a slave.
As the girl grows up -
So the Slavushka will pass.

Girls are whites
Sit in my sleigh.
I'm a boy Lenechka
I'll pump it quietly.

Santa Claus came home
Irritable and angry:
Because at the banquet,
They didn't pour the stirrup!

Santa Claus hardly drinks
But on the New Year's Eve
He gets so drunk that the trouble is:
All my beard is in Olivier!

Santa Claus brought us gifts
Three, came out from under the arch:
They want to take away the bag
Grandfather took out an "electric shock".

Show me faithful
That you are faithful
I am confident in myself:
Verified by many

My dear mother-in-law
Pour a glass for your son-in-law!
If you pour a glass,
You will live a year longer!

Give me a wider circle
Dear girls.
I will tell all the sorrow
With the damned betrayer.

There are many girls, many girls,
The girls have nowhere to go.
I'll put them in a cart
And I'm going to sell.

The big bell was rang
They are bringing their friend to the wedding.
Give, mother, sleepy drops,
I'm going to sleep with annoyance.

Sing your girlfriend a song
Sing along, it's easy for you.
Well, but I don't sing -
The inlet is far away.

Sincere friend
We are friendly with you.
The guys don't walk with us,
We don't need them.

Ruined my youth
Since the age of seventeen.
Has brought me to a party
Bleeding Love.

Gold is my ring -
There is a trial and a seal on it.
Who lured my heart
Here is the answer.

Wife to husband in bed foolishly
She showed me a sex brochure.
He could not figure it out himself,
Good - the neighbor helped.

I'm waiting for Santa Claus
A rich groom
He will give without question
My fur coat is shaggy.

If I eat porridge
A pipiska will grow.
So daddy tells me
And to my sister - about boobs.

If you get undressed once,
You will involuntarily cry out.
Undress once, undress twice,
And then you will get used to it.

From behind the forest you can hardly see -
The guys are coming to us for a walk.
Chicken heads,

Water is pouring from the well
Not water, but kerosene
Where to find such a guy
So that you do not ask before the wedding!

It was interesting to listen
At the fly under the window,
How relatives answered:
"We will definitely take it."

Kolya, dear, Kolya, dear
Do not marry Kolya by force.
Give him free rein
Choose the bride yourself.

Where, dear, harness
White-maned horse -
Or woo a rich woman?
Take me first.

Brown eyes
We stood by the pine tree.
Stood - smiled
They waited for the sweetheart.

My dear rarely comes to me,
Rarely, rarely, rarely.
And for a rare date
It's easy to forget him.

Our gentlemen are fashionable
They are not good for anywhere,
Give a whisk in your hands -
Drive rats through the barns.

My dear rarely comes to me,
Rarely, rarely, rarely.
And for a rare date
It's easy to forget him.

My darling
Not visible from the grass.
If only it was good
It was not offensive.

Shop, rolling shop,
Don't sit with me rich.
Poor but sweet
Sit on the bench with me.

My darling once
Sleep lay on the mattress
And I couldn't sleep either
So the child was born.

My dear gave me
Gold watch.
And I had to
Jump on the mattress.

My dear, you will go home
Is Dawn studying?
Darling looks at me
Smiles tenderly.

I walked past the kindergarten
The branch hung.
Sweetheart kissed me
I didn't dare him.

My dear and I were walking
People didn't notice.
Two birches stood
There were witnesses for us.

Sweetheart accompanied me
To the blue polisade.
I spent, kissed:
"Goodnight honey".

We sat with a fly
On the woodpile by the firewood.
The woodpile fell apart,
And love ended.

I cheated on the fly
I said, "Well, well!
I have such good
Eight by eight. "

I was told at the bazaar:
"Guys are cheap these days.
Piglet is a whole bunch -
The very good ones. "

You and me, my friend,
We began to walk together.
Together they got cute
Let's forget together.

My husband bought my not an infection -
Ointment with the name "Klerosil".
All pimples disappeared at once,
Even the one that was needed

We sang ditties to you
99 times !!!
Really for the hundredth time
Nobody will give us vodka?

Dear Kolya, I'm in love
Sweet Ring in you.
I forgot how much it was
I can not forget you.

My dear hovered in the bath,
Fiercely whipped with a broom,
And it came to sex with us,
He said he was tired.

Mom, tea, mom, tea
Mommy tea with milk.
I'm not happy with myself
That she's got involved with a fool!

We sat next to my dear,
They spoke hotly:
She knocked out my teeth
I dislocated her shoulder.

Darling doesn't kiss me
Only promises.
And love without kisses
Strictly prohibited!

My handkerchief, flyer,
Teach me to fly
Higher and lower
To see sweetheart.

Sweetheart accompanied me
All the way he shook his hand!
Here is damned love -
The whole arm is crumpled!

Gave me a cute gift
Four mandalas.
Well, what will I feed them with?
They are so tiny!

My darling once
I lay down to sleep on the mattress,
I couldn't sleep either
So the child was born

Dear, yes, darling,
Honey, how are you there, niche?
Well, if you are niche,
Then come on ischo!

It's time for the young to go to bed
Well, we need to worry
And to suffer with the question:
Will they all succeed?

My darling in the evening
He bragged about the accordion.
There would have been something else
He would go to the girls.

Just touch my Dasha -
Everything burns like fire!
Because I'm with her in a haystack
I can't hug.

Call my darling Marinka,
Handles - legs like blades.
I love her in the country,
I am almost crying out of pity ...

Me cute first time
On the porch, on the ladder.
And I got up and dusted myself off
And she sang songs!

My darling, my darling
Don't lay your back on me
And lie down on your chest
Get your weapon out.

My darling gave birth
A bow-legged girl.
Well, her mother's children -
After all, it is not for her to go to the army.

We will not drink vodka
We will save money
And let's save up five rubles,
Let's drink vodka again.

Darling doesn't kiss me
Says: "I'm afraid of fasting."
And love without kisses -
What a cow without a tail!

My darling, like a calf,
Everything will not grow into a bull.
No, so that growth would go to the root,
This is how some horns grow ...

My darling is like a calf
Curly like a ram
I won't put him anywhere,
I will not cut, I will not sell!

My darling
Frozen on the stove
And I'm running around
I do nothing.
My darling, like a calf,
There is only one difference:
My darling drinks from a mug
And the calf from the bucket.

Sweetheart accompanied me
To the nut bush,
And from the nut bush
I rode on my bottom.

My dear cheated on me
And I told him:
In white slippers in a coffin
I've seen you.

Darling doesn't kiss me
He says: Then, then,
I come, and he is on the stove
Trains with a cat.

Sweetheart stopped loving me
I went to Crimea on a goat.
And I didn't give a swing,
I caught up with the cow.

Darling doesn't kiss me
says - lipped.
How am I kissing him
Big-eyed eagle owl.

Darling doesn't kiss me
She says she is small.
Come big fool
I’ll be on the heap.

Darling doesn't kiss me
Oh, what a fine fellow he is,
He has his big lips
Preserves on jellied meat.

My darling got sick
Eats nothing.
I put bast shoes on my ears
And listens to the radio.

My darling got sick
I stopped drinking vodka.
And she wrote on the door
"Don't enter without half a liter."
I don't need a pound of peas,
And one pea.
I don't need a lot of girls
And one good one.

My darling is not stupid
Wrapped me in a sheepskin coat
I rolled it against the wall,
He tried to persuade him to get married.

My sweetheart has thighs
Forty eight acres,
No pants and no shirt
I worked alone.

My darling is not stupid
Wrapped me in a sheepskin coat
I rolled it against the wall,
He tried to persuade him to get married.

We know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad.
It is interesting to listen to
Who doesn't know any.

My darling is small
Slightly higher boots,
She puts herself in little shoes,
As the bubble will inflate.

There are two flowers on the window:
Blue and scarlet.
I will not give to a dear,
He will take it himself - not a small one!

Don't walk down the hallway
Do not knock with galoshes.
I will not love anyway -
Muzzle like a horse.

Fedya did not close it once
There are both taps in the bathroom,
To remind all neighbors
About the fate of the Titanic.

There is a pine tree on the table
Under the baobab mountain
Strange look at the pig
When he looks at the women.

In the village on a dark night
All paths are dark.
The guy takes the girl away,
And the intentions are clear.

Do not like urban ones -
They are all walking
Only the village ones -
The girls are real.

There are two flowers on the window -
Gladiolus and rosean.
If a sweetheart is cheating,
I'll guess at times!

Our Tanya is crying loudly -
So it was showing off.

Seen enough of the porn grandfather,
Grandfather started fooling around,
Country Grannies
They hide in the closets.

The night passed quietly
Month illuminated the wall.
My darling accompanied me
He sighed heavily.

There are no branches below,
There is nowhere to pick an apple.
There is no dear one closer
There is no one to say a word with.

Won't it ascend
Sun over the porch?
Won't it come
My dear with a ring?

I stood on a hillock,
I admired the forest.
I walked with him for four years,
But they parted.

They wanted to beat us,
They didn't run into those.
We have a driver's flight
We sat down and left.

The village does not dry me
Dries the middle.
Where my sweetheart lives
Little orphan boy.

Do not go, dear, in the garden,
Don't break the acacia.
About you and me
They started a provocation.

Don't sit down, honey, on the contrary,
I wouldn’t look at you.
I'm afraid the slave will be laid
About you and me.

The tag says:
You are mine, and I am yours:
Let the parents get married
Then I will believe.

I will not go but not get married,
Stay single.
Buy a swamp shealy,
Take a walk with my sister.

A sad week -
I don't see my friend.
Doesn't play talyanochka,
No voice is heard.

Today is too rainy day
Clouds go low.
I saw my dear
Only from afar.

Go on a date -
I'll stop halfway.
Oh, what a long way to go!
And not to go - it's a pity to fly.

They talked about me,
They laughed at him.
And we are a fighting couple,
They were not afraid of laughter.

Our field is rocky -
Do not dig grooves.
At least walk more quietly -
Do not live without a slave.

There is no curly Christmas tree,
There is no green birch.
I don’t have a drollya to my liking,
I'll go home, girl.

There is a flower on the table
Like a velvet girl.
I walk without a sweetheart
Like an orphan.

I miss not tea
And I don't want tea,
I miss the occasion
I want to see the darling.

I visited the bazaar -
I sold my breasts.
I was given fifty
Well, fuck them, let them hang!

Do not marry girls,
Married is sad -
I didn't wash my panties
It didn't hang like that.

On a meadow by the river
Ducks quack loudly.
Sweetheart knocked me down
Only the earrings clink.

Don't scold me mother
That she fell under the chauffeur.
You yourself told me
Heat up for firewood.

Do not take from your mother-in-law in a barrel
You are salty mushrooms.
So that with a smile on your lips
Do not sit in the bushes afterwards.

We do not wish you money -
You will earn them yourself

The main thing is that the house is standing.

Do not like urban ones -
They are all walking
Only the village ones -
The girls are real.

I was at the resort
Oh how I liked it
8 beds broke
And went home.

Don't walk down the hallway
Do not knock with galoshes.
I will not love anyway -
Muzzle like a horse.

Don't grab my chest
Your hand is cold.
Oh, you fucking kids -
What a noble one.

Don't get married guys
Don't play the fool:
I got married, took no boobs,
And now without milk.

A crow sits on an oak tree
The little funnel feeds.
Some razini
I'll beat off my dear.

Don't go girls get married
For Ivan Kuzin:
Ivan Kuzin's
Large corn.

In the yard, a ram yells:
Nobody gives food.
Wait, ram, yell
Let me stand with my dear.

Do not go, girls, get married,
Married bad life:
Husband will not let me into the street,
He will say - go to bed with me.

We do not wish you money -
You will earn them yourself
After all, it's not about money, Vasya, happiness,
The main thing is that the house is standing.

There is a bottle on the table
And in the bottle there is kerosene
Grandfather got angry with grandma
And he did not invite me to the cinema.

I swung on a swing
There is water under the swing.
My dress is blue
I dipped in there.

A ram is yelling in the yard,
Nobody gives food.
Wait ram, yell
Let me stand with Valera.

There is a glass on the table
And in the glass is a lily.
Sweetheart wrote me down
In your last name.

A birch tree grows on the mountain
There is a mountain ash under the mountain.
My dear dziaofan,
And I am a hunweibinochka.

Don't scold me, mommy,
That you spilled sour cream
Alyoshka walked under the window,
I was without memory.

I was in the Caucasus
Spent a noisy time
Before that I got tanned
Even a negro gave birth.

Don't scold me mother,
That you spilled sour cream
Alyoshka walked by the house,
I was without memory.

Dropped my dad from work
On New Years, early boss ...
Dad at the door, and next to mom
Santa Claus is bustling about.

I am a naughty boy
Girls don't like me.
Oh, women love - widows,
Desperate little heads.

Ohhki and ahanki,
All the guys are tiddly.
Because of the bumps, because of the stumps
Not to see our guys.

Oh, Kalinin guys
They have become very fashionable.
The curls themselves curl,
They say they are natural.

Oh, dance a gypsy girl -
Do not cut firewood in the forest.
We need to work with the body,
And kick the fractions.

Oh, dance a gypsy girl -
I need a knitted skirt.
And to walk with the guys -
The mind needs a lot.

Oh my friend
We are with you at one time
They brought in a boyfriend
They run from us.

Oh dear girlfriend
You cannot be attracted by beauty.
Every guy notices
How you behave.

Oh my friend
Don't rely on the guys.
They walk not according to their conscience,
They do not speak from the heart.

Oh dear friend
Do not use one foot.
Nobody sees you off
Me too.

Oh, the dear used to say:
"Love knits nothing."
And now he says:
"Love hurts my heart"

Oh dear girlfriend
Go get dressed.
With your dear, I'll stand
Do not be offended.

Oh dear girlfriend
How not to be offended?
I didn't have time to leave -
They began to kiss.

Oh dear girlfriend
You can't beat me.
I will take your airborne
And you will not be able to escape. \

Oh dear girlfriend
Do not imagine yourself.
About love
There is a bad harvest in my head.

Oh my friend
How much will we sell?
And won't we be ashamed
Stand with him at the bazaar?

Oh dear girlfriend
You and I went around.
They got married in one city,
As if they had conspired.

Oh dear girlfriend
You and I have become equal:
From you and me
Milenki refused.

Oh, darling dear,
How are you doing?
Who do you remember
How does the evening start?

Oh, thanks to the accordion player,
We are already fogged up.
And honestly, to admit -
They wanted to write.

Oh, Semyonovna,
Checkered skirt.
I went to the forest with you -
Made a baby.

The godfather announced to the godfather:
You and I are now relatives
Come when you want
Stay with me.

Oh, fly, dear,
I cherished you.
And now I cherish
Who I spend time with.

Oh, straw, you are straw,
You are white straw
Don't tell, straw,
What did I do in girls.

Oh, my rival,

What pouted lips?

I loved, you beat off

Love my little ones!

Oh, my rival,

How you dressed up

I put on a dirty jacket,

If only I would be ashamed!

Oh, my rival,

All of you have erupted.

Everything will be my way

Not as you wanted!

Oh, my rival,

you killed me!

Crooked mouth, big ears,

In one place it was awl!

Oh, my rival,

Pockmarked, flabby.

Once again you will look at Kolka,

I'll smack my face!

I, you, a rival,

I'll take you to the mill!

I will grind you into flour

And bake cakes!

Oh, my rival,

Shkodno eyes squint.

Knock out my eyes, rip up my nose

Don't go outside!

Oh, my rival,

Bath leaf - stuck!

You only shine like a sheep

Or completely hoarse!

We will sing ditties for you,

Very good.

We are laughter girls

Listen carefully.

Mom asked Lyuda

Wash dirty dishes

For some reason, people became

Also dirty as dishes

I will stop loving

Of your killer whale
I will fly to the moon
I'll lure the sleepwalker.

Tell us what to do,
A statement that eh, submit,
To add pensions
Twenty-five rubles.

Play more fun
Boy from across the river.
And you, Ninochka-companion,
His promptings.

Play more fun
Are you too lazy?
For your funny game
Let's write down the workday.

Play more fun
I like the game.
As I hear, it will play -
The work falls off the hands

We will walk through the village
Let's play the song.
My darling is fast asleep
We will light her up.

Come on, darling, get married
Tears your way.
I'll sew a shirt for love
I will embroider the chest for treason.

I spent it - it became a pity
I stand crying and crying.
Come back, my pretty little one,
I'll give you a handkerchief.

I saw my friend
To a green meadow
To a white pebble
Goodbye, Vanyushka.

I went to dance -
I'm picking bumps.
Happy mothers
Funny daughters.

It's hard to plow
Harrowing is dusty.
It's easy to dance
It's a shame to go out.

My dear friend
I didn’t love the dear
Loved a young heart
Still my youth.

I will look in that direction
Where the green forest is rustling.
Not on the side, but on the sweet
My heart always hurts.

About me, about young,
Eighth glory for the year.
Even though it's the ninth now,
Not guilty of anything.

Wait honey, get married
Let me fix it:
The blanket is not ready
Lying in the chest.

Wait, Volodenka,
I'm still young.
Wait a year or two
I will marry you.

Wait, darling to marry:
Your hut is falling.
First, you dung the firewood,
Then ask for a dowry.

Wait honey, get married
Take a walk down the street:
The feather bed is not yet ready -
Chicken feathers.

Wait honey, get married
Let me fix it:
The blanket is not ready
Lying in the chest.

My dear friend
Look at the blue sky:
Walk without a zip
The longing is unbearable.

Striped shirt,
Striped trousers.
And there is such a thing in trousers -
At least the potatoes are good for her.

Vova was too lazy in the morning
Comb your hair with a comb,
A cow came up to him,
Combed her tongue!

Bitten by a big bulldog
Mother-in-law's skinny leg.
I immediately died from the bite -
Poisoned by my mother-in-law.

Loved Shurochka
For a chrome jacket.
The jacket is worn out
She stepped back from Shurka.

I met a military man
The general introduced himself.
In the morning I went out on the porch -
The general drove the cows.

I fell in love with him
His name is Styopa,
He's in boots, I'm in bast shoes,
Yes, and spank him!

I fell in love with him
He's young for years
Doesn't want to see me home
Afraid of his own mother.

I fell in love with him
And he, the girls, is a radio operator.
He's about love
The wires were cut off.

I fell in love with him
So interesting
Clean it up Lord
Queen Mother of Heaven!

I fell in love with him
He has gray eyes,
By the way, he is not very,
But still - nothing!

Loved Shurochka
For a blue jacket.
The jacket is worn out
She stepped back from Shurka.

I didn't know the breakdown
Here she is, vaunted!
Washes in nine waters
And everything is green!

I didn't know the breakdown
Goblin under the shore carried.
Like pipes and wheels,
A real steam locomotive!

Your interruption
I weigh it on the steelyard.
If six pounds does not pull out -
I will stab to the devil!

Your interruption
I throw my head into the hole
Has endured a lot of glory
Because of such a dirty trick!

Your interruption
Honestly, let me down!
Somewhere, yes to the clearing
I'll put you in an anthill!

I gave a handkerchief
And he demands another.
I have no cooperation,
Flying in dear.

Come to me, flyer,
I'll show you the path.
On curly birches
I'll tie it on the tape.

I'm going to dance
There is nothing to bite at home.
Rusks and crusts
On the legs support.

I fell in love with the accordion player,
Mother scolded me
Don't scold me mother
Cheerful will be the son-in-law.

Early in the morning at the bazaar
Dad got the Christmas tree
The branches did not crawl through the door,
He dismantled the entire roof

Distribute, people,
The dance takes me.
I go ahead -
Grief does not take me.

Unfold the blind gate
Look at my chest.
Blackened my heart
I do not know why.

Fish, fish, fish, fish,
The fish is a pike perch.
Sweetheart changed me
But this is a trifle.

The weather has cleared up
I was annoyed.
My cheeks are on fire -
You know, they poked me up.

One "thank you", two "thank you",
Third - finally,
Thank you, Zhenya-accordion player,
You play great!

One, one - on the mattress,
On a white featherbed.
Do not turn around, mother is vigorous,
And then I'll make a freak!

Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh, play, play it!
Lyubasha has a birthday,
Drink, don't talk!

My darling is somehow foolish
I bought Duru soap.
I will go to the bathhouse with her,
I will be a "fool" to wash a fool.

Masha saw a bear
I was very scared.
I even swore obscenities,
That's how confused.

Don't walk down the hallway
Do not knock with galoshes.
I will not love anyway -
Muzzle like a horse.

I loved the riot police
For an ardent nature:
Where the hand did not reach
Helped with a club.

I gave a sweetheart
Sitting on a bench.
Do not think bad -
I gave seeds.

Came out with a nice little bobble:
He suddenly ran home,
And in bed - a little bit
And, of course, with me.

Volodka has a harmonist
No brains at all
His skull adorns
A bush of spreading horns.

My dear gave me
Gold watch.
And I had to
Jump on the mattress.

Tomatoes ripen
And other vegetables.
Women are fools, women are fools.
And men are bastards.

The old woman says to her grandfather:
Come, my dear, on Wednesday!
And the old man came up with a number -
He took it on Tuesday and died ...

I won't brag, girls:
I will plant, so I will plant.
Though I can't reach my heart
And on the lungs I lead.

The guy is sitting on the fence
Poking my nose
And the goat answers:
I won't get out anyway.

How I grew up and bloomed
Until the age of seventeen,
And at seventeen at a party
I was left without teeth.

We walk through the village
We give out gifts to everyone
To whom - a light slap on the head,
Whom - we'll shove into a puddle!

The girls walked through the woods
And they caught a hare.
All day they searched
Where the hare has eggs.

Why don't you love me
I'm a pretty girl.
So what if the face is on one side,
Everyone likes it in the dark.

What are you dear, what are you dear,
Halberd on the shoulder, -
Broke well
And the shoulder was not injured.

Girls don't give anymore
All the guys are loafers.
A mass worker came to us
With such an entertainer!

We walk through the village
Singing songs
Our girls have brutalized
- Do not give, even burst!

Our Tanya covers meters,
Flying down the stairs.
How a beast she will howl
It will cry like a child.

Fedya did not close it once
There are both taps in the bathroom,
To remind all neighbors
About the fate of the Titanic.

Katya, to slaughter a pig,
She called me to help.
Instead of this murder
We sinned with her all night!

300 northern capital,
Celebrated by the whole country.
And to schools and hospitals
No fucking money.

Like Kuzmich's face
Apparently asking for bricks.
And Kuzmich has a soul
Explicitly asks for the first.

From girlish depression
You shouldn't drink seduxen!
Tractor drivers young
Heal in a haystack!

Yesterday I hinted to Zoika -
Spend the night with her in the bed.
That, feeling my hint,
She didn’t let me on the threshold.

The girls ran on the ice
Have caught a cold nonsense.
And without this nonsense -
And neither there, nor here.

The garbage flew in the sky
Silver metal.
A lot these days
Unidentified bullshit.

My darling hair-eyed
Doesn't get off the toilet
Roll away from haymaking
Desires with diarrhea.

I was making a mistake at the boy,
Oh, young, such!
And it looks completely green
It turned out to be blue.

My darling, my darling
Don't lay your back on me
And lie down on your chest
Get your weapon out.

A friend treated me to Viagra.
So that I surprise my wife.
I could not refuse a friend,
Surprised his wife.

There are two flowers on the window:
Blue and scarlet.
I will not give to a dear,
He will take it himself - not a small one!

Volodka has a harmonist
Jacket for three hundred rubles,
For a gold piece of pies
And for a dime of brains.

I go - she is worth,
Let me ask her:
Let me stick you in
A white rose on your chest?

At a work colleague,
Doshiraki were all the rage.
And now football is with us,
Looks with narrow eyes.

There are two flowers on the window -
Gladiolus and rosean.
If a sweetheart is cheating,
I'll guess at times!

The girl started the accordion,
Eyes shine with love.
I fell in love with the accordion player,
Didn't hold the brakes.

The steamer is beating against the piles,
Captain yells: Forward!
And I'm gouging this
Trust the steamer!

I'm standing with my darling by the river
I listen to the usual.
He asks, but not hands,
And again yesterday.