What is useful and how to use olive oil for the skin of the body. Honey and olive oil. Masks for different skin types

Olive oil is not only a food product that occupies a worthy place in the diet, but also an excellent skin care product. Queen Cleopatra used olive oil to care for her face and body, and the Greek poet Homer praised this product as “liquid gold” due to its wide range of beneficial properties. For several millennia, the elixir has not lost its popularity and is in increasing demand as an ingredient in recipes for facial beauty.

In order to fully experience the beneficial effects of this wonderful product, you need to choose it correctly.

  • There are several ways to produce olive oil, but the best quality can only be obtained by mechanical means. The cold pressed product is accompanied by the inscription on the label "Extra Virgin". Such a product is perfect in its aroma and taste, does not contain additives and preservatives, and all the beneficial properties of the plant are preserved in it. For facial care, it is better to choose this particular category.
    The varieties Olio vergine and Olio di sansa di oliva are made from the seeds of the fruit and the remnants of the pulp, it is used for frying, and Refined olive oil (refined) is refined, almost all useful elements are lost during production.
  • When buying, you should pay attention to the presence of the DOP / IGP / PDO mark. Each of them means that production and packaging are carried out in the same geographical area. This has a positive effect on quality.
  • “Age”, on the other hand, impairs the properties of this product. If a large oil consumption is not planned, it is better to choose a small container, since after five months from the date of production, the benefits begin to fade away.
  • It is important to store the product correctly. A dry, dark place that is protected from too high or low temperatures is best for this, for example, a kitchen cabinet shelf that is not in contact with the stove.

Folk remedies recipes with olive oil

Facial cleansing can be done only with olive oil or using it as a peeling component.

  • The easiest way for every day is to apply the product slightly warmed in a water bath on a cotton pad and wipe the face, including the area around the eyes. The procedure is quite suitable for the removal of decorative cosmetics.
  • To prepare the peel, you will need to mix olive oil with oatmeal or bran, apply on the face in a circular motion and rinse with warm water.
  • Toning lotion is easy to make by mixing olive oil with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. In the second case, the liquid will have whitening properties and is perfect for oily skin.
  • For nutrition and hydration, the product will reveal all its beneficial properties in the composition of cosmetic masks. They are applied for 15–20 minutes on a cleansed face.

Here are some of the most effective mask recipes.

  • For oily skin, a good choice is a mask of sour fruit or berry puree: kiwi, strawberries, plums, gooseberries with the addition of olive oil. For normal to dry skin, it is better to choose sweet fruits: bananas, persimmons, melons.
  • The combination of oil with the pulp of vegetables: grated potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin will be successful for nutrition and hydration.
  • Natural yogurt + a spoonful of honey + olive oil is an excellent recipe for a nourishing mask.
  • Mediterranean mask for hydration and nutrition is prepared by mixing: 2 tables. spoons of mashed potatoes, boiled beans, olive oil and lemon juice.

Massage with olive oil is a very useful procedure that helps to preserve the beauty of the face for many years. A long, deep procedure is resorted to in salons, but every woman can master several simple effective techniques at home.

If facial skin care with olive oil becomes regular and is carried out in a positive mood, with self-love and faith in the result, the positive effect will not be long in coming.

In this article, we talk about olive oil for the face. Using our guidelines, you will learn how to properly prepare oil-based masks to help make your skin healthy and attractive.

The benefits and harms of using olive oil for the face

The unique composition of olive oil makes it beneficial for the skin of the face. The composition includes vitamins A, B, E, K, D, phospholipids, phosphatides and other substances that stimulate metabolic processes in skin cells.

Olive oil for the face will become indispensable for people with problematic, sensitive and dry skin. Regular use helps to smooth fine wrinkles.

The rich composition of beneficial elements is the main factor that makes olive oil a popular and affordable skin care product, many even use it instead of a cream.

Olive oil contains:

  1. Vitamin A - saturates the skin with additional moisture, helps to normalize the subcutaneous circulation.
  2. Vitamin B - prevents skin aging, acts as a barrier when exposed to an aggressive environment, is responsible for the regulation of metabolic processes.
  3. Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant, due to which the renewal of skin cells, smoothing of the relief and prevention of rapid aging occurs.
  4. Vitamin K - fights pigmentation, puffiness and inflammation.
  5. Vitamin D - keeps the skin toned, helps to keep it youthful.
  6. Phospholipids - are involved in the construction of cell membranes and metabolic processes.
  7. Phosphatides - retain moisture due to the sugar content in the composition.
  8. Sterols, carotenoids - soothes and repairs damaged skin.
  9. Calcium, copper, iron - stop skin aging caused by the negative effects of free radicals.
  10. Fatty acids - act as a protective film against negative external factors.

Before using olive oil on your face, consider its disadvantages. The downside is the individual reaction of the body in the form of an allergy to the product. You can find out about the presence or absence of allergies by applying a small amount of the product to the wrist before using it on the skin.

When using a mask based on olive oil, remember to remove it no later than 40 minutes after application. Rinse off the mask only with warm water containing a small amount of lemon juice.

For oily skin, it is necessary to add fruit or citrus juices, low-fat dairy products to the oil-based mask. With an abundant production of sebum, the abuse of olive oil is unacceptable.

The product has a negative effect on problematic and youthful skin. The period of application should not be more than 3 weeks. Otherwise, a violation of the water-fat balance of the dermis occurs, blackheads may appear due to blockage of the sebaceous glands.

Do not use olive oil mask in combination with any creams.

When the oil and the components of the product are combined, the condition of the skin, especially around the eyes, deteriorates significantly.

Rules for using olive oil

You can also use the oil to wipe the skin of the face. Perform the procedure at night. Cleanse your face, warm the oil to room temperature, dip a cotton pad in it and wipe the entire face and neck. Wipe off excess oil after 5-7 minutes with a napkin.

If necessary, you can perform manipulations twice a day. Then after the first application, try to avoid going outside, it is better to stay at home for about an hour. Consider this point when planning your procedure.

Anti-wrinkle olive oil

Unrefined oil is often used as a prophylactic method against wrinkles. Already after 25 years, cosmetologists recommend using it in a course of 2 weeks, after which take a break for 1 month and repeat the procedures again.

Olive oil will help to prolong the youthfulness of the skin, it retains moisture and saturates the dermis with useful substances.

Olive oil for acne

Oil will be no less effective in the fight against acne. The procedure will take a minimum of time, and in the end you will get a good result. To get rid of acne, take some oil, massage the problem areas, cover your face with a warm towel for 1 minute and wash yourself with warm water.

To fix the result, carry out the procedure again, rinse the product after 40 seconds.

You must understand that you will not be able to get rid of acne at one time; you need to repeat the action 7 days in the morning and in the evening. During this time, acne and blackheads will disappear.

Face masks with olive oil

The following are effective face masks.

For dry skin

Banana and olive oil mask


  1. Olive oil - 1 tbsp l.
  2. Banana pulp - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Mix the indicated ingredients until smooth. You can replace banana with persimmon, melon, apricot.

How to use: Cleanse your face, apply the composition in a thick layer. It is important that the entire dermis is generously lubricated with the mixture. Keep the composition for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Result: Dry skin will receive hydration, especially around the eyes and cheeks.

Potato and Olive Oil Mask


  1. Olive oil - 1 tbsp l.
  2. Potato pulp - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Grate raw potatoes, add oil, mix until the consistency of gruel. The substitute for potatoes will be bell peppers, carrots, zucchini, cucumber. When using cucumber, you can cut out circles and place them on your eyelids.

How to use: Apply liberally to face, leave for 10 minutes, rinse.

Result: The ingredients of the product nourish the skin and retain moisture.

For oily skin

Lemon oil mask


  1. Lemon juice - 2 tbsp l.
  2. Olive oil - 2 tablespoons l.

How to cook: Squeeze the juice out of the lemon. It is important to use a concentrated liquid. Add oil to it, stir.

How to use: For owners of oily skin, the mask should be done every 2 days. Apply on a clean face, without cosmetics, and soak for 20 minutes.

Result: Thanks to lemon juice, the fat balance is stabilized, the skin becomes less oily.

Starch mask


  1. Starch - 1 tsp
  2. Tomato juice - 1 tbsp l.
  3. Olive oil - 1 tbsp l.

How to cook: Mix the components of the mask, the mass should have the consistency of thick sour cream. If the mixture is not thick enough, add more starch, if it is thin, add more oil.

How to use: Massage onto face for 15 minutes.

Result: The mask has a smoothing, softening and degreasing effect.

For normal skin

Mask with honey and egg


  1. Yolk - 1 pc.
  2. Honey - 1 tsp
  3. Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Mash the yolk and honey. Mix with butter.

How to use: Spread the composition over the face, wait 20 minutes, wash. You can use it regularly - 2-4 times a week.

Result: Tones the skin, evens out the complexion, nourishes and cleanses. Thanks to honey, inflammation disappears, the skin is smoothed.

Essential oil mask


  1. Olive oil - 1 tsp
  2. Rosemary oil - 4 drops.
  3. Rosewood oil - 2 drops.
  4. Geranium oil - 2 drops.

How to cook: Mix the mask ingredients in a suitable container.

How to use: Apply to face and neck. We recommend using it 1-2 times a day. Soak on the skin for 15 minutes.

Result: Helps in the care of normal skin.

Olive oil for the face has been used for a very long time - since the time when people discovered the amazing properties of this truly miraculous product. This irreplaceable agent is used in the manufacture of modern cosmetic products intended for gentle care of the face, hair, body and skin of the hands.

Olive oil has a cleansing, toning and rejuvenating effect, the ability to accelerate the process of cell regeneration, as a result of which it is possible to preserve the natural firmness, elasticity and youthfulness of the skin for a long time. Regular use of natural olive oil helps to smooth out fine wrinkles and also prevents the appearance of new ones.

According to research by French scientists, the fats of olive oil have an identity with those that form sebum. It is this property that explains the fact that olive oil effectively relieves redness, irritation and inflammation of the skin, as well as prevents flaking, dryness and aging. Due to the fact that the oil easily penetrates the capillaries of the skin, it is often used as a vehicle for the creation of various essential compositions.

Benefits of olive oil for facial skin

Olive oil is beneficial for the face, primarily due to its unique composition, which contains vitamins A, B, E, D, K, monounsaturated fats, phosphatides and phospholipids, as well as other substances that stimulate metabolic processes in the skin and improve blood microcirculation. This product is ideal for treating problematic, dry, sensitive skin, and is also often used in cosmetic products for the care of aging skin. And this is not surprising, because olive oil perfectly moisturizes, softens, nourishes the skin, helps to maintain its natural elasticity. Regular use of olive oil has been proven to smooth wrinkles well.

It is not for nothing that olive oil is also called “liquid gold” - its composition is so useful! It should be noted that many women from Ancient Greece used this remedy to preserve the youthfulness of their skin. Even today, this trend continues, especially among connoisseurs of environmentally friendly, natural products.

The benefits of olive oil for the skin of the face consists in the usefulness of its components:

  • Vitamin A - perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, normalizes subcutaneous circulation;
  • Vitamin E is a universal antioxidant that plays a significant role in cell renewal, evens out the skin's relief and prevents its aging;
  • Phosphatides - contain a lot of sugars and retain water well;
  • Phospholipids - play an important role in the construction of cell membranes, and also take an active part in metabolic processes;
  • Unsaponifiable substances (sterols, carotenoids, ctocopherols) - have pronounced regenerating and soothing properties of the skin;
  • Fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated: palmitic, stearic, linoleic, etc.) - form a film that has protective functions and protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures;
  • Squalene is a moisturizing agent;
  • Trace elements (copper, iron, calcium) - neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals, due to which the skin quickly fades.

Olive oil is effective against sunburn due to its antibacterial and emollient properties. It is indispensable for high-quality moisturizing and healing of the skin of the face and body.

Harm of olive oil for the face

Olive oil for the face is actively used in modern cosmetology as an effective remedy for skin care that requires hydration, toning and nutrition.

Everyone knows about the benefits of olive oil. But many are interested in the question of whether there is any harm to the face of olive oil? It should be noted that there are practically no "drawbacks" in its use. The only important condition is the use of oil for the intended purpose and in the optimal amount. In rare cases, an allergic reaction of the body to olive oil is possible. To prevent possible allergies or individual intolerance, before using the product, you should test it on your wrist.

It is important to maintain the correct time when applying olive oil masks to the skin of the face. So, you need to keep the mask for no more than 40 minutes, and it is best to rinse off with water at room temperature, slightly acidified with lemon juice. If the mask is used to care for oily skin, it must necessarily contain citrus fruits, fruit juices, or dairy products with a minimum of fat content. For those with increased sebum production, it is not recommended to abuse products containing olive oil.

In addition, olive oil should not be used frequently when treating young, problematic skin. It is important to take into account the period of use of olive oil - it should not exceed 2-3 weeks, since due to the oil film, the water-fat balance of the skin may be disturbed and the so-called appearance on it. "Comedones" (blackheads) - in other words, a blockage of the sebaceous glands can occur. Olive oil is incompatible with any creams, as mixing the oil film with the ingredients of the cream will worsen the skin condition.

Applying olive oil to the face

Olive oil for the face is used by many women at home for the purpose of delicately cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin, both in its pure, natural form, and as the main component in the preparation of all kinds of masks.

The use of pure olive oil for the face is primarily aimed at cleansing and moisturizing the skin in the morning and evening. To carry out such cosmetic procedures, the oil must be preheated in a small container placed in hot water. After that, moisten a cotton swab in it, gently wipe the skin of the face, leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with boiled water in a warm state, or blot it with a paper towel. If you perform the procedure just before bedtime, then the oil does not need to be washed off, - thus, the skin (especially dry) will receive even more hydration.

To care for oily skin after cleansing with olive oil, after 10-20 minutes, it is recommended to rinse your face with cool water. It should be emphasized that olive oil, in its warm form, removes makeup well from the face. Thus, it can be used as a natural makeup remover.

With the help of olive oil, you can care for the delicate skin around the eyes, which requires special hydration, since it is often in this area of ​​the face that signs of skin aging and the first wrinkles appear. The procedure is quite simple: you need to lubricate the skin around the eyes with slightly warm olive oil, while massaging them with your fingertips. After that, the oil must be left to be absorbed into the skin for half an hour (you can overnight), and then remove the excess oil with a dry napkin.

Cosmetic olive oil for face

Olive oil for the face is used in modern cosmetic procedures, as well as in care products for various skin types. It is interesting to know that the first creator of the cream was the famous ancient Greek physician Claudius Galen (date of birth - AD 130). He used olive oil for his cream.

Cosmetic olive oil for the face is a popular component of all kinds of creams, balms, scrubs, lotions, masks, soaps, and makeup removers. Delicately penetrating the skin, the oil promotes its softening, as well as the transportation of nutrients to the epidermis area. Most often, the cosmetic composition does not include a natural oil base, but an extract in the form of lanolin, which contains a complex of vitamins, as well as minerals and useful antioxidants. Cosmetics based on olive oil from well-known brands have proven themselves well in our time. For example, a face mask from AVON "Paradise Moisture" of the "Planet SPA" series; A'kin cream-gel for mixed and oily skin "Vital Hydration"; soap from Yves Rocher "Les Plaisirs Nature" (for dry skin care), etc.

Due to the fact that olive oil contains special substances squalane and squalene, it is used in anti-aging products - masks for the face and neck, with which you can eliminate fine wrinkles and reduce the number of deep age wrinkles. Phenols are another unique component of olive oil. They help to slow down the aging process, make the skin smoother, more elastic and silky. The amazing properties of olive oil allow it to be used to create face and body creams with UV protection. If you don't have a safe tanning product at hand, you can safely use olive oil - the tan will fall on your skin beautifully and evenly. It is surprising, but even men can use olive oil for the face, having previously lubricated their skin with it before shaving. Thus, the oil will protect the skin from damage and irritation, as well as facilitate the process itself.

Cosmetologists advise to pay attention to cosmetic products with olive oil, first of all, for those who have signs of wilting and dry skin.

Olive oil face masks

Olive oil for the face is very often used in folk recipes in order to prepare all kinds of masks for caring care for both dry and combination or aging skin, for toning, additional moisturizing and vitamin nutrition of the face, smoothing mimic wrinkles. One of the main properties of olive oil is the gentle protection of the skin from the negative effects of the sun, wind, unfavorable ecology and other environmental factors. Olive oil is a 100% natural product, so care for delicate skin with its help will be of high quality and very effective.

What are olive oil face masks? The modern recipes below are very popular with many women. Moreover, the preparation of various masks from olive oil is possible at normal home conditions.

  • To thoroughly moisturize dry skin of the face, use pure olive oil, which should be slightly warmed in a small container, and then applied to the face, having previously cleansed the skin with a toner or lotion. After 20 minutes, remove the remaining amount of oil with a clean cloth. Problematic areas of the face, which most often peel off, need to be lubricated with oil more often - up to 4 times a day.
  • For additional nutrition of dry skin, it is recommended to thoroughly mix a special gruel made from fresh vegetables or fruits with olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon of each ingredient. The resulting mixture must be gently applied to the face, kept for 20 minutes and rinsed thoroughly with warm water. For the preparation of gruel, the pulp of melon, banana, apricot, etc. is usually used. Of vegetables, in this case, it is best to give preference to cucumber, grated carrots, potatoes, zucchini, etc. This mask is ideal for toning combination skin. For this purpose, you can use the pulp of apple, peach, citrus, kiwi, watermelon, grapes and other fruits.
  • For delicate softening of the skin, fatty cottage cheese and olive oil (in a ratio of 1: 2) are used - everything is well mixed. The finished mixture must be gently applied to the face, and after 25-30 minutes. wash off with warm water. You can add honey to such a curd-olive mixture - you get an effective remedy for moisturizing aging skin that needs special care.
  • A whitening mask is prepared by mixing equal portions of low-fat cottage cheese, carrot juice, milk and olive oil. The mixture should be thoroughly rubbed in the palms of your hands, and then applied generously to your face. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water, and the face skin is wiped with a piece of ice. This treatment promotes rejuvenation and effective hydration of the skin.
  • To care for delicate, sensitive skin, a soothing mask is used, which is quite simple to prepare: for this you need to mix cucumber and banana, grated on a fine grater. Pour 2 tbsp into the finished gruel. tablespoons of olive oil, apply the mask on the face, and after half an hour rinse off its remnants with cool water.
  • To prolong the youthfulness of the skin of the face, cosmetic clay is often used, mixed with 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil. The mask should be applied for 15-20 minutes, after which the unabsorbed residues should be washed off with cool water.
  • An anti-aging mask is prepared by mixing equal doses of olive oil with lemon juice. This mixture is applied to the face with a cotton pad or tampon - it is very effective against wrinkles.

Even a simple lubrication of the skin with olive oil in its natural, pure form will definitely help to rejuvenate and moisturize the face, smooth out fine wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Therefore, such a natural healthy product as olive oil is very popular among women who want to preserve their natural beauty.

People who eat natural foods in their daily diet have good health and do not age for a long time. This conclusion was made by scientists after analyzing the incidence of Europeans. It was not in vain that our ancestors extolled to the gift of God, which is the main ingredient of the elixir of eternal youth. How to use this product in cosmetology, how it is useful and who it can harm - we will talk about all this later in the article.

If you want to have firm and elastic skin, do not buy ready-made cosmetic products, which include olive oil.
Manufacturers often add low-quality, low-grade oils to their products, which, at best, are intended for lubricating machines. Of course, such an ingredient will not bring any benefit.

Did you know? Today Spain, Italy and Greece are the largest olive producers on the world market.

In order for the body to be velvety and healthy, you need to independently mix a few drops of olive oil into creams, lotions and shampoos. This protects the skin from the effects of negative environmental factors, as well as saturates it with beneficial substances and helps to retain moisture.

The secret of this unique product lies in its rich composition, which is 70% easily digestible monounsaturated. In addition, among the nutrients in the composition of olive oil, tocopherol () occupies a significant proportion.

It is a powerful antioxidant that has an amazing range of beneficial properties. Not a single biochemical process in the body occurs without the participation of this substance.
Other constituent vitamins play a significant role: as well as the moisturizing agent squapen, and. In the complex, all these components retain water, which prevents the skin from fading, and cleanses it of free radicals that contribute to the early appearance of wrinkles.

Did you know? The healing properties of olive oil were highly appreciated by Hippocrates. Also, the remedy was held in high esteem among the athletes of the Hellenistic world, who rubbed themselves with it before every important exit.

Scientists from different periods have investigated the phenomenal qualities of olive oil. Recent scientific experiments have shown that half a millionth of one gram of this liquid is sufficient to increase the lifespan of cells in the human body by 20 percent.

Many adherents of natural, organic body care products call quality olive oil “liquid gold”. And all because it:

  • has a softening effect;
  • tones up;
  • moisturizes;
  • is an excellent antiseptic;
  • stimulates cell regeneration;
  • cleanses the skin and protects it from external pollution;
  • protects from exposure to sunlight and pigmentation.

Cosmetologists recommend lubricating face, neck and décolleté with a little olive oil in the morning and in the evening. For the procedure, you need to moisten a cotton swab in warm water and drip olive "gold" on it. But you should only take a natural cold-pressed product.

Important! Always look for the English word cold on the label, which means cold processing of berries. If, during the extraction process, they are heated to a temperature above 27 ° C, the composition and, accordingly, the quality of the oil will deteriorate.

This simple method is an excellent prevention of mimic wrinkles and crow's feet. It is important to rub the skin in the direction of the massage lines. Experts say that the procedure allows you to gently cleanse and at the same time nourish the face with important microelements. Moreover, it does not destroy the natural water-lipid layer. An evening treatment does not require a consistent wash, especially when it comes to aging and dry skin.

Until the age of thirty, oil can be used instead of a cream. It must also be applied to the skin around the eyes. But for older women this remedy will not be enough to keep the skin in good shape. You will already need lifting and nutritional products. Therefore, olive oil plays only a supporting role in the anti-aging program.
To maintain the oval of the face, many experts recommend oil massages, which increase blood flow, have a smoothing and firming effect. As a rule, the first procedure should be done by a professional, and in the future it will not hurt to master several elementary self-massage techniques.

Important! When buying, choose an extra virgin product with a fresh production date. It is also important that the labeled production assets match the location of the spill.

Sometimes on the forums, girls ask questions about the causes of peeling of the skin. In the comments, they often associate this unpleasant phenomenon with the use of various vegetable oils, including olive oil: "at first everything was fine, and then scales appeared on the forehead."

Experts believe that high-quality oils are in no way involved in the exfoliation of particles of the epidermis. The main reasons for this are:

  • lack of moisture;
  • poor nutrition, which entails a deficiency of a particular vitamin in the body;
  • washing with soap;
  • improperly selected face skin care creams;
  • rough wiping of the face after washing;
  • hereditary dry skin, which requires special care;
  • allergic reaction.

On the contrary, beauticians advise using olive oil to eliminate flaking on the face and body. To do this, you need to use it correctly.

Important! Store olive oil in a dark place. It is desirable that it be in a tinted glass bottle. It is recommended to use the liquid for 9 months. Therefore, give preference to small containers.

Ideally, skin care should be as follows:

  1. Drink the right amount of water daily to prevent the body. It is calculated by dividing your weight by 30. The resulting number will be the required liters. To evenly saturate the body with fluid, divide this value into five receptions.
  2. Make sure that your daily diet contains a lot of vegetables, fruits, seafood. Eat a minimum of flour products and sweets.
  3. Consider the alkalization and oxidation potential of the food you eat. Acid-base balance is of particular importance for healthy skin. In the menu of a healthy person, 80% should be alkaline foods rich in vitamins and minerals and 20% oxidizing.
  4. Give up the habit of washing your face with soap. To remove makeup, use special products, and also wipe your face with mild lotions, gel, milk.
  5. Never rub your skin with a towel. So that there is no feeling of dryness, you need to gently blot the washed body with a soft napkin;
  6. After washing, always lubricate the skin with pure olive oil (dripping a few drops on a damp cotton swab) or tonic with the addition of oil.
  7. Then you need to immediately apply a moisturizer. When choosing it, consider your skin type. Please note that products containing alcohol and lanolin are categorically contraindicated for dry epidermis.
  8. If you use seasonal protective creams, always apply them half an hour before going outside.

Important! To prevent the liquid from oxidizing after opening, the bottle must be screwed in until it stops.

Along with these rules of care, experts advise you to deeply cleanse your face from external pollution at least once a week. This can be done with scrubs, which are also recommended to add a few drops of olive oil to moisturize the skin.

Application recipes

For self-care to be as effective as possible, it is not necessary to use luxury cosmetics. For you, we have selected exclusive recipes for all occasions.

This procedure allows you to relieve fatigue and stress. In addition, it promotes wide pore opening. At this moment, all the nutrients from the olive oil penetrate through them into the skin. It also tightens and tones the epidermis.
For a bath, it is enough to use 3-5 tablespoons of oil. If desired, you can add juice from several or to the water. As a bonus, such a cocktail will cheer you up and cleanse the epidermis of toxins.

Typically, olive oil is the base ingredient. If desired, add other ingredients to it. it is characteristic that such a liquid is very versatile - it can be safely used to massage any part of the body.

Intense movements on the skin warm up, provoking the absorption and rapid absorption of the contained antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It is important to put a bottle of massage oil in a water bath for a few minutes before the session.

If the procedure is done for the purpose of relieving stress and relaxation, experts advise mixing olive and lavender oils in a ratio of 20 ml per 3 drops, respectively.
To stimulate intellectual activity, it is recommended to replace pepper lavender. But to increase sexual activity, you need a tandem of olives, patchouli, ylang-ylang, etc.

But if the home arsenal does not have a wide selection of oils, then you can easily get by with one base. It's not for nothing that most massage therapists use pure olive oil.

Did you know? The fact went down in history when, in 1981, as a result of technical intoxication, which fraudsters sold under the guise of olive, more than 700 residents of Spain died. According to police, about 40 percent of all high-quality products are counterfeit.

In order for the nail plates not to peel off and to be strong, you need to generously grease your hands from olives at night and wear cotton gloves. In the morning, the product is washed off with warm water, after which the skin is treated with a moisturizing cream. It is advisable to do the procedure at least once a week.
If your nails are badly broken, prepare a mask with one tablespoon of olive oil and two to three drops of iodine. After stirring, put the mixture in a water bath for a few minutes. After that, it is rubbed into the nails. Usually the mask is applied at night for maximum effect. Only hands need to be hidden in cotton gloves.

For dry and chapped hands

Ugly flaky hands will be saved by the same mask as we did for nails. Also, oil wraps, which are done before bedtime, will come to the rescue.

The most effective remedy is considered by many to be a mixture of olive oil and honey in a ratio of 3: 1. Before the procedure, the mixture is heated a little for a couple and only then the gauze is soaked in it. Then the hands are wrapped with a bandage, after which it is fixed with wax paper and gloves. If the hands are not severely chapped, a one-time procedure will be enough to correct the situation. And in more advanced cases, two times a week are recommended.

Did you know?Olive trees can live up to 600 years.

For the neckline

A nourishing olive oil mask will provide you with a wrinkle-free swan neck. It must be done at least three times a week for a month.

To prepare the product, you need to steam two tablespoons of liquid. Better to pour it into a glass. After cleansing the skin, apply this mask to the body and cover with a tissue or towel. After 30 minutes, rinse off the residue with warm water.

You can soften the skin on the feet, as well as get rid of corns, by mixing tablespoons of "golden liquid" with one teaspoon of honey and the juice of one large aloe leaf. The remedy has a wound healing effect, therefore it is recommended for heel spurs.
After preparation, the product is applied overnight on clean and steamed legs and put on cotton socks. For best results, the medicine needs to be slightly warmed up in a water bath.

Alternatively, a recipe of equal parts olive oil and powdered flowers helps a lot. This ointment requires, after mixing the ingredients, a seven-day infusion in a dark and warm place. It is also applied before bedtime, after which socks are put on.

Did you know? In Greece, to this day, a person's social status is determined by the number of olive trees in his yard. And it is not surprising, because even in the Holy Scriptures this plant was repeatedly mentioned as a symbol of grace, mercy. And subsequently, for centuries, people extolled its fruits above gold.

Despite the fact that this product has long been considered one of the most valuable in all the abundance of fruits in the world, scientists warn consumers about its potential harm. In the first place, excessive use of oil can lead to undesirable results.

Also, people who have been diagnosed with gallbladder disease should be treated with extreme caution. Inflammatory processes in this organ and developing cholecystitis will exacerbate when olive oil enters the body.
Strict adherence to dosages is important in dietary therapy, as well as in weight loss. It is very important to consult with a qualified professional and conduct a complete examination of your body.

Classic treatment in dietetics provides for no more than two tablespoons of liquid per day. Note that this portion contains 300 calories (100 grams of product contains 900 calories).

Doctors say that any oil after heat treatment loses its beneficial qualities and has a destructive effect on the human digestive tract. Therefore, for the maximum benefit from olives, make salads with their oil. Indeed, only in its raw form, this fat has a whole range of unique healing properties.
In addition, you can harm yourself with a fake product. Therefore, when buying oil, carefully study the label, the manufacturer's reputation and beware of counterfeiting.

To ensure that your olive oil benefits you as much as possible, we have compiled a selection of tips for you on choosing a quality natural product.

Good olive oil:

  • must be cold pressed;
  • does not contain preservatives and other impurities;
  • marked with the inscription virgin, which in translation means natural (in addition to this variety, the words refined (purified) or pomace (cake) can be found on the label;
  • never labeled with the word mix, since it means mixing different varieties of olives and is considered low grade;
  • cannot be stored for a long time. It must be consumed at least 5-6 months after opening (when buying, you should pay attention to the date of manufacture and the expiration date);
  • has low pH values ​​(within 0.8);
  • produced and bottled in one place (on the packaging, this is evidenced by the inscriptions IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta), DOP (Denominazione d "Origine Protetta);
  • may be of different colors (this factor depends on the variety of plants and the degree of ripeness of the fruits);
  • sold in a glass container.

If the oil is not natural, then, of course, you should not hope for recovery and quick rejuvenation. Such a product is detrimental to your health and budget. Follow our advice and don't be disappointed with your purchases.

Olive oil is universally recognized as one of the most valuable and greatest benefits of vegetable pomace. In different countries the product is called “divine gift”, “natural medicine”, “guardian of youth”. With its help, people all over the world maintain health, restore beauty, and improve the taste of various dishes.

Olive oil spread in food, cosmetology and many other areas of life... The properties of the pomace are so multifaceted that the use becomes justified in almost any direction of life.

The product gained the greatest fame in the field of skin care... It does not cause allergies, is suitable for different types of turgor, does not belong to heavy textures, and is highly fortified. In addition, olive oil allows you to quickly regenerate cells and treat some skin diseases: dermatitis, inflammation, burns, dryness, peeling, stretch marks, cellulite lesions.

Thanks to its miraculous composition, olive oil is indispensable for the skin. It contains vitamins, antioxidants and minerals that can not only replace many cosmetic tubes, but also surpass them in effect.

Vitamins A and E- smoothen wrinkles, nourish the layers of the epidermis, stimulate the production of natural collagen and elastin, and renew cells.

Vitamins B, K, C- fight against flaking, even out and improve skin tone, heal cracks, eliminate pigmentation.

Vitamin D- promotes exfoliation of dead skin cells.

Fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, stearic, palmitic in the form of triglycerides)- create a protective film against dirt, wind, ultraviolet radiation, hard water and other aggressive factors. Maintain the lipid barrier.

Squalene- another component responsible for deep hydration.

Iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, sodium, magnesium, calcium- return subcutaneous blood flow to normal levels, promote oxygen exchange in cells. Enhances renewal and regeneration of the epidermis.

All components of the olive oil composition are fully assimilated. They complement each other in action, mutually improve the ability to penetrate the turgor and increase functionality. The percentage of elements varies from olive variety, growing region, age of a particular tree, and when it was harvested. Also, the quality of the product is directly affected by the extraction process. Cold-pressed varieties retain more useful components than hot-processed varieties.

The use of oil with such a composition will allow you to renew the epidermis, cleanse the pores, give the skin an even shade, and restore a young, elastic look.


Applying olive oil to the skin is beneficial for medicinal and prophylactic purposes. Suitable for the whole body, including the scalp. It is especially useful to use the product if you have:

  • Wrinkles,
  • Mimic creases
  • Manifestations of stress (spots, scaly areas, redness, rash),
  • Pimples
  • Frequent contact with natural or artificial sources of sunburn, wind, salt water.

For scalp

Olive oil is an excellent moisturizer for dry scalp. Regular use relieves dandruff, itching, awakens dormant bulbs. Overdried, damaged, split ends, brittle hair acquire a much healthier look after a course of 7-10 procedures (1-2 times a week) with this squeeze. For oily scalp from such procedures there is a benefit too- they will help normalize sebaceous production and strengthen the roots. The inclusion of masks, head massages with olive in monthly care (2 times is enough) will allow you to avoid recurrence of problems, maintain beauty, and grow elastic hair.

2-3 tbsp Heat the OM in a water bath until warm (in a glass container). Adequate temperature - pleasant to the hands, not scalding. The application must be started from the scalp. Massage the oil into the entire surface along the parting. Then go to rubbing into the hair roots, gradually descend to the full length. Pay special attention to the tips. It is better to distribute in even portions, at the end, comb with a comb. Wash off after 30-40 minutes with warm water and shampoo at least 2 times. To enhance the effect for the time of waiting, you can put on a shower cap, warm your head with a towel.

Nourishing mask for damaged hair
Particular benefits will appear for recovery after painting, increased fragility.
3-4 tablespoons OM (the amount is based on the length of the hair) heat up in a water bath, add 0.5 tsp. liquid honey. Stir until smooth. Apply to the entire length and under the hair roots for at least a quarter of an hour. Wash off the mixture with shampoo and warm water.

Leave-in conditioner for curly and unmanageable hair
You can smooth out protruding hairs, give them shine, using the following composition:

  • 1 tbsp OM,
  • 3-6 drops of lavender, geranium, rosemary, mint esters of your choice or in a mixture.

Combine the ingredients in a container with a lid. Apply 2-3 drops of the product as needed, rubbing in your palms beforehand. Comb and style your hair. For a short length, 1-2 drops are enough so that the hairstyle does not look greasy.

For facial skin

The properties of olive pomace effectively replace many moisturizers and nourishing creams, especially anti-aging ones. It can also be ideal for aging and dry skin. Adding oil to ready-made products or using it solo has a positive effect on the condition of the face. Even with a periodic approach (applying a couple of times a week), turgor will respond with softness, returning tone, smoothness. Regular use will help to tighten the oval shape, restore elasticity and even color.

For oily skin the product is sent for cleansing. An oil massage after a steam bath once a week removes the dirt from the pores well, preventing the appearance of blackheads and acne.

Olive oil for the skin around the eyes is also irreplaceable. A drop several times a week is enough to make problematic crow's feet and cobwebs noticeably smoothed out, and to open up your eyes.

For the skin of the chest and décolleté

The chest and décolleté area is one of the most vulnerable on a woman's body.... The skin in this area is especially delicate and is therefore at increased risk of loss of firmness. In order to prevent the formation of wrinkles, stretch marks, the chest and décolleté must be constantly moisturized and nourished. In addition, undesirable active friction makes it difficult to clean the pores of this part of the body. Olive oil does an excellent job of removing impurities, restoring elasticity.

Heat 3 tablespoons of OM in a water bath to a temperature tolerable by the skin, but not scalding. Steam the décolleté and chest with a moderate stream of hot shower or in a steam bath. Apply oil in a circular motion. Massage with stroking movements for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with warm water and soap or ubtan herbal powder. Wipe off by gently blotting your body with a towel. The procedure deeply cleanses the skin, nourishes it with nutrients, and stimulates collagen production. The frequency is 1 time in 1-2 weeks.

In the same way, you can carry out a regular massage without preliminary steaming. You will need less olive pomace (about 1-2 tsp). Remove excess fatty mass after manipulation with paper towels, allow the rest to absorb.

Tightening mask
2 tbsp body temperature oil mix with 3 drops of rose or lavender ether and 1 tsp. honey. Spread over the chest with massage movements. Place a clean gauze or cloth on top, cover with a towel. Keep for 20-30 minutes, periodically hammer the composition into the skin with patting movements. Wash off with warm water or flower broth. The first result will be noticeable after 3-4 procedures carried out at intervals of 1-2 times a week.

For nails and skin of hands

The properties of the oil make it possible to give the hands velvety, softness. Cracked skin on the palms can also be easily treated with this remedy. Another benefit of the hand product is the strengthening of the nails. In case of problems with plate delamination, increased fragility and fineness, it is definitely worth trying the "olive" procedures. The results become visible after 3-5 procedures, and are consolidated with regular use.

Strengthening bath
Heat a few tablespoons of OM in a bowl, squeeze out a couple of drops of lemon juice. Lower your fingertips so that your nails are completely submerged. After 15 minutes, massage the plates and cuticles with rubbing movements, wipe your hands with a towel.

Against delamination a similar bath helps, but with the replacement of lemon juice with iodine.

Mask for dry skin of hands
1 tsp each. oil of olive and almond (or wheat germ), apply to clean hands, rubbing lightly. Wear cotton gloves. Leave it overnight. In the morning, wash off unabsorbed residues and apply cream as needed. The mask allows you to deeply moisturize and nourish the turgor, helps to heal wounds, cuts, cracks.

For the skin of the legs

Olive oil has been used in foot care since the days of Antiquity. The moisturizing and nourishing texture of the product made it possible to quickly heal wounds, cuts on the feet, and prevented the appearance of cracks. These properties are still used today. Prevention and treatment of varicose veins has also been added to the list of benefits. Even when applied externally, olive fatty acids are able to penetrate into the walls of blood vessels and strengthen them, give elasticity, and contribute to the breakdown of cholesterol deposits.

Compress for dry and damaged skin of the feet
Wash your feet, rub a little with a pumice stone or scraper, dry with a towel. Rub in 1 tbsp. OM. Massage for 2-3 minutes, then insulate with foil or plastic bag and put on socks. Leave on for 3-4 hours or overnight. Remove the compress, massage your feet for a couple of minutes, blot the remaining oil with a cloth or rinse. 1 procedure per week, if carried out regularly, can make the skin soft, resistant to the formation of calluses and other problems. 2-3 compresses per week will heal existing cracks and hardened areas.

Massage against varicose veins
1 tbsp OM is mixed with 2-3 drops of rose oil, lavender, eucalyptus, mint or other suitable ester. Do not heat. Apply with light stroking movements from bottom to top of the leg. Massage in vertical lines without pressure until the composition is absorbed. Stimulates metabolic processes inside the skin, strengthens the capillaries. Carry out 1-2 times a week for prophylaxis and every other day or two for treatment.

In addition to these areas, olive oil has gained popularity as an excellent remedy for even tanning, treating burns, eliminating cellulite and cosmetic defects (stretch marks, striae, fresh scars).

Contraindications and side effects

For outdoor use, olive oil has no contraindications except for individual forms of intolerance and allergy to olive.

For oily skin, the dosage should be reduced and remove residues after procedures to avoid accumulation in the pores.

Use on the face and in the area around the eyes should occur no later than an hour before bedtime... Otherwise, edema may appear.

If abused, olive extract can dry the skin.... To avoid this trouble, oil care should be carried out in courses of no more than 2 weeks without interruption or at regular intervals. For the same purpose, you can add a couple of drops of the product to a regular cream, instead of performing procedures exclusively with oil.

To obtain the effect, it is necessary to choose a quality product manufactured in accordance with the standards.

How to choose the right one

  • The best is considered a top-class product. The label indicates "extra virgin", which means cold mechanical pressing from selected raw materials.
  • If the labeling on the package does not contain the inscription "extra" - the production used fruits of poor quality. This fact does not affect the nutritional value, but in cosmetic terms, the effect will be much worse.
  • Only unrefined oils ("virgin") are suitable for skin care, as they do not contain chemical additives or preservatives.
  • Quality oil will carry the D.O.P. mark, indicating that the raw olive was grown, processed and packaged in the same location. The leaders of production are Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Syria, Libya.
  • A good product has a pronounced aroma without rancidity, a pleasant yellowish color. Too rich or uncharacteristic shades may indicate mixing with another oil.
  • It is preferable to purchase a small volume of the product, since it is capable of rapidly oxidizing on contact with air. It is required to store at temperatures up to +12 degrees in a dark place.