What can you give a 7 year old girl. Cosmetics and perfumery as a gift for a girl. Gifts for needlewomen and creative girls

1. Elegant dress
If you know the size and taste of your little friend, you can choose an elegant dress for her. It is important for girls to instill good taste, and with the help of outfits, they learn to be beautiful and elegant.

2. Fashion doll
A 7-year-old doll will be accepted with joy. Despite the fact that at this age it’s time to go to school, it’s not time to part with childhood joys forever. Choose a fashionable doll - girls love Barbie, Winx and other bright and modern doll beauties.

3. Children's sewing machine
This is the best gift for a young needlewoman. If a girl wants to sew, embroider and create beauty with her own hands, let the gift help her in this. Perhaps before you is a young fashion designer who has a great future ahead.

4. Musical mat
Dance rug is a wonderful game for a girl and her girlfriends. With the help of an unpretentious device, you can develop coordination, plasticity and ear for music. Girls love to dance, and such a gift will definitely please.

5. Children's jewelry
Girls from an early age love to decorate themselves, and this should be encouraged - after all, this is how good taste develops. Children's jewelry is made from materials that are safe for health and is inexpensive. In such jewelry, you can, without fear, walk on the street, showing your girlfriends your new clothes.

What to give a girl of 7 years old, let's talk today on the site for mothers site. Let's figure out how to please her, but not spoil her.

Perhaps you will say - what does it mean to pamper, because the gift for the occasion is a birthday! Yes, but it is important to make a pleasant and useful surprise, and not buy everything your child desires.

Who chooses a gift for 7 years: a girl or an adult?

Yes, she can list a whole list - toys that her friends have, newfangled gadgets and everything else. Where is the anticipation? Waiting for a miracle?

By the way, here is the second side of the question - it is important to give something really good. And a good gift will be that one that can please her, and not be the same as that of her best friend.

Parents usually know what their daughter would like to receive. Or they can go to the trick and ask her to write a "letter to the fairy godmother", for example... Let it become a tradition. Of course, you will read the letter later, and choose from the entire list of wishes what you will be able to implement on the budget.

But if you are invited to someone's daughter's birthday, the situation is more complicated. In this case, it can be more difficult to choose a gift for a girl of 6-7 years old. How to please your niece, girlfriend's daughter, granddaughter?

First of all, you can ask her mother, maybe you need to add money for some expensive gift, buy something you need?

By the way, if the parents decided to arrange a wide celebration, they invited many guests, then it would be good to make a list of what could be presented to their daughter. Agree, it will not work out very well if guests repeat themselves in gifts.

But sometimes it happens that parents just shrug their shoulders and rely on your choice.

What to give a girl for seven years: we develop her interests

At this age, children are often addicted to something. And great!

You can give a lot of useful things:

  • embroidery kits, ;
  • puzzles, books, logic games;
  • children's synthesizer, etc.

Now children from an early age begin to get involved in computer games. It is better not to encourage this.

On the contrary, look out the window. So few children are walking today! And you give her roller skates, skates, a bicycle, a scooter and send dad to teach her how to ride. And their relationship will improve, and the girl will spend time outdoors with health benefits.

Is the girl sociable? Fine!

If a child has a large circle of friends, that's great. Present her with sets for board games, a beautiful profile. The site claims: even if these gifts are not very expensive, they are important. They will be able to develop communication skills, even organizational skills.

What to give a 7-year-old girl if you want to develop the best feminine qualities in her? Present a set, beautiful beads, a new dress, shoes. This will develop the desire to be smart, beautiful, neat.

And also - now is the time to plant the "seeds" of the maternal instinct. Remember, you always played mother and daughter before? And now there are so many toys, including an exact copy of a baby. The girl will lull him, change his clothes, put him to bed and feed him.

What cannot be gifted for 7 years?

For parents, children always remain babies. What can we say about relatives who carry mountains of beautiful dolls, teddy bears. All this is unlikely to be useful for a girl who has already gone to school. But if you give books, choose wisely too ...

Here is a cautionary tale.

  • I remember that on my 7th birthday my father gave me an encyclopedia for girls. Pink of this color, some incomprehensible author. To be honest, I didn’t read anything useful for myself, I was only surprised if my father didn’t see that I was already an adult for this encyclopedia. Helena.

Of course, on the one hand, they don't look a gift horse in the mouth. On the other hand, this is a child who is just starting to get involved in something, and what to give a girl for seven years must be chosen carefully.

By the way, it’s also not very good to give your child another gadget for every birthday. Then he will sit all the time, buried in a tablet or smartphone. And it will be very difficult to get to read a book, to do homework.

The best gift for a 7-year-old girl is a new friend!

Only a deaf person does not know that a child wants a kitten, a puppy, a parrot, or a hamster. Sometimes children can even secretly bring a pet from the street and feed it. If you do not have any kind of pet allergy, 7 years old - it's time to have a pet for the child.

But if you were invited to visit, then it is better to first ask the girl's parents. Otherwise, a very ugly situation may turn out. Or the dog will not be accepted, and you will have to take it in. The child will be in tears. Or - they will leave the pet, but the attitude of the parents of the little birthday girl will change not for the better for sure.

So, as you can see, the choice is huge, but in each case you need to individually choose a gift for the girl for 7 years.

A seven-year-old is already a first-grader who is proud of his new social position and devotes a lot of time to schoolwork. Despite this, the gameplay in his life still plays a leading role, which is why it is sometimes difficult for adults to determine what to give a child for 7 years - new toys or things that will be useful for learning. First of all, you need to know the priorities of your son and daughter, and when buying, be guided by the habits and inclinations of children for different types of skills.

At the age of seven, a child, in addition to studying, can do various things themselves - some children begin to show a serious interest in music, draw a lot, make dolls on their own, create masterpieces from clay and plasticine. Someone is completely absorbed in board puzzles and puzzle games, someone likes to read or dance. It also happens that the kid has several hobbies at once, and in addition, he attends a sports school, a ballet club or a music school.

Familiar parents, invited to the baby's seven-year anniversary, have probably already heard about the successes of the young talent, and then it will be easier for them to choose their own surprise for the hero of the day. True, you still have to discuss some details with the parents in order not to get into an awkward situation - much of what the guest wants to bring as a gift can already be bought for the birthday person.

If a daughter or son has several hobbies, it is wise to get together with family members and distribute the responsibilities for buying these things, so at least there will be no overlap.

Regarding the opinion of psychologists, they believe that children should have a happy childhood, which means that you should not overload them with complex educational games, and be sure to give time to rest and play. Both entertainment and serious acquisition of knowledge must be dosed, otherwise the baby may very soon learn what fatigue, stress and a nervous breakdown are due to the lack of normal leisure.

So what can you give a child for seven years, so that it will help him in some cases for the active absorption of the necessary information, and in others - for relaxation and relaxation?

In order for the first grader to be distracted after an intense load, you can offer him:

  • interesting board games for luck that develop quick reaction, coordination and memory;
  • offer to watch a scientific and educational film about the history of the Earth;
  • offer to play a team game with adults and their peers;
  • do a crossword puzzle;
  • play games such as backgammon, chess (read how to quickly teach a child to play chess, even if you yourself do not know how to play them) and checkers.

These are all good ideas for a birthday present, but there are other options. If the kid is tired of examples in mathematics, perhaps the best solution would be an active game of Twister, street football, in the winter - exercises using a home sports complex. For the physical development of children at this stage of life, it is good to give them table tennis, boys will be delighted with dumbbells, girls will gladly accept a badminton set as a gift.

Kits for creativity also remain a priority, and are suitable for seven-year-olds who show talent in modeling, painting, construction.

Read also:

child's day regimen at 7 years old

what a 7-year-old child should be able to do

Musical instruments may no longer be a toy model, if the kid is really passionate about playing the piano or violin. But such gifts are usually expensive, and therefore relatives can buy them together. It will also be appropriate if the godfather gives such a present, but guests should be warned in advance of their parents' desire to buy a piano.

Practical purchases are quite possible, which will undoubtedly be necessary for a first grader - these are comfortable shoes, a school jacket and other accessories, for a boy - a natural leather belt for trousers and beautiful cufflinks. A large ordinary or electromagnetic globe, sets of notebooks, pens and pencils, a wristwatch, a set of colorful bookmarks can become a wonderful gift.

What to give a boy for 7 years: video

What can you donate for school

For children who are just getting ready to go to school and have already started classes, school supplies such as:

  • bookshelf with original design;
  • table lamp for classes in the evening;
  • large bright pencil case with pens, pencils and markers;
  • comfortable rucksack with a hard back or satchel;
  • sets of felt-tip pens, brushes with a sketchbook;
  • an unusual stand for books, making the child's reading more comfortable;
  • large physical globe of the Earth;
  • a set of multi-colored cups for pencils and pens, trays for notebooks and folders;
  • an unusual organizer with several compartments for a desk;
  • bright aqua pad for a desk in the form of an image of robots or characters of children's cartoons;
  • music stand;
  • children's zoogeographic globe with illumination;
  • a tabletop set that includes baby scissors, a stapler, an eraser, pens, pencils, markers and note paper.

As for parents and family members, they can buy a quality writing desk and chair for the baby. At the same time, it is advisable to install this furniture while the birthday boy is not at home - this will be a real surprise for the first grader.

What games and devices are needed for a first grader to develop

Toys and games that will contribute to his all-round development will become interesting, exciting and useful gifts for a seven-year-old child:

  • puzzles with lots of elements - Mountain Lake, Monster School, In the Amazon Jungle, Dream House, Puppy in Flowers, African Savannah;
  • educational puzzles Larsen for learning English;
  • puzzles animators Kinoptik - magnetic games for creating animated images of cities, robots, animals
  • puzzles Pyramid, Labyrinthus, Transformer;
  • logic games - Megapolis, Troy, Smartphone, Ten in a row, Rescuers, Antivirus mutation, Pixels, Polisimmo.

Thinking about what to give a child for 7 years, you can stop your attention on crystal and volumetric 3 D puzzles made of wood, safe plastic, rubber and thick cardboard, in short, you should choose everything of the highest quality and unusual that is suitable for a birthday.

At the age of seven, every first grader must have a designer, and for a birthday celebration, you need to choose the most interesting, unusual and useful toys. At the moment, there are a huge number of types of these games. Their main purpose is to train fine motor skills and memory, improve concentration, develop logic and spatial imagination.

The most suitable models for the seven-year plan are Peach Garden, Smeshariki. Losyash's house, electronic constructor Connoisseur of 320 circuits, Master ball, wooden games - Kid, Eiffel Tower. Not knowing what to present to a seven-year-old child, present him with the modern creative constructor ZOOB in a plastic container, consisting of 250 parts, different in shape. The most interesting thing is that they are connected to each other in several ways, creating rotating hinges. Later, even more dynamic three-dimensional structures can be made from them.

There is always an opportunity for young sculptors and artists to acquire a lot of useful things to develop their creative abilities. At the moment it is:

  • special plasticine mass that does not stain hands and clothes;
  • a potter's wheel with an electric motor and blue clay included;
  • accessories for plasticine pictures, folk toys;
  • kits for working with clay, for making plaster figures and painting them;
  • floating nacreous plasticine, wax, ball;
  • sets for the production of plaster souvenirs, bas-reliefs on magnets;
  • machines for forming plaster figurines;
  • wax crayons, watercolors, pastel paints and gouache;
  • combined boards for magnets and drawing with crayons;
  • large easel with accessories;
  • a set of toned paper for pastels.

At the age of seven, children can already learn to play plucked instruments, since their fingers have already gotten stronger, you can also buy wind and percussion instruments for them. The tambourine, recorder, harmonica, guitar, student violin are best suited for first graders. Children will appreciate such a present as a synthesizer and an electric guitar. Along the way, parents or guests can add a height-adjustable piano bench, a comfortable foot supply, music stand, microphone and other attributes to the musical instruments.

What to give a child for 7 years: gifts for active children

Children at the age of 7 need a lot of strength and energy in order to successfully master new information in the form of school lessons and homework. Therefore, they need to stay in good physical shape, be cheerful and cheerful. This will be helped by daily sports, exercise and active walks, during which children play different games using sports equipment and ride different vehicles.

The following presents will be relevant for kids:

  1. If parents, relatives or invited friends have not yet managed to make the child happy with such a gift as a bicycle, then seven years is a serious reason to do this. Children will very quickly master the management of this transport, the main thing is to choose the right size of wheels, which should correspond to the growth of the baby.
  2. Also, roller skates will be a welcome gift, riding which has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the child.
  3. You can please a girl or boy with an electric segway - a self-balancing device with two wheels and looks like a chariot.
  4. If there is free space in the house, an exercise bike, various accessories for home activities - a punching bag, a Wave Runner twister, a stepper, a bench press and other models will be a surprise.

It also makes sense for children to give balls for volleyball, football, jump ropes, swimwear, special shoes and uniforms for active sports activities.

What to give a girl for 7 years: video

Best gifts for seven year old girls and boys

You can give a boy a lot of interesting things as a birthday present, but for this you need to know his character and habits.

The most popular and desired gifts for him will be the following things:

  • Sword of the Jedi;
  • silicone monsters;
  • Lego;
  • ball-labyrinth puzzle;
  • table hockey or billiards;
  • robot transformer;
  • computer console for games;
  • big encyclopedia, crossword book;
  • logic games in the Scrabble genre;
  • a real acoustic or electronic guitar with an amplifier;
  • stylish satchel;
  • radio-controlled transport models;
  • tablet, computer.

When thinking about what to choose for a girl, it is better to pay attention to toy, but close to real, household devices. Most of all, they will be pleased with a sewing or washing machine, high-quality furniture and a dollhouse. It is worth thinking about accessories for the birthday girl herself - she will like a beautiful jewelry box, an original mirror, a cosmetic bag, and costumes for a masquerade. For creativity, the baby can be presented with needlework kits, polymer clay, drawing supplies. From musical instruments, the girl will like a synthesizer with a computer.

Custom-made gold chains with a cross or with zodiac signs, personalized tableware, hats and T-shirts, beautiful clothes - a festive costume for a boy and a princess dress for a girl - will become symbolic gifts for toddlers of both sexes. In addition, you can order a photo session for your child and make a photo album with his images.

Seven-year-old children, despite their apparent independence and independence, remain children, eager to receive an extraordinary surprise on their birthday, but they also need the attention and care of others. Therefore, it is important to understand what to give a child for 7 years, fortunately, this requires only a little time and a sincere desire to make the baby happy.

Every year it becomes more difficult to surprise a child. Today, manufacturers of children's products provide a huge selection of various products. A seven-year-old boy or girl is an already formed personality. At this age, all children go to school, so they have their own preferences, interests, hobbies and desires. As a rule, future birthday people discuss with their parents in advance what to give them. And the best option is to fulfill the dream of a son or daughter.

What toys can you give a seven-year-old child

Today, on store shelves, you can see many toys that will appeal to a child at this age. But the older the future birthday boy is, the more difficult it is to choose a suitable present on his own. Not all guys are fond of cars, some prefer robots. And girls may not be interested in dolls at all, some like to play with the constructor more.

Preferences in toys for children of 7 years old can be very different, always consult with the parents the girl was presented with a doll Preferences in toys for children of 7 years old can be very different, always consult with the parents

Before buying a surprise for a birthday, check with your child or his parents. It is better to give a thing that will delight the hero of the occasion.

Children of seven years of age will definitely appreciate:

  • RPG kits: There is a huge selection of options. For girls, a beauty salon, a sewing machine, and a sewing kit are perfect. Boys buy a set of a young mechanic, various constructors;
  • radio-controlled toys: such gifts are selected individually depending on the gender of the child: a fairy or a helicopter, for example. But there are also universal models: both boys and girls will like a robot pet;
  • musical mat: playing with such an invention not only helps to develop hearing, a sense of rhythm and speed, but also guarantees a fun pastime on your own or with friends;
  • airbrush for tattoos: don't get scared right away, because this is not a real machine The manufacturer offers a special kit for creating beautiful drawings on the body. The kit also includes stencils, sequins, a brush and special body glue;
  • favorite cartoon characters: dolls, robots, transformers, soft toys. The main thing is to first ask the birthday man which character he prefers;
  • Collectible Figures: Today, many school-age children collect collections. They usually consist of small toys. In addition to such a gift, special houses or castles are bought, where new models are placed;
  • children's musical instruments: give your child a synthesizer with a microphone so that he can hum during the music playback;
  • tent: personal space is very important for the guys. Today, Indian-style wigwams are popular. And if space permits, you can order a real wooden or plastic house with a door, windows and a roof. The child will be delighted.

Gallery: what toys to choose for a birthday at seven

The girl will learn to sew outfits for dolls
The child will learn to understand music and rhythm
Collectible figures are sold one by one or as a set Boys love not only to disassemble, but also to assemble models Radio-controlled pet knows how to perform some commands
The music mat can be played with the whole family
With such a gift, a 7-year-old kid will have fun. Such a plastic house can be installed both indoors and outdoors. Today, many manufacturers produce entire collections of dolls and robots

Video: robot cat review

Useful gifts for the development of a child at 7 years old

Early development is not only important for full-fledged maturation of boys and girls. School-age kids also need to exercise, devote time to logical and other activities.

Shopping for active children

It is not recommended to force children of this age to do anything. It will be more productive to interest the child with the help of interesting and useful gifts. In a playful way, boys and girls will perform all the exercises much faster and with pleasure.

  1. Bicycles: this transport does not give up its popularity even today. A seven-year-old child will be able to master a two-wheeled model without much difficulty. The size of the wheels depends on the height parameters of the young cyclist - if the baby is 115-130 cm, the tire size should be 20 inches, if taller - 24 inches.
  2. Skateboard: If it's summer outside and the weather is fine, it's time to learn how to skate a skateboard. Many parks have special places and slides where children and adults can train and learn new elements. For children 130-140 cm tall and a standard shoe size, a 7 "wide x 28" long board is suitable. If the child is tall and has a larger foot size than his peers, then you need to take a board 8 inches wide and longer.
  3. Rollers: if your son or daughter does not have such roller skates yet, hurry up to get them. During skiing, the muscles of the whole body are strengthened. It is recommended to purchase a helmet, knee and elbow protectors with the product to minimize the risk of injury during a fall.
  4. Ball: If the guys are into football, basketball or volleyball, this is a great holiday gift.
  5. Gyro scooter or segway: there are special models for sale for children. They are smaller and come with protection. A model with a handle is also suitable for a seven-year-old child.
  6. By interests: it all depends on what kind of sport the student is fond of. Gymnasts will appreciate the soft rope and leotard, boxers - gloves, etc.
  7. Training uniform and shoes: sure to come in handy for a child who loves to spend time actively.
  8. Children's simulator: if parents have a place in the house where this product can be installed, feel free to buy such a present for the birthday person.

Gallery: sports gifts

Not only gymnasts can train with a rope
Recently, gyro scooters have become very popular. Together with rollers, you should buy a protective kit. All children love to ride a bicycle. A soccer ball is an excellent gift for a young football player. In many sports clubs, children are engaged only in training form
Skateboards come in different sizes
It is good for children to keep fit
Learning to ride segway is very easy

Video: how to choose a children's bike

Video: how to choose a skateboard

Educational gifts

  1. Sculpting kit: special kits with plasticine mass are popular, which does not leave marks on hands and clothes. In addition, special shapes are sold to sculpt anything. If the plasticine has become unusable, just buy the necessary colors, they can be purchased separately.
  2. Constructor. For children of seven years old, it is better to give a large thematic set. Children will build a whole city from small details.
  3. Volumetric puzzles. The children will also like to collect ordinary pictures from many elements. But 3D models are much more interesting.
  4. Sets for creativity: it is better to buy such a surprise according to the interests of the birthday person. Boys will love the burnout kit, and girls will love making jewelry with their own hands or decorating a box.
  5. Board games: there is a large selection on store shelves for every taste. One of the most popular is Monopoly. It is interesting to play it not only for children, but also for adults.

Gallery: educational gift ideas

With the creativity kit, your child will feel like an adult
Such a puzzle model will be an excellent decoration for a children's room. Different colors of plasticine can be purchased separately. There is a Monopoly for children, so the child will quickly understand the rules. The most popular construction sets today are Lego

Gallery: books for 7-year-olds

With the help of the encyclopedia, the child learns a lot of new things Reading fairy tales develops the child's imagination.On the pages of such a coloring book, you can draw, paint and add details

Surprises for the first grader

Useful gifts will be items that will come in handy during the educational process:

  • desk: the child does his homework every day, draws, sculpts from plasticine, so he just needs his own workplace. A wonderful present for a seven-year-old student will be a table and a chair with drawers, compartments for books, notebooks and stationery;
  • tablet: buy a child's device for the birthday boy, where the master will download educational programs in the form of exciting games;
  • a drawing kit: this is a case that contains pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, watercolors, gouache and oil paints;
  • educational notebooks: there are whole sets on sale that differ depending on the age of the child;
  • smart watches: with their help, a student will be able to call parents on a mobile phone, and mom and dad will know where their child is;
  • student's smartphone: to be constantly in touch, the kid already needs a phone. Special models for children are sold in the salons of mobile communications;
  • school backpack: a good orthopedic model is not cheap. Therefore, both parents and the child will be happy with such a gift;
  • e-book: with the help of this invention, the student will be able to read more of the literature they like.

Gallery: gifts that are interesting to students

A pencil case and a bag for changing can be sold with a backpack.Using educational programs on a tablet, a student will do math, reading and other exercises. Such a drawing kit will definitely come in handy for a student
Desks are sold in different configurations Today more and more parents are buying e-books for children Smart watches are very popular among children in elementary school A student's smartphone is not too different from a phone for adults A child in a playful way performs tasks in notebooks

Memorable and symbolic gifts

  1. Jewelry. At this age, the child already understands the value of such a gift. The donor can buy the finished product in the store or order from the master according to an individual sketch. In addition, they ask to make an engraving with the name of a boy or girl, date of birth, a short wish.
  2. Medal. Every kid wants to feel important, so rewarding him with such a gift is a great option. Many people buy a beautiful case and present a surprise in it. Some guests prefer to solemnly wear the product around the birthday person's neck. Then you need a chain or ribbon.
  3. Named dishes. This is usually a cup, but today it is popular to give whole sets such as plate, spoon, fork and knife.
  4. Festive outfit. A ball gown is ideal for a girl, but a boy will be a real gentleman in a strict, classic suit.
  5. Photobook. It is ordered in advance from a professional photographer. Some parents specifically arrange a photo session a few weeks before the birthday, so that the professional can process the photo and print an album, portrait or book.

Gallery: surprises to remember

The girl will feel like a real princess in a ball gown. The photobook will remind you of the happy moments of her childhood.

Original ideas to make your holiday unforgettable

You don't have to buy toys or other things, you can think of something more interesting and unusual. A seven-year-old child will be delighted if there is a surprise:

  • electronic moneybox-ATM: this is a kind of bank safe for the birthday person. With his help, he will be able to accumulate a sufficient amount and spend it at his own will. There is a calculator and a clock on the panel so that the kid can navigate in time. But just getting the money won't work. To do this, you must use a bank card. The guys will certainly be interested in such a gift;
  • music player: children of this age already have certain preferences in music. With such a present, they will be able to listen to their favorite performers in their room;
  • furniture: stop the choice on the original bed, because this is the main detail of the interior of the nursery;
  • culinary master class: the birthday person will not only have fun, but also taste his dish after the end of the process;
  • a full-day pass to the children's playground: many centers have rooms for celebrating birthday parties. You can also order the celebration of this date there;
  • organization of the holiday: the child will definitely appreciate if on his birthday the guests will be entertained by animators and fairy-tale characters. And the highlight of the evening will be an air bubble show or a real candy bar with a themed cake.

Gallery: unusual gift options

With the help of such a piggy bank, the child will be interested in collecting money An excellent gift will be a bed in themed style. Parents will also be able to try a dish that the child will cook.
The main thing when ordering a candy bar is to choose your favorite birthday theme

Video: choosing a gift for a boy

Video: choosing a gift for a girl

To please a child on his birthday, it is enough to show attention and give exactly the thing that will interest the birthday boy. Many invited guests get lost and don't know what to choose in the end. Don't worry, most children's goods stores have consultants. They will help you make a decision and buy a product that is suitable for a seven-year-old boy or girl.

Children of seven years old are little older ones. If you think that they are addicted to purely novelties in the world of gadgets, then you are seriously mistaken. Girls at the age of 7 will be equally happy both from an elegant handbag and from a toy-hero of an adored cartoon film.

7 years is a wonderful age on the verge of childhood and early age.

The little man is previously able to perceive thoughtful decisions and reasonably stand up to them, but at the same time, a sincere infant hope in Heaven, miracles and the inevitable victory of Good are still alive. The task of the elders around the baby is not to destroy this excellent poetic world.

And asking the question: "What gift to give a girl of 7 years old?" , do not forget that a present on the day of birth is obliged to provoke the genuine joy of the child.

Here you will no longer be able to get by with an elegant envelope with an attached currency bill. It is necessary to connect Mistress Imagination to work.

A book for a girl as a gift

The best gift for a girl for seven years

Most girls at the age of 7 direct their interest in their appearance and strive to feel like a girl.

As a result, they are allowed and must be given accessories in order to be nice.

For example, if the recipient has long hair, then she will be happy to purchase a set of wonderful hair accessories as a present - such as a headband, hair ties, ribbons.

For almost all girls, a set of cosmetics appears as a secret dream.... Of course, it is necessary to select cosmetics designed specifically for children. It is allowed to buy an elegant cosmetic bag and fill it with various "girlish" things.

So far, the only curious kind of presentation is a multi-tiered chest with several compartments. In such a box, it is allowed to keep jewelry and other cute trifles that any adorable baby has.

It is allowed to buy a small lady and an attractive children's bag as a present; it is allowed to put a mirror in a beautiful frame, a comb that is pretty on the eye and other necessary accessories in it.

Unusual gifts for a girl of 7 years old


Unusual type of the Day of the birth of a girl. A unique idea - to organize a thematic party for the hero of the occasion and her girlfriends: pajamas, fantastic or dancing.

Efforts should be added to make the evening memorable: to think of a beautiful table setting, and matching collages, outfits or caps.

The dress.

The adored clothes of little girls. At the age of seven, it will be easy and simple to please a girl's tastes.

An exquisite dress of the idolized color of the birthday girl with an extraordinary print will serve as a wonderful gift.


Representatives of the fairest sex from an early age have an exquisite lady's soul. They love to be presented with flowers.

The birthday girl will delight in a unique bouquet of live flowers or an extraordinary flowering plant in a pot: primrose, begonias, violets.

Musical card.

Unusual birthday present. The culprit of the festival will be delighted with a large beautiful postcard with a wish in verse and a lively melody that sounds when it was invented.

Hair accessories.

Little hairstyles like to do extraordinary hairstyles. An excellent idea for a gift for a girl is a set of attractive hairpins, bows, hairpins or hair hoops.

If she has long hair, in this case it is allowed to present her with a styler for curling curls or straightening.

A set for teaching creativity.

A set for modeling from plasticine, embroidery, painting on ceramic dishes or stone will be an excellent gift for a creative nature.

Learning creativity will take the child's unhindered time, they can help develop new knowledge and the fruit of imagination.

Application form.

Absolutely all little girls have secrets and little secrets that they prefer to exchange with their own best friends. For this, there are funny profiles with patterns and areas for photos.


An elegant birthday present for a little dreamer. The huge pictorial shape of the ball ball will embellish the handwritten table and will undoubtedly help during your studies at school.

Children's cosmetics.

A small lady will be happy to have her own personal eyeshadow, perfume, lip gloss, powder or hair care products.

A set of high quality baby cosmetics will be a lovely gift for a future beauty.


An elegant little house with neat furnishings, accessories, a clearing and a porch will plunge your little one into admiration.

He will be her beloved toy and will embellish the girl's living room.

Books- the best friends of children. Young ladies have inquisitive ladies' questions.

A handbook for girls will open the doors to the circle of young ladies' physiology, style and fashion, teach the practical basics of etiquette and cooking.

Casket... A casket made of extraordinary material, with a colorful pattern - a great idea for a presentation. She will be a faithful repository for jewelry and girlish secrets.

Board game. Kids prefer to spend time playing board games. A game with a funny plot will enable the birthday girl to happily while away the time in the company of family members or friends. She will develop children's thinking, imagination. And also logic.

... Girls love to shape attractive jewelry for themselves. A set of special elastic bands, ribbons and beads will amuse the hero of the festival. Knitting bracelets will develop creativity and imagination.

... School years are the best in the existence of a child. Any small student deserves to have wonderful things for her studies. Uncommon Views: 267