What is face primer cream. What is a face primer? Terms of use and rating of the best models. Primer options from well-known manufacturers for a specific skin type

Primer is a real must-have for high-quality daytime or evening make-up. This cosmetic product is applied under the foundation and solves 3 main tasks: fixes makeup, protects the face and makes the aesthetic result more perfect. You need to choose primers taking into account several features - skin type, tone, turgor and microrelief features. We will tell you why you need such beauty products and how to find the perfect one.

Types of primers

Primarily, primers differ in consistency. For oily skin, you need liquid products such as NYX Professional Makeup Shine Killer or Honey Dew Me Up Primer. They have a light texture that creates a weightless base for the make-up and serves as a protective barrier. The problem with this type of skin is that the sebaceous glands work too actively, and their secretions can enter into chemical reactions with the components of cosmetics, changing their composition and color. The primer excludes such a development of events: the makeup does not float, and the inflammation of the epidermis becomes less pronounced. Why deny yourself this?

For dry skin, soft, creamy primers are optimal, for example, NYX Professional Makeup Soft Focus Primer. They are denser, more delicate, thanks to their thick texture, they improve the microrelief of dry skin - hide wrinkles, moisturize, and illuminate.

For mature skin with noticeable wrinkles and signs of ptosis, “silk” make-up bases are needed. They contain proteins that not only eliminate external imperfections, but also improve the condition of the dermis as a whole.

Primers and concealers also differ in base tone. Pink ones remove yellowness, green ones mask redness, i.e. optimal for problem skin prone to irritation. NYX Professional Makeup Color Correcting Liquid Primer has foundations for all common shades.

  • silicone primers- fill pores and wrinkles, create a perfectly even base for make-up, are suitable for both normal and oily skin, can be used both locally, for example, for the lip contour, and for the whole face;
  • reflective primers- contain microparticles with a light-scattering texture, thanks to which the face is literally illuminated from the inside, cold tones are well suited for light skin, dark ones - for tanned and dark-skinned;
  • mineral primers- a universal option for oily skin: mattifies, absorbs sebaceous secretions without clogging pores, thanks to the green undertone, they hide redness.

Why do you need a face primer?

  • Thanks to him, pigments and components of cosmetics will not penetrate into the pores, provoking their inflammation.
  • Foundations make makeup look more durable and eliminate color distortion.
  • Bases of any tone preserve the skin's normal hydro-lipid barrier.
  • With the help of primers, it is easy to hide skin imperfections, both minor ones like pinpoint redness and serious ones - pimples, enlarged pores, and acne marks.
  • The primer, as the first layer in clothes, provides comfort: even on very dry skin, makeup will not cause a feeling of tightness after a few hours.
  • All bases contain filters that neutralize the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and prevent photoaging.
  • The makeup base greatly simplifies the contouring of the face: shading and tone transitions look neat and natural.
  • The primer moisturizes the skin while maintaining a matte and velvety texture throughout the day.

Concealer or primer?

Concealers and makeup bases have a common "function" to mask imperfections in the skin. Primers prepare the skin for the use of decorative cosmetics: they are applied before the foundation, even out the shade, smooth out wrinkles, enlarged pores and scars.

Concealers are applied locally: they hide dark circles under the eyes, mask pinpoint redness, age spots on the face and other minor imperfections. Such cosmetics usually have a liquid texture, and the tone is as close as possible to the natural skin color. Concealer can be spread over primer in problem areas.

  • The primer is used only on previously prepared, clean skin.
  • The foundation is applied after the base is completely dry, otherwise it will roll off on a wet base.
  • Matting primers should be transparent. On a face prone to oily sheen, you can work out the T-zone twice, the ideal option is a colorless liquid NYX Professional Makeup Studio Perfect Primer.
  • Bases can be applied topically: they usually have a green tone and are designed to eliminate redness and inflammation.
  • The base is always the first layer of makeup.
  • A quality makeup base is not just a trend: this beauty product improves skin condition and make-up quality. It is suitable for use all year round and can be combined with any decorative cosmetics.

Coco Chanel said: "There are no ugly women, there are women with unkempt skin." Circles under the eyes, redness, rashes - all these troubles spoil the appearance. You won't be able to get rid of them in the blink of an eye, but it is quite possible to disguise them. Professional makeup artists use a face primer for this purpose. This miracle remedy is capable of a lot. There is a large selection of types of this product in cosmetics stores. Which one is better to choose and how to apply it correctly on the face?

What is a face primer

On the covers of glossy magazines and on television pop stars, models look perfect. Not a single flaw is visible on the skin. It is impossible to achieve such a result with a single foundation. Leading makeup artists always use a primer, or as it is also called, a make-up base. For nails, there are products that have an identical name - primers, but absolutely different in properties.

Why can't you apply foundation immediately? The fact is that it is not able to cope with several tasks at once. Why do you need a primer? Means:

  • protects the skin;
  • evens out the relief;
  • provides long-lasting makeup.

What types are there

The primer is a universal tool, but depending on the tasks set, it is necessary to select a specific type of this tool:

  1. Matting. Suitable for oily skin. Mattifies the skin, evens out the relief. Prevents the appearance of oily sheen.
  2. Corrective. Disguises minor skin defects. Fills in wrinkles. Makes the relief even.
  3. Giving shine. Reflective particles scatter light, drawing attention to the face with a soft glow.
  4. Moisturizing. A good solution for mature and dry skin. Provides it with the necessary hydration, gives a light shine.

How to choose a primer: a palette of colors

In the classic version, the primer is transparent and does not have its own color. Manufacturers, in their striving to unify cosmetics, endow them with several functions at once. In stores, you can find makeup bases with a specific color. This was done with a specific purpose - to mask various skin imperfections. How to choose the right shade of primer:

  1. Purple. Ideal if you have an earthy skin tone. Such a primer will give freshness, youth, make the color healthier.
  2. Green. For owners of problem skin. Makeup artists, knowing about the tricks of combining and overlaying colors, recommend masking all problem areas with this shade.
  3. Orange. Perfectly neutralizes bruises.
  4. Yellow. Removes such a nuisance as.

How to apply on face

To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary not only to choose the right color and texture, but also not to make mistakes when applying the makeup base. It is worth noting that there are separate primers for lips, eyelids and eyelashes that take into account the characteristics of these skin areas. Step-by-step instructions on the application technique will reveal all the secrets of using this tool:

  1. Apply the make-up base only to moisturized skin. Use a light cream. After applying, wait for it to be absorbed.
  2. Arm yourself with a slightly damp sponge. Apply the primer to your face, moving from eyes to cheeks, then forehead and chin. All movements should be light, but rubbing in. Remember that the green shade is applied in spots on the redness.
  3. Evaluate the result, if necessary, work through the T-zone again.
  4. Wait a couple of minutes for the primer to absorb. Next, start applying the foundation.
  5. The scheme for applying the primer to the face - along the massage lines from the vertical axis (middle) to the edges.

Video tutorial: how to use the makeup base correctly

The rules for applying makeup, given in the video, will help you competently use face primers when creating a flawless look. The examples given will help you figure out which shade is more suitable for you. A visual demonstration of the effects of the use of different types of this tool will show the disadvantages and advantages of a particular primer for the face.

If you are in doubt whether you need a makeup base, we advise you to watch the video and solve this pressing issue for yourself once and for all. It not only indicates specific firms and brands that produce these funds, but also describes the advantages and disadvantages of different manufacturers. After viewing, you will have a complete understanding of the properties of this miracle product.

Which manufacturer's products to choose

Many companies replenish their assortment with makeup bases. Which primer is better, it is possible to decide by considering specific examples from different manufacturers:

  1. MAC (MAC Prep Prime Skin). Primers for the face of this company are applicable for both domestic and professional use. The product evens out the skin perfectly. The luminescent effect is subtle, giving a natural glow.
  2. Max Factor Facefinity All Day Primer. Silicone primer. Has a sun protection factor and a light texture. Easy to apply, non-pilling, significantly prolongs the life of your makeup. Controls the formation of oily sheen.
  3. L'Oreal (Lumi Magique). Visually smoothes, protects, adds radiance. Available in gel form. Provides up to 8 hours of hydration. It is used as a base for foundation or as an independent product.
  4. Smashbox. This company produces 10 primers at once. Each is designed for one task: redness, acne, others. Easy to apply, degreases the surface.

Where to buy and how much does it cost

The prices for this product are more dependent on the manufacturer. Even if you have not found the required primer in your city, they are always on sale in online stores. Which brand to give preference to and where to buy the product is a purely individual matter. The pivot table will help you navigate prices and stores.

Let's be honest - not all of us are makeup gurus. Many of us make gross mistakes, and we didn't even know about some moments of a competent make-up. But in fairness, it should be noted that manufacturers of cosmetic products do not get tired of "delighting" their consumers with new products with incomprehensible names, which sometimes duplicate proven and long-established products, or produce completely useless products.

Photos from the site: evagirl.ru

One of the controversial products of modern cosmetics is a face primer. What is this beauty product, what is it for, what options are there and which primer to choose - all this is in the next review from Red Lipstick.

We understand the content of the beauty question: a primer and what is it for

Primer, what is this magic remedy and is it really as miraculous as the manufacturers promise us? Let's figure it out in detail.

Photo from the site: cosm.ru

In fact, a primer is nothing more than a makeup base. Its role may well be performed by any moisturizer or protective cream, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin and personal preferences. Why are manufacturers so aggressively suggesting the use of a primer? Consider the reasons for the importance of this product:

  • The primer helps to even out the complexion.
  • With the help of a primer, you can smooth out the skin's relief.
  • The use of a primer under make-up prolongs the "life" of decorative cosmetics.
  • The primer saves the consumption of decorative cosmetics.
  • The primer prevents make-up from rolling into wrinkles and pores.
  • The primer nourishes and nourishes the skin.
  • The primer helps matte or moisturize the skin. It all depends on the option that you choose.
  • The primer protects the skin from UF radiation.

Photo from the site: ebay.com

A solid list that definitely makes you want to buy this beauty product. However, before you run to choose a primer, as most women do, giving in to an impulse, you should understand all these aspects in detail. Let's break it down point by point:

  1. The primer helps to even out the complexion. Yes it is, but the same function of the foundation. The question arises - why then do you need this most tonal means? Yes, indeed, in order not to make the makeup heavier, you can use only one primer, and then fix the result with powder. Well, if you decide to use the tone, then as a base for makeup, it is quite possible to do with the usual moisturizer for the face.
  2. The primer evens out the texture of the skin. You can't argue with this point. The primer really fills in fine wrinkles and pores, and smoothes peeling. However, a similar result is required only if there are similar problems. If the skin does not need serious correction, then an ordinary moisturizer will help to “distract” from any minor skin defects.
  3. The primer ensures the durability of the decorative agents. Yes, the primer really increases the service time of the make-up, but this indicator, in comparison with the usual cream, is not so great as to unconditionally make it a favorite.

Do not use a primer every day. Use it when the durability of your makeup is really important to you or when you have a responsible photo session. In all other cases, a regular face cream will do. Still, the silicones contained in the primer are not so useful for the skin.

Photos from the site: oki-dokki.com

  1. The primer saves the consumption of decorative cosmetics. As shown by numerous reviews, even by professional makeup artists, there is no difference in the consumption of cosmetics applied over a primer or moisturizer.
  2. The primer prevents the clogging of pores with beauty products and prevents cosmetics from sliding into the folds of the skin. But this is really a true fact. Eyeshadow, foundation, concealer applied over the primer does not delineate the pores and does not clog into the folds of the skin.
  3. The primer is good for the skin because it looks after it. Partly true. A truly "useful" primer can only be found in the Lux cosmetics category. But which primer to choose for a face of an average price so that it really looks after is a question without an answer. Judging by the composition in all other price segments, the primer is naked silicone, which is not useful for skin, especially problematic and prone to oily. And if caring ingredients are found, then their content is so minimal that it makes it possible to speak only about their nominal content. If you are lucky, then we hasten to disappoint you - the same regular face cream has a similar caring effect on the skin as a "useful" primer.
  4. The primer helps matte or moisturize the skin. Yes that's right. The main thing is to choose the option that suits your skin type. But powder can also cope with this task. So we can say that this is a duplicate function.
  5. The primer protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. This is a good sign. All modern decorative means - foundation, powder, lipstick, etc. are endowed with the same functions. And, perhaps, the protective properties of the top layer of a beauty product are more important to protect the skin, and not its base.

So, to summarize - the primer is not an indispensable tool. A number of wonderful functions with which it has been endowed simply duplicate the properties of the usual beauty media, and some are completely useless. The only thing you can appreciate it for is the relative durability of the make-up, smoothing of problem skin and a barrier to the rolling and hammering of cosmetics into the folds and pores of the face.

How to choose a primer for your face

Still, you are not satisfied with the effect of a regular cream, and you decided to purchase a face primer. Which one is better to choose depends on many factors and circumstances. You will not find a universal option, but this is even better, because each option is designed for a specific purpose. Primers are classified according to a number of characteristics, and in each group you should choose a product that suits you.

Photos from the site: lotere.info

Consider the variety of primer and choose the appropriate option.

How to choose a primer by area of ​​application

At the moment, primers are produced for the following zones:

  • Eyelid primer.
  • For face.
  • For lips.
  • And even for eyelashes.

Photo from the site: marykay.ucoz.org

Each of these options has its own strict specialization, and don't even try to get by with one face primer. Thin skin in the eye area requires a specific composition - the primer should smooth expression and age wrinkles and prevent beauty products from clogging into folds. The face primer fills the pores so they don't show up under makeup. Lip example smoothes the skin and adds volume. Well, the eyelash primer makes them look longer and more voluminous.

How to choose a face primer by skin type

The primer is in direct contact with the skin, and here it is very important to choose a product that is suitable specifically for your skin characteristics:

Photos from the site: 100sp.ru

  • Moisturizing option - for dry and sensitive skin. This primer contains a large amount of silicone, which retains moisture in the skin and prevents it from evaporating. It also smoothes peeling well and levels dryness foci.
  • Primer for normal skin. Contains an optimal percentage of silicone substances, providing the required level of moisture, and at the same time does not overload the skin.
  • Primer for oily and combination skin. This product contains a minimal percentage of silicone and inhibits the formation of oily sheen.

How to choose a face primer by color

A primer is not necessarily a neutral product. Recently, on the shelves of cosmetic stores, you can find an unusual offer in the form of colored primers. They are good because they solve color problems of the skin. In fact, it is a combined product that combines the functions of a base and corrective agents or tonal products.

Photos from the site: perfume-boutique.com.ua

  • Green primer. Copes with redness and breakouts. But such a product should be strictly applied to the problem area. And in this case, a tone or at least a powder is required, otherwise the effect of "Shrek" cannot be avoided.
  • The pink shades of the primer are perfect for giving the face a fresh look. It is also great for covering up yellow spots, as well as answering the question of which primer to choose for mature skin.
  • Violet and lilac primers are similar in their visual effect to the pink counterpart, but are more suitable for dark skin.
  • A yellow primer will brighten the blue under the eyes perfectly.
  • Primer for natural shades that adapt to the natural skin tone.

When choosing a primer shade, be guided by the peculiarities of your skin color. For persons with a cold skin tone, you should choose options with a cold glow. For dark-skinned beauties, warm options are suitable.

Using colored primers can do without concealers and correctors for the face, but it is important to apply foundation here. But the primer of neutral shades does not need additional alignment of the tone, it is enough to fix the result with powder.

What type of primer to choose according to the "special effect"

In the range of products of many manufacturers that produce primers, you can find options containing cosmetic "special effects":

Photos from the site: meandmyfamilymix.blogspot.ru

  • Shining primer. It is a mix of base and highlighter. This product will create a delicate glow to the skin. When using it, you should abandon the additional use of shimmers and highlighters, unless, of course, you want to be like a Christmas tree. It is worth remembering that this option is definitely not suitable for oily skin, because it will enhance the visual manifestation of shine.
  • Matting product. It will help to create the effect of even, completely matte skin. But it is more suitable for young ladies, because skin devoid of natural shine even more emphasizes age.

Life hacks for choosing and using a primer

A primer is a rather delicate product, and has not yet become so common in everyday life of every beauty, and therefore, I think, it will be useful to give some advice on its selection and use.

Photo from the site: startwish.ru

  1. The primer should be applied in a very thin layer. A portion the size of a small bean is enough for the face, and even less for the eye area. Applying too generously, you risk the durability of your makeup, because it will float pretty quickly.
  2. Many primers require a specific method of application - with a brush, with a beauty blender; by hand, wet or dry. It's good if this information is included on the packaging. This guarantees you a long make-up service. If this information is not on the packaging, ask a consultant, they should be aware of the features of each product.
  3. Many are worried about the question - which company to choose a matting primer so that its effect is really long-lasting and at the same time does not clog the already problematic pores? This product is to be found in the luxury category. Unfortunately, mass-market cosmetics and even mediums cannot afford to use substances in their products that not only create the desired effect, but also take care of the skin.
  4. Young girls shouldn't get carried away with primer. Their age-related skin changes - enlarged pores, wrinkles - are not yet so pronounced to fill them with primer. This product is more suitable for women from the age of 30 and even from 35 to 40, if the skin has undergone little age-related changes.
  5. As paradoxical as it may sound, but a primer, which is a base for makeup, requires a base for itself. Remember to apply a moisturizer or skin protection cream to your skin.
  6. Do not chase a large amount of funds. The primer is consumed quite economically, is suitable for infrequent use, and its shelf life after opening ranges from 6 to 12 months. You may end up paying in vain for a product that will eventually have to be thrown away due to its expiration date.

In conclusion, we note once again that the primer is an ambiguous product. The expediency of its use is rather controversial, and its functions are often overlapping. Nevertheless, perhaps someone will prefer this beauty tool for themselves. Whether you use it or not is up to you. Most importantly, remember the most important main rule of any cosmetics - choose a product that suits you and solves a specific task.

Makeup is the basis for any look. Regardless of whether the make-up is natural or bright, the main thing is that it is neat and harmonious. But much depends on the correct use of the primer.

The primer greatly facilitates the application of the make-up base, so that the make-up will be perfect all day long. However, for this you need to be able not only to choose the right one, but also to apply it to the skin, observing several rules. The primer is very popular among women with problem skin, as it helps to even out the complexion, after which the makeup lays down evenly.

  • Read the review - for problem skin.

Types of face primers

Today there is a wide selection of types of face primers. You need to choose this remedy taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin. Before using a primer, you need to carefully consider all its types.


This type of primer is suitable for women who are trying to make up scars and minor skin imperfections. It is very similar to, therefore it perfectly masks all problem areas. It comes in yellow, light green and pink shades, thanks to which it perfectly removes any irregularities, roughness and spots.

Matting primer

Recommended for use in extreme heat, so that the makeup will not spread, and the skin will become perfectly smooth and matte, removing oily sheen. This type of primer is suitable for women with problematic and sensitive skin and acne problems. This product is formulated with a minimal amount of fat to help maintain healthy skin without causing redness or acne.

Moisturizing face primer

The primer is suitable for mature skin, as it reliably hides all fine wrinkles, gives the skin a natural radiance, eliminates unevenness, making it smooth.

Glittering or toning

Perfectly evens out all skin tones, gives the face a radiance and brightness.

It is produced in the form of a cream and provides an even application of eyeshadows that will last perfectly throughout the day and will not crumble.

The primer is available in several colors:
  • Yellow helps to mask dark circles under the eyes and even out skin tone.
  • Green masks redness, breakouts and eliminates skin irregularities.
  • Purple gives a natural skin tone and is therefore recommended for women with an earthy complexion.
  • Orange masks bruises and evens out the tone of the face.

Many women mistakenly believe that depending on the color chosen, the face will acquire the same tone. The primer is applied in a thin layer and from this the skin will not begin to shimmer in different colors, therefore, before choosing a shade of the product, you need to take into account what effect should be achieved.

The face primer is a creamy, slightly liquid mass that is easy to apply to the skin. This tool not only creates a reliable protective layer, but also prevents the loss of moisture by the skin, removes all irregularities.

You need to apply a primer taking into account several features:

  • A dedicated concealer brush should be purchased to ensure even application.
  • The skin must be clean and dry. If you use an additional moisturizer, you need to wait until it is completely dry before applying the primer.
  • Soft patting and hammering movements with a brush should be performed.
  • When applying the primer to the eye area, only the upper eyelids should be treated.
  • A thin layer can be applied to the lips with a special primer.
  • Apply a very thin layer of eyelash primer, using a transparent product is recommended to make the makeup look more neat and harmonious.

The subtleties of applying primer on the face

The primer should be applied in a very thin layer and spread evenly over the surface of the skin, but there are a few secrets to creating the perfect makeup.

1. Before use

First, you need to moisturize your face with any cream and wait until it is completely absorbed. The main thing is to choose the right primer that matches your skin type.

For the winter season, it is recommended to choose a moisturizing primer that reliably protects the skin from hypothermia. For the summer time, the best option would be a product with an SPF factor, so you can stay under the bright sun for a long time and not worry about the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

2. Application

The primer is applied to the skin in small dots and spread from the center of the face. In order for the base layer to be even, it must be shaded with a special brush, with special attention to enlarged pores and wrinkles.

First, the primer is applied to the fattest T-shaped area (nose and forehead). It is recommended to use matting wipes throughout the day, which absorb excess sebum, so that your makeup will look perfect for a long time. It is not recommended to apply an additional layer of powder or foundation for this purpose, as it will roll and ruin the make-up. If matting wipes will be used, you need to blot the skin with light movements, but do not rub.

How to make a primer yourself?

If there is no way to purchase a primer, you can use a few tricks:

  • For mature skin, a special powder with a matting effect, based on silk, is ideal. This powder has an additional antibacterial effect and gives the face a beautiful silk shine.
  • For acne problems, it is recommended to pick up green tea powder. This remedy should be used not only as a daytime but also as a nighttime remedy.
  • For oily skin, you should choose a powder based on clay or koalin, corn starch. This remedy has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect.

Primer, aka make-up base, is another invention of the cosmetic industry designed to make the face perfect. And it should be noted that he copes with this task perfectly. Therefore, today this cosmetic product can be safely called a must-have for every representative of the beautiful half of humanity, who keeps pace with the times. So, let's dwell in more detail on how to apply the primer on the face and what nuances must be taken into account in this case.

Let's start by specifying what specific properties the primer has. Firstly, it is able to effectively mask such "nuances" of the skin as acne and scars after them, acne, redness and most of the wrinkles. Secondly, it makes makeup brighter, more high-quality and more durable. Thirdly, the primer contains sunscreen components, which means it reduces the aggressive effect of sunlight on the skin. Fourthly, manufacturers of primers enrich their products with various active substances (vitamins, antioxidants), thanks to which the corrective function of this cosmetic product is complemented by a healing one. To get the most out of a primer, you need to know the correct parameters to select it. So, for owners of normal and oily skin, silicone primers are ideal, for problematic - mineral, for evening make-up - reflective (for light skin - cold shades, for darker - warm shades). In terms of consistency for oily skin, it is better to opt for creamy primers and pudding primers. The latter also have different shades: green - for a face with a reddish skin tone, pink - with a yellowish one. If your goal is to hide acne or blackheads, then opt for green tea pudding primers. If you want to remove oily sheen and inflammation, choose a powder with a silk, kaolin or rice base.

Perfect makeup using a primer is applied as follows. As a preparatory stage, the facial skin is moisturized by applying a cream with appropriate properties and light structure. In this case, it is very important to wait until it is completely absorbed, removing, if necessary, the excess with a cotton pad. Keep in mind that if you skip this preparation, the makeup will lie unevenly and will not last long.

Now you can proceed to applying the primer itself. Here you need to decide which area of ​​the face you are going to correct. So, if in your plans to cover the entire face with a primer, carefully shade it with rubbing movements in the direction from the center of the face: first the eyes, then the nose, forehead and cheeks. At the same time, make sure that the product is well distributed on the problem areas that you want to hide. To apply the primer, it is better to use a special concealer brush, if you don't have one, you can also use your fingertips or a soft, damp sponge. In the case of a matting primer, it is recommended to apply it to the T-zone and insure yourself with matting napkins during the day. After applying the primer, it is important, as is the case with moisturizer, to allow time for the product to fully absorb into the skin and merge with it. Only then can you start applying the foundation or powder, if you do not use the first specified product in your makeup.

In addition, recall that the face primer is applied to the entire face area, with the exception of the eyelids and lips. There are separate primer series for these parts of the face. For more on how to properly apply a face primer, see the video below.