We make an oval shape of the nails. We give the desired shape to the nails

On this page, tips are given and a video tutorial “Shaping nails” is presented, which shows the entire algorithm of actions. It is worth watching the shaping of the nails on the video and gain new knowledge on this difficult work.

The most responsible procedure when performing a manicure is giving the nails a beautiful shape, as well as processing the cuticle and removing burrs. The result here largely depends on the quality of the tools used and compliance with the basic rules.

Before shaping the nails, choose the tools

When performing manicure work, you must have on hand. Before shaping the nails, choose the right manicure tools.

Nail scissors. They are used to shorten nails to the desired length, and in some cases to adjust their shape.

On a note. Some manicure masters do not recommend using scissors, and adjusting the length and shape of nails should be done only with a file. This procedure injures the nail less, however, it is quite long and laborious.

Nail clippers. Sharp, flat-edged tweezers are used to remove burrs and, in some cases, cuticles.

The cutting surfaces of manicure scissors and tweezers must be sharp, without nicks and chips, otherwise the risk of damaging the nail or the skin around it increases many times over.

Nail files. With the help of files, the length of the nails is adjusted, as well as giving them a certain shape.

It is advisable to choose fine-grained files on a cardboard or rubber base, with a uniform coating, without protruding elements and foreign inclusions.

Manicure at home should be done approximately once a week (but at least once every 2 weeks). All accessories for this after use must be disinfected by wiping them with a solution of medical alcohol.

Wooden sticks. This device is used to remove dirt from under the nails and to move the cuticle. The most commonly used sticks are made from orange wood.

Nail brush. It is used to cleanse nails and skin of hands from persistent dirt, as well as soften hardened areas.

Nail polish remover. It is used to remove old varnish from nails, as well as to degrease them before staining. It is advisable to use sparing products without acetone for these purposes.

Cuticle softener. These products (usually in the form of a liquid or cream) soften the skin of the cuticle, after which it can be easily scraped off the nail or moved to its base. Many of them slow down the growth of cuticle skin in the future.

White corrective pencil. A special white pencil is used to color the regrown nail tips from the inside, which gives the nails a more well-groomed look. This tool is actively used when creating a French manicure.

What shape to give nails in different cases?

The length and shape of the nails must be selected individually, based not only on fashion trends and personal preferences, but also on the basis of the structure of the hands, the condition of the nails, and lifestyle. Deciding what shape to give nails in different cases should be based on the overall style.

According to the shape, nails can be divided into 5 main types:

  • - the free edge of the nail has the shape of a crescent and almost does not protrude beyond the fingertips;
  • - the free edge of the nail has a flat top, without any rounding;
  • oval - nails are long or medium in length, the free edge has a rounded shape;
  • square with rounded corners - the free edge of the nail has a flat top with slightly rounded corners;
  • pointed - the nails are long, their free edge gradually narrows, ending with a sharp tip.

The right shape of the nails makes the hands more elegant and feminine. Owners of long thin fingers can afford almost any shape of nails. However, in this case, too long nails are not recommended - they will look rough and unnatural on thin, graceful fingers (the exception is pointed nails).

If the hands are not too graceful by nature, rather long nails of the classic oval shape or its varieties - slightly tapering towards the top or square with rounded corners - will help to correct the situation. Square or rounded nails are not recommended in this case - they will visually make the fingers shorter.

It is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the nail plates. So, with weak brittle nails, it is desirable to bring their shape closer to square - it is most resistant to mechanical damage and delamination. Healthy strong nails can be rounded or pointed. The length of the nails should be comfortable and safe. So, for women working in medical institutions, musicians or those who type a lot on the keyboard, it is recommended that the length of the nails is not more than average and the shape is close to round.

All nails on both hands must be the same length. If at least one of them is broken, the rest must also be shortened.

How to give nails the correct shape (with photo)

the following describes how to give the nails the correct shape with a step-by-step algorithm of actions. You can learn in detail about how to properly shape your nails in various ways. Also below it is proposed to see the processes in the photo how to shape the nails, some processing steps are shown. The first stage of a manicure is removing old nail polish (as well as glitter, stickers, rhinestones, etc.) from nails with a cotton pad and acetone-free nail polish remover. Next, you should give the nails the desired shape.

How to give an oval shape to nails quickly and accurately?

Before shaping the nails into an oval shape, the sides of each nail must be filed quickly and carefully at a slight angle, gently rounding them towards the center of the nail.

How to give a beautiful square shape to nails?

Before squaring the nails, file the sides of each nail at a slight angle, then the top edge, holding the file horizontally.

The shape of the nails must be given before making a softening bath or lubricating with cream, since steamed nail plates are more difficult to process and, moreover, are more susceptible to damage and delamination. Thus, before you give your nails a beautiful shape, you should not do any procedures.

Rounding nails

Giving the nails a rounded shape: shorten the nails with nail scissors to the length of the free edge of 1-2 mm. File the free edge of each nail in the direction from the side edges to its center.

If desired, the corners of the nail can be slightly rounded by running a file along them several times in the direction from the side edges to its center.

Shaping the nails

Sharpening the Nails: File the sides of each nail at an angle so that the sharp tip is at the center of the nail. Run a file over it several times, slightly dulling it.

In no case should you file your nails with sweeping reciprocating movements - this can lead to cracks.

Pointed nails look natural only if their free edge is at least 2.5 cm long.

The next stage of the manicure is the removal of the cuticle. Hold the fingers of one hand for several minutes in a warm bath, then blot with a towel. Apply a special softening composition to the cuticle, then gently move it to the base of the nail with the blunt end of a wooden stick. Then steam and process the cuticle on the fingers of the other hand in the same way.

To combat hangnails, add 1 teaspoon of glycerin and 1/2 teaspoon of salt to the softening bath water.

After steaming, carefully remove the burrs with nail clippers (tweezers must be sharp and disinfected).

Wrap the sharp end of the stick with cotton and clean the tip of the nail. Do not insert the stick under the nail too abruptly, this can damage both the nail itself and its base. Wet and treat the other hand.

If necessary, trim your nails with a nail file. To improve the blood supply to the nails and make them shine, it is recommended to polish them with a piece of leather. After that, rub a nourishing cream into the skin of the hands and nails.

After the cream has been absorbed, you can proceed to coloring your nails, after degreasing them with a nail polish remover.

Professional masters are able to literally transform their nails to perfect condition with their eyes closed, but for most women this science is still incomprehensible and complicated. We will learn how to give a beautiful shape to your nails so that your manicure does not step into the salon version.

Of course, it will not be possible to do this without much effort; in any case, it is worth correctly determining the future form. Then follows the preparatory stage, during which the processing of the plate is carried out. Then we create the basis for the future manicure. All this is described in this material, but for now we offer to look at the photo options for processing the nail plate:

Determine the shape of the nail plate in the future

The specifics of the preparatory stage depend on the form you choose. What tools to prepare, how to prepare fingers and hands? Let's take a look at the design. We usually determine the appropriate shape of the nail plate in the future, depending on the lifestyle and occupation. If long and sharp nails do not suit you, you have small children or a special profession, go for round nails - they are elegant and absolutely safe. If you can still afford some length, choose an oval. Square nails can balance long and thin fingers with a long nail bed. If sharp corners confuse you, choose a soft square. If you have some experience in nail art, you can try the almond shaped manicure, it is a very feminine and effective form that suits a variety of fingers.

Look at the photo for options for the shape of the nail plate that are suitable for a particular case (the picture is clickable and enlarges when you click):

The preparatory stage before giving a beautiful shape to the nails

When we have decided on the form, we can begin preparing directly for the procedure. The preparatory stage is very important. If you prepare everything correctly before giving your nails a beautiful shape, then the result will exceed all expectations.

If the length of the nail remains the same or slightly decreases, only a file is useful to you from the tools, well, or two - with a different abrasive. First, with a file with a large abrasive, we give the shape of the nail, and then with a tool with a finer abrasive, we draw up the edge line, making it absolutely smooth. Before the procedure, the fingers do not need to be soaked in water so that the nail does not exfoliate under the influence of the file, but the remains of the varnish must be removed.

If you need to significantly shorten the length of the nail or radically change the shape, for example, turn an almond into a square, use nippers or scissors with straight blades. With these tools, you can transform a manicure in one movement, and then all that remains is to walk with a nail file with a fine abrasive to avoid edge roughness. Before such a procedure, the nails should be soaked in warm water so that the nail plate becomes softer and more pliable.

We create the basis of manicure

How to give beautiful shape to nails at home, watch the work of a nail technician in the salon or watch video tutorials on the net. In what direction are the hands of a professional moving, what exactly does he do and how? If we create a high-quality basis for a future manicure, then the subsequent result will be amazing. Remember that any tool must be held firmly in your hand, but so that the brush does not strain, let the movements be smooth. When filing a nail, avoid reciprocating movements, the file should only move in one direction. Check that the length and shape are the same for all ten fingers. If in the future one of the long nails breaks, all the rest are necessarily shortened. The edge of each nail should be absolutely symmetrical, only then the manicure will be truly beautiful and of high quality.

Women often wonder how to shape their nails at home. Beautiful hands are well-groomed fingers and skin, neatly filed nails of the correct shape. But not everyone can afford to regularly visit a manicurist, as such services are quite expensive. Therefore, it is much easier to learn how to do a manicure yourself, because who, except for yourself, knows better what kind of manicure you want.

How to shape nails at home - this phrase occupies the first positions in search queries. Actually, it's not a very complicated process. It is enough to pick up all the required tools and practice a couple of times. Soon you will be able to easily do yourself a manicure that no one can distinguish from a salon.

Required Tools

In order to independently give the nails the desired shape, you need to use certain tools. It is advisable to purchase them in a specialized store that sells professional manicure supplies. With their help, you can quickly and easily get a manicure, even if you previously only applied to classified manicurists.

  • file. Without it, it is impossible to correct the shape of the nails. It is best to choose a fine-grained nail file. When buying, carefully inspect the coating, it should be uniform, without any inclusions. The specialist is also advised to choose a glass or ceramic nail file for home manicure - with such a tool, the edges of the nails always turn out to be even and smooth;
  • Nail scissors. With their help, you can shorten the length;
  • Tweezers with flat edges. Needed to remove burrs and keratinized skin. The edges of the tweezers should always be sharply sharpened, otherwise the nail plate and the skin around it can be damaged;
  • wooden sticks. The best are orange tree sticks. They clean the surface under the nail and shift the cuticle.

What shape to choose?

For each woman, an individual shape of the nail is selected. The choice depends on personal preference and the structure of the hand. The last factor should be decisive, because even if you like the square shape of the nails, but you are the owner of a wide palm and short fingers, it is better to file your nails differently. This option is not suitable due to the fact that it will violate the overall proportionality of the hands.

  • oval. Goes to any girl and woman. This is a classic form that you can choose without fear. In addition, it is very convenient - the edges of the nails are smooth, so they do not cling to anything and break less;
  • round. Ideal for those with wide palms and small, large fingers with short nails. Visually lengthen the handles, making them more elegant;
  • square. Not a very convenient option, as such nails often break. The square option is often chosen by owners of thin, long fingers, because it visually shortens the hands. Looks good on nails of any length;
  • soft square. A more convenient version of the square shape, its edges are more rounded and this allows the manicure to last longer;
  • . A very beautiful, but rarely used version of the form, because the nail turns out to be quite fragile. It looks like an almond nut, as it is slightly pointed towards the end. Suitable for everyone except those with very short fingers;
  • stylet. An extreme form of manicure, because it is a very long, highly pointed nail. Suitable for girls with fingers of medium length and medium-sized palms.

General rules for filing nails

  • all tools, hands, nails must be absolutely dry;
  • be sure to wash the old varnish and degrease the nails;
  • the whole process should be carried out in very good light. You need to clearly see all the smallest details on the nail;
  • periodically lubricate your nails and hands with wax, this will help to avoid the appearance of roughness;
  • you can not file very short nails, it is desirable that they grow from the nail bed by 2-3 mm .;
  • cut the nail along the length of the shortest;
  • do not file the nail on one side more than 10 times;
  • all movements should be slow, while tilting the file slightly - this way you will avoid delamination of the nail.

How to make an oval shape?

  • Trim your nails to the desired length;
  • Determine the center of the nail. To do this, mentally draw a line strictly from the center of the hole to the edge of the nail plate;
  • Start modeling the nail with smooth movements. They should go from the sides to the center;
  • Take your time, carefully monitor the resulting shape so that it turns out to be as symmetrical as possible.

How to make a round shape

  • Shorten the nails, leaving the regrown part about 3 mm high .;
  • Carefully start filing the edges. Movement should go from the side to the center;
  • Round the corners in the same direction;
  • Continue movements until the nail plate becomes the desired shape;

How to make a square shape?

  • Cut the nail at a right angle with sharp nail scissors. Leave the length as you wish;
  • File the cut edge immediately with a nail file to smooth it slightly;
  • Next, work the edge more thoroughly. Hold the file at a 45 degree angle from the edge of the nail plate;
  • Carry out all movements in one direction, this will help protect the nail from cracks;
  • Next, take care of the side edges. File them at right angles. If you want a soft square, round off the edges slightly.

How to make a pointed shape (stiletto)?

  • Remember that for this form, the regrown part of the nail should be about 2 cm;
  • Start filing the nail plate. Handle the edges at an angle with movements from the side to the center;
  • Perform all manipulations smoothly and carefully so as not to break the nail;
  • The sharpest edge should be strictly in the center;
  • Having given the necessary shape, carefully run the file along the tip several times, thereby slightly dulling it.
  • For natural nails, it is best to purchase nail files with abrasiveness from 180 to 250 grit;
  • If your nails are fragile, brittle and often exfoliate, then use 2 types of files. Initially process the form with a glass nail file, and complete the process with a ceramic one;
  • File your nails preferably once a week.
  • Do not adjust wet nails, they can be easily damaged by this;
  • Arrange rest for your hands, regularly take baths with essential oils. They not only soften the skin and cuticles well, but also strengthen the nails.
By following these simple rules, you can learn how to do a manicure yourself. Over time, you will understand how to shape your nails at home, and not worry about how your hands look now. This will save you time and money that will not need to be spent on services in the salon.

Manicure and nail modeling are concepts arising from each other. You can learn how to make beautiful nails yourself without the help of specialists. The only catch is to understand which shape is right for you: square, almond-shaped, oval, stiletto, and adjust what nature has given you. After all, by filing nails, they can be made beautiful or completely unsuitable, which is why any manicure will look clumsy. To give them the perfect shape, you need to understand some things. That's what we'll talk about below!

Preparing for simulation

Strange as it may seem, but you need to start processing your nails with ... selecting the right tools. The old cheap nail scissors that you are so used to are better replaced with tweezers. But if you can’t do without the first ones, then get high-quality, with tightly closing blades, made of anti-corrosion material.

In general, sharpening nails can be done with just one file. But files with suitable abrasiveness and from high-quality material. It is better to refuse metal files: their use violates the structure of the nail plate, which leads to serifs, cracks and breaks. What can not be said about glass, ceramic and emery options. However, glass cannot be used to treat hard and thick nails, as well as artificial ones. And ceramic ones are more suitable for gentle and delicate manicure.

There are so many types of emery products that with a large selection in the store you can get confused. What options does the modern beauty industry not offer: with paper-based emery crumbs, with garnet abrasive, with silicon carbide, with aluminum oxide, with diamond chips. Almost all of them (except for paper-based products) are expensive, but they will also last a long time. However, two nail files in a "bundle" - glass and ceramic - can solve all problems with nails: shape them, process edges safely, and are affordable.

When filing your nails, you should follow a few rules:

  1. Carry out sawdust in one direction: gently, carefully, without chaotic and sudden movements.
  2. Visually “divide” the nail in half and make sawdust from the edge to the center, while holding the nail file at an angle.
  3. File your nails once a week: with frequent filing, they will not be able to recover quickly enough.
  4. When leveling the surface of the nail, polishing should not be done more than once a month.
  5. Strengthen and nourish nails. One of the most effective remedies is a salt bath for hands. As salt, it is better to use sea salt, not food salt. 1-2 drops of burdock oil in the bath will provide nourishment and nail growth. So, pour a glass of warm water into a bowl, add a spoonful of sea salt and essential oil, and put your hands in it for 20 minutes. After the procedure, soften the hands with cream.

Nail shapes

We figured out the tools for manicure. We turn to the main thing - which form to choose for nails, because it depends on it whether they will be beautiful or not. By nature they are:

  • Trapezoidal
  • square
  • Rectangular
  • round

It is important to consider the length of the fingers and the shape of the hands. So, the owners of wide palms and not too long fingers should not be filed under the “square” and already square nails. Too narrow a hand with long fingers will look like a "vampire's hand" if the nails are made in the form of a "stiletto". In both cases, an oval-square shape is suitable. It happens that one person has different nails: both square and round. Then a square shape would be ideal.

In general, if you follow the basic rules of modeling, then you need to proceed from natural data: the shape of the cuticle, the nail bed, the length of the fingers.

There are 4 main forms of nails:

  • Square
  • Round
  • oval
  • pointed

Imagine visually which one suits you best. You can cut out nail templates and attach them to your hand, based on the data in the tables.

Tab. No. 1

Tab. No. 2

Choice of nail shape

If the shape and thickness of the fingers

If the fingers are long

If the size of the hand and palm


large, full

Short; medium

Small hands, big hands, wide palms


Narrow brushes


Any, including short

Any, including full hands

Pointed (or "almond")

Palm of medium thickness or narrow

Tab. No. 3

How to make nails "square"

When the choice is made, you can start modeling. The "square" is the basis of all shapes, even the circle. Using nail scissors, trim the free edges of the nails to the desired length. Circumcision is carried out in one motion in a straight line. If the nails are of medium length, then scissors will not be needed: the necessary manipulations can be carried out with a nail file.

Visualize where the center of the nail is and carry out sawdust in one direction from the edge (nail roller) to an imaginary point in the center. First on one side of the nail plate, then on the other. Polish the nails with a polishing buff, rinse your hands in warm water and moisten with cream.

"Soft Square"

Plus a “soft square” in the less pointed corners of the nail plate, so you won’t “cling” to clothes or thin tights. To achieve this shape, you must first make the nails square; it remains only to gently round them. Just a couple of extra movements can lead to an “oval”. Therefore, the file should be operated only in one direction and with light movements. The corners should be gently rounded, after which they should be polished, rinsed with pleasant water and moistened with a cosmetic product.


The oval nail shape is classic and suits most women. First, with scissors, you need to cut off the unnecessary length with a clear movement. All nails must be the same length. File them with a nail file from the sides, starting from the base and moving to the tip of the nail with clear movements, and only in one direction. They will turn out elongated and with a pointed end. At the end of the procedure, the tips should be rounded, all nails polished, hands rinsed and moistened with nourishing crepe.

"A circle"

The circle differs from the oval only in the length of the nail. But we must keep in mind that the round shape is suitable only for owners of short nails, so it is extremely important when cutting with scissors to achieve the same length of nails on all fingers. File from the base to the center of the nail. Then, with a file, give the nail a rounded shape, similar to the shape of the hole. Polish the plate, rinse your hands in warm water and moisten.


giving the nail a pointed shape, you must first make it square. Then, using scissors and a nail file, make the sharp edges trapezoidal with 4 corners. It remains to smooth them with a file so that the nail is elongated and sharp, but not too much. At the end of the procedure, polishing, softening hands in warm water, moisturizing.

Having formed a correctly selected shape of nails, you will have another pleasant procedure - nail art. With a beautiful manicure, your look will be completely complete!

Create a round nail shape

  • Care is greatly simplified;

This shape will favorably emphasize large fingers. Owners of voluminous palms should also pay attention to this design of the nail plate.

  1. Nail scissors;
  2. File;

  1. With nail scissors cut nails to the desired length.
  2. Round corners
  3. Remove cuticle

For short nails

For long nails

Round shape and extension

Decoration of round nails

French manicure

Always up to date. With this, it is not a shame to go to work, and even to any event.

French gives women's fingers elegance and charm thanks to the smile line that emphasizes the contour of the marigold. To make the manicure look more festive, you can apply a pattern on the nail plates or stick small rhinestones. Large details do not look very nice and are considered bad taste.

Lunar manicure

Lunar manicure

How to shape nails?

The beautiful shape of the nails is the secret of the success of well-groomed hands, because it is the nails that become the main decoration of the pens. In order for the nails to acquire the correct shape, it is necessary to carry out a manicure procedure, but one procedure is not enough to achieve a lasting result - the nails grow, and therefore it is necessary to do a manicure once a week. If it becomes a habit, then well-groomed nails will be provided.

How to properly shape nails with tools?

Before considering the process itself, make sure you have:

  • soft nail file for natural nails;
  • cuticle pliers;
  • cuticle pusher;
  • container with warm water;
  • glycerol;
  • salt.

These funds are necessary for correcting the shape of the nail plate, cuticle, as well as for softening the skin.

How to give nails a square shape?

Before you give a beautiful shape to your nails, prepare the tools. Make sure they are clean. Treat your nails with a disinfectant to prevent infection.

  1. Take the forceps and gently pinch off a portion of the overgrown nail tissue on the sides of the nail plate. This must be done near the area of ​​the free edge of the nail, not approaching its base.
  2. Then you need to take a nail file and shape your nails. To do this, take a nail file and place it at the side of the nail. Align both sides so that the nail grows evenly.
  3. Then you need to align the edge of the nail. To make a square shape, you need to place the nail file perpendicular to the nail, and then evenly grind the edge of the nail. If you are doing a manicure on your own without an assistant, then it will be better if you place your nails towards you with your arm bent. This will allow you to make the correct even shape of the nails, but in this situation, straight sharp corners appear.

    How to make beautiful nail shape at home

    Which needs to be rounded off a bit. Before you give the nails an oval shape, at this stage it is necessary to make rounded movements with a nail file, and not straight ones.

  4. Now you need to soften the skin around the nails and cuticles by placing your fingers in a bath of water diluted with 1 tsp. glycerin and 1 tsp. salt. The duration of the bath is 10 minutes.
  5. Before you finally give the nails the correct shape, you need to adjust the cuticle. Remove the nail from the bath, blot it with a towel. And then, with the help of a spatula, begin to push the cuticle from the middle of the nail towards its base.
  6. After that, take the forceps and cut the cuticle. Try not to cut too much, so as not to cause a wound. If your cuticle is in good condition, then this step can be skipped. After that, the manicure, made in accordance with all the rules, is ready.
  7. Create a round nail shape

    Neatly trimmed and well-groomed nails will never go out of style. They favorably emphasize the beauty of women's hands, making them very attractive to the opposite sex.

    For those who do not want to spend money on the services of a master in a specialized salon several times a month, but do simple manipulations at home, we suggest paying attention to this article. In it, you can learn how to give your nails a round shape at home and do the right manicure.

    Features and benefits of round nails

    Round nail shape is a favorite shape of many women. It attracts with its simplicity and at the same time elegance. Such nails have rounded corners and a contour in the form of a circle. The ideal length is approximately one and a half millimeters. It looks especially beautiful when the edge is a mirror image of the cuticle.

    Rounded nail plates have a number of advantages:

  • Care is greatly simplified;
  • They do not complicate the performance of everyday activities due to their moderate length;
  • They look very natural and beautiful.

The disadvantage of this form is the inability to visually make short fingers longer.

Round nails are suitable for girls whose work is associated with numerous hand manipulations. They do not interfere with actions and are safe.

This shape will favorably emphasize large fingers.

Beautiful nail shape - how to do at home

Owners of voluminous palms should also pay attention to this design of the nail plate.

Fragility prevents many women from growing their nails to the desired length. Round shape in this case will be the best solution.

To create a manicure you will need the following tools:

  1. Nail scissors;
  2. File;
  3. Cuticle stick.

In order for the shaping process to be simple and not laborious, you should choose the right nail file according to the degree of graininess - for each operation there is a separate nail file.

Classification of nail files according to the degree of graininess

Instructions for giving nails a round shape

You can create a rounded shape quickly and without much effort. To do this, we recommend that you pay attention to this step-by-step instruction:

  1. With nail scissors cut nails to the desired length.
  2. Round corners file, making movements from one edge to another (you need to cut without strong pressure).
  3. Remove cuticle using an orange stick.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all the nails do not differ in length - this is the key to a proper manicure. When making the edges, you should focus on the shortest.

Creating a round shape for nails of different lengths

For short nails

When creating a manicure on short nails, special attention should be paid to removing the cuticle. You can remove it in two ways:

  • Classic way. The cuticle is softened in the bath, where a little soap is added to the water. Then it is removed with special scissors. You can also add sea salt to the bath.
  • European way. The cuticle is treated with a softener and removed with an orange stick.

Short round nails can be visually lengthened with the help of properly applied varnish. On each side, it is recommended to leave one millimeter unpainted.

For long nails

Round shape on long nails

To give long nails a round shape, you need to use nail scissors to adjust the length. The rounded shape is created by filing the edges in a circular motion.

In this case, cuticle softeners are also indispensable. They prevent the appearance of wounds and cuts and protect against the possible penetration of infection under the skin.

Round shape and extension

This form is quite popular for building. You can build up this form for ladies with short nail plates.

The advantages of this form when building up are convenience and strength.

The sidewalls on the extended nails are straight, which protects the surface of the plate from breakage. The design looks very neat, beautiful and elegant.

Decoration of round nails

French manicure

French is considered the ideal manicure option for round nails. The usual coating with a transparent varnish or a pastel shade varnish looks no less beautiful. It is these methods of designing the nail plate that make it possible to emphasize the smoothness of the edges and bends.

Classic french manicure always relevant. With this, it is not a shame to go to work, and even to any event. French gives women's fingers elegance and charm thanks to the smile line that emphasizes the contour of the marigold. To make the manicure look more festive, you can apply a pattern on the nail plates or stick small rhinestones. Large details do not look very nice and are considered bad taste.

Lunar manicure

Lunar manicure or an inverted jacket is also ideal for rounded nails. Milky pastel manicure looks especially stylish. It can be supplemented with small stones located along the contour of the lunula (light hole at the base of the plate).

The design of round nails can be the most diverse. These are Chinese-style floral patterns, and decor with multi-colored rhinestones, stones, stickers, foil and other elements. Stickers with vertical patterns create a visually lengthening effect. The simpler the pattern, the more beautiful and spectacular the manicure looks. It should be in harmony with the color of the varnish.

Girls should focus their attention not only on the perfect manicure. Hand skin also requires close attention and care.

Every woman wants her manicure to look perfect. And rounded nails allow you to embody all creative ideas and at the same time do not interfere with your daily work.

In order to achieve the desired result, you should use only high-quality tools for decoration and correction, select varnishes and decorative elements that match each other, and also remember to take care of the delicate skin of your hands.

How to shape nails? What do you need to know?

Only at first glance it always seems that making a beautiful manicure is a simple matter. But that's not the case at all. Even if a girl tries to constantly follow the latest fashion trends, she does not always get well-groomed and perfect-looking nails. Why? All this is due to the fact that they initially have an irregular shape. How to shape nails so that any manicure looks beautiful on them?

It must always be remembered that it is the correct form that makes the nails more well-groomed in appearance, making it easy to correct possible shortcomings. For example, it is our nails that help make too thin hands look fuller, and vice versa. So how do you shape your nails? First of all, you will need special tools that can be purchased at cosmetics stores. The main assistant in this will be a nail file. But do not think that the first tool that comes across will suit you. The nail file also needs to be carefully chosen so as not to harm your nails. So, for example, the use of metal files popular in the past is not considered acceptable today. They were replaced by glass, ceramic and emery. Due to the softer materials that make up their basis, such nail files do not negatively affect the nail plate, which does not lead to delamination.

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How to use a nail file correctly?

If you do not trust the cleanliness of a beauty salon and prefer to do a manicure at home, then you need to know how to properly care for the most important tool in this business - a nail file. How to give the nails the right shape and at the same time be sure that your tool is clean? First, even if you do not use it every day, try to clean its surface daily. Thus, you will protect your assistant from excessive moisture. Secondly, if you want to learn how to give your nails a beautiful shape, then you need to avoid overly chaotic movements. Professionals recommend always leading the nail file in one chosen direction, then your nails will not exfoliate.

What form is better to choose?

If you don't know how to shape your nails and which of the many shapes to choose, then the first thing you need to look at is the size of your fingers. He will give you the perfect solution. If your fingers are too long, then it is better not to choose a sharp shape, even if you really like it. Remember that it will make your hands look emaciated and dry. Better make yourself oval nails of medium length, then your hands will seem nobler. How to properly shape your nails if your fingers are too fragile? You can stop at the square one: it will make excessive thinness not so noticeable. How to choose the shape of the nails if you suffer from excessive swelling of the hands? Are your fingers too short and inconspicuous? Then feel free to choose oval nails a little more than average length. But do not even think about square or sharp ones - they will visually shorten the fingers even more. If you are not sure that you know exactly how to give your nails the right shape, then you are better off keeping your nails short and just getting a nice manicure.

Making square nails

This shape is just perfect if you are going to do everyday manicure. If you do not know how to shape your nails, then first of all prepare them for this. Remove the remnants of the old varnish, if they are still on the surface of the nails. It will also degrease it. Pour enough warm water into a small bowl and add a drop of regular liquid soap to it. Soak your fingers in water for 10 minutes. Wipe your hands with a towel and you can start the process of creating a shape (in the event that you do not do a trimmed manicure). To make your nails look square, cut off the tips to form a straight line. Moving along the same line with a nail file, you will soften the nail plate. First, process the center of the nails, and then start sawing the edges. After the end of the procedure, be sure to wash your hands. You got beautiful square nails.

Making an oval shape

If you are still thinking about how to shape your nails so that they look well-groomed and beautiful, we recommend that you stop at the oval one. It is the most common and suitable for almost everyone. In order for your nails to take on an oval shape, you need to move the nail file along the movement of the pendulum. To make a natural rounded shape, you need to file the nail from the inside. You can smooth the corners with the soft part of the nail file.

Making an almond shape

This shape is considered a classic, so if you can't decide how to shape your nails the right way, then stick with it. But it is worth remembering that it is the hardest to make it. The main feature of the almond shape is that it has no sharp corners. But the tips of the nails will be sharper than their base, so it will look like an almond nut, for which the shape got its name. You can easily change the length of the nail, but remember that the sharp tip should extend beyond the edges of the finger. As a rule, in beauty salons, this form is given to unnatural nails, but it can also be done on natural ones. However, remember that the almond shape is not for everyone. In addition, such nails are quite traumatic, so be extremely careful, especially if you often do housework or sit with small children.

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Making oval nails

The oval shape of the nails combines the best sides of the square, almond-shaped and rounded appearance of the nail plate. Recently, many girls have chosen it. Elongated oval-shaped nails make the manicure beautiful and practical, you can easily do it yourself at home. What we will tell you step by step in this article.

Features of the oval shape of the nail

An example of a classic oval shaped nail

The technique for making this form on the nail is to sharpen its free edge in the form of an arc. There are two types of oval shapes:

  1. Classic. Versatile oval edge that follows the natural line of the nail bed. This version of the oval shape is suitable for almost everyone, it will be appropriate for any situation.
  2. oval square. It comes with straight sides, which is an alternative to the square shape of the nail plate. This option gives the nail additional strength, due to the fact that its edge does not undergo additional mechanical stress, which means it will not break, as is the case with the classic form.

A properly executed oval shape mirrors the contour of the cuticle, it creates the perfect balance of the nail plate, and suits most girls.

Advantages of the oval shape of the nail plate

The oval execution of the free edge of the nail most reliably repeats its natural shape. But not only this is a decisive factor when choosing it, the following characteristics are also positive:

  • Versatility. With such a manicure, a woman can go to work, to parties, events, and also engage in her favorite hobby. The oval shape looks equally good on the hands of young girls and ladies of age.
  • Practicality. The sharpened free edge of the nail does not have sharp edges, because of this it does not cling to various objects and things.
  • Uniqueness. Nails with such an edge are easy to file into any shape and create varying degrees of sharpness.

In addition, any design can be applied to oval nails.

Who are oval nails suitable for?

The arched design of the nail plate will emphasize the tenderness of female nails, especially if the nail bed is short and located on plump fingers.

Girls with wide nails will also be able to appreciate them, as oval nails will help visually lengthen short fingers.

For owners of long thin fingers and a slightly elongated nail plate, it will be enough just to slightly round the nails, and they will become oval in shape.

Tools for making an oval shape

Proper manicure cannot be achieved without certain tools; to perform it, you must have:

  • Scissors. With the help of them, you can trim the free edge of the nails and give it the desired shape. They also remove burrs, and with a certain skill, the cuticle is cut off. For manicure, you should buy stainless steel scissors.
  • Tweezers. Their main purpose is to remove the cuticle, unlike scissors, they are easier to do and cleaner, with the help of them you can remove even minor defects.
  • Files. They need at least two: one for shape correction, and the second for grinding. When choosing a nail file to give an oval, you need to focus on the state of the nail plate, if it is thin, then you can not use metal products, you need to focus on their glass counterparts. The sanding file is made on a paper basis, and on top of it is a soft material that helps to sand the nail and make its surface even and shiny. With it, you can also remove the remnants of the previous decorative agent.
  • Spatula or orange stick for the cuticle. These two tools have a different configuration, one of them is made of wood and the other of metal or plastic, but they are intended for the same thing - preparing the cuticle for removal.

Without the listed tool, performing any manicure will be impossible.

Giving the nails an oval contour

Step by step, consider the process of obtaining the selected form:

  1. Getting rid of the old coating. The surface of the nails before the procedure must be prepared. Using a disc dipped in nail polish remover (it is better to choose a variety without acetone), remove the remaining decorative agent.
  2. Implementation of water procedures. You need to make a hand bath, in cosmetic stores you can buy special salt formulations for hand skin care and use them. If this is not possible, then you just need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water.
  3. Cuticle cutting. Using an orange stick or spatula, separate it from the nail plate, and then remove it with scissors or tweezers. This technique will make the nails longer and create a well-groomed look.
  4. Giving the nails the desired length. Trim the nails with nail scissors, and then check the length of each of them, they should be approximately the same, minor deviations can be corrected in the next step.
  5. Create an oval shape. The nail file for the correction of the plates must be pressed with the flat side to the nail and moved from the base of the tip to its tip. Movements should be smooth and rounded. After this treatment, the nails will acquire the desired shape.
  6. Nail polishing. Its surface can be rough and have irregularities, they can be smoothed out with a special file.
  7. Hydration. After performing a manicure, you need to rinse your hands in water and then rub oil or cream into the plates and cuticles.

This is a standard algorithm for giving nails an oval shape, it will be slightly adjusted depending on the length of the nails and the type of their plate (meaning natural or extended).

Owners of short nails should take into account that the oval should be performed completely from edge to edge of the nail, and not partially. The oval shape on them will look especially impressive if the woman's cuticle line is also oval.

Too long nails with this shape will look ridiculous, you should not let them go too much for an oval design, as they can quickly break off. Their ideal length is 5 mm. Performing an oval shape on the nails, it is worth leaving their sides straight.

Oval-shaped extended nails are made in beauty salons using gel or acrylic.

How to shape your nails at home

These two methods of creating a long nail plate differ in the hardening of the coating. To obtain an oval shape, special thrips of the desired length are used.

Suitable design for oval nails

Lunar manicure combined with French manicure

Different types are suitable for an oval manicure french manicure: classic and inverted version, as well as its combination with a moon manicure.

Floral drawing, as well as the image of animals looks cute, but delicate lace appliqués will be appropriate in any setting.

The most original are prints matching in color and texture with the girl's favorite clothes.

And for special occasions, it is worth considering the option with nail coloring. stones, glitter and rhinestones.

The oval shape is the ideal solution for short nails, although it makes any length beautiful and well-groomed. Any girl can do it on her own without leaving home, she just needs to arm herself with the necessary tools and accurately complete all the steps for making an oval on the free edge of the nail.