Children's prank. Funny and not so funny



Interacting with existing values ​​in life, the child compares his behavior with the models offered by his immediate environment: parents and other significant adults and peers.

Inconsistencies between real behavior and the proposed patterns form in the mind of the child a negative attitude, both to the proposed values ​​and to himself. Difficulties begin in relationships with other people, which lead to certain forms of complicated behavior.

The summer holidays have come. This is a time when children are often left to their own devices. Far from always the activities invented by them are harmless and legal. What illegal or dangerous stories do children and teenagers most often fall into and how can parents protect their child from a rash act.

The main danger plaguing teenagers is associated with mobile phones. The phone has long become in the teenage environment not only a means of communication, but also a status thing. Teens are more likely to show off their gadgets than use them. However, such a demonstration can play a cruel joke on the owner of an expensive phone. Among all the crimes committed by teenagers, the theft of expensive mobile phones predominates.

To protect your child from such a danger, you should explain and convince him that you are not standing in an unfamiliarcompanies to demonstrate an expensive thing.

Do not forget that it is forbidden in the summer from 11 pm to 6 am for minors to appear in public places unaccompanied by adults, for violation of this law, parents will be brought to administrative responsibility. The main task of the children's "curfew" is not to violate the rights of the child, but to protect him at night from criminal encroachments.

Another problem teenagers have is transportation. Some teenagers consider it a harmless joke to open an old, domestic, worthless car of a neighbor, to drive it away two blocks away. Meanwhile, the Criminal Code qualifies such jokes clearly and precisely. In fact, any actions performed with someone else's vehicle without the consent of the owner - opening the door, trying to start the unit - are considered theft.

The second transport problem of teenagers is called "bicycle". Now this vehicle appears in children and has become the same status thing as an expensive mobile phone. When purchasing a bicycle for their child, parents must explain to him the basic rules of the road. Children and teenagers on bicycles cut through the city streets, sometimes climbing two or three together on one bicycle. Such road users are dangerous to themselves and others.

The third common summer "prank" for children is running away from home. One of the reasons for the escapes is a quarrel with the parents, and therefore the child did not come home to spend the night. To prevent a teenager from leaving home, you need to be more attentive to him.

And another common danger that lies in wait for our children is grasses and shrubs that grow on the territory and in the vicinity of our city. Young children often taste unknown leaves, flowers, berries, not understanding what consequences this can lead to. And sometimes a few berries or leaves are enough for death to occur. To prevent trouble, parents of young children must, first of all, keep an eye on them, not allow the child to walk alone away from home. It is important for private sector residents with young children to eliminate all poisonous or unknown grass around their home.

It is in summer that we especially often use the services of railway transport, which carries out passenger transportation, but also poses a certain danger. Often on the railway tracks, stations and train stations you can see guys walking aimlessly, who start all kinds of games, crawl under the cars, climb on their roofs. And sometimes, perhaps even without malicious intent, simply because of mischief, they damage railway equipment, put foreign objects on the rails, and throw stones at passing passenger trains.Everyone should understand that for committed actions, responsibility can follow asadministrative and criminal. You also need to understand that rash pranks can lead to tragic consequences.Unfortunately, not only children do not understand, but also many parents, they consider this a common prank.

Children are at increased risk on the playgrounds. Very often one sees a picture when children, while playing, throw various objects at each other (stones, sticks, etc.), stand next to the swing, when other children swing on the swing. But if such mischief is not stopped, the consequences can be irreparable.

It should be understood that on the playgrounds it is necessary not only to prevent pampering, but also to behave very carefully and carefully.

Dear parents! Remember that by nature children are careless and trusting. Children's attention is distracted. Therefore, the more often you remind your child of simple rules of behavior, the more likely he is to remember them and apply them.

Where and how do children spend their leisure time, with whom do they make friends, what games are they fond of? In order to avoid tragedy, all these issues should be the subject of constant attention of adults.

T. A. Zorina,

methodologist, BU "Complex Center for Social Services" Mercy "

Childish pranks sometimes they cross all boundaries. Most of the time it is upbringing. Looking at modern children and their parents, we can say that their level of development is almost the same. Can this be changed somehow?

Childish pranks begin with primitive permissiveness. This is especially true for long-awaited children. Parents who have been waiting for the birth of a child for a long time sometimes overstep the bounds of what is acceptable and allow their children things that bring discomfort to others. After a while, parents also begin to suffer from the habits of their spoiled children, but it becomes more and more difficult to cope with them.

It should be borne in mind that children respect the opinion of their parents until the parents themselves kill their reputation in the eyes of the child. What to do if childish pranks cannot be stopped?

Ask yourself: At what age did a child start to play pranks?? Perhaps at some point you turned a blind eye to his upbringing and left the child to himself? Naturally, children need to be taught to be independent from an early age, but do not forget that children who explore the world also pay attention to negative things.

Carefully analyze the child's behavior. How does he behave with the guys in the yard / in the garden / at school? If he fights and disrespects his peers, then it is necessary to have an educational conversation with him. In no case do not punish the child until you figure out why he is behaving this way. Perhaps he was hurt or beaten. Not wanting to be sneaks, children most often try to solve the problem themselves. Sometimes they do not admit to their parents that they are offended. This is due to the fact that parents often reproach their kids, they say, “don’t be a roar”, “you are a man”, etc. Children acutely feel the superiority of adults, therefore they themselves strive to grow up as soon as possible. Hence the desire to achieve justice with fists or offensive insults, heard, perhaps, from you.

If a child damages property, try to take action carefully. You should not beat hands, smear mustard on things that he gnaws, and put on buckwheat. By this you show the child that strength and cunning are the main keys to success. Do not be surprised if he quickly learns to lie after such upbringing techniques. Explain to the child that if, for example, he cuts the tablecloth, mom will have to buy a new one, which means that the whole family will be left without goodies. However, do not bribe children with gifts for good behavior, otherwise the child will overpower himself in the name of the cherished chocolate: you will instill in him a thirst for reward, and the child is unlikely to do something in the future just like that, out of enthusiasm.

If a child throws public tantrums, no need to yell at him in front of everyone, and even more so - beat him. Psychologists say that if a child begins to roll on the floor with screams and tears, you need to say: “Come on, knock your feet harder!”. The child perceives this as a demand, and the children are reluctant to fulfill the requirements, which can be a quick end to the tantrum.

Children's pranks disappear with age. The child outgrows and becomes calmer. In order not to suffer too much from children's tantrums, try to pay more attention to the child, but do not overdo it: remember that the boy needs more paternal attention, and the girl needs both maternal and paternal attention. Try to fill your child's leisure time with the most interesting activities, and you will not experience any problems in his growing up. In addition, by conducting educational activities with the child, parents themselves learn a lot of useful and interesting things, and

Childish prank Iron. Shuttle. About a small fault; about the innocent trick of someone. Recently, engineering junkers were whipped and then soldiers for six years for some kind of childish prank(Herzen. Diary 1843, Nov.).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

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Children are curious, have a good imagination, and if they are bored, they will definitely figure out how to cheer themselves up. In the list of children's entertainment, fire is far from last. In practice, firefighters often face the tragic consequences of such dangerous games. Such cases become more frequent during the summer holidays of children and vacations during the school year.

In the special terminology of firefighters, there is even such a thing as children's pranks with fire, as one of the causes of domestic or natural fires.

The reasons

As practice and analysis of such cases show, they are based not on childish negligence, but on the following reasons:

  • lack or insufficient explanatory conversations on fire safety with children;
  • leaving matches, lighters and other sources of open fire, as well as flammable liquids in a visible and accessible place;
  • the inability or unwillingness of adults to develop in children a sufficient amount of skills and abilities to handle fire. It is easier to forbid than to show how to properly use matches, gas stove and electrical appliances;
  • the inability to organize the leisure of their children during the holidays;
  • the inability of children to put into practice the knowledge of how to behave in the event of a fire.

In the article we will try to figure out why children are so drawn to play with fire, how and when to explain to the child the basic rules of fire safety, and what parents should do so that misfortune does not happen in their absence.

What actions of children can cause a fire?

The craving for dangerous entertainment in children is dictated by various reasons, which depend on age. And in different age periods, adults should present important information in different ways.

At 3 years old, the child begins to learn about the world around him. He is interested in everything, you need to touch everything and find out how it works. Often the baby copies (sometimes unconsciously) the behavior of adults. If parents often smoke in the presence of a child, then it is likely that he will be drawn to these items. Try to put all matches, lighters and ashtrays on high and closed shelves.

Seeing a candle, the child will be fascinated by the play of the flame and the light that comes from it. Most likely, he will want to repeat this trick. Remember that the baby does not understand at all that you can get burned on the fire or that he can spread to furniture, curtains and cause a terrible tragedy, since the child does not have such experience. Give him this experience, but under your strict guidance.

Bring your child's hand closer to the lighted fire source so that he feels warm. Explain that flames can hurt and it is dangerous to mess with them.

At school age, children spend a lot of time outside the home. On the street, campfire gatherings or pampering with lit paper airplanes can become your favorite pastime. Often such games or the cultivation of unauthorized fire on the ground take place near residential buildings, bushes, trees. What's more, children can use dry leaves to build a fire faster. All this can lead to the development of a small fire into a large fire.

At an older age, there are cases when, in an attempt to become an adult and independent, teenagers begin to smoke in secret. At the same time, for fear of being noticed, they throw smoldering cigarette butts wherever they have to. The most traumatic situations are the use of pyrotechnic products for the sake of a joke or joke, as well as throwing cartridges or explosive objects into the fire.

Children's prank with fire is the cause of a fire in houses and in nature, when children are left to their own devices and do not have close trusting contact with adults.

In order to avoid such cases, you should talk with your child on fire topics from an early age. To exercise control over with whom and where the teenager spends his free time. Show interest in your child's behavior and hobbies. Children of all ages should know their home address and what number to call in the event of a fire. It will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the materials ““

Explain to the child that calling the fire brigade just out of prank or curiosity not only distracts the forces of the fire department from working on real calls, but will also have very unpleasant consequences for the "naughty".

For deliberately false call of the fire brigade, police, ambulance or other specialized services, the state provides for administrative liability. This entails the imposition of an administrative fine from one to one and a half thousand rubles.

We remind you that on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for harm caused to minors, under 14 years old (minor) , his parents (adoptive parents) or guardians are responsible, unless they prove that the harm arose through no fault of theirs.

Warning childish prank with fire

At the age of 3-5 years, it is good to use colorful and bright posters, which depict the consequences of careless handling of matches, candles or electrical appliances. In stores, you can also find fire-themed coloring pages with small instructive stories. This is good for first graders. Remember that a ban without explanation will only increase the baby's curiosity.

Explain the basic rules for using the microwave and stove. Tell us what careless or thoughtless actions can lead to. When leaving the house, turn off all electrical appliances from the network and involve the child. Let your actions become an example for him and a source of how to do the right thing in order to avoid fires.

Sometimes situations arise when parents are forced to leave a young child alone at home. In this case, check that all dangerous items are well hidden. Do not close the front door with a key, because in the event of a fire, the child simply will not be able to get out of the burning apartment. Attach the telephone number of the fire department or rescue service in a conspicuous place.

Children in case of danger often hide in closets, under beds. It is necessary to explain why this should not be done. Speak the algorithm of behavior when the first signs of a fire (smoke, smell) are detected.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind to help prevent a dangerous fire situation:

  • do not allow children to use matches and candles in your absence;
  • do not leave small children alone near open working electrical appliances, fireplaces or stoves;
  • if you have a gas stove, turn off the gas valve when you have to leave the child alone at home. Keep children in sight when the gas stove is on;
  • Matches, lighters always buy yourself. Don't ask a child to do it;
  • keep track of your actions. Sometimes the actions of adults are more eloquent than any words and prohibitions;
  • memorize emergency phone numbers with your children;
  • do not pass by if you find teenagers playing with fire or making a fire in the absence of adults;
  • explain how to extinguish various types of fires;
  • the child should also know the rules for using heating and electrical appliances;
  • show the child all possible emergency or emergency exits that can be used in case of fire;

Do not be afraid to exaggerate when talking about the possible consequences. Children have a very good imagination and fantasy, and having learned what tragedies a seemingly safe candle fire can cause, he will remember it for the rest of his life.

What should children do in case of fire?

  1. Do not try to hide from the fire in the apartment.
  2. Do not open windows.
  3. Call the necessary number (101 - fire department), clearly state your address, name and what happened.
  4. Ask neighbors for help.
  5. When leaving the house, use only the stairs.
  6. With the door locked, you need to call for help.
  7. close the nose with a wet cloth or damp napkin.

Communicate with children as equals. Trust them. They are able to make the right decisions in extreme situations if they have the necessary information and know what to do. Children have good stamina, and in a dangerous situation they are able to act even less emotionally than adults.

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The ironic love-crime story "Children's Prank" is her debut work. The story is told in the first person. The narrator is a man sentenced to life imprisonment who believes that he ended up in a prison cell because of childhood pranks that haunted him throughout his life. What kind of pranks they were, you will learn from the book.

Prank Four

My grandmother and Slavik were returning home with purchases from the store.

Preparations for the new school season were in full swing, and we (Slavik and I), who had grown several centimeters over the summer in the sports camp, urgently needed new clothes. Therefore, granny arranged for us (I will put it in a newfangled word) shopping.

Our trinity approached the native front door, which for some reason constantly smelled of urine. Suddenly, near the entrance to the liquor store, located across the street from our house, just opposite the windows of our communal apartment, a drunken male voice was heard, forcing us all to turn around.

“Oh, you dirty slut! And you tell me that there was nothing between you! Oh, you ... such a bastard!

Slavik and I burst out laughing when we heard indecent expressions, but, having intercepted the stern grandmother's look, the laughter stopped.

“Here, my dear children, what a person who begins to abuse alcohol turns into,” said the grandmother, pointing with her hand at a long-unshaven, dirty man who was swearing at a woman walking nearby with disheveled greasy hair and a swollen left eye from a fist.

– I really hope that the idea of ​​drinking alcohol like that will never come into your bright minds.

- Grandma, could not talk about it, because we are athletes! - Slava spoke confidently and, throwing his left free hand forward, demonstrated a well-placed jab (direct blow).

“Yes, yes, grandma, we won’t drink at all!” I assured our grandmother, and also cut the street air with my free arm, bent for a side kick.

“I believe, I believe you boys! But not drinking at all is also somehow not human. On holidays, as your parents do .., - Grandmother Tamara broke off, probably realizing that she had blurted out the wrong thing about common parents, but seeing that her words had gone unnoticed, she continued:

- On holidays you can. You even need a couple of glasses! Alcohol relieves nervousness and improves blood circulation. The main thing is not to abuse, but in moderation everything is possible.

- I think, grandmother, our coach would argue with you on this subject, - Slavka said and was the first to penetrate the twilight of the front door.

- That's it, grandma. And you're talking! - I said and smiled, showing beautiful dimples on my cheeks.

- Let's go, my dear! - Grandmother said smiling and, kissing me on the crown of the head, entered the open door.

For some reason, I turned around and looked at the drunk again.

The man kept swearing, but only did it much quieter, gesticulating with his hands.

His image remained in my memory, and I, angrily spitting on the asphalt, went to catch up with my people.

On the thirtieth of August, Mom and Dad arrived. Our joy knew no bounds, because we did not see our parents for almost half a year. Their suitcases were full of gifts, and this increased our festive mood.

The four of us spent the last day of vacation at the TsPKiO (Central Park of Culture and Leisure), feeding tame squirrels and boating on the pond. Grandmother Tamara was left at home to prepare a festive table for us on the occasion of the arrival of our parents and the upcoming start of studies in the fifth grade. The dishes were a success.

On the first of September, as in previous years, it was raining lightly, and therefore the school ruler was moved from the street to the assembly hall.

Under the speech of the director of the school and some responsible worker from the Central Committee of the Komsomol, I admired my parents.

I still remember their beautiful, happy faces, on which one could clearly read pride in their children and the children of the whole Country.

At that moment, I was grateful to my father and mother that I was their son, that I was THEIR son!

Although mom and dad were often not at home, but for me my parents were the greatest authority in the world, even (to be honest) more than the Communist Party.

After the Peace lesson and the introductory speech of the class teacher, we were sent home.

The rain stopped and the bright, warm sun came out. Near the front staircase of the school, below, our parents were waiting for us.

Without going home, the four of us went for a walk in the Summer Garden, where, under the pensive and sometimes stern looks of the statues, we played catch-up, running around small puddles, and bathed in the yellow-orange sea of ​​dampish fallen leaves. That was great!

The family dinner was over, Slava and I, having packed our briefcases for the morning, were getting ready for bed in our compartment of the room.

My attention was drawn to a sound coming from the street. It seemed that right under the windows a child was crying plaintively.

I stood on a stool and looked out the open window. I didn't like what I saw.

“Slavyan, be a friend, give me that broken tank, please,” I asked Slava and pointed to a toy that stood alone on a bookshelf.

“Hold it, Zhenya,” a friend-brother responded a few seconds later and handed me a model of a combat vehicle.

I don't think we need her? - probably more in the affirmative than inquiringly, I said and purposefully threw the tank into the window.

– Aha! Received?! Does it hurt you? And the puppy was in pain! I shouted out the window, seeing how the broken tank reached its goal, hitting the flayer just above the knee joint of the left leg.

The man, hunched over in pain, massaged his injured leg and peered from under his brows at the windows of the house, from where an unexpected “gift” arrived.

Seeing me, he straightened up and, thrusting his right fist in my direction, shouted:

- Well, brat, I remember you! You will get me, and then I will tear your head off!

- Jenny, what's going on? Slava asked.

- Oh, how scary! – finally I shouted and, jumping off the stool, answered Slavik:

- Yes, you can imagine, that drunkard who the other day was yelling at a drunken beaten woman, now he was pulling a little puppy on a rope. The rope was tied right around the neck, but the puppy did not want to go and rested with all its paws. And this sadyuga dragged him.

In general, at first I thought that the child was crying, and when I looked out, I realized that the dog was whining. So he threw a tank at this reptile, and hit it right in the leg.

"What if you hit him in the head?" You understand that you would have pierced the shard right away, because the tank is iron and quite heavy, - Slava preached.

“Well, first of all, I didn’t hit him in the head.

And, secondly, he himself is to blame. Next time there will be no animals torturing. As soon as he got hit in the leg, he immediately released the rope, and the puppy ran away from him. That's it!

- No, Zhenya, you can't do that! It is not good to compare a person with an animal, no matter what this person is. You could easily kill your uncle and cause misfortune to everyone with your trick.

And, of course, it’s a pity for the dog, but it’s just a dog, - Slava continued to bend his truth, and then suggested:

- Think, Zheka, over my words. Okay?!

- All right, Slavik. I will think. But animals shouldn't be hurt either. I remember it well when Mashka almost broke her tail. I hope you remember whose paws are on your face?

- Of course I remember! Slava said and smiled.

- Boys, let's sleep. Goodnight! - said the grandmother, came up to us and, kissing us on the cheeks, left.

Then the parents came in, they wished good night, and, leaving, they turned off the light.

Slavik and I quickly undressed and, climbing under the covers, immediately fell asleep, not suspecting what tomorrow was waiting for us.

- Grandma, good morning! Where are mom and dad? - Stretching after sleep, I asked my grandmother, greeting her.

- Good morning, Zhenya! Parents left for work, - answered the grandmother and asked:

- Slavik got up?

- Yes, I got up, I got up. I'm doing exercises, - the voice of Glory rang out.

- That's wonderful. And I baked pancakes for you. Wash your face and ask to go to the table, - said the granny and began to pour tea into glasses that were hidden in cupronickel coasters.

Lessons at school flew by quickly, and we (Slava and I) were happy to return home.

- Boys, I'm sorry! - having caught up with us, a girl from a parallel class said and, slightly embarrassed, asked:

- Slava, can I have a minute?

“Probably,” Slavik answered uncertainly and, shrugging his shoulders, blushed.

I smiled and walked away.

- Zhenya, don't wait for me. Go home, I'll be there soon, - Slava shouted to me after a few words uttered by the girl.

- Look at the training, do not be late, Romeo! I replied and, smiling again, went to the house, waving my briefcase.

I was crossing the road in front of my front door, when behind me, about five meters away, a rude call was heard:

- Hey, pioneer!

Crossing the roadway, I stopped on the sidewalk and turned around. Yesterday's dog tormentor approached me, limping. His ominous expression did not bode well, but it was not scary.

- Well, naughty, how can I be with you? – the tipsy man asked angrily, giving me a nauseating smell from his mouth.

I refrained from answering and, turning away from the wino, took a step towards the wide open front door in which I lived.

“What are you, a puppy, deaf?” I'm talking to you! the man exploded with a cry and, painfully grabbing my right shoulder, turned me around to face him.

- I'm asking you, are you swollen? - the drunkard did not let up, asking questions, the meaning of which I did not understand.

“Today, you bastard, you are not as talkative as you were yesterday,” the uncle stated and, taking me by the throat with his left hand, began to squeeze the brush, while saying:

"Did I tell you I'd blow your head off?" So, don't be offended! and tightened his grip on his throat.

It became very difficult for me to breathe. His face was on fire, as if he had been doused with gasoline and set on fire.

The "fire" spread throughout the body, causing a terrible panic. His eyes darkened, and tears flowed from them, as if wanting to bring down the "blazing flame."

I began to lose consciousness as an unseen force came down hard on my tormentor's head, knocking him to the ground. Following the body of the drunk, I fell on the asphalt and began to greedily grab the air with my lips, as if wanting to fill every cell of my child's body with it.

The perception of space returned to me, and I heard such a familiar, but terribly excited voice of a loved one - my father: - Zhenechka, dear, how are you? Can you go?

Through a veil of tears, I could hardly distinguish the face of my father, but, nodding my head, I began to rise on my wadded, unruly legs.

My father helped me to stand up and, hugging me, pressed my head to his chest, gently stroking my hair with the palm of his right hand. Immediately it became somehow calm and very comfortable.

I wanted to say something, but some huge lump, as if stuck in my throat, did not let me do it. Then, with all my strength, I hugged the folder and wept softly, leaving a wet stain on my green military-style uniform shirt.

Through the gap formed under my father's left arm, I saw behind him a black "Seagull" with a running engine and an open driver's door.

I couldn't figure out what a government-grade car was doing here, or where the driver had gone.

Considering that I was dreaming, I let go of my dad and, moving away from him at arm's length, began to wipe my eyes wet with tears.

The picture has become clearer.

In front of me stood my father in a beautiful military uniform (I had never seen such a uniform before), but without any insignia. His tunic was unbuttoned. Behind him, pleasantly purring, stood a black "Seagull".

“So it didn’t feel like it. So, it’s definitely not a mirage, ”I thought, and at that moment I heard the frightening cry of Slavik, who was running towards us from the other side of the street:

- Uncle Andrei, be careful! He has a knife!

The father turned to the scream, but did not have time to react to the blow. The steel tip of the push-button knife burst into the body right under the left shoulder blade. The sharp blade that pierced through the lung and deeply scratched the heart was pulled out into the street light by the killer's hand.

Dad was already mortally wounded and was slowly sinking onto the sidewalk, but the bloody steel entered him twice more, finally taking his life.

Slava jumped on the murderer's back with a running start and, holding onto his neck with his left hand, began to strike the murderer in the head with his right hand.

The forces were clearly not equal, and my friend-brother, being thrown over his shoulder, fell painfully on the asphalt.

Drunk killer, for some reason, throwing the knife aside, started to run, limping on his left leg.

I knelt down in front of my father and, like a trapped animal, began to howl in despair, clasping my head in my hands.

I squeezed tears out of myself, but there were none!

End of introductory segment.