If the child chooses red. Your child's favorite color and personality

Many parents are worried when a baby under 3-4 years old prefers to create his "paintings" with black or other dark colors. There may be several reasons why the child chose black for drawing.

1. The most common reason for "blackness" in pictures: black is the most contrasting color of all. Kids under 3-4 years old choose a color by contrast with the surface on which they are painting. The main thing is that he can see what he is drawing. So don't worry. Now he still does not perceive drawing as a reflection of the world in different colors, while drawing for him is just a reflection of his fantasies in graphics, no matter what color: the grass can be blue, the sky can be green, and the snowman can be black. For a child, the idea of ​​a drawing is more important than its color implementation. Also, the kid is interested in experiments with color by themselves, that is, the choice is determined only by research interest. Often in the drawings there is a playful moment: "I will paint over with black so that no one will find what I hid there."

2. The child is approaching or is already entering a 3-year crisis period. A characteristic feature of the crisis is negativism and denial. It is possible that the boy is thus trying to express his protest: "I will take the color that my mother likes the least" - or, - "I will paint it in the color I want, and not as it really is."

3. Children are very sensitive to their condition, to atmospheric phenomena. It may be that bad weather, dirt on the street thus found expression in the baby's drawings. There are also cases when a child, who usually prefers bright and light colors in drawings, suddenly turns into a dark and "dirty" palette before the onset of the disease, already feeling unwell, the signs of which are completely invisible to others and are not recognized by him.

There is a wealth of information on the use of black in drawings. However, the most important thing to know when trying to interpret the meaning of what is depicted is that there are NO good or bad colors. It is important to take into account not only the color, but the entire color palette, the degree of color saturation, what exactly is drawn, the general mood of the drawing, in what conditions the drawing was made, what preceded its creation, what kind of material the work was done (paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, etc. .), and much more. Before making a conclusion about the psychological meaning of the drawing, it is important to ask the author in detail what exactly he drew, why he did it exactly like that, whether he likes this work, etc.

With regard to diagnosing a person's condition by preferred colors, it is important to take into account not so much a single color as the color palette. Joan Kellogg, one of the most famous art therapists, identifies 4 main palettes:

1... "Reptilian" palette- all "dirty" shades, dark colors, black. People who prefer such colors (not only in drawings, but also in surrounding objects, things, clothes) often experience physical or psychological discomfort. Often these are the colors of a painful condition. By the way, a completely healthy person can "plunge" into such a state if he wears clothes of exactly these colors. Often in practice, child psychologists and art therapists have to deal with children, as a rule, boys, who literally do not "crawl" out of their illnesses. Mothers of such children wear clothes of mostly “non-marking” colors on them. Changing wardrobe is often the key to making your child feel better.

2. Natural palette,"Palette of childhood." All natural, clear, rich, contrasting and vibrant colors. This palette is preferred by healthy people from childhood to 30-45 years old. Ideally, when a child chooses such colors, as they indicate an optimal psycho-physiological state. Clothes and objects of this color in the interior can improve the general condition of a person, give him energy.

3. Pastel palette... Translucent, pale, calm shades of flowers. Usually they are chosen by people of mature age. The preference for such a color palette in children and in young enough people can be a sign of fatigue, mental or physical exhaustion. Clothes and objects of this color in the interior are shown for a child prone to overexcitation, hyperactivity. And a person who is calm in character and temperament, they are able to enter into a state of despondency.

4... Rainbow palette- shiny or iridescent colors like on a hologram. Usually it is chosen by people experiencing a state of "enlightenment", elation, who have made a discovery, etc.

So, if in the family where the baby grows, everything is in order, with the child there are no quarrels and disagreements, there have been no serious changes in the child's life, there are no health problems, the child is surrounded by bright or pastel colors in everyday life and clothes, then the choice of black in pictures is completely normal and does not mean anything alarming.

Should I be afraid if the kid chooses one color for the drawings? Let's try to answer this question.

The yellow color in the drawings of kids symbolizes the color of the sun. It is no coincidence that the sun in the pictures of children usually smiles. Mom and the sun are equally important for children. Such pictures may indicate that the love and care of the mother is very important to children.

Attentive parents can determine the emotional state of the child by the drawings of the baby. Not being able to express his thoughts and feelings in words, the child is able to express them with drawings. The more bright colors there are in them, the more your baby experiences positive emotions.

In drawing this picture, the kid used all the colors of the rainbow except black. The multicolored caterpillar smiles, the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming. This is how a healthy baby can think, in whose life there is no reason to be upset.

Red color in the drawings of a preschooler child: significance in psychology

Red is a frequent visitor to children's drawings, it is flashy, bright and instantly attracts attention.

Do children and adults perceive red the same way? For adults, this color is associated with aggression and pathos. Perhaps this is the influence of Christian morality, calling for meekness and dull clothes, or tiredness from the bright informational advertisements that rain down on us from TV screens and billboards. Red warns of danger from road signs.

However, for the pure consciousness of a child, the meaning of red is somewhat different. Red is the color of strength, enthusiasm and struggle to move forward. Primitive peoples believed that red can carry both positive and negative messages, but it always symbolizes strength.

Orange color in the drawings of a preschooler child: significance in psychology

Children rarely choose one color for their drawings. Almost every child's drawing is drawn with multi-colored pencils, and if you notice that your child chooses only one pencil for drawing, maybe you shouldn't panic and re-read mountains of psychology materials, figuring out what that means?

Take a closer look at the pencils your kid draws with. Perhaps one of the pencils is sharpened better than the others and is easier for them to draw? And it also happens that in one box there are soft and hard pencils, which are more difficult to draw with. A hard pencil must be pressed harder, which means that the child will choose a soft one.

Orange color is not inferior in brightness to red. This is the color of the rising sun. It catches the eye if it painted flowers or toys. Choosing this color for their drawings, the kid strives for leadership. This also shows up in drawing. If your child's drawing is brighter than the drawings of other children, then your child has the ability and desire to be better than his comrades.

Purple color in the drawings of a preschooler child: meaning in psychology

Psychologists believe that purple can evoke sadness and sadness. It is rarely chosen for interior decoration, clothing and furniture. Is it worth it to be upset if you notice that your baby is constantly drawing with a purple pencil? Purple has many shades and some of its shades are as vibrant as red or yellow.

You can't do without purple if you need to paint an autumn sky or a stormy sea. Some flowers have purple petals, and if your child uses purple pencils for such drawings, nothing bad happens to him.

Spring landscape. The forest is painted with purple paints

Blue color in the drawings of a preschooler child: significance in psychology

Blue is the color of winter and snow in children's drawings. It is also the color of the sea and sky. If a baby draws a winter picture or the sky with a blue pencil, there is nothing strange or scary in this.

It happens that, in blue, kids paint animals and fairy-tale characters. Such drawings may indicate that the baby has a very developed fantasy thinking. Such children see in ordinary objects and animals wonderful heroes of their dreams and fantasies.

Green color in the drawings of a preschooler child: significance in psychology

Green is the color of grass and trees. Children love to paint flowers, leaves and grass. But, if you notice that the baby often draws such pictures, then perhaps he feels a lack of love on your part. Leaving for the fabulous world of plants, he replenishes the vacuum of warmth and parental care.

Children who paint plants are sensitive to injustice towards them. They, like a barometer, react to the unfavorable microclimate in the family. They are vulnerable and shy.

Black color in the drawings of a preschooler child: significance in psychology (give a link to the article)

Black is the saddest color possible. Do you need to panic if your children's drawings are black and white? Sometimes children choose this style of drawing only because it is easier and easier to convey the shape of drawn objects, animals and people. Only those drawings in which there is pronounced aggression or resentment towards the world around should be alerted. Psychologists believe that this color can be chosen by a child in a depressed emotional state.

In such cases, parents need to try to understand the reasons for the depressed mood of the children. Sometimes, with their drawings, children themselves give hints to their parents.

If children draw pictures that are scary from the point of view of the parents in black pencil, the parents have a question: is everything in order with the health of the baby? Before seeking help from psychotherapists, determine if the child sees your fear and confusion when you look at these pictures? The fact is that children can read your inner feelings from the expression on your face. And if your child liked your fright, he can deliberately continue to draw such pictures in order to scare his parents.

Usually, parents turn to the help of psychotherapists when they themselves feel helpless in solving problems with raising a baby. Thus, they shift their work of raising children to the shoulders of other people.

VIDEO: The work of a psychologist in kindergarten

How to determine the emotional mood of a child at home?

Ask your kid to draw an elephant. If the kid draws it with black and gray pencil, it means that today his mood is sad.

If the elephant turns out to be multi-colored, the baby is cheerful and can make gray everyday life festive in his imagination.

But, even at preschool age, some children are able to think logically and build logical chains. And they can be like this:

  1. The elephant in the picture and in the zoo is gray.
  2. If you draw an elephant in a different color, it will no longer be an elephant.
  3. So the elephant needs to be drawn with black and gray pencil.

As a result, the elephant in the picture will be gray regardless of the child's mood. The pictures drawn by the kid reflect his inner world. If your kid likes to paint bright, interesting landscapes, still lifes or portraits - this speaks of his rich inner world. It doesn't matter what paints or pencils he chose for this purpose. You can read more about this in this article.

VIDEO: Cartoon for children about the colors of the rainbow

All parents want their baby's childhood to be bright and joyful. Therefore, his room is decorated as brightly as possible, and all the colors of the rainbow are used in it. But mom and dad do not always think about the psychological properties of the color. The question arises whether it is necessary to take into account the influence of color on the child's psyche when arranging a nursery, or is it enough to rely on your own taste. To answer it, remember that when designing offices or, for example, reception rooms for clients, psychologists advise choosing certain colors, since their correct combination improves a person's condition and contributes to his tuning in a certain way. It turns out, even when decorating non-residential premises, we select the colors that are most comfortable from a psychological point of view. So why is it necessary to deviate from these rules when preparing a place where your own child will spend so much time?

When designing a nursery, the choice of color should be approached responsibly. According to psychologists, children are more sensitive to color than adults. Therefore, coloring the room will significantly affect the mood, level of activity and well-being of the baby. Using the properties of flowers and applying them correctly in the nursery, parents can smooth out the baby's problems, promote his correct and harmonious development.

What are the positive and negative properties of the colors of the children's interior from the point of view of psychology?



In the spectrum, this color is close to red, but it is softer and less aggressive. Orange has a good effect on the psychological state of babies, as it increases their creativity and energy, creates a feeling of confidence and comfort. Psychologists have proven that a child in an orange room will not feel lonely. In addition, this color will help mothers of children with nutritional problems, because it stimulates the appetite (read). The little girl from "Orange Song" by Irma Sokhadze loves the color of orange so much that she is ready to decorate with it not only her room, but also the sky, sun, greenery and even her mother. But psychologists would not approve of her idea, since orange in large quantities can overexcite and put pressure on the psyche.


Yellow is one of the most suitable colors for a child's room. This sunny color not only improves mood, but also promotes mental work, improves attention and even promotes the development of intuition. So the interior with yellow color will help the child in his studies and make him more cheerful. Unfortunately, if the baby is too restless, the abundance of this color will have to be abandoned.


This color is primarily associated with nature and tranquility. Green shades in the nursery will really help the child relax and calm down, have a positive effect on blood pressure and heart rate, and improve vision. Green negatively affects overly calm children. In addition, busting green contributes to the appearance of poor health in the child, and, according to some assumptions, narcissism.


Blue in the nursery, like green, promotes calm and relaxation. But unlike the latter, it scatters attention. So if the parents do not want the student to fly in the clouds instead of studying, it is better to limit the use of this color to the recreation area.


The deep and deep blue color relieves nervous tension and improves sleep. But, despite the beauty of this color, it should not be the main one in the interior of the children's room. First, it suppresses mood. Secondly, it relaxes, interferes with concentration. Since this color is quite dark, the baby in the blue room will be sad and uncomfortable.


Even if there are only seven colors in the rainbow, for caring parents the choice of the right color for the children's room is not limited to them.

For example, pink.

I also want to add that adding white to any of the spectral colors, their effect on a person decreases along with the intensity of the color. Therefore, if you doubt whether it is possible in your case to use a color very beloved by your child, use its lightest shade.

White and beige.

For many parents, white seems to be not the right color for the nursery, but in vain. White color in the interior helps the child to calm down and improves his well-being. Unlike bright (red, orange, blue) colors, it does not have a strong effect on the psyche and is universal. Since white is the base color, you can add any of the above to it. But you can't make a pure white room, because a baby simply needs bright colors to feel life. Psychologically, beige is similar to white.


An important issue in choosing a color for a nursery is its saturation. Psychologists advise in this matter to focus on the age of the child. A colorful room is not suitable for an early age. It is best to choose pastel soothing shades. Children should be surrounded with natural bright colors from three to four years old to adolescence. According to experts, during this period, the child still does not perceive muted colors, therefore, it is better to refuse faded, uninteresting colors for children.

Thus, colors have their own psychological charge. In order for the color in the nursery to have a positive effect on the child, parents can take into account the color properties and character traits of their baby. Bright reds, yellows, and oranges increase activity and encourage learning, while more subdued pinks, blues and greens are soothing. Blue and purple are relaxing. To achieve the best effect, the nursery can be divided into zones (playroom, sleep zone, study zone) and colored in different ways. For example, the activity-enhancing yellow color will prevail in the study area, while the calm blue or green color will prevail in the sleep area. And of course, when choosing a color for a children's room, it is important to take into account the tastes of the child himself, who may well have his own opinion on this matter.

Once your child learns to hold pencils and a paintbrush in hand, you can learn a lot about his character by looking at your toddler's artistic masterpieces. Most often, psychologists "decipher" the child's soul according to the drawing of the family, himself, the house, but the color scheme in this regard is of great importance. In addition, children under the age of three or four are unlikely to be able to more or less clearly depict something on paper. As a rule, the drawings of kids are "kalyaks-malyaks". But the preferences in shades of pencils and paints of little artists appear immediately.

What will the colors in the drawing of your baby tell about? You've probably noticed that the child chooses one or two colors for drawing. For example, all arts can be completely orange and only sometimes green, red, brown and other shades are found. Why it happens?


Are they like endless green fields? It would seem that there is nothing terrifying in green, because it is associated with safety, it is a symbol of nature, spring, flowering. However, green and dark green colors in the children's album should alert parents. Psychologists believe that such babies need to be given more attention and care. It is possible that your child is withdrawn, silent and avoids communication with peers. If so, then you need to try to develop an openness to the world around you.


Lovers of sunny colors most often grow up as dreamers and dreamers. They are never bored with themselves. Even if there is no mother or other children nearby, they will always find something to do, plunging into the world of their own fantasies. From a walk, such a child often does not come empty-handed. He shows curiosity for leaves, twigs, all kinds of bugs, which are also fun to play with. Often, even expensive toys at home can be abandoned. Although parents see a minus in "yellow" children in the fact that they are not able to focus on one thing for a long time and make the right decision.


If you see a predominance of blue in the child's drawings, then you are the mother of a calm, balanced baby. Most likely, you instill in your child, a love of order, discretion. Such children quickly learn to read themselves, due to which their horizons develop, good character traits are formed. Psychologists also pay attention to the sudden manifestation of love for blue. For example, a child was drawing with orange pencils, and then suddenly took up blue. This suggests that the baby needs peace, he is tired of the noisy society of the people around him. Blue patterns may contain green, purple patches. Take a closer look, the child is tense, and perhaps you have gone too far with prohibitions and punishments.


Children who are in a state of carefree love to paint with blue paints. Often this color becomes a favorite during school holidays, when the child enjoys a lot of free time and lack of responsibilities.


Red is considered to be flashy and aggressive. As for its predominance in children's drawings, you should not take this as an alarm signal. Kids who draw with red pencils are very cheerful, active, they have an inexhaustible source of energy. According to the observation of psychologists, many famous politicians preferred red in childhood.

In addition, such children show in the company, and are also capable of pranks and violations of prohibitions. But parents need to be patient with this behavior and try to channel the child's energy in a creative direction.


Black-black drawings remind of children's horror stories about a black-black room. Of course, this choice of the child is extremely frightening for the parents. However, you need to take into account several nuances, which are usually specified by experts. Children 4-5 years old like black paints because they are the most contrasting with white paper. In addition, if a child first imposes a black background, and then intersperses with other colors (for example, he just loves to draw a night with stars or space with planets), then you can judge the harmonious development of your baby. You need to be wary if black paints appeared in a child's life suddenly. Perhaps he is going through a stressful situation (quarrel with friends, misunderstanding with parents, kindergarten) and expresses his feelings in drawings.


The predominance of orange is not a good sign. Children's orange drawing signals hyperactivity, excitability of the child. It may happen that you remove the orange pencil from the box, and the baby refuses to draw at all and throws a tantrum. Be patient and do not pressure the child, look at the problem from the other side. Most likely, he simply does not have enough parental care and love, and he does not know any other way to draw attention to himself.


Lovers of gray are quiet kids, accustomed to sitting "under the wing" of mom and dad. Most often, parents themselves encourage such behavior, protecting them from communication, supposedly "out of good intentions." If the reason is different, and the child actually cannot establish communication with peers, then you need to come to the rescue and figure out what the matter is. Very soon, your baby's drawings will be painted in bright colors!


Children with psychological difficulties or health problems paint with brown paints. Perhaps now he has an unfavorable period, reduced immunity or an uncomfortable atmosphere in the family. The child subconsciously expresses his desire to find shelter, to isolate himself, to create his own world with the help of brown paints. Find an opportunity for the whole family to go on vacation, to a resort or to grandmother's country house. So the baby will change the environment, find new friends and even make up for the lack of strength.


Purple drawings are inherent in children who are artistic, sensitive, with a rich inner world. And creative people are also easily vulnerable. Of course, such children. Actually, the purple color itself belongs to the category of complex ones, because it is obtained by mixing red and blue. Parents need to be very careful in comments and edifications, because any criticism for a child is a small tragedy.

If you have analyzed the child's drawings and noticed some psychological problems, then do not panic ahead of time. Everything can be solved both with the help of a specialist and with the help of your own efforts. As a rule, psychologists recommend color therapy. Offer the kid, either to draw something with other colors or help him to decorate his own pictures. Over time, the child will see the world of drawing not only in one color, but in bright, cheerful, harmonious colors!

In this article, we'll talk about your child's favorite color and personality.

It has long been proven by scientists that a favorite color affects the character of the child, as well as his style of behavior.

So what is the child's favorite color talking about? After reading the article, share it with your friends on the social network.

Red color- activity, energy, strength, courage. Usually, if a child loves red, then he is a leader in his environment. This child has such qualities as: willpower, aggression, high activity, excitability, irascibility. It is very difficult for parents with such children, as they are (very often) naughty, excitable, constantly breaking toys 🙂 When the child grows up, his qualities will help him achieve success in his personal life.

If there is no red in the child's drawing or the child does not like to wear clothes with this color and in every possible way avoids it, then this means that the red color annoys him. Basically, as psychologists say, if a child avoids the color red, then quarrels (scandals) arise between the parents in the family, that is, the situation is restless.


Purple colour- children's impressionability, suggestibility, defenselessness, tenderness (mainly this color of little girls). Usually, if a child likes the lilac color, then he is rich in imagination and artistry.


Pink color- optimism, coquetry, carelessness. The color of little girls. This color is also loved by those with a sweet tooth, so confectioners often make pink treats for children. This child has such qualities as: affection, love, tenderness, romance, sentimentality, weakness. The child constantly needs the support of others. If a boy likes pink, then he as a personality manifests itself more strongly.


Lilac color- weakness, tenderness, defenselessness, musicality, honesty. Also this color is girls. Usually, if a child likes purple, then he is rich in imagination and artistry.


Purple- fantasy, intuition, vulnerability, sensitivity. If a child likes purple, then this child is rich in inner world and very artistic.

If your child has chosen pink, purple, purple or lilac color, then he needs to pay more attention and love. Example: a kiss goodnight is a must !!! 🙂


Blue- freedom, carelessness, carelessness, independence, frequent changes in life. If a child loves blue, then he is friendly, can easily make new acquaintances, is serious, thoughtful. Mostly boys love blue.


Blue color- concentration, concentration, need for peace, calmness, loyalty, introspection. If a child likes the blue color, then he is affectionate, quiet, calm, needs rest, so he gets tired quickly. Blue is the exact opposite of red. Children who like red can be reassured by blue and vice versa. A child who likes the color blue is devoid of such a trait as "selfishness." A philosopher will grow out of this child.


Green color- poise, independence, perseverance, stubbornness, striving for safety, high intelligence. Green becomes a favorite color between 2 and 3 years of age and 6 and 7 years of age. If a child likes the green color, then such traits as: persistence, stubbornness, perseverance, pride, persistence, strong will, secrecy, good self-control prevail.


Orange color- excitability, daydreaming, rich imagination, joy, energy. If your child prefers orange, then he is mischievous, brave to the point of fearlessness. The child is having fun, playing pranks and shouting. Motto: "Pampering and disobedience."


Yellow- curiosity, spontaneity, jealousy, envy, sociability. The child is full of optimism and energy, cheerful, lively and original thinking, never despair or discouraged, freedom-loving, very kind. A dreamer, a joker, a storyteller - all this is a child who likes yellow.

About brown, black, gray and white I will not write, since there are very few such children, and these colors are more mature. The main character traits of brown, black and gray are: slowness, denial, isolation, depression, depression, anxiety, fear, hopelessness, joylessness, rejection, poverty, fatigue. The main character traits of white are: freshness, clarity, honesty, cleanliness, loneliness, emptiness.

At the end of the article, I would like to recommend you the book by Ekaterina Kes (Buslova) - "How to set the rules and boundaries of what is permissible for a child"... This is a step-by-step guide for parents of 2 to 8 year olds. A professional psychologist with 15 years of experience will reveal simple steps that will allow you to explain to your child any rules and restrictions so that he understands them, accepts and begins to follow them.

Have you ever encountered the fact that a child does not seem to hear you? Has it ever happened that a child, as if out of spite, breaks the rules? Has it ever happened that you explain over and over again, but the child still does everything in his own way? If yes, then by reading this book you will learn what to do in such situations. Enjoy reading!

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