If a missed pregnancy in the early stages. Informative methods for diagnosing fetal freezing. The timing of a frozen pregnancy

The death of an unborn baby is one of the most terrible tests for a family. More often, such grief occurs in the early stages, before 18 weeks of pregnancy, but after this time the risk is not completely excluded.

There are many reasons for the development of this pathology and almost no one is immune from fetal freezing. And although it is impossible to completely prevent it, you can try to reduce the likelihood of its development.

Causes of a frozen pregnancy

The reasons why the fetus freezes is not fully understood. This is due to their huge number and the fact that often the death of the embryo is provoked by several factors at once. In addition, a long time passes between the moment of freezing, the detection of pathology and the extraction of the biomaterial, and researchers are unable to establish the exact cause of what happened.

Most often, severe chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus lead to the fading of the embryo and its subsequent expulsion from the uterus.

Thus, our body gets rid of a non-viable organism. And the death of an embryo normal from the point of view of genetics can be provoked by:

  • Hormonal disorders. Most often, such a deplorable result is caused by a deficiency of progesterone, which occurs against the background of disturbances in the work of the ovaries. Also, deviation from the norms of the levels of thyroid hormones negatively affects.
  • Immunological factor. Since the embryo is genetically "native" to the woman only half, and the second part of its genes from the father, the body of the expectant mother can consider it a foreign body and destroy it with the help of specific antibodies.
  • Autoimmune disorders and antiphospholipid syndrome. This pathology causes fetal freezing in almost 5% of cases. With each subsequent pregnancy, the risks increase.
  • Infectious diseases. , mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and other diseases that can exist asymptomatically for years in a woman's body are often activated during pregnancy due to a temporary decrease in immunity and negatively affect the development of the embryo. Primary rubella infection and any sexually transmitted diseases are also dangerous.

There are other reasons that can provoke fetal freezing. But their negative impact is not fully proven and poorly understood. These risk factors include:

  • Severe stress;
  • Drug abuse, in particular antidepressants;
  • Smoking, alcohol and drug use;
  • Frequent air travel;
  • Lifting weights;
  • Beach and solarium abuse.

Determining the exact cause of fetal freezing is difficult, as well as preventing it.

Usually, the risk group for this pathology includes women over 35 years old, with a large number of births or multiple miscarriages in history, with congenital uterine anomalies.

But absolutely healthy young women without chronic diseases and other problems are not insured against the loss of a future baby.

Fetal freezing symptoms

It is not easy to recognize fetal freezing on your own, since the symptoms are usually mild. Moreover, they differ greatly depending on the gestational age. But to know the main signs is necessary in order to increase the chances of timely diagnosis of pathology.

Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages

Only those women who closely monitor their well-being can notice the first signs of embryo death. They may note:

  • The disappearance of breast swelling and pain;
  • Cessation of morning sickness;
  • Fatigue and weakness;
  • Decrease in basal temperature.

After the baby begins to move in the womb, it is necessary to monitor its activity. Its decrease or termination is a dangerous signal.

This is one of the signs of pregnancy fading. Also, a woman may notice that:

  • The mammary glands become softer;
  • The state of health worsens, weakness and asthenia appear;
  • The feeling of heaviness increases in the lower abdomen.
  • Appetite changes.

For any danger signs, you should immediately consult a doctor. For longer periods, it will be enough for him to listen to the baby's heartbeat to suspect problems. But in the first weeks of pregnancy, when the heart is not yet heard, it is more difficult to diagnose fading. For this, an examination is carried out and a urine or blood test for hCG is prescribed.

It should be noted that after the death of the embryo, the level of hCG in the urine may remain within the normal range for several more weeks. Therefore, this indicator must be observed in dynamics, tracking its growth or decline.

The most accurate data is given by an ultrasound examination. The main ultrasound signs of an impending termination of pregnancy:

  • Slowing down of the fetal heart rate (measured from 7 weeks);
  • Inconsistency in the size of the fetal sac and the embryo;
  • Increase and deformation of the yolk sac;
  • Presence of hemorrhages at the site of embryo implantation.

Even ultrasound data does not give 100% accurate information about the viability of the fetus. Usually, a re-examination is prescribed after 3-7 days to monitor the dynamics.

How to prevent fading?

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely prevent the pacification of pregnancy, since not all of its causes have been studied and not everything is still within the power of doctors. But still, some steps can be taken, namely:

  • Monitor the health of the genital area and regularly visit the gynecologist;
  • At the planning stage, undergo tests for genetic abnormalities (for both parents);
  • Make all the necessary vaccinations in advance, especially against rubella;
  • During pregnancy, try to less contact with sources of infection;
  • Eliminate bad habits;
  • Medication should be taken only under medical supervision in case of emergency.
  • Limit sun exposure and solariums, saunas and air travel;
  • Try to stay calm.

If the trouble has not passed you and the fruit still froze, you should not despair. The likelihood of repeated freezing of pregnancy is low. As soon as the body recovers, you can start planning again.

Any young lady should experience the joy of motherhood, but this is not always the case. Non-developing pregnancy in the early stages requires an urgent abortion, provokes serious complications in the reproductive system of a young lady of childbearing age. This is a dangerous pathology, which in the future becomes a prerequisite for infertility.

Causes of pregnancy fading

The development of the fetus can freeze for various reasons. At an early stage of pathology, an asymptomatic course is characteristic, therefore, its presence can only be recognized clinically. In fact, this is a short period, which in the patient's life is replaced by pronounced symptoms that require immediate hospitalization. In any case, the first step is to recognize the causes of fetal freezing and eliminate them, and then carry out a number of therapeutic measures. So, the pathogenic factors are as follows:

genetic disorders in the prenatal period;

  • recurrent infectious diseases;
  • complications of IVF;
  • infection with sexually transmitted infections during the period of gestation;
  • substance abuse;
  • late conception;
  • detachment of the ovum;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • stress, emotional instability;
  • the presence of a number of chronic diagnoses (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, thyroid pathologies);
  • hereditary factor of miscarriage;
  • physical and emotional overload.

How long can it be

There are several reasons why pregnancy freezes, in this regard, women from the risk group and not only should consult a local gynecologist on a given topic when planning their "interesting position". It is important to prepare for future motherhood so that such a trouble in the family passes by. The timing of a frozen pregnancy has several determining factors, but more often such a pathological process starts at 12-22 obstetric weeks. Later, the risk of developing this pathology decreases several times, giving way to the risk of prematurity.

How to determine

It is almost impossible to identify the problem in the early stages of embryo bearing; this can only be done by a certified specialist after a thorough examination of the expectant mother. The death of an embryo occurs unexpectedly, and a woman will find out about it in a few weeks, when she comes to a scheduled appointment with a leading gynecologist. So on the topic of how to recognize a frozen pregnancy at an early stage, there are many "pitfalls". It does not hurt to once again control the basal temperature, pay special attention if the lower abdomen suddenly began to hurt.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy

The symptoms of progressive pathology at an early stage are not clearly expressed, an inexperienced mother may not notice it. After the death of the embryo, the inflammatory process only intensifies, reduces the quality of life, causes profuse bleeding and the need for urgent hospitalization. The appearance of brown vaginal discharge and an attack of acute pain eloquently indicate that not all is well with the child, the threat of miscarriage is increasing. Further symptoms of a frozen pregnancy are frightening in their intensity, they make it clear that the death of the fetus has occurred.

First signs

More often, a frozen, ectopic pregnancy at the initial stage does not manifest itself in any way, however, an observant woman will certainly note unpleasant changes in overall well-being. For example, she will be alerted by the pulling feeling of the lower abdomen and the instability of the temperature regime. The first signs of a frozen pregnancy in reality may be as follows:

  • decline in performance, general weakness;
  • increased dizziness;
  • liquid vaginal discharge;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • simultaneous cessation of toxicosis;
  • drop in basal temperature;
  • the disappearance of pain in the mammary glands;
  • the beginning of menstruation.

In the early stages

If a young lady has started menstruation, while she is consulted on the register, it becomes obvious that a miscarriage has occurred, mechanical scraping is necessary. Since hCG levels are falling rapidly, the test is negative. Home treatment is impossible, fraught with complications. A frozen pregnancy in an early period for some of the fairer sex becomes a true tragedy, so the patient may fall into a state of deep depression, and not get out of it for a long time.

In the second trimester

At a later date, the manifestation of the pathological process is more pronounced. An experienced mom with experience does not even need a visit to a gynecologist to feel and understand the termination of pregnancy. A miscarriage occurs at 16-20 obstetric weeks, and requires mechanical cleaning of the uterine cavity. The characteristic signs of a frozen pregnancy in the second trimester are as follows:

  • decreased uterine tone;
  • feeling of a stone in the abdomen;
  • absence of nausea and other symptoms of toxicosis;
  • lack of pulling sensations in the chest, once swollen mammary glands;
  • feeling of weakness, loss of strength;
  • fainting;
  • cardiac arrest on ultrasound;
  • cessation of fetal movement;
  • profuse bleeding.


If the problem nevertheless happened, it must be eliminated in a timely manner. Only the vigilance of the expectant mother and the quick decisions of a specialist can reduce the risk and variety of postoperative complications. Delay can cost a woman her life and become the main cause of diagnosed infertility in the future. Other unpleasant consequences of a frozen pregnancy are presented below:

  • difficulty in re-conception;
  • chronic problems like a woman;
  • diagnosed infertility;
  • psychological health problems;
  • deep depression.

Cleaning with a frozen pregnancy

Vacuum aspiration is performed if the fetus has stopped growing and died in the womb. A woman may not feel it, but she acutely feels the signs of his decomposition. To avoid mass infection of the whole body, vacuum cleaning of the uterus is shown with a frozen pregnancy. The procedure is simple, and the only preparation measure is the preliminary refusal of food (the operation is performed only on an empty stomach). In practice, there is another operation, which is carried out in the presence of medical contraindications to vacuum aspiration. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Pre-use of general anesthesia or the introduction of local anesthesia.
  2. Cleaning the external genital organs with special antiseptic solutions.
  3. Expansion of the uterus with a medical instrument to facilitate surgical procedures.
  4. Vacuum pumping of frozen (dead) ovum.
  5. The subsequent rehabilitation period is under strict medical supervision.

Medication interruption

If there are pronounced symptoms of fetal death, the attending physician will tell you what to do. Superficial self-medication and the implementation of dubious advice leads to the death of a failed mother from blood poisoning. If the pathology is identified at an early stage, medical abortion with a frozen pregnancy becomes the best solution in the current clinical picture. The procedure is appropriate for up to 42 weeks from the date of the last menstrual period.

In order for the dead ovum to leave the body of the uterus, the patient is given a potent hormonal drug Mifepristone and is left under strict medical supervision for several hours. The woman begins to bleed, indicating the removal of a non-living embryo. In addition, the doctor gives you to take prostaglandins, and then prescribes a control study - ultrasound. This is an opportunity to make sure that the uterine cavity is free from the source of pathology.

Treatment after a frozen pregnancy

The rehabilitation period after a medical abortion is short, and it is possible to plan an "interesting position" again only after 6 months. Recovery after a frozen pregnancy and mechanical cleaning is longer, it involves douching, taking certain medications, and conducting a number of laboratory tests. Menstruation can begin within 23-28 days, but it is still necessary to be treated. This is important, otherwise such a "mistake of nature" can be repeated again.


Blood and urine are important body fluids that help a professional to closely monitor women's health. This is a good opportunity to stabilize progesterone levels and ensure hormonal balance, to avoid fatal complications during the rehabilitation period. In addition, an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and a laboratory blood test for hormones are shown at the insistence of an endocrinologist.

Histology after a frozen pregnancy is carried out together with tests for genital infections, and the biological material is part of the flesh of the uterus of a woman who has not given birth. Statistics show that this laboratory study in most cases reveals the etiology of the pathological process, allows you to prevent termination of pregnancy in the future.


If the embryo stops developing and dies in the uterus, it is surgically removed. The situation is unpleasant, and the woman needs to get through it. To prevent such fatal events from happening in the future, a complete examination after a frozen pregnancy is necessary for further treatment and prevention. These are not only laboratory tests to identify a pathogenic factor, but also an ultrasound scan to study the real state of the affected reproductive system. Pass it regularly, especially the first 6 months after the forced cleaning of the uterine cavity.

How to avoid a frozen pregnancy

If failed parents by personal example faced such a problem, they should understand that they are in the so-called "risk group". In order for a repeated pregnancy to be able to proceed without pathologies, it is required to immediately contact several narrow-profile specialists for detailed advice. Additional laboratory tests may be required. So, after the failed bearing of the fetus for the entire period:

  • the geneticist will study the factor of inheritance of the ailment indicated by the ICD 10 code;
  • the endocrinologist will really assess the state of the woman's hormonal background;
  • the state of the male body will be determined by the andrologist;
  • a psychologist will assess the emotional atmosphere of a woman after a tragedy, remove the chasm (mental barrier) between spouses;
  • the leading gynecologist will prescribe measures to avoid a frozen pregnancy.

How long can you get pregnant after a frozen pregnancy

Doctors stipulate a period of 6 months, when it is better for a woman not to become pregnant again, to undergo a full course of drug treatment and emotional recovery. This time is quite enough to replenish the lost strength, to regain faith in happy motherhood. In any case, before getting pregnant after a frozen pregnancy, you should consult with a gynecologist.

It is important for a woman to create a favorable emotional environment, undergo a full course of physiotherapy, pass all the necessary tests, and undergo a cytogenetic study. If you do not approach the pregnancy planning period after a frozen pregnancy especially responsibly, a positive test result may be delayed indefinitely.

Find out if it is objectionable.


A frozen or advanced pregnancy is intrauterine fetal death, which does not manifest itself as clear signs of termination of pregnancy. The pathological condition occurs before 28 weeks of gestation. Most often, pregnancy fading occurs in the early stages of the first trimester before the 16th week of the child's development. The period before, when the organs and systems of the embryo are laid, and the placenta is not yet formed, is especially dangerous. After diagnosing a frozen pregnancy, the embryo is removed from the woman's uterus. In some cases, a spontaneous abortion occurs.

Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages

The danger of an undeveloped pregnancy in the early stages of development is that the pathology can proceed without clinical manifestations. The retention of a dead embryo in the uterus leads to the gradual decomposition of its tissues. Toxic decomposition products are absorbed into the woman's bloodstream, causing poisoning of the body and the development of severe complications.

Obvious clinical signs can occur 6-7 weeks after the death of the fetus, which indicate a disruption in the work of the woman's body. A frozen pregnancy in late terms in the 2nd trimester is detected faster - the fetal movement stops, which should alert the woman. Doctors warn that a planned visit to a gynecologist can eliminate not only the development of intoxication and other undesirable consequences in a pregnant woman, but in some cases also prevent fetal death.

Clinical signs of non-developing pregnancy, if they appear, are rather weak. A woman may not attach any importance to this. It is necessary to know the symptoms of intrauterine fetal death in the early stages in order to respond in a timely manner and visit the doctor of the antenatal clinic, where the pregnant woman is registered.

Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy:

In the event of complications associated with the poisoning of the body with toxic products of decomposition of fetal tissues, there are clear clinical signs.

  1. Fever up to 40 degrees.
  2. Chills, increased sweating.
  3. Headache.
  4. Intense pain in the lower abdomen.
  5. Constant nausea, repeated.
  6. Uterine, nose, internal bleeding.

Prolonged intoxication can lead to the development of sepsis (bacteremia, general infection of the body) and disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (impaired blood coagulation, massive bleeding).

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the early stages

A non-developing pregnancy can be diagnosed by a gynecologist based on specific signs that are characteristic of intrauterine fetal death. The specialist also prescribes additional examination methods that confirm the disappointing verdict. Only after contacting the antenatal clinic will it be possible to say with confidence that the embryo has died, and the pregnancy has stopped development. Before visiting a specialist, you should not draw premature conclusions.

You can suspect a frozen pregnancy at home by change. To do this, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum with a thermometer in the morning after sleep, without getting out of bed. The female sex hormone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy, which causes an increase of 0.3-0.5 degrees.

The normal course of intrauterine corresponds to the temperature in the rectum at the level of 37.2-37.5 degrees. A decrease in this indicator indicates a violation of the course of pregnancy and possible fetal death. It must be remembered that a low rate is not an absolute sign of a missed pregnancy. If a basal symptom is detected, it is necessary to seek advice from a gynecologist.

At the reception, the doctor collects the woman's complaints, conducts an examination, including on the gynecological chair, prescribes laboratory and instrumental examination methods. In the early stages of gestation, the most informative ultrasound diagnostics of the embryo and laboratory analysis to identify the concentration (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the peripheral blood.

Causes of a frozen pregnancy

In most cases, it is possible to identify the cause of the non-developing pregnancy and, with further planning of conception, undergo a course of preventive treatment. Sometimes doctors cannot determine the cause of intrauterine fetal death. This does not cause concern in the event that such a pathology occurs only once. Repeated miscarriage indicates a severe pathology in a woman's body, which requires careful examination and adequate therapy. According to statistics, intrauterine fetal death is rare and does not have the usual character - for every 200 normal pregnancies, there is one case of embryo death in the womb.

Causes of a frozen pregnancy.

Habitual miscarriage is often caused by a combination of several adverse factors. Identifying the cause of the pathology is an important link in planning pregnancy and giving birth to a healthy child.

What diagnosis of a frozen pregnancy will be the most accurate?

Non-developing pregnancy in the early stages is detected using laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods. Before the appointment of the examination, a gynecological examination of the pregnant woman is carried out.

  1. Examination on a gynecological chair - allows you to determine the condition of the cervix, the correspondence of the size of the uterus to the gestational age. If a discrepancy or pathological changes are detected, ultrasound diagnostics are prescribed.
  2. Ultrasound examination of the uterus and fetus is the most accurate method for detecting intrauterine fetal death in the early stages of development. Signs of a frozen pregnancy: uneven contours and deformation of the ovum, localization of the embryo in the lower parts of the uterine cavity. In case of a dubious result, a second ultrasound examination is performed after 5-7 days. Stopping the growth of the ovum or poor visualization of the embryo testifies in favor of a non-developing pregnancy.
  3. A blood test for maintenance is an effective method for diagnosing intrauterine fetal death at the earliest stages of pregnancy (up to 8-10 weeks), when an ultrasound examination is not informative. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the hormone level doubles every 24 to 48 hours. The absence of an increase in blood or a decrease to 5 mIU / ml (typical for non-pregnant women and men) speaks in favor of intrauterine fetal death. In some cases, the membranes of the ovum are formed and synthesized, and the embryo does not develop - the hormone indicators will give a false negative result and the diagnosis becomes ineffective.

The appointment of a method for diagnosing a frozen pregnancy and the interpretation of the examination results is carried out by a gynecologist. The specialist will correctly assess the risk of pregnancy pathology and determine the tactics of treatment.

What to do if a missed pregnancy is found?

After confirmation of a frozen pregnancy, the dead embryo is removed from the uterine cavity. In some cases, the body rejects the fetus on its own during a spontaneous abortion. In case of a miscarriage of a pregnant woman, medical procedures and surgical interventions are prescribed, which are aimed at removing the embryo and its membranes.

Methods for terminating non-developing pregnancies.

  1. Medication - intravenous administration of drugs that increase the tone of the uterus and cause contractions. The embryo leaves the uterine cavity naturally through the cervix and vagina.
  2. Curettage - cleaning of the uterine cavity with special surgical instruments. It is performed under general anesthesia. The cervix is ​​expanded, then instruments are inserted into the organ cavity. The embryo and the inner lining of the uterus are scraped out. The technique is dangerous by the development of complications: bleeding, inflammation, infertility. This method cannot be considered sparing in the early stages of pregnancy and is prescribed if other methods are contraindicated.
  3. Vacuum aspiration is a gentle surgical intervention by means of vacuum suction. Used for early pregnancy abortion. The tip of a vacuum apparatus is inserted into the cervix without the use of dilators and the contents of the organ are sucked under pressure, removing the embryo and mucous membrane.

After the termination of a frozen pregnancy, a woman should be under the supervision of a gynecologist. Outpatient or inpatient treatment is carried out depending on the type of resolution from the burden, the general condition of the woman, and the risk of complications. The therapy includes broad-spectrum antibiotics, hemostatic agents, vitamins. It is recommended to refrain from planning conception for six months.

To identify the cause of intrauterine fetal death, the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium) and embryonic tissue are taken for histological examination. If chromosomal abnormalities are detected, a genetic consultation of the parents is prescribed to establish compatibility. It is imperative that a woman's blood be tested for hormonal status, smear analysis for flora and the presence of genital infections. Identifying the cause of a frozen pregnancy allows you to prevent intrauterine fetal death during further planning of motherhood.

A frozen pregnancy is a tragic event in a woman's life, but not a sentence. If the cause of the pathology is identified, it is possible to prevent the death of the embryo, to preserve the vital activity of the fetus during the entire period of development, to give birth to a healthy child.

Women may experience a frozen pregnancy at different times, but this often happens before the beginning of the twelfth week. Not in every case, doctors are able to determine the causes of this phenomenon. But it is known for sure that due to inadequate nutrition, bad habits, lack of sleep and various stressful situations, fetal freezing happens much more often.

Frozen (non-developing) pregnancy is a condition when the fetus stops growing and developing, it dies in the womb. Many pregnant women simply have no idea that this phenomenon often occurs. The baby may die in the later stages of pregnancy, but this does not happen often.

  • One of the reasons may be chromosomal and genetic disorder... Significant genetic disruptions lead to the fact that the fetus begins to form not as it should, after which it dies.
  • Also, this situation is repeated due to various infectious diseases (toxoplasmosis, herpes, influenza, rubella, chlamydia, chickenpox, cytomegalovirus infection and other diseases). Doctors say that the very diseases that appear in a woman during pregnancy are of great danger, and with chronic ones, such problems usually do not arise. The presence of pathologies in a child, caused by the above-described diseases, is also a frequent occurrence.
  • With bad habits ( smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs), lack of sleep, poor nutrition, frequent stressful situations must be fought.
  • Hormonal disturbance, which manifests itself as an imbalance of progesterone and estrogen in women in position. If this problem is detected in time, the child can be saved with the appropriate medication.
  • Late pregnancy when a woman is over forty years old, and in vitro fertilization can negatively affect the development of the fetus.
  • There are problems in the form autoimmune disorders... Often women are faced with antiphospholipid syndrome, leading to the destruction of phospholipids in the cells of the embryo. This, in turn, leads to the destruction of the placenta and fetal freezing.

The constant presence of harmful industries on the territory, the conditions of an unfavorable environmental situation and the use of teratogenic drugs are all factors that lead to a halt in fetal development.

When a woman is pregnant and at an early stage, she may not feel any special symptoms of fetal freezing. When toxicosis with nausea and vomiting passes, real relief is felt. Sometimes the body temperature rises. With the rest of the signs, nothing "supernatural." And only a doctor during the next examination is able to detect that the child's heartbeat is absent.

In a later period, women may already feel a frozen pregnancy, which is accompanied by a dull pain in the lumbar region or lower abdomen, and bloody discharge from the genitals. It is also felt that the child has stopped moving.

At the slightest disturbance in well-being, women should consult a doctor as soon as possible. When the heartbeat of the embryo is not heard, the doctor immediately prescribes an additional examination. There are times when good doctors can misdiagnose.

Listening exclusively to the subjective symptoms of fetal freezing, it is impossible to diagnose this particular problem. It happens that the belly of a pregnant woman continues to increase further, and a blood test is typical for a woman in a position.

However, this phenomenon should not be associated with the fetus. The reason for this is the empty intrauterine membrane. That's what it is anembryony(not to be confused with the freezing of the embryo, since in this case the embryo is not in the uterus from the very beginning).

When the results of additional clinical examinations indicate the absence of a child's life, they are carried out again within several days. Only repeated confirmation becomes the final diagnosis, after which the pregnancy is terminated.

After the final diagnosis has been established, the dead fetus is removed from the uterus as soon as possible in order to prevent its decomposition and poisoning of the mother's body. Blood clotting may be impaired, and severe bleeding occurs.

Spontaneous miscarriages are common. But when this does not happen, the dead embryo is removed as soon as possible, because it is extremely unsafe for a woman to stay in this state. When a dead fetus is found in the uterus, blood poisoning develops for 4-5 weeks, the uterus and its appendages become inflamed. And here we will talk about the infertility of a woman and her inability to become a mother in the future.

Vacuum extraction in the hospital or inducing miscarriage with specific drugs is done when the fetus freezes in the early stages of pregnancy. At a later stage, curettage of the uterus is indispensable, in which a woman is given general anesthesia.

If a spontaneous miscarriage occurs, then scraping is also used to prevent further health problems of the woman, since sometimes some parts of the dead fetus remain in the uterus.

Histological examinations of the embryo that has died are carried out to find out the reason for the fading. A man and a woman are forced to face a cytogenetic examination. Tests will show if there were chromosomal abnormalities, infectious pathologies or other factors. When an infection is found, both partners are treated.

Timely removal of a dead fetus does not give a negative result for the health of the mother. Often a woman, after a frozen pregnancy, gives birth to a healthy, normal child, and not even one.

You cannot plan the next pregnancy immediately after the frozen embryo has been removed. The body is rehabilitated for some time (six months or a year), so that there are no problems with physical and psychological health.

During this period, it is important for a woman to establish good nutrition, forget about bad habits, use hormonal contraceptives and drink multivitamins.

It will not hurt to undergo psychological rehabilitation. After it, you can plan your next conception.

In cases of repeated freezing of embryos, it can be assumed that the cause of this is some kind of genetic pathology. And here it is necessary to carry out genetic tests of two partners.

Didn't even hear. And not at all because it did not exist. Just earlier, any arbitrary termination of pregnancy, regardless of the cause, was called a miscarriage. Today, thanks to technological progress, with the help of ultrasound and other examinations, doctors can make a diagnosis that no one even suspected a few decades ago. A frozen pregnancy is the same case.

According to some reports, in our time, such a diagnosis is made by about 40% of pregnant women. Their pregnancy ends already, which provokes just a frozen pregnancy. It occurs when the fetus stops developing. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different - from bad habits of future parents to chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. Most often, a frozen pregnancy is caused by various infections that a pregnant woman accidentally picked up (rubella, chickenpox) and hormonal disorders in the body.

It's good if a frozen pregnancy ends in a miscarriage by itself. This usually happens very early in pregnancy. Otherwise, the consequences for a woman can be extremely unpleasant. After the frozen fetus begins to collapse, causing inflammation in the uterine cavity. Therefore, when diagnosing a frozen pregnancy, medical termination of pregnancy is clearly indicated by scraping the uterine cavity or taking medications, after which a miscarriage occurs (if the gestational age does not exceed 8 weeks).

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is important to identify the symptoms of a frozen pregnancy as early as possible. But is it possible? Signs of a frozen pregnancy can be both pronounced and hidden. The surest way to avoid an undesirable outcome is regular examination by specialists and respect for your health.

What are the symptoms of a frozen pregnancy?

You know very well about: and vomiting (toxicosis), swelling of the mammary glands, high basal temperature, and so on. All these symptoms arise due to the adaptation of the woman's body to a foreign body (fetus). And if this fruit stops developing, then, according to the logic of things, everything should fall into place. More often than not, however, this does not happen. Pregnancy freezes and its symptoms continue. And only later is their abrupt termination observed. It happens that a woman clearly feels the sudden termination of pregnancy. This should alert her and become a reason to see a doctor.

  • Allocations. If a frozen pregnancy has occurred already in the first three weeks after conception, then, most likely, scanty periods will appear on time, but their duration will be much longer than usual. with established pregnancy should always be the reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. Even if it's a small drop of blood, don't risk it. Usually it is not a frozen pregnancy that causes bleeding, but the threat of its termination. That is, the embryo continues to develop, and the uterus is trying in every possible way to get rid of it. It so happens that a frozen pregnancy is combined with a miscarriage. In this case, spotting discharge necessarily appears.
  • Pain. Most often, pulling pains in the lower abdomen indicate an incipient miscarriage, but they are not typical for a frozen pregnancy. Only in the later stages of fading can there be pains that resemble menstrual pains.
  • Breast. The most striking symptom of pregnancy is pain and swelling of the mammary glands. With a frozen pregnancy, these symptoms stop abruptly.
  • Toxicosis. If in the first trimester you were very much tormented by nausea and vomiting and suddenly they stop abruptly, consult a doctor, especially if the gestational age does not exceed 10 weeks.
  • Basal temperature. With a frozen pregnancy, she returns to the same levels as in the usual "non-pregnant" state. However, this is not the main symptom of pathology.

You should be more attentive to yourself if a similar situation has happened before. The threat of another frozen pregnancy is quite common.

The most dangerous is a late pregnancy. It carries not only negative physiological consequences, but also psychological ones. Symptoms of a missed pregnancy in the second trimester can also be obvious or latent.

  • Stomach. With a frozen pregnancy, it stops growing. The uterus does not grow in size.
  • Stirring. The most obvious sign of a frozen pregnancy is the cessation of fetal movements. Several days of "silence" in the stomach is an extremely dangerous situation.
  • Body temperature. If the fetus died a long time ago, and the woman does not suspect about it, then serious changes take place in her body. An infection develops in the uterus, which causes a sharp increase in body temperature.
  • Bleeding. At any stage of pregnancy, any discharge should be the reason for contacting a doctor. With a frozen pregnancy, discharge may not be observed.

However, in no case should you make your own diagnosis. Even if all the symptoms are the same, it still does not mean anything. Only a doctor can confirm the diagnosis by conducting a lot of different examinations.

  • Gynecological examination. By palpation, a discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the expected duration of pregnancy is detected. However, this method helps to detect a frozen pregnancy only in the second and third trimester. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the size of the uterus is not so different from the "non-pregnant" size.
  • Chorionic gonadotropin. A blood test for the level of hCG is mandatory if you suspect a frozen pregnancy. In this case, its indicators first stop at a certain level, and then decrease.
  • Ultrasound. With the help of this examination, a frozen pregnancy can be diagnosed at different times. The absence of a heartbeat in the fetus, the arrest of the growth of the embryo or its absence in the ovum are all clear signs of a frozen pregnancy.

However, the doctor can establish the final diagnosis only by comparing all the results obtained. Try not to panic before and even after the verdict. Easy to say, but of course there is nothing worse for a mother than the loss of her baby. However, remember that after a frozen pregnancy, you have every chance of carrying a healthy baby.

Take care of yourself!

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy