Wedding anniversaries and their names by year. Unusual surprises from friends for the anniversary of marriage. years. Velvet wedding

For many, wedding day is the happiest day in their lives. Or one of them, because the birth of a joint child is much greater happiness. The name of weddings has very deep roots and it is better to come up with even modern educated minds. Indeed, in the old days people felt the nature much better and, identifying each person with it, they found the truths that modern psychologists teach for a long time in educational institutions. The names of wedding anniversaries by year are also determined by the gifts with which it is customary to give spouses.

But what is it for? Indeed, a modern person is used to celebrating only jubilee ones without attaching importance to the intermediate ones. Previously, people believed more in the signs that their ancestors taught them and strictly observed them. Perhaps, and perhaps some higher powers kept the marriage of those who did everything according to the rules. That is why absolutely everyone knew the names of wedding anniversaries by years and did not need special reminders.

It is worth explaining to a modern person why exactly the name of weddings is personified with one or another adjective. This is what we will do. So, the name of the weddings:

The wedding day is called green. Because a young family, like greenery, with which any beginning was compared in the old days, is very beautiful, fresh, light, but at the same time fragile and immature. It is better if many flowers with greenery are presented on this day.

1 year is a Calico wedding. This material was appreciated for its lightness and subtlety, but at the same time, it was quite everyday and inexpensive. So the family has not yet strengthened, but the romance of the first months of marriage is already beginning to recede, and everyday life takes its place. This day is very important because right now, a bottle of champagne is being opened, which was tied on the table of the young on the day of the wedding with another bottle. By the way, the second is opened for the birth of the first child in marriage. Gifts should be printed.

2nd Anniversary - Paper. Naturally, a fragile union, which is able to withstand vicissitudes only in a tight lump. On this date, the spouses should write each other a message on colorful paper or a postcard with a declaration of love. The second name for weddings, which was invented for this anniversary, is glass, but it is rarely used, because there is another anniversary with the same name. Also associated with the fragility of the material. The couple should exchange glass figurines of love. Gifts made of glass or paper (wine glasses, decanters, wallpaper, paintings, etc.)

3 years after the important day comes the Leather Wedding. By this time, the spouses should already feel great about each other. Therefore, the comparison of the ancestors was with the skin. Gifts, respectively, are made of leather.

4 years after marriage - Linen or rope. On this day, a married couple was tied with ropes hand and foot on adjacent chairs. If they were unable to extricate themselves, then their union is strong and long. Gifts: linen items or weaving.

5 years. Wooden date. First anniversary date. Usually, the first child will appear on this anniversary. Therefore, it received its name from the eternal symbol of fertility, flowering and new life. The fact of the birth of a baby has always cemented the union and the spouses grew roots to each other. Also, by this time, their own house and furniture in it should have appeared. Gifts made from wood.

6 years lived in harmony - Cast iron wedding. This metal has always been prized for its heat-resistant properties, but it was very fragile upon impact. The family is the same. In order to strengthen the alliance, on this day it was necessary to thoroughly clean the house and pay special attention to all cast-iron items. Guests were not always invited.

6.5 years old. Zinc union. During this period, disagreements often arose. Therefore, just like galvanized dishes are sometimes rubbed to a shine, so the relationship should be polished with love and attention from one to the other. The date was always celebrated in order to demonstrate to the guests that everything is great with them. Gifts are usually made of galvanized items.

7 years after marriage. Copper wedding. Copper is a valuable metal, but not a noble one. Therefore, the spouses have all the valuable dates ahead. It is better if one of the guests presents a symbol of prosperity and prosperity - a copper horseshoe.

Lived together for 8 years. Tin date. By this time, full of warmth and resistance, like durable metal tinplate. Tin gifts will be the most suitable option.

9 years of married life is called a Chamomile or faience wedding. Since ancient times, chamomile has been considered a flower that knows about true love. Also, faience has always been personified with a prosperous union. It is better if you celebrate this day in nature. And if the weather does not allow, then there must be a bouquet of daisies in the house.

10 years together are called Pink or Pewter anniversary. The second anniversary date was always celebrated with those who attended the wedding. Scarlet roses were considered the constant flower of passion, and pewter was compared to spouses who are able to adapt to each other by this time. Gifts of red, scarlet or pink flowers meant a wish for love and passion, and from tin - compliance and mutual understanding.

11-year marriage. Steel wedding. The union is already going through a hardening process, after which only death can part.

After 12.5 years, it is customary to celebrate the Nickel wedding. More often it is celebrated in the 12th year of marriage.

13 years from the date of the wedding - Lacy or lily of the valley. Since ancient times, this number was considered unlucky, but the name is a hint of romance and beauty at any time and in any trouble.

14 years of marriage. Agate wedding. A gem, though not very expensive.

15 years of married life - Relationships by this time should be transparent and even.

If you have lived together for 18 years. Turquoise wedding. Usually, in this year of married life, the first child became an adult and a new stage of life began for the family.

20 years together. Porcelain wedding. Warm and cozy, home union.

21 years after marriage. Opal date. A beautiful stone that represents a soft and strong relationship.

22 years old - Bronze wedding. A "prize" anniversary that precedes more noble dates. Valuable and lasting relationships.

23 years old. Beryl anniversary.

24 years after the wedding day, the Atlas time is celebrated. A gentle and affectionate relationship, but not honorable or seasoned enough. Although, atlas was highly prized for its beauty and softness. It was holiday stuff.

25th Anniversary Silver Anniversary. Noble relationship.

26 years after marriage Jade date.

The 27-year union is called the Mahogany Wedding. The nobility and value of such a union.

29 years old - Velvet date. Very valuable material in ancient times. Even brocade could not supplant velvet from the wardrobe of noble persons.

30 years after marriage - Pearl. Union created over the years bit by bit. A long-term relationship that turns out to be a real treasure in the end.

31 years in love - Dark wedding. An anniversary that shows all the work done on the strength of this married family.

34th Anniversary Amber. Also a valuable natural stone that shows both the time frame and the beauty of love.

35 years. Coral or linen anniversary date. Linen things have always been strong and solid. Coral is the personification of the eternal.

37 years after marriage Muslin date.

37.5 years is the Aluminum Union. More popular than the previous one and is celebrated six months earlier.

38th Anniversary of the Wedding Mercury Wedding. Soft and flowing, but indestructible.

39 happy years of marriage - Crepe date.

40 Years Relationship - Ruby Anniversary. A noble stone is a noble and honorable union.

44 years of spousal consent is called the Topaz date.

At 45 years old, the Sapphire or Scarlet anniversary is celebrated.

The 46th anniversary of the wedding is called Lavender Wedding.

47 years after marriage is the Cashmere Anniversary.

48th wedding anniversary - Amethyst date.

If you have lived together for 49 years, then your wedding anniversary is Cedar.

50th Anniversary - Golden Anniversary Date. A noble union and very honorable at all times.

55 years of marriage is usually called the Emerald Wedding.

60 Years Together - Platinum or Diamond Wedding. Strong metal and precious stone.

The Iron Date is celebrated at 65 years old. A strong, hardened union.

At 67.5 - Stone anniversary. Like a mountain that only time can destroy.

70 years in love is a grateful and blessed date. Gratitude for the years spent together, for the children and grandchildren. Fertile, because everything is there and only the happiness of relatives is needed.

75 years later, the Crown Wedding is worth celebrating. The crown was associated with power and honor.

80 years are called the Oak Union. There was no tree stronger than oak. But it is warm and eternal.

100 years is not only a century together, but also a Red anniversary wedding. The date celebrated by one family of Ageevs. These centenarians lived together for more than a century and called the centenary union Red. Indeed, before the red color was considered beautiful, elegant, festive and a sign of noble persons.

Wedding anniversaries are celebrated every 5 years. Despite this, many celebrate them in a modest family society, because the older the family, the more relatives there are: children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

But whatever the name of the weddings, may eternal love reign in your family. We wish you mutual understanding and together to live through the century since the day of the wedding!

Natalia Kaptsova

Reading time: 29 minutes


  • (wedding day)
  • (married couple 1 year old)
  • (2 years of married life)
  • (3 years of marriage)
  • (4 years married couple)
  • (5 years of married life)
  • (6 years of marriage)
  • (6.5 years of married life)
  • (7 years old married couple)
  • (8 years of marriage)
  • (9 years of marriage)
  • (10 years of marriage)
  • (11 years of marriage)
  • (12-12.5 years of marriage)
  • (13 years of marriage)
  • (14 years of marriage)
  • (15 years of married life)
  • (18 years of marriage)
  • (20 years of marriage)
  • (25 years of marriage)
  • (30 years of marriage)
  • (35 years of married life)
  • (40 years of marriage)
  • (45 years old married couple)
  • (50 years living together)
  • (55 years of marriage)
  • (60 years of marriage)

Together with the main gift, the newlyweds should give a small tree or flower in a pot , as a symbol of comfort, freshness, cleanliness. On their wedding day, the newlyweds can plant a family tree .

1 year - chintz or gauze wedding. What is customary to give?

In the first year young get used to each other, acquire his first economy ... The couple's feelings about the end of their first year of marriage undergo considerable testing , and everyday life and everyday problems can already darken the happy coexistence of partners. The name of this anniversary is no coincidence - gauze or chintz are very thin fabrics that able to break even from the slightest exertion ... Friends and family congratulate the couple, wishing them happiness, peace and love.

The spouses themselves can give each other for this anniversary calico handkerchiefs ... Relatives, friends can give a couple new bed linen sets, handkerchiefs, towels, embroidered cotton napkins, chintz cuts for diapers, aprons, window curtains, tablecloths .

2 years - paper or glass wedding. What to give for a paper wedding?

Plain paper and glass are very fragile materials that can easily break, tear from rough handling. A marriage that is only two years old also undergoes various life tests , which can also undermine stability, cause quarrels and misunderstandings in a couple.

So that the family does not run out of paper, and it can be torn without fear, friends and family give young people books, photo albums, calendars ... You can give small pieces of furniture and plastic products for the home, glass glasses, crystal vases, decanters, glass teapot ... For this anniversary, loved ones can give paper banknotes, lottery tickets .

3 years - leather wedding. What do you get for a leather wedding?

When the couple's family experience reaches three years, they begin to understand, feel each other , literally skin - hence the name of this anniversary. Leather is a flexible, soft, but very resilient material that is much stronger than paper. The family's first trials have been overcome , the spouses can boast of extensive experience in family affairs.

For a leather anniversary, spouses can give each other gifts made of leather - purse, belt, shoes. Parents can give couple upholstered furniture - sofas, armchairs, and guests give gifts that symbolize prosperity and strong family foundations - leather wallets, key holders, leather bindings for books, leather panels, gloves, key rings, belt and. Of particular importance is a leather suitcase as a gift - it's time for a couple to think about a new romantic trip.

4 years - linen or wax wedding. What do you get for a linen wedding?

Linen, wax wedding - four years elapsed from the date of the wedding. The name of this anniversary symbolizes materials that are very important in the household, serve as an indicator of family security, stability, prosperity and comfort, successful investment of money in strong things for the home ... On a linen anniversary, a linen tablecloth, linen napkins should be laid on the table, and a linen sheet should be made on the matrimonial bed.

Gifts will be appropriate on this anniversary - linen tablecloths, linen bedding sets, linen embroidered napkins, bedspreads, towels. You can also donate aprons, shirts, wax candles, weaving and decorative macrame crafts .

5 years - wooden wedding. What to present for a wooden wedding?

Wooden marriage anniversary symbolizes the strength, unsinkability of family relationships ... Five years - first anniversary th, quite an impressive period of cohabitation, during which the spouses literally grow their hearts to each other.

Since the symbol of this anniversary is a tree, to the celebration give various wooden items for further equipping the economy and decorating housing - wooden boxes, wicker baskets and chairs, wooden dishes and kitchen utensils, wooden furniture, spoons and mugs made of wood, wooden pendants and bracelets ... You can give your husband a set of tools for wood carving.

6 years old - cast iron wedding. What do you get for a cast-iron wedding?

This is a very significant date, the first metal in a relationship between spouses. He is still quite fragile, and you can not call him precious, but still he can do it stronger resist the misfortunes of the outside world than a tree. This is family again, its stability. Cast iron is easy to cast, but it retains any shape well.

On this day, the couple will be happy to receive utensils and cast iron products - fireplace grates, door locks. Husband and wife who are fond of sports can also donate sports dumbbells.

6.5 years - zinc wedding. Zinc Wedding Gifts

This is a very strange anniversary that symbolizes holiday on weekdays ... On this day, the couple gathers guests. Since the celebration is usually accompanied by jokes, pranks, young people can be pompously presented galvanized buckets for the household.

7 years - copper wedding. Copper wedding gifts

Seven is a lucky number, and the seventh, copper, marriage anniversary is usually celebrated especially solemnly ... Copper is a very strong and important metal. It is not precious, but it already has a much higher value than cast iron. The spouses everything is ahead , they can melt relationships and give them any shape, but these relationships are already strong, they cannot be broken or split.

Spouses give each other copper coins, copper jewelry ... Friends and family give a couple copper dishes, straps with copper buckles, candlesticks, copper basins, spoons, trays, copper horseshoe .

8 years old - tin wedding. What to present for a tin wedding

For this anniversary family becomes solid , she already has wealth and children. The spouses understand each other well. But by this time, the relationship between partners may become ordinary and they need a renewal that symbolizes the brilliance of the new tin.

For this anniversary, you can give sweets, tea, coffee in tin boxes, trays, kitchen utensils, baking sheets ... On the eight year anniversary also give any electrical appliances for home, home furnishings, furniture, home renovation .

9 years - Faience (chamomile) wedding. What do they give for a faience wedding

Summer flower chamomile symbolizes flourishing of marital relations , love, warmth, fortune-telling for love. Earthenware is a very warm, homey material, but extremely fragile. During this period, the relationship of the spouses can be confidential , cozy and very warm, like a faience cup filled with tea, or they can easily break if you forget about caring for each other.

Of course, gifts will be appropriate for this anniversary - crockery, vases, crystal, earthenware or porcelain sets .

10 years - pink or pewter wedding. Pewter Wedding Gifts

This very first round anniversary matrimony symbolizes roses, flowers of unfading love. The color of this event is pink and red, which mean triumph, victory, optimism. Tin is also a symbol of this event, because tin is easy to melt, it takes the desired shape, it is a soft metal. Tin has a high value and is very useful in the household - with its help you can repair, seal all cracks in outdated things, giving them a new life. The couple sprinkle the bed with rose petals, wear a tin spoon in their bosoms, and serve fried or baked poultry on the table.

On the tenth anniversary of the marriage, the couple calls into the house the guests who were present at their wedding. Can give red wine in bottles, bouquets of roses, souvenirs and kitchen utensils made of tin, as well as any household items, bedding sets of red or pink colors .

11 years old - steel wedding. What do you get for a steel wedding?

Partners have been together for 11 years, another holiday is coming - the steel anniversary of their marriage. Steel is a very durable metal that does not lend itself to damage, it symbolizes strong relationship , the inviolability of family foundations, stability. Steel can be a ferrous metal, but when properly processed, it takes on a mirror-like shine and is similar to silver. Steel can be hardened, and then even the elements of fire or icy cold are not afraid of it.

For spouses celebrating their 11th wedding anniversary, it is advisable give jewelry, dishes, household items made of steel - pans, trays, cutlery. It should be remembered that sharp cutting objects are not given for the anniversary .

12 or 12.5 years old - nickel wedding. What to gift?

The anniversary is usually celebrated at 12.5 years from the date of marriage. But sometimes this celebration is celebrated even at the age of 12 years of marriage. An incomplete anniversary has a subtle meaning - it is always celebrated in a very close circle. On this day, partners can visit the registry office where they signed, the church where they got married, the places where they made dates, or the meeting cafe. Nickel has a luster, it reminds a couple that from time to time it is necessary to renew, refresh relations .

On this date, spouses can give nickel-plated dishes, candlesticks, chandeliers, nickel lighters, earrings, rings, bracelets .

13 years old - lace or lily of the valley wedding. Present.

13 is not at all an unlucky number for a couple who have had such a long history of living together. This anniversary has sophisticated and very delicate symbols of love - lilies of the valley and lace. These symbols mean the beauty and fragility of the relationship of spouses , remind them to cherish the relationship.

Husband usually giving wife lace underwear, peignoir with lace ... Relatives and friends of this couple give on the thirteenth anniversary of their wedding napkins, bed linen with lace, tablecloths, knitted scarves - openwork of fine wool, bouquets of lilies of the valley.

14 years old - agate wedding. Agate wedding gifts.

This is the first semi-precious stone in the life of this family, meaning loyalty, love, understanding ... The spouses must tell the most intimate to each other, so that there are no secrets left in the couple.

Spouses can give each other beautiful jewelry with agate - it can be beads, rings, cufflinks, a hairpin for a tie. Guests can also give both spouses jewelry with agate, but you can also present a beautiful wooden box for all these jewelry.

15 years - crystal or glass wedding. What do you get for a crystal wedding?

Crystal or glass symbolizes the clarity of the relationship of the spouses who have come to this anniversary.

You can give to spouses glassware, crystal, products with Swarovski crystals ... At the end of the feast according to tradition break a glass or crystal goblet .

18 years old - turquoise wedding. What to gift?

Often this marriage anniversary coincides with the year the first child in the family becomes an adult. Turquoise means the end of crises, a new light in the relationship of spouses. For a turquoise wedding, gifts are given to both spouses and the eldest child in the family; gifts must have turquoise details .

20 years - porcelain wedding. Present.

The 20th anniversary of marriage has a symbol - porcelain. It is more expensive than ordinary glass, but just as delicate and fragile.

As a gift for spouses, they are suitable porcelain sets, dishes, figurines .

25th Anniversary - Silver Wedding. What to give for a silver wedding?

The couple have been together for a quarter of a century, so the symbol of the anniversary is the first precious metal. On this day, partners present each other with silver rings, putting them on the middle finger of their right hand.

On the 25th anniversary of the spouses give things made of silver, jewelry, spoons, dishes, "anniversary" silver coins.

30 years - a pearl wedding. What are the gifts for a pearl wedding anniversary?

The symbol of the 30th anniversary of marriage is pearl, which is a “living” stone and has the ability to grow. Pearls symbolize the strength, the perfection of the relationship between the spouses, as well as the years strung for a common destiny.

Husband gives wife beads made of pearls (30 pearls). Friends and family can give a couple household items, jewelry in white, black, pink colors, mother-of-pearl boxes, souvenirs and jewelry, products with pearls and pearls.

35 years old - coral wedding. Present.

Corals (coral reefs) symbolize the many days that the couple have already lived together. The red color of corals means love and understanding in the family.

On the anniversary of the spouses give jewelry and souvenirs from coral, red aged wine, things and flowers of red color ... The husband presents his wife with a bouquet of 35 red roses.

40 years - ruby ​​wedding. What to give for a ruby ​​wedding?

This is another loud anniversary of marriage , the symbol of which is the ruby ​​gemstone. The spouses have grown so heart-to-heart to each other that they became "blood". Ruby is very hard and the ruby ​​anniversary couple cannot be broken.

Gifts for the ruby ​​anniversary, of course, should be jewelry with a ruby, as well as red-colored home products, or having a pattern in the form of rowan bunches.

45th Anniversary - Sapphire Wedding. Present.

The couple, who have lived together for 45 years, usually celebrate this celebration with very close people, in a close circle. Sapphire is a gem that symbolizes purity of relationship two people, preserved love and loyalty to each other. As a rule, on this anniversary of the spouse decorate their wedding rings with sapphire stones ... This stone has the ability to eliminate stress and bad mood, which is very important for older spouses. Gifts for this anniversary can be any - the main thing is from the heart.

50 years - a golden wedding. What to give for a golden wedding?

On this glorious anniversary, there is a special tradition when spouses give their wedding rings to their grandchildren, who are still unmarried, but themselves exchange new, specially purchased wedding rings ... Gold is a precious and noble metal that symbolizes the high quality of the feelings and relationships of the spouses, the special high value of their love. On this date, real weddings are held, with a new registration ceremony at the registry office.

Gifts for the golden wedding - jewelry made of gold, as well as souvenirs, gilded furniture.

55 years old - an emerald wedding. Present.

The symbol of this anniversary is the emerald, which personifies eternity, incorruption, longevity, good health, maturity and wisdom.

It is necessary to give for an emerald wedding jewelry with emeralds, as well as products and souvenirs of emerald color .

60 years - diamond or platinum wedding. What is customary to give?

The significance of this celebration lies in the very name of the anniversary. Diamond is the most expensive precious stone, platinum is the most expensive precious metal. If the spouses celebrate this anniversary, all their lives they went hand in hand have gone through all the hard times with wisdom and experience.

You can give anything for a platinum anniversary - the main thing is that the gift is from the heart. It is customary to arrange this celebration in the spirit of the times of their wedding, to treat them with their favorite dishes, to organize for them a concert of songs from the times of their youth.

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A wedding anniversary is a big celebration for many. It is customary to celebrate round dates, such as the 25th or 50th anniversary of the wedding, noisily and cheerfully. And other names of weddings are often forgotten over the years. Although they also deserve attention. Plus, almost every wedding anniversary has its own interesting name. And it is not accidental. Anniversary names are very apt and witty. One can only wonder what wisdom the people who invented them possessed. For modern married couples, knowledge about these holidays will be useful in order to know what gifts to prepare for your partner in life.

From wedding day to centenary of marriage

Previously, people almost knew by heart what the names of weddings were. This useful information should be preserved for posterity as well. And it's worth starting from the wedding day - it is called Green Day, since the relationship of young people is associated with freshness and immaturity. The best gift on your wedding day is not only "greenery" meaning "money", but also real, fragrant and fragile greens, as well as delicate bouquets of flowers.

  1. A year after the official marriage, it is the turn of the Calico wedding. The material with this name is still used today, because it has such qualities as lightness and affordable price. This name hints at the fact that relationships are undergoing the first tests of everyday life, that they are still very "delicate" and simple. As a gift, you can buy a chintz thing - clothes or a souvenir.

2. Next wedding - Paper or Glass. The second anniversary hints at the fragility of the relationship during this period. Husband and wife can congratulate each other by signing postcards or exchanging glassware. Usually she is not superfluous on the farm.

3. The third wedding anniversary - Leather wedding - says that spouses should feel each other with their skin. Gifts are given appropriate - leather wallets, bags, shoes, hairpins, jewelry and other products. Those who, by their convictions, do not buy leather goods, can purchase a quality substitute.

4. The next wedding - the fourth in a row - is called Linen or Rope. Gifts are made using the weaving technique - baskets, for example, as well as linen souvenirs or clothing. It was customary for husband and wife to be tied with ropes that day, seated on adjacent chairs. If they could not free themselves, it promised a long union.

5. Fifth date - Wooden. It is called so because the tree symbolizes fertility, as well as the presence of its own "hut". Gifts are given, of course, made of wood.

6. The sixth anniversary of the wedding is like cast iron - strong, reliable, but at the same time, if dropped, it can break. Therefore, such a day is called Pig-iron. On this day, cleaning was done, and pans, bathtubs, or other cast-iron items were washed especially thoroughly. Six months later, the Zinc wedding is celebrated, and on this day guests are always invited.

7. For the seven-year anniversary - Copper wedding - guests can give the spouses a horseshoe made of this valuable metal.

8. Eight years spent together is called the Tin Date.

9. Nine - faience or chamomile, whichever you prefer.

10. The decade - the first significant anniversary - is also associated with flowers. This time with roses. This day is also called the Tin Wedding. Tin is flexible, which means that this should be the relationship between spouses. Those who were at the wedding are invited to visit. The couple is presented with tin souvenirs or roses - red or pink.

11. An eleven year marriage is called a Steel marriage.

12. Twelve and a half years - Nickel marriage.

13. Symbols of the thirteenth anniversary - Lace and Lilies of the Valley.

14. The fourteenth anniversary of the relationship is called Agatov.

15. 15th Anniversary - Glass.

But 16, 17 and 19 years of marriage are traditionally not celebrated at all.

18. Eighteen is a Turquoise Day.

20. Two decades of marriage is called Porcelain Day.

21. The twenty-first anniversary is called Opalova.

22 years old - Bronze

23 - Beryl,

24 - Satin time.

25. A quarter of a century - 25 years of living together in marriage - is a solid period. More details on how this day is celebrated and what is customary to give to spouses will be written below.

26 years old - Jade,

27 - Redwood,

29 - Velvet,

30 - Pearl,

31 - Swarthy,

34 - Amber,

35 - Coral or Linen,

37 - Muslin,

37.5 - Aluminum,

38 - Mercury,

39 - Crepe,

40 - Ruby,

44 - Topaz,

45 - Sapphire,

46 - Lavender,

47 - Cashmere,

48 - Amethyst,

49 - Cedar,

50 - Gold.

The Golden Wedding also needs to be told in more detail. But this - later, but for now we should remember about those lucky ones, whose union is becoming stronger and stronger. Not everyone knows what a wedding is like after fifty years of marriage. But it's easy to remember them.

55 years old is the Emerald Wedding,

60 - Platinum or Diamond,

65 - Iron.

At 67 and a half years of marriage, he is rightfully called Stone.

70 years of marriage - a blessed wedding,

75 - Crown,

80 - Oak.

There is a name for the centenary marriage union. This is the Red Jubilee. However, there are no married couples who marked it now. But history knows long-livers by the name of Ageevs, who managed to celebrate this holiday. Rare couples celebrate all weddings by year, but every family tries to celebrate anniversaries.

The most "precious" dates

Now let's take a closer look at round dates. Anniversary weddings are celebrated on a grand scale over the years. Especially - Silver and Gold weddings. A quarter of a hundred years together - The Silver Wedding is the first of those dates, the symbol of which is the precious metal. It is customary to invite close relatives and the best friends of the family to the celebration. For many years these people have already studied the tastes and habits of the spouses of the anniversary, which means they know what gifts for wedding anniversaries will be appropriate and desirable. The most symbolic present for this will be any thing made of silver - jewelry, cutlery, dishes, statuette, and so on.

A tray or cup presented at the Silver Wedding is a wish for the house to be a full cup. In addition to silver jewelry, a portrait of a couple in a silver frame or a whole family photo album in a silver cover will be a wonderful gift. Those who are engaged in scrapbooking can make an exclusive thematic album with their own hands and fill it not only with photographs, but also with beautiful drawings.

Artists can paint using any technique and material. Such a portrait will take a worthy place in the house of the spouses and will remind for a long time of the bright moments of life. If the family is very large and friendly, one of the young people can start researching and creating a family tree. It will be very symbolic. As an addition to the gift, you can present a bouquet of twenty-five flowers - roses, white lilies or others.

Fifty Years - The Golden Wedding - a must to celebrate! It will be great if children give their parents-anniversary new wedding rings made of gold. Traditionally, a scarf embroidered with gold threads or lurex is also presented. In addition to rings, they present on this day both jewelry and various souvenirs made of noble metal. For believing spouses, pendants with the names of saints or small icons will be an excellent gift.

Gold coins will also come in handy, especially since their value will only grow every year. And the most important thing that older people need is the attention of their relatives. Whatever gift is presented, it should be presented beautifully, with words of gratitude, appreciation and love. In this case, not even gold, but gilded souvenirs, vases or any figurines "for collection" will be incredibly valuable. The spouses will certainly appreciate the poetic congratulations and the song dedicated to them.

Gifts that help to restore or maintain health - a tonometer, a water filter, a massager, an inhaler, an orthopedic pillow and other pleasant and necessary things - will be a wonderful sign of attention. So that they do not look too "medical", they should be beautifully packaged. You can show your concern in another way - donate modern technology that makes life easier. And, of course, we should not forget about the flowers: let there be exactly 50 of them!

A wedding is one of the most significant days in the life of lovers who have decided to officially register their relationship, and the anniversary is a certain indicator. It makes it clear whether people really suited each other, whether they made the right choice of a soul mate, how long love can be, and whether it exists at all. It is the years lived together that show and prove that people can live together happily ever after and truly love each other.

The only difficulty is choosing a gift. It should be suitable, and since not everyone knows about what is given for their wedding anniversary - no matter whether the first or twenty-first - it is not so easy to make the “right” surprise. But not for you, dear readers. From the article you will learn what are the wedding anniversaries (names), what to give for them and how to celebrate the next holiday. Read on, learn new information and please each other with pleasant and suitable gifts.

"Post-wedding" time

Anniversary is a celebration for two only. New Year, March 8, February 23 or Victory Day - these celebrations are celebrated throughout the country. They are beautiful, no one argues, but they are for everyone. That is why it is so important to know what is given for the wedding anniversary, since this is not just a flower for the holiday, but a real joy for two hearts in love, proof that they still need each other.

Not everyone takes this holiday seriously, but in vain, because this is a truly wonderful and important day for two people united into one big whole.

Following traditions

Of course, it is worth noting that not everyone observes the "rules" and gives exactly what is supposedly supposed to be given. What does a husband give for a wedding anniversary? Usually something that can be given on any occasion, something that can please your beloved: flowers, sweets, jewelry, etc. What does your wife give for your wedding anniversary? What is officially supposed to be handed over in a certain year. That is, most often it is the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who bother about a gift suitable for a paper / steel / silver wedding. Although men can follow these peculiar traditions. It is up to you to decide whether it is right or not. Our business is to help you with a gift.

So, wedding anniversaries keep coming. What to give is a question that has always been, is and will be, and potential presenters ask it. The good thing about the anniversary is that you don't have to rack your brains for a long time when choosing a gift, because there are already options that will become not only pleasant, but also “in the subject”. The most common types of surprises are listed below. There is even a little information on how to celebrate this or that anniversary, in which company, how, where, etc. You should also take into account that the traditions in each country are different - the article contains only Russian ceremonial customs.

Calico (cotton)

So, 1 wedding anniversary. Practically none of the spouses knows what to give on this one of the most important days. After all, this is only the very beginning, the first step towards a series of future celebrations, when the beloved will more or less remember what will happen and in how many years. First wedding anniversary: ​​what do you get on this wonderful day? Here's what:

  • chintz handkerchiefs;
  • light dresses for girls, shirts for guys (while they do not have to be chintz, but still desirable);
  • unusual napkins;
  • curtains;
  • wicker baskets;
  • linens.

All of these things are appropriate for the first anniversary. On this day, it is customary to drink champagne left over from the wedding, and invite parents, best friends and witnesses. The first should give the spouses rompers and diapers in order to wait for the addition to the family as soon as possible. By the way, it is highly undesirable to give toys.


The 2nd wedding anniversary is coming. What to give on this day is not an easy question. However, you can answer it. And this is even easier to do than deciding what to give for a wedding anniversary. In this case, a richer selection of gifts. Well, second wedding anniversary. What is given in such a small, seemingly at first glance, but already something meaningful period of life together? Spouses are presented with:

  • photo albums;
  • notebooks / notebooks;
  • books (both fiction and scientific / encyclopedic);
  • sketchbooks (if a person is fond of this business);
  • portraits;
  • papier-mâché figurines;
  • origami;
  • bamboo curtains / tablecloths;
  • other articles of paper and cardboard.

It is advisable to celebrate the second anniversary in the open air, so if the weather is favorable, you can have a festive picnic. There is also a tradition: spouses write on separate sheets what they like / dislike about each other's appearance and character, then - the expected answers of their soulmate, and then compare. This is called "Family Letter". Here is such an interesting second wedding anniversary. What they give - you already know, all that remains is to choose.


It is already the 3rd wedding anniversary. What to give on this day - it's easy to guess from the name. However, as in all other cases, the name of the wedding anniversary determines what the gift will be, that is, from what material. Here's a list of potential surprises:

  • leather wallet / purse;
  • belt;
  • leather jacket / raincoat;
  • wrist watch;
  • leather shoes;
  • handbag / backpack;
  • gloves;
  • a themed gift for a hunter or fisherman.

A leather wedding should be celebrated in a close circle of friends, so it is better not to invite just anyone to the celebration. The symbolism of the third anniversary is associated with nature, so an outing into nature with beef or pork kebabs would be an ideal option. Red wine is the main drink. An obligatory dish, as already mentioned, is meat. It is not necessary to cook kebabs, but there should be something meaty on the menu. Guests can also donate landscape paintings or animal figurines, or something else, more or less related to nature.

Linen (wax)

The 4th wedding anniversary is coming. What to give on this day? The list is as follows:

  • curtains;
  • linen napkins;
  • linens;
  • clothes;
  • candlesticks and scented / fancy candles;
  • talismans, money trees and other souvenirs symbolizing profit.

Parents and friends of the spouses give children's clothes to the heroes of the occasion. The linen wedding is celebrated with a large party with many guests. There is a ritual that shows how much attention the wife gets from her husband. However, it is clearly necessary to start preparing for it not the day before the anniversary. The essence of the ceremony (by the way, it is called "The Canvas of Happiness") is that the wife embroiders a small drawing / flower / cross on the fabric every time she receives a share of attention from her husband. On the day of the linen wedding, in the morning, she gives her husband the finished linen. Also, skilled needlewomen sew clothes for their spouses for this holiday.


This is the first anniversary for the spouses - the fifth anniversary of their life together. The anniversary is called a wooden wedding not only in Russia, but also in many other countries, since it is believed that by this time the spouses should already have strong, like a tree, relationships with deep roots and beautiful leaves (that is, children). So, gift options:

  • wooden figurines / figurines;
  • boxes;
  • wood ornaments;
  • other wooden crafts;
  • massagers (not necessarily made of wood) or certificates for visiting a massage or beauty salon;
  • vouchers to rest or to a sanatorium.

On the fifth anniversary of the wedding, the spouses should meet with distant relatives or friends and set a rich table for them to show the wealth in the family. Someone on this day plants a "Family tree" (a reference to the famous saying about what every man should do), and someone ties the so-called "Wish tree" with colored ribbons. From the name it is clear that this is a magical trunk with branches that fulfills the dreams of the spouses.

Cast iron

The sixth wedding anniversary means that the metal begins, which means an even stronger period of the life of the spouses. What can you give for your 6th wedding anniversary? Will be appropriate:

  • Cast-iron pan;
  • food processor;
  • a set of pots;
  • other kitchen utensils and utensils;
  • Any technique that makes housework easier, such as a vacuum cleaner or dishwasher.

On the sixth anniversary, the wife should show herself as a real hostess: create perfect comfort in the house and give guests the opportunity to appreciate how everything in the house is tidy and clean, especially in the kitchen. A musical number from the younger relatives of the spouses - children, sisters, brothers, nephews, etc. - will be a wonderful festive addition.


The 7th wedding anniversary is coming. What to give on this day? Copper products, of course:

  • copper horseshoe;
  • candlestick;
  • leather belt with copper buckle;
  • ancient coins;
  • samovar;
  • figurine / vase / tray / other thing made of copper.

So that happiness does not leave the house of the spouses, they exchange copper coins with each other. It is believed that this is a kind of contribution to the future, and in the future, luck and joy will always be faithful companions of all family members.

Tin (bed)

8 years of marriage is serious. It is believed that by that time even the beds must break from the pressure and love of the spouses, hence the second name. What kind of gifts are suitable for an eighth wedding anniversary? You can give:

  • molds for cupcakes;
  • costume jewelry;
  • any shiny jewelry or bling;
  • cookies in beautiful tin boxes;
  • furniture;
  • interior items.

New furniture, of course, can also be donated by friends or relatives, but it is better to buy a bed for the spouses themselves. The purchase should be taken seriously and it is also necessary to choose the future joint bed together. The new bed will be a symbol of renewal of home comfort and a hearth that should never go out.


For the ninth wedding anniversary, you can (and should) give:

  • earthenware dishes;
  • a set of cups;
  • exquisite crystal ashtray;
  • figurines made of crystal or faience.

Pink (Rose Day, pewter)

The long-awaited full-fledged anniversary - exactly ten years have passed since the wedding. They give on such a holiday:

  • jewelry and bijouterie;
  • roses (preferably pink);
  • pewter items (figurines, houses, plates, spoons, etc.);
  • flowers in pots.

The guests of today's celebration should be witnesses of the celebration that took place 10 years ago. The bridesmaid, best man, as well as the spouses themselves must dance, and with red roses in their hands.


The anniversary has passed, the 11th wedding anniversary has come. What to give on this day? The gifts are quite unusual:

Everyone knows how hard steel is, and therefore it is not surprising that the anniversary got its name precisely in honor of this metal. It is believed that the relationship of people who have lived together for more than ten years will not deteriorate, and therefore the material is stainless steel. Everyone is confident in the steadfastness of such a long and strong marriage.

Lily of the valley (lace)

13 is not always a bad number. In this case, it is simply wonderful, because it means that the spouses really love each other since they still live together. What kind of gifts can there be? The most exquisite:

  • a charming bouquet of lilies of the valley;
  • curtains or embroidery with the aforementioned flower;
  • napkins with lace pattern;
  • tablecloth;
  • the husband can give a beautiful lace lingerie.

Glass (crystal)

Another anniversary, the symbol of which is crystal. A whole 15 years have passed - a huge period for some. It is customary to give on this anniversary day:

  • statuettes and figurines made of glass and crystal;
  • crystal and glass dishes, vases, mugs, etc .;
  • indoor fountain;
  • transparent jewelry;
  • a crystal slipper from her husband will become a kind of hint that he has always loved and will love his "Cinderella", no matter what happens.

It is believed that in fifteen years life together should become pure and transparent, like real glass: spouses see right through each other, mutual honesty and understanding reign in the family, and love only grows stronger.


It's already 22nd wedding anniversary. What to give on this day? There are many options:

Bronze is considered an attribute of prosperity and reliability, and therefore it is better to invite trusted people to the festival: good friends and close relatives. You can also celebrate an anniversary in a restaurant, but it is preferable to celebrate the event at home, in a warm family circle.


A quarter of a century has passed since the day when two young or not so people exchanged rings and swore to each other in eternal love. On such a pleasant and long-awaited day, spouses can receive:

  • silver jewelry;
  • silver cutlery and trays;
  • silver medals - preferably with an accompanying speech that they will soon have to give a gold one, they say, now only the second place is now (if the recipients have a sense of humor);
  • a beautiful large mirror (as a last resort, you can do with a small one);
  • the wife and husband exchange silver rings.

It is desirable to serve the table with silverware. The celebration is usually held in the place where the couple exchanged rings for the first time. Of course, if there is such a possibility. You need to invite friends, relatives and acquaintances to the holiday so that their number exceeds 25, so someone will have to try. Moreover, anniversary invitations must be sent out in advance, about a month before the event. Sooner or a little later - it doesn't matter, the main thing is that they are sent at least 25 days before the celebration itself.


New, thirty-year anniversary. Husband and wife have been together for a long time, and therefore they are considered a couple "do not spill water." It is desirable to give this day the following:

  • jewelry with pearls (necklaces, beads, rings);
  • interesting and unusual shells or shells;
  • from living creatures you can present a snail;
  • a pendant with one pearl from her husband with words about how dear his wife is to him.

It is better to celebrate the celebration by the water. At the same time, it does not matter whether it is a gorgeous powerful waterfall, a quiet lake in the middle of the mountains or a modest stream, the main thing is that there is a sound of water nearby.


And here is the first place, which means fifty years of marriage. On this day, it is customary to give such things as:

  • gold medals and cups;
  • gold jewelry, preferably rings;
  • gold-plated trinkets, if there is no money for something expensive;
  • gilded candlesticks, figurines, etc.


The couple has been together for 60 years. Truly a long time, and it is believed that no one and nothing will separate the spouses. They give on this day:

  • jewelry with diamonds;
  • jewelry with a claim to real diamonds;
  • unusual figurines with diamond splashes.


Now you know what wedding anniversaries exist, what to give on this or that day, and why this holiday is so important. And not only for the spouses, but also for their parents, witnesses (bridesmaid and best man) and guests.

It was possible to notice that gifts are given from the material in honor of which the anniversary is named. Naturally, not the entire list of potential surprises is given, it can be huge: almost every thing in which there is at least a little of the very "material from the name" is suitable to become a solemn gift. This greatly simplifies and expands the choice and makes it possible to show imagination. In some places it can be seen that not only products made from these materials are suitable as a surprise, since sometimes the theme of the anniversary is no less important than the substance belonging to it. For example, on the third wedding anniversary, a gift may not only be made of leather or leatherette - you can simply give something related to nature: the husband - a fishing rod or a gun, if he is interested, and his wife - a bouquet of flowers brought from the forest / field like daisies / snowdrops, etc.

All in all, every anniversary is a real family event. Celebrate the right way - from our article you learned a lot of information about what gifts for a wedding anniversary. May your life together be long and happy.

It seemed that there was a marriage recently, and now the young family is already two years old. A memorable date is coming - a paper wedding. The tradition of celebrating wedding anniversaries originated in the early 19th century. and since then, according to historians and statisticians, more than half of all married couples celebrate the date of the creation of their family every year.

The first two years of family life are celebrated with a paper wedding. It is not by chance that this name was chosen for the celebration. Paper is known to be different fragility and unsteadiness, which can be said about the young family at this time. The first year passed when the young people lived for themselves, discovered each other from a new side and enjoyed love.

Two years later, new concerns appear. These can be children, and everything connected with them. Sometimes life becomes more stressful, you have to work harder, pay less attention to each other, and friction in relationships often happens. The whole situation is very fragile, and the family sometimes from a wrong step or a harshly spoken word can simply crack or completely collapse. That is why, the wedding anniversary of 2 years is called paper, because family ties can easily break like paper.

Paper wedding - traditions and signs

The second anniversary, like all others, has its own characteristics and traditions. Sometimes they are very unusual. In some countries, the heroes of the occasion are dressed in all paper, that is, the bride flaunts in a light dress made of paper, and the groom in the same shirt.

For the future life of the couple to be successful, the table must be covered with a paper tablecloth and there must be the same napkins. The more paper in the house that day, the better for its inhabitants. There is also an interesting tradition. The bride dances barefoot holding the shoes in her hands, and the one who wants to dance with her must put a piece of paper money in her shoes. It is believed that such a dance attracts profit to a young family, and the donor - happiness in his personal life!

Recently there has been a tradition of writing a letter. It should be on paper, beautifully designed, where the spouses tell each other about their feelings. Such a message is presented at the celebration and can be read aloud. Depending on the wishes of its authors.

There are also special signs for 2 years from the date of the wedding, namely:

  • If the spouse is in old shoes, then the life of the family will be long.
  • If the first gift is a paper bill, then wealth awaits the family.
  • If you dream of a long paper tape, then you are expected to move far from your relatives.
  • If the bride (without preliminary hints) was presented with a paper bouquet, then the first-born will be a girl.

Choosing gifts for 2 years of wedding

The question necessarily arises, what to give for a 2-year wedding, are there any special moments when choosing a present? Of course there is. Usually for all those invited, when they are going to a celebration, the simplest thing is to donate money. This is not always interesting, but in this case, the best gift for 2 years of wedding is exactly paper bills.

Of course, the choice of a present also depends on the status of the guest. Friends and witnesses, if any are invited should present something paper. It can be:

  • paintings;
  • calendar,
  • tickets for a concert, theater or cinema;
  • beautiful sets of tablecloths and napkins;
  • books or rare magazines for connoisseurs.

Parents bring more substantial gifts for 2 years from the date of the wedding:

  • vacation vouchers;
  • securities;
  • cruise tickets.

If there is a desire to give a very expensive gift that cannot be made of paper in any way, it is enough to wrap it in a beautiful paper wrapper or tie it up with a purely symbolic paper ribbon.

2 years wedding anniversary is approaching, and what to give my husband, also a task for a young wife! Everyone decides it differently. Some give beautiful family albums, others give them joint photos in an interesting and unusual frame. It happens that a couple of bottles of beer with your favorite fish, wrapped in paper or newspaper. It is interesting that spouses can give similar gifts for a paper wedding. For example, the wife gives a book on DIY home repairs, and the husband gives a good collection of recipes.

When donating jewelry or jewelry, they should also be packed in paper packages, or at least use paper ribbons. A postcard with sincere and good wishes is considered mandatory. It can be purchased or made with your own hands, too, from paper.

On paper weddings it is not customary to have too crowded a feast... As a rule, only the closest relatives and a small number of friends are invited. The ceremony itself can take place outside the city, in nature. Celebrating 2 years of marriage, knowing what kind of wedding will cope, do not worry about its name. Let it be only paper, and let family relations be long and lasting.

Congratulations on your 2 year wedding anniversary from guests and parents

Our beautifully designed greetings can be saved, printed and attached to a postcard.