Blue amethyst stone. The history of the origin of the name. Which zodiac sign is compatible with the Amethyst stone

Good day to all those who, for one reason or another, found themselves on the pages of our Internet portal! Amethyst is a mineral that is in great demand among jewelry buyers. This zodiac stone is suitable for all zodiac signs with a few exceptions. The gem has strong magical properties. To strengthen them, it must be worn correctly. About how to wear amethyst, whether it can be worn without a pair, what signs are suitable - this is our article.

The magic of stone in jewelry

Natural amethyst is a purple mineral of different shades. Transparent without any inclusions. There are instances that contain thin threads that form a pattern inside. Prolonged exposure to the sun degrades the color, after 5 years it loses 10% of the color.

In ancient times, amethyst was considered a symbol of peace, tranquility, sincerity.

  • If you are overcome by conflicting feelings, a state of anxiety has appeared, it is recommended to wear a necklace or a ring with a mineral.
  • Anyone who wants true love, so that the chosen one reciprocates, must have a pink gem.
  • It is called the "widow's" stone. After the death of a loved one, many women wore a stone as a sign of eternal love. It helps to cope with grief.

  • The ancient Greeks believed that the purple mineral talisman would help them stay drunk. They believed it has the properties of converting wine into water. Drinking, a person does not get drunk. When going to a party, take a talisman, it will help you have a fun time without getting drunk.
  • Silver jewelry with amethyst has great magical power. The noble metal reveals the properties of the stone. If there is such a decoration, it will help to establish personal, business relationships, businessmen - to successfully negotiate.
  • For women, a pendant with a heart will help to find the happiness of motherhood. It must be worn until conception and throughout pregnancy.
  • Men need a talisman to build family relationships. It is good to have it in the bedroom in order to avoid conflicts, to resolve all issues gently, without sediment on the soul for both spouses.
  • A gold pendant with amethyst energizes your body and gives you strength.
  • The stone is able to control your emotions, calm the nervous system, and help you make the right decision.
  • Creative people should have amethyst. He will help unleash your potential, creative possibilities. New ideas will appear, talent will be revealed in full force.

Zodiac signs and amethyst

How to wear amethyst to enhance its properties

To enhance the magical effect of a stone, you need to know how to wear it correctly: paired or not, on which finger, with which metal.

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Team LubiStones

Amethyst is a violet quartz, from a subtle shade to dark tones. With prolonged exposure to sunlight, dark amethyst begins to fade.

Magical properties

It is necessary to wear this gem when worried about anxiety and emotional distress. Better to wear amethyst beads or a ring with this quartz. Lovers often give their chosen ones this very stone as a sign of long-term love. In the past, if a person lost his spouse, he always carried an amethyst with him as a symbol of loyalty to the partner who left him. Therefore, the common people call the mineral "widow's stone".

Gems in love

Magic are very diverse, it is believed that with its help you can develop the inner abilities of a person. The ancient Gaumerian tablets describe that amethyst is able to engender love for the giver of the stone, even if the person who accepted it was in love with another until the last. Therefore, betrothed or married couples in no case need to take as a gift items inlaid with this gem.

For different civilizations

The ancient Greeks believed that quartz helps to rejuvenate the body, removes freckles, smoothes wrinkles and age spots. In ancient Rome, the mineral was placed in a glass of alcohol, it was believed that it would protect a person from intoxication and even neutralize the effect of poisons. Amethyst was placed under the pillow before going to bed in order to suppress nightmares. Could also help with insomnia, invoke pleasant dreams amethyst stone.

Magical properties. Correct use

You should not wear the stone for Leo and Taurus. It will be especially useful for Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. If you carry a stone with you all the time, only then will it really help its owner. But you should always remember that this gem can easily change its mood, and if the owner had this purple quartz with him during conflicts or troubles at work, then he can tune in to the negative energy of the owner, which will lead to bad consequences. Therefore, after even a minor conflict situation or a quarrel, the product with amethyst must be held for 5 minutes under running water to allow the stone to calm down. Different settings for the stone also affect its energy. If worn in a silver setting, the stone promotes friendly meetings, business contacts, which will definitely end in success.

Amethyst. Meaning. Names

Many peoples consider amethyst a symbol of sincerity, peacefulness, virtue and sincerity. There are many other, less common names for the mineral and its varieties: bishop's stone, dumpling, Bacchus's stone, the stone of the Apostle Matthew. He got his from the Greek legend about the nymph Amethyst.

Amethyst stone. Significance in Alternative Medicine

The gem will help infertile women in conception, and for men - to establish family relationships. The gold frame, in which the quartz is worn around the neck, brings the body into energy balance. Amethyst immersed in water at night energizes it and helps with colds. The stone will strengthen memory, contribute to the treatment of skin diseases and nervous system, will help manage your emotions, protect a person from alcohol intoxication.

Amethyst was named after a Greek nymph. This transparent purple mineral is very beautiful, therefore it is often used in jewelry making. It is believed that Amethyst is the most powerful talisman against evil doom. Since ancient times, it has been used to get rid of unhappy love, opening the doors to a new life for its owner.

The magical power of Amethyst

Amethyst is also called a "non-drunk" stone. In ancient times, cups were decorated with this mineral, believing that it protects against poisoning with poisons and alcohol. Also, amethyst is a church stone, since an amethyst ring was handed over to cardinals. The choice fell on this purple mineral for a reason: it expresses the severity and purity that a church minister should be characterized by.

The magical properties of the stone Amethyst determined by its value. It symbolizes spirituality, integrity and devotion. This mineral is really able to protect from drug addiction and alcoholism, as well as get rid of bad intentions. By his influence, he can motivate a person to do good deeds. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, relieving temper and aggression.

Amethyst is a stone of rest and harmony, as it is able to neutralize any negative feelings. He becomes an assistant in resolving conflicts. In addition, he reveals the inner abilities of a person and can develop the gift of foresight.

This unique mineral is able to save its owner from melancholy and disturbing thoughts. It is good for dealing with insomnia if kept under a pillow.

At the same time, Amethyst is considered the stone of loneliness. You can give jewelry with Amethyst only to a person whose reciprocity is expected by the donor. Thus, this stone can destroy a couple or even a family. Therefore, amethyst gifts should be accepted with extreme caution.

For representatives of creative professions, the magical properties of the Amethyst stone allow them to reveal their potential. This mineral is able to enhance the talent given by nature.

The healing properties of the stone

The magical properties of the stone Amethyst have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. It has a calming effect, therefore it copes well with diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders. Amethyst relieves headaches, nightmares and anxiety.

The purple mineral has been used in many countries to treat kidney and liver diseases, skin conditions, and to cleanse the circulatory system. Lithotherapists claim that long-term observation of the stone will relieve nervous tension and achieve a state of balance.

The healing properties of Amethyst have a beneficial effect on the metabolism. There is a regulation of the digestive and endocrine systems. In modern cosmetology, Amethyst is used to improve the condition of the skin. It relieves freckles and excessive pigmentation.

Uses for the signs of the zodiac

The Amethyst stone, the magical properties of which are undeniable, must be worn constantly. However, it should be borne in mind that the mineral can change mood. When a conflict occurs, Amethyst absorbs negative energy in order to protect the owner. However, later this energy must find a way out, and the mineral sometimes charges the owner with negative emotions. In order to "calm down" the stone, you need to hold it under running water for several minutes.

Astrologers claim that Amethyst is the stone of the air signs of the Zodiac, first of all, and. Amethyst will relieve the former from stubbornness, and the latter will bring peace. The purple mineral will help Aries to pacify their selfishness, and Aquarius will make them more discerning.

Also, Amethyst is indicated for constant wear. The mineral brings happiness and well-being to this sign.

If a ring is decorated with amethyst, it should be worn on the ring finger. For women - the left hand, for men - with the right. The setting of the stone is also of great importance. If silver becomes a companion of Amethyst, he will help in establishing business and friendly contacts. Amethyst, set in gold, will restore the owner's energy balance.

Despite its prevalence, amethyst has been one of the most revered stones in the world for centuries. Historical and geological information about the mineral goes back to ancient times. Recognized as a gem, thanks to the luxurious variety of shades, noble transparency, rarity.

Amethyst - a stone for those born in February, has magical and healing properties.

Description amethyst stone

Amethyst belongs to the category of several types of quartz. Often used in jewelry. Mohs hardness 7. Its lavender color was previously thought to be the result of deposits of iron and manganese. In fact, the variety of shades from deep purple to cherry blue is given by coloring organic substances.

Stones with a rich, deep color are more valuable. They were once valued more than diamonds.

Natural mineral, depending on the light, is able to change its color. Minerals extracted from sedimentary rocks are more susceptible to this. They fade even in diffused sunlight.

Crystals, which are part of citrine and amethyst, after heating over 250 degrees, changes their color to yellow or green. May become colorless altogether.

Jewelers specially heat amethyst to change its color, passing it off as citrine, aquamarine, topaz.

By heating, beautiful green crystals are obtained, which are called green amethyst.

It is mined in Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, Bolivia, Argentina, USA, Canada, Europe, Sri Lanka. There are deposits in several African countries. Large stones are found in South America. A deeper color in Australia.

On the territory of our country, there are deposits in the Urals and the Kola Peninsula. Ural stones become a beautiful red-violet color under artificial lighting. Whereas the Brazilian ones are gray.

Transparent minerals are classified as semiprecious. Opaque is a valuable ornamental material.

The name of the stone comes from the Greek word “méthystos », which in translation means "intoxicated", "not drunk".

There are also more romantic poetic ones - "stone violet", the apostolic stone.

Magical properties

Throughout history, the special virtue of amethyst was believed to be able to prevent drunkenness and the consequences of this habit.

The ancient Greeks and Romans decorated their cups with them, believing that it would save them from alcohol degrees.

As an amulet they wore in the navel area, believing that it is able to protect them not only from drunkenness, but excessive jealousy and passion.

The ancient Egyptians wore the stone as a defense against self-deception and witchcraft.

Medieval soldiers took the stone with them on a campaign, believing that it would protect them in battle and bring victory.

The crystal is also endowed with the ability to control evil thoughts, the ability to enhance intelligence, and make people discerning in business dealings.

The travelers believed that he would protect them from sudden treachery and attack. Hunters took with them for a successful hunt.

Amethyst is the stone of Catholic bishops. Symbolizes piety, humility, sincerity and spiritual wisdom.

The Jews have the ninth stone in the breastplate of the high priest and the twelfth stone at the base of Jerusalem.

The Egyptians are listed in the book of the dead. Carved in the shape of a heart, like an amulet, it was placed at burial.

In oriental cultures - the stone of the "tree of life". Used in temples for worship, rosary to create an atmosphere of tranquility, balance.

In the modern world, amethyst has also not lost its value. Still a wonderful spirituality stone, known for its ability to calm the mind. Often used for meditation.

The stone's inherent high ability to cleanse the aura of negative energy, create a protective shield around the body, allows the mind to remain clear and focused, opening the chakras for spiritual direction.

Stimulates the third eye, improving the cognitive ability of perception, accelerates the development of intuitive and mental abilities, deeper understanding.

This is a stone for those who grieve the loss of a loved one.

Medicinal properties

Amethyst has the ability to focus energy. For medicinal purposes, it is usually worn in silver jewelry. The necklace with amethyst is especially good. You can put a stone in the place that you want to heal.

It is known to be a natural mineral:

Copes well with headaches;

Improves vision;

Increases attention.

Place it under your pillow so you only have pleasant dreams. Rub the mineral over your forehead to relieve headaches.

The human brain, receiving nourishment from the stone, is capable of faster concentration and performance of functions responsible for increasing intelligence and memory.

Used for problems with blood, lungs, to cleanse the negative in the room. Place some stones on the windowsill in the room so that the moonlight falls on them. Everyone in the house will feel calmer. Helps overcome fear and anxiety.

It is a powerful protective stone that protects not only from negative energy, but also from the effects of geopathogenic zones, electromagnetic waves.

Natural tranquilizer;

Relieves stress and tension;

Soothes irritability;

Balances mood swings;

Dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety;

Eases sadness and grief by dissolving all negativity;

Increases the production of hormones;

Improves the work of the endocrine system, metabolism;

Strengthens the immune system;

Reduces pain, bruising, swelling.

Its healing properties can help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin.

The levels of consciousness are harmonized and give a person the ability to see the deep processes of the universe in the light of simple natural laws, patterns, rules.

The properties of a stone for women are determined by the ability of the mineral to energetically affect the genital area. It can bring the long-awaited news of the conception of a child into the house.

It is necessary to store amethysts in a place where the rays of the sun do not look. Color intensity can be lost due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light.

An opaque box is best suited for storage.

The stones must be rinsed in salt water several times a year. Negative information is destroyed, which is recorded in the crystal lattice of the stone.

Amethyst stone for whom

The perfect stone for those born under the sign of Aquarius.

It is worn by Virgos, Sagittarius, Capricorns, Pisces.

The ability of amethyst to open the higher mind and enhance creativity, enhances imagination, intuition, and improves thinking processes. This helps in the assimilation of new knowledge, makes thoughts turn into deeds. Allows you to bring projects to life. Amethyst is a talisman of success.

As a talisman suitable for artists, composers, inventors, poets, especially dark shades.

It is an excellent crystal for diplomats, negotiators, business people. Calms a temperamental and angry atmosphere when discussion and a sober mind are required.

Suitable for those who want to get rid of bad habits:

Stop drinking;

Use drugs;

Overcome an unhealthy gambling addiction.

It is used to protect against thieves, travelers, when solving money issues. Can lead to prosperity and well-being. Although not considered the most famous stone in this area.

Amethyst is a Valentine's stone. It is believed that Saint Valentine wore an amethyst ring engraved with Cupid. Often referred to as a couple stone. Gives meaning to relationships that go far beyond carnal union.

No wonder this mineral is often called a widow's stone. But this name has nothing to do with human death and the attraction of death to the house. Since ancient times, it symbolizes devotion and loyalty.

Therefore, many widows wore amethyst jewelry as a sign of the blessed memory of a loved one and loyalty to him. With the help of the silent radiation of the mineral, they told the world that they did not want to think about another marriage union.

Varieties of amethyst

Most crystals are purple. But there are other shades. This kind of mineral is explained by the impurities of cobalt, iron and manganese, which are contained in it in different quantities. Which is the reason for the different shades of the stone.

Purple amethyst

The deep purple-violet shade of the mineral is enhanced by the seventh emitter of the Inner Light of each person. This energy center is located in the parietal region.

The crystal owes its purple hue to the blotches of iron ions.
contributes to the adoption of wise fateful decisions, while allowing you to respect the interests of each person.

The pure, high-energy field of the mineral quickly copes with destructive, destructive thoughts, when a person, due to his increased emotional background, cannot cope with external and internal flows of negative information.

Amethyst with a purple hue is especially suitable for Aries and Leo. These Zodiac Signs are constantly at the center of events and increased attention.

Pink amethyst

It is a valuable and rare mineral. It is considered the patron saint of deep feelings and refined love.

It strengthens the nervous system well, relieving stress. The cardiovascular system significantly improves its performance.

Few people know that nature took care of the child's body, giving it additional pink energy centers. It is their work that pink amethyst can enhance.

This mineral is suitable for Aquarius, Gemini, Libra and Capricorn.

Black amethyst

The black mineral is rarely found in nature. He is also called the Black King.

His Majesty the King fights stress, bringing peace and tranquility to its owner. There is information about the neutralization of radioactive radiation by the stone.

The ability to open the vision of the inner world is ranked among the magical properties.

Virgo and Scorpio can wear black amethyst.

Lilac amethyst

This is a symbol of success. The lilac color is considered a reliable talisman of business relationships and prosperous business development.

Contributes to the internal transformation of a person, neutralizing disagreements and outbursts of anger, envy. The person acquires the long-awaited balance.

Watch a video about amethyst and how to determine the authenticity of a stone

Amethyst stone in history

The mineral is familiar to people even before our era and was highly valued by the ancient civilization. The Greeks and Romans used it from inserts in jewelry to amulets.

Their belief was that the meaning of the crystal was synonymous with luxury. The stone adorned crowns and sceptres. They wore rings.

Christian bishops once wore ring-shaped amethyst jewelry. Was a symbol of royal power and fidelity to Christ.

Members of the Catholic clergy inserted them into their crosses, which was a sign of piety and celibacy.

The ancient Greeks believed that he protected its owner from drunkenness. They wore the stone as an amulet and decorated drinking vessels with it, believing that the mineral would protect them from alcohol poisoning.

Scientific research proves that amethyst was known to the ancient East and medieval knightly Europe. In Egypt, the stone was credited with truly magical healing properties and was considered blessed.

Crystals became famous in Russia. They were especially respected by the archbishops. Crowned persons did not pass by. He did not concede his "stone" rights to rare sapphires in the crown of Queen Irina Godunova.

Amethyst was considered a powerful psychic stone of protection against witchcraft and black magic. They believed that a stone turns pale when an evil person is near.

The Peruvians believed that if it was engraved with the signs of the sun and the moon and hung around the neck on the hair of a baboon or with a swallow's feather, it would protect them from witchcraft.

The ancient philosopher Pliny the Elder argued that the sun and moon engraved on the stone protected people from poisons.

A bear on amethyst protected from demons and drunkenness.

In folklore, the mineral was believed to protect animal fleas.

On the stone, they were bewitched, even if a person was devoted to another.

The 16th century French poet Remy Bello wrote a poem describing how the god of wine Bacchus pursued a girl named Amethyst. It's a myth, but beautiful.

To save the girl from the pursuit of Bacchus, who did not want to lose her chastity and virginity, the goddess Diana turned her into a white quartz stone.

The angry and humiliated god Bacchus poured wine on the stone statue and the crystals turned purple.

The second legend says that the god Dionysus, offended by mortals, vowed to take revenge on any mortal who met on his way. The first person I met was a beautiful girl named Amethyst.

To protect the girl from the angry tigers sent by Dionysus, the goddess Artemis turned her into a beautiful statue of pure crystalline quartz.

Dionysus wept with tears of wine that fell on the statue and painted it purple.

True, beautiful stories. It was this way or another, but we were left with a beautiful stone amethyst, which adorned the crowns and hands of not mere mortals.

For a long time it was considered a gem, until new large deposits were discovered in Brazil. Since then, the mineral has lost its value as precious and belongs to semi-precious stones.

Watch a video about the magical and healing properties of the amethyst stone

Amethyst is a type of clear quartz. The color of the mineral ranges from an almost colorless pale violet or bluish to violet, pinkish blue or dark blue. The word "amethyst" comes from the Greek language and means "no drunkenness."

The meaning of amethyst

Traditionally, it is used to protect against intoxication and mental confusion. It is believed that wearing amethyst instills sobriety. There is a belief that the stone protects against poisons and poisoning. In ancient Rome, amethyst was called a "blessed stone" and it was believed that it brings good luck, peace, calms the nerves, helps to settle conflicts. The ancient Egyptians wore amethyst to get rid of feelings of fear and guilt, used it to protect themselves from self-deception, as well as from witchcraft.

Since ancient times, amethyst has been used as an aid in the opening of spiritual and psychic centers, which makes it one of the stones of power. It is good for meditation and is especially helpful if worn constantly in a necklace.

Amethyst is known as the stone of bishops and is still worn by Catholic bishops today. It symbolizes piety, humility, sincerity, spirituality, and wisdom. It is believed to be the perfect stone to symbolize the recent era of Aquarius.

Zodiac signs

Amethyst is the stone of the zodiac signs Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. For Aries, he is ideal for developing such a wonderful quality as patience (which they often lack). He supports Capricorns in those times when something goes wrong. It gives Pisces emotional balance, calms and heals. Gives Aquarius a light temper, good mood, helps in communicating with loved ones. It is good for Gemini and Libra to wear amethyst jewelry when they need relief from anxiety, stress and depression. In astrology, the stone has a connection with the planet Jupiter and the element of Air.

The magical properties of amethyst

Amethyst crystals are used at home to keep the air fresh and the vitality of the home, keep the home clean and maintain a positive energy. Place the stone by a window to receive solar energy during the day, and then use it to heal or remove negativity in the home. If you put it in the moonlight, everyone in the house will feel calmer.

Using amethyst in meditation helps you focus and increases positive spiritual feelings. It also helps to overcome fears and intemperance. The magical properties of stones are strongest in February and March.

If the amethyst unexpectedly changes color, it could mean that rain, thunderstorm, and hurricane are approaching. The stone not only predicts natural disasters, but also protects the wearer from them. For this quality it is especially appreciated by fishermen and sailors, they consider amethyst to be their patron.

Talismans and amulets

As a talisman, amethyst gives the wearer courage and prudence. As an amulet, it protects against drunkenness and drug addiction, strengthens memory, drives away melancholy. It also protects its owner from snakes (including people with such qualities). As a talisman, it is most active on Saturdays, and as an amulet on Wednesdays.

The healing properties of amethyst

It is recommended for relieving stress. Amethyst helps in the treatment of mild mental conditions, enhances intellectual ability and promotes personal growth. It helps especially well in the healing of diseases of the blood, heart and lungs. Helps with insomnia, promotes healthy sleep. Place it under your pillow to induce pleasant dreams, or rub it on your forehead to relieve headaches. Amethyst also has other medicinal and healing properties:

Strengthens the endocrine and nervous systems, increases the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain, cleanses the blood and improves blood circulation.

Reduces excessive emotional arousal.

Protects the wearer from skin diseases, headaches, wounds and sharpens the mind.

It is often worn by healers as it has the power to focus energy. As a rule, healers wear several jewelry with stones set in silver, especially the amethyst necklace. Sometimes, during the healing procedure, a person is allowed to hold an amethyst in his hands and another stone is placed in the area of ​​the diseased part of the body to enhance the effect.