Iodomarin 200 how many days to drink for pregnant women. Varieties, names, composition and release forms. Adverse reactions and overdose

Pregnant women almost double their need for iodine. Therefore, in order to avoid iodine deficiency during pregnancy, it is necessary to take iodine-containing drugs, for example, Iodomarin, but only on the recommendation of a doctor. Let's consider in what doses and when this drug should be taken in order for it to bring benefits, not harm.

Iodomarin and pregnancy: instructions for use

This drug is prescribed for most women who are expecting a baby. This is due to the high importance of iodine for the proper formation and development of the embryo. The lack of this trace element during pregnancy can lead to irreversible consequences for the fetus, which cannot be corrected in any way after the birth of the baby, and over time they will not disappear either!

Possible fetal health problems due to the presence of iodine deficiency in the expectant mother:

  • defects in the formation of the brain;
  • mental disability;
  • deafness;
  • the short stature of the child in the future;
  • violation of psychomotor development.

With moderate iodine deficiency, late development of speech, mental and physical activity of the child is observed, and with significant iodine deficiency, an irreparable developmental lag.

A sharp decrease in the level of this trace element in the body can provoke spontaneous abortion, especially in the early stages.

From the second trimester of pregnancy the child's thyroid gland is laid down and its further functioning, and this requires iodine. With its lack in the mother's body, the baby suffers from congenital hypothyroidism, which manifests itself after birth in the form of constipation, lag in physical development and a decrease in intellectual abilities.

To avoid these serious disorders during pregnancy, Iodomarin is prescribed.

This drug is available in two forms: a dosage of 100 and 200 mcg. As a rule, Iodomarin 100 is prescribed for the prevention of iodine deficiency when planning conception. But during pregnancy, more often than not, the doctor recommends taking a 200 milligram dosage, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy when the fetus has a high need for hormones, and its thyroid gland is still undeveloped. The child receives such hormones only from the mother.

The decision on the need to additionally take iodine preparations is made only by a specialist. As a rule, this is an endocrinologist, in extreme cases, a district gynecologist.

Dosage and method of administration of the drug

Often the dosage of the iodine-containing drug depends on the region of residence of the pregnant woman. Regions located closer to the sea are characterized by a higher content of this trace element in food and water. This reduces the need to take medicated iodine.

In pregnant women, the need for iodine is 200-250 mcg per day. Improper nutrition, severe toxicosis greatly reduce the amount of assimilated iodine. That is why Iodomarin 200 is prescribed for pregnant women.

The drug is taken after meals with water. Iodomarin 200 means taking one tablet a day, and Yodamarin 100 - 2 tablets once a day. Such an appointment is made by the doctor if the expectant mother has no contraindications.

Side effects and overdose

Avoid drug overdose. If the mucous membranes turn brown, stop taking the drug immediately! This is a sign of excess iodine intake.

Prolonged diarrhea, stomach pain require close attention of the doctor for the patient's condition. Perhaps you should reduce the dose or temporarily stop taking the drug.

Who shouldn't take Yodomarin?

Like every drug, Iodomarin has a number of contraindications. A ban on taking Yodomarin is imposed with sufficiently serious diseases.

List of contraindications:

  • hyperthyroidism (excessive production of thyroid hormones);
  • hypersensitivity to iodine;
  • Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • a functioning thyroid adenoma;
  • nodular goiter (only a dosage of more than 300 mcg per day is contraindicated).

With hypothyroidism, the drug can be taken only in one case: when a pronounced lack of iodine has led to hypothyroidism.

For other reasons for the development of hypothyroidism, replacement therapy with synthetic analogues of thyroid hormones (for example, levothyroxine) is prescribed. Then taking iodine-containing agents is contraindicated!

Iodomarin when planning pregnancy

The correct approach when preparing for pregnancy is to check the functioning of the thyroid gland. Doctors advise to undergo a study of hormone levels and find out the potential iodine deficiency. According to the analyzes obtained, iodine preparations are prescribed in preparation for conception. Most often it is Iodomarin 100 mcg. With a pronounced lack of such an important trace element, it is recommended to take a higher dose.

Prevention of iodine deficiency before pregnancy reduces the risk of spontaneous miscarriage, promotes the correct formation of the embryo's brain and reduces the load on the mother's thyroid gland.

Among other things, such prevention increases the chances of giving birth to a child with normal intellectual abilities, since the lack of this trace element directly affects mental performance. Adequate micronutrient level also helps to reduce the risk of giving birth to a deaf-mute baby.

The woman herself is able to notice the signs of iodine deficiency. They are quite characteristic and pronounced.

Iodine deficiency symptoms:

  • increased fatigue, general weakness and drowsiness;
  • often there is a bad mood, irritation;
  • memory impairment, absent-mindedness, decreased speed of thinking and reaction;
  • a heart rhythm disorder (eg, arrhythmia);
  • frequent headaches, nausea;
  • increased swelling of the legs and face (especially in the area around the eyes), a noticeable decrease in immunity;
  • deafness in previous children;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • history of miscarriage.

With such symptoms, the doctor is obliged to prescribe a study of the level of hormones.

Home test for iodine deficiency.

Draw an iodine mesh on the thigh or shoulder blade by dipping a cotton swab in regular pharmacy iodine.

If the iodine mesh disappears quickly (within a few hours), then the body needs iodine intake. And if the mesh is visible during the day, then the body does not feel the need for iodine.

In some cases, you can avoid taking medication, which is especially important during pregnancy. A properly selected menu contributes to this.

Eating properly and healthy: how to replace taking the drug?

Iodized salt is not an effective source of iodine during preparation for pregnancy and childbearing. A number of common foods contain higher doses of this micronutrient. Most of these products are of animal origin, and the vegetable portion is green. In addition to iodine compounds, greens contain a large amount of vitamins and many minerals. The most useful are: parsley, green onions, lettuce and cilantro.

Seafood is rightfully recognized as the leader in terms of the content of iodine compounds. The maximum amount of iodine is found in "seaweed", mussels, cod liver, shrimp and shellfish.

In second place are pork and beef liver. Chicken eggs also contain iodine, but should not be consumed in large quantities. There are many iodine compounds in dairy products and whole milk, as well as some fruits (banana, melon, persimmon, pineapple, strawberry).

Regular consumption of these products is the prevention of iodine deficiency. A well-designed menu can help to exclude the intake of iodine-containing drugs during pregnancy planning.

By eliminating the lack of iodine before pregnancy, you will avoid serious problems in the child associated with this ailment.

For the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, every person needs iodine. But modern ecology does not allow getting the daily intake of this substance, which is especially acute in iodine-deficient regions.

The problem of the body's need for iodine often worries pregnant women, because iodine is also important for the formation of a future baby. And if earlier the expectant mother did not think about the need to take iodine-containing drugs, then now is the time.

Despite the fact that iodine deficiency is directly related to diseases of the endocrine system, iodine preparations for pregnant women are confidently prescribed by obstetricians-gynecologists, without confirming the woman's need for minerals by any analyzes. The drug Iodomarin 200 is popular, one tablet of which contains 200 mg of potassium iodide.

Is an increased dose of iodine dangerous for a woman and an unborn baby? Why are pregnant women prescribed Iodomarin and how to take it correctly?

On the importance of Yoda

The human endocrine system is unable to perform its functions without iodine. It is necessary for the production of enough hormones that affect the entire body and its systems. The thyroid gland is directly related to metabolism, the work of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems.

Lack of iodine affects the performance of a person, his emotional state and appearance. What symptoms can prove that a person is iodine deficient?

  • Sleepiness, tiredness.
  • Apathy, indifference to what is happening around.
  • Dull and dry skin, brittle nails and hair.
  • Problems with concentration and attention, decreased intelligence.

Unfortunately, 56% of the European population has similar problems. The situation is even worse in iodine-deficient regions, where food is not enriched with minerals.

In our country, such areas are the majority. In addition, the inhabitants of Russia rarely eat seaweed, and they prefer to fry fish from salty seas, destroying the iodine in it.

Few people in the store buy iodized salt instead of regular table salt. That is why WHO recommends the use of iodine in the form of a drug for all age groups of people, from infants to people of the age.

Iodine is especially necessary for women in position. The need for this substance is increasing, since for 9 months the future mother's own iodine reserves are involved in the formation of a small organism. But the compensatory possibilities of women are not unlimited, so sooner or later she runs the risk of suffering from iodine deficiency and endangering the baby.

That is why almost all specialists leading pregnancy recommend starting to take Iodomarin to replenish iodine reserves from the first trimester.

Why should pregnant women drink Yodomarin

WHO prescribes the intake of iodine-containing drugs before conception and throughout pregnancy. In consultations, obstetricians-gynecologists regularly comply with this prescription and prescribe Yodomarin to women. Why this particular drug?

  • Iodomarin has managed to establish itself as an effective and harmless remedy against iodine deficiency.
  • The drug is characterized by availability, since the cost of the course is no more than 2-3 rubles per day.
  • In almost all regions of the country, Iodomarin is included in the list of essential medicines for pregnant women, so a woman can get it completely free of charge.

Iodomarin minimizes the risks of pathologies in the development of the child's brain, forms his nervous and hormonal systems. In addition, in the first weeks of life in the womb, the baby still lacks its own thyroid gland, so iodomarin helps the mother's endocrine system to work for two.

The need to use the drug persists for 9 months, since thanks to it, in the future, the mother will be proud of the mental abilities of the child, who will certainly become a successful student, will have an enviable memory and logic.

Iodomarin 200: instructions for use for pregnant women

Currently, for various age categories, WHO prescribes the following daily norms for iodine:

  • Newborns and infants - 50 mcg.
  • Preschoolers aged 2 to 7 years - 90 mcg.
  • School-age children up to 12 years old - 120 mcg.
  • Adults over 12 years old - 150 mcg.
  • Women during pregnancy - 200 mcg.

So, can pregnant women drink Iodomarin 200? Taking into account the above data, it becomes obvious that a woman in a position has an increased need for iodine.

One tablet of Iodomarin for pregnant women contains about 230 μg of potassium iodide, which corresponds to 200 μg of iodine when adsorbed in the body. It is this amount that makes up the daily rate. But ideally, it is up to her attending physician to determine the correct dosage for a woman. The drug should be taken after meals with water tablets.

How long should the tablets be taken? Women who planned pregnancy in advance begin taking Yodomarin six months before the expected date of conception. If conception came as a surprise to the expectant mother, she should start the course immediately, continuing it until the very date of birth. Iodomarin is also recommended during lactation, but only after consultation with a specialist.


Iodomarin is inherently a mineral supplement that allows you to replenish the body's iodine reserves. But we must not forget that the drug is a drug that has certain contraindications. Iodomarin is forbidden to use in some circumstances:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Excessive production of thyroid hormones.
  • Thyroid cancer or suspicion of this ailment.

How to drink Yodomarin for pregnant women so as not to be afraid of contraindications? If the doctor supervising pregnancy doubts the safety of using the drug, he prescribes additional studies for the woman. Their list includes an examination by an endocrinologist, as well as blood tests for hormones and an ultrasound of the thyroid gland. In most modern clinics, a pregnant woman undergoes such a diagnosis at a period of 8-12 weeks.

In addition, experts warn about the need to comply with the recommended doses of the drug. Critical cases of overdose have not been recorded, however, possible side effects during pregnancy are highly undesirable.

Side effects

Let's talk about the safety of the drug Iodomarin. Is it possible for pregnant women take it without unnecessary fear of negative effects?

During the course of taking the pills, the patient does not have any disorders of the nervous system, therefore there are no restrictions on driving a car or other potentially hazardous activities. However, the instructions for the drug are not silent about the presence of side effects caused by the use of Iodomarin.

Most people, especially in our Russian climate, cannot boast of an abundance of iodine in their bodies. Statistics say that every third inhabitant of the country suffers from thyroid disorders. Taking iodomarin as an additional source of iodine is strongly recommended for everyone, especially for pregnant women and women planning to become pregnant.

Iodomarin when planning pregnancy

In preparation for a new interesting stage in her life, a woman visits a number of doctors in order to receive recommendations for the successful planning of pregnancy. Not surprisingly, one of the first drugs prescribed by a doctor is iodomarin. After all, iodine is vital for any person, and doubly for a woman who is going to get pregnant. The benefits of taking the drug are difficult to overestimate, and here's why:

  1. Taking iodomarin is an excellent prevention of organic iodine deficiency and diseases associated with an insufficient functioning of the thyroid gland.
  2. In tandem with other vitamins and drugs, it enhances the positive effect on the body and serves as a general tonic.
  3. Due to the content of a large amount of thyroid hormones, iodomarin helps to increase the duration of wakefulness and human activity. Mental activity is activated, physical activity is more easily tolerated.

However, you should not take iodomarin without consulting a specialist. Despite its benefits and minimal risk of overdose, there are certain contraindications:

  • Overactive thyroid;
  • toxic adenoma of the thyroid gland;
  • Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • hypersensitivity to iodine.
  • Tatiana Kazan, 25 years old

    There is a surge of strength and energy, which is so important for a woman in a position.

    Iodomarin 200 during pregnancy

    At the stage of pregnancy planning, not all women take iodine-containing preparations: some consider it superfluous, some do not plan at all as such. However, with the birth of a new life inside, gynecologists strongly recommend taking iodomarin, except in cases where there are contraindications.

    It is especially important to take the drug in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. After all, the baby's body is just beginning its development and is not able to independently produce its own thyroid hormones. Obviously, in this situation, the thyroid gland of the expectant mother works for two: that is why it is recommended to take exactly iodomarin 200.

    Iodine deficiency in the body a pregnant woman can lead to sad irreversible consequences for the fetus, such as:

  • disturbance in the work of the nervous system;
  • hearing and vision impairment;
  • anomalies in the development and structure of internal organs.

  • Separately, it is worth highlighting the cases when taking iodomarin during pregnancy is necessity:

  • Prevention of conditions provoked by iodine deficiency in the body;
  • Prevention of reappearance of goiter;
  • Treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter caused by iodine deficiency.

  • While taking iodomarin, you need to be aware of the main signs of overdose:

  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • nausea, ;
  • mucous membranes turn brown.
  • If these symptoms are found, you should stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.

    Iodomarin dosage and prices

    Before you start taking the drug, you should consult with a specialist about the dosage. You need to undergo an examination and donate blood for hormone analysis. This will help the doctor to correctly prescribe a plan for taking the drug.

    If you do not have an obvious excess of iodine in the body, most likely the doctor will prescribe to take iodomarin 200 one tablet per day or iodomarin 100 two tablets with meals.

    Svetlana Kemerovo, 31 years old,

    She took iodomarin throughout her pregnancy. As a result, the baby was born healthy and without disturbances.

    Iodomarin is available in three variations:

  • iodomarin 200 No. 50: prices in different cities vary within 120-150 rubles;
  • iodomarin 200 No. 100: the average price is 220-250 rubles;
  • iodomarin 100 No. 100: 120-150 rubles.
  • In order to save your money, iodomarin and any other drugs are more profitable to buy in municipal (state) pharmacies.

    You should not neglect taking the drug during pregnancy and planning. Its role in the correct development of the fetus is very high, and a deficiency can lead to violations of a different nature. However, before starting the appointment, it is worth visiting a doctor and undergoing an examination to prescribe the desired dosage.

    Iodomarin 200 during pregnancy is a drug that must be drunk to prevent a deficiency of a substance such as iodine. The tool is considered useful both before pregnancy, and during and even after it, however, you should first familiarize yourself with the recommendations from the manufacturer in order to exclude side effects.

    Taking Yodomarin 200 during pregnancy and side effects

    If you take the drug correctly, then you can exclude the fact that side effects will occur, since in general, over the entire period of existence, more than one case of their manifestation has not been recorded. The instructions contain data on contraindications and they include only personal intolerance to the drug, in particular, the pharmacological dose of iodine more than 1000 mg / day. To be more precise, if the dosage is overdone, there may be problems with the body.

    On average, a dosage of 200 μg per day is prescribed, which is called physiological and it:

    • Useful;
    • Not dangerous;
    • Suitable for both baby and mother during pregnancy and lactation.

    If you use the drug for a long time and without control, that is, 2-4 tablets or more per day, then the general condition may deteriorate, and in general, if you unconsciously take a large amount of the drug, you must definitely consult a doctor. In this case, the appearance of diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, metal taste, darkening of the oral mucosa is possible.

    Iodomarin is prescribed both in the early stages and in the last trimester, up to childbirth.

    It is this substance that is considered important in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus, as well as for the intrauterine development of the baby. Including due to a sufficient amount of iodine, the correct formation of the bone and muscle composition of the fetus occurs, hypothyroidism in the newborn is excluded.

    Among the most serious consequences of iodine deficiency are:

    • Miscarriage;
    • Premature birth;
    • Cretinism;
    • Metabolic disease.

    In addition, if the mother has a lack of iodine, then the manifestation of problems in the work of the endocrine system and the cardiovascular system is possible. Vitamins and in particular Iodomarin should be drunk not only in the first and third trimester, but also during pregnancy planning, which significantly improves the functioning of the reproductive system. The dose of the drug is prescribed to pregnant women individually and it can be 100, 200 and 250. It all depends on the medical parameters of the body and on the general condition.

    How to drink Yodomarin

    The appointment of Iodomarin and folic acid is required at the stage of planning conception, but only after examination, diagnosis and consultation with a doctor.

    It is worth noting that it is advisable to drink the drug.:

    • For prophylaxis, once every three months, due to which there will be regular periods;
    • For both man and woman;
    • At least half a year before the forthcoming pregnancy, but not without consulting a doctor.

    It is necessary to drink the drug and special people who are in the so-called risk group, especially women who live in areas where there is a high likelihood of developing iodine deficiency. The drug is useful for those who have previously had problems with the work of the endocrine system, in particular, if the thyroid gland is not functioning properly and for women who have smoked and consumed alcohol for a long time, since all this removes useful components from the body.

    Reviews: Iodomarin during pregnancy

    Pregnant women especially need iodine during the entire period of pregnancy, as it contributes to the safe bearing of the fetus and successful childbirth.

    The benefits of Yodomarin are significant and those who drink it say:

    • Improvement of the general condition;
    • Elimination of insomnia;
    • Removal of weakness;
    • Improved appetite and more.

    On average, 200 mcg of iodine per day is enough for a nursing woman, but it should be borne in mind that when eating food, at least 60 mcg already gets into the body, and therefore the dosage should be slightly reduced. Iodomarin is a drug that prevents the development of pathologies in the fetus, spontaneous abortion at any time, and even more so, problems with the mother's health.

    As for contraindications, the drug practically does not have them, however, in the presence of individual personal sensitivity to iodine, as well as with thyroid cancer, you need to be as careful as possible and take the drug only as directed by the doctor, and you also need to ensure that overdose was excluded.

    Until when to take Iodomarin during pregnancy

    The period of taking the drug is determined by the doctor. Reviews of the drug are simply excellent, and the instructions for use are simple to the point. It is worth noting that the remedy must be taken with a preventive purpose, and in this case, problems can be avoided.

    However, everyone should be aware of the side effects, and even those who have previously taken any pills without their formation.:

    1. On the part of the endocrine system, latent hyperthyroidism may occur.
    2. When consuming a dosage of more than 300 mcg / day, iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis may form.
    3. An allergic reaction or, in other words, iodism is not excluded.
    4. Edema, inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as fever, are possible.
    5. Quincke's edema and exfoliative dermatitis may appear.

    There are those women for whom this drug is considered especially necessary, and throughout their lives. If you overdo it with the dosage of the drug, you may experience: vomiting, pain in the abdomen, loose stools, stenosis in the esophagus.

    There are various methods of dealing with overdose:

    1. If the poisoning is acute, then the drug is immediately canceled, the stomach is washed until the iodine residues are completely eliminated.
    2. If the poisoning is chronic, then the drug is simply canceled, and you also need to monitor the body's water balance.
    3. If iodine-induced hypothyroidism is delivered, then the drug is canceled, metabolism is normalized through the consumption of hormonal agents.

    It is strictly forbidden to take the drug during pregnancy, regardless of the week of fetal development in the presence of: individual intolerance, toxic thyroid adenoma, hyperthyroidism.

    Dosage of Yodomarin during pregnancy

    Iodomarin is not used externally, since in this case it cannot affect the development of the fetus and the general condition of the mother.

    As for the dosage, it is calculated on the basis of:

    • Physiology;
    • Pregnancy progress;
    • Specialist recommendations.

    As a rule, it is enough for expectant mothers to take the drug in a dosage of 200 mcg per day, 1 tablet. In this case, the iodine will contain 200 mcg in the tablet. If you have purchased or already have a drug with a dosage of 100 mcg, then consume it 2 tablets per day, regardless of the period of the day, but it is advisable to do this at the same time. Up to what period or how many days to drink the remedy depends on the woman and her body, but basically in the absence of side effects, consumption is permissible from the beginning of pregnancy planning until the end of lactation.

    Instructions for use during pregnancy: Iodomarin

    Pregnancy is a very responsible time when a woman takes care not only of herself, but also of her baby.

    That is why it is worth following as closely as possible:

    • Lifestyle;
    • Consumed products;
    • The quality of the food;
    • A balance of vitamins and minerals.

    If there is a lack of iodine, then it is quite possible that serious consequences will appear for both the mother and the fetus. As a rule, a deficiency of such a component can cause irritability, nervousness and even aggression. Iodomarin is especially useful in the early stages of pregnancy, since only in this case it is possible to maintain the condition of the woman, as well as to promote the correct formation of all organs of the fetus.

    In addition to this drug, you can additionally use folic acid, which excludes pathologies in the development of the neural tube of the fetus, and also helps all systems that the body is supplied with to develop perfectly.

    Proper and timely consumption of this drug helps to reduce the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. If the doctor prescribes the consumption of Iodomarin in late pregnancy, then in the first place you should not panic, since this is a normal and natural process of preparing for childbirth. It is worth noting that the question immediately arises, how long should you take the medicine? It is desirable that prophylaxis continues continuously until the end of pregnancy, as well as for the period of breastfeeding. If the analyzes show that there is a lack of iodine, then this can cause fetal hypoxia, as well as the development of congenital hypothyroidism.

    Iodine is also beneficial for the development of the thyroid gland, and it is also required for:

    • Division of cells from which the bone composition is formed;
    • Deposition of substances such as calcium and phosphorus in the cavity of the bone substance.

    In other words, the correctness of the formation of cartilage and bones depends on how well-planned iodine therapy is.

    How to take iodomarin during pregnancy (video)

    Experts categorically do not recommend self-medication during pregnancy, as this can lead to serious and far from pleasant consequences. The most important thing is to consult a doctor on time and talk about the condition, especially if deterioration appears. It is equally important to get tested on time to avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

    In Russia, about 70% of the population suffers from iodine deficiency. This element is an important part of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland. With a decrease in its activity, metabolism is disturbed, intelligence, efficiency decreases, and irritability appears. Iodine deficiency worsens at different periods of life: in adolescence, in the elderly, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Prevention of iodine deficiency when carrying a child should be carried out throughout all 9 months. Lack of this element leads to serious complications, the most dangerous of which are miscarriage, mental retardation of the child. Iodomarin during pregnancy is prescribed to almost all women. It is the most widely used drug for the prevention of deficiency conditions.

    In Russia, iodine deficiency is found in all regions, even in Primorye. In this regard, a model of universal deficiency prevention has been adopted. Pregnant women need this element in even greater quantities than other groups of people, because it is necessary for the normal development of the fetus, in particular, its nervous system.

    The daily iodine requirement of pregnant and lactating women is 200 mcg. At the same time, along with food, on average, it comes in about 40-60 mcg. Obviously, one cannot do without preparations containing iodine. Thus, pregnancy can be considered one of the indications for taking Yodomarin. This drug is prescribed to prevent fetal pathologies and spontaneous miscarriage.

    Contraindications for the appointment of the drug Iodomarin during pregnancy are hyperthyroidism, hypersensitivity to pharmacological doses of iodine, thyroid cancer (or suspicion of it). Also, it should not be used for hypothyroidism caused not by iodine deficiency, but by other reasons.

    Iodomarin and pregnancy: instructions

    In the body, iodine ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. He takes part in the production of hormones. If this element is not enough, then the functioning of the nervous system, heart and immunity is disrupted. A person feels constant fatigue, irritability, memory deteriorates, working capacity, sexual desire decreases, headaches and muscle pains appear.

    During pregnancy, the need for this trace element increases. Taking Yodomarin allows you to avoid health problems not only in the mother, but also in the child.

    Iodomarin in the early stages

    Iodomarin in early pregnancy is especially necessary for a woman, since the child does not yet have its own thyroid gland, and its condition is completely determined by the mother's hormones. In the 1st trimester, the laying and formation of all organs and systems takes place. Lack of iodine causes a change in the level of hormones in a woman, which can affect these processes. The formation of the brain in the fetus is most severely impaired and subsequently serious pathologies in the psychomotor sphere develop (cretinism).

    Taking Yodomarin during pregnancy and during its planning reduces the risk of miscarriage and fetal growth arrest. In order for the body to be prepared for bearing a child, it is worth starting to take pills already six months before the intended conception.

    Iodomarin in the later stages

    When a doctor prescribes Iodomarin during pregnancy, a woman has a question: until when to take the drug? The need for iodine remains high throughout the entire 9 months, as well as during breastfeeding.

    If this element is not enough in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, then the risk of developing in the fetus, malformations, congenital hypothyroidism is high. In the later stages, active growth and development of the skeleton occurs.

    At the bone level, thyroid hormones are involved in two processes:

    • in the division of cells from which bones are formed;
    • in the deposition of minerals - calcium and phosphorus - in the bone substance.

    Thus, the development of bone and cartilage tissue directly depends on the intake of iodine in the body of the unborn child.

    Iodomarin is necessary for a woman not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding. Iodine deficiency can cause insufficient milk supply, and in severe cases, complete cessation of its production.

    How to take Yodomarin during pregnancy

    Iodomarin 200 is most often prescribed during pregnancy, the instructions for it contain information that it is enough for expectant mothers to take 1 tablet a day. The number "200" in this case means the amount of iodine in 1 piece. (200 mcg).

    If the nearest pharmacy only has Iodomarin 100, during pregnancy it will be necessary to take 2 tablets per day. The same dosage is relevant for the breastfeeding period.

    Iodomarin during pregnancy as a means of preventing a deficiency state should be taken once a day, after a meal. There is an opinion that the absorption of iodine will be better if the pill is taken with milk, but there is no clinical evidence of this. You can take the drug with any liquid.

    How to drink Yodomarin during pregnancy? The body of each woman is unique, therefore, the doctor will determine the exact dosage of Yodomarin during pregnancy.

    Possible side effects

    Iodomarin during pregnancy is prescribed by doctors with little or no fear, since side effects from taking it are extremely rare. All of them refer to cases of individual intolerance to pharmacological doses of iodine - more than 1000 μg / day. In other words, undesirable reactions can develop with excessive intake of the drug. The dose of Iodomarin during pregnancy is 200 mcg / day, it is called physiological and cannot harm either the child or the mother.

    If a large number of tablets are accidentally drunk, then you should immediately seek medical help. You may experience diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, metal taste in the mouth, and darkening of the mucous membranes.

    During pregnancy, the intake of a sufficient amount of iodine in a woman's body prevents intrauterine growth retardation, disturbances in the formation of the nervous and skeletal systems of the fetus, the appearance of hypothyroidism in a newborn. One of the most serious consequences of iodine deficiency is miscarriage, cretinism in a child (mental and physical retardation). Also, this element preserves the health of the expectant mother: it normalizes metabolism, serves as the prevention of certain diseases of the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems.