How to get rid of yellow tint in dark hair. How to remove yellow tones from bleached hair. Tips on how to remove yellow tint after dyeing

Often after highlighting or bleaching hair, the strands instead of a bright white hue acquire an unattractive yellowness. The reason may lie in the unpredictability of the chemical reaction when the dye interacts with the curls.

Other factors also influence the appearance of yellowness, for example:

  • washing your hair with water directly from the tap;
  • use of low-quality paint or violation of the instructions for use;
  • gradual washing off of paint.

The yellow pigment of strands is difficult to remove and often requires the help of professionals. Masters in hairdressing salons use special corrective agents, various shampoos, tonics and conditioners to eliminate yellowness.

However, you can achieve the desired result after bleaching your hair using folk remedies. What are they and how to use them? Let's get acquainted with the most effective of them.

9 masks to restore color

Rinse aids and household cleaners

  • Grind the well-dried rhubarb rhizome into powder using a coffee grinder. After this, a decoction is prepared: for a full tablespoon of plant material, take 200 ml of wine from white grape varieties. Cook it over low heat. When the volume of the broth is reduced by half, it is removed from the heat. The “brew” is filtered through cheesecloth and used after washing your hair for rinsing. The yellowness is bleached.
  • Mix a glass of white grape juice with the same amount of shampoo. Wash your hair with this mixture for several days in a row.
  • Pour 200 ml of strong green tea into 700 ml of hot water. Use this product to thoroughly rinse your hair after washing. The yellow tint is neutralized.

Traditional methods are most suitable for those who often use chemical dyes. They will help not only improve the color, but also strengthen the roots and accelerate the growth of strands. Health to you and your lush curls!

Most dyed blondes suffer from the appearance of a yellowish color, which often occurs a couple of weeks after going to the salon. How to remove yellowness from hair and again enjoy color without impurities and undertones?

Cosmetics for yellowness

In modern stores you can find a whole range of cosmetics for yellowness that appears on strands.

Tinted shampoos (tonics)

Tinted shampoos used after dyeing will give the strands a new tone - noble and beautiful. We recommend choosing tonics that are ashen, silver, or pearlescent in color. They contain a violet pigment that makes yellowness almost invisible. You need to use toner regularly - after each wash. If this is not done, the yellowness will return again.

Important! Be sure to dilute the tonic with your shampoo (1:1). Do not use in its pure form, otherwise your hair will turn blue or gray.

Lightening composition

This method is used for very dark hair, but, unfortunately, it cannot be called useful. Yes, repeated lightening can completely remove natural pigments, but only for a while. We should not forget about the harm to hair.

Lightening paint

The lightening composition kills your pigment, but the dye gives your hair a different shade. What dye to remove yellowness from bleached hair? Choose any tone from the ash or platinum palette. Immediately after painting, apply a tonic of the same color - it will fix the result.

Cleansing shampoos

Shampoo for blondes against yellowness can help when improper washing and rinsing has led to its appearance. This product has a high level of purification and perfectly removes impurities from tap water from scales.

Important! Deep cleaning shampoo is not suitable for regular washing, as it will further worsen the condition of your hair.

  • Mask "MARILIN";
  • Conditioner “Sheer BLONDE”;
  • Shampoo “L’Oreal Serie Expert Silver”;
  • Silver shampoo “Estel Professional Curex Color intense”;
  • Cosmetic line “BC Color Freeze 100% Color & Shine”.

If you need very fast results, use everything at once.

Home remedies for yellow hair

Don't want to spend money on expensive shampoos, paints or conditioners? First, try getting rid of yellow discoloration with a great home remedy.

Kefir mask

To remove yellowness from your hair, take note of this useful recipe.

  • Shampoo – 1 teaspoon;
  • Kefir – 50 grams;
  • Vodka – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Connect all the ingredients.
  2. Distribute the resulting mixture onto yellow hair.
  3. Keep under film and a warm scarf for 40-45 minutes.
  4. Wash your hair.

Rhubarb and glycerin mask

  • Boiled water – 250 ml;
  • Grated rhubarb root – 150 g;
  • Glycerin – 60 gr.


  1. Pour boiled water over the rhubarb powder.
  2. Pour in glycerin and set aside for half an hour.
  3. Filter and wet your hair.
  4. Keep covered with film and a warm scarf for at least 1 hour.
  5. Rinse with water.

Onion peel decoction

To neutralize yellowness, a decoction of onion peels is often used. This product gives the strands a light golden tint and revitalizes them.

  • Husk of 2-3 onions;
  • Water – 0.5 l.


  1. Fill the husk with water.
  2. Place on low heat and let the mixture boil.
  3. Immediately turn off the stove and wait 5 hours.
  4. Filter the finished infusion and moisten the strands with the mixture using a regular sponge.
  5. Keep under cellophane and a warm scarf all night.
  6. In the morning, rinse with running water and moisten your hair with lemon juice.

Honey mask

Honey eliminates yellowness and cares for colored hair. Warm it up a little with steam, lubricate the entire length of your hair and wrap yourself in a warm cap. Wash off after 3 hours.

Lemon mask

Lemon juice will also help remove yellowness after discoloration.

  • Vodka – 1 part;
  • Lemon juice – 1 part.


  1. Mix vodka with lemon juice.
  2. Apply to hair without touching skin.
  3. Wash off after half an hour.
  4. Use a moisturizing balm.

Tea rinse

This recipe gives your hair a beautiful cool tone.

  • Green tea – 1-2 teaspoons;
  • Water – 1 l.


  1. Brew tea leaves - you will need 1 cup.
  2. Dilute it with boiled water (1 liter).
  3. Use to rinse hair after washing.

Prevention of yellowness in bleached hair

To protect yourself from an unsightly shade, listen to our advice.

  • Tip 1. Use a high-quality anti-yellow hair shampoo. You need to buy it only in specialized stores or trusted departments. Don't forget to check the integrity of the bottle and the expiration date of the shampoo.
  • Tip 2. When lightening your hair with dye at home, strictly follow the instructions.
  • Tip 3. If your hair is very dark and thick, contact a specialist, because it is much more difficult to lighten.
  • Tip 4. Rinse off the coloring agent with mineral, filtered or purified water (bottled). Tap water is not suitable for these purposes.

Hair reacts in a very unique way to various interventions from cosmetic care products, as well as to the implementation of various procedures. Incorrect coloring and highlighting, the use of chemical styling products, homemade lightening and other factors can give snow-white curls an unsightly yellowish tint. The causes of this disease, as well as ways to eliminate it, will be described in detail in our article.

In order to return your curls to a beautiful white color, you need to know what factors cause their yellowness. We have listed the most common reasons for this phenomenon below:

  • Dyeing your hair with a low-quality dye. Quite often, hair turns yellow due to cheap or expired dye, as well as an incorrectly selected tone to the natural color of the hair. To avoid this problem in the future, purchase paint in specialized stores and be sure to look at the expiration date on the packaging. When dyeing for the first time, the choice of brand and color of dye should be entrusted to a professional hairdresser who can choose the right shade to match the tone of your hair.
  • Incorrect execution of staining steps. If there is a radical change in color, dyeing should be approached with all responsibility. The slightest deviation from the rules of the stages of this procedure can not only affect the color, but also ruin the curls themselves. Incorrect preparation of the dye, insufficient or excessive exposure time of the coloring composition to the hair, preliminary bleaching and other nuances can affect the original color, the health of the hair, and its yellowing. Having your hair dyed in a salon by a professional technician will help you avoid these problems.
  • Improper rinsing of colored hair. After dyeing, many girls wash off the coloring composition with plain tap water. This is a gross mistake, because... After the procedure, the curls are practically defenseless: all the scales are exposed, and the hair itself has suffered serious stress. Rust particles contained in water, molecules of chemical salts, chlorine and other substances easily penetrate the hair itself, reacting with both the natural pigment and the coloring composition of the recently applied paint. As a result, the original color turns yellow and can acquire a dirty clay color, which is why the entire head of hair will look greasy, unkempt and dirty. The described trouble can be avoided only by using filtered or spring water. Mineral water, even without gas, contains various chemical elements that can also cause a yellow tint to appear on colored strands.
  • Repainting, highlighting or bleaching curls of dark shades into light colors. If you want to highlight/redye/lighten black, dark brown or dark brown hair, then you should not count on a brilliant result from the first procedure. The pigment of the hair will constantly manifest itself, so you will not be able to achieve snow-white curls right away. Repeatedly performing the described procedures will only damage your hair, causing hair loss, loss of vitality and fragility. In order to achieve your plan, you need to go to a good hairdresser who can tell you whether white is possible with your natural shade or not.

Having familiarized yourself with the reasons for the appearance of a yellow tint on blond hair, you can avoid this phenomenon with the help of the acquired knowledge and skills of professional hairdressers who will dye, highlight or lighten your hair without risk to the color and health of your curls.

The problem of yellowness on colored, highlighted and bleached strands has been known for a long time, so many branded manufacturers of hair care products have released their products to eliminate this phenomenon. We have listed the main cosmetic products for “whitening” hair below:

  1. Shampoo labeled “Silver Shampoo”. These cosmetic products contain a special pigment; it has a bright purple color and eliminates the yellow tint from the hair for quite a long time. Popular brands of “silver” shampoos include manufacturers Schwarzkopf, ESTEL, L'Oreal, Lecher, etc. You need to handle such shampoos with care - if you over-expose it, your hair may turn lilac, ashy or eggplant-colored.
  2. Tinted shampoos and balms. Such cosmetic products operate on the same principle as “silver” shampoos. These products can give your hair a shade of pearl, mother-of-pearl, silver or platinum. If you use tint balms and shampoos incorrectly, you risk getting a brighter and deeper color instead of the desired shade. Popular manufacturers of these products include Brelil, Kapous Life Color, Irida, BC Color Freeze, L'Oreal, Paul Mitchell, Schwarzkopf, etc.
  3. Masks to eliminate yellowness. Store-bought masks contain a lot of ingredients that can help rid your hair of the yellow tint. Such products should be used only as directed. Popular brands that produce masks against yellow hair include MARILIN, Schwarzkopf, BC Color Freeze, etc.

In addition to store-bought products, you can take advantage of the knowledge of traditional medicine, which has many different cosmetic products for the treatment and prevention of any disease or illness.

With the help of active natural ingredients, which are contained in natural products and raw materials, you can not only rid your hair of the yellow tint, but also nourish it with useful microelements. When creating the composition, use only fresh ingredients, mix them until smooth. After applying the composition to your head, put on a plastic product and a warm thing (hat, scarf, scarf, towel, etc.). You need to keep the masks on for at least 40 and no more than 60 minutes. You need to wash off bleaching compounds with filtered water; to enhance the effect of the product, you can add lemon juice or rhubarb decoction to the water.

So, recipes for masks and rinses for yellowed curls we will cover below:

  1. Vodka-lemon mix. Pour 40-70 ml of vodka into 40-70 ml of lemon juice (the dose of the ingredient depends on the thickness and length of the strands). We use the composition according to the instructions, keep it for no longer than 40 minutes.
  2. Vodka-kefir mixture with shampoo, lemon juice and raw egg. Mix 45-60 ml of warm kefir with 20 g of shampoo, 30 ml of high-quality vodka, 45 ml of lemon juice and a raw home-made egg. Mix the mixture thoroughly and use according to the instructions. Keep the mask on for at least half an hour.
  3. Chamomile mask with castor oil and glycerin. Place the chamomile bag in a ladle, add 0.1 liters of water and boil for about 15 minutes. Add 50 g of glycerin and 20 ml of castor oil to a warm decoction. We use the mixture according to the instructions, keep it for at least half an hour.
  4. Honey super mask. Pour pure honey into a deep plate (if it has been sugared, then heat the container to dissolve solid particles), divide the hair into strands (at least 15) and dip each curl in the plate in turn, the honey should cover the entire hair - from root to tip . To prevent the substance from staining your clothes, wrap your hair in bundles made of foil. After processing the last strand, remove all the strands and insulate the hair as described above. When you use it for the first time, you should keep the honey mask for no longer than 1 hour. If you notice an improvement and whitening of your curls, and no side effects are found, then the next time you can keep the composition for about 3 hours.
  5. Glycerin mixture with rhubarb. Grind the dried rhubarb root in any convenient way. Brew 0.15 kg of the resulting raw material with 0.2 liters of boiling water, after a quarter of an hour add 65 g of glycerin into the hot infusion, stir and wait another 15 minutes. We use the warm mixture according to the instructions, let the mixture stand for about 40 minutes.
  6. Onion-chamomile mix with tint tonic. Mix 20 ml of onion peel decoction with chamomile decoction and add 50 g of light-colored tonic to the mixture. Apply the mixture for 5 minutes, rinse according to the instructions.
  7. A solution for rinsing hair made from hydrogen peroxide to eliminate bright “sunny” shades. Pour 25 ml of peroxide into 0.2 liters of warm water. Rinse clean strands with the solution after washing them.
  8. Wine rinse with rhubarb root. We chop 1 root of the plant and fill it with high-quality (ideally homemade) white wine (about 0.4 l). We put the mixture on the fire and wait for it to boil, then boil the contents until the amount of wine is reduced by half. We remove the plant material from the broth, let the liquid cool slightly, and rinse the strands after washing them.
  9. Lemon rinse. We extract juice from fresh lemons - approximately 0.2 liters. After washing, rinse your hair with undiluted raw materials.
  10. Tea rinse. Pour 0.2 liters of freshly brewed real green tea into 1 liter of warm water. Rinse your hair with the product after washing it.

All of the above recipes for “whitening” masks can eliminate yellowness only if they are carried out regularly. Apply homemade compositions at least once every 3 days, for a total of 10-15 sessions. With proper preparation, application and regular use of masks, you can bleach your hair and enjoy snow-white hair in 3-4 weeks.

There are times when yellowness cannot be removed from hair by any means. In this case, consider the most suitable options for a new shade and take the opportunity to find the perfect hair color and choose a new, memorable and updated look for yourself.

Many girls, dreaming of blond hair, often face the problem of yellow hair after bleaching. Yellow hair seems completely unnatural, dry, sun-bleached. Even worse, a strand of such hair resembles the washcloth that chased the grimy boy from the cartoon “Moidodyr” through the alleys. However, you can get rid of this shade; to do this, you first need to find out the reasons for the appearance of yellow pigment on the hair.

Causes of yellowness in hair

  1. Quite often, the cause of yellow hair is the condition of the strands at the time of dyeing. If you have recently subjected your hair to chemical treatment in the form of dyeing, highlighting, coloring, keratin straightening or perm, then you need to wait at least a couple of weeks. After all, damaged hair can give a completely unexpected shade.
  2. Sometimes the reason for an unexpected color with yellowness is an incorrect algorithm for preparing and applying paint. If you are bleaching for the first time, it is best to contact an experienced specialist in the field. A certified hairdresser knows what needs to be mixed and in what proportions to ensure the desired shade for your hair color.
  3. The cause of yellowness in the hair can be poor-quality cosmetics. It is best to buy coloring products from licensed cosmetic stores for hairdressers, and not from a kiosk near your home. Savings are inappropriate here. And do not forget to check the product for compliance with the expiration date before purchasing.
  4. Sometimes hair can turn yellow due to improper rinsing. When the hair shaft is dyed, it is very sensitive to external factors - the scales are open and susceptible to chemical attack. Unfiltered chlorinated water can cause yellow, gray and even reddish hair. Also, the shade may change if you do not use special conditioners intended for use immediately after dyeing.
  5. You should not lighten your hair if you have recently applied henna or basma to your head, even if it is colorless. A chemical reaction may be unnatural and even completely unexpected.
  6. Sometimes the yellowness from coloring depends on your natural hair pigment. For example, if you have jet black or very dark hair, it is quite difficult to bring it to a white or even wheat shade. If your master can achieve the desired shade, then it is not a fact that the hair will remain strong, healthy and crumbly. Therefore, before deciding on drastic changes, you should first consult with a professional hairdresser.

Knowing the main reasons for the appearance of yellowness, you can avoid this annoying shade. Well, if you have already encountered such a problem, do not despair - yellow hair can be lightened with the help of natural cosmetic masks, which will not only improve the color, but also strengthen the hair.

Folk remedies for getting rid of yellow hair

  1. The most useful and effective remedy is a honey mask. For application, you need to choose fresh liquid honey, preferably flower honey. Honey should be slightly heated in a water bath, but not over an open fire - high temperatures can cause it to lose its beneficial properties. Then you need to divide the strands into curls and carefully apply honey from roots to ends. Typically, about 200 ml of honey is needed for medium-length hair. Then you need to carefully gather your hair into a bun and secure it with an elastic band or hairpin. Cover your head with a bag or plastic wrap and leave your hair to soak in the healing beekeeping product. Wash off the mask no earlier than after an hour. After this procedure, the hair will become shiny, healthy and strong, and most importantly, it will lose its unpleasant yellow tint.
  2. There is another effective mask, which consists of several components. It can be applied to both colored and undyed hair. In the latter case, the mask will slightly lighten your own hair shade. To prepare a magical remedy, you need to take three tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, add two tablespoons of alcohol, a little of your usual shampoo, the juice of one lemon and an egg. Beat the prepared mixture thoroughly in a blender and apply throughout the hair, soaking every centimeter. The mask is good for both oily and dry hair. You need to wash it off after half an hour.
  3. For the next recipe we will need a plant such as rhubarb. Or rather, its root. Rhubarb root can be bought at a herbal bar or pharmacy. Grind the dried root and pour two glasses of white wine. Cook the mixture over low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated. Then add two tablespoons of glycerin to the mass and leave to infuse for several hours in a tightly closed jar. After the specified time, the mask must be filtered and applied to the hair. Keep the mask for 40 minutes and then rinse with hot water. This product can be used weekly and leaves hair incredibly smooth and shiny. The yellowness disappears after the third application.
  4. Another useful recipe is rinsing your hair with chamomile infusion. Everyone knows that chamomile can lighten undyed strands, but this plant also affects artificial pigment. Chamomile eliminates yellowness and gives hair a more pearly shade.
  5. Onion rinses are useful to eliminate minor yellowness. To do this, take a large handful of onion peels and simmer them over low heat until the peels give color. After each wash, you need to rinse your hair with this decoction so that your hair becomes light with a pleasant warm tint.

Modern methods of eliminating yellowness from bleached hair

To cope with yellowness using modern cosmetics, you need to use some tips.

  1. Use “silver” shampoo to wash your hair, not regular shampoo. This is a special series of cosmetic products that is aimed at removing yellowness from hair. Silver shampoos will give your hair the desired whiteness, but they should be used strictly according to the instructions. If you leave the shampoo on longer than expected, your curls may take on an ashen or even lilac hue.
  2. Coloring toners. Such products are sold in any cosmetic department. You can choose a coloring tonic based on your hair color. It perfectly maintains the shade, but is washed off after the first wash. It is better to choose a high-quality toner, otherwise it may leave color on the skin and even bedding.
  3. In addition to tonics and shampoos, the cosmetic assortment includes dye that has precisely this purpose - against yellow hair. It does not have a special shade, it can be used for any hair. However, this paint copes well with artificial yellowness. After such a mask, the hair looks natural, alive and flowing.
  4. When washing your hair, use high-quality water. It is best to filter or boil it. This way, salts will not get on your hair, which, when oxidized, can change the color of blond hair. By the way, tap water contains chlorine, which also contributes to yellow hair.

And one last small but important piece of advice. Do not dye your hair during menstruation. During this period, processes occur in a woman’s body that can resist the expected color. The chemical reaction with your natural pigment may not be what you expect.

Everyone knows that prevention is better than cure. And the process of hair lightening is the best confirmation of this. Before you decide to take a bold step, talk to a hair colorist who has extensive experience in the field of hair coloring. Think about the fact that if you radically change your hair color, you will have to visit your hairdresser more often, because the roots grow back quickly, and on light hair this becomes several times more noticeable.

If you notice the appearance of yellowness in your hair, then you need to start fighting as soon as possible. The complex effect of modern cosmetics and homemade masks will do the trick. Your hair will become beautiful and vibrant without a hint of yellowness.

Video: how to tint yellow hair for blondes

Many girls and even older women dream of becoming blondes, they want to have light strands or light brown curls instead of dark hair. To do this, most lighten their hair with various preparations, but often instead of white it becomes red, gray or yellowish. You can make your hair light after bleaching and remove the yellow tint if you follow the dyeing rules and select the tone of the dye in accordance with the recommendations on the packaging.

White hair without yellowness looks beautiful and well-groomed

  • using cheap, expired or low-quality paint;
  • non-compliance with the technology for applying the composition, dyeing or rinsing procedures;
  • after clarification with cold, too hot or dirty water;
  • dyeing too dark strands light;
  • applying the composition to dirty hair;
  • The color of its own pigment is too persistent, in which yellowness may not appear immediately, but after some time.

Often the reason why curls dyed white become red, yellow or dirty gray is due to several mistakes made due to lack of experience. When carrying out lightening not at home, but in a salon, many problems can be avoided by the professionalism of the masters and the use of proven compounds.

The salon technician will remove yellowness using special means.

Ways to prevent yellow tint in hair

To prevent yellowness in your hair from appearing after home dyeing, you should prepare your hair for the procedure in advance, assess its condition and original color. Removing an unsightly tint is much more difficult than preventing its appearance, so you need to approach this procedure with all responsibility.

Use of brightening agents
  • first you need to restore weakened or brittle strands using special shampoos, masks or balms, cut off split ends;
  • if it was recently done, the lightening procedure should be postponed for at least 3-4 weeks;
  • if the curls were dyed dark, it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the yellowness in one go; the pigments of modern dyes are quite durable and penetrate deeply into the hair;
  • The composition should be applied evenly, starting from the back of the head, moving to the sides and ending at the bangs;
  • if your hair is bright red or dark red, after the first dyeing it will probably be yellowish, you need to be prepared for this;
  • the paint must be tested and of high quality, it is advisable to buy it more expensive.

The tone of lightening depends on the choice of paint

In order for hair to become evenly colored, light and white after bleaching, it is necessary to correctly carry out the home lightening procedure. For the first time, it is advisable to contact a specialist; you can color the roots as they grow at home if you have certain skills.

The technique of dyeing strands white consists of several stages:

  1. Dividing the strands into 4 parts. Partings should go from the middle of the forehead to the neck and from temple to temple. You should not wash your hair in advance; it should be a little dirty.
  2. Correct preparation of the drug from the package according to the instructions. This should be done with gloves, using glassware, a plastic comb or a special brush.
  3. First, the composition is applied to the back of the head, then at the temples, then on the crown and front of the head. The bangs are painted last.
  4. Very thick hair should be divided into thin strands, coating each one so that yellowness does not appear in some places, which will be very difficult to remove.
  5. Red hair takes longer to lighten than brown hair, so the dye will need to be kept on them longer.
  6. The composition must be washed off first with water, then with shampoo and a special balm from the paint package.

The paint must be applied evenly

Tips on how to remove yellow tint after dyeing

If yellowness or discoloration does appear, they can be removed using several folk or professional methods. Here are the most effective and efficient:

1. Using a special toning shampoo or balm. Ash, pearl, purple or silver shades have proven themselves best. To remove unsightly straw yellowness, you need to add one part of the product to three parts of your regular shampoo every third time. Keep the composition on your head for no longer than 3 minutes.

Tint products to eliminate yellowness

2. Natural product gives a good effect. It is not difficult to remove yellowness from bleached hair using honey: you need to coat the strands with it in the evening, leaving the mask under a thick cap until the morning for better absorption. The product helps even if the bleached curls have become red, yellow or have a bright straw hue.

Honey against yellow hair

3. Regular onion peels help to remove a slight yellow or red tint after home lightening. You need to pour it into a saucepan, add water, boil and leave for several hours for the broth to infuse. This product is applied to the hair in the evening and washed off only in the morning. You need to sleep with your strands wrapped in cellophane or a thin towel.

Onion peels lighten curls

4. Rinse the curls after lightening with rhubarb infusion or lemon juice. To do this, you need to dilute a liter of water with two glasses of infused rhubarb, which has good lightening properties, or a glass of fresh lemon juice. Rinsing should be done at least 2-3 times. Cinnamon has a similar effect; medicinal chamomile gives a weaker result.

Lemon juice removes yellow tones from hair

5. Applying homemade lightening masks for some time.

Recipes for homemade masks to lighten strands

Masks should be prepared from high-quality products and applied every other day for 40-50 minutes. You need to wash them off with warm water; you can wrap your hair in a towel for better effect.

Rhubarb and glycerin mask

Pour the crushed rhubarb root into a glass so that two quarters of the powder are occupied. Pour this amount into a glass of boiling water, add 60 grams of glycerin, wait 30 minutes. Apply to strands while the mixture is warm.

Rhubarb stems help lighten curls

Mask of lemon juice, kefir and vodka

Mix warmed kefir (a little less than half a glass) with a beaten egg, two tablespoons of vodka, a spoonful of any shampoo and 50 grams of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the strands.

Kefir-lemon mask with vodka and yolk

Wine and rhubarb mask

Add 500 grams of dry wine to a spoonful of crushed dried rhubarb roots, bring to a boil and cook until the liquid is reduced by half. The warm mixture should be applied to the hair daily and left for about an hour to lighten yellow strands.

All these professional and home remedies help to cope with the yellow tint that appears on the skin and make them whiter. However, if the color of your own strands is too dark, it is very difficult to dye your hair blonde; it will be difficult to achieve a natural light tone of curls.
