How to apologize to a guy. How to improve relationships if you have a falling out. Causes of a conflict situation

Beloved, dear, dear, the only one! My happiness! Forgive me for being so stupid, for doing bad things and saying the wrong words ... I just want everything to be as before, so that we never quarrel, but understand and love each other! Lets be together!

Love makes the world bright and colorful. But the separation is quite the opposite - gray and dull. So for me now everything is in gray tones, everything seems so dull, because you are not near, my beloved. I can no longer live with you apart, and therefore, I ask you, my desired one, forgive me and come back. Let's enjoy the nectar of love again, let's try again to bring back our tender feelings. It's so hard for us to live without each other. Let this terrible dream end soon, and we wake up in the beautiful garden of love.

Darling, life is mistakes, we learn from mistakes! After all, there is no more pain than that which lovers inflict on each other. And I stumbled and made a mistake. But, the only person who does not make mistakes is the one who never does anything. I’m not making excuses, no, I just want you to understand that you are very dear to me, and all that I don’t do is just because I’m afraid of losing you! Fear of losing you, and turned my head and I was wrong. And I ask you, beloved, do not judge me harshly, but understand. I apologize for what I have done. I love you very much and will do everything for your happiness! Forgive me dear.

I will become a rainbow ray of the golden Sun, because only he is capable of melting the ice of resentment. I will become a little warmth so that you would rather forgive me.

Today you are not in the mood at all, you are not smiling and as before you are not joking. The whole reason is only in me and I am aware of this. I hurt you today, brought you undeserved pain. Please forgive me, my beloved and only one. I am so ashamed of my act, but nothing can be returned back. Now all you need to do is earn your forgiveness. Honey, let's forget all the bad things and make peace again. I promise that this will never happen again. Trust me, please, my good one.

My beloved boy, my sun, I beg you very much, well, stop getting angry. I am sincerely sorry that this happened, excuse me, please. Let everything return and be as before, let's be happy, no matter what.

Apologies to the guy in your own words

Darling, forgive me generously for everything in which I am wrong. After all, you know - when you love with all your soul, it is so easy to make a mistake, stumble, succumb to emotions and take the wrong step! Just give me such a chance - to fix everything and give you unforgettable moments, blessed moments of joy and adoration!

Love makes people happy, but separation from a loved one makes us the most unhappy. So I consider myself now the most unhappy in the world, because you and I are in a quarrel, my dearest person. I suffer so much in separation from you, I miss you so much. Please forgive me that I wrongly offended you. I promise this will never happen again. Let's keep our love and be together again. I so want to snuggle up to your strong shoulder, to hear your ringing laughter, to feel the tenderness of a kiss.

Darling, I ask you not to be angry with me. After all, with you I want to live peacefully and in love. I want us to quarrel with you as little as possible. It's not easy for me without you! Please excuse me for what I did, but you know I love you. Maybe I was so stupid because I am very in love with you. So forgive me, please, dear. I need you a lot. I do not want to lose you and I will do everything so that we beat together. I know that you have a very kind heart, and it radiates its kindness every day. Beloved, remember that I love you very much.

When our hands are together, I know that I will overcome all obstacles. But now my hand is cold because of my hurtful words. Take my hand again, dear.

Scandal again, resentment again. Again my heart is melancholy. I am very sorry to have offended you. My only one, excuse me.

My beloved, my dear and best guy, please forgive me. I'm sorry that I offended you. Let's fix this situation, let's not ruin and spoil the relationship, forgive me, please, let everything be fine with us again, don't be angry, darling.

My dear, the best guy in the world, dear, forgive me. I am sincerely sorry that everything turned out this way. Don't be angry, it's so good when we are together and incredibly happy. Excuse me please. Let's forget all this and send the resentment to the past.

Apologies to a guy in your own words in a letter

I want to ask my beloved husband only one thing - that you forgive me! I'm sorry for all that I did wrong, I'm sorry for every wrong word I say, and I also want us to never be sad and not quarrel! Let's put up as soon as possible and never swear again!

For me, the whole world has become somehow gray and uninteresting, because you are not nearby, my most important person on earth. In my soul there is only emptiness and despair. After all, only I am to blame for everything. Please forgive me, my beloved. Let's make up to be together again. After all, it was so good for us. You are for me like a light in a window, like a warm ray of sunshine, only with you - I am the happiest. We are now apart, and I love you even more. Let's forget our quarrel like a bad dream.

I’m probably more than anything else, afraid of losing you. I'm afraid to be left alone, without your gentle voice, warm hands. And in general, without you. So beloved, please do not be angry with me for this stupidity of mine. I did everything out of stupidity, but in fact you know that I love you! And I love it very much! I don't even want to admit the thought that you can disappear! So as the cat Leopold said in the cartoon "Darling, let's live together!" . He said of course a little differently, but the essence is the same! I am for a peaceful relationship with you! Excuse me silly.

I want to shed heavenly flowers over you, which will fill your heart with the scent of bliss, and you will forgive my mistake, beloved.

Sorry for the tiredness, bad mood and whims. I'm sorry that in this frenzied world, perhaps, I pay little attention to you. I know how offensive it is when you want to reach the depths of the soul of a loved one, but he does not listen to you, is tuned in to his own, different wave. But you should know, my dear, how I appreciate your support and understanding, your patience, your reliability. I am happy to be next to you and with these words of apology I want to say to you: “I love you”!

My incredible, insanely beloved, how can you be angry with me for so long? I admit, I blundered, and for this I apologize to you. Excuse me, precious, I didn’t want my impulse to develop into a situation that has developed. Let's forget this difficult and very unpleasant moment for both of us and continue to enjoy each other. After all, every quarrel is only a small test that the lovers overcome together, thereby strengthening their feelings. I promise that I will be more tolerant and more restrained. Forgive your little girl who is crazy about you, and stop being angry with her.

Boyfriend Apology Poems

Forgive me for yesterday's rudeness -
I could not curb my fire,
And I said something stupid to you,
And now I can’t hold back my tears.

I'm sorry for what happened
Write me at least a couple of lines
So that happiness comes down to us again
For a huge, forever!

Forgive me dear, unlucky one,
Forgive my rudeness and jealousy,
Our quarrel with you is a trifling one,
Let go of your offense!

I'll bow my head as before
On the native, male shoulder,
And I will cast aside heavy doubts,
And I will not regret anything.!

Darling, I didn't understand you then,
And it didn't help you at that moment.
Resentment has crept into your soul,
And lit up with a scarlet flame.

I'm sorry, I ask you in tears
And I take it seriously.
I love you, dear, dear,
I want there to be no quarrels between you and me.

I killed you with pride
And her behavior often angered.
Of course I need to change
And to you for a long time to apologize.
I know it's hard to forgive everything right away
It's even harder to love me.
As soon as you understand me
Forgive me and dial the number.

I offended you, I understand that
And you left sad like a shadow
I won't find a place - I scold myself,
All thoughts about you - both night and day ...
Oh, if I could return that moment back,
I would have found the right words
And your pain, believe me - it became mine,
Please, forgive me! I know - not right ...

I undeservedly offended you
Now I beg your pardon!
And you forget everything
Sorry for the disappointment!

Let's make up soon
After all, we are not kids anymore
And if you get angry for a very long time,
This is bad for the soul!

I ask you to forget
Give me forgiveness
And start from scratch with me
I'm sorry, I know!

And I admit the blame
I'm sorry
You mean a lot to me
I love you very much!

We will forget all the insults
We will not quarrel with you,
We will always live in the world
Never swear!

Please accept my apologies
Let in your heart again
I will never betray
Sorry, I beg you!

Forgive me darling
I was blind
Threw a word like an arrow,
And hurt you.

I did not understand then
How dear you were to me
When I was cutting in the heat
I could not hold back the ardor.

Let all the grievances be behind
Disappear forever.
I will hug you tight
Whispering, forgive me.

It's very hard for me
And maybe even empty
Everything was like evil ...
Everything was very sad ...

I told you a lot
Bad unnecessary words
I want to return again
Battered love!

My beloved, forgive me!
I feel very bad without you.
I realized my guilt
And my conscience tortured my soul!

Let's forget about everything
We will erase all the blots with love.
Let's start all over again,
After all, I love you so much!

I killed you with pride
And her behavior often angered.
Of course I need to change
And to you for a long time to apologize.
I know it's hard to forgive everything right away
It's even harder to love me.
As soon as you understand me
Forgive me and dial the number.

How sad it is to live and know
That hurt you
My gentlest, dearest,
Forgive me for this pain.

Everything happens in life: rains,
Fogs, slush and adversity,
But the main thing is to forgive and wait
And the sun will come out again.

Will warm us with its warmth
Will give a lot of happiness
Forgive me my love
For wounds and bad weather.

My beloved, my dear and best guy, please forgive me. I'm sorry that I offended you. Let's fix this situation, let's not ruin and spoil the relationship, forgive me, please, let everything be fine with us again, don't be angry, darling.

Cats scratching their hearts.
Please, darling, do not be angry
Quickly forget your grievances
Forgive me and smile.

I am guilty before you
I left a wound in my soul
But apologizing very much,
I ask: "Forgive me asshole!"

Excuse me, my dear,
The best and most affectionate mine,
I will not repeat the mistake
After all, I adore you, I love you.

Let us be different somewhere, sometimes,
I want to be only with you
Pamper, bring joy to you,
Only be loved by you!

I didn't want to hurt you, but I managed to kill you.
Hope you can forgive me someday.
I know that you treasured me too much.
You kept me close, protected me from the world.
Of course, I appreciate your love and care.
I just forgot for a moment who I am and who you are.
I know I’m to blame, but forgive me.
Just remember our tender love.

My very best, don't be angry
I want to ask for forgiveness.
Don't frown, do you hear? Smile.
I agree, I can be a fool.

Ask what you want. I will give it back
Doubly, triple, as much as possible.
We will take a walk in places
Natural, clean, roadless.

You are right, of course, there is a reason
And there are reasons for resentment
But the sun has gone down again
And at night you can't see much

Forgiving is a sign of strength
And I know you are not frail!
You're right, of course - I'm capricious
Forgive me today, honey!

Yesterday I was wrong
And I admit my mistake.
And the quarrel is only my fault.
Please give me a smile.
I was too harsh with you
And it hurts in the chest.
I hear blows at my temple ...
Please, please, forgive me.

Understand me, I didn't mean
To bring you such pain.
I was waiting for you, I flew to you,
Living, I was bored again and again.
Understand me, I didn't mean ...
I don't want you to suffer
But I want you to know everything
That I was so sick without you ...
After all, I understood what was the matter.
Please forgive me.

My love please forgive
For everything you can!
You on the path of life
None is dearer to me.

Many girls will now be indignant, citing the French wisdom: "If a woman is wrong, ask her forgiveness."

That is, in any case, a man should ask for forgiveness, in their opinion and the opinion of fans of frog legs. But, if you consider yourself not against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower, but in Russian reality, where a woman is both "in a burning hut" and "galloping horse", the rules change. It turns out that we are not only equal, but also equal. This means that we bear responsibility for the consequences in the same way as men.

The art of reconciliation

A small preface. It has long been proven that only a strong-willed and confident person can afford to ask for forgiveness.

For him, admitting his mistake is not humiliation and not a reason to crawl on his knees. He simply admits his mistake, realizing that the one who does nothing is not mistaken.

A person obsessed with inferiority complexes will never be able to admit his guilt. He will be afraid to seem ridiculous and weak.

First, convince yourself that you do not admit that you are defeated, do not kneel, but simply realize that you were wrong and want to tell the person who suffered from it about it. Your goal is to apologize to a guy beautifully, so as not to lose the relationship, not asking, not crying, but allowing yourself to be forgiven.

Try to explain to him that no one is immune from mistakes, but not everyone can admit them. And you admit!

To turn the situation around so as to get out of it, if not a winner, then at least not a loser. To do this, you need to be able to ask for forgiveness beautifully.

Beautiful "sorry"

There are two options for the development of events:

  1. You actually feel guilty for deception, for betrayal, for inattention, for rudeness. Guilt gnaws at you, you understand, admit that you were wrong. In this case, you don't have to play anything. Your eyes will tell and confirm everything that you say. The main thing is not to allow your humiliation!
  2. You don't feel wrong. Yes, I deceived, but it was necessary. Yes, she was rude, but brought it out! The beloved is offended and does not accept any arguments, and you do not want to lose him. Most likely, he himself, somewhere in the depths of his soul, agrees with you, but ... Play guilty. Jokingly apologize. For him, doubting in the depths of his soul, this will be enough to smooth his male pride. Both the necessary peace will come, and then we'll see.

What ends up with a dignified restoration of relations in any stage setting and scenery is beautiful.


Sometimes for a man, your very apology comes as a surprise. But it is appreciated and happens when you do not ask for forgiveness every day.

Such statements, like declarations of love, cannot be speculated, rushed and uttered without feeling the campaign.

Only then will your surprise make the proper impression, only after this unexpected announcement will your man appreciate you. Indeed, any holiday that repeats every day is at first perceived as weekdays, and then it starts to annoy.

When your apology starts to annoy (you can tell by the expression on your face), it means that you overdid it and it's time to start a relationship. We wanted the best, it turned out, as always.


Reconciliation with your husband is easier than when you are just dating and do not live together. In order for him to forgive, the presence of both of you in one point of the universe is a necessity (although, with the advent of mobile phones and the Internet, this is no longer so relevant).

You probably know the tastes and preferences of your man. Prepare this for him, set the table, and let the whole house smell of it to the very front door. Be quiet for a while, let your "fish" swallow the bait.

And when half of the yummy remains on the plate, come up behind, hug, cover his brush with a fork with your hand and whisper: “I realized that I am to blame for (that). Are you not angry with me, darling? "

Forgiveness will follow immediately, if only to free your hand and finish your dinner.

Box of wishes

You can play up your forgiveness with any entourage. Each of them will bring positive results. Why? Because all your games are impossible without his presence. And if he participates in this, then he himself is waiting and longing for reconciliation. If he doesn't want to put up, he will not open any boxes and even eat your dinner.

You can beautifully perform the ritual of reconciliation, in which both are interested, by giving him a box of wishes. Moreover, all desires in her would be reduced to the goal of melting the heart of the offended.

For treason

Explain clearly why this happened. Prove that you could not have done otherwise, that you are truly sorry, have drawn conclusions, and learned lessons. That you love only him, and there was only ... (what led you "to the left"?). Be convincing and emotional about everything. In fact, this is the only offense that a loving person cannot forgive.

For lies

It can be different: for good, for harm, out of harm and out of stupidity. There is a separate resonance for each of them.

It is one thing when you lied that you are a Dynamo fan, and another when you hid your illegitimate child.

In any case, you cheated for a reason. It was for some reason. The most excuseful reason for you is the fear of losing him. This reason washes everything away and forgives.

For jealousy

If your young man is offended because you are jealous of him, then, alas, he does not love you much, or in general ... Jealousy is forgiven a priori. Well, of course, if she is not accompanied by smashing dishes, throwing herself off the fifth floor and pouring acid on her rival. If you shouldn't be jealous, then he shouldn't be doing it either. And where is the love?

For insult

For this it is worth asking for forgiveness, receiving it, and then not repeating yourself. A loving person will forgive this sin of yours more than once. Only for you this will not be the best characteristic.

On distance

Today, in the age of the Internet and Mobile communications, all distances have become relative. Turn on video calling and create the complete illusion of a date. Say whatever you wanted to say, but ... Sometimes one touch or a kiss replaces a thousand pen phrases. Therefore, rehearse your speech beforehand. Well, they can make a man believe in "sex on the phone" that everything is real!

If I'm to blame

Excuse me, but why apologize if you are not to blame? Is that something like this: "Sorry, but you're wrong!"

On the Internet, in VKontakte

Ask for forgiveness so that the whole world knows about it. Old, like all media. There are such relationships between two people that cannot exist without spectators, without an impromptu scene. The more they talk and discuss your quarrels and reconciliations, the more important you are. This is the sin of all the world's "stars". This is called PRI. If you need it, explain and apologize on the world wide web.

By phone, by SMS

The easiest solution to the problem. Don't look your beloved in the eye. But keep in mind that you can't see his eyes either. He answers you: "Yes, of course, I forgive, dear," and he frowns and breaks a ballpoint pen. However, there is a result, but you will not know about the pen.

Original ways to justify

Words in verses

If your boyfriend does not understand rhymed works, has never read Eugene Onegin and believes that Pasternak is just a plant, he can perceive your poems in two ways. If he is indifferent to you, he will just laugh, brag to his friends.

A loving guy will be touched and appreciate your work simply for being yours, and will become proud of you.

In prose, in writing

The epistolary genre has undergone some changes. Today, letters are called messages on the Internet. But nobody canceled the letters on paper. There is a family in which, after a quarrel, only they become a way of communication, as between Sharik and Matroskin. Forgiveness and reconciliation also occur with them at the beginning on paper. It is also great because there is a memory for the rest of your life.


I came to you, suffering and loving
I came to you, hiding my pride:
I'm sorry, not because I'm to blame
Because it's bad without you.

By deed

Well, what act can a girl do to show her feelings ?! Don't throw herself under the tram, really! And we will not save the guy from the hooligans either. We need such a guy ?!

The most effective and most feminine act is a kiss. Come up, silently hug and kiss. And let him guess what you wanted to say by that.

If you live together, there is more choice in your actions. You can wash his car, buy a beer for dinner, or show him a striptease, finally.

Is it worth it?

We are all so different that no general rules will tell you a panacea for all occasions. In each specific situation, it is up to you to decide what to do right.

Three times you hurt the guy, and you got away with it. The conflict was simply hushed up. The fourth time will have to apologize at least for a change.

You have committed meanness. You understand this yourself. If he even closes his eyes to this, because he loves you very much and is afraid of losing, you run the risk of turning him into a “rag”.

In order to respect your man herself, not to humiliate his dignity, you can apologize to the guy.

Despite what the French say, let us treat each other with respect, no matter what sex characteristics nature gives us. But sometimes, in special cases, without abusing, you can take advantage of the fact that you are so lucky and you were born a woman.

Video: Is it possible to prove love

Each of us sometimes makes mistakes, takes out anger at a loved one, or does not act in the best way towards him. Timely and correctly to ask for forgiveness means giving up your pride for the sake of a loved one and a relationship. How to apologize to a guy so that he forgives? How to do this so that he does not harbor resentment?

It is very difficult to find the right words. It is even harder to approach an offended person. What if he rejects the apology and the relationship collapses completely? To prevent this from happening, you need to ask for forgiveness in a timely manner, and most importantly, sincerely, if you really are to blame. How to properly apologize to a guy will be discussed in the article.

You can never ask for forgiveness if the girl is not to blame

A very important rule in relationships is not to apologize if you are not guilty. There are people who take offense for a reason and without it. They use their partner's guilt to blackmail and manipulate.

For example, a guy doesn't like that his girlfriend uses makeup, puts on skirts that are too short, and cuts her hair short. He constantly takes offense at this, arranges scenes. Thus, a young man manipulates a girl, the more he is allowed to do this, the more often he will do this.

You only need to apologize when you really have guilt.

Apology and excuse are two different things.

So, to apologize means to admit that you are wrong, to take responsibility for the committed act. This is a tricky step, but it needs to be done. How to apologize to a guy? The easiest way is to say that you are aware of your guilt, you understand that you should not have done this. And no excuses, because they will cross out everything said and question the sincerity of the words.

Another rule is not to blame your partner. If you need to apologize, for example, for raising your voice to him or speaking rudely, then you do not need to say that the reason for such an act is his behavior. Shifting the blame will further exacerbate the conflict. We need to decide for ourselves - do we apologize or deal with his behavior?

Right moment

You need to act according to the situation. Sometimes it’s worth apologizing in the midst of a conflict. For example, she said too much, harshly, rudely, plus she accused of all mortal sins - it is better to apologize right away, especially if the quarrel was about an everyday issue.

But how to apologize to a guy if the conflict was serious, misunderstandings and resentments arose? In this case, it is better to cool down, come to your senses and figure everything out. But it is worth remembering that the longer you delay with an apology, the stronger the resentment will be.

If a girl does not apologize for her mistake for a long time, the guy begins to write off her behavior, which offended him, not as a mistake, but as a bad character. That is, he thinks that if a girl does not apologize for a long time, it is because she does not feel guilty, which means that this is her characteristic behavior.

A few days is the maximum time to say “I'm sorry” and end the conflict. If the guilt is mutual, then it is also better to start a conversation first and sort things out, so as not to aggravate an already difficult situation.

What words cannot be pronounced

How to apologize to a guy so that he does not accuse him of insincerity? There are a few words that will nullify all efforts. This "if" and "but", when they are used in an excuseful speech, the whole meaning is reversed.

For example: "Sorry for being late, I didn't do it on purpose" and "I'm sorry if my lateness offended you." That is, the second option actually sounds like this: "I'm not sorry," and even in this phrase, the responsibility is shifted onto the guy himself: "My lateness also offended you."

Looking for a reason

First you need to understand yourself and answer the question: why did you do this? Is the problem in the relationship, in the situation, or in you? When the reason is found out, you need to work with it.

For example, conflicts are constantly occurring over money. It is necessary to find out what exactly annoys a man in a girl's behavior. If a guy is unhappy with excessive spending, it is worth observing himself, agreeing with him on the issue of budget and expenses. and seek a compromise.

Don't expect instant forgiveness. Especially if the offense is serious and the guy is very offended. It takes time for emotions to cool down, for memories to subside.

How to apologize to a guy if you are very guilty? Where to start a conversation?

In this case, the speech should be structured in such a way that it contains words of regret about what happened, remorse, and you also need to voice your desire to preserve your relationship. For example: “Thank you for agreeing to listen to me”, “I am guilty”, “I understand you”, “I don’t know how I would behave in your place”, “I want to keep our relationship and am ready to wait as long as necessary so that you forgive me. "

Just because a guy accepts an apology doesn't mean that he has unconditionally forgiven. For a while, he will still be angry, watching the girl's attitude towards himself. Resentment does not go away instantly, it takes time for everything to fall into place.

What not to do when apologizing

Sobbing, hysterics, tears, pleading and over-dramatizing the situation will not help. Even if emotions are overwhelming, there is no need to demonstrate them. A man will regard this as a woman's desire to put pressure on him.

You can try to do something, that is, apologize with an action. Show your loved one that he is valuable and important, that he is held dear.

So what actions can you take?

Ways to apologize

All apologies are divided by psychologists into correspondence and full-time. They advise looking in the eye to apologize.

Consider how to apologize to a guy in your own words and looking straight in the eyes. This is the hardest way. Therefore, you should not ask for forgiveness without prior preparation.

Here are some tips on what to do and how to behave when apologizing:

  1. Look at him only in the eyes - this will testify to sincerity.
  2. Tell only the truth.
  3. Promise only what can be done.
  4. Do not raise your voice to the guy.
  5. Don't blame him for anything.
  6. Hear and memorize everything he says;
  7. If you have a disagreement, find it out right away.
  8. You need to behave calmly and with restraint.
  9. If there is fault, admit it.

There is no universal advice on how to apologize to a guy, what to do and how to behave. It all depends on the person and on the situation, as well as on the degree of guilt, and on how much both value the relationship.

There is an easier way to apologize to a guy - via SMS. But you can write messages only in case of minor quarrels. The most common option is to write words (poetry, prose) and insert a sad smiley at the end. Here are some tips on how to apologize via SMS:

  • write messages infrequently (after 3-4 hours);
  • do not bother a man;
  • write sincerely;
  • do not repeat the same thing in SMS, otherwise the guy will get tired of reading;
  • if he does not answer, then either something is wrong, or he is waiting for some specific actions or words;
  • at the end of the correspondence, ask: "Are you ready to forgive me?";
  • wait patiently for an answer.

The apology must come from the heart and be sincere. Don't be too zealous with emoticons or postcards. And the main rule is to apologize, not to make excuses and not to shift the blame.

Apology with a twist, or How to apologize to a guy beautifully

Apologies can be unusual, extraordinary. To wow a guy and get forgiven, it’s worth using a little imagination and courage.

Here are some examples of getting creative with the apology process:

  • cake with romantic words;
  • apology banner;
  • a box with wishes (but you should immediately set a limit, for example, no more than 5 wishes per day);
  • romantic horseback riding, evening, picnic;
  • a gift or surprise with humor (for example, earplugs, let them cover their ears during quarrels);
  • an unusual gift - a site on Mars or a star with the name of a loved one, the certificate must be placed on the wall;
  • a romantic gift - a T-shirt with a joint photo and beautiful words.

And you can also give a picture embroidered with your own hands, a man-made tree - a symbol of love (if a man is interested in such things), a puppy or a kitten (if, of course, a loved one loves animals).

Is it worth asking for forgiveness?

Before apologizing to a guy, you should think about whether you need to do this at all.

The situation should be analyzed, maybe the guy is manipulating. Sometimes, pretending to be offended, a young man is simply trying to achieve something from the girl. If you come to the conclusion that this is exactly your case, then you should not follow the man's lead. It is better not to apologize and not take any steps towards reconciliation, let him think and decide for himself what is more important for him - to keep the relationship or achieve his goal.

If the quarrel was due to the fact that the guy and the girl do not have the same opinion on some issue, an apology is also inappropriate. If a woman just thinks differently than a man, this is not a reason to feel guilty. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. In such a situation, it is better to just try to find a compromise.

In the case when a young man stands his ground, once and for all it is necessary to decide what is more important for the woman herself: so that the man reckons with her views or relationships? If a guy doesn't want to give in, chances are he will always be. This is his character.


There is nothing worse than broken hearts. Therefore, if the girl is to blame, it is imperative to apologize to the guy. After forgiveness, you need to start life from scratch and try not to repeat such mistakes in the future in order to maintain a relationship with your loved one.

67 977 0 Hello! In this article, we will tell you how to ask for forgiveness correctly, because sometimes just saying “sorry” is not enough. To be forgiven, you must genuinely show that you admit guilt, regret, and repent. And how to do this, we will tell you now.

How to properly ask for forgiveness so that you will be forgiven after that

An effective apology should look like this:

  1. You are expressing regret;
  2. You are explaining your wrong action;
  3. You acknowledge your responsibility;
  4. You voluntarily confess;
  5. You offer an independent correction of the situation;
  6. You are asking to be forgiven.

The most important components are accepting responsibility and offering to fix the situation yourself.

Professor Roy Levitsky conducted research. Here's what he says:

“Our research has proven that the most important thing in an apology is an acknowledgment of your responsibility. Accept the fact that the fault is completely on your side and that it was you who made the mistake, not someone else. "

The next most effective strategy after accepting your guilt is to offer to fix the situation.

“Apology alone will not accomplish anything, because it is useless by itself. Therefore, you must express your willingness to mend what is broken. This will reflect the fact that you have accepted responsibility for the damage caused, ”says Roy Levicki.

It is also very important to express regret and remorse, to explain what you were wrong about. And only in the last place you need to ask for forgiveness, - the professor warns. You can do without this step.

Research has shown that if you change the point of view of the person you hurt, you will reduce the damage done. In this case, you should do the following:

  1. The first step is to eliminate personally unpleasant moments.
  2. Further explain your action, name the reason. But don't make excuses for this!
  3. You must back up your apology with a real action. Show the person that you have changed.
  4. Then you must reestablish a relationship with that person.

Examples of apologies

Sometimes the usual word “sorry” is enough, but more often than not it is not. Therefore, prepare in advance all the phrases that you are going to say. You can even write them down on a piece of paper if you're afraid to forget.

Here are some examples of how you can beautifully ask for forgiveness:

  • “(Name), forgive me for doing this to you. I miss you madly, you know how dear you are to me (a). Tomorrow is a new day, and I don't want you to be missing from it. Every second spent with you was and will be unforgettable and unique. I very love you. Let's start all over again? "
  • “Life consists of mistakes, we learn from them. So I stumbled, made a mistake. But I will not make excuses, I just want you to understand that you are very dear to me and I am afraid of losing you. This fear turned my head, so I was wrong. Please do not judge, but understand. I apologize!"
  • "I know that I am very guilty, but I ask you to understand me and forgive me!"
  • “Life is too short to waste it on grievances! Please forgive me! "
  • "Sorry, I was wrong!" - despite its simplicity and banality, this is a very important and effective phrase in an apology.

You can also beautifully apologize in verse. Of course, it is advisable to write this verse yourself, so that the words in it are truly sincere, from the very heart. But for those who do not have talent for this or just inspiration and ideas, we will give a few examples of how to ask for forgiveness in verses:

"There is no rest in my heart,

It breaks out of the chest

For what I did to you,

Forgive me, dear (ah), forgive! "

“My heart hurts,

There is no rest for me

While we are at odds

I can't help but think about you ...

Please forgive me! "

How to improve relationships if you have a falling out

With a friend / girlfriend

There is no perfect friendship. Sometimes resentments, quarrels, griefs still occur. You do not need to immediately put an end to your relationship, you can still fix it. Most often, friends do not insult on purpose: without thinking, she was rude because of a bad mood, got into other people's business, interrupted, etc.

Maintaining a relationship is only worthwhile if friendship for you means loyalty, honesty, and mutual assistance. Any other friendship would end sooner or later.

In order to ask for forgiveness from a friend or friend, first you need to know exactly the reason why he or she is offended. Talk to her / him to resolve the issue and maintain friendship. Explain, say that you did it not out of malice. But it doesn't have to be an excuse, you just have to state your motive. Apologize for hurting her / his feelings.

If the offended person is your friend, emotional, romantic and kind, consider giving her a verse apology. Examples are given above.

If your apology hasn't been accepted, don't be discouraged. You did your best.

With a loved man

How to ask a girl for forgiveness

Often, their loved ones suffer from male mistakes. Weeds cannot be avoided, but you can learn a few simple ways, apologize to a girl or wife so that she stops getting angry and forever forgot your mistake.

  1. Wait for the girl to cool down. You do not need to immediately go into an open flame. This will only make the situation worse. Women walk away longer than men. In a day, the angry young lady will cool down and understand that your act was not so terrible. That's when you need to come up with an apology.
  2. Don't follow the rule that "offense is the best defense." If, instead of apologizing, you start reproaching the girl that she is also not without sin, you can create problems even more serious than the original ones.
  3. Repent.
  4. Prepare a beautiful speech in advance. It is desirable that it contains affectionate words and compliments.
  5. Don't moo, don't slow down, don't stutter. The girl will be angry. If you have forgotten the words - think out on the go, say that it is hard and lonely for you without her.
  6. Do not forget to buy a large bouquet and a gift when you apologize to your beloved. Approach the choice of a bouquet with a soul, you do not need the girl to think that you are saving on her and do not take the situation seriously.
  7. If your act is serious, and your girlfriend will not forgive you so easily, try to apologize in an original way. For example, show up to her work with a huge bouquet of flowers to make her colleagues jealous (and at lunch they will talk about how wonderful and romantic you are), or cook her a gourmet dinner in person.
  8. When asked why you did this, which is asked by 90% of women, answer this way: "I was stupid!" or "Because you are a fool!"

How to ask a guy for forgiveness

Every girl knows how to apologize to a boyfriend or husband - you need to calmly explain about the situation. After all, usually this is just a minor conflict that arose out of the blue.

Here are some tips and phrases:

  • Express regret. Admit it is your fault, not the circumstances or other people.
  • Make peace in person, not by phone, not by SMS. While doing this, look the man in the eye. Your eyes are the best way to show how sorry you are. Don't hold back your tears.
  • If you haven't been forgiven the first time, give the person time to calm down. Perhaps then he himself will take the first step.
  • Make amends. Give him a gift that is valuable to him. And when giving it, say: “Darling, this is for you. Forgive me. I love you very much!".
  • Choose the right time and place. For example, cook his favorite meal for a man, and apologize during dinner.
  • Stop in time. You don't need to make excuses for a long time, it will start to annoy.

With parents

Remember: a parent will always forgive you. They are the dearest and closest people to you. Friends disperse, the girl may not forgive, but mom and dad will always be with you. They will forgive you everything - what you said without thinking, that you do not call them due to lack of time.

Apologize for not paying attention to them. Call them daily, find out how they are doing, how their health is.

The phrase comes to mind: "Parents are not chosen."

First, you need to understand that you are not always right, that you are also wrong. If you notice your parents' flaws and don't see yours, it will be difficult to ask for forgiveness. Parents are also imperfect. They only want the best for you, but they don't know how to do it right.

For example, you didn't follow a rule that your parents set. First of all, be honest with them. Do not belittle your own guilt, do not justify or lie, otherwise you will make yourself more serious problems. Telling things honestly will prove that you are trustworthy despite your mistakes.

Admit that you made your parents worry. Therefore, it will be correct to ask mom and dad for forgiveness. Put it this way: “I'm sorry about what happened. From now on I will behave more decently, I will follow what I say. Sorry"... Show that you are ready to receive the appropriate punishment. Mature people should always be held accountable for their actions.

Rules: what else is important to consider, besides the words of forgiveness

  1. Look the person in the eye.
  2. Don't hold back your emotions. I want to cry - cry.
  3. Call the person by name.
  4. Be honest and sincere.
  5. Don't try to beg for forgiveness right away. This may take time.
  6. Put yourself in the shoes of the offended person, understand his feelings.
  7. Accept the person's reaction after your words.

Why might you not be taken seriously or sincerely and rejected an apology?

  • You are not serious

To take your apology seriously, it is best to choose the right setting for it. If you mumble “so are we friends again?” While bursting into laughter at a party, your words are unlikely to be taken seriously. It is better to choose a place where, in a quiet environment, you can explain yourself, showing your feelings.

  • You are insincere

If you don't admit your guilt, your words will sound insincere. The opponent will treat them with distrust. He will think that you are not going to apologize at all, and will only get more angry. An effective apology should address the feelings and needs of the offended person.

  • You are not sure of your words

You do not understand your mistake, but you are trying to somehow improve the relationship. Most often it looks like this: "Forgive me, but I do not know what I did." The use of words such as "but" and "if" make the addressee treat them lightly.

  • Wrong time

An apology won't work if you shout out that you're sorry during a fight. You will not be heard or taken seriously if you are still swearing. This is due to the fact that when a person is experiencing negativity, they will not listen to you. So you better wait for both of you to calm down.

  • Forgiveness by SMS

It is unlikely that you will be received sincerely if you apologize via SMS. If you meet in person, you are more likely to be forgiven. So you can convey your feelings not only through words, but also through facial expressions and gestures.

Psychologist's advice on how to properly ask for forgiveness and make peace with loved ones.


Making a mistake while apologizing can lead to the person becoming angry only more. So watch what you say. Don't make the following mistakes:

  • Do not make excuses and do not look for excuses for your action.... Otherwise, it will look as if you do not regret what you did. A person will notice this, and it will be very unpleasant for him. Your apology will be rejected.
  • Don't blame the person when you apologize... Words such as "It's my own fault!" or "It's all because of you" is discouraged. Saying something that damages a person's self-esteem will ruin your path to reconciliation. You will talk about all this later, if you manage to maintain this relationship.
  • Don't overdo it. Don't overemphasize your remorse.... The person will think that you are faking it. It is better to be more honest and sincere than dramatic.

How are phrases you say when you ask for forgiveness are perceived

Everyone perceives your words differently. It depends on many things: character, upbringing, mood. A person can also react both positively and sharply negatively.

Sometimes the phrases you use for forgiveness are perceived as an important part of sociocultural norms. And if, after several failures in building relationships, you start to get bored with SMS and calls, your words will be perceived as a way to attract attention to yourself. In this case, it is recommended to pause so that your phrase appears to be a deliberate step.