How to feed kittens in the first months of life? Natural food for cats

Most people who have adopted a baby cat are wondering what to feed a kitten that is 1.5 months old? The activity and health of the baby now depends only on the person, and an incorrectly selected diet can disrupt the work of vital organs.

At this age, it is time for the baby to accustom him to food other than mother's milk, but nevertheless it remains the main component of his nutrition. Everyone should be aware that at this age, the fluffy cannot be torn from the mother, only she will be able to instill in him all the necessary habits and good upbringing, to fully feed him. But still, there are times when the fate of the baby will depend only on the person. At such moments, the question becomes urgent: how to feed kittens for 1.5 months?

Let's figure out the nutritional rules for such crumbs, find out all the nuances on which the health and life of the baby will depend.

Fundamental rules

So, this article is aimed at solving the question of how to feed kittens 1.5 months of age. If you decide to take care of such a baby on your own, then it is worth remembering the main rules for feeding such a young creature:

  1. Mandatory heating of food up to 24 degrees.
  2. If feeding takes place with porridge, then it should be thin, not contain sugar and salt. Ideally - infant formula with chopped dry food or with mashed boiled cereals.
  3. Feeding kittens from 1.5 months should be varied and enhanced. Every day, the baby adds about 25 grams in weight, and therefore needs to eat well. You need to give food 4-5 times a day, the interval between meals is no more than three and at least two hours.
  4. Do not give your baby raw minced meat.
  5. Never feed pork. Allowed beef and poultry - all crushed and after heat treatment.
  6. A kitten needs vitamins for health.
  7. To control the baby's reaction to new products, they should be introduced gradually: one day - one new product.

Dry food

If you decide that there is nothing better than feeding kittens at 1.5 months old dry specialized food, then this is your personal business. Of course, there are no problems with the variety of the menu, and there are all vitamins in such food. But there is one "but": at this age, the kitten is simply not able to chew hard pieces on its own. You will need to soak pieces of dry food with boiled water, and grind them well, turning them into gruel. The consistency should be similar to the pancake dough.

This porridge should be done up to two months of age. In the future, up to five months, it is advisable to just moisten dry food a little. In addition, it is worth remembering that dry food is bought specifically for kittens, the packaging should be marked "for feeding cats up to 1 year old".

We teach to eat dry food correctly

If you decide what to feed the kitten at 1.5-2 months, and this is dry food, but the pet strongly disagrees with you, you should train it correctly. After putting a cup to the baby, have you noticed that he does not touch the food? Proceed as follows: Take a small amount of soaked food on your finger and spread it on your baby's palate. Do this several times a day. Soon, the baby will understand that it is tasty and satisfying, and will begin to eat on its own.

Ready-to-eat food for kittens

In order for you to choose the right food for your baby, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with ready-made products that can be purchased in specialized stores.

  1. "Royal Canin" for kittens belongs to the premium class. Here you will definitely find all the ingredients necessary for proper nutrition, full development and active growth of the baby.
  2. "Whiskas" is another representative of the "Premium" class. As the advertisement says, this is a real meat treat for your kitten. The advantage of the product is that it is not as expensive as the product presented above.

These are two brands that veterinarians advise to trust. Do not buy economy-class food for your kitten, it contains more cereals than meat and dairy additives, and this is an inferior diet for the younger generation.

Now we propose to consider more than feeding a kitten. Proper nutrition at 1.5 months consists of the following products.


For a kitten, 1.5 months is a very young age. And like any baby, a fluffy lump needs milk. Take your time to unpack the bag and splash the contents into a bowl. This product can cause stomach and intestinal upset. Inconvenience will be delivered not only to you (to clean up liquid heaps after the baby), but also to the kitten itself. His tummy will swell and ache, he will be very uncomfortable. Milk must be boiled, froth removed, cooled to 24 degrees and only then given. The optimal product will be cream with a fat content of at least 8% or boiled goat milk. Ideally, milk will be replaced with fermented milk products, this is fermented baked milk, kefir or yogurt.

Solid foods

You won't go far on one kefir! If you feed your baby natural food, then it should not be from your table. Feeding with cheese is allowed, but in the smallest quantities, and it should be light-salted, soft varieties. Ideally, you should start giving solid food with cereals. Let it be semolina cooked in fat milk!

In addition to porridge, you can give cottage cheese, a boiled egg, but not all. A quarter of the yolk will do just fine, eat the rest yourself. It will be ideal if you knead the yolk and not give out the pieces. Such food is allowed to be given no more than twice a week, since it is very heavy, but necessary.

As for meat and fish, this is only pure fillet without bones, skin, fat and films. Pieces need to be cut into small strips, scalded with boiling water, cooled and given. Thus, the baby will develop teeth, jaws and chewing muscles.

Fish should not be given more than once a week. It does not work in the best way on the kidneys. Do not serve salted and smoked fish, no matter how much your furry wants it.

How else to feed kittens 1.5 months old? Of course, these are vegetables! They contain an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals needed for bones, hair, development and health. But don't try to give them pure. A cat, although a kitten, is a predator, and will not voluntarily gnaw carrots. Boil potatoes, beets, carrots or cabbage, chop and add to the porridge. Thus, the baby eats the necessary component.

Fiber and vitamins

How to feed a kitten from one month old to an older age? Nutrition should be based on vitamins and fiber, as this is the most productive period. That is, if at this age there was a shortage of any necessary substance, then in the future the cat may often get sick, not gain the necessary weight and height. Cucumbers, all kinds of greens and apples are ideal products for replenishing all the necessary substances. Only these products cannot be boiled, they should be added raw. To do this, grate them on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice and add it to porridge or puree of vegetables and meat.

Basically, these are all the necessary products regarding the question of how to feed kittens 1.5 months old in the absence of a cat. If you adhere to all the recommendations of the veterinarian (our article is based on this), then your baby will grow into a large, active, healthy cat or cat.

What can you not feed your kitten with?

Everyone knows that chips and Cola are bad for a child's health. He should not be given these products, as they are detrimental to the body. The same goes for baby cats, their bodies also cannot process certain foods. To keep the kitten healthy and active, exclude the following foods from its diet:

If you follow our advice, you will see that a baby, even without his mother, can grow up healthy and strong. This article was written solely based on the recommendations of veterinarians. Do not use the advice of friends who claim that, they say, if he gets hungry, he will eat everything. Imagine that this is your baby and needs to be fed appropriately. A kitten's nutrition from birth to one year should be special, just like our children!

Baby. You must stick to your usual diet. kitten so that he does not have digestive problems. At this age, it is impossible to drastically change the feeding scheme due to the fact that the kitten will receive the first vaccination, and the immunity will be weakened. Kittens can be fed with a choice of two options: natural food or dry food.

If the kitten is natural food, you should give him a balanced menu every day. You can include meat in the diet: lean beef, veal, rabbit,. All meat should only be fresh, thoroughly washed. It can be boiled, or it can be placed in the freezer for 48 hours, and scalded with boiling water before feeding. Meat for kitten finely chopped and served at room temperature. It must be mixed with vegetables and cereals. From vegetables, you can give boiled carrots, zucchini, pumpkin. From cereals should be fed with a piece (), oatmeal or rice. The cereals must be boiled, mixed with finely chopped vegetables and meat.

But it is not worth pampering kittens with fish more than 2 times a month. It can be given only low-fat marine and only boiled.

If the kitten eats natural food, then it needs to be given vitamin and mineral supplements. Which ones your veterinarian will advise based on your health kitten.

The second feeding option kitten is considered dry granulated food. This can be given from the age of two months. At first, the food is soaked in water, gradually transferring to it. The amount is calculated based on age and weight kitten... Such data are indicated on the food packaging. Choose only products from well-known manufacturers and purchase at pet stores. When feeding with dry food, additional supplementation with vitamins is not needed, since they are already contained in granules. It is not recommended to give dry food and natural food at the same time. You can only occasionally pamper your pet with boiled meat or wet food in a bag. Such complementary foods should be considered a delicacy.

Kittens need a specific feeding schedule. After weaning from the mother (1.5-2 months) and up to four months of age, you need to feed 5 times a day. At 4-5 months we switch to 4 meals a day, from 6 to 8 months we eat 3 times a day, and then gradually we accustom the kitty to eating 1-2 times a day.

Once you have a kitten, decide what you will feed it and do not change the diet, because cats can show heroic tenacity to refuse new food. The choice is yours - natural food or special food for animals.

Natural food for kittens, cats and cats

If you want to accustom your kitten to natural food, certain conditions must be observed. The food should be varied. If in childhood you do not accustom a kitten to any product, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do this in adulthood. Therefore, offer different products so as not to turn the kitten into a fussy one and provide good nutrition. Never feed an animal from the table - human food is not good for cats, it can cause severe indigestion, and you run the risk of raising a beggar if you constantly feed the animal from your plate. Do not give anything smoked, salty or spicy, have mercy on the animal! No bones, especially chicken bones. Such bones, when passing through the digestive tract, can seriously injure internal organs. Remember, cats need weed to effectively regurgitate hair that has accumulated in their stomachs. Sow weed directly in flower pots, or buy weed already grown at the pet store. The kitten should have its own dishes, its own permanent place for a meal and its own diet. And don't forget vitamins and minerals. If you are feeding your animal with natural products, then you cannot do without additives.

The first step is to place the meat in the cat's grocery basket. It can be beef (it is better to start with it), poultry, rabbit, lamb, horse meat. Avoid pork - this meat is too fat, especially for small ones, and besides, it can infect the kitten with helminths. Oddly enough, it is also better not to get carried away with fish - give sea fish once a week in small portions. Meat can be given both boiled and raw, at first it is better in finely chopped or pureed form.

Dairy products are the most natural food for a kitten. However, some tender stomachs cannot handle cow's milk. Whole milk can be replaced with yogurt, kefir and other fermented milk products. An excellent product for a growing body is cottage cheese. A small kitten can be given a mixture of cottage cheese with milk and yolk - a very healthy and nutritious "eggnog", eaten with great pleasure. Also, do not forget to occasionally pamper your purr with low-fat sour cream and cheese.

Almost all cats eat eggs with pleasure. This is a real delicacy for them. Include eggs on the menu a couple of times a week, they are great for the condition of the coat. Can be given raw or cooked. Offer small kittens a mixture of milk and yolk.

Remember that the kitten must have constant access to water. When feeding with dry food, water consumption increases by about 4 times. The water should be clean, fresh, change the water every day and scald the water container with boiling water.

Dry food and canned food for kittens, cats and cats

Nowadays, ready-made pet food, which includes canned food and dry food, is very popular. This is really very convenient, because they already contain all the necessary substances for the growth and development of the pet. Each manufacturer has special lines for kittens, so with them you can start accustoming a kitten to ready-made food. Try canned wet food for a start, gradually adding dry food to them and changing the ratio of wet food to dry food up to 30% to 70%, respectively. In this ratio, you can feed the cat for the rest of his life, but you can completely switch to dry food. If you want to get used to dry food right away, try soaking the pellets in water at first. It can be difficult for a small kitten to chew on these dry granules. You can make up a mixed diet, giving, for example, porridge with meat for breakfast, canned food for lunch, and dry granules for dinner.

There is also a difference between dry food. Experienced "cat growers" categorically do not recommend buying cheap advertised dry food, because they are made from products of dubious quality and often lead to severe kidney and liver diseases. Choose the so-called premium food (Hills, Happy Cat, Purina, Yams, Royal Canin) in specialty stores. They are, of course, more expensive, but the health of your pet is worth it, do not skimp on feed!

Artificial feeding of kittens

It so happens that a kitten comes to you very small, still breastfeeding, unable to feed on its own. What to do with such a baby and how to feed him in the absence of a mother?

Most often, these kittens are bottle fed with whole cow or goat milk mixed with a raw egg. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and feed it heated to 30-35 degrees 6 times a day. Infant formula can also be used, and pet stores now sell specially designed milk replacers. When the kitten is 1 month old, you can start introducing grated or scraped meat (beef, chicken), dairy products, and liquid cottage cheese into the diet. At 1.5-2 months. kittens are already able to feed on their own and easily get used to the chosen diet. Introduce new products gradually, one after another, without mixing.

Since the early childhood. "Let's feed from the table" or "Keeping a cat does not require material costs" - the statements of people with an extreme degree of ignorance and irresponsibility in relation to animals. The first thing that needs to be learned is that a kitten is a child who needs full and high-quality nutrition. So that the statements do not seem unfounded, we will consider how to properly feed the kitten and the primary needs of the animal.


Although not the basis of the diet, it is still an important part of it. Buckwheat and rice groats are suitable for cooking porridge. Wheat, corn, and even more so semolina are not suitable for feeding a cat.


Add grated raw or boiled vegetables to the cat's food if desired. Be prepared for the fact that after eating vegetables, the animal's stool will be softer than the "standard" - plant food is not completely digested, but serves as a source of vitamins. Read the composition of the prepared feed, avoid feeding corn, peas and other legumes. A controversial food, potatoes are a source of starch, but are not recommended by many breeders and veterinarians due to possible digestive problems.

This article proposes to consider the general rules for feeding kittens. Newborn kittens, if they are left without a mother, must be fed strictly according to the regime with a special milk substitute, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or prepared by yourself.

To do this, combine 5 ml of low-fat cream, 3 ml of boiled water and 2 ml of glucose in a container. To drink the baby with this mixture, 2 ml at one meal.

An ordinary medical syringe without a needle is best suited for feeding such crumbs, although it is possible that more cunning devices may be required. At the same time, you should not skip night feedings and maintain an interval of 2 hours. After feeding, you need to lightly massage the area of ​​his abdomen, imitating the movements of the cat - mother, this will help the food to digest, and the kitten to recover. For convenience, it is recommended to use a piece of damp cotton wool or bandage.

Starting from 2 weeks of age, you can leave only 1 night feed, and during the day increase the interval between meals to 3 hours. From the age of 25 days, kittens can be fed as usual, every 4 hours. If you decide to accustom your animal to natural food, and not to specialized food, you should start feeding with a soft, pasty food.

Infant formula is ideal. With such a diet, the pet's vitamin and mineral balance should be maintained by monitoring the regular intake of phosphorus and calcium. To do this, it is necessary to gradually introduce grated cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, vegetables and meat into the food.

Up to six months, kittens eat 4 - 6 times a day, depending on their temperament and level of activity.

It is optimal to arrange a personal corner for your pet, where he will have constant access to water and food. Throughout the life of an animal, and especially in its childhood, it is useful to remember that the portion of food is proportional to the kitten itself. Do not overfeed your pet, the extra weight has not benefited anyone yet.

Fortunately, newborn kittens rarely enter our home. But menstruation and three weeks - often. Nevertheless, the question of what to feed a small pet does not become less acute from this. He is in the house, and this baby wants to eat! 3-4 weeks is not the best age for kittens. In theory, such crumbs are not taken off the cat.

This is inhumane. But if you took a 3 or 4-week-old baby into the house, you need to feed him fully, organizing proper nutrition for him.

Feeding little kittens at the age of 1 month

A baby at this age still needs to be fed with a milk mixture, as well as introduce solid foods into the pet's menu - cheese, porridge, steep yolk, cottage cheese, fish and meat.

If, from the very first months of a little kitten's life, you introduce fruits and vegetables into his diet, it will be great and very, very important for him. Many cats treat fruits and vegetables favorably. Some eat apples and cucumbers, others are ready to sell their souls for a slice of watermelon, others are not indifferent to carrots, and the fourth by the tail cannot be torn from persimmons, ripe melons or canned green peas. And the sooner you offer such products to your ward, the more likely he will appreciate them.

Cats are conservative, they don't like to change their habits too much. Not taught in childhood - it will be much more difficult to teach in adulthood. Give the little kitten vegetables both raw and grated. Not appreciated in slices, grind in mashed potatoes and add to the main diet forcibly.

It can be a cucumber, apple, carrot, various greens, even young nettles. It is healthier to feed with raw vegetables, seasoning with a little vegetable oil. Why do this? It has been proven that most vitamins are absorbed better together with oil, in which they dissolve well.

When compiling a complete kitten's diet, it must be remembered that cats are predators by nature. It is this fact that should determine the nutrition of a small kitten, which must certainly include meat products. Kittens lead an active lifestyle, grow quickly and have an excellent appetite. At this stage, it is advisable not to overfeed the pet, giving preference to the frequency of feeding, rather than increasing portions.

Feeding kittens with natural food

For the convenience of novice owners of a fluffy miracle, below is an approximate list of products suitable for feeding kittens:

  • Diet meat or minced meat (beef, lamb). The product can be served both raw and cooked;
  • Poultry (turkey, chicken), mainly loins;
  • Lean boiled fish (cod, hake) without spices;
  • Soups and broths;
  • Pasty porridges;
  • Fermented milk products intended for feeding babies (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cream 10%);
  • Once every 4 days, it is permissible to give the baby an egg yolk. Boiled or raw, mixed with cottage cheese;
  • Occasionally, you can pamper the fluffy with delicacies. Kittens love grated cheese, boiled shrimp, chicken livers or hearts.

For better growth and well-being with natural feeding, veterinarians strongly recommend giving small kittens vitamin supplements from specialized firms Farmavit, Doctor Zoo, Kitzim, which can be purchased in a store or pharmacy for animals.

It is strictly forbidden to feed cats:

  1. Fatty meats;
  2. Smoked meats;
  3. Fish or bird bones;
  4. Mix sugar and spices into the feed. Salt is acceptable in small amounts.

Remember to wash your pet's bowls in time. Since childhood, all cats have a very sensitive sense of smell, therefore it is recommended to clean the dishes with running warm water, without the use of chemicals.

It is preferable to feed the animals with warm food. Too cold or hot food can harm the kitten.

What about soups? Can they? In nature, cats do great without soups. But once a week, you can pamper your little one with soup. Only this cat soup should be free of salt and spices, and the meat in it should be cut into small cubes. In other words, cat soup is more like broth.

And most importantly - nothing, nothing from your own table! Remember this rule for life. No matter how the kitten "suffers", no matter how sadly he looks at the goulash with a piquant sauce in your plate, it is strictly forbidden for him. And not because you are such a cruel owner, you regret the treat for the baby. But because the goulash from your plate and the sauce are poison for him. And your soups are also poison. After all, you put in them bouillon cubes, and spices, and salt, and many more different seasonings. Including the seemingly harmless bay leaf.

Your stomach can handle it just fine. But the kitten's body is not. What about mashed potatoes? Often, cat owners feed this rubbish to their animal. Do not. Potatoes are generally not needed in any form, not only for a small kitten, but also for adult cats. Occasionally, you can feed the cat with a slice of boiled potatoes, but not mashed potatoes, especially if the mashed potatoes are from a bag!

Also, avoid treating little kittens to sausage, any, even boiled, sweets, cakes and other sweets. They don't need anything like that! Not necessary! Decide once and for all: here is food for humans, and here is food for a kitten. The main thing is to get the point. Cats should, in fact, consume the same natural foods as their owners. But dishes from these products are prepared according to different recipes.

Attitude towards finished feed

Do you think bag and box food is good? Do you yourself consider chips and kirieshki food? Will you raise your child on such food? You can crunch the chips once or twice. But even fast food in the form of a bun with a sausage would never occur to anyone to call a complete food. And all kinds of crackers - even more so. There are, of course, premium dry food from the series of the most expensive. Among them are the 4 Paws Club, Husse KATTUNGE, Pro Plan Kitten, Nero Gold Kitten Chicken, Gina Elite Kitten. Experts do not object to them. But this is not Whiskas or Kitekat, aggressively imposed on us by TV ads. These are just the lowest-grade and not high-quality ones.

It is necessary to introduce dry food into the diet of a small kitten gradually in small portions, because his digestive system is not yet perfect and is formed during the first weeks of life. Dry food can be pre-soaked.

Feeding kittens with ready-made formula

In the event that you have decided to feed your baby with specialized mixtures, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It must be remembered that the basis of the kitten's diet should still be soft, canned food. It is permissible to use dry food 1 - 2 times a day;
  • The use of additional additives with such a diet is not necessary, specialized animal feed already contains all the necessary vitamins;
  • During the demi-season, it is important to feed the kitten with fresh grass. Wheat or oat seeds for cats can be purchased at your pet store.

When feeding kittens with dry food and canned food, it is also important to carefully monitor the portion sizes and not overfeed the animal.

Whichever feeding method you choose is the best for your ward, it is important to always follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not offer the kitten sweet food, sugar is very harmful to his health;
  2. Do not allow him to carry food from the master's table, the digestive system of cats is strikingly different from that of humans, and some products from the master's table can seriously harm him;
  3. Carefully monitor the size of portions for the animal and the cleanliness of its dishes;
  4. Observe the kitten's drinking regime.

By following the above recommendations, you can easily feed a kitten, having a healthy, grateful and cheerful friend. And your days together will be filled with only positive emotions.
And the writer M. Bulgakov invented the Behemoth cat, walking around the house with a pickled mushroom, impaled on a fork. Cats do not eat pickled mushrooms. It is harmful to them. And the taste is disgusting for a cat's understanding.