How to feel pregnancy before the delay: the first signs are doubtful and reliable. Signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation Can a headache after conception

Every girl dreams that the first and long-awaited 2 strips will appear on the test. And, of course, any expectant mother independently diagnosed the signs of pregnancy before going to the gynecologist. And when a week remains before menstruation, a woman begins to feel the first signs of pregnancy.

The first and main signs of pregnancy are a delay in menstruation, a positive hCG test and 2 strips on a pregnancy test. But these are not all the signs that may be before the delay in menstruation. In the first weeks after the intended conception, you need to listen to your own body as carefully as possible.

There are the first signs thanks to which many women knew about pregnancy long before their period. Signs of pregnancy during a delay in menstruation appear differently for each woman. Someone's temperature rises and blood pressure decreases, while some, on the contrary, do not feel anything, and learn about the alleged pregnancy only if they are delayed with the help of a test.

Signs of pregnancy before delay

  • chest swells and hurts;
  • the basal temperature rises;
  • toxicosis, starting from the 2nd week of pregnancy;
  • frequent urination occurs, most often at night;
  • lumbago is felt in the lower back;
  • there is a change in taste preferences;
  • insomnia appears;
  • there is heaviness in the pelvic region;
  • there is pain in the lower abdomen;
  • apathy starting from 1-2 weeks of pregnancy;
  • headache periodically, and body temperature may rise.

The manifestation of signs can be completely at any time, but the most frequent manifestation is the first 1-2 weeks of pregnancy.

What happens in the body during pregnancy

Breast swelling and soreness

Most women complain of painful breasts.

which symptoms are observed during the first 1-2 weeks during pregnancy. But breast tenderness can be before menstruation and during a cold. If your chest hurts and your body temperature rises, you should consult a mammologist. During pregnancy, the breast increases noticeably, and the pain intensifies and worsens more than during menstruation. If, in addition to breast pain, there are no other symptoms, then these signs indicate upcoming menstruation.

Basal temperature

Another symptom of pregnancy is basal temperature, which reaches 37 degrees. If a woman maintains a personal chart on which her temperature is noted, it is much easier for her to recognize a pregnancy. The temperature should be measured in the anus in the morning, without getting out of bed. The temperature will stay for about the first 2 weeks, and then, when the placenta is restored, the temperature will return to normal. Above 37.3, the temperature does not rise in the presence of pregnancy. But if it did rise, then it could be a cold disease. Before menstruation, the basal temperature does not rise.

Fatigue, tiredness and drowsiness

If a woman feels some apathy, then you can safely think about pregnancy even before the delay.

which symptoms begin, as a rule, a week after the day of the intended conception. The main cause of apathy is mental depression due to the hormone progesterone. This state will last for about the first 2 months, but then everything will fall into place. But one should play it safe, as these signs may indicate an upcoming cold and overwork, as well as the imminent onset of menstruation.

Nausea, vomiting, and increased salivation

These are the first and most obvious signs of pregnancy. Such signs are called pregnancy toxicosis. Toxicosis can be completely limitless and begin in any trimester. Most often, it begins at 2 weeks of pregnancy, and can last as long as you like.

In the first months of pregnancy, toxicosis can be pronounced. Vomiting can be 2 times, or even more. But toxicosis is an individual process for every woman. For most expectant mothers, toxicosis begins in the morning and can keep the lady in this position all day long. Also, it should be noted that the body temperature may rise. But toxicosis can be confused with banal food poisoning, in this case you need to be very careful.

Frequent urination

Expectant mothers observe themselves by running to the toilet due to frequent urges. Before menstruation, this symptom is not observed. Most often, urination begins at night, interrupting the calm and sweet sleep of the expectant mother. During the day, a girl can go to the toilet 2-4 times. Frequent urges are due to the fact that the hormonal background of the body changes. But frequent visits to the ladies' room can also be caused by problems with the urinary tract or after exposure to medications.

Changing taste preferences

Favorite delicacies can instantly taste disgusting, and what a woman could not eat can eat with pleasure and not resist. This symptom can be both before menstruation, and during a delay in menstruation. If a woman smoked or drank alcohol before pregnancy, then during pregnancy the smell of cigarette smoke can cause nausea and even vomiting. Even the scent of your favorite eau de toilette can become disgusting.

Severity in the pelvic region

Before the delay in menstruation, a woman may feel heaviness in the groin and pelvic region. These are the first and clear signs of pregnancy before delay. This condition suggests that the uterus and blood flow to the organs are increasing. Before the delay of menstruation, such signs are the norm.


Future mothers, not knowing that they are in an interesting position, toss and turn for a long time before going to bed. This condition can also indicate pregnancy. The sleep of the expectant mother becomes more hectic. Most often this is 2 weeks of pregnancy. Many women note the fact that they go to bed much earlier, and wake up very early in the morning, and it is impossible to fall asleep again after waking up.

Lower abdominal pain

During pregnancy, a woman can observe a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. But this symptom can also be before menstruation. Also, pain in the lower abdomen can speak of appendicitis, so a woman should be extremely attentive to her body.

Back pain

One of the most common signs of pregnancy is lumbar pain. The so-called "lumbago", which are in the region of the sacrum, indicate that the expectant mother can rejoice in the upcoming pregnancy. But it is very important to distinguish between "lumbago" from other diseases in the lumbar spine. This sign can also be before menstruation.


During pregnancy, the woman's body is rebuilt and prepared for the future birth process, and prepares the breast for further attachment of the baby to it. And due to the fact that the body is rebuilding, there may be headaches. They can annoy the expectant mother during the entire first trimester of pregnancy. But this symptom can be both before menstruation and before a cold.

Increased appetite

The expectant mother may just have an unrealistic appetite. She will want to eat some delicacy that she could not even look at before. During pregnancy, a woman feels constant thirst. But you should drink in moderation, as this leads to edema, and, perhaps, the doctor will ask you to count the diuresis daily. The same goes for food. The mom-to-be should not overeat a lot, the food should be balanced. But the same signs may be before menstruation.

In order to be sure of the intended pregnancy, you should make a pregnancy test, which will have pronounced 2 strips, or donate blood for hCG. After the test and hCG are positive, you can safely go to the gynecologist and get registered. The doctor will give all the necessary recommendations. How to prepare your breasts for feeding your baby, swaddle, bathe, etc.

Lack of menstruation is a well-known sign of pregnancy. But you have probably heard the statements of some women that they knew about conception even before the delay. Let's try to figure out if this is possible and what are the signs of pregnancy before menstruation.

Formally, the first days after fertilization of the egg are not yet considered pregnancy, since the future baby at that moment did not have time to gain a foothold in the uterus. But nevertheless, certain changes in the mother's body are already beginning to occur.

During the first week after meeting with the sperm, the fertilized egg moves along the fallopian tube and, reaching the uterus, is fixed in it. At the site of introduction, the placenta begins to form, which will supply the baby with nutrients.

From this point on, the production of progesterone begins - a hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy. Then, the umbilical cord is formed and the cardiovascular system of the fetus is laid. A bubble is formed around the embryo, filled with amniotic fluid.

During all these processes, there is an increased blood flow to the uterus and hormonal changes. This affects the mother's body and can cause a number of symptoms.

The first symptoms indicating conception

The first signs of pregnancy after menstruation before the expected start of a new cycle, when a delay should occur, are weakly expressed and depend on the individual body's response to the new condition. Symptoms that indicate a recent conception include:

  • Mild drawing or tingling pain in the lower abdomen. Such sensations are the norm and indicate the preparation of the uterus for bearing a child.
  • Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands. Not all women develop this symptom before the delay, but such breast changes may indicate a recent conception.
  • Change in the amount of vaginal discharge. Due to the rush of blood to the genitals that occurs during pregnancy, women may notice that their daily discharge has become more abundant.
  • Frequent urination. The enlarging uterus begins to press on the bladder, which causes frequent urge to empty.
  • Implantation bleeding. On the 6-12th day after conception, sometimes there is not abundant yellowish-brown discharge, which women take for the onset of menstruation. If they stop soon, and menstruation does not begin, with a high degree of probability they were caused by the implantation of an egg into the wall of the uterus.
  • Distinct manifestation of vascular pattern on the limbs, abdomen and chest. This happens under the influence of hormones and becomes less noticeable over time.
  • The rise in basal temperature. BT is measured rectally using a thermometer. Only those women who have been observing regularly can notice the change. After conception, the so-called implantation sinking occurs, when BT decreases sharply, the next day it rises above 37 ° C and remains at this level.
  • Digestive upset. Due to hormonal changes, metabolic processes in the body can be temporarily disrupted, which causes constipation or loose stools.
  • Increased salivation. This symptom is associated with the onset of early toxicosis and is often accompanied by nausea or vomiting.
  • Fatigue, drowsiness, fatigue. Apathy is one of the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation. This feeling can make itself felt a week after the day of the intended conception. The causes of fatigue and drowsiness lie in the fact that the hormone progesterone, which begins to be produced in a pregnant woman, depresses the psyche. However, the same condition can be caused by commonplace overwork or a cold.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic region. The very first signs of pregnancy before delay include a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic organs. In pregnant women, the size of the uterus increases and blood flow to the organs increases. That is why ladies can feel heaviness in the pelvic region even before the delay. Some women also have a feeling of "fullness" in their organs.
  • Back pain. Another first sign of pregnancy before your period may be lower back pain. "Shoots" in the sacrum area give a signal to a woman that she is pregnant. It is very important to be able to distinguish them from pain arising from any disease.
  • Headache. Serious changes occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. Because of them, headaches can occur. They can torment a pregnant woman during the entire first trimester. The reason for their appearance can be not only pregnancy, but various diseases.
  • Increased appetite. Increased appetite is one of the signs of pregnancy. In women in the early stages, there is a desire to eat something (cucumbers, ice cream, etc.), a craving for certain products appears. A lady in position, despite an increase in appetite, should eat in moderation. Overeating during pregnancy is undesirable, as is fasting. Nutrition should be complete. All the necessary nutrients should be present in the food of a pregnant woman in sufficient quantities.

Focusing on the listed first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation, it is impossible to establish for sure whether there was conception or not. The presence of even several symptoms at the same time may indicate some disease or hormonal imbalance.

You can clarify the situation by doing a pregnancy test, or by taking a blood test for hCG. It is not necessary to wait for a delay for this, already in 7-10 days after the expected moment of fertilization, the laboratory study will be reliable. High sensitivity tests can also detect pregnancy during this period, although a false negative result is possible.

What sensations can indicate pregnancy before the delay in menstruation?

First of all, the emotional sphere responds to the onset of pregnancy. Many women notice that they have become more nervous and vulnerable, any irritants during this period can cause tears.

Sometimes there is a change in food addictions, an exacerbation of the sense of smell, familiar dishes and smells begin to cause disgust. The expectant mother can quickly get tired, feel sleepy and weak.

Other indirect signs of pregnancy are possible before the delay in menstruation:

  • a woman becomes hot and cold for no apparent reason;
  • dry mouth appears;
  • pulling pain in the lumbar back;
  • limbs swell slightly;
  • worried about insomnia.

Another symptom of recent conception, noted by many mothers, is sensations reminiscent of the onset of a cold. Nasal congestion appears, but its causes are not necessarily associated with acute respiratory infections.

The fact is that the progesterone produced in the early stages of pregnancy provokes fluid retention in the body, manifested by mucosal edema. During this period, women find it difficult to breathe through the nose, snoring at night may appear.

Often the body temperature rises to 37-37.2 °. This is normal and is caused by increased production of progesterone.

Of course, the possibility cannot be ruled out that the listed changes in the condition may be associated with a cold. The risk of contracting a respiratory infection in early pregnancy is increased by the natural decrease in immunity required for the baby to attach normally.

If other symptoms have joined the nasal congestion - cough, sore throat, temperature rise above 37.5 °, you should seek medical help.

At the appointment, you need to inform the doctor that you may be pregnant in order to prescribe medications that are permissible in this condition. Self-medication for expectant mothers is highly discouraged.

Lifestyle of a woman in early pregnancy

If a woman feels the beginning of pregnancy, even if this has not yet been confirmed by tests, she needs to change her lifestyle taking into account a possible new condition. Fundamental changes are not needed, but you should start taking care of yourself more.

It is better to stop active rest or household chores associated with significant physical activity. It is important to observe the regime of the day and rest, get enough sleep. Nutrition should be complete, walks in the fresh air are useful.

Alcohol during this period should be excluded and try not to be in the same room with people who smoke or have a cold. In the early stages, any negative factor can lead to the appearance of malformations in the fetus or threaten the continuation of pregnancy.

Without serious indications, you should not take any medications, because the effect of many of them on the development of the child is unpredictable. Sometimes even a short intake of pain relievers or antibiotics leads to malfunctions in the formation of the fetus and subsequent congenital abnormalities, not all of which can be detected antenatally.

Viral diseases such as chickenpox and mumps pose a particular risk in the first weeks and months of pregnancy. Therefore, expectant mothers who did not get sick with them in childhood should avoid places of possible infection. You should refrain from visiting friends whose children are sick or have recently suffered from these diseases, as well as not attend various public events.

If the expectant mother falls ill with one of the listed ailments at an early stage, doctors recommend that she have an abortion. This is due to the fact that the likelihood of a later appearance of a disabled child with anomalies in the development of the organs of hearing, vision, limbs or the brain is very high.

Almost any young mother can recall the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation. Someone found physiological changes, others noted changes in appetite and smell, and still others - mood swings. We will tell you which early pregnancy symptoms before menstruation are most common and how you can check them before the expected start of your period.

How does pregnancy come about?

To better understand the signs of pregnancy before your period occurs, you need to know how the normal cycle goes and what happens when you conceive. The average cycle time is 28-30 days, the countdown is always carried out from the first day of menstruation. During it, the endometrium "sheds" unnecessary tissue that was not required in the last month, and this process is accompanied by moderate bleeding for 3-6 days. In parallel with this, the dominant follicle begins to mature in the ovary, which is facilitated by the follicle-stimulating hormone. Due to a decrease in the level of estrogen on the following days, the basal temperature (BT) decreases and the concentration of progesterone increases. When BT reaches a minimum and luteinizing hormone is released, ovulation occurs, with which the follicular phase ends.

How does pregnancy start?

After leaving the follicle, the egg remains ready for fertilization for 12-36 hours, depending on a number of factors. At this time, the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle lasts. Thanks to her, some glands begin to synthesize mucus, and the new uterine endometrium grows and becomes looser. It is replaced by the luteal phase, in which progesterone, androgens and estradiol are produced. This is how the body prepares to receive the fertilized egg. If conception has taken place, then in about 3-7 days the process of implantation of the embryo will begin. Before him, the egg, fused with the sperm, will move along the fallopian tubes and "float" in the uterine cavity, dividing into cells. As soon as the chorionic villi from the outer layer of the embryo begin to invade the endometrium, increased production of chorionic gonadotropin, hCG, will start. It is to this "pregnancy hormone" that all pharmacy tests react.

Signs of early pregnancy before menstruation

As you can see, preparation for conception and the onset of pregnancy are accompanied by serious hormonal changes. All of them affect the physiological processes and, as a result, changes in well-being, which include the signs of pregnancy during menstruation in the early stages. Symptoms differ in severity and order of appearance, but almost all women noticed at least 1-2 of them even before the delay.

Engorgement of the mammary glands

Many people experience an increase in breast sensitivity and its slight increase on the eve of menstruation, but it is this change that can be the first sign of pregnancy before menstruation. Already in the first days after the start of implantation, the mammary glands begin to increase at an unusual rate, become somewhat painful. The sensitivity of the nipples increases, 1-2 days before menstruation, the areolas may darken slightly, although in most cases this occurs at a later date. Changes in the mammary glands are associated with changes in the hormonal background, since from the first days the body prepares not only for the preservation of the fetus, but also for the further feeding of the child.

Dislike of familiar smells

Many of the quirks of pregnant women are explained by the activity of the so-called dominant of pregnancy. It is a region of the cerebral cortex that functions under the control of progesterone. Its task is to help the body find the necessary resources that will protect both the development of the child in the womb and the maintenance of "reserves" in the body of the expectant mother. Scientists associate changes in the sense of smell with this focus of arousal. The woman begins to "pull" on some smells, while others, familiar and pleasant earlier, seem unbearable. On the forums where the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation are discussed, perfume compositions in hygiene products and household chemicals, fried dishes and grills, as well as meat aromas are most often mentioned among the "forbidden" ones.

Dislike of odors - one of the first symptoms of pregnancy before delay

By the way, olfactory perception changes throughout pregnancy. In some, it returns to normal by the second trimester, while in others, unusual preferences persist until the very birth. Unpleasant odors should be minimized - they cause irritation unnecessary for the expectant mother. At the same time, it is worth "listening" to pleasant aromas: through the sense of smell, the body can suggest what products and substances it needs at the present time.

New eating habits

The essence of changes in eating habits is the same as in olfactory fads, and you can notice them a week before your period. Their reason is the same dominant of pregnancy, the functioning of which is aimed at supplying the fetus with everything necessary. It activates the search for micro- and macroelements, which are not enough in the body, through unusual taste preferences that change throughout all 9 months. They should be discussed with a doctor, since a heightened desire to eat certain dishes can be a reason for taking vitamins or dietary supplements. For example, there is a relationship between craving for certain foods and a deficiency of certain substances:

  • iron - craving for ordinary ice, inedible substances, coffee, fish;
  • phosphorus - you want strong tea and coffee, chocolate and cheese;
  • chlorides - a passion for salty foods (cucumbers, canned food, popcorn, etc.)
  • magnesium - attracts to Greek, sweets and cocoa.

Eating habits may change with the onset of pregnancy.

Loss of appetite or overeating

Sudden changes in eating behavior are another early symptom of pregnancy before menstruation. Apathy for food is often associated with toxicosis, often accompanied by nausea and even vomiting. They are associated with the fact that the beginning of pregnancy is a stressful condition for the body. The healthy body perceives the embryo that penetrates the endometrium as threats and tries to reject it. At the same time, the normal reproductive system, due to progesterone and other hormones, suppresses protective functions in order to preserve pregnancy and support the development of the embryo. This "contradiction" is completely natural, but it also often affects the state of health. The same factors provoke a diametrically opposite state, when a woman begins to eat "for two", not knowing about her interesting situation.

It is difficult to guess how the appetite will change after conception, but as a guideline, you can build on the usual behavior on the eve of menstruation. Some in the last cycles do not want to eat anything at all, while others, on the contrary, want sweet, starchy foods or just food in large portions. As a rule, it is the habitual eating behavior that increases with the onset of pregnancy.


Even 7-10 days before menstruation, you can notice such a sign of pregnancy as mood swings. Rapid transitions from tearfulness and anger to joy and enthusiasm occur after conception, not only among choleric people, but also among women with a “calm” type of temperament. High emotional lability is associated with hormonal changes. If we recall the unusual "jumps" of mood, even with the usual premenstrual syndrome, mood swings in the case of a global restructuring of the body at the beginning of pregnancy do not seem unexpected. Nevertheless, it is they who can signal a woman and her environment about an "interesting situation."

Mood swings happen in the first weeks of pregnancy

It is extremely difficult to control your own emotions, but it is necessary to do it. Having learned about pregnancy, a woman will be able to approach her own mood more consciously - this will make it possible to restrain negative manifestations from which both the expectant mother herself and her loved ones suffer, and the growing baby.


Physiological and biochemical changes that occur in the first days after the conception of a child, in the vast majority of cases, are reflected in certain changes in well-being. Most often, the expectant mother notices such signs of pregnancy as before menstruation:

  • drowsiness is one of the most common "symptoms", which manifests itself with a constant lifestyle, diet and daily routine, a woman notices that she literally falls asleep on the go and how she wants to spend more time alone;
  • weakness - a decrease in tone, dizziness and even fainting is explained by the adaptation of the body to a new position, but in any case - both with suspicion of pregnancy, and without it, should be the reason for going to the doctor;
  • chills - when the egg and sperm merge and in the first weeks after implantation, the basal temperature is kept at more than 37 degrees, coupled with changes in the hormonal background, this can cause a feeling of chills;
  • decreased performance - a breakdown due to the fact that, due to hormonal changes, the body "until the circumstances are clarified" tries to conserve its own resources, such a state may be accompanied by absent-mindedness, inattention in communication, problems with concentration during mental work;
  • insomnia - this symptom of early pregnancy before menstruation can be the result of a combination of several factors - hormonal and physiological changes associated with them fatigue, stress, heartburn and other problems.

Nausea is the main symptom of pregnancy before menstruation and a "classic" symptom of early toxicosis. It can be severe and associated with malaise in the morning, or, conversely, worsens in the evening.

Can I feel sick before pregnancy delay?

How to check for signs of pregnancy before your period?

Signs of pregnancy can be checked already 4-5 days before menstruation. It is best to adhere to modern methods with accurate results - this is an analysis for hCG and pharmacy tests with high sensitivity.

HCG analysis

The most reliable, reliable and correct way to confirm the fact of conception is to be tested for hCG: chorionic gonadotropin begins to increase from the moment of implantation, its concentration doubles every 2-2.5 days, and it is easiest to track it by blood. Such a study is advisable already 4 days before the expected start of the next menstruation, provided that the menstrual cycle has a stable duration, and ovulation falls in its middle. Chorionic gonadotropin is normally produced only in the female body and only from the beginning of embryo implantation. HCG testing is often prescribed for couples who have used IVF or any other assisted reproductive technology, since it is the main way to assess the results of treatment measures. Nevertheless, any woman can pass such an analysis at her discretion. By the way, if you track the growth of hCG over time, that is, according to the results of several tests, you can be sure that the pregnancy is developing correctly.

Pharmacy test

Pregnancy tests, which are available in pharmacies and even supermarkets in a wide range of prices, differ in design, method of use and sensitivity. They all work according to the same principle - the reagent in them gives a positive result when the level of hCG in urine, which corresponds to the threshold values ​​of a particular model. Inexpensive strip tests react with a chorionic gonadotropin concentration of 20 mMU / ml, i.e. they can confirm pregnancy signs 1-2 before delay. New generation digital tests have a sensitivity of 10-15 mMU / ml, the examination result is displayed on a digital screen, i.e. it is impossible to make a mistake with a barely noticeable second strip and give yourself a false negative result with such tests.

The easiest way to check for signs of pregnancy is with a test.

There are several factors to consider when using pharmacy pregnancy tests:

  1. When performing the study, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, for example, regarding the time during which the result should be evaluated.
  2. For the analysis, morning urine is best suited - it is in it that the concentration of hCG will be maximum.
  3. The test can give a false negative result if done too early.
  4. A positive result can not only confirm early signs of pregnancy, but also signal the implantation of an embryo outside the uterine cavity or the development of tumor formations. Therefore, when you see the "two stripes" on the test, you need to consult a doctor for advice and examination as soon as possible.

Some women are eagerly awaiting the onset of pregnancy, for others - it turns out to be an absolute surprise. But for the first and for the second, it is important to understand whether the miracle of conception has happened or not, and preferably as soon as possible. How to define an offensive pregnancy even before the delay of menstruation , what should you pay attention to, and whatappear most often? If you notice that some changes are taking place in the body that are not entirely clear to you, we will explain which of them speak of the onset of pregnancy, and which have nothing to do with it.

By the way, many women claim that they "knew" about the onset of pregnancy, or rather felt, even before the test showed two strips. We will list someso that you clarify your condition for yourself and draw appropriate conclusions.


· Signs of pregnancy before delay: first week

To begin with, in reality, the 1st week of pregnancy starts even before the pregnancy itself. Exactly. A full-term pregnancy in medicine is the period of gestation for a baby of 40 weeks. But the starting point in obstetrics is the date of the first day of the last menstruation.

It is during menstruation that the eggs begin to form, which are some kind of prototype of the future heir or heiress. During this first week, the woman's body will choose the best one, one of the three hundred thousand formed eggs, for the further creation of a new life.

It is clear that signs of pregnancy in the 1st week are simply absent, because menstruation is still going on or has just ended, and conception has not occurred. Actually the earliest,, which can be recognized or felt, begin to appear only from the 2-3rd week after the last menstruation, that is, from the middle.

· The first signs of pregnancy after conception

When conception has occurred, the woman's body begins to actively change its tasks and functions, adapting to the needs of the unborn child growing in her mother's tummy. Many may turn out to be unpleasant for you, and some even painful. Alas, the restructuring of the body to a completely new mode of life cannot pass without a trace, and therefore it is worth being patient.

Try to treat your own feelings calmly and with understanding. But remember: pregnancy is not a disease, but only a new state of the body, albeit not always rosy. At the end of this test, you will receive a well-deserved reward - the birth of your blood.

So, let's listtypical in most cases in women awaiting replenishment:

  1. slight bleeding;
  2. change and increase in basal temperature;
  3. malaise;
  4. increased breast sensitivity;
  5. sensations of "fullness" in the lower abdomen, tingling inside the uterus, bloating, possibly intestinal upset - all at once or separately;
  6. rapid fatigability, drowsiness, absent-mindedness;
  7. maybe throw it into the heat, then into the cold;
  8. aversion to odors, nausea, taste changes, increased salivation;
  9. back pain, headaches;
  10. frequent urination;
  11. increased vaginal discharge;
  12. delay of menstruation.

Why are these changes taking place? Will all pregnant women experience them? And is there any reason to worry if there is a pregnancy, but there are no signs? Let's deal with everything in order.

1. : minor bleeding

Any woman can be a little puzzled by a discharge that vaguely resembles the onset of menstruation. The first thought is that menstruation somehow starts wrong, and somehow at the wrong time. Allocationsafter conception characteristic yellowish-brown color and a small amount - they are not abundant, but rather smearing.

These so-called implantation bleeding is the mostthe first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation ... They can appear 6-12 days after conception, when planting, implantation, and simply the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus occurs.

The presence of implantation bleeding is not at all necessary, you may not even notice it. But if they are repeated after a delay in menstruation, then you should be wary and visit the gynecologist immediately. At this time, there is a risk of miscarriage, so it makes sense to take a closer look at your health.

2. The first signs of pregnancy: a change in basal temperature

The early signs of pregnancy before the delay are headed by an increase in basal temperature, starting from the moment of ovulation, that is, in the second half of a woman's menstrual cycle. To to determine this sign, you need to measure the body temperature in the rectum for several days in a row. This should be done in the morning, immediately after waking up and without getting out of bed - this is important for reliability. The basal temperature during pregnancy is consistently above 37 degrees, as a rule, it is in the range of 37-37.2, but in some cases it can rise up to 38 degrees.

This happens because in the body at the onset of conception, the level of the hormone progesterone rises, which affects the rise in temperature indicators.

True, an increased basal temperature persists only during the first two weeks after conception, or more precisely, the temperature does not say anything in the future. When the placenta begins to function fully, the temperature should recover. If this does not happen, then either something is wrong with the pregnancy, or the increase in temperature was not associated with the onset of pregnancy. More details about this feature can be found in the article.

3. Early signs of pregnancy before delay: malaise

Some women who do not yet know that they are pregnant seem to have a cold. Such sensations are explained by the fact that the body temperature rises slightly in the early stages, and as a result, malaise, increased fatigue.

However, there is indeed some deterioration in well-being: a runny nose may begin, a sore throat may appear. General immunity at this time decreases slightly, pregnancy becomes an absolute priority for the body.

4. The first signs of pregnancy: breast tenderness

Changes in sensation and some swelling, swelling of the breast is a sign of pregnancy, characteristic of 1-2 weeksafter conception ... The woman's chest becomes more sensitive: soreness at the slightest touch, at times it is literally impossible to touch it. However, such signs of pregnancy before the delay are not at all necessary, it happens the other way around: a woman does not feel changes in her breasts and wonders why she does not hurt, as usually happens before menstruation.

Darkening of the skin around the nipple area may indicate the onset of pregnancy. Also, discharge from the nipples may appear when pressed. The body thus prepares the mammary glands for breastfeeding the baby after birth.

5. The first signs of pregnancy before menstruation : sensations in the lower abdomen

The development of pregnancy uses all the forces of the woman's body. To the pelvic area P There is a significant increase in blood flow, the uterus of the pregnant woman begins to increase in size. Therefore, many women say that they feel the uterus right from the earliest possible date. In addition to the feeling of "fullness" in the lower abdomen, tingling inside the uterus, bloating and sometimes upset intestines are possible. Such early signs may appear all at once or separately, or not at all.

For the same reason, the appearance of hemorrhoids and varicose veins of pregnant women ... In general, such phenomena are characteristic of the second half of pregnancy, due to an increase in the fetus and uterus. But in some expectant mothers, mostly multiparous, these problems may appear in the early stages.

6. Signs of pregnancy: fatigue, drowsiness, absent-mindedness

Fatigue, constant drowsiness, a state of absent-mindedness, sometimes anxiety, sentimentality or excessive emotionality all appear for the same reason: the active production of the hormone progesterone, a complete restructuring of the female body aimed at pregnancy.

Progesterone has an overwhelming effect on the psyche, causing drowsiness. This state will not last long. Already after 10 weeks of pregnancy, the placenta begins to produce its hormones, then the level of estrogens increases, which already have a stimulating effect on the woman's psyche.

7. Early signs of pregnancy: it can throw in a fever, then it becomes cold

This symptom is explained by an increase in temperature that accompanies a pregnant woman in the first few weeks, and a decrease in pressure.

In general, the state of the body rebuilding itself in a new, pregnant way is like a swing: until the processes of changes are stabilized, there may be changes in health, and increased sweating, and a feeling of either heat or cold, and weakness or excessive activity.

8. Signs of pregnancy before menses: changes in taste, aversion to odors, nausea, drooling

Early toxicosis is one of the main signs of pregnancy. Nausea and even vomiting occurs, as a rule, from the 2nd week, and the entire pregnancy can continue, periodically intensifying and then receding. This phenomenon is explained by changes in the functional state of the female central nervous system.

Changes in taste, taste preferences, as well as aversion to certain odors are characteristic of most women, only some lucky women manage to avoid these problems by carrying a baby.

Vomiting can happen twice or even more times during the day, it can be accompanied by profuse drooling and decreased appetite. In such cases, you should consult your doctor.

9. Signs of pregnancy: lower back pain, frequent headaches

In the region of the sacrum, pains resembling "lumbago" may appear, such lower back pain is observed in late pregnancy. The onset of headaches is explained by all the same hormones, or rather by a sudden change in their amount in a woman's body.

Such pains also serve as a sign of an interesting situation, but mostly indirect. As a rule, the level of hormones levels off by the end of the first trimester, headaches disappear, and the expectant mother can truly enjoy her position - the second trimester will bring noticeable relief to the pregnant woman.

10. Signs of pregnancy after conception: increased frequency of urination

Frequent urination is included inearly signs of pregnancy after conception ... The reason for them lies in an increase in the level of female hormones in the body, blood flow to the small pelvis, and temporary changes in kidney function.

In the second trimester, this symptom is referred to as a general manifestation of pregnancy. At this time, the increased frequency of urination occurs due to the growth of the uterus and its pressure on the woman's bladder.

11. The first signs of conception after a delay in menstruation: an increase in vaginal discharge

After conception, as already mentioned, the flow of blood to the pelvic organs increases, due to which the volume of vaginal discharge increases.

By the way, these secretions have a protective function: the increased content of hydrogen ions in the vaginal secretion protects the body of the pregnant woman and the baby in her tummy from the penetration of microbes.

But this phenomenon also has a serious disadvantage: this formed environment is favorable for the reproduction of yeast fungi, which is why thrush is so common in pregnant women, which requires mandatory competent treatment in order to avoid infection of the fetus. In addition, due to thrush, the risk of rupture during childbirth increases.

12. Signs of pregnancy: delayed periods

Changes in the menstrual calendar towards a delay in menstruation are the surest sign of pregnancy, the logical continuation of which is to conduct a pregnancy test and attend an antenatal clinic.

As discussed earlier, bleeding is possible at the beginning of pregnancy, but they are insignificant, not abundant and noticeably different from menstrual bleeding. In any case, it is important to understand the severity of the onset of a delay in menstruation, as well as a timely appeal to a gynecologist, since a delay can serve as a symptom of some kind of gynecological disease.

If your pregnant position has been confirmed, smile and tune in to an extremely positive perception of the changes taking place in your body. Get ready to become a mommy and be healthy!

Yana Lagidna, specially for


After fertilization of the egg, the body begins to produce pregnancy hormones, which prepare the woman to carry the fetus. In the body of the expectant mother, dramatic changes begin. This is the main reason for drowsiness.

Drowsiness appears 7-8 days after conception. Together with her comes a feeling of fatigue, apathy. All this can serve as a sign of a woman's pregnancy.

With the onset of pregnancy, drowsiness is combined with increased appetite. These symptoms are a defense mechanism that protects the body of a pregnant woman from overwork. Due to drowsiness, the nervous system is protected from stress and overload.

Quite often, women, unaware of the onset of pregnancy, take drowsiness as a symptom before the onset of the menstrual cycle. But later, other signs of an interesting situation appear: a delay in menstruation, an increase in breast sensitivity.

The feeling of lack of sleep, namely physical drowsiness, occurs after the second or third month of pregnancy. The body of the expectant mother gets tired. With the appearance of a tummy, it becomes uncomfortable to sleep. A night's sleep of a pregnant woman can be disturbed by cramps in the legs, heaviness in the stomach. All this is the reason for the lack of sleep.

By the beginning of the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy, drowsiness disappears. Hormonal changes are coming to an end. The woman gets used to her new state.

Sleepiness is normal. Lack of sleep can negatively affect the development of the unborn child. Try to go to bed between 10 pm and 1 am. During this period of time, healthy sleep occurs. In the morning you will wake up refreshed and refreshed.

Poor sleep can affect the birth process. Studies have shown that pregnant women who slept less than 6 hours a day had a longer labor time and a 5-fold increase in the risk of caesarean section. That is why doctors recommend that expectant mothers sleep for two.


Women who suffer from insomnia during pregnancy have low levels of iron in their blood. A balanced diet and taking vitamins will help improve sleep.

Useful advice

To normalize sleep, you must follow a few basic rules.
1. Try to sleep as little as possible during the day. Replace daytime naps with walks in the fresh air. It is useful for preventing the development of vascular disease.
2. Before bed, drink a glass of fresh juice or a cup of soothing tea.
3. Don't overeat. Take your last meal 3-4 hours before bedtime.
4. Sleep in comfortable clothing made from natural fabrics. Ventilate the room before bed.
5. Aromatherapy using special essential oils will help relieve stress.
6. A warm shower can also help you relax.


  • Earliest pregnancy symptoms