How to make a natural stone walkway correctly. DIY stone paths: options, materials, technology

Today there are a lot of materials from which you can pave paths on a personal plot. Of course, the leaders in the list of materials are natural stones. Chipped or tiled stone paths have excellent characteristics, but as with everything else, these materials also have drawbacks. The biggest of them is a fairly high price. But such a cost is justified by a long service life, a high percentage of strength and high decorative effect.

Natural stones for paths in the country, their advantages

Basically, paths of this type are made for approaching the house. But if there is a desire and money, they can be placed in the garden, and in the meadow, and in any area intended for recreation. The type of natural stones will look good and will be combined with green grassy lawns, flowering multi-colored flower beds, alpine slides and other items of plant and flower structures. Natural stones are unlikely to have any worthy rivals in this area. Natural material has its own natural unique beauty and originality, ease.

In addition, the material has the highest strength characteristics. Knowing these characteristics, you can safely use various types of stone for equipping paths: limestone, granite, shell rock, sandstone, paving stones and many others. But experts advise to remember that such materials as limestone and shell rock, when used in the open air, lose their performance, and their service life becomes very short. These materials are highly influenced by climatic conditions.

Despite all the characteristics relating only to the material and its properties, a visual comparison will show the aesthetic difference between a natural stone walkway and its concrete counterpart.

Wild stone paths - the most popular varieties of natural material

The construction of paths made of natural stone will require considerable financial costs, therefore, an attractive appearance, strength and reliability, and a long period of operation are expected from the result. When choosing a type of material, you need to know its quality and decorative characteristics. In most cases, the following are used for the construction of paths:

  • chipped paving stones, which is granite or shungtite fragments of an almost regular rectangular shape, with characteristic chipped edges, tile laying is quick and does not cause any particular difficulties;
  • flagstone, unlike paving stones, each of its fragments has different sizes and shapes, which gives the constructed paths a special decorative effect;
  • sawn stone before it gets to the buyer, it is subjected to sawing and grinding, which gives the stone a rectangular shape and a relatively smooth front surface;
  • boulders, cobblestone- these stones differ almost only in size, boulders are larger, cobblestones are smaller, they have a rounded shape, different shades, this allows you to create very bright and original compositions and real panels.

DIY stone paths

In order to correctly make a path from natural stone, you first need to designate it to the contours. Its parameters, forms and ornateness will completely depend on the needs, desires and needs of the owner of the personal plot. Contour ornateness can be designated in different ways: moisten with an irrigation hose, sprinkle with flour, mark with an ordinary rope. Then dig a trench. Its depth should be at least as deep as a shovel bayonet.

The sod that has been dug does not need to be thrown away. In the course of work, it can be used. After the trench has been dug, you need to fill it with pebbles, walked, rubble or bricks. This layer is for drainage. It must be compacted without fail. The next layer of wet sand also requires compaction.

Stone laying options

Subsequent actions can be performed in two ways. In the first, natural stones are laid on the sand. It will cost less, physical and time costs will also be less. Now the stones need to be pressed into the sand layer. This can be done with a rubber mallet, that is, a mallet. Having laid several meters of the path in this way, the stone must be fixed. For fixing, you will need a sand-cement mortar mixed 3: 1. With the help of a cone, which can be built from a cement bag, it is necessary to fill with a solution all the gaps formed between the stones.

The second method involves laying a stone on a concrete solution. This process looks like this. The mixed concrete mortar is poured up to 15 cm thick around the entire perimeter of the dug trench. In this option, natural stones also need to be pressed with a mallet. After the cement adheres to the stone placed in it, you can begin to close up the gaps between the stones. This is also done using a cone, all from the same cement bag.

At first glance, laying out natural stone paths is quite simple. But these options have their own special nuances, the failure of which threatens with an unsuccessful result of the work, wasted time and wasted money. The most important point is that the garden paths made of stone, after all the work is completed, should be slightly above ground level. This moment allows the water not to linger, but to drain. This fact is important - such processes will help the structure to be more durable and reliable.

In order to prevent the stones from creeping, a curb should be built along the edges. These curbs made from natural stone can be purchased at any specialized store. It is also worth remembering that some natural materials become slippery at low temperatures. These include, for example, marble - it is not suitable for paving garden paths.

Laying paths using geotextiles

After geosynthetic material appeared on the modern construction market, the opportunity to build a stone path with your own hands without using cement became very real. To create such a path, you will need a trench. Its width will completely depend on the wishes of the owner of the personal plot. Its depth can vary from 25 cm to 35 cm. The bottom of the dug trench must be thoroughly cleaned of roots, stones and other debris. Then tamp the bottom well. After that, rubble should be poured into the trench and non-woven geotextiles should be laid. It is necessary to lay the canvas in such a way that its edges are outside the trench and that their length outside is at least 40-50 cm. The next layer will be of gravel, which also requires compaction. Further, taking the edges of the canvas, you need to overlap a layer of tamped gravel. This will be the drainage.

On top of the geotextile, it is necessary to pour a layer of wet sand, approximately 15 cm thick. Now you can put paving stones or stone tiles on the sand. Each individual piece of stone should be lightly pressed into the sand with a rubber hammer. The gaps formed after the indentation are filled with sand using an ordinary broom. This process is not quick. It can last for about two weeks until all gaps are thoroughly filled with sand. If shrinkage of one or several elements of the masonry is detected, it will be enough to lift the seated fragment, add sand to the vacant place, put the fragment in place and press it in with the same rubber hammer.

How to make a path from stones

Before making a garden path on your personal plot, you need to familiarize yourself and carefully study the existing paving methods. The most interesting and unusual design option for a garden path is considered to be the technology of laying from single stones. This technology is simple and does not require complex formwork. By analogy with other ways of arranging the track, and in this, too, first of all, you should determine the location. Its most optimal width will be up to 60 cm. Tracks of this type are intended for walking, not for running. To roughly determine the width of your step, you need to walk some distance, measure it and divide it by the number of steps taken. You also need to remember to add 5 cm here for possible gaps between the stones.

When the dimensions of the path and the place of its future location are precisely determined, at this specific place it becomes necessary to remove the top layer of soil and draw up a trench. At its bottom, you need to make a bed of sand, with a layer of about 10 cm. A layer of this thickness will be enough for a rather long time of operation of the path. When there is a desire to get the feeling of a cut stone, the edges of the path should be made uneven. There is not much difference in how the next step will be taken. You can prepare the soil separately for each stone, or you can dig a ditch and after casting, fill the gaps between the stones with earth with grass seeds.

When a similar path is planned to be used infrequently, it will be more economical to build it one cobblestone at a time. Otherwise, when its location on the site involves intensive use, it makes sense to dig a continuous ditch. Each individual stone must be fenced off with a specially made formwork. To create the formwork, not bulky planks that coincide in width with the width of the trench are quite suitable. At a certain stage of work, the gaps formed are filled with soil. To prepare the filling, you need to take 5 parts of sand, 1 part of cement, 1 part of water. The resulting concrete mixture can easily withstand a pressure of 25 kg per 1 sq. see For a garden path on a personal plot, this will be quite enough. When preparing the solution, it is very important to ensure that its viscosity resembles sour cream. Experts advise, in the process of pouring stones, into the concrete mass to press iron rods or pieces of reinforcement. These iron additions need to be taken care of in advance.

Before starting to fill, the ditch must be watered. This action will make it possible to compact the sand, prevent stones from shrinking and prevent the flow of the concrete composition into the ground. When making a casting, you need to ensure that the stones used are on the same level. Fulfilling this condition, a correctly executed structure is formed. When you are on it and standing with two feet on different stones, there will be no discomfort and no difference in height. Of course, it is not at all necessary to build a horizontal path only. Stone elements can also be designed in the form of steps.

When such paving of natural stones is carried out, the possibility of decorating concrete will resolve the issue of combining concrete and natural stone. In order for the plan to work, you need to level the concrete surface, and then make protrusions and dents on it. A trowel is very useful in this process. the transition in height can be about 1 cm. On the next day, when the concrete solution began to set, but is still quite loose, if desired, you can make small grooves in it and fill them with a cement composition of a different color.

This finish is best used on large rocks or on a solid path. If the size is medium, the unevenness will be too visible. The described installation will be completed the next day, when the stones will be rounded. This is done by neatly cutting the edge. This will prevent the edges from chipping. After the work carried out, the owner of the site will enjoy the appearance, originality and uniqueness of his work for a long time.

A garden path is not only a beautiful decorative addition to the site, but also a functional element that ensures cleanliness and ease of movement around the territory. Paths can be natural or man-made, and the most optimal material for their creation is stone. Laying stone on paths is a specific process that requires certain skills and knowledge. In this article we will tell you how to make beautiful and durable stone garden paths with your own hands.

There are several types of garden paths, depending on the method of installation and the materials used:

  1. Paths are paths created in a natural way, that is, trodden by man or rammed by the wheels of cars. It is very simple to create them, but such paths have a significant drawback - they are washed out during the rain and become very dirty and difficult to pass. Well-trodden paths can be made more beautiful by lining the sides with a neat border of bricks, cobblestones, paving slabs or river stones.
  2. Backfills are a very easy way to make cute and comfortable paths on the site. To do this, you need to dig a shallow ditch of about 10 cm, cover the inner space with geotextiles with a density of at least 150 g / sq. m and strengthened on the sides with a curb. Pour pebbles, granite chips, gravel or screenings onto the resulting base and level. If opportunities permit, slabs of concrete or natural stone can be placed on top, slightly sunk in the sand to ensure a secure hold.
  3. Filling paths are the most reliable option, which is used in cases where the paths are exposed to serious stress (entrance to the garage). First, a concrete base is made, and then a stone, paving stone or tile is laid on it. If you make such a path on a small elevation of 5-7 cm, then during the rain they will remain clean and neat, it will be easier to clean them of snow and fallen leaves.

Laying paving slabs

Garden paths made of stone are easy to make using ordinary paving slabs. It will last for more than one year and will give the site a neat appearance.

What is required for work:

  • rubber mallet;
  • pegs;
  • level;
  • rake;
  • putty knife;
  • hose;
  • manual ramming;
  • channel;
  • roulette;
  • paving slabs 50-600 mm thick;
  • crushed stone with a fraction of 20 to 50;
  • curbstone;
  • cement grade M400 or M500 (can be replaced with dry plaster mixture);
  • geotextile.

Paving slabs are laid in several stages:

The track can be used in 2-3 days.

Natural stone paths

Better than paths made of paving slabs can only be paths made of natural stone, which will be in harmony with the natural landscape. There are many ways to pave paths - with patterns, ornaments, large and small stones, rocks or smooth river pebbles. The only thing that unites them is natural beauty and an almost unlimited service life.

Garden paths made of stone can be made of any rocks, but experts do not recommend using shell rock and limestone, as they quickly crumble and can be washed away by rain.

Laying with cement

If you are going to pave the paths out of stone (photo), you should first form the outline of the future path using pegs and a rope. Walk along the path to make sure it is comfortable and correct the direction if necessary, because you will have to use this route for a very long time.

After you have outlined the direction, you can start making the track:

  1. Dig a trench about 20 cm deep. Set the turf (top layer) to the side, but do not throw it away - it will still come in handy.
  2. Pour a layer of pebbles, gravel or brick broken into the formed ditch. Coarse fractions of the material will serve as excellent drainage.
  3. Seal the drain well and put a layer of sand on top of it.
  4. Further, the situation can develop according to two scenarios: either you lay flat stones on sand, or on concrete mortar. If you want to save money and meet as soon as possible, we recommend sticking to the first option.
  5. Place stones on the sand by nailing them down with a rubber mallet. Every 2-3 m, fix the stones by filling them with liquid sand-cement mortar, diluted in a 1: 3 ratio. To do this, build a cone from a cement bag, pour the solution into it and go through all the gaps between the stones.
  6. If you decide to make stone paths on a concrete base, you can be sure that they will last at least 10 years. Dilute the concrete and place it in a 15 cm layer in the trench. Laying the stone on the paths also occurs with slight pressure and nailing with a rubber mallet. When the mortar has set on stones, close up the cracks and wait until it dries completely.

Things to consider when laying paths:

  1. The paths should be understood above the ground by at least 4-5 cm so that water does not accumulate on them, but flows down, leaving the surface clean and dry.
  2. Be sure to arrange a border around the entire perimeter, otherwise the path will "break away".
  3. Choose non-slip rock to reduce the risk of injury from rain or ice.

Installation without cement

Geosynthetic materials, of which there are now a great many, allow you to make beautiful and neat garden paths, even if you have absolutely no construction experience. What's more, you don't even need to use grout!

What is the cementless method:

  1. Dig a trench 25-30 cm deep and of arbitrary width (the width of the future track).
  2. Smoothen the bottom of the trench from plant roots and compact thoroughly.
  3. Cover the bottom and walls of the trench with non-woven geotextile so that the edges of the panel stick out 30-50 cm outside the pit.
  4. Pour gravel on the canvas and compact it.
  5. Fold the protruding edges of the geotextile and cover the layer of rubble with them (this will be a drainage).
  6. Pour a layer of fine river sand 10-15 cm thick.
  7. Now you can lay tiles or natural stones, tamping them down with a rubber mallet.
  8. The cracks should be rubbed with sand, sweeping up with a broom, within 2 weeks after the end of the work. Some elements may not sink immediately, so you need to constantly watch the track.

Garden paths made of homemade stones

There is another way to create smooth, beautiful paths using special molds for casting stones. This technology does not require the creation of formwork, which makes its implementation very simple and fast.


  1. Determine the location of the future track and indicate its direction and width.
  2. Remove the top layer of soil.
  3. Lay a layer of sand 5-10 cm thick at the bottom of the trench.
  4. Now you can start creating homemade stones. For pouring into the mold, a cement mixture is made: 1 part of cement is mixed with 4 parts of sand and 1 part of water. The consistency of the solution should resemble thick sour cream.
  5. Before pouring, pour some water into the recess to compact the sand and prevent the stone from sagging.
  6. While pouring, press pieces of wire mesh or rebar into the segments to prevent the concrete from cracking.
  7. Check constantly that all segments are at the same level.

Finally, we propose to see what beautiful and unusual garden paths you can make with your own hands from natural materials:

The company offers natural natural stone for paving, both in raw form - flagstone, and in the form of tiles and stone blocks. The range of natural colors is simply endless. If the price for natural stone for paths is a priority for you, the numbers in the catalog will surprise you with their availability. We, as a manufacturer, can afford a pricing policy that is favorable for you.

Natural natural stone for paving

The assortment of natural stone allows you to implement the most complex projects. Paving with natural natural stone can be done using different types of masonry.

Buy natural paving stone from the manufacturer is a profitable investment

"Pankamen" offers customers to buy natural stone for paving - a spectacular material of the "Premium" class. These are tiles made of practical and beautiful rocks: slate, sandstone, lemesite, zlatalite.
  • For some, our flagstone stone will be the answer to the highest demands;
  • Others will opt for tiles made in a special drum with amazing texture and streamlined corners;
  • Still others will be attracted by their unique palette of paving stones or exclusive paving slabs made of stone ...

The indisputable advantages of natural stone paving

  1. Professional paving with natural stone is deservedly classified as an elite development of territories.
  2. Nature itself has endowed it with an elegant decor, which is impossible to repeat by hand.
  3. For a long time, he is ready to serve, keeping the original form and external characteristics.
  4. Fits perfectly into any landscape concept, is highly resistant to the most negative climatic influences.
  5. Manual stone processing only improves the material given by nature, gives him all the data of an unshakable favorite!
The overall visualization and prestige depend on how thoughtfully the paths and areas near buildings (houses) are located, with what covering they are ennobled. Natural stone paving is considered exclusive - neither concrete, nor a neat lawn or wooden flooring can compare with it. Only this high-quality material is inherent in durability, coupled with an amazing variety of patterns and shades! The versatility of the properties and decorativeness of natural stone (including flagstone) will not leave you indifferent. All that remains is to find your own paving material ...

Everyone knows that natural natural stone for paths is the best material for paving and landscaping. The variety of its types allows you to choose any solution for the design of the backyard area of ​​private houses.


Natural stone, like no other material, emphasizes the natural beauty of the garden, lawns and flower beds located on the site. In addition, natural materials are durable (10 times more than artificial counterparts) and can withstand serious weight loads.

Natural materials for arranging paths

Speaking of natural stone for paths, thereby defining the concept of its natural origin. Natural origin gives an idea of ​​the physical and mechanical characteristics as well as the appearance.

Due to the ease of processing during extraction, it has an affordable cost, and therefore is very widespread. This material is not extremely durable, but rather durable and frost-resistant. In appearance, it differs in geometric shapes and sizes: from wild stone to sawn slabs. It can be green, brown, yellow, red, or any other shade.


Slate It has a layered structure and therefore easily separates into flat slabs, in the form of which it is sold. It contains porous materials that can lead to the destruction of slabs under the influence of moisture in the cold season. The densest variety is quartzite.

Shungite Is a very durable stone, perfect for paving. Withstands a large number of freezing cycles. Sold in the form of paving slabs and paving stones. The colors are different: from light gray to deep black. In the presence of quartz in its composition, shungite forms white or gold patterns.


Quartzite differs in its hardness, durability and frost resistance. It is difficult to handle. Sold as paving slabs or paving stones. Has a beautiful multicolor surface: from pure white to dark red and dark green. Because of this, it is popular with developers with above-average incomes.

The most durable stone material is made from granite. The color of granite products depends on the elements that make up it. The appearance of the granite platforms and paths is distinguished by grace and beauty. When landscaping the territory, granite is used for paving areas in front of the entrance and pedestrian sidewalks. Sold in the form of chipped paving stones and tiles.

Advantages of natural stone road materials

Natural stone paths emphasize the great taste of the owners and are a real decoration of the site. In addition to appearance, natural materials are valued for a number of advantages, which include:

  • durability even under the most unfavorable operating conditions;
  • strength and frost resistance;
  • wide range of applications;
  • ease of installation;
  • a large assortment of textures, colors and sizes.

The disadvantages of natural stone paths include high cost, the need for a reinforced base for laying due to the large weight of the coating and the complexity of processing the material.

1 of 6

A natural stone.

Comparison with artificial materials

Due to their natural origin over millions of years, natural materials have unique properties that significantly distinguish them from artificial substitutes. The comparison can be made using the following indicators:

  • receiving process;
  • operational and technical characteristics;
  • application area;
  • price.

In all the points given here, natural natural stone is superior to industrial materials. Even the higher cost is justified by the lifetime. Since natural stone paths last ten times longer, this makes the cost of purchasing them much lower.

The use of natural stone materials is perfect for a developer who has the financial ability to make a one-time investment in construction and improvement, and then forget about repair problems for many years. Natural stone sidewalks and paths last at least 100 years.

Substrate preparation and installation

For the correct laying of natural stone on pedestrian and garden paths, there are three ways that differ in the technology of preparing the base. It can be:

  • concrete;
  • from cement and sand;
  • just out of sand.

The bearing base of concrete is used when laying stone tiles, all types of paving stones, etc. It is good to put boulders and cobblestones on a sandy pillow. A mixture of cement and sand is universal for all types of products.

To prepare any kind of base for a natural stone path, it is necessary to draw up a plan, make markings and install a drainage drainage system.

Planning and layout

Given the high cost of natural stone, work should start with an accurate plan. This will help to determine the consumption of materials and avoid unnecessary costs. When making a plan, you need to remember that laying garden paths with your own hands should take place at such a distance from the trees that in the future the growing roots will not damage the base.


The width of the stone path should be up to 1.2 meters plus the thickness of the curbs. On it, 2 people should disperse when they meet. The slopes of the paved pavement are made so that atmospheric precipitation does not flow to the buildings. The marking is done using pegs hammered along the track in accordance with the plan, and a cord stretched along them.

Drainage layer design

To properly make drainage drainage, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil over the entire marked area and dig a trench to a depth of 30-40 cm. At the bottom of the trench, it is necessary to pour a thin layer of sand and compact the surface well. Then cover with a layer of non-woven, overlapping the fabrics with each other by 5-10 cm. This will effectively drain water into the ground and prevent the germination of weeds.


For the device of a drainage layer 10-15 cm thick, gravel or fine crushed stone is poured, rammed and covered with non-woven textiles. The purpose of the drainage layer is to drain rain, melt and ground water from under the base into the ground.

If it is along the garden path, then this work is done after the surface of the drainage layer is tamped. If necessary, sand is poured under the curb or a solution is laid. The height of the edge of the curbs above ground level is 5-7 cm.

Concrete base device

To arrange a concrete base, a layer of sand 3-4 cm thick is poured onto the textiles. This is necessary so that the non-woven fabric is not damaged by the sharp edges of the rubble. If you installed a curb, then during the pouring of concrete, it will serve as a formwork, just cover it with plastic wrap beforehand so as not to get dirty. If there is no border, then install the formwork from boards or durable sheet material.

Foundation diagram.

After that, a layer of concrete 10-15 cm thick is poured into the trench, depending on the thickness of the paving stone used. If the movement of a car is possible on the surface, then the concrete layer must be reinforced. The concrete mixture hardens within 72 hours.

After the concrete has hardened, a dry cement-sand mixture in a ratio of 1: 4 is poured onto its surface in an even layer, on which the stone will be laid. It is very important that the mixture is dry. Therefore, its preparation and layout is best done gradually during laying.

Cement-sand base

For the device of this type of base, after organizing the drainage layer, a layer of sand with a thickness of 7-10 cm is poured into the trench, rammed, and then a dry mixture of cement with sand is spread in an even layer in a ratio of 1: 4.

The layer is tamped again, and the tiles will be laid on it using backfill. At the time of laying, the mixture must be dry and compacted. In order to exclude spillage of the mixture, a curb or formwork should be installed along the edges.

Sand pillow

This is the simplest, cheapest, but also not so reliable type of foundation. It is not recommended to use it in places with a possibly increased load, with heaving and mobile soils, and a high level of groundwater.

To prepare a sand cushion, sand is poured into the trench in layers and rammed, periodically spilling water. The stone is laid on this compacted sand.

The styling process.

Natural stone laying

The technology for laying natural stone depends on its thickness and configuration. Smooth paving slabs and paving stones are laid practically close to each other from one edge to the other. First, one row is laid out along the length of a meter and a half.

And then the transverse rows are already laid. The area is filled in 1-2 square meters, with a gradual advance. During work, a flat surface is always checked with a building level for the presence of a slope for water drainage and the height of the tiles. If the tile has subsided, then pour in the mixture, and the protruding elements are leveled with a rubber hammer.

Tapping plates.

After laying paving slabs or paving stones of any type, the seams are carefully sealed with a cement-sand mixture. To do this, it is scattered over the surface of the paving and swept with a soft brush. Then the surface is watered with water. After 3 days, the operation is repeated.

Uneven slabs such as sandstone and flagstone are shaped to minimize seams. If necessary, you can use a grinder with a diamond disc for trimming. After laying, the seams are not closed up, but simply covered with sand and spilled with water.

On the original paths of cobblestone and boulders, the stone is slightly instilled, leaving about half of the volume on the surface.


Layout option.

The development of modern building technologies leads to the fact that new materials for paving sidewalks are constantly appearing. For example, the production of paving slabs is rapidly developing at. Colored concrete mixtures remain popular and do not go anywhere.

But people have not yet come up with road materials that are more beautiful and more durable than natural natural stone, which, despite its high cost, is very popular among developers of all levels. Almost everyone can make a path from natural stone with their own hands.

Stone paths perform several different functions at once - they simplify moving around the garden and yard and transporting inventory, zoning and decorating the site. It is not difficult to pave them on your own, the main thing is to choose the right material. Paths can be decorated by combining different materials with each other and made part of the garden by planting grass and flowers in the seams between pebbles, flagstones or paving stones. Learn how to make stone paths with your own hands according to all the rules and for many years.

Natural and practical

Which stone for paths is better

The stone for paths on the site and for garden paths can be natural or artificial. Each type has its own characteristics and properties, without knowing which it is difficult to choose the right material that is suitable for your purposes. The choice of coating for depends on aesthetic preferences, operating conditions and the budget allocated for the purchase.

Lawn walk

Wild stone - an age-old tradition

The shapes and sizes of the flagstone for wild stone paths are always different. Select a surface and use one of three paving methods when laying - curved, freehand or in-line.

The first method of laying is most often used, making scaly-arcuate or segment-arcuate patterns. The result is a practical and beautiful surface. The remaining methods are similar, the flagstone is laid in any order you like, but only the craftsmen have a good result.

The shape of a wild stone is never perfect

Several types of natural materials are used for styling:

  • granite;
  • sandstone;
  • slate;

Each has its own characteristics and advantages, but the arrangement of paths made of natural stone of different types is in many ways similar.

A simple solution

Granite tiles - a luxurious classic

The strongest material for garden alleys is granite. He is not afraid of water and sun. There are many styling patterns - pigtail, herringbone, arc, checkerboard pattern.

Luxurious alleys are laid out of granite with their own hands. The natural pattern and color can be very unusual, due to the different characteristics of the constituent element of granite - feldspar. Shades range from dark red to gray.

Granite stone walkways can be made from treated or untreated material. Chipped, sawn or sawn-chipped granite paving stones are often used.

Granite paving stones

If you want to pave old-style sidewalks on the site, choose chipped paving stones. It is produced by splitting large layers of rock, so the surface is not very smooth, but durable. This sidewalk is relatively inexpensive compared to other options paved with granite.

For a perfectly level surface, buy sawn paving stones. During production, it is sawn, so it has smooth edges and there are practically no gaps left when paving. Thanks to additional grinding with special compounds and heat treatment of the sawn paving stones, it becomes smooth and non-slip.

Sawed granite sidewalk

Make paths for walking from sawn-chipped paving stones, due to the processing technology, such a bar has two chipped edges, and the remaining sawn. This makes it possible to make the pavement either with a smooth surface and uneven joints, or perfectly docked and with a rough top.

Sandstone slabs - maximum naturalness

Natural sand stone for paths comes in different colors, its color is uniform. The most commonly used layers are light brown. There are also white, blue, red, ash, green and burgundy plates.

The texture, density and pattern of sandstone vary due to the ratio of quartz, ore, clay and feldspar.

In the process of sandstone mining, the edges of the stone plate are uneven, and chips may appear on the surface. The thickness of the layer can be from a centimeter to six, when paving the sidewalk, you can use pieces of different sizes.

If for a summer residence you need a material with a natural shade that does not absorb water, rough and aesthetically pleasing, take a closer look at sandstone, it has all these properties.

Sandstone slabs on site

Shale flagstone - natural originality

Slate slabs can be golden, yellow, brown, gray, burgundy, green, black, and even purple. The texture of each piece of rock created by nature is unique. During production, layers of different thicknesses are obtained.

Shale has many advantages: resistance to frost, fire, water and sun light, and high strength of the material. The sharp edges of the slabs can damage the soles of the shoes, so you need to carefully select the paving elements. The appearance and properties of natural slate stone for paths make it possible to create unique paths in the country or a suburban area.

Stacked multi-colored shale beds

Rocks - accessibility and practicality

When crushed stone is mined, fragments of rocks of various shapes remain - platy, torn, rounded, bedded or decorative. This is the wild rubble stone for the tracks. It is very durable and consists of different rocks - limestone, granite or sandstone.

The sizes of rubble cobblestones can be from 150 mm to 500 mm. When paving alleys, use medium sized chunks and choose a rounded or decorative butt.

The properties of wild buta depend on the rock of which it is composed, but resistance to frost, rain and sunlight is common. Sidewalks made of rubble will last a long time and will be inexpensive - natural rubble cobblestones are mined almost everywhere.

Quarry alleys organically merge with the flora of the site

River pebbles - two stacking options

For backfilling and paving country paths with their own hands, pebbles are often used. It can be different - mined on the banks of rivers, seas or lakes. River pebbles are best for garden paths, they are less smooth.

Gravel paths have a big advantage - if you later want to pave the sidewalk with tiles or other stone, you can lay the new surface directly on the old one.

The disadvantage of alleys covered with pebbles is its ability to creep under pressure. This makes it difficult to navigate the site. To improve the bearing capacity of pebble paths, fill it in a layer no more than 7 cm. You can also mix it with rubble, but this will affect the aesthetics.

Monolithic pebble paths are highly durable and resistant to external influences. In addition, you will have the opportunity to create patterns of any shape and complexity. An example of an ornament that you can lay out from natural pebbles is shown in the photo.

Floral pebble ornament

Artificial decorative stone

If your budget is limited, then a decorative artificial stone is a substitute for natural. It has all the properties of a natural one - it tolerates temperature changes well, does not absorb water and can withstand significant stress.

Outwardly, such material can look anything you like - resemble untreated rock, granite paving stones, or even wood. Artificial tiles are molded in special molds and therefore have the same size.

Paths made of decorative stone are easier to lay out than natural ones, which have to be selected and pre-laid out before paving the sidewalk. Artificial tiles come in a variety of sizes. To preserve the alleys for a long time, choose plates at least 2 cm thick.

Artificial stone path

How to properly lay a stone on the paths

There are two options for laying stone on a droshky - with and without cement mortar, but you need to decide how to lay out a stone path with your own hands before starting work. When laying the topcoat, please note that the trails should be a couple of centimeters higher than the ground. This will prevent the water from spreading and stagnating on the surface.

Simple walking path

Stone walkway without cement

Paving paths with natural stone without the use of cement can be performed if there is not much pressure on their surface. Simple walking or transporting a wheelbarrow with equipment will not do much harm to the path in the country, but the car can seriously damage the laid out structure.

Laying on sand

DIY step-by-step paving technique:

  1. Periodically check the result of the work with a building level, put it on several adjacent tiles at once, so the measurement will be more accurate. If necessary, correct the horizontal position of the layers with a mallet.
  2. Fix the elements of the garden path, sprinkle joints and small cracks with dry sand, you can fill large openings with decorative pebbles.
  3. Finish the paving with curbs. They will protect the paved sidewalk from spreading in width and add aesthetics.

Video: How to put a stone on the paths with your own hands

Concrete and stone paths

Flat stone sidewalks, laid on a concrete base, have a significant bearing capacity. Even before laying out paths made of natural stone, decide whether cars will drive on the paved surface. If so, be sure to make a concrete base. When pouring, consider the thickness of the stone for the paths so that the finished sidewalks rise above the ground.

It is also better to pre-concrete paths made of small stone, pebbles and similar materials do not hold the load well and fall through. If you want to create a pebble ornament, it must be fixed, otherwise the pattern will disappear over time. The solution can be used to fix any pebbles for paths in the country.

Paving on a concrete base

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Clear the paths and mark the site with the pegs and rope them around the contour.
  2. Dig a pit 25-30 cm deep with a shovel.
  3. Make a gravel bed by sprinkling rubble, pebbles, or similar material into the resulting dirt trough. The layer thickness should be 10-15 cm.
  4. Compact the gravel, level the surface with sand, sprinkle with water, and repeat the compacting procedure.
  5. If there is a significant load on the surface of the garden paths, then reinforce it before pouring concrete.
  6. Prepare concrete and pour it into the trench with a layer of 5-10 centimeters.
  7. Smooth the surface of the mortar with a trowel or a rule.
  8. Cover the fresh concrete with plastic foil and wait a few days for the screed to fully cure.
  9. Spread a topcoat of stone or bricks onto the cured concrete and mark the location of each element.
  10. According to the prepared scheme, lay a natural cut stone on the path on the cement mortar, checking the horizontal with a level.
  11. Fill the joints flush with the grout.

Preliminary joining of layers on dry concrete

You can make paths from broken stone with your own hands in the country by gluing the pieces to glue. At the same time, the slab must be intact, there can be no cracks or chips on it.

What to plant between the stones on the path

To make a suburban area original, decorate paths lined with limestone, pebbles or other similar materials with natural greenery. There are many types of plants that can live in gaps.

For pebble sidewalks, cushion plants, such as creeping thyme or navel noble, work well. Thyme forms a fluffy and flowering mat underfoot, while the navel forms a thick and aromatic mat. They need light and water to grow. Do not plant these plants in walk-through areas, they do not like to be often injured.

Natural style

If the seams on the path are wide, you can plant a bryozoan, but it needs frequent watering and protection from the sun. If the gaps between the flagstone are small, and the alley is impassable, plant a cuff.

The seams between the tiles can be sealed with sprouted grass. To do this, a couple of days after the end of the paving work, fill the joints with fertile soil and tamp it a little. For sowing, use seeds of low-growing lawn grass.

How to plant grass between the stones of the walkway:

  1. Pour the seeds into a container with earth or sand, mix.
  2. Spread the resulting mixture over the surface and spread it over the gaps with a brush.
  3. Compact the earth so that it is below the level of the slabs.
  4. Cover the resulting bed with wet burlap or similar material that retains moisture and water it daily.

Grass sprouted in the gaps between the layers

After three weeks, grass will appear in the gaps between the slabs. It does not require special care, being content with natural precipitation, but on drought days, miniature plantings can be watered.

Decorate the pedestrian zones at your dacha by making paths from pebbles, sandstone, granite or other wild stone with your own hands. Natural materials will complement the external appearance of the site, and you will admire the result of the work for several decades.