How to make a diaper from a sheet. Reusable Newborn Diaper Made of Gauze and Cloth: Advantages and Disadvantages

Recently, reusable diapers have become an alternative to disposable diapers. After all, such diapers were used by our mothers and grandmothers. Only they made reusable diapers for newborns with their own hands, and modern manufacturers produce improved models and they are not cheap. But even with minimal knowledge of sewing, you can sew a diaper yourself.

How to sew a reusable diaper by hand?

Before you start sewing, you need to figure out what parts the diaper consists of. These are panties and inserts. For sewing panties, take cotton, flannel, fleece, which will come into contact with the baby's delicate skin. For the absorbent layer (liner) you need microfiber, gauze. To fasten the diaper, buttons, Velcro, buttons are sewn on.

For the panties, you need two parts; when cutting, you need to leave allowances for the seams. The cut out parts are placed right side to each other and sewn without sewing up the pocket for the inserts. An elastic band is inserted into the belt and along the legs. The diaper is turned inside out and the fasteners are sewn on. A microfiber or gauze insert is inserted into the pocket. The product is ready.

Sewing a reusable diaper for a newborn is not difficult, to get to the size you can take a diaper and cut a pattern on it.

Self-sewing of reusable diapers has its advantages:

  • saving money. Diapers or in-store reusable diapers are quite expensive;
  • environmental friendliness. Natural materials from which the diaper is sewn will not harm the baby's skin;
  • lack of fragrances, will protect the skin from allergic reactions.

Over the past 20 years, disposable baby diapers for newborns have finally appeared in our country, which greatly facilitated the life of a mother and her baby. The amount of washing has sharply decreased, walks have become much longer, the sleep of the baby, and therefore of his mother, has become stronger and more complete, diaper rash is practically forgotten. Everything, it would seem, is good, if not for one thing.

Under this mysterious "but" - the high cost of disposable diapers, which not all young and not very parents can afford. In addition, grandmothers advise not to get carried away with newfangled hygiene products, but to move on to time-tested, completely inexpensive diapers that can be made from ordinary gauze or fabric with your own hands. Grandmothers turn on "heavy artillery", they say, disposable diapers are harmful, especially for boys ... is this so - we will not argue, we will just introduce you to some of the most popular methods of making diapers made of gauze or soft fabric with your own hands (by the way, old bedding is ideal, it has already acquired the necessary softness in the process of wearing and washing).

Favorite ways

The most famous and beloved by our mothers and grandmothers methods of folding diapers with their own hands are:

  • kerchief;
  • Hungarian;
  • rectangle.

If you have already decided to keep your baby in gauze diapers all the time, then keep in mind that they instantly get wet, and for one baby a day it is enough to have more than 10 gauze or cloth diapers. Such diapers, depending on the season and weather, can dry for a long time, so it is recommended to sew a supply of diapers for at least two days (which is twice as much). Another nuance that arises when using a gauze diaper is that it should be changed immediately as soon as the child is empty, otherwise diaper rash cannot be avoided, and sleepless nights, baby crying, and fatigue will come with them.

In order to calculate the daily norm of diapers made of cloth or gauze, it is necessary to take into account that in newborn children, the normal emptying of the bladder or intestines (writing, pooping) occurs once every 1.5-2 hours. If the baby is frozen, or the mother has eaten something wrong, then the baby may have stools more often.

Step-by-step video instruction


It is elementary to sew or simply roll up a diaper "kerchief" for newborns from a soft cloth (gauze) with your own hands! To do this, you need to buy a piece of gauze or get an old duvet cover out of the closet and cut everything into equal lengths. The dimensions of the sections for the "kerchief" are 90 cm wide and 180 cm long.

We take a piece of the required size in our hands, lay it out on the table, then fold it in half. We also fold the resulting rectangle in half, only diagonally. It turns out such a hand-made kerchief for newborns, the edges of which can be swept on a sewing machine (this will extend its service life), or you can leave it unchanged. And now we will reveal the "secret" of using the "kerchief" diaper.

We put the "kerchief" on the table, as shown in the picture. We put the baby on it, lay the lower corner between the legs of the child, up to the navel, then wrap the child's body with the side corners, grabbing the corner stretched between the legs. If the side edges of the "kerchief" are long, then it will be very convenient to tie them in a knot, if short, just tuck them into the belt.

That's the whole "kerchief"! Nothing complicated! Any mom can handle it, even completely unfamiliar with the art of cutting and sewing.


To make a "rectangle" gauze diaper for newborns, you need to take a gauze piece measuring 60 cm in width and 1 m in length and a small ribbon (for tying). We fold this segment in half until we get a rectangle measuring 20/60 cm. If you have a boy, then the main emphasis will be on the upper part of the rectangle. We put a rectangle on the table, the child is placed on top, the rear edge of the diaper should go over the back of the baby. Then you need to put a gauze diaper between the boy's legs, folding the rest of the diaper in half again and putting it on the baby. Now we take the ribbon and tie the diaper to the baby's body. If you have a girl, then the main emphasis is on the lower (back) part of the diaper. First, we fold the half of the resulting diaper in half, put the baby on it, put the remaining edge of the diaper between its legs and also tie it, tying it with a ribbon around the waist. It's that simple! The "rectangle" can also be overlocked at the edges: this way you can quickly change one diaper to another.

This type of diaper will be the best for both newborns and one-year-old children who are not yet potty trained. In such a diaper, it is convenient to run, crawl and just sleep in a comfortable position.


Making such a diaper for newborns is a little more difficult than using the previous two methods, but in order not to go astray, detailed step-by-step photos will be a hint.

We take a square piece of gauze or soft cloth, the size can be 60/60 cm, 90/90 cm - depending on the size of the child. Fold the square in half, fold the resulting rectangle in half so that we get a square again. The next step is to bend one of the corners of the resulting square so that we get a kerchief. Now you need to carefully turn the still unfinished diaper over to the other side. At the same time, we have a free rectangle that can be repeatedly folded into a strip. Now you can safely put the child on the "Hungarian", lay a strip-rectangle between the small legs, and grab it with triangular edges! Hungarian is ready!


We all understand that it is impossible to stay dry in such diapers for a long time, therefore, from time to time, mothers still resort to the services of disposable diapers (sleeping, going to the doctor or visiting, walking). These diapers are very comfortable, absorb moisture perfectly and do not leak! Now let's turn a "disposable" diaper into a "reusable!" All the same gauze diapers will help us in this, they need to be made according to the "rectangle" type.

  1. We take a used disposable diaper.
  2. We make a small incision (at the top or on the side, as convenient).
  3. We clean it, leaving only the wrapper itself, without the absorbing layer. Now a diaper made of "rectangle" gauze will serve as an absorber (see above for how to make it),
  4. We wash and dry well our reusable disposable diaper.
  5. We put a "rectangle" of gauze in it and put it on the baby.

Such a diaper will help the child stay dry longer, at least the clothes will have a chance to stay dry. The kid will not freeze, mom will have time to change the next gauze "rectangle", and you will be back from the walk with success and good mood! It is very convenient and not expensive at all!

Also in pharmacies and specialized stores special panties are sold that absorb from 3 to 5 emptyings. Then they urgently need to be changed, washed ... there should be a lot of such panties, at least 7-10 pieces! Will the family budget allow such waste? The cleaning method for disposable diapers is much easier!

What diapers to use is up to mom to decide, however, it would be better if original disposable diapers were used at night and during walks, there are now many of them, you can choose an acceptable option. you can buy children's clothes, stylish and high quality.

The advent of disposable diapers has made life for a young mother much easier.

However, you shouldn't forget reusable gauze diapers. They will come in handy more than once, besides, they will help to save the budget.

It will not be superfluous to learn how to sew gauze diapers for newborns.

Can gauze diapers be used

Every mother strives to choose the best for her newborn. With the advent of disposable diapers, hygienic and comfortable, some mothers prefer to forget about reusable diapers. They are de-not only uncomfortable, but also harmful. Can gauze diapers be used, or are they really worth giving up?

To make the right decision, you need to weigh the pros and cons, that is, to objectively evaluate the reusable diaper. Made from gauze, it has the following disadvantages:

  • the gauze diaper must be changed immediately, as moisture immediately seeps out;
  • all bed linen and clothes will have to be washed with the diaper;
  • if you leave the baby in a wet diaper, painful diaper rash will appear on the skin, and in the long term - dermatitis;
  • the night sleep of the child and mother will not be complete, since you will have to constantly (5-6 times per night) wake up to change the soiled diaper;
  • it is impossible to walk in a gauze diaper during the cold season, at least far from home;
  • gauze diapers must not only be washed, but also ironed before use. This takes precious energy and a lot of time.

The danger of catching a cold to a child on a walk or provoking skin problems and fears of young mothers about whether gauze diapers can be used. In addition, reusable diapers are inconvenient for babies after one month of age. As soon as the child begins to actively move, it is almost impossible to keep the gauze in the right place. Previously practiced safety pins are extremely dangerous.

However, a gauze diaper has many advantages:

  • it will cost a penny compared to diapers, haggis and other disposable diapers, and you can use it for a very, very long time;
  • gauze is a natural fabric that allows the skin to breathe, provides air flow;
  • diapers are easy to wash and dry instantly;
  • when urinating, the gauze does not heat up, so that the baby's body does not overheat;
  • gauze does not cause allergies, unlike industrial disposable diapers.

So, reusable napkins do not represent any danger to the crumbs, subject to basic hygiene. When asked whether it is possible to use gauze diapers all the time, the answer is unequivocally positive. Again, if the mother changes them in a timely manner and does not allow the appearance of diaper rash. Moreover, in some cases such a diaper is indispensable.

When you may need a gauze diaper

Industrial disposable diapers are very convenient but expensive. In addition, there are situations when it is impossible or undesirable to use them:

  • if the child has a fever (overheating in a disposable diaper for baby boys is especially dangerous);
  • if it is very hot outside (for the same reason);
  • if the mother wants to check if the baby has enough milk, and for this purpose she counts the number of urinations.

In all these cases, the proven, completely safe gauze diapers for newborns will come in handy. Of course, you will have to wash them after each use, but this is unlikely to be a big problem for a modern woman. Automatic machines will do everything for mom. The main thing is to prepare more gauze diapers.

How to make a gauze diaper: folding techniques

In order to make a gauze diaper, you will need a pack of gauze, which you can buy at any pharmacy. From gauze, diapers can be simply rolled or sewn (by hand or on a typewriter). There are several ways to fold gauze diapers for newborns: with a scarf, a rectangle and in a special way (Hungarian technique).

Diaper - "kerchief"

Fold a piece of gauze in several layers so that you get a square measuring 90 * 90 cm. Fold it diagonally. Spread the resulting "kerchief" on the changing table with an angle down.

Put the baby on the diaper, wrap the corner of the fabric up, towards the tummy. Wrap the abdomen with the ends of the "scarf", fix the ends from the back.

Rectangular diaper

Take a piece of gauze measuring a meter by 60 cm.Fold it several times until you get a rectangular napkin 20 cm wide and 60 cm long.

Place the diaper vertically on the changing table. Bend the napkin from one edge. If the diaper is for a girl, the tighter edge should be placed under the back, if for a boy - in the front. Pass the second edge between the legs, secure the diaper with a thin diaper

Hungarian folding option

Fold a piece of gauze in 3-4 layers so that you get a square with a side of 60 cm (or more, depending on the age and height of the child). Spread the gauze napkin on the table and fold it in half horizontally with the fold towards you. Extend the upper left corner to the upper right corner. A rectangle is formed on the top layer of the fabric.

Turn the entire structure over to the other side, like a pancake in a frying pan. If you lift the square of fabric up, you can see an "airplane" with triangular "wings" on the sides. The square center must be folded three times with an accordion. You will get a "kerchief" diaper with a dense vertical padding in the center.

How to sew a gauze diaper

Self-made reusable diapers will definitely come in handy, so they need to be prepared in advance, before the mother and newborn return from the hospital. If you use gauze diapers all the time, you will need from 18 to 22 for one day. If the apartment is cool, the baby will urinate more often.

How to sew gauze diapers for newborns? After they are folded, the napkins will only have to be sewn using a typewriter or by hand. It is important that the seam does not turn out to be rough, otherwise it will chafe, causing anxiety for the baby.

The folded fabric is sewn along the edge of the product and ironed. The sole purpose of the stitching is to maintain the shape of the diaper when stripping, so that the cheesecloth does not have to be folded again. In addition, strings can be sewn to the edges of such a diaper. They will allow you to fix the napkin on the baby's belly.

If you use the product carefully, then there is no need for processing the edges. Yes, at first the ends of the gauze cloth will sprinkle. But after the first wash, the edges of the gauze will be fixed, and it will stop pouring.

By the way, reusable diapers can be sewn not only from gauze. Moreover, the current pharmaceutical fabric is much worse in quality than the one from which diapers were made 20 years ago. It was delicate, soft, retained a fine-mesh structure after repeated washings. The current one gets lost in stripes-scars, it can be rough and not very pleasant for the baby's delicate skin.

For making home reusable diapers, Madapolam is suitable. It is a lightweight, breathable natural fabric that looks a lot like gauze. In addition, very pleasant and highly absorbent diapers come from old bed linen. From frequent washes, the fabric becomes soft and delicate. The edges of woven diapers, in contrast to gauze, need to be overcast.

How to wash gauze diapers

It is not enough to know how to sew gauze diapers. It is important to learn the rules of caring for them.

Caring for gauze diapers for newborns is simple, but it takes time and effort. If the napkin is wet, you can simply rinse it thoroughly in clean water so as not to accumulate dirt, or throw it in the wash along with the diapers.

However, if the diaper is dirty, you will have to work with it thoroughly. It is possible to wash the diapers by hand each time, but it is tedious and time-consuming. Therefore, there is another option. You need to prepare a bucket with a tight lid and dissolve a little baby powder in it.

Rinse the soiled napkin under running water and place in a bucket. Do the same with other diapers. Everything that has accumulated during the day should be rinsed again before washing in a typewriter, and the stained places should be rubbed with ordinary laundry soap. If you do this, then no stains will remain after washing.

Dried gauze diapers for newborns must be ironed with a hot iron on both sides.

Many parents are starting to think about alternative ways of providing baby hygiene besides disposable diapers. Reusable baby hygiene products are increasingly gaining popularity among modern parents who care about environmental friendliness and naturalness.

You can make do-it-yourself diapers for newborns.

Why sew, because you can buy

Most moms today bless the inventor of disposable diapers. However, this most convenient product for children's hygiene has several significant disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • fast consumption;
  • long decomposition in natural conditions, which means a negative impact on the environment;
  • the possibility of overheating and irritation of delicate baby skin.

Should I prefer reusable diapers? Modern manufacturers have combined hygiene, comfort and ease of use in various models. The high price of such goods is still a serious factor for many. Skillful hands of mothers-needlewomen and our advice will help to overcome this factor. Find out how you can sew reusable newborn diapers.

NOTE! The transition to reusable diapers is more convenient at the age of 3-4 months, when the baby will slightly adjust his physiological needs.

The best diaper material

If you decide to try yourself in making a diaper for a baby, you need to decide on which fabric to transfer the pattern below. To do this, it is worth considering the positive and negative characteristics of the most popular types of fabrics used for children's products:

  • gauze- cheap, easy to process, perfectly absorbs and washes easily, however, it can rub against the skin and is not very durable, in addition, such diapers are not very attractive in appearance;
  • flannel or fleece- fabric, pleasant to the touch, varied in colors, durable, after washing it becomes even softer; may soar in the summer season;
  • bamboo fabric- durable and environmentally friendly, resistant to frequent washing, hypoallergenic; it costs a little more than usual materials and dries the longest;
  • microfiber- excellent material for the inner layer or liners in diapers, less durable than bamboo;
  • laminated fabric (PUL)- it is it that professional manufacturers use, its only drawback is its high cost, as well as the need to purchase additional material for the inner layer of diapers.

REFERENCE! In addition to the fabric itself, you will need an elastic band, Velcro or buttons for fasteners or a braid for ties.

If you opted for a gauze fabric, read our article on how you can further protect your baby's skin, if necessary.

Newborn Gauze Diaper Size

If you are thinking about how to sew gauze diapers for newborns, which are a triangle to fit directly on the baby's bottom, you will need a gauze cut 1.5-1.6 m long. It must be folded in half and trimmed like a diaper, and then used as directed.

"Klondike" for a newborn will be approximately 60 x120 cm, up to 3 months - 80 x160, for a three-month-old baby and older - 90 x 180 cm.

For a gauze insert in a reusable diaper, fold the same cut several times until you get a 10 x 30 cm rectangle, which you need to sew manually or with a typewriter.

If you decide to sew full-fledged reusable diapers, the easiest way is to determine the size based on disposable counterparts, because the manufacturers have already calculated the correspondence between the baby's weight and the diaper size. Take a disposable diaper of the right size, add 1 cm seam allowances on each side and circle around to make a pattern. There are also ready-made samples on the Internet:

When in doubt, take a 35 x 45 cm cut and fold it in four for newborns and three times for older babies.

Gauze diapers for newborns: how to make or step by step instructions

    • Transfer the pattern created or printed from the Internet to a pre-washed fabric, for this, fold the material in half and pin the pattern to the fold.

    • Cut out the workpiece, marking on it the places where you will attach the elastic and sew on the fasteners.

    • Similarly, cut out the inner layer and sew the two patterns together, leaving room for the insert, then turn the diaper inside out.

    • Stitch the elastic on the waistband at the back and around the legs

  • Sew on the front side with Velcro or flat buttons 2 cm apart in two or three rows to be able to adjust the size

An experienced mother will show you how easy it is to sew a diaper with your own hands, providing the baby with environmentally friendly care and positive energy of mother's hands:

For comfortable use, you will need 5-8 diapers themselves and twice as many liners, then you can always provide your baby with a clean change and not strain too much with daily washing. Homemade diapers can be washed in a regular washing machine (do not use softeners, bleaches, or conditioners) and dry in the sun or on a radiator. High temperature of water is not recommended when using laminated fabric.

Until recently, the newlyweds stood at the altar, then, as in a dream, a noisy and cheerful wedding took place, congratulations from friends, relatives, and now in the carriage lies the heir with huge eyes and with a demanding voice.

Reasonable parents will think over and discuss in advance all aspects of the care and upbringing of the baby. But the question - to put on gauze diapers or those made of cellulose - remains open. There are plenty of supporters on both sides.

Modern diapers have not yet been fully studied, so it is somewhat hasty to conclude that they are harmful. But all the grandmothers and mothers who grew up in Soviet times will unanimously say that there is no better gauze diapers.

Since many young mothers make their own living, for them time is money. Therefore, their choice is obvious: disposable diapers were invented especially for these mothers.

There are times when a child's sensitive skin and diapers harm him rather than help him, then the parents choose gauze diapers. And it happens that the mother herself confidently chooses gauze diapers for newborns from the following fundamental considerations.

  • They let the air pass well,
  • Environmentally friendly fabric;
  • The likelihood of getting diaper dermatitis is minimal if diapers are changed on time;
  • The ability to use them many times;
  • The baby will get used to the potty faster, as he will know what it means to be wet;
  • Availability and cheapness of fabric.

However, in addition to these positive qualities, they also have negative sides:

  • They are difficult to put on a child;
  • Get wet quickly;
  • You have to get up to change clothes at night;
  • Outerwear often gets wet, therefore, you have to change clothes completely;
  • Daily washing and ironing.

Although an automatic washing machine comes to the aid of mom, there are still a lot of things to do in a day. Parents often have to take long walks with their baby, and it is more difficult to do this wearing gauze diapers than with regular ones.

The child can get wet and catch a cold, especially during cold hours of the day. Children write once an hour or an hour and a half, so leaving for a long time without being able to change the baby's clothes is frivolous.

Then such homemade diapers require careful care, in addition to daily washing, they should be dried and be sure to iron them with a hot iron on both sides.

This is done for disinfection and sterility, as babies need it in the first three months of life.

How to make (sew) a gauze diaper for a newborn

Sewing a diaper is a snap. To do this, you need to choose the right gauze. First of all, you need to wash it, preferably by hand, so that the smell of the store disappears and all unnecessary bacteria come out.

This is also necessary in order not to be mistaken with the size. The gauze shrinks after washing, so after washing it should be straightened on the table, then folded, and an overlock should be made along the edge so that the threads do not unravel.

Many mothers and grandmothers prefer thin chintz to gauze, as it is softer and does not cause irritation. Most mothers use bed linen as a diaper, which has been washed more than once and from this has become much softer.

You can sweep a diaper with a typewriter or by hand, and if you don't want to do this, there is a ready-made set of gauze diapers in a baby clothes store.

The gauze should have a dense structure, since loose threads move apart and voids are formed. The gauze itself should be cut into the desired parts, folded in three or four times and overcast at the edges.


The size of the diapers depends on the height and weight of the baby. If the baby is large, then the size 90 to 90 will suit him, and if the baby is slender - 45 to 90. The sizes of diapers can vary from small to large sizes.

This is very convenient when they are sewn on their own. Many moms get bored of constantly touching up diapers, so they sew Velcro on them.

Once the diapers are ready, it is a good idea to wash them again by hand or in a typewriter with an extra rinse and conditioner.

If possible, it is advisable to dry baby diapers in the open air under the influence of the sun and wind. After they dry, iron them and fold them neatly into the closet.

If expectant mothers do not know how or they do not have time to deal with diapers, there are always ready-made diapers of suitable sizes in stores. The kit includes twenty five pieces.

How to put on a gauze diaper for a newborn: folding methods

There are several ways to fold:

  • Klondike;
  • Rectangle;
  • Hungarian.

A klondike will work if the diaper is folded in half so that a square is formed, and then folded again, but this time diagonally. The baby should be laid with his back on the longest part of the triangle, then stretch one end of it between the baby's legs to close the tummy.

The other ends can be tied or simply layered and tied with string or elastic.

A rectangle can be folded if the diaper size is 60 by 100 cm. The long end is folded several times until a multi-layer strip of 20 by 60 is obtained.

Separate strips should be sewn from the same material, with which you can easily fix a rectangular diaper on a baby.

It is very simple to put it on a child, first you need to tuck it in 1/3 part and put it between the baby's legs, and on the boy, the large side should lie in front, and for girls - in the back. Then you need to press the gauze diaper on the baby's belly, and fix it with bandages.

For the Hungarian method, square gauze cuts are required. Fold the square fabric in half with the fold at the bottom. Then, the lower left end of the fabric is taken and transferred to the upper, center point of the diaper and flattened. Outwardly, it looks like a square with a superimposed triangle.

The next step is to turn the fabric over and get the reverse look. That is, you get a triangle with a square on the left. This square must be bent a few centimeters until you get a rectangle in the middle.

As a result, the diaper will look like a scarf with a rectangle in the middle. A baby is placed in this middle, a rectangle will fall between his legs, and a kind of panties will be obtained from the kerchief.

This method is very convenient, but it takes some skill. As soon as the mother learns to swaddle in the Hungarian way, she will not want to fold it in another way, since these original panties adhere well to the body of the newborn.

Washing and operation process

The disadvantage of gauze diapers is that they have to be washed frequently. But before starting this procedure, they should certainly be freed from feces.

In newborns, feces are liquid, they are first washed under running water, then the contaminated area on gauze diapers is rubbed with baby soap, washed in clean water, and only then can they be thrown into an automatic washing machine.

Some mums choose to hand wash. To do this, after pre-washing a homemade gauze diaper, they put it in a special aluminum bucket and put it on the stove to bring it to a boil.

But now there is no need for this, any automatic machine has a boiling mode, so by setting the machine to 90 ° or 100 °, you can do other things and not worry about your baby's underwear. It will come out perfectly washed and sterilized.

In addition, these machines squeeze out washed things well, especially diapers, which will not be difficult to dry in two to three hours. But if mom doesn't want to wash baby diapers every day, then she will have to sew or buy a lot more of them. Usually a set of twenty-five is enough for two days.

General rules for the use of gauze diapers

It should be remembered that the baby's skin requires mandatory treatment with a special cream that prevents diaper dermatitis. Unfortunately, one of the disadvantages of using gauze diapers is that it is impossible to completely protect the baby's skin from feces.

Gauze fabric cannot completely absorb moisture, so the delicate baby skin comes into contact with urine and feces. Here are two tips on how to use a gauze diaper:

  • The child must be washed every time after he stains the diaper;
  • You should also remove the gauze diaper immediately after the baby gets wet.

The skin of newborns is very delicate and traces of stool may remain on it, so children are bathed twice a day and washed after they finish their "business".

Also, parents, especially mothers, should remember: gauze or other diapers should sit on the newborn so as not to rub his delicate skin. If, after the diaper, redness appears on the child's skin, it means that it does not fit in size.

There is another way to determine if a gauze diaper is suitable for a newborn or not. Attentive parents will monitor the baby's reaction, if he is calm and satisfied, behaves as usual and does not try to take off the diaper, then he fits perfectly.

The following video has another tip on how to make a reusable diaper for a newborn baby.