How to wash cotton trousers. Corduroy, flannel and other fabrics with a pile and a complex structure. How to wash cotton without shrinking

Cotton items are very popular and common types of clothing. And this is justified, because 100% cotton provides good ventilation for the whole body. But cotton products need special care, because it is very easy to wrinkle, get dirty and lose its appearance. Yes, it is not synthetic, but its advantages are obvious. In this article, we will talk about how to wash cotton in the washing machine so that it does not sit down, and about all the rules for washing cotton items.

Preparing cotton clothes for washing

Before you start washing cotton items in a washing machine or by hand, you need to properly prepare them for washing.
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  • First of all, it is necessary sort things, i.e., separate colored cotton clothes from white. This is a must, because colored fabrics can stain white clothes and then you will have to return them to a snow-white color.
  • Also sort lightly soiled items that need a light wash from those that are heavily soiled and require an extra soak.
  • Next, all the clothes you need turn inside out, this will preserve the appearance of the outer side of the fabric.
  • Remove all items from pockets. Fasten buttons and zippers (if any).
  • See the washing instructions on the clothes label.

How to wash heavily soiled cotton

Now you need to decide what to do with especially contaminated things. If some cotton items are heavily soiled, they must be pre-soaked. To do this, fill a bowl with warm water and dilute a small amount of powder in it. Then, soak dirty things in a basin for several hours, after which, send them to the washing machine with lightly soiled things.

Another stain removal option serves a great way, which was used by our grandmothers. If there are stubborn stains on the cotton clothes that you need to wash, then you need to do the following. Wet the stains with water, then rub them with laundry soap and rub. In this way, you will remove the stains and the clothes can be washed as usual.

Another way that the modern industry has already given us is to use a special program on the washing machine. Many washing machines have prewash or soak program. It works in a similar way to the soaking method, which we described just above. You simply throw very dirty laundry into the washing machine and turn on this function, pouring the powder into two compartments (for pre-wash and main wash) and the machine does everything for you.

Do not use questionable methods of soaking cotton in turpentine, vinegar or other chemicals unless you are sure they are 100% safe. In some cases, these methods can completely ruin your things.

Also a great way would be washing dirty laundry with special bleach, (for example, if you need to remove coffee stains from white clothes) or stain remover, which you can add when washing in the washing machine. But remember that it is strictly forbidden to use chlorine-based substances in the washing machine. Therefore, the best option would be oxygen bleaches or other stain removers that will not harm either the machine or the laundry.

At what temperature to wash cotton

Washing 100% cotton can be done at different temperatures, depending on the following factor. As we know, colored clothes shed quite well during washing, and the higher the temperature of the water in which they are washed, the more things will lose color. Therefore, if you are going to wash a colored cotton dress or other colored item made of this material. That select a washing temperature not exceeding 40°C.

For white linen, the loss of color does not threaten, therefore, for washing white cotton items, you can select maximum temperature at 90°C. Our mothers and grandmothers also boiled white cotton things, and as you know, nothing happened to the things.

The temperature for washing white cotton items should be chosen in accordance with their soiling. The higher the washing temperature, the better the laundry will be washed. Therefore, if you just need to freshen up a dress or T-shirt, you can set the temperature to 40°C. It is also worth washing newborn clothes at higher temperatures to remove all dirt and bacteria.

Which washing mode to choose for cotton clothes

All modern washing machines have in their arsenal the “Cotton” program of the same name, which should be used for washing cotton items. Usually washing machines have not one such program, but several of its variations. For example, "Colored cotton", "Heavily soiled cotton", etc. Therefore, according to your soiling and type of clothing, you can select the desired program.

Some washing machines allow you to manually set the washing temperature, so before you start washing, make sure that the desired temperature is selected.

How long does the machine wash in cotton mode?

Different models of washing machines have different wash times in this mode. Also, the washing time will depend on the temperature you choose. It takes more time to heat water to 90°C than to heat the same amount of water to 40°C.

In order to find out the exact washing time in this mode, you need to refer to the instructions from your washing machine, which may indicate the duration of the program. But even if you find the exact time in the instructions, then most likely it will be very approximate.

It can be said for sure that the standard program "Cotton" is one of the longest in most washing machines.

How to wash cotton without shrinking

It is quite difficult to plant cotton, at least it is not wool that shrinks from ordinary washing. But still, if you neglect the rules of washing, then cotton can sit down. In order to prevent this from happening, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • Be sure to look at the labels on the clothes- they indicate the washing rules for specific items. If you do not violate them, then nothing will happen to your clothes.
  • Do not tumble dry on 100% cotton items- this also applies to drying cotton items on batteries. Drying cotton at high temperatures can cause the garment to shrink.

As you can see, the main cause of shrinkage in cotton clothes is the high drying temperature, so don't neglect it.

Proper washing of cotton should include several important steps so that whites do not turn yellow, and colors do not shed or shrink.

First of all, we sort the linen into white and colored. Before washing, the hostess must carefully read the label on which the temperature is written, the ironing mode, whether the laundry can be twisted, and whether it should be bleached. After that, the correct mode is selected, for especially dirty or white things, additional soaking may be necessary.

When washing, it is necessary to choose a detergent for cotton (liquid or washing powder).

For different types of cotton items, it is recommended to select your own washing modes.

  • White linen is washed at a temperature of 40 to 95 degrees. Dirty clothes, especially shirts, bedding, need to be soaked. Recommended detergents: powder containing bleach; oxygen-based bleaches; bleaches with chlorine. After washing, it is necessary to rinse the laundry thoroughly, preferably 2 times. Such underwear is not afraid of spinning at high speeds. It can even be dried in the machine. The denser the fabric, the more aggressive washing mode you can choose for it. Dense fabrics easily tolerate the effects of chlorine and oxygen bleach, and the spin can be increased to 1400 rpm. But before drying, you should carefully examine the label. Dry only those things on which the manufacturer has indicated the possibility of drying in an automatic machine. White cotton items are ironed slightly damp.
  • Colored linen "loves" the washing mode of 30-65 degrees. The most persistent dyes begin to shed at temperatures above 65 degrees. It can also be soaked before washing if heavily soiled. Recommended detergent: washing powder for colored items. The spin for them should be from 600 to 800 rpm. They should not be tumble dried. Before washing, you can check the thing: we moisten the corner in soapy water and run it over a clean white rag. If a trace remains, it means that the thing will shed during washing; it is better to wash it at a lower temperature, or by hand. Colored linen is not bleached.

Preparing for washing

  • We sort things, separating white from color so that they do not stain;
  • We select linen with severe contamination;
  • Linen with stains is pre-soaked;
  • Things are turned inside out, all zippers are fastened on them.

Sorted by material type. Thin and colored cotton fabrics shrink strongly, they are recommended to be washed at 30–40 degrees.

How to remove stains from cotton (pen and other difficult dirt)

blood stains soaked in cold water, Domestos can be used on white cotton fabric. It is kept for a while, then washed off. You can use regular laundry soap.

  • Oily spots. We take a paper napkin, heat the iron and iron the thing well. As the paper becomes dirty, we change it to a cleaner one. You can wash the item with dishwashing detergent. For cotton, you can use a gruel consisting of shavings of laundry soap, ammonia, purified turpentine (2 to 2 to 1). We apply it to the fabric, wait for the composition to dissolve the stain for two hours, soak it and wash it.
  • Ballpoint pen marks excreted with a mixture of ammonia (4 ml) and a glass of warm water. After that, the mixture is applied to the stain. For colored fabrics, a mixture of turpentine and ammonia (2 ml of each component) is suitable.
  • Yellow spots of sweat washed with a solution of ¼ cup salt and hot water. Then the thing is erased in the usual way.
  • Rust stains can be removed with a toothbrush and soap. If the stain is not strong, then it is easy to reduce it with lemon juice. The thing is moistened with lemon juice and ironed with a hot iron with a steam function. Old stains are eliminated with a solution of citric acid (a teaspoon of powder per 250 grams of water).

Cotton washing temperature

White cotton items are washed at temperatures of 35-40 degrees, while thicker cotton materials can be washed at temperatures up to 90 degrees.

In order for colored fabrics not to fade, it is necessary to sprinkle salt into the water at the rate of 2 teaspoons per liter of water. You can wash things with baby powder. Recommended modes: 40-45 degrees. It is better not to wring out, but to lay it out on a horizontal surface and put a clean terry towel on top. Do not use products containing chlorine.

This mode is one of the most common in models of automatic washing machines. This is a heavily soiled wash at 95 degrees. This long mode can reach 2-3 hours, and push-ups are carried out at the maximum number of revolutions.

How to wash cotton so that it does not shrink

  • We sort things correctly. Do not wash cotton and synthetic materials together. We separate things with soaking and delicate washing.
  • Machine wash. In most machines, if the programs are for soiled, white or colored cotton. Therefore, it is usually not necessary to additionally set the temperature and other parameters.
  • Manual, recommended for products with embroidery, lace, fine fabrics. Usually they are not soaked additionally before washing, but are carried out with powders that do not contain chlorine and other aggressive components. They can't be rubbed too hard.
  • The thing is not twisted, but simply squeezed. Rinsing is carried out in cool water until traces of soap disappear in it. Ironing should be done while damp. And it is recommended to dry things in a place without the sun, so that things do not burn out and turn yellow. Do not tumble dry it to avoid shrinkage.

How to wash cotton so that it shrinks

  • We study the composition of the linen, look at what mode you need to wash. If it is 30-45 degrees, then increase it to 60 degrees and increase the number of revolutions by another 200.
  • Pour a basin of boiling water and pour a cap of conditioner. We put the thing in the basin, cover it with polyethylene film and wait 5-7 minutes. Such measures will help things sit on the size.
  • If you put the item in the dryer, you can achieve another half of the shrinkage size.

How to bleach cotton clothes

Things can be bleached with:

  • Bleachers (oxygen, optical, chlorine).
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • whiteness
  • ammonia, etc.

How to dry and iron cotton

Dry cotton fabrics, laying them evenly on a horizontal surface, blotting them with a dry terry towel. Do not dry cotton items in direct sunlight.

The fabric must be sprayed with water before ironing. She will become more flexible. Ironing is carried out at the maximum temperature. You can apply wet gauze to the item being ironed. Cotton is recommended to be ironed still under-dry or on steam mode. If there is no such function on the iron, then wet cotton can simply be covered with paper and ironed. The effect will be the same. If the thing has bright patterns, then ironing from the inside is recommended.

Cotton clothing has been around for thousands of years. This material was valued in ancient India and Egypt; a couple of centuries ago, both peasants and aristocrats wore such clothes. This fabric has not lost its popularity even now, but the young housewife is always interested in the question of whether cotton shrinks after washing. We will now talk about the properties of this amazing material and how to handle it.

Features of cotton fabric

Cotton has a lot of advantages. Clothes made of chintz, satin, coarse calico, cotton jersey have a lot of useful properties:

  • hygienic;
  • absorbs moisture well;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • pleasant to the touch;
  • beautiful;
  • is inexpensive.

Why is that? Let's look at a few things:

  • Hygiene is due to the fact that products made from this fabric are easy to handle. In many cases high temperatures can be used where no bacteria will survive. Cotton perfectly absorbs moisture, so summer clothes and underwear are sewn from such fabrics.
  • This is a material made from natural fibers, so it does not cause irritation, allergies, or skin diseases, of course, if things are properly looked after and not allowed to get too dirty.

Important! During the time that cotton fabrics have existed, they have been made with many designs, so you can easily find bright beautiful products on sale. At the same time, the price range is quite wide, so you can buy very beautiful dresses and T-shirts at the lowest price.


Perfect materials do not exist, each has its drawbacks. Cotton also has them:

  • cotton fabrics are very wrinkled;
  • white things often turn yellow;
  • manufacturers do not always use persistent dyes, so things often shed and fade;
  • with improper washing, cotton shrinks after washing, sometimes even strongly.

First wash

How to wash cotton so that things serve for a long time, retain their size and appearance? A lot depends on the first wash. Even if you usually wash in an automatic machine, cottons should be washed by hand the first time, especially if there are no synthetic fibers in the fabric at all.

  1. Add some powder for natural fabrics (preferably with enzymes). Ours will help you choose a quality one.
  2. Soak the product for fifteen minutes.
  3. Rinse thoroughly and dry item.

Important! It is better to carry out the first wash immediately after you bought the product - then you can do without powder at all.

Choosing a washing powder

This is not difficult. Many detergents are suitable for washing cotton products - both those intended for products made from natural fabrics and universal ones.

But there are nuances:

  • Pay attention to what materials the product is intended for - for white, black or colored.
  • Also, make sure that you always have bleach and fabric softener on hand - of course, such that you can wash cotton items.

Important! Do not use chlorine-based bleaches for washing cotton items - they destroy both fabric and dyes. Oxygen bleaching is preferred.

Preparing for washing

Since cotton shrinks quite often during washing, some simple rules must be followed. Cotton fabrics can be washed:

  • manually;
  • in car.

Regardless of which method you choose, the products you need:

  • sort;
  • get out of the pockets everything that is there;
  • turn inside out;
  • fasten if there are buttons or zippers.

Laundry sorting

It is necessary to disassemble dirty things very carefully:

  • separate white products from colored ones;
  • sort according to the degree of contamination;
  • arrange in different piles of things from thin and thick fabrics.

What features should be taken into account:

  • Wash sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers separately from T-shirts, socks and other small items.
  • It is always better to wash white and colored linen separately, regardless of what materials it is made of. A thin strip on a synthetic sock, which seems to be resistant, can stain the entire contents of the washing machine in the most incredible colors. This is especially true for cotton fabrics - dyes can be very unstable.
  • It is also better to always clean your pockets, because an accidentally remaining bill or candy wrapper can ruin a thing forever. By turning the product inside out, you provide colored products with a gentle treatment. As for fasteners, a zipper left open may never close again.

Removing stains

Before washing cotton, it is necessary to remove too obvious stains from it as much as possible.

Very dirty socks and T-shirts

Sand, clay, cocoa, fruit juice - you never know what can be on cotton things? Unfortunately, street dirt also leaves stains that are not immediately washed off. Therefore, before placing a T-shirt or socks in the washing machine, try to remove excess contaminants. For this you need:

  • turpentine;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • laundry soap;
  • washing powder.

Option 1

In a bucket of warm water (10 l), dissolve 5 tbsp. l. washing powder and 5 tbsp. l. turpentine. Soak the product for a couple of hours, then rinse. The spots should be gone.

Option 2

In 10 liters of water (cold or room temperature), dissolve 2 tbsp. l hydrogen peroxide and 1 tbsp. l ammonia. This solution is also designed to soak for a couple of hours.

Important! It is more suitable for white products than for colored ones.

Option 3

Things can simply be soaked for a day in warm water with powder. The water temperature should not exceed 40°C.

Option 4

Laundry soap is used for this ancient method. The operation is carried out before soaking the entire product. The method is laborious, but effective:

  1. Wet the stain.
  2. Thickly smear it with laundry soap.
  3. Rub it.
  4. Rinse off the soap.
  5. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

In addition, stains can be removed with refined gasoline, glycerin (after diluting it with water), as well as special stain removers. After removing the “specific” contaminants, the products are washed in the same way as usual.

Important! The main advantage of all these methods is that cotton does not shrink after such processing.

Removing yellow spots

Sometimes white cotton products turn yellow simply from old age. You can return them to their former beauty, but for this you need:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia;
  • water.

In a bucket of water, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. peroxide and the same amount of ammonia. The product is soaked for half an hour after normal washing.

Hand wash: how to wash cotton so that it does not shrink?

The first enemy of cotton fibers is heat. Of course, cotton sheets and waffle towels, as well as baby diapers, are sometimes boiled down. But this can only be done with linen that has served for some time or if shrinkage does not play a big role. If you want to keep an attractive appearance of clothes, you should not boil them. Just the opposite - you need to use cold or slightly warm water.

Thin fabrics - special attention

Fine fabrics can be washed with a regular detergent or with salt or boric acid.

Option 1:

  1. Pour cold water into a bowl.
  2. Dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of enzyme laundry detergent.
  3. Soak the product for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse thoroughly under running water.

Important! When squeezing, cotton products should not be twisted strongly - bruises or creases may form, which then will be very difficult to smooth out.

Option 2

Dissolve 2 tablespoons of edible salt (not iodized) in 10 liters of warm water. Soak products for 2 hours, and then rinse. You can also use sea salt.

Option 3

Dissolve 3 tablespoons of boric acid in 10 liters of water and hold the product in this solution for two hours.

Important! This method is good for white items that have turned gray from time to time or poor-quality previous washing.

We wash clothes with embroidery

Such cotton products require especially careful handling, especially if you do not know what threads the embroidery was made with.

Wash cotton with embroidery only by hand:

  1. Dissolve in 0.5 liters of water 1 tbsp. l salt.
  2. Soak the item.
  3. Wait 20 minutes.
  4. Wash the item by hand with a detergent for natural fabrics.
  5. Rinse the item.
  6. Wrap it in a thick absorbent cloth.
  7. Wait for the fabric to absorb excess water.
  8. Hang the product on a coat hanger and dry it outdoors.

Can cotton fabrics be boiled?

It is possible and even necessary to boil cotton products, but not all. Do not boil:

  • new things that have not yet been washed:
  • products from colored and printed fabrics.

Aluminum utensils should not be used for boiling - white things will turn gray. An enameled tank is most suitable, into which water is poured and bleach is poured, laundry is loaded, brought to a boil and boiled for an hour.

Important! The contents of the tank must be stirred periodically.

How to wash cotton in a washing machine?

Washing cotton in the washing machine is easy and pleasant, if only you choose the right mode. Any temperature is acceptable, it all depends on several circumstances:

  • white things or colored;
  • thin fabric or thick.

Regarding temperature:

  • From too high a temperature, the dyes are destroyed, respectively - colored things fade. Therefore, the temperature should not exceed 40°C.
  • White clothes can also be washed at the maximum temperature - 95 ° C is suitable for them, but it is still better to set the thermostat to 90 ° C.

Important! Do not wash cotton items together with synthetic items, even if the same cycle is suitable for both.

Choose a program:

  • To begin with, the laundry needs to be soaked. To do this, there is a special pre-wash or soak mode in the automatic machine. In this case, the detergent must be placed in two compartments of the tray - A (1, I) and B (2, II). The first is for prewash, the second is for the main wash.
  • For the main wash, there is a special program “Cotton”. It is best to choose it, although it is considered slow. Some high quality machines have several programs for each type of fabric. You have already sorted the laundry, so it will not be difficult for you to choose the right one - for example, “Colored cotton” or “White cotton”.

However, other options are also possible. If the item is thin, made of colored fabric, not very dirty and you do not want it to shrink in size, it is best to select the delicate wash setting by setting the thermostat to 30 ° C. After washing, the product must be stretched and dried in a horizontal position. In the same way, items knitted from cotton yarn are also washed.

Important! Make sure that the product retains its shape.

Does cotton stretch?

But what if, despite all the tricks, the product still sat down? Can it be stretched? In some cases, this can be done. To do this, you need an iron with a steamer:

  1. Lay the item on a horizontal surface.
  2. Cover it with wet gauze.
  3. Iron with an iron, stretching the edges.

There are other ways to deal with trouble, you need:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar 3%.

Option 1:

  1. Dilute in a bucket of water 2 tbsp. l. peroxides.
  2. Soak the item.
  3. Wait 2 hours.
  4. Rinse and dry in a horizontal position.

Option 2:

  1. Spread the product on the table.
  2. Smooth out any wrinkles.
  3. Soak a sponge in 3% vinegar.
  4. Moisten the item.
  5. Wash in the usual way.

Reduce T-shirt

Shrinkage isn't always bad. Sometimes the product needs to be reduced in size, and cotton is just perfect for this:

  • Electric heaters are also not the best helpers in this case.
  • Important! It is best to dry cotton products in the open air, but not in the sun, from which the white fabric turns yellow, and the color fades. In this case, it is necessary to use clothespins very carefully, from which strong creases and bruises can remain. Better use hangers.

    How to iron cotton?

    Cotton can be ironed at high temperatures - it does not melt or stick. For this fabric, set the thermostat to maximum. The most important thing is to make sure that the fabric lies flat, because folds on cotton form in the most unexpected places, and it is rather difficult to smooth them out later.

    Important! You can steam such products, as much as possible, and iron them wet, but this should be done carefully, otherwise scorch marks may appear.

    How to care for cotton products?

    Cotton, of course, is not the most wear-resistant material, but it can still serve for a long time with proper care:

    1. Be sure to check the label before washing for the first time.
    2. Do not allow dirt to eat in - wash things immediately.
    3. Do not line dry cottons - if there is no other way, dry to a damp state, and then complete the process with an iron.
    4. Do not let it dry out - in any case, you need to iron the fabric when it is damp.

    Important! The same rules must be observed if you have a dress or T-shirt made of mixed materials with the addition of synthetic fibers. Synthetics are added to keep things in shape better. In this case, clothes and linen can be dried on a rope using clothespins, but you should choose the temperature more carefully - it may happen that the maximum temperature is not suitable.

    Now you know whether cotton shrinks after washing, how to avoid it, how to wash such things by hand and in a washing machine. We hope that with the help of our advice you will not have any difficulties in caring for such comfortable and pleasant things.

    In the middle of the last century, synthetic fabrics came into fashion. Then few people did not wear nylon, crimplen, lavsan and acetate shirts, dresses and suits. Of course, there are advantages to such clothes. But there are also many disadvantages! Therefore, years later, people remembered the wonderful qualities of wrinkled, but such pleasant natural fabrics. And today we prefer light cotton and smooth linen, weightless silk and warm soft wool. We just don't know how to take care of them. After all, natural fabrics are very reluctant to part with ingrained dirt. And ironing them after washing is not so easy.

    Many housewives are especially interested in the rules for washing cotton items. It is from it that most children's things, underwear and home textiles are made. Therefore, we invite you to find out, for example, how to wash cotton correctly?

    General rules for washing cotton fabrics

    Cotton clothes can of course be washed in washing machines. Modern automatic machines even have a special washing mode for such things. And yet you need to know that colored cotton items are washed in water with a temperature of no more than 40 ° C, and for washing white cotton, water is heated to 95 ° C. Do not forget that for washing colored fabrics, powders specially designed for them are used, but for white things, a universal laundry detergent is also suitable.

    Cotton items shrink when washed. In addition, they are very wrinkled, although they retain their shape. Therefore, you need to dry cotton products in a natural way (in the air), and not in a washing machine. And also, to make it easier to iron them later, do not wring out such things. Although, and dry in the washing machine. But manufacturers inform about this possibility with special labels on the labels. If there are no such recommendations, then do not take risks and wash in accordance with the prohibitions and permissions of the manufacturer.

    How to sort cotton items when washing

    Everyone knows that whites and colored fabrics should be washed separately! So, cotton linen of varying degrees of soiling is washed in the same way! In addition, very dirty cotton items are recommended to be soaked before washing.

    So, for example, cotton handkerchiefs are dipped into a basin of salt water, where they are left to soak for about ten hours. For very dirty cotton laundry, a special soaking solution is prepared from four tablespoons of washing powder, ten liters of water and four tablespoons of turpentine. White cotton socks and stockings should be soaked for two hours in a solution of boric acid (two tablespoons per eight to ten liters). After such a soak, all cotton items are washed quite easily.

    How to wash cotton with embroidery

    As a rule, products made of cotton fabrics are decorated with embroidery from the same threads. But it happens that embroidery is done with silk or synthetic thread. In addition, colored threads are used for the tower, and they can shed when washed.

    Therefore, before washing, such things must be checked for the ability to give color and dye neighboring fibers. If the threads shed, then they wash the embroidered things very carefully. Soaking embroidered cotton in salt water can be recommended here. One tablespoon of coarse salt is added to one liter of warm water. They also need to be washed in salted water with the addition of powder, and then rinsed thoroughly with clean cold water. Before drying, products with embroidery are wrung out without twisting by hand, but wrapped in a clean towel in a roll. When the thing gives up excess moisture, it is dried in the usual way at room temperature.

    How to remove food stains from cotton

    Stains from wine, chocolate, juice, coffee, tea and other products usually remain on table textiles. And, of course (except for wine stains), on children's clothing. In order to, things stained with food can be washed with ordinary powder or soap, and then boiled in water with bleach. Only here for boiling you need to use only enameled dishes without rust. Because rust will eat deep into cotton fabric and even bleach will not protect things from rust stains.

    Boil clothes for an hour. That is, half an hour is spent on boiling water and half an hour on the boiling process itself. In order for the time to be distributed so evenly, the container with linen must be placed on a slow fire.

    How to remove yellow spots on cotton

    Cotton tends to lose its original whiteness over time. Oddly enough, this happens even after frequent washes. Sometimes the thing turns yellow evenly, acquiring a somewhat dirty shade. But sometimes cotton turns yellow in places and the product is covered with not very noticeable, but very untidy spots. Special bleaches will help to get rid of yellow spots without much difficulty. But these are all quite aggressive agents that can damage the fabric. So try one of the old recipes for removing yellow stains from cotton:
    • 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide;
    • 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
    • 10 liters of water.
    Water is heated to 60 degrees and ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are dissolved in it. After that, already washed and rinsed cotton items are lowered into the container with the solution and left for about twenty to thirty minutes. The laundry is then rinsed again, wrung out and hung out to dry.

    Treat things with care! Appreciate not only them, but also your work. Good luck!

    Cotton products are relevant in any weather. They are not hot in summer and warm in winter. This fabric is breathable and hygroscopic, making it a pleasure to wear.

    Cotton (Cotton) is a natural durable material that lends itself well to dyeing. Summer clothes are made from thin cotton. From dense sew jackets, trousers, skirts, dresses for cold weather. Bed and underwear, curtains, tablecloths and other household textiles are made from it.

    Does cotton shrink after washing is the main question that you need to know the answer to when buying products from it. Yes, cotton shrinks, so you should buy products larger than required. The material shrinks by 6% in length and 3% in width. Clothing must be purchased 1 size larger.

    Cotton has conquered the world due to its unique properties. It is an interweaving of thin fluffy and soft fibers, slightly twisted around its own axis. Raw materials are obtained from ripe cotton fruits.

    Properties of cotton fabric

    Cotton has advantages and disadvantages. Knowing the rules for caring for this material, the shortcomings turn into specific features that will not create problems.


    1. Strength, lightness, softness.
    2. Hypoallergenic.
    3. High hygroscopicity. Absorbs well and wicks away sweat.
    4. The material is warm due to its fine fiber structure. A lot of air is trapped between the numerous fibers of the fabric, which is the best heat insulator. That. products retain body heat well.
    5. The fabric is affordable.
    6. Not damaged by insects.


    1. The material gets dirty easily and does not wash well.
    2. Shrinks after washing.
    3. White fabric turns yellow over time.


    • dries slowly;
    • wrinkled;
    • has an average resistance to abrasion.

    Cotton fabrics: calico, chintz, cambric, poplin, twill, etc.

    Caring for cotton fabrics

    so that it shrinks less and does not discolor? Products made of dense fabric can withstand up to 50 washes without a significant change in appearance and properties. The only caveat is shrinkage.

    Washing in the washing machine

    Before the advent of modern powders and gels, it was necessary to resort to boiling, without which it was impossible to remove stubborn dirt.

    Today, there are effective detergents with a complex chemical composition that allow you to do without boiling. washing powder for automatic machines is not suitable for hand washing, because in order for it to become effective, intensive mechanical action is needed. To obtain a good result, it is important to rinse several times so that dirt and detergent residues that are between the fibers are completely eliminated.

    In washing machines, there is a program for washing cotton with boiling (water is heated to a temperature of 90ºС), in which the washing powder fully realizes its functions due to mechanical and thermal effects when washing. There is no need to pre-soak the products due to the effectiveness of modern detergents. If the laundry is heavily soiled, it is enough to use the soaking program with washing powder provided in the machine for 30 minutes. This method is more efficient, because. in the machine, the cotton does not just lie, but is subjected to periodic mechanical stress during the rotation of the drum. The result is saving time and physical effort.

    There are times when you need to help the cotton shrink by reducing the size of the item. This is required when a person put his figure in order and the wardrobe bought earlier became large. In this case, you need to wash the product in a washing machine at a temperature of 60 ºС. Greater shrinkage can be achieved if the machine has a drying function.

    Success Rules:

    • Delicate items should be washed separately. For colored things, the temperature should be 30-40ºС. Use only mild detergents for colored laundry that do not contain bleach. Press products at minimum speed or manually.
    • It is better to wash white things from a dense linen at a temperature of 90ºС. The use of oxygen bleach is encouraged. Avoid chlorine bleach as it will ruin the fabric and the machine. Clean linen can be spun at 800 rpm.
    • To reduce abrasion on the right side of the fabric, turn the product inside out before washing. All buttons and zippers must be fastened.
    • Ironing works best on slightly damp items.

    Washing cotton by hand

    Delicate garments can wash at 40°C in a mild detergent. Instead of powder or gel, it is allowed to use laundry soap: 2 tbsp. grate, dissolve in 10 l. warm water. Soak things. Soaking time depends on the degree of contamination. If you want to refresh the laundry, then a ten-minute soak is enough. With more severe contamination, 5 hours are required. After soaking, wash with light hand movements.

    The fabric will be softer and easier to iron if rinsed in fabric softener or 2 tbsp. l. vinegar.

    In case of severe contamination of white linen, soaking is carried out for 24 hours. To do this, you need 10 liters. water dissolve 4 tbsp. l. washing powder and 4 tbsp. l. turpentine. Wash clothes in a day.

    To remove old stains, soak things for 20 minutes in the following solution: dissolve 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. ammonia and 2 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide. After that, wash in warm water with detergent.

    Cotton items should be dried at room temperature, avoiding the sun's rays on their surface. Delicate items of clothing are best dried on a horizontal surface so that they are less deformed.