How to care for your face in the summer. Recipe for thirst. Caring for the skin around the eyes

Summer is coming. Bright, colorful time of the year. For many, summer is a period when they want to try new makeup, buy new clothes, and have a new haircut. Still would!

In summer, more than ever, we want to be beautiful and desirable! An even tan, beautiful velvet skin ... Each of us dreams of this. But how do we make our dream come true? How to heal and improve the condition of our skin?

In summer, the skin needs special care. Bright sun can lead to wrinkles, and because of that, and due to hot weather, pimples and blackheads can appear.

When preparing for the summer season, be sure to purchase dark sunglasses. In them you will not squint, which means that wrinkles will not appear.

Summer skin care: cream

For the summer, you need to choose a cream especially carefully. The cream should have a light texture and be easily absorbed. Otherwise, the oily film will prevent moisture evaporation, create a "greenhouse effect" and the skin will overheat. In addition, the skin needs to breathe.

  1. Day cream must necessarily contain sunscreen factors. Scientists have found that most often premature aging is caused by ultraviolet rays. They dry out the skin and drain it.
  2. As in winter, a summer day cream should protect the skin from the effects of free radicals, leading to the death of skin cells. This function is taken over by vitamins B, C, E, A, which should be part of a caring summer cream.
  3. That. fatty creams that save our skin in winter from wind and frost, in summer you need replace with gentle emulsions. This also applies to night creams.

Summer skin care: eye contour care

  • The delicate skin around the eyes also requires special care. Apply a cream or cosmetic oil (almond, olive, wheat germ, etc.) to it daily. The best time to do this is before bed.
  • In order for the skin to retain its elasticity, you need to drink plenty of water in the summer. It is best to consume it before meals.

Summer skin care: peeling

Depending on the type of skin 1-2 times a week, you need to exfoliate the keratinized scales with a scrub.

Summer skin care: makeup

Summer skin care: masks

In the summer, when the counters are simply full of various fruits, berries and vegetables, try to saturate the body with vitamins. Greens, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, gooseberries, currants, etc. are very useful for the skin.

It is known that in winter the skin needs enhanced nutrition, while in summer it needs moisture and protection. In summer, the skin becomes dirty much faster, so it is necessary to cleanse it not only in the sutra and in the evening. It is very helpful to wipe your skin with toner or lotion throughout the day.

Pamper your skin with homemade fruit or berry masks. In winter we will use industrial masks, and in summer, when fruits and berries are in abundance, not using them is simply a sin!

If your skin is burned (try your best to avoid this), a mask of sour cream, kefir or sour milk will ease the condition.

Summer skin care: lotions

In the summer, you can also prepare various lotions, based on decoctions of herbs and juices of berries or fruits.

Pink lotion

For dry skin, you can make a pink lotion.

To do this, pour a handful of petals with a glass of boiling water and stand for 15-20 minutes. Lotions from this lotion are very useful, they perfectly relieve various irritations and swelling.

Lilac Blossom Lotion

For oily skin, lilac flower lotion is an excellent remedy. The lotion is prepared in such a proportion of 100 g of flowers per 1 liter of boiled water. The infusion is brewed in a thermos for about an hour. Wipe your face with a cotton pad dipped in lotion.

These lotions can be made from parsley, apples, lilies, dandelions, linden flowers, plantains, and more.

Take advantage of the generous gifts of the hot summer!

Nobody says that the skin is exposed to less stress in summer than in winter. No, but the exposure factors differ significantly, as well as the methods of skin care:

  1. In summer, dust has a great effect on the skin - the pores become very dirty very quickly, as soon as you go outside on a windy dry day.
  2. In addition, the pores are clogged with sebum, because in summer it is hot and we often sweat. By the way, due to the loss of moisture in the body, the skin dries up and becomes rough.
  3. And the sun's rays? What a serious impact they have. Often, the skin on the face burns, and then special care is required. We constantly squint from the sun, as a result, mimic wrinkles around the eyes become more noticeable and new ones are formed.
  4. In summer, due to high temperatures, the skin can become oily, but you need to deal with this correctly, since inappropriate products and procedures will completely deprive the skin of water.

Dirty city air and active sebum production are favorable conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms. Blackheads, pimples, acne form much faster than usual. What can you say? Remember, cleanliness is at the heart of healthy skin. In summer, the skin needs a gentle and thorough cleansing.

When coming from the street, do not forget to wash off makeup and street dust. Use foams, mousses for this purpose; milk for removing cosmetics is best suited for deep cleaning. Especially effective for summer care are products based on kiwi, green tea, grape or ripe strawberry extracts.

Note! If your home is hot, store your makeup bottles in a cool place, maybe even in the fridge. It will deteriorate, despite the expiration date that has not yet been released. By the way, check it too.

Do not use soap or other products containing soap or alkali for washing. Such substances have a drying effect on the skin.

Note! You can use the scrub, but not as often as usual. Use homemade scrubs such as ground coffee.

A sweaty face should not be wiped off with "erasing" movements. This will allow all the dirt to enter the pores. Use dry wipes for these purposes, and blot your face with them as needed.


Since the skin gets especially dry in summer, it needs to be moisturized.

Best remedies:

  • thermal water,
  • light moisturizing day cream with SPF or emulsion,
  • moisturizing masks (use the benefits of summer fruits and vegetables),
  • wiping your face with ice cubes.

As for the thermal water, it perfectly refreshes, moisturizes and tones the skin of the face in summer. You can use regular mineral water instead. After applying thermal water, let it absorb a little, dry, and only then apply cream or carry out other procedures.

Use the cream also: apply, leave for a few minutes, blot excess with a napkin. Do not refuse to use the night cream, it is now, oh, how you need it. But, in any case, do not use a greasy cream. Pay attention to the composition, it is great if there are moisturizing components, such as, for example, vitamin E, antioxidants - grape seed oil.

Watch out for the sun

The sun in summer haunts us everywhere, not only on the beach, and this contributes to photoaging of the skin and the appearance of facial wrinkles. Almost all creams that are on the market today have an SPF of 15 or higher or a sunscreen function.

Note! Do not forget about sunglasses when going outside.

Dust protection

Some girls try not to wear makeup at all in the summer before going out. In vain, the street in summer is full of dust, and the pores of the sensitive skin of the face should be protected from it. Use day cream and powder as protection, block the access of harmful microbes.

Note! In the summer, it is worth giving up the usual powder, as it clogs the pores too much. Mineral powder is best suited, it lays down on the skin with a weightless cover.

How to care for dry skin

Dry and sensitive skin always requires special care, including in summer. Use moisturizing milk to cleanse your skin, use less water for washing your face. If you still use water, it should be boiled and at room temperature. In general, mineral water is often used to care for dry skin. Some people advise replacing the water with herbal teas. If you use milk in the process of washing your face in the morning, the skin will become more hydrated. The main thing, remember, is soap - by no means!

Forget beauty scrubs, make your own scrub. A great alternative to brewed oat flakes.

If you haven't tried it yet, try cleansing your face with a cosmetic oil. The whole procedure is reduced to applying cosmetic oil to the face and neck, and then wiping off the excess with a paper towel.

Summer masks for dry skin

  1. Masks with honey can help to tidy up very dry skin. It is best to use mountain honey. For example, if you are in Abkhazia, buy a small jar of honey for yourself, it will last for a long time. You need to apply honey slightly warmed up for just ten minutes. You can use honey in combination with other ingredients, for example, grated apple, lemon juice.
  2. Fresh milk and cucumber mask. Chopped cucumber is infused in milk for half an hour. Then they filter and wipe the face and neck.
  3. Use raw zucchini to help prevent wrinkles and soften your skin. Cut it into strips and apply on face and neck, rest on the sofa for 20 minutes, then wash with boiled water or unboiled milk.
  4. An excellent option for a summer mask for the care of dry skin is a berry mask. For this purpose, you can use strawberry, raspberry or currant puree. After lying on your face with a berry mask for about 20 minutes, you will get a noticeable toning, refreshing and moisturizing effect.
  5. Pounded tomato mask. Grate the tomato, add a little vegetable oil - olive, sunflower or flaxseed - it doesn't matter. The duration of the mask is 15-20 minutes.

Oily skin care

In summer, oily skin constantly shines and sweats frequently. And here again purity comes to the fore. Wash your face with cold water or chamomile decoction. Decoctions of oak bark and St. John's wort will have an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect, after wiping the face with such decoctions, the skin will sweat less. If you are tempted to use lotions and alcohol toners for skin care, do not give in. Alcohol triggers the production of sebum.

When choosing a day cream, be careful, after applying some moisturizing types of cream, active sweating begins. - in this case, change the cream. A good day cream for oily skin should:

  • do not induce sweating,
  • have a matting effect,
  • have an SPF of 15 and above.

Masks for the care of oily skin

  1. Clay masks are ideal for oily skin care. With their help, deep cleaning of pores is carried out, excess fat is removed.
  2. Cucumber mask. The cucumber can be grated or sliced. The effect is pore tightening, toning and whitening.
  3. An interesting recipe that combines apricots and sour milk. Apricots should be added to sour milk in equal proportions. Do not forget to just peel off the apricot skins. Grind everything, mix and make a mask. To prevent the mask from spreading, you can put a piece of gauze on top of your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse.
  4. To take care of oily problem skin, take a fresh carrot. Rub it with a grater and use it as a mask.
  5. Cabbage juice will improve the skin condition. Grate the cabbage, squeeze the juice and use as a tonic.
Note! Perform cleansing masks at least twice a week.

If the skin of the face is burned

The skin on the face burns very quickly, faster than the rest of the body. If suddenly this trouble has not spared you either, then:

  1. Get out of the sun first.
  2. Wash yourself with cool water. Apply chilled sour cream, kefir, or egg white on your face.
  3. Stop using decorative cosmetics for the next few days, and alcohol-based lotions and toners, too. As we found out, it's better not to think about them at all.
  4. Apply aloe vera moisturizer to your face often.
  5. Apply compresses based on herbs: chamomile, string, calendula, St. John's wort.

To relieve fever and redness, use these masks:

  • Mask made from chopped cabbage leaves. The crushed leaves should be mixed with egg yolk, and the resulting mixture should be applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water and you will feel relief.
  • Potato mask with cucumber. Grate raw potatoes and cucumber on a fine grater, stir and apply on face.
  • Egg white soothes the skin well.
Note! It is best, of course, to follow the recommendations for proper tanning and not go out in the sun from 12 to 16 noon.

The main threats to the face in summer are the hot sun and intense ultraviolet radiation. Due to the sun, the epidermis thickens, the amount of collagen in the skin decreases, and altered defective elastin accumulates - a protein that has elasticity and promotes skin regeneration. Because of the heat, the activity of the sebaceous glands is activated, and if for the owners of dry skin this is rather a positive phenomenon, then for girls with oily skin it is a real disaster.

In addition, sweat, sebum, dust, dirt and grime accumulate on the skin and clog pores.

In the summer, the skin must be cleansed several times a day., using, of course, products designed for your skin type. In addition, in the heat, you often want to rinse your face with cool, or even ice water. This temptation, however, must be fought and washed with water at room temperature. It is useful to wipe the skin with pieces of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries.

The perspiration on the face is troublesome. Simply wiping it off with a cloth handkerchief can injure your skin and cause irritation. Therefore, it is better to lightly blot your face with a soft paper towel.

Often, an incorrectly selected day cream causes severe sweating of the face. A common mistake that causes sweat glands to work more intensively is using an evening cream instead of a day cream, or applying a too thick layer of a day cream. For some young women, moisturizing cream or bio cream can cause sweating.

Owners of oily skin with the consequences of excessive sweating of the face will help to cope with toning lotions. In especially severe cases, it is allowed to use alcohol-containing products, but they should not contain more than 30% alcohol.

In the summer, a lot of fluid is excreted from the body along with sweat. To make up for her loss drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily... As in spring, it should be just water, not tea, juice or other liquids.

Use creams with UV filters and sunscreens daily. Before going outside, be sure to lubricate your face with a protective cream, and upon returning home, immediately cleanse your skin, wipe it with toner or apply a moisturizer.

Do not wash yourself before going to the beach or walking in the sun so as not to destroy the protective hydrolipidic film.

Do not use fortified or moisturizing cream as a tanning agent. as well as creams containing hormones. These drugs contribute to dermatitis, sunburn, and excessive sweating. Use special sunscreens, creams, and oils. Please note, however, that they must be applied in a thin layer. Too much of these products often cause redness, irritation, and itching.

Owners of oily and problem skin need to be very careful about the tanning procedure. Acne, pimples, pustules do not like too sharp and long exposure to ultraviolet light and can become even more inflamed. To prevent this from happening, it is better to sunbathe not every day, but every other day. Start with 2-3 minutes of sun exposure and gradually, adding 2-3 minutes each, increase the duration of sunbathing to 15 minutes. Then, just as smoothly reduce the tanning time. Turn to the sun alternately one or the other side of your face.

Look for creams with a light texture. It is desirable that they include moisturizing and soothing ingredients, as well as substances that increase immunity.

The sun, dirt, pollen and heat can increase the sensitivity of the skin and cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, to avoid overloading your skin with additional pollutants, try to use as little makeup as possible. It is better to prefer loose powder to foundation: it will protect the skin and eliminate oily sheen.

In the summer, morning skincare routines should be kept to a minimum. Evening grooming can be more intense. Summer evening is the best time for applying masks, peeling, and bleaching products.

The sun provokes the active formation of dangerous substances in the body - free radicals, therefore, to maintain immunity, it is recommended to take dietary supplements with antioxidants, vitamins and trace elements.

In summer, facial skin requires special attention and well-thought-out protection. After all, she is faced with two serious aggressors at once: the intense sun and dry air saturated with fine corrosive dust.

Hazard # 1: Exposure to sunlight

Any of us without hesitation will prefer a clear summer day to a rainy autumn, and will be right: we need the sun both psychologically and physiologically. Its rays promote the synthesis in the body of such important substances as the "joy hormone" serotonin and vitamin D, which is necessary for the normal absorption of calcium.

However, excessive sun exposure can have negative effects. Intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation leads to dehydration of the skin, reducing its tone and elasticity, and ultimately provoking the appearance of wrinkles.

Protection: moisturizing

To keep the skin fresh, soft and smooth under the summer sun, you need moisturizing masks and products that regulate its water balance at the cellular level. In this case, only preparations of professional cosmetic lines can give a full effect.

Modern innovations such as Cell Fusion C and HolyLand are capable of not only restoring the optimal level of tissue hydration and returning a radiant, rested look to the face. The effectiveness of these products is due to their precise targeting: as a rule, they are designed either for a specific skin type, or to solve a specific cosmetic problem. That is why only a certified specialist can choose the right complex of drugs. He should also develop an individual program of procedures for you, so taking care of skin hydration should begin with a visit to a serious beautician.

As for home cosmetics, it is recommended to add to their list for the summer:

  • moisturizing sprays - apply them in the morning and in the evening, after cleansing the skin, as well as during the day, especially if you spend a lot of time at the computer;
  • light moisturizing lotions;
  • moisturizing masks - apply them 2-3 times a week on clean skin to restore its tone;
  • night remedies that intensively nourish and regenerate the skin - during a night's rest, cells are especially susceptible to beneficial substances.

It is highly desirable that daytime cosmetics contain UV filters, that is, components that protect against exposure to sunlight.

Hazard # 2: dust and sand

Dry summer air is rarely clean, especially in metropolitan areas. The smallest particles of dust on the face clog pores, interfere with the skin's breathing and often cause inflammation.

Unaesthetic rashes push us to use powder and foundation, but these funds only exacerbate the situation. Under the layer of cosmetics, the sebaceous glands react more strongly to heat, intensively producing fat, which contributes to the even more active development of pathogenic flora on the skin.

Protection: cleansing

The usual washing in the morning and evening, alas, is not enough. On the one hand, the loss of moisture makes the upper layer of the dermis very sensitive and vulnerable, on the other hand, it is not so easy to get rid of pores from grease and dust. In other words, in the heat, the skin requires regular cleansing, which will be both deep and very delicate at the same time. The latter is especially important, therefore, peels, even the most cautious ones, should be excluded.

Professional cosmetologists offer to solve the problem using the method of ultrasonic face cleansing. Today, this is perhaps the most suitable way to rid the pores of summer dust and restore their free breathing. During the procedure, neither chemicals nor mechanical action are used, so it does not cause irritation and does not stress the skin in any way.

As for self-care, when choosing a "summer" cleansing cosmetics, one should be guided by the same principle: minimum intensity, maximum delicacy. Look for softer scrubs, lighter foams, and toners with no or very little alcohol.

It is useful to add to the cleansing rituals procedures that stimulate capillary blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin. A classic ice cube wipe is an easy way to restore an even complexion and bring clarity to features. If you wish, you can make ice not from water, but from herbal decoction.

So, summer skin care is based on just two rules: cleansing and moisturizing. However, it is important to do them regularly and with the means that are right for you.

Of course, the easiest way is to contact a beautician who will help you choose your personal complex of drugs to protect and restore facial skin. If you have just made an appointment with our specialists, then for now just follow the general recommendations below.

If your skin is oily or mixed

The main rule in this case is thorough cleansing. Oily skin needs frequent refreshing treatments, and regular washing with cold water is not enough.

  • give up powder and other concealing cosmetics;
  • use soft paper towels to remove sweat from your face;
  • cleanse your skin regularly;
  • make masks from fresh fruits;
  • for washing, use not water, but light herbal infusions or wipe your face with weak cold tea;
  • Apply creams in small amounts and immediately after washing, when the skin is still slightly damp.

If your face is dry

It is very sensitive to both hot sunlight and harsh dust particles. Such skin is easily injured and inflamed, quickly loses moisture and elasticity. To avoid this, the main emphasis should be on uniform, permanent hydration.

When caring for dry skin in summer:

  • use powder as little as possible;
  • Avoid moisturizers that contain alcohol.
  • be sure to use sun protection creams;
  • wash your face not with hot, but with cool water or weak herbal infusions;
  • choose creams that contain nourishing and soothing ingredients.

The sun dries out our skin, which leads to aging. For those with oily skin, the pores are clogged, which leads to rashes and inflammation.

A separate story is freckles and age spots. A natural question arises: how to avoid this?

Everything is simple enough. You just need to follow a few rules.

Summer face care rules

Moisturize your skin

This is an important rule, because in summer our skin quickly becomes dry due to the high temperature of the air and the bright, drying sun and its merciless ultraviolet rays. The body begins to sweat and therefore lose moisture.

It is worth starting to use a light moisturizer (it should not be greasy, but it needs to be quickly absorbed). Serums and creams like gels work well.

For those with oily skin, a fluid cream will be a salvation. For those with dry skin, a moisturizer rather than a nourishing cream is suitable. During the day, you can use thermal water or mineral water.

The skin needs to be protected

When choosing a cream, you need to remember that it must contain a sun protection factor (this is indicated on the label of the product). Buy moisturizers with dispensers that are lightweight rather than dense.

Pay special attention to the skin of the eyelids so that crow's feet do not appear. Not only cream can save from this, but sunglasses.

If you use powder, then you should pay attention to their protective function. It is also better to choose a product with protective filters. It is best to combine mineral powder and a light day cream.

Eat right

Appearance, as you know, directly depends on the diet. If the body lacks vitamins, then this can lead to flaky skin, an unhealthy face, the appearance of excessive oiliness or dryness of the skin. But in the summer we are saved by the abundance of the gifts of nature.

In order to avoid trouble with your skin, you need to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and berries.

You need to drink as much as possible

In summer, due to the high air temperature and extreme heat, our body spends a lot of moisture.

In order to replenish the loss, you need to drink a lot of water (about two liters).

In order for the body to be filled with trace elements, it is worth drinking mineral water.

Cleanse your skin properly

In the summer, our skin is exposed to aggressive effects. Therefore, it is worth cleaning it with gentle methods. Use a gentle foam or herbal tonic (not alcohol).

A soft, light-textured scrub with fine particles will also work well.

Don't touch your face unnecessarily. In summer, our hands sweat, and a lot of dust and dirt settles on them. If this is transferred to the face, then you can provoke the appearance of unwanted inflammation.

Change your makeup

In summer, not only clothes should be light, but also makeup. Minimalism is all the rage right now, so avoid excess.

You can use a light foundation (but it's best to do without it at all).

Cosmetologists are unanimous in their opinion that without the use of foundation, the skin will be younger longer.

To replace the foundation, you can take a light moisturizer with a tonal effect or a light and loose powder.

Loose powder will be quite good in the summer. It should be used only in the morning as the completion of make-up, and in the afternoon, save yourself with matting wipes that do not spoil the make-up and absorb excess sebum. Gloss can be used instead of lipstick.

The most profitable option is a gloss with menthol. It gives a pleasant cooling effect to the lips. All cosmetics must be with UV filters.

Treat your skin with masks

Summer is a fertile time for all kinds of masks. It will not be difficult to find the necessary vegetables, fruits and, of course, berries.

Some recipes from everyone's favorite strawberries

Recipe 1. The easiest recipe for a strawberry mask that will give your skin freshness and a lot of vitamins. Mash ripe strawberries and apply the resulting porridge on your face. Let it sit for about 20 minutes and rinse it off.

Before using the mask, lubricate oily skin with strawberry juice, and dry skin with vegetable oil. Also, such a mask is good for lightening freckles.

Recipe 2. This mask is suitable for dry skin with inflammation. Mash the strawberries. Two tablespoons of the resulting gruel must be grinded well with 1 spoonful of cottage cheese.

Apply the mask in a thick layer to the skin of the face and leave to stand for about 15 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

Recipe 3. Mask for owners of oily skin. You need to dilute ½ tablespoon of ordinary white clay with strawberry juice (strawberry juice will also work).

You should have a creamy mass.

It should be applied to the skin of the face and left for about 20 minutes. After that, remove the mask from the face with cool water.

Recipe 4. Strawberry juice (as well as strawberry juice) is a folk remedy that can help lighten freckles and age spots. You just need to wipe your face with it only 2 times a day. Moreover, this procedure will also help get rid of acne and other breakouts.

Strawberry juice will tighten the pores on your skin. As a remedy for acne, you need to moisten them with a mixture of strawberry juice and aloe leaf juice (proportion 1/1) several times a day.

Recipe 5. A mask recipe that will help tighten pores and thoroughly cleanse your skin. You need to take ½ tablespoon of yeast and two tablespoons of kefir (if the skin is oily) or warm milk (if the skin is combination).

You need to grind the ingredients together and add a tablespoon of mashed strawberries to them. Apply the mixture to your face for about 15 minutes. After that, rinse everything off with cool water.

Recipe 6. Puree one potato (remember to add milk). Add two large strawberries to the warm puree and mash until smooth.

Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave it on for about 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with warm water.

You can find more recipes for strawberry masks.

Observing the simple rules of skin care in summer, and pampering your face with nourishing masks, you will maintain freshness and beauty even in spite of the heat and sun. Do not forget to watch your skin in the summer, and she will thank you for that. Stay beautiful!