How to arrange a romantic evening: tips. How to arrange a romantic evening for your husband? Interesting ideas for faithful wives

Hello everyone! Today I had a completely different topic for writing a post in my plans, but I remembered that in a day there will be the main holiday of all lovers - February 14! Actually, my husband and I have never celebrated it, but this year I decided to change the situation in the opposite direction.

Whoever thinks, but it is not worth giving up such a holiday, especially for family people. Still, everyday life, children contribute to the relationship between husband and wife, someone manages to stay afloat and maintain tender feelings, while others need nourishment. And the holiday on February 14 provides an excellent opportunity for rapprochement, manifestation of feelings, declarations of love and fidelity. Although we have no problems in our family, I still think that this event should be uneven with the wedding anniversary. Why miss out on a great opportunity to organize one of the finest days of the year?

By the way, this instruction is suitable not only for Valentine's Day, but also for planning any romantic evening that is held at home. You can thus mark the day of acquaintance or an anniversary. Even for a marriage proposal, it will do.

How to organize a romantic dinner at home

So, this is how I plan to have a romantic dinner at home with my husband. In the future, I will rely on him so as not to forget anything and to organize a holiday at the highest level. I will try to reveal to you all the possibilities that will help you decide on the style and atmosphere of the evening.

1. First of all, I advise you to choose a place. It is clear that it is at home, but where exactly? And here you can make a choice. For example, if you are a husband and wife or already have a close relationship, you can sit in a bubble bath. It will ignite and make the meeting unforgettable. If you want to have a heart-to-heart talk, then it is better to choose a table. Then the spark between you will kindle gradually, with increasing force. Well, the last thing you can think of is to celebrate the holiday in bed.

2. The second step is to think about the atmosphere. It is formed due to many factors.

  • Most often, they prefer not bright, dimmed lighting. Yes, I also think so, bright light is useless. Mysteriousness and some kind of mystery, and maybe intrigue should be present. It will be more interesting))). Be sure to light some candles. Where can you go without them on a romantic evening? They can rightfully be considered a symbol of romance.
  • Smells play an important role. It would be inappropriate if the fishy smell remains at home after you cooked dinner. This time I will light an aroma lamp with essential oils. Well, if you prefer neutrality, then it is best to ventilate the room well, or better open the window slightly so that there is always access to fresh air. It will be hot))).
  • For a more romantic and relaxing mood, include slow melodic music as the background. It will give a more solemn atmosphere and distract from prying thoughts.
  • For decoration, use fresh flowers in a vase or rose petals. Use small tealight candles to form a heart-shaped shape or simply place it around the room.

3. The menu for a romantic evening must be planned carefully. I choose one main course, several appetizers (3-4 pieces) and dessert. It is best to choose simple dishes that do not require a lot of cooking time. It is preferable to pay attention to vegetable and meat dishes, seafood. For example, I will have such a menu this time:

  • The main dish is baked wings with oranges (a super dish, I love it) with a salad of Chinese cabbage, carrots, cucumber and herbs. I will season it with olive cape and lemon juice, season with salt and black pepper.
  • Snacks: canapes of seafood and vegetables, sliced ​​fruits, tartlets with red caviar.
  • Dessert: ice cream with grated dark chocolate.

As you can see, everything is very simple. It will be enough for two to satisfy hunger. I don’t want to eat too much.

I prefer wine or champagne as drinks. For those who do not drink alcohol at all, plain juice is suitable. And, of course, don't forget about the table setting.

4. For the evening to be a success, you need to look appropriate. This time you have to amaze your loved one with your beauty. Do the grooming procedures in advance - face and hair masks. Get a romantic hairstyle or curl your hair. Makeup should not be provocative, then it is also not worth making up only the eyelashes. A measure is needed here. For this case, dark shades are suitable: brown, purple, gray, golden. Focus on the lips.

From clothes, a dress is suitable, but not a tracksuit or shorts))). Emphasize sexuality, because this is an evening for two. The main thing is that everything looks harmonious and without frills. And one more thing, for such a case it would not hurt to buy a new set of underwear. Don't forget to perfume to give the finishing touch to your look.

5. Last but not least, provide complete privacy. If you have children, then for the evening, or better at night, arrange with your grandmother to pick them up. If this is not possible, you must make them fall asleep, then no one will disturb you. Unplug phones, TV, and computer (if not playing music). You will only be given to each other. This is great!

Ideas for spending a romantic evening may be different, but the meaning, in fact, they have the same - a pleasant pastime with your soul mate. Romance is something that a girl will like and dispel the gray everyday life.

Romance in nature

The most romantic dinner is considered to be by the pond - flickering of water, light breeze, sounds of nature and candles create an unforgettable atmosphere. It can be a secluded beach on the seashore, river or lake. But don't forget that crowded places can break romance. Therefore, if the area near you simply does not have secluded corners by the water, arrange a date with a fire and a tent.

If you especially want to be original, arrange a horse or carriage ride to the dinner place. This will make your girlfriend or wife feel like a Cinderella who has been invited to the ball.

But before organizing a pleasant surprise, make sure that:

  • the place is safe enough;
  • your significant other is not allergic to insect bites (which happens quite often);
  • she loves nature trips.

Summer cottage for a romantic evening

This is also a good option - a kind of mix of nature and comfortable home conditions. Here you are guaranteed not to interfere, and the stars are no worse than in a forest or near a reservoir. You can organize kebabs - then you won't have to bother with food.


A hotel room is an interesting date option. However, you need to arrange it with a girl with whom you have an intimate bond. If you invite a recent acquaintance to the hotel, then your intentions may not be interpreted in the way you wanted. There is a huge risk that your chosen one may be offended by taking such a token of attention for an offensive hint.

But for a married couple, the hotel will become a stream of fresh air in family life. Your wife will appreciate the efforts and will not worry about your favorite tablecloth or rare glasses. And such a romantic evening is a great way to avoid the interference of the ubiquitous mother-in-law or children (provided that you have them).

Romance in a restaurant

A great place to dine in every way - the atmosphere and candles are already there, and there is no need to cook at all. But you need to approach organizing a date with all seriousness: find a small, uncrowded restaurant with a warm romantic atmosphere, assess your financial capabilities, negotiate with the administration about candles and music.

Romantic evening at home: ideas for holding

This is a great opportunity to have an unforgettable dinner with no money. But if you want everything to be as beautiful and romantic as possible, then you can't do without creativity.

Ideas for a romantic dinner at home should be drawn from the preferences of your significant other. If she is sufficiently educated and sentimental (a la Turgenev's young lady), read her poetry, make sweet confessions. If the girl is modern and relaxed enough, combine dinner with watching a good romantic comedy.

How to arrange? It's very simple - plan your evening, make a list of everything you need and go.

You need to start preparing with such a mundane activity as cleaning. Believe me, scattered socks and crumpled bed are not the best companions of romance. You can cook dinner yourself, but if you are not particularly good at this business, it is better to order food from a restaurant or prepare light snacks. The dishes should be festive, but not flashy. Crystal glasses and simple white plates are the key to a successful date.

The atmosphere of romance should be created by candles, flowers and light music.

Many people think that candles are a banal relic, but this is not so. They dim the lighting, tune in a romantic mood and hide all the flaws of your home (which is sometimes important too).

Flowers are a must for a romantic evening. But this does not mean at all that there should be huge bouquets in excessive quantities - two small bouquets are enough: you will give one to your lady, and the second will serve as a table decoration.

Music is also important in creating a cozy romantic atmosphere. It should be light, unobtrusive and quiet, and should not focus on itself, but simply be a background noise.

Also, for a romantic dinner, design options with balloons with inscriptions about love, scattered flower petals or with cute cards with confessions (like "why do I love my girlfriend / wife") are appropriate.

Gifts are also appropriate during dinner, but this is not a prerequisite.

How to arrange a romantic evening with dinner for your beloved wife

Family life can be quite monotonous, therefore, so that life does not finally get stuck, you need to arrange beautiful romantic dates. Believe me, your wife will appreciate your efforts.

The first step in organizing a surprise for the wife is to send the children to their parents, and the parents to the dacha (or to any other remote place). A romantic evening is an event for two only, so warn your friends that you are busy and not ready to receive guests.

Dinner for two is a wonderful surprise for your beloved wife, so everything must be done in secret. But do not pretend to be too mysterious - women just have a flair for this kind of behavior. Behave as naturally as possible - the surprise will certainly succeed.

For dinner, any room in the house is suitable - a living room, a bedroom, and even a bath. You decorate this room, light candles and set up a table with snacks. And, of course, the wine - it should be of good quality (if you don't want to continue dinner with a week's vacation in a hospital bed) and suit your spouse's preferences.

How to arrange a romantic evening for a girl

Romance - the atmosphere is quite fragile, so you should pay attention to every detail, as well as calculate all possible options for events.

You can arrange a romantic date for your girlfriend at home. Recommendations are about the same as for a family dinner.

But there are also differences:

  • dinner in the bedroom with a girl with whom you are not in a close relationship is bad manners. The bed can serve as an unambiguous hint and spoil the romantic mood. For dinner, a living room or a kitchen is more suitable (and, if necessary, it is not so far to go to the bedroom);
  • when creating romance in an apartment, do not forget about cleanliness - this issue in a typical bachelor's den can be very problematic;
  • your appearance is no less important - you should not wear a strict business suit, but you should take care that the clothes are neat;
  • if you live with your parents, make sure that they do not return home during the date.

The rest of the details are quite prosaic - background music, delicious light meals, dim lights and flowers.

But home is not the only place for a romantic evening with your girlfriend.

Best Dating Ideas:

  • the roof of the house is very extreme, but very romantic;
  • Ferris wheel - if you agree with the administration of the attractions, then such an evening will be the best in the history of your relationship;
  • walks in the night city (beach, park). Try to choose unusual places, arrange various surprises along the route;
  • the good old cinema has not been canceled either - romantic cinema, and the seats in the last row bring you very close.

How to have a romantic evening in nature

Nature attracts absolutely all types of girls. Ideas for a romantic evening should be selected according to the temperament of your chosen one. If the girl is active, then arrange a night trip on catamarans or a bike ride. The more phlegmatic prefer a picnic or leisurely walks on the embankment or in the park.

When organizing a date, it is important to warn the girl in advance about the venue. This nuance is very important, since she must prepare herself - put on what will be convenient in each specific situation. Otherwise, a romantic evening may just break down (for example, what kind of horseback ride can we talk about if a girl is in a long evening dress and heels).

You should also think about snacks and drinks, as long walks awaken the appetite, and finding a decent establishment outside the city is a very common problem.

It is very easy to arrange an unforgettable evening for your beloved - you just need to mix common creativity and careful preparation.

Do you want to be romantic, but think that it costs a lot of money? We offer you 33 ways to be romantic without spending a lot of money. To please a loved one, you only need your desire.

Of course, there are various costly ways to spend time with your loved one - to drive around the city in a limousine, go to a French restaurant, visit a romantic resort. These are good ways to spend time together, too, but few people get to do it regularly, so you can use the following ideas to embellish your life together more often.

Before getting down to the list, let's take a look at some notes on how to use it:

2. Communicate. Communicate regularly, discuss your goals and dreams, your plans for the future, do not forget to pay compliments.

3. Inspiration. This list contains many obvious things - you can come up with twice as many good ideas on your own. However, the list does not pretend to be originality - it strives to be a source of inspiration.

4. Forget Valentine's Day. People think they should be romantics on special days. You don't have to wait for special days to bring joy to yourself and those around you.

Okay, enough talk. Let's take a look at ways to be romantic:

1. Write a poem

2. Have a romantic dinner at home

3. Get a massage

4. Have a picnic at sunset

5. Collect flowers / yellow leaves on your way home

6. Record a CD with love songs

7. Read poetry together

8. Write love notes or sms

9. Send a love letter by email

10. Take a moonlit walk in the park

11. Watch a romantic movie together

12. Take a joint bath

13. Walk around the places where you met in the early days of your acquaintance

14. Make a beautiful dessert

15. Make an album with memorable photos, provide them with signatures and drawings

16. Kiss in the rain

17. Spend the evening by candlelight

18. Have a slow dance to romantic music

19. Kiss long and slow

20. Have an evening of dreaming together

21. Create together a list of everything that you like or would like to do and sometimes do something from the list

22. Go to a movie or an exhibition

23. Look good for your partner.

24. Feed each other grapes / strawberries

25. Play together a romantic scene from a movie

26. Imagine going on a first date - buy flowers, dress well, look after your partner, do everything as if it was the first time

27. Paint each other with scented paints

28. Throughout the day, remind with different words and actions that you love him / her.

29. Have a rooftop dinner

30. Confess your love in different ways and in different words.

31. Play blindfold, feathers

32. Confess your love in public

33. Order any song on the radio

Whether you've been married for one year or approaching your 25th wedding anniversary, there is one lesson you should have learned: if your wife is feeling bad, everyone else is bad. A happy wife is the key to a happy life, and if you want to, you need to work on your communication skills, your romance skills, and learn to understand women's needs. If you want to know how to make your wife happy, just follow these tips. They will help you build strong relationships.


Be romantic

  1. Always make time for a romantic evening. No matter how busy you are, you should always make time for a romantic evening with your wife, ideally once a week or at least twice a month. If you waste your precious time lounging with friends or lying on the couch, then you will lose the spark that makes your relationship special.

    • Diversity. Do something special every time, whether it's watching a new movie or going to a restaurant you've never been to.
    • If you decide to cook your own dinner, dress the way you would dress for a meal.
    • Communicate. It's good to play mini golf or watch a movie together, but always make time to just look each other in the eye and chat.
    • During a romantic evening, give your wife a card that says how much you love her, even if there is no particular reason. Any time you spend with your wife should be special for you.
  2. Maintain your appearance. While it's tempting to be sloppy and walk around the house in your gym clothes, you need to try to look presentable all the time and work on improving your appearance. If both of you don't care about appearance, then you are losing some of the romance.

    • Shave every day, unless you have a beard.
    • Take a shower every day and try to smell good. Don't let sloppiness get in the way of your relationship with your wife.
    • Even when you are just relaxing at home, wear clean and suitable clothing.
    • Of course, you won't look great every day. You and your wife can choose a day, such as Sunday, when you can wear whatever you want, but don't let worn sweatpants become the norm.
  3. Take romantic trips. While a romantic getaway is not a long-term pleasure, it is the perfect way to spend time with your wife in a new environment and begin to appreciate your relationship even more.

    • Make it a goal to travel to places of interest at least once a year, if your budget allows. Book your trip ahead of time so that when the time comes you won't find an excuse to cancel it due to being busy.
    • Try to travel to a different place each time. This is not only more romantic, but also strengthens your relationship, thanks to the fact that you will explore the world together.
    • If your budget is limited, or you find it difficult to find a nanny, try to go somewhere at least on weekends, even if this place is a few hours away from your home; it could be the nearest town or just nature.
  4. Maintain a romantic atmosphere at home. Even if you are just sitting at home, you can make a romantic place out of it. While creating a romantic atmosphere in a home with unwashed dishes and scattered toys may seem like a daunting task to you, there are a few things you can do to achieve this.

    • Give your wife flowers every week and place the bouquet on the table.
    • If you're just having dinner or watching TV, turn off the lights and light a few candles.
    • If you are having a calm conversation, play jazz or any suitable romantic music.
    • Try to keep your home clean at all times and you will feel much more comfortable in this environment.
    • Make your bedroom a cozy place. No matter what condition the rest of the rooms are in, keep your bedroom clean, tidy and smelling good. Do not use your bedroom as an office or place to collect dirty laundry.
  5. Always show your love and affection. If you want to maintain romance in a relationship, never take your wife for granted. While you truly love her and she knows it, always keep telling her how much you value your relationship. She can't read your mind.

    • Tell your wife that you love her everyday... No matter what.
    • Tell your wife not only that you love her, but also why you love and appreciate her so much. Remind her why she is special to you.
    • Don't just be active in bed. Hug her, be gentle, and kiss her as often as possible.
    • If you leave home while she is asleep or when she is away, leave a note for her with how much you love her and wish her a good day.

Maintain sincerity in your relationship.

  1. Be sincere and open-minded. Sincere communication is the key to a long and lasting relationship. If you want to make your wife happy, always share your feelings and listen to her with pleasure. You should be able to share your feelings with your wife and be willing to express your thoughts, even if it is sometimes difficult for you to do so.

    • If you have something to say, say it. Don't deal with a difficult situation alone.
    • If you are upset about something your wife did, say it. It is better to talk about such things than to hide them and secretly get angry.
    • If your wife asks for your honest opinion on new clothes or hair, don't be foolish to say she looked better - say she looks great in any way. Basically, she wants you to just confirm that she looks great.
    • Choose the right time. If you have something important to say to your wife, do it when she is not stressed and can devote her time and attention to you.
    • Sometimes it's better to be silent. You may be worried about a co-worker's recent flirting, but deal with it yourself instead of telling your wife and upsetting her.
  2. Make a compromise. This is a very important part of a strong relationship. You must be able to compromise and make decisions as a whole, instead of doing it only in your own interests. Learn to discuss important decisions together and choose one that works for both of you.

    • First of all, listen. Each of you should explain why you think your opinion is important, and how it will help in making a decision.
    • Be thoughtful. You can even make a list of the pros and cons when making a decision.
    • Take turns to compromise. Sometimes a decision can only be made in favor of one person (for example, to live in this city, not that one), but the next time you make an important decision, make sure that it will be made in favor of the other person.
    • Make sure everyone compromises. Do not blame your wife for the fact that the decision was not in your favor, remember that before that, she also compromised.
  3. Learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness. If you really want to make your wife happy, then you should know that being happy is much more important than being right. You need to step over your pride and admit that you made a mistake, as well as forgive your wife if she made a mistake.

    • Be sincere when asking for forgiveness. Maintain eye contact and let your wife know that you really regret the act. She will not accept your apology if you only do it because you have no choice.
    • Learn to forgive. You may still be unhappy, but let your wife know that you forgive her, even if you need time to cool down.

Get physically active together

  1. Train together. Working out together is a great way to keep your bodies toned on a regular basis. If you want to make your wife happy, take the time to work out together or just exercise, at least once a week.

    • Run along the track. This activity will bring you closer together as a couple, whether it's 5 km or a whole marathon.
    • Practice dancing together. Not only will this add romance, but you will also learn many new moves while losing weight.
    • Go to the gym together. You can chat while burning calories.
    • If both of you are not avid athletes, go for a walk several times a week, in the morning or evening.
  2. Maintain intimacy. If you want to make your wife happy, you need to have an active sex life. You don't have to go to a sex shop to do this.

    • Make love at least once a week, no matter how busy you are.
    • Make love at different times of the day. If you only do this in the mornings and Wednesday nights, your sex will very quickly become part of your routine.
    • Be bold. Don't be afraid to make love in different positions or different places.
    • Remember to hug your wife after sex and tell her how much you love her.
  3. Do household chores together. Although it can be a burden at times, you will find it much more enjoyable to do it with your wife instead of sharing responsibilities. This will bring you closer together.

    • If you are fixing a roof, keep your wife close to you so you can communicate with her.
    • If you have a garden, plant something together. Who said that this is only women's work?
    • Do the spring cleaning together. Don't let your wife do it all by herself.
    • Paint a room in your home together. This is a great way to have a good time and improve your interior.

Give your loved one a romantic evening. And how to do it at home, so that everything goes like clockwork, read our material.

Every person in love will not give up the time spent with their soulmate in an intimate atmosphere. And it doesn't matter if this is a first date or a dozen years of married life. In addition, in two days the whole world will celebrate the holiday of love -. This means that you do not need to look for a special reason to arrange a romantic evening.

Both a man and a woman can make such a pleasant surprise for their soulmate, because regardless of gender, we all love attention and romance. And it is not necessary to spend fabulous money on a romantic evening on the road or in a restaurant, everything can be beautifully organized at home.

Our script will help make your romantic evening for your beloved or loved one at home the most unforgettable. You can use our recommendations as a basis, complementing your ideas, because you and only you know all the desires and preferences of your significant other.

Date and time for a romantic evening

If you are planning to arrange a romantic evening at home on Valentine's Day, then just warn your soul mate so that there is no delay at work, because a special one will be waiting at home.

Of course, in order to organize a romantic evening, you don't have to wait for a special occasion. It is enough for your desire to arrange an unforgettable surprise for your soul mate. To do this, do the following:

  • Decide in advance on the date and time. Make sure that there are no important sporting events on the day you have chosen or that your beloved has not signed up for a massage / manicure / haircut.
  • Better if it is Friday, then the next day you will not need to get up early and run on business.
  • Also, it will not be superfluous to ask your grandparents if they can pick up the children for a day so that a romantic evening for two is just for you two.
  • If grandparents have their own plans or live in a different city, choose to have your little one supervised so you can completely relax.

Romantic room decoration

If you can't find compositions for a romantic evening on your own, look for such collections on the Internet, there will surely be what you need.

Romantic dinner

A romantic evening is impossible to imagine without. If you are in no doubt about your culinary skills, prepare your own dinner dishes. Just remember, for a romantic evening, a couple of salads, one hot dish, etc. Choose lighter drinks for a romantic evening: champagne, light wine or low alcohol cocktails.

If tea is the limit of your skill in the kitchen, order food at a restaurant, but before serving, be sure to arrange the food into dishes and plates. Do not serve everything in plastic bowls? Look for more on the link.

Romantic dinner options:

  • fondue. First, it's delicious. And in combination with a glass of good wine, it is also festive.
  • food with seafood. Shrimps and oysters are still those aphrodisiacs!
  • ... They will go for dessert and as a light salad for the main course.
  • order chinese food or heart shaped pizza.
  • arrange delivery of delicious sushi rolls.

End of a romantic evening

You don't have to rush to bed to end a romantic evening on a pleasant note. Of course, such a scenario is not excluded, because an intimate atmosphere and tender confessions can kindle attraction to each other to such an extent that it will be unbearable to wait for dessert. But if romance suits your soul mate's taste, take a moment.

  • Dance together, for example, under.
  • Look, snuggled up in each other's arms.
  • Take a bubble bath together.
  • Get an aroma massage.
  • Talk about your deepest desires and fantasies.

And only then you can smoothly translate a romantic evening into a passionate night.

Well, if all the details of a romantic evening are thought out to the smallest detail, send your soul mate an invitation in the form of a postcard. After all, the anticipation of the event is no less important than the event itself. And start preparing for this evening of love.