How to restore health energy. How to restore strength and energy. From a natural object

Each of us wants to live life to the fullest. This often means going your own way, fulfilling your mission, knowing what you want. It also means having enough strength to do what is needed. Have enough resources to achieve what you want. Have the ability to move forward.

Why does it very often become impracticable and difficult to access? We will consider only one aspect - the systemic one.

In my work, I very often come across the fact that lack of vitality and difficulties with self-determination are associated with "isolation" from the generic flow of energy.

Each of us has an initial flow of forces, energy. Paolo Coelho said that no dream is given to us without the strength to fulfill it. A living spring beats in each of us - for some it looks like a geyser, for others it looks like a waterfall. The important thing is that everyone has one.

And if we know about its existence and use it, then we have enough strength and resources, we know our path and our desires for sure. We can go to him and drink when needed.

But if for one reason or another this source remains hidden for us, then there is nowhere to quench our thirst. Then we save the available moisture - that is, our strength. And this state can be called laziness.

It happens that we ourselves give up our source. You can fill it up with stones, cover it with sand. Or hide it under a bush. We can also look for our source elsewhere - perhaps in another forest. And then, instead of fullness, we have inner emptiness, loss of strength, unwillingness and inability to live. A desert that thirsts for rain - that is, some kind of energy coming from outside. This state of affairs characterizes, for example, dependent relationships and energetic vampirism.

Some systemic reasons for this condition:

Live someone else's life

Very often in constellations, a person does not understand where he belongs. He does not see his own life, his own place. And he tries to stand somewhere where he thinks "a more fishy place." For example, if I feel that my mother is connected to someone and is looking back, then I will seek her attention. And then I can stand where she is looking.

So the child begins - out of love - to replace for his parents their parents, deceased brothers or sisters, the first love. And in a sense, it gives the child the attention it needs. But his own life remains on the sidelines and passes by.

Masha always felt responsible for her mother. It seemed to her that her mother could not cope on her own. And despite the presence of a father, she continued to take care of my mother. At the same time, my mother behaved like a child. She was capricious, threw tantrums, pouted out her lips.

Is it strange that Masha did not have her own family - neither a husband, nor children? After all, energetically she already had one child - very capricious and requiring constant attention.

Of course, she did it out of love for her mother. After all, her grandmother died very early, and her mother always looked for her in people - in her husband, in her children.

And it was very difficult for Masha to find her place in the arrangement - she tried to get up here and there, but everywhere it was uncomfortable - sometimes they were kicked out, sometimes it was too hard. Although its place has existed in the system all these years, it took a lot of work to find it. And from there it was already possible to see that life stood in front of her. Her own life. Forgotten by all. But so beautiful….

To be associated with someone who has died

It often happens that we find ourselves connected with someone who has left. For example, with an aborted older brother or an early deceased parent. And then we seem to die with them. We may look alive outwardly, but our soul leaves with him. Very often those who are associated with the dead try to unconsciously leave after. This is how alcoholism, drug addiction, extreme sports, depression, and suicide appear.

Olesya devoted her whole life to a dangerous occupation for a girl - motorcycle racing. In her early twenties, almost all of her bones had already been broken at least once. Several times, doctors literally took her out of the afterlife. But she couldn't stop. Until she realized her connection with her early deceased father, who crashed on a motorcycle almost immediately after her birth.

Run other people's programs

Sometimes, out of loyalty to our system, we continue to live by old attitudes. Who once saved someone from our loved ones. But now they are rather problematic.

This is often the case with the Strong Woman program. Which appeared as a result of wars. When so many men died, and women were forced to save their children and themselves. They needed to survive and they grew strong.

Now is a completely different time. There are men, and many of them are ready to be strong. But women continue the programs of their grandmothers and great-grandmothers. And this prevents men from opening up. After all, in order for them to become strong, we must become a little weaker.

Men were also affected by these programs, as the post-war generations were deprived of the opportunity to be raised by their fathers. And mothers who lost loved ones at the front became more protective of their sons.

Often sons substituted for the mothers of the deceased spouses. And this burden is too heavy for any child. This can break the boy's psyche - to be responsible for the happiness of the most beloved woman. He will never be able to make that absolutely happy.

It was very difficult for me to live through the state of shame that I have a husband. But my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother did not. For the fact that they had to raise their children themselves, not counting on anyone.

They had to be strong to survive. And I tried to be strong out of loyalty. Out of loyalty to them. Although in my life today it is useless. The innate skill of being weak and being able to listen to my husband would be much more useful to me. And so you have to develop it yourself 🙂

The interrupted flow of love

It happens that a child is born prematurely. And then mom will be able to pick him up only many, many days later. Or the child may be born with some kind of illness, and he will need urgent hospitalization. And it so happens that the mother needs hospitalization, and the baby is waiting at home until she recovers. It used to happen that mothers died during childbirth. Mom's postpartum depression also happens, when the baby also does not receive Mom's Love.

These are just a few examples of how the flow of love can be interrupted. A stream that flows naturally from mom to baby. The flow is not always interrupted in our generation. Indeed, in order for the mother to be able to transmit the stream to the child, she must also receive it. And if her and her mother's had this flow already been interrupted? Can we get something out of a tap that has no water in it? Or do you first need to find a blockage in the pipe, clean it and only then turn on the tap?

Giving up your roots

Sometimes our loss of strength is also our own responsibility. When we cycle on our childhood grievances, constantly chewing on everything that we don't like about mom or dad - we turn off the tap. And we do it ourselves. With your own hands.

Parents may want to give us love, but we proudly turn away and say: "I can do without you."

So we give up our roots, and a tree without roots is not viable. Then we have nowhere to take the energy of Love and the energy of Life.

Until we can gratefully bow to our family, which gave us life, we will not be able to receive our resources. Which belong to us by birthright.

We will do all this in the group “Me and my resources”. We will look for everything that prevents us from living our lives, loving and getting what we want.

Each genus has resources

Very often in constellations and genograms, we also focus on the negative. We see only hard fates - those killed in the war, shot, aborted, divorced.

And we absolutely do not notice all the power that is in each family. We do not see happy and large families, large parents, and the continuity of generations. We don't see the true strength of single women of their kind. We do not want to notice the strength and courage of men in our family.

We see one divorce without noticing a dozen strong families. We see one miscarriage and do not look at dozens of safely born children. We look at single mothers and ignore wives and mothers of the family.

There is a parable.

The teacher brought the students a white sheet with a blot on it. And asked them: "What do you see"

"Blot" - the students answered.

The teacher was silent, and then they began to interpret the blot:

"This is a bear"

"No, this is the sun in the clouds"

"This is a flower in the morning meadow"….

For almost half an hour they bombarded the teacher with ideas. But he got up and left just as silently.

And one of the students decided to catch up with the teacher and asked:

“Teacher, are you dissatisfied with us? Did we give you the wrong answers? What's wrong?"

The teacher sighed heavily:

“I’m probably a bad teacher. Once you all saw the blot, but no one noticed the white sheet "

Also in our life. We easily see the shortcomings of others, we see the weaknesses of our loved ones. We see negative events in life, bad omens, difficult planetary periods.

But we do not see the main thing - a white sheet. We do not see our life. Life is like a gift from God.

A life in which there is already enough of everything. There are enough resources and energy to achieve your goals. Love is enough to pass it on.

When we realize that each Genus is a resource, when we learn to see and feel it…. Then from our ancestors so much energy and Love will flow to us that they can warm all the hungry and needy.

Each clan always has enough resources for everyone. Each of us has this spring, which can completely quench our thirst. But you can find this spring only in its place, living your own life. And with respect to all those people thanks to whom I was born.

I wish you to find your spring - I am sure you will be very surprised at how much water it has.

A source

Good day to all of you! Sometimes you don't have to be a psychic to feel a sharp breakdown after communicating with an unpleasant person, a stage performance, a difficult business trip, etc. This feeling means only one thing - you have lost vitality and need to replenish it.

Your health, mood, satisfaction with what is happening, the rate of aging, the length of life - all this directly depends on the amount of accumulated energy in your energy field. It is not surprising that in the modern way of life, people who do not want to put up with the leakage of energy begin to look for an answer to the question of how to restore energy. Well, take note of my tips for replenishing lost energy.

Energy storage methods

1. Healthy food

We all know that food is a source of energy, but we must understand the qualities of its energy. So, for example, plant food eaten immediately after harvest without heat treatment is most rich in vital energy. During the entire period of growth, such a plant or fruit was saturated with the energy of the Earth, Water, Air and the Sun, and when you eat it, all this goes to you.

2. Healthy sleep

Sleep as such is designed specifically for recuperation, but compliance with the conditions will help to wake up truly holistic and rested: go to bed before midnight, lie on your back and do not sleep for more than 8 hours. With regard to the latter, there is an exception - if a person has experienced severe stress, it will be useful for him to sleep an unlimited amount of time until the desire to get up and take action appears.

3. Interaction with nature

Any active or passive outdoor recreation perfectly restores inner balance. Contemplation and enjoyment of natural beauty helps to disconnect from all problems. Appreciate this opportunity and thank the space. It is helpful to have direct contact with the ground - just lie with your back on the grass and absorb the energy of the Earth.

4. Keeping the body in good shape

Moderate exercise gives us energy, pleasant fatigue, and sound sleep. Moreover, the classes should please you, and not be done through “I don’t want to”. Of course, relaxing yoga works best, and regular walking with the dog, brisk walking, jogging, swimming are also great.

5. Correct breathing

The yogis of antiquity, and now modern science, have established the relationship between breathing and the state of the body. During full yogic breathing, it is important to feel not only the saturation of cells with oxygen, but also how, together with each new "breath" of air, boundless cosmic energy penetrates into us.

Retention of bandhas and mudras. There are various energy locks (bandhas) and finger gestures (mudras), the retention of which closes the flow of energy within us, preventing it from leaving. It is helpful to use these techniques at the time of energy accumulation, for example, during meditation.

6. Temporary silence

We are all accustomed to constantly talking, sometimes even to ourselves, not realizing that with the incessant stream of phrases, energy flows out of us. Observe your speech. Is everything you say vital? Exclude idle chatter from speech, try to speak to the point. Practice complete silence periodically throughout the day, week, month.

7. Cleaning of the territory

It is possible that a littered corner in your room, under the bed or in your office became the cause of the breakdown. Such a mess creates an energy hole into which all your energy accumulations go. Therefore, put in perfect order in the rooms in which you constantly live, and especially where you sleep. Run the rag thoroughly in the hardest to reach corners. Throw away or give away something that you definitely will not use anymore.

8. Search for positive emotions

It is clear that any positive emotions will restore energy, so find their sources. It can be chatting with an old friend with whom you can be yourself, a casual game with a pet, watching your favorite comedy that makes you laugh every time you watch, going to an amusement park, attending a concert of your favorite musical group. Nevertheless, give preference to uncrowded places.

9. Generous giving

Do not think that you are the most unhappy person in the world. There are many in the world who need help. Feed a stray animal, treat an old man with candy or fruit, help a woman carry a heavy bag. Such gratuitous deeds instantly return to you with an increase in mood and improvement in well-being. You just need to do this without expecting something in return.

10. Change of environment

It is possible that this particular job or these colleagues are your daily energy vampire. And if you are not able to change something, all that remains is to change your job. Do not worry, all the changes are for the better and along with a new safe environment, you will return to purposefulness, vitality and faith in yourself.

11. Awakening creativity

Even in ancient times, women were engaged in handicrafts in order to increase their energy and the energy of their husbands. In such activities as knitting, embroidery, weaving, there is a special magic associated with the fact that natural fabrics are able to absorb the message that is laid in them, and then have a positive effect on their owner. Men can also recover by doing wood burning, carving, forging, etc.

12. Sincere forgiveness

13. Visualization and articulation

Time has shown that visualizing what you desire works. Just like saying to yourself or out loud positive wishes for yourself and those around you. As part of our theme, you can imagine how the energy halo around the body is filled with bright light, expands and exudes warmth. Feel free to fantasize and imagine.

I assure you, there are still many ways, but first, master at least these, and positive changes will encourage you to learn even more. My permanent recovery methods: 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 12. Share in the comments which of the listed methods you use, or write your own. Of course, I will be pleased if you share the article in social networks with your friends and subscribe to the blog.

Feeling weak, apathetic, feeling unwell and appetite? Lost your thirst for life? It is possible that your life energy is simply depleted. And this is just that component of our existence, without which a person simply cannot. Is it possible to regain lost energy? Of course!

Retelling the conversation with the shaman, he talked about the technique of returning the lost energy:

You reach out to people because you lack energy. In fact, you don't need their energy. You look for your energy in them. But you're addressing the wrong address. You need your own energy, which can be found in the warehouse of the past.

We leave a lot of energy in the past and in the future, and in the present we become weaker.

When we anticipate an event, strongly desire something, we send our energy into the future. When an event occurs, we feel joy - this is because at this moment we are meeting with our energy sent to the future. But then the joy passes, the energy is spent, and again it is not with us, but remains in the past. So this is the worst option: you yourself deprive yourself of this amount of energy even before the event happened. If you really want something, then it is better to invest energy in intention and actions to achieve the goal than in desire and dreams.

And, of course, we leave a lot of energy in the flow of life because of our experiences.

How to get your energy out of the past

You lie down, relax and look for a zone of discomfort in yourself. It can be discomfort in the body, in emotions, some kind of heaviness, pain, discomfort. Then you ask what event or chain of events corresponds to this discomfort, and you are transferred in memory to the place where it happened - in the present time. Those. you find yourself in the present time in the place where the necessary event took place in the past. If that house is destroyed, your energy will be on the trees, stones, etc. in that place. Then you go to this place. You are not interested in people, things that are there, you are not trying to remember, but looking for your energy with your eyes. This

there will be something abandoned, forgotten, but yours. It can be in the form of clouds, cobwebs, dry bunches of grass or leaves. You collect it all, put it in a ball, put it on your solar plexus and breathe it into yourself. Or another option: you take a bowl of a certain shape, put all these things into it, and the shape of the bowl helps to make the energy without quality. Then you drink it from the cup. Everyone must find the shape of the cup for themselves in a dream.

When you see a clot of your energy, you can see what specific event, what emotions it contains. After you use this energy (inhale, drink), this event will lose emotional saturation for you, become indifferent, and it can be thrown into the warehouse of history. But you do not feel the rise immediately, but after a few days, when the energy is assimilated in you. Then you will feel a real burst of energy.

With this technique, we do not destroy the connection between events, i.e. the chain of events remains in place, but it is already devoid of energy. In theory, techniques as, done in aggregate (recapitulation, erasure of personal history, etc.), also destroy the connections between events, making you completely free. The technique of returning energy does not do this and does not even guarantee a full return of energy, and maybe only 80 percent. But, in fact, even if we return at least 30% of the wasted energy, we would feel a significant surge of strength, euphoria.

With this technique, you can fight old age. At this time, we have nowhere else to take energy, except to return our own from the past.

Once I discovered that the people we meet there are also entangled in cobwebs. When I was filming it, my emotions towards this person were significantly weakened. If I did not communicate with a person for long, after removing the web, I generally became internally indifferent to him.

Greetings, dear subscribers and dear friends,

The topic of our conversation today, I am sure, is relevant for many. This topic, according to my observations, worries over 90% of my clients and this is the most frequent request in my online yoga classes.

But what can I say, I myself periodically find myself in a state where I think how to regain strength and energy. After all, literally yesterday the vitality was full, but today I got up and was literally de-energized.

And literally today I woke up in the morning and I feel that I do not want anything. I want to lie like a vegetable and do nothing. On the one hand, this is a great reason for doing nothing, but, on the other hand, you want to go to your goals.

When it is necessary to return vigor to enter the resource state, I always go for a walk.

Why do we sometimes feel empty

According to research by scientists, the human body contains so much energy that with his internal energy he is able to boil the lake. But at the same time, we periodically feel as if energy has been taken from us.

If you observe yourself at the same time, you can feel (and even catch in your thoughts) that as if some negative energy appears in the body, which presses on us.

This, by the way, is facilitated by all kinds of beliefs that are pouring down on us from all sides. Surely you are aware of all kinds of energy vampires, about the fact that the spent energy cannot be returned, that someone takes energy from us (or even steals it), and someone gives it to us. And there is no end to it.

These "teachings" pouring these convictions on us are full and every day there are more and more of them.

And there is even such a belief that these very teachings also take away our positive energy.

The first thing to do to regain your energy is to stop listening to all these "teachings."

These teachings are for our sole purpose - for our amusement. You are amused by the fact that starting to believe in all these nonsense, you begin to test yourself for strength, thereby reinforcing your pride:

  • I am so poor and unhappy because all my life energy has been taken from me.
  • I am so great, I myself will take energy from anyone - they are 2 different sides of the same pride.

When you belittle yourself and when you exalt yourself, you reinforce your pride.

The victim is a very strong person. Just imagine how much strength it takes to maintain this state of worthlessness and sacrifice in yourself. After all, this state of tension is not natural for a person. A state of relaxation is natural for a person. And in order to be a victim, you need to constantly apply a lot of strength.

Why do we do it all

This is a very interesting question.
And everyone must answer it himself. After all, everyone will have their own reasons.

Let's do some simple practice now.

  1. Sit relaxed
  2. Close your eyes and bring your attention to the center of your chest.
  3. Watch how you breathe. Breathe calmly and naturally
  4. Ask yourself the question: "why am I driving myself into a victim?"
  5. Be open to receive responses from yourself.

If you don't get a response right away, don't be discouraged.

The answer may come in the form of a mental enlightenment later, in the form of a feeling in the body, in the form of a sound on the street, from neighbors, you may see something on the street or something else.

The answer always comes.

Another thing that amuses me is how they tell us about different shades of energy. Feminine energy, masculine energy, positive energy, negative energy, etc.

Believing in this, we split ourselves into pieces, and yet we were born whole.

When a person comes into this world, he is not divided into parts within himself. He is one and complete. When they begin to tell us about all sorts of "energies" with some shade and we believe in this, we split ourselves.

As a result, we only want good energy, but we don't want bad. Thus, we give up a part of ourselves. And we make efforts to block and suppress that “bad” energy that we were told about.

Imagine how much strength we need to suppress ourselves.

We just fight and suppress ourselves

And why? Simply because someone told us that we have good and bad energy.

Complete nonsense.

Get this idea out of your head and understand that energy is energy. She's neither good nor bad. She is just energy.

And this very vital energy manifests itself through us in a variety of ways. And all the lost and stolen energy is just thoughts and beliefs that have firmly stuck in our heads and which began to guide us and determine our life.

What to do about it

If you delve into the Internet, you can find all sorts of ways how to "return the strength of the spirit", "return energy from the past", "return the energy given to someone and sometime", "how to return strength and energy", etc., but all it is again the action of the same mind, which, based on beliefs, controls you and your thinking.

The main thing now is to understand that it is impossible for anyone to give energy, both their own and that of others. As well as pick up.

Energy is always with you.

When asked about time, what do you usually answer? I'm guessing something like "now ... hours and minutes." Right now. You are living now. Not yesterday or the day before yesterday, not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, but right now.

And your energy is always now. There is no need to return it from anywhere. This is the only thing that you need to realize and understand.

And all the energy recovery practices do just that. They help your mind (through the illusion of returning) to understand that the energy is already there.

And she was never given to anyone.

Now let's learn to be aware of this

The process itself is very simple. The paradox is that people are used to some complex and difficult schemes and practices, so when you give something simple and easy, they say that it doesn't work.

The first step is awareness

Learn to track and be aware of your thoughts and beliefs. But don't get stuck in them. The trouble is that we have stuck very tightly to our convictions. And they began to consider themselves to be them and their only true.

Learn to see yourself other than your own thoughts and beliefs.

To do this, start observing your mind and your thoughts. Constantly.

Let the meditation "return your strength and energy" be used to begin with.

It starts in the same way as the previous one:

  • Sit relaxed
  • Sit back in your chair. If you can, sit with your back straight without touching your back. If you are straining at the same time, then it is better to lean on the back.
  • Close your eyes and bring your attention to the center of your chest.
  • Watch how you breathe. Breathe calmly and naturally
  • Sit in this way for 3-5 minutes, but do not strain.

And watch your mind: what thoughts come, what they tell you, do you really believe in them or do you think it is a lie, etc.

And in this process of observation, you can notice how completely different thoughts will come to you and you will experience different states: fears can come, joy can come, some words and deeds can be remembered.

You will see a lot. The main thing is not to get involved in all this. Remember, these are all just impressions and beliefs of your mind.

It is the beliefs of your mind that create resistance and obstacles for you, due to which your life becomes like a running with obstacles, overcoming resistance. Overcoming myself.

And after observing in this way, begin to ask the question "who is the one who thinks so", when the next thought comes. And watch what happens.

Over time, this practice will integrate into your daily life and this observation process will begin to happen on its own. The main thing, when asking a question, do not do it automatically.

Do this consciously, and then you will begin to free yourself from the influence of these beliefs, without getting rid of them.

And you will increase your sense of your strength and energy in 20 minutes and even faster.

The main thing is to practice !!!

They just stop influencing you.

And you will have a lot of energy. You will simply have nowhere to put it.

Alternative option

You can still follow the path of transformation and getting rid of beliefs.

Also an effective method, but more complicated and time consuming.

How many beliefs do you think are in your head? How many years you have lived interacting with people, you have so many different beliefs.

Transforming, you will not manage in your entire life. But for solving local life problems, this method can also be used.

And now you are standing at a fork in the road which way to go: by observation and self-exploration or by transformation.

Yoga classes online

If you are still in doubt, but want to return the feeling of strength and your own energy, I invite you to.

Why are these activities good?

You study at home, in a familiar environment. You can even engage with your family, which will allow you to strengthen the relationships in your family.

In the classroom, we do asanas (physical exercises), replenish free energy with the help of breathing pranayamas (breathing practices) and meditate (observing the mind and relaxing).

Classes are designed for people of the zero level, i.e. for those who have not done physical exercise for a very long time.

Come to your first free online yoga class.

If you want to completely resolve the issue with anxiety of the mind, with fatigue or stress in your life, then I invite you to me on, where we will consider your current situation and you will see the reasons why you still have a feeling of lack. free energy.

Practical advice will tell you how to quickly regain strength and energy. If you know them, you will be healthy. I continue to share some simple practical tips that anyone can follow. For today's post, I've compiled 15 effective techniques for self-regulation and recovery.

For me personally, they help me a lot in my everyday life to feel energetic, healthy, balanced, not to overexert myself and keep the balance of energies.

So how to quickly restore mental and physical energy?

In my experience, you can quickly restore strength and energy:

1. Sleep.

An important part of a healthy life. Mandatory for me is to go to bed early and get up early.

Learn more about the scientific significance of sleep

2. Switching activity.

Being able to switch to another task on time helps me a lot to stay productive throughout the day.

Our brain is the generator of ideas, as well as the engine and motivator. What the brain is capable of, how to activate it

In order not to overwork myself, I adhere to a cyclical approach in my work. I use the pomodoro technique. How and why

3. Water.

The most effective tool to quickly restore strength and energy. If it is not possible to take a shower, you can simply rinse your hands up to your elbows. Water washes away all negativity, bad soaps and really improves your well-being.

4. Complete and total disconnection from business and the Internet.

I definitely include such a day off on my weekly to-do list. Usually it is Saturday or Sunday. On this day, I do not turn on the computer at all, I completely disconnect from work, etc. These "reboots" are helpful.

Another way quickly restore strength and energy. Especially in our age of information overload, silence really becomes gold. Good practice. Acts at the level of cleansing the body and thoughts.

If you want a "deep silence" for several days with the purification of both body and soul, then you can become a participant in the retreat. This, so to speak, is already a professional level of immersion in silence.

How does this happen? Usually a group of like-minded people gathers and goes somewhere from the city bustle and noise (for example, to Thailand) and spends days there in silence. This also includes eating vegetables and fruits, yoga, meditation and related attributes. The pleasure is not cheap, but effective. A thorough cleansing of the brain is guaranteed, and at the same time updating yourself.

7. Digging in flowers, earth.

This method balances the mood level. Take note if you like to relax and gain energy this way.

8. Experimenting with your own makeup and hairstyle, shopping.

The girls will understand me.

9. Music, dance, singing.

Another cool way to quickly restore strength and energy. Music can be any, the main thing is that you like it - slow, fast.

Dance is a unique way not only to restore energy, but also to activate the brain reality, just like sports.

10. Drawing mandalas.

A working method, especially suitable for those who are connected with creativity.

Working with plasticine and clay also calms and sets you up for a positive, gives you energy.

11. Driving.

It may seem strange, but driving quickly helps to restore strength and energy. These are trips out of town, an empty road and music - all that is needed to gain strength and feed with energy.

12. Reconnection with nature.

One of my favorite ways to recover quickly. It is such simple things as lying on the grass, hugging a tree (an energetically strong tree is a birch), admiring ducks on the lake and making us happy. And what could be better than family outings in nature!

13. Breathing practices.

The simplest thing is pulse breathing. For seven seconds, inhale, for seven seconds, exhale. This method relaxes, and also really cures headaches.

14. Smoothies, orange juice, green tea.

A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice or a freshly made smoothie is as invigorating as a strong coffee.

Green tea is a separate story. According to scientists, phytonutrients contained in green tea slow down the aging process, and also reduce the risk of developing Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.