How to choose essential oils for your skin type. The healing power of essential oils for the skin

Every woman, of course, dreams of beautiful and healthy skin.

But here dreams alone are not enough, it is important to regularly take care of the condition of the skin and monitor the slightest changes on it.

If you notice inflammation, the appearance of a rash or mimic wrinkles, it is not at all necessary to sign up for another procedure at a beauty salon or buy expensive creams. An effective miracle cure can be done independently. To do this, just add a few drops of cosmetic essential oils to the homemade face mask.

They are oils extracted from cultivated and wild plants. Thanks to modern production technologies, such oils perfectly preserve microelements of plants, which are concentrated even in the smallest dose of liquid.

In addition, they contain proteins and nutrients aimed at maintaining the strength of collagen fibers.

Knowing which oils to mix to achieve the most positive result for the skin of the face, you can permanently get rid of annoying acne, acne, skin irritation and wrinkles.

Agree, it is better to give preference to a natural remedy and know that nothing threatens your health than to use an expensive service in a beauty salon and worry about its consequences.

Let's look at recipes that help to cope with a specific problem:

  1. Peppermint and citronella aroma oils restore skin tone;
  2. Rose essential oils, patchouli and ylang-ylang cope well with dry skin and various irritations;
  3. Owners of oily skin are better to give preference to aroma oils of tea tree and lemon. In addition, tea tree ether will have an antimicrobial and antifungal effect;
  4. To reduce the number of acne, just try the mixture essential oils of calendula and rosemary;
  5. If you have noticed the appearance of pigmentation or flabbiness of the skin, it is best to use orange aroma oil blend and mint.


Each essential oil acts on the skin of the face in its own way and the result is a certain effect: getting rid of age spots, eliminating acne, moisturizing and nourishing dry skin. Some mixtures of oils can treat the skin by drying it, others by moisturizing it.

  • For example, orange oil is the best remedy in the fight against dry pigmented skin, rosemary oil is a lifesaver for problem skin, and mint oil is an assistant in soothing, as it has antiseptic properties and perfectly improves complexion.
  • Lemon oil effectively fights wrinkles by protecting important collagen cells, while lavender oil is great for sensitive skin. Consider some recipes for a mixture of essential oils that help achieve healthy looking skin.
  1. Moisturizing effect.

Make a mixture of the following esters:

  • 9-11 gr. avocado oils;
  • 2 drops of sandalwood oil;
  • 1 drop of orange oil;
  • 1 drop of rosewood oil;
  • 1 drop of chamomile.

After mixing all the components, apply the mixture with a cotton swab and leave it on the face for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, wash with warm water.

  1. Fight against age spots.

Mix the following ingredients:

  • 2 drops of orange oil;
  • A handful of chopped parsley;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Apply the mask on your face in a thin layer. Wash it off with warm water after 20 minutes. This mixture should be used no more than once a week.

  1. Acne relief.

Prepare a mixture of the following ingredients:

  • 2 drops of rosemary;
  • 1 teaspoon black cumin.

Apply the prepared mixture exactly on problem areas - acne. It is recommended to use this remedy 3 times a day for maximum positive effect.

  1. The fight against subcutaneous fat.

Make a mixture of the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon milk thistle or grape seed oil;
  • 3-5 drops of rosemary oil.

Lubricate your face with the resulting product, and after 20-30 minutes blot it with a damp cloth. The following mixture will help to activate blood circulation and saturate the skin with oxygen:

  • Add 2 drops of mint oil to a spoon with diluted yellow clay;
  • 2 drops of lemon ether;
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil.
  1. Wrinkle smoothing effect.

The following mixture will help remove fine facial wrinkles:

  • A few drops of lemon;
  • 2 spoons of distilled water.

This means to wipe the skin of the face should be 3 times a day.

By adhering to the main rules, you will achieve the maximum effect:

  1. Before applying the product, be sure to wash your face - the face must be clean.
  2. For application, take sponges or cotton swabs.
  3. Wipe your face gently and evenly, do not overdo it with the amount of mixture applied.
  4. Apply the mixture to problem areas or all over the face, around the eyes and mouth.
  5. After the scheduled time, wash your face with warm water, washing off the product well.

Having discovered the world of cosmetic oils, we can say with confidence that it is possible to make the skin beautiful, toned and young at home, while at the same time with absolute safety and minimal costs.

Essential miracle oils are the best "natural doctor" for your facial skin. With them you will forget about any problems and will look perfect!

The magical effect of essential oils in contact with the skin was discovered in ancient times, when aromatherapy began to play a leading role in body and face care. They attract with their wonderful aroma and precious healing effect.

Millions of modern girls from all over the world use these amazing gifts of nature, extracting beneficial properties using unique recipes based on them. Thanks to the successful combination of bioactive components and vitamins, esters extracted from a variety of plants can give the skin an amazing appearance, health and eternal youth, which traditional medicine cannot achieve.

The best essential oils for face and skin care

Self-care is a procedure that must be daily for every self-respecting woman. Agree, if it is accompanied by a pleasant aroma that will envelop you with light and relaxed notes of warmth and light, the ordinary process will also bring a lot of pleasure. Essential oils can help you with this.

It must be remembered that each of the aromas brings a certain effect on the skin, so it is very important to choose a set of esters for your cosmetic bag that will suit you. Some of them can soothe tired skin, others can deeply moisturize it, and still others can dry and treat inflamed areas. We invite you to browse our selection of the very best facials and discover the amazing results that ester-based formulas and the natural ingredients that nourish them bring.

Orange oil should definitely replenish your cosmetic bag if your skin needs moisturizing, softening rough areas, increasing tone and elasticity, smoothing wrinkles. Applying it, you can get a rejuvenating effect, even out and improve the tone of the face, get rid of freckles. Orange oil is the best choice for aging and pigmented skin.

Recipe 1. Fight against age spots
In order to whiten areas of skin with pigmentation, you should take a handful of chopped parsley and two large spoons of fresh sour cream, preferably oily. All this is well mixed, adding a couple of drops of orange ether. On the face, the mask should be applied in a thin layer. The effect of its impact is about twenty minutes, after which you just need to wash it off with clean warm water. Use this mask once a week.

Recipe 2. Deep facial hydration
In order to provide dry skin with proper hydration, you will need about 10 grams of avocado oil, a couple of drops of sandalwood oil and one drop of rosewood, chamomile and orange esters. After mixing all the ingredients, apply them on the face using a soft cotton swab. The mask works for about half an hour, washed off with plenty of warm water.

Recipe 3. Nutrition for aging skin
This mask can breathe new life into aging and sagging skin. It is prepared from hazelnut, avocado and jojoba oils (10 grams each), as well as a few drops of orange and vanilla esters. The solution should be gently applied to the face, neck, leaving it there for about half an hour. It is better to wash off the mask with slightly cool water.

Rosemary oil will be a real salvation for owners of problem skin. Acne, acne, eczema, dermatitis, excess sebum, rosacea, scars - all these problems can be solved by purchasing a bottle of rosemary essential oil.

Recipe 1. Elimination of excess subcutaneous fat
Oily skin will be very grateful to you if you prepare for it a mixture of a few drops of rosemary and a spoonful of milk thistle or grape seed oil. With the resulting product, you need to carefully lubricate the face, and after half an hour just blot the skin with a regular paper towel.

Recipe 2. Treatment of scars and scars
In order to eliminate scars and scars that remain on the skin after acne and wounds, prepare a special remedy and apply it to problem areas twice a day. You will need a spoonful of vegetable base (sesame, rosehip or cocoa butter is the best option) and a few drops of rosemary ether.

Recipe 3. Get rid of acne
Black cumin oil perfectly fights acne, which should be used as the basis in this recipe. Mix two drops of rosemary and a teaspoon of cumin, then take a cotton swab and use it to spot the mixture exactly on the pimples. The procedure will bring maximum effect if carried out three times a day.

Fragrant lavender has given us a unique oil that can be successfully applied to any skin, especially sensitive. It can soothe irritation and inflammation, relieve itching, and have an antiseptic and bactericidal effect.

Recipe 1. Calming effect for irritations
Various irritations, redness and rashes can be removed by preparing a healing mixture of 15 grams of avocado oil, as well as a few drops of lavender and patchouli. Gently wipe the face with the solution, and after ten minutes remove its remnants with a soft cloth.

Recipe 2. Cleansing mask with bactericidal properties
For a deep cleansing of the face, mix a small amount of black cosmetic clay, thermal water and a few drops of lavender. Dilute the clay with water, add ether to it and apply to the skin, leaving the mask for ten minutes. Rinse off with some cool water.

Recipe 3. Acne mask
Two tablespoons of white cosmetic clay, a spoonful of fresh lemon and apple juice, and five drops of lavender oil will help eliminate acne. Dissolve the clay in the juice, add ether and apply the mixture on your face. The exposure time is about 25 minutes. If the clay starts to dry out, we recommend lightly spraying your face with cool water.

Peppermint oil is great for relieving tired skin. It revitalizes, refreshes and tones. In addition, the oil enhances protective functions and can significantly improve complexion.

Recipe 1. Refreshing effect
You can quickly refresh your face and give your skin a boost of energy by mixing a few tablespoons of boiled oatmeal and a couple of drops of mint. The mixture should be applied to the skin, but not more than twice a week. In addition to the refreshing effect, the face will receive high-quality nutrition and a healthy tone.

Recipe 2. Tonic ice with peppermint oil
To give your face a healthy look, an invigorating aroma and a boost of energy, prepare a special cosmetic ice with mint. To do this, dissolve a spoonful of honey in 200 grams of water, add three drops of mint ether, pour everything into molds and place them in the freezer. Twice a day, take one cube and wipe your face with it.

Recipe 3. Deep cleansing
This recipe will help cleanse the skin, saturate it with oxygen and activate blood circulation. To do this, add two drops of mint to a spoonful of yellow clay diluted with warm water. You can enhance the effect of the mask with a few drops of lemon ether and a spoonful of almond oil.

Lemon oil is the perfect solution for oily skin. It normalizes the secretion of fat, providing anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiviral effects. Also, this remedy effectively fights wrinkles, rejuvenates the skin, renews its cells and preserves important collagen fibers.

Recipe 1. Fat balance control
Oily skin requires special care. An excellent remedy for him will be a cream enriched with lemon oil. Just add a drop of oil to a one-time amount of your usual cream and after a while it will be noticeable how the oily sheen of the face has decreased.

Recipe 2. Anti-Wrinkle Daily Tonic
You can smooth out wrinkles by using a daily tonic made from a few drops of lemon and two tablespoons of distilled water. They need to soak a cotton pad and wipe clean skin three times a day.

Recipe 3. Whitening and maintaining a natural complexion
A mask of lemon ether and sea buckthorn oil perfectly whitens the skin and evens out its tone. To prepare it, mix a spoonful of sea buckthorn and a couple of drops of ether, leave the product on the skin for ten minutes, and then wash your face with slightly warm water.

Cosmetics based on natural essential oils can be the best home cosmetics for you that can solve all skin problems. As soon as you start using them, the skin on your face will be perfect: beautiful, healthy and cheerful.

Recommended: quality essential oils for face care at the IHerb online store. $10 off your first purchase with code KPF743.

In cosmetology, oil extracts have long been used for various purposes: they heal the skin, soften it if it is coarsened, nourish it with useful components, and solve the problem of dryness. Esters have an even wider range of applications - they have antiseptic properties and are suitable for all types of dermis, since many are able to regulate sebum secretion. A wide range of extracts makes it difficult to choose, in addition, these highly concentrated extracts have a list of rules for use - starting with the fact that it is dangerous to use them in their pure form.

What is essential oil for face

A highly concentrated substance with a characteristic strong odor obtained by extraction, pressing, pressing or distillation is an essential oil. Such substances do not dissolve in water, have almost no color, do not leave behind greasy stains, and instantly evaporate already at room temperature. In cosmetology, esters are used as part of aromatherapy. Even with regular use, they do not accumulate in the body, but give it all the useful substances.

How is it different from cosmetic

Essential oil, unlike cosmetic oil, is not a finished product. It cannot be used in its pure form (except perhaps pointwise, for cauterizing acne, and then not all types), since you can get a chemical burn. The cosmetic product contains esters diluted in vegetable fats and emollients, which allows it to be used independently.

Beneficial features

Essential oils bring different benefits, so the properties of each of them must be considered separately. In addition, the type of epidermis should be taken into account - moisturizing is important for dry skin, oily skin needs regulation of sebum secretion, and owners of normal skin want to maintain health. The main useful properties of esters:

  • Stimulate sebum secretion - extracts of chamomile, palmarosa, sandalwood, geranium.
  • Moisturize, retain moisture in the cells - esters of neroli, jasmine.
  • Normalize blood circulation - pink, rosemary, lemon extracts.
  • Restore, start regeneration processes - esters of lavender, neroli, myrrh, frankincense, nutmeg, ylang-ylang.
  • Purify - tea tree, lavender, lemon, orange, rose.
  • Reduce sebum secretion, contribute to the narrowing of pores - extracts of rosemary, grapefruit, bergamot.
  • Rejuvenate - extracts of lemon, lavender, juniper, tea tree, jasmine.
  • Increase tone, elasticity - geranium, juniper, rosemary.
  • Eliminates the effects of a rash (scars, spots) - lavender extract.
  • Treats acne, removes skin irregularities - ylang-ylang extract.
  • Prevents blockage of the sebaceous glands, has bactericidal properties - mint extract.
  • Disinfect - tangerine, lemon, orange, bergamot esters.
  • Smooth wrinkles - neroli, patchouli, sandalwood, roses, rosemary.
  • Antiseptic esters - cloves, thyme, spruce, basil, myrtle, mint, lemon, lavender.
  • Lighten, remove pigmentation, freckles - lemon, frankincense extracts.
  • They have a lifting effect - extracts of vetiver, jasmine.

What essential oils are good for skin

Concentrated plant extracts are widely used in cosmetology, but not all of them are good for the skin. In the section above, some esters (lemon, rose, lavender, ylang-ylang, rosemary, mint) have already been mentioned that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis, but this is not the whole list. The best essential oils for the face according to skin type are described below.

For dry skin

Owners of this type suffer from a lack of moisture, elasticity, healthy shine. Such skin shows signs of aging earlier than others, prone to wrinkles and irritation. The following essential oils will help improve the appearance and condition of dry dermis:

  • fir;
  • roses;
  • tea tree;
  • jasmine;
  • chamomile;
  • lavender;
  • orange;
  • geraniums;
  • myrrh.

For oily

This type has the exact opposite of the previous problem - excessive sebum secretion, oily sheen, enlarged pores. The following extracts will help to cope with them:

  • patchouli;
  • lemon
  • thyme;
  • chamomile;
  • lemon balm;
  • tea tree;
  • juniper;
  • rosemary;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • bergamot.

For problem skin

Rashes, clogged pores and other unpleasant symptoms of adolescence torment the owners of problem skin all their lives. Essential oils can also help in this case:

  • Against acne - lemon, cedar, mint, juniper, pine, lemon balm, eucalyptus.
  • Anti-inflammatory - patchouli, yarrow, frankincense, thyme, chamomile, lavender, tea tree.
  • From pigmentation - myrtle, oregano, chamomile, citrus, rosemary.
  • Elimination of acne - lavender, geranium, sage, petitgrain.
  • Against boils - fir, tea tree.
  • From rosacea (hereinafter: as prescribed by a doctor) - rosewood, immortelle, neroli, chamomile, rosemary.
  • With dermatitis - geranium, cedar, juniper, frankincense.
  • From dry eczema - geranium, thyme, rose, eucalyptus, fennel.

How to use essential oils

The main feature of the application, which is very important in the context of safety, is not to use essential oils for facial skin in its pure form. There are only a few of them, which are allowed to cauterize pimples pointwise. Among them are tea tree and lavender ether. Other rules and tips for use:

  • Dilute concentrated extracts only with base vegetable oils (such as olive, grapeseed or jojoba), creams or lotions, and it is important that the cosmetic is suitable for the same skin type as the ester. The dosage varies from 2 to 7 drops per 15 g (approximately one tablespoon) of the base. Keep in mind that essential oils are not diluted with water, as an emulsion unsuitable for use is obtained.
  • Before using the substance, be sure to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of diluted ether to your wrist or elbow and wait 10-15 minutes. If redness occurs at the site, this is a normal reaction, but if itching appears that does not stop after 5 minutes, the product cannot be used.
  • Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.
  • Do not apply funds to the eyelid area.
  • Do not use citrus essential oils before going outside, especially during the hot season. These substances stimulate the production of melanin, therefore, if direct sunlight enters the treated areas, an uneven tan will form.
  • Essential oils have pronounced aromas, so when choosing, be guided not only by advice, but also by your own preferences in the world of smells - for example, citrus fruits are fresh, neroli and tea tree are cool, chamomile, lavender and jasmine are soft, soothing.
  • Do not mix a large number of different ethers with each other. The maximum number is three, and they must be combined according to the type of action on the dermis.
  • Follow the dosage exactly when adding the product to homemade masks or other cosmetic care products.
  • If you are going to use herbal extracts for washing, stir them with soda, salt or honey, and then you can dilute the resulting mass with water or decoctions.
  • You can try steam baths with essential oils. To do this, boil water or herbal decoction, add a couple of drops of the selected extract, cover the edges of the container with liquid with a towel and bend over it for 10 minutes. For the best effect, also cover your head with some cloth. Esters will come out with steam and be absorbed into the skin. This is a safe and effective way to use. After steaming the skin, continue with mechanical cleaning or scrubbing.

Although essential oils are useful for many skin problems, there are a number of strict and relative contraindications to them. Among them are:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation (breastfeeding);
  • cardiovascular diseases (some ethers are allowed, consultation of the attending physician is required);
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • kidney disease;
  • epilepsy;
  • taking iodine and iron preparations (it is forbidden to use lavender ether);
  • individual intolerance (need an allergy test).


Essential oil for the face is a popular ingredient in homemade masks. Means are prepared for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Choosing the right components, you can get rid of skin defects, restore its youthfulness and healthy color, restore structure, smooth wrinkles, and moisturize. The best ready-made recipes for homemade masks with essential oils are below.

For acne

Against extensive rashes, a composition of clay with bergamot extract helps well. It is prepared very quickly and simply. Full recipe:

  • bergamot ether - 3 drops;
  • white clay (sold in a pharmacy) - 2 tablespoons;
  • mineral water - the same amount.

All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then applied to the affected areas or the entire face along the massage lines, avoiding the area of ​​​​the eyelids and lips (so as not to overdry the skin). It is kept on the face for up to 30 minutes, during which time the mask dries out, so it is convenient to remove it with a sponge or cotton pad soaked in decoction or plain water. The rest is washed off in the usual way. Alternative recipe:

  • any vegetable oil extract - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • lemon balm ether - 3 drops;
  • extract of bergamot - 2 drops;
  • grapefruit extract - 1 drop.

Essential oils are mixed, diluted with base. Apply to the entire face (with extensive lesions) or only to areas with rashes. The mask dries well, relieves inflammation, therefore it is recommended even against pustular acne. In addition, the product cleanses, eliminates blackheads and evens out the color of the forehead and cheeks, adds a blush. You can apply up to three times a day, no need to rinse.


For mature skin, a rose ether mask is suitable, but you can use other oils for wrinkles on the face - jasmine, juniper, etc. It is prepared immediately before application. List of ingredients:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil extract - 1 teaspoon;
  • jojoba oil - 2 teaspoons;
  • essential extract of roses - 5 drops;
  • liquid honey - 1 s. a spoon.

All components are mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. If honey is sugared, it is preheated in a water bath. Then the mass is applied in a thick layer, left for half an hour. Wash off with plain water, without the use of gels, mousses and other cosmetics. For flaccid skin, it is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a week for a course of up to one month.

Essential oils for facial wrinkles are interchangeable. In the following recipe, it is recommended to use lavender extract and myrrh extract, but sandalwood can be used instead of the last component. How to prepare a rejuvenator:

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of heavy cream.
  2. Add 5 drops of lavender essential extract.
  3. Drop the same amount of myrrh extract.
  4. Mix the mass.
  5. Dip a cotton pad into the mixture.
  6. Wipe their face along the massage lines.
  7. Leave the mask on for up to 25 minutes.
  8. Wash off with warm water.
  9. Repeat once a week.

Get rid of the "crow's feet", giving out age, will help essential oils from wrinkles around the eyes. A nourishing compress will smooth wrinkles and mimic wrinkles, help you look younger. The recipe is this:

  • flax oil extract - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • orange, pink, sandalwood essential extracts - three drops each.

The components are mixed, then pre-prepared linen or gauze strips (1.5-2 cm thick) are taken and blotted in the resulting liquid. Then they are placed under the eyes and left for 20-25 minutes. To obtain a lasting effect, the procedure is repeated daily for a month, before going to bed. The reviews write that such a compress nourishes and moisturizes the dermis well, removing fine wrinkles and improving elasticity.


This mask eliminates pigmentation, scars and spots after acne, freckles, and, in addition, evens out complexion. List of ingredients:

  • white cosmetic clay;
  • mineral water;
  • lemon ether - 5 drops.

The clay is diluted with water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Then lemon extract is added to the suspension and mixed. The finished mask is applied in a thick layer, avoiding the lips and eyelids, left until completely dry (but not more than 40 minutes). Wash off with plain water. Keep in mind that clay dries the skin, so the mask is not suitable for insufficiently hydrated dermis. Owners of oily or combined type are recommended to carry out up to 10 procedures.


This recipe is suitable for dry skin. The finished product can be used as a mask or as a compress. List of components:

  • apricot oil extract - 2 teaspoons;
  • jojoba plant extract - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • esters of rose, lavender and geranium - 2 drops each.

Liquids are mixed, applied to wet skin. Keep on the face for 25-30 minutes. The mask well smoothes fine wrinkles, nourishes and eliminates irritation. If you soak a napkin in it and put the matter on your face, the effect will be better. Repeat the procedure regularly, once a week, if you have dry skin. Another moisturizer recipe:

  • cranberries - 5 berries;
  • cream - 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • essential extract of pine - 4 drops.

The berries are crushed until gruel is obtained. Then all the components are combined and applied to the face. The exposure time of the mask is up to half an hour. Such a recipe not only moisturizes and nourishes the skin, but also brightens, evens out complexion and eliminates pigmentation. Suitable for all types of dermis: lemon juice in the composition regulates sebum secretion, and cream is saturated with a complex of useful vitamins, minerals and biologically active components.


Such a tool not only tones, but also brightens the epidermis, so tanned girls need to be careful with it. It is not really a mask as the product is prepared in advance and then stored and used as a face cream. A recipe suitable for mature skin is as follows:

  • oil extracts of grape seeds and jojoba - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • orange ether - 5 drops.

Combine everything in one bowl and stir. Pour into a glass plastic container and store in a dark and dry place for up to two weeks. Apply daily on the face with a thin layer along the massage lines. For this purpose, you can use a sponge, cotton pad or a special brush. When the product is absorbed to the maximum, remove the residue with a napkin if necessary. The cream does not need to be washed off.


Natural homemade lotion will prepare the skin for applying makeup, give it a tone and a feeling of freshness. In order to make it, you will need:

  • mineral still or purified water;
  • essential extracts suitable for your skin type (see list above);
  • orange peel.

Grate the peel of the citrus. Mix it with your chosen essential oils (maximum 3, 2 drops each). Pour 100 ml of water and let it brew. Pour into a spray bottle (preferably opaque) and store in a dark and dry place away from direct sunlight. Spray the finished toner on clean skin, leave to absorb, and then apply a day cream.


This recipe can also be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator, but like all natural remedies, it has a short shelf life of 2-3 days. If your schedule allows for this, prepare the mousse immediately before application. The tool is recommended for normal and dry dermis, as it has strong moisturizing properties. Full recipe:

  • coconut oil extract - 2 tablespoons;
  • ether of any citrus (recommended orange or grapefruit) - 5 drops.

The first ingredient is heated in a water bath. Then essential oil is dripped and the mixture is whipped with a whisk or a regular fork. Foam should form; if that doesn't work, use a blender. Place the finished mousse in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes, then you can apply it on your face. The agent is not washed off - it must be completely absorbed so that the epidermis receives all the useful substances it needs. Repeat the procedure twice a week for a month-long course.

Acne compress

An alternative way to get rid of acne is to make an effective homemade oil compress. The recipe for the preparation is as follows:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of warmed jojoba oil extract with 5 drops of tea tree ether.
  2. Take a napkin, make holes in it for the eyes.
  3. Soak material in solution.
  4. Put the finished mask on your face, leave for 20 minutes.

Can oil be used instead of face cream?

Esters can be added to ready-made cosmetics or used as components of home masks, lotions, etc., but in their pure form, especially instead of a face cream, it is strictly forbidden to use. These substances are highly concentrated and do not contain fatty acids, therefore, instead of the expected mitigation, they will bring mild burns and irritation. There is an option to dilute them with basic vegetable oils, but then both components should be suitable for the type of skin.

Derma, prone to dryness, such products are most suitable, but even mixtures are not recommended to be applied regularly to it. The fact is that purchased and homemade creams (prepared strictly according to the recipe) form a protective film, are absorbed, and, if chosen correctly, do no harm. Many oily products react differently to direct sunlight - stimulating the production of melanin and triggering the aging process of the skin. The best option is to add esters to ready-made cosmetics in a few drops.

Facial Oil Blend

It has already been indicated several times above that esters are diluted with vegetable base oils. The following combinations are considered the most successful and useful for the face:

  • Jojoba + avocado + wheat germ. Take one tablespoon of each of these products, then add three drops of essential extracts of incense, and four - roses. An ideal combination for smoothing wrinkles, especially those that are localized around the eyes.
  • Peach kernels + ylang-ylang + lemon. For 2 tablespoons of vegetable extract (the first component), add three drops of the second ingredient and 2 drops of the last ester. It is applied to the area under the eyes, helps to get rid of small wrinkles.
  • Avocado + neroli + rosewood. To 1 tablespoon of plant extract (1 ingredient) add 3 drops of each ester. Apply all over the face and leave on for about 20 minutes. The mixture rejuvenates and tones the skin.
  • Grapefruit + Jasmine + Pine. For 2 tablespoons of the base oil extract (1 ingredient), take 3 drops of the first essential extract, and 2 drops of the second. Apply to areas where mimic wrinkles are located.
  • Macadamia (base oil extract) + neroli + orange. For 1 teaspoon of the base, take 1 drop of the first ether and 3 of the second. This blend helps maintain a healthy complexion and improves skin texture.


I am often asked the question which essential oils are good for facial skin, which essential oil for the face is the best. The answer is simple: you need to read the property of the oil and see what problems it solves. There is no best for the face, there is the best for a specific task.

Therefore, today I will talk about the oils that I use to care for my face, the face of my family and not only my face. This is a list of oils that I always have on my shelf, I also use them to enrich cosmetics, for masks, in soap making, in aromatherapy, to scent laundry, etc.

I'll start with the most pleasant aroma and my favorite - rose oil.

rose oil

A bit of history.
Not a single plant has such an ancient, rich, and most importantly - fabulous history as a rose. The rose comes from China, then came to the countries of the East, and to Europe (Paris) - in the 13th century.
In ancient legends of India, it is said that the goddess of beauty and love, Lakshmi, was born from rosebuds, and ancient Greek myths say that the beautiful young man Adonis turned into a rose bush.

Rose oil is one of the most valuable and useful oils, it emphasizes female attractiveness, charm, prolongs youth.

The action and properties of rose oil:
— has a powerful anti-aging effect, rejuvenates and regenerates cells, smoothes wrinkles, tones the skin, increases its elasticity and firmness;
- normalizes the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, improves the synthesis of collagen and elastin, eliminates infiltrates, dissolves scars, gives an even and beautiful skin color;
- eliminates skin inflammation, irritation and peeling;
- normalizes the work of the endocrine glands, restores hormonal health, eliminates sclerotic changes in the body;
- heals mucous membranes,
- acts as an aphrodisiac.

For outdoor use:

  1. Rose water: 1-2 drops of rose oil per 0.3 l of water, wipe the skin 3-4 times a day with a cotton swab;
  2. Massage mixture: 25 ml avocado, 25 ml jojoba, 25 ml wheat germ, 10 drops frankincense, 10 drops neroli and 10 drops rose.
  3. Facial cosmetics, masks, oil mixtures for face and hair - about 20 drops per 50 ml base

Quality oil for iherb:

Acure, Radical Anti-Aging, Rose & Argan Oil- excellent oil for the face and décolleté. Suitable for all skin types, even combination skin prone to comedones.

Aura Cacia, Rose Oil in Jojoba Oil- 100% pure essential oil is pre-blended with skin-nourishing jojoba oil. Can be applied neat, undiluted.

The tea tree is native to Australia. It is a low tree of the myrtle family.

A bit of history.
The name "tea tree" originated in 1770 when Captain Cook discovered Australia. Members of his team used the leaves of this tree as a tea substitute. Australian aborigines treated wounds with gruel from the leaves of this tree and also protected themselves from insects with crushed leaves.

Tea tree leaves contain essential oil, the antiseptic properties of which are 100 times higher than the action of carbolic acid, but are not harmful to humans.
Tea tree essential oil is ideal for oily and acne prone skin. It holds the record for the content of antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial components.

The action and properties of tea tree oil for the face:
- cauterizes acne well;
- quickly eliminates itching, swelling, redness from insect bites, neutralizing intoxication with poisons;
- eliminates fungal skin lesions, effective in the treatment of stomatitis and herpes.

Mode of application:

  1. For problematic skin, steam bath: for 1 liter of hot water, 1 drop of mint oil and 2 drops of tea tree;
  2. For fungal skin lesions, herpes, warts: apply pure tea tree oil in a thin layer with an applicator directly on the body of the wart, fungal surface, on herpes vesicles;
  3. For acne: 2-3 days, 3 times a day, treat the skin of the face with a cotton swab, previously moistened with a mixture of tea tree oil and water 1: 1.
  4. For skin rejuvenation: wash your face with a mixture of 3-5 drops of tea tree oil for every 500 ml of warm water.

21st Century Tea Tree Oil- 100% pure tea tree oil. Do not forget that you cannot apply it in its pure form to the face, since this oil does not contain a base oil. If you have periodontal disease or stomatitis, then this oil can be used for rinsing the mouth - 5 drops in a glass of water.

Facial oil soothing taman, lavender and tea tree- this is already a mixture of essential oils with a base one, it can be used as part of masks and even in its pure form.


A bit of history.
In ancient China, sandalwood oil was used in religious rituals, and in ancient Egypt - in embalming, in medicine.

Currently, sandalwood oil is used to solve cosmetic problems. It is an excellent ingredient for skin care, rejuvenates, soothes, tones the skin, gives it a delicate shade and radiance. Sandalwood oil is especially good for nighttime skin care: its aroma is soothing and helps to cope with insomnia.

Action and properties of sandalwood oil:
- acne, impure skin, pruritus, scabies;
- Sensitive skin prone to redness and rosacea.

Mode of application:

  1. Couperose mask: 50 ml plain yogurt, 5 drops of sandalwood oil, 2 drops of juniper, 2 drops of rosemary. Apply for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm boiled water
  2. Baths: 5-7 drops of sandalwood oil.

Oil on Iherb:

Aura Cacia, Sandalwood in Jojoba Oil- Can be applied neat. It is a pure essential oil with jojoba base oil.

Now Foods, Essential Oils, Sandalwood- 100% essential oil, you can not use it in its pure form, only as part of masks, oil mixtures.

Pink tree

The rose tree is native to Brazil. Aroma: resinous, thin, bitter-smoky, tart. Rosewood oil is used in the perfume industry as an aromatic component in the production of men's perfumes.

The action and properties of rosewood oil:
- increases skin elasticity, its elasticity, and wrinkles will decrease;
— moisturizes, nourishes, smoothes dry sensitive skin prone to stress spots;
- normalizes intradermal metabolism and blood;
- forms an even, beautiful complexion, helps to get rid of spider veins, vascular pattern and acne marks;
- promotes the resorption of thin scars.

Rosewood oil is used in cosmetics as an excellent ingredient that helps restore and soften the skin, increase protective functions and rejuvenate.

How to use rosewood oil

  1. Mixture for flaky skin: 30 ml avocado, 20 ml olive, 8 drops of rosewood oil, 8 drops of sandalwood oil
  2. Enrichment of creams, gels, masks (only homemade): 5 drops per 5 g of base
  3. Massage: 7 drops per 10 g of transport oil
  4. Baths: 6-8 drops.

Essential oil of rosewood is used only externally!!!


Jasmine - from the genus of shrubs and vines of the olive family. To obtain the essential oil, large-flowered jasmine is cultivated. From 1 ton of jasmine flowers, 1 liter of essential oil is obtained. This oil is an indispensable component of the most expensive French perfumes.

A bit of history.
Jasmine is native to India. Jasmine is cultivated in Egypt, Italy, France, Morocco, Spain. In Southern Europe it is considered the king of fragrances.

Action and properties of jasmine essential oil.

Jasmine essential oil is ideal for sensitive skin. Improves complexion, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands in case of oily skin, whitens post-acne, produces a tonic, antiseptic effect and skin rejuvenation. Good for dry, sensitive and irritated skin.

How to use jasmine oil:

  1. Overnight skin blend: 5 ml wheat germ, 5 ml borage, 5 ml avocado, 5 ml grape seed, 10 drops evening primrose, 3 drops jasmine, 3 drops ylang-ylang
  2. Compress 1-2 drops per 100 ml of distilled water
  3. Aromatic bath: 5-7 drops of jasmine oil
  4. Aroma massage
  5. During childbirth: a compress on the lower abdomen
  6. Aphrodisiac.

The use of jasmine essential oil is contraindicated in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy!!!


Rosemary is an aromatic evergreen subshrub of the mint family. His homeland is the Mediterranean.

A bit of history. Rosemary has long been used as a spice in cooking. Famous Greek doctors (Hippocrates, Dioscorides, etc.) prescribed rosemary for liver diseases. Later, rosemary was included in many medicines.

In cosmetics, rosemary essential oil is used to normalize the condition of oily and impure skin, fight hyperpigmentation, stretch marks and acne. This oil causes aggression in animals!!!

Ways to use Rosemary EO:

  1. Stretch mark mixture: 10 ml olive, 10 ml avocado, 10 drops bergamot, 10 drops rosemary
  2. Massage: 5 drops of rosemary oil per 10 g of carrier oil
  3. Lotions: 1 drop of rosemary oil per 250 ml of boiled water
  4. Baths: 3-5 drops
  5. Enriching your creams: 3 drops per 5 g of base.

Ylang Ylang

Ylang-ylang (scented kananga) is a tree up to 30 m high. The branches of the tree hang like a willow, fragrant flowers are collected in brushes. The essential oil is obtained from the flowers by steam distillation.

A bit of history.
Ylang Ylang is native to the Philippines. The name of the tree in the local dialect means "flutter". The Filipinos used the flowers of this tree as a festive garland decoration.

Ylang Ylang essential oil is used in cosmetics as an ideal skin care product.
The action and properties of ylang-ylang oil:
- evens out the skin texture, smoothing wrinkles and narrowing the pores;
- normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
— smoothes mimic wrinkles, ideal for skin care around the eyes;
- has an antiseptic effect;
- aphrodisiac.

How to use em yling ylang:

  1. Nourishing bath emulsion: 1 tablespoon honey, half a glass of milk and 8 drops of ylang-ylang
  2. Addition to own creams: 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil per 10 ml of neutral cream
  3. Massage: 7 drops of essential oil per 10 ml of vegetable oil
  4. Baths for brittle nails: warm olive oil and 2-5 drops of ylang-ylang oil
  5. Baths: up to 10 drops of oil
  6. Aromatization of the room.


Lavender is a fragrant evergreen shrub of the labiaceae family up to 60 cm high, with narrow gray leaves, gray-blue flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. The essential oil is obtained from lavender flowers by steam distillation.

A bit of history.
Lavender is native to the Mediterranean. The ancient Greeks and Romans used lavender in medicine (as a means of combating contagious diseases and epidemics), as well as in perfumery. It was added to bathing water, hence its name "lavender" derived from the Latin - "to wash."

Lavender is an excellent anti-aging cosmetic product that accelerates the regeneration of skin cells and relieves irritation. Best suited for night care.

Action and properties of lavender essential oil:
- Ideal for all skin types
- one of the best remedies for the treatment of acne, normalizes the sebaceous glands;
- relieves inflammation, redness and peeling of the skin;
- treats dermatitis of various origins;
- disinfects the skin;
- regenerates the skin after burns, heals wounds.

Ways to use lavender essential oil:

  1. Lotions for the treatment of skin, wounds and even eczema: a handful of lavender flowers in 1/2 l of olive oil, put in a water bath for 2 hours, leave to infuse overnight and use to treat skin and even wounds
  2. Baths: 5-8 drops of lavender oil
  3. Mixture for skin irritations and burns: 50 ml of jojoba oil, 10 drops of neroli, 10 drops of blue chamomile and 10 drops of lavender oil.


This is a low evergreen tree from the rue family. Its homeland is Southeast Asia. Bergamot essential oil is obtained from the peel of the inedible fruit of the bergamot tree by cold pressing.

In cosmetics, bergamot essential oil is used to narrow skin pores, whiten freckles, reduce stretch marks, and fight cellulite.

Action and properties of bergamot essential oil:
- excellent for oily porous skin care;
-reduces secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands;
- eliminates cellulite and stretch marks;
- narrows the pores of the skin, whitens well;
- antiseptic, antifungal;
- Acts as an aphrodisiac.

Ways to use Bergamot EO:

  1. Cellulite mixture: 50 ml of jojoba, 50 ml of almond seeds, 5 drops of cypress, 10 drops of orange, 8 drops of lemon and 10 drops of bergamot
  2. For inflammation of the skin and fungal lesions of the mucous membranes: 1 drop of oil in 1/2 cup of distilled water
  3. Baths: 5-8 drops of bergamot
  4. Sauna: 5 drops of oil
  5. Aroma massage: 3 drops per 10 ml of neutral cream
  6. Air aromatization: 4-6 drops per room 20 m2

Geranium (pelargonium)

It is a genus of perennial herbs of the Geranium family. The whole plant is used to extract essential oil from the green mass of geraniums by steam distillation.

A bit of history.In ancient times, geranium was considered an exclusively healing agent that could heal fractures and cure cancer.

In cosmetics, geranium essential oil is the most “feminine” oil, because massage with it normalizes hormonal balance.

The action and properties of geranium essential oil:
- ideal for skin care, prone to hormonal changes (pimples in adolescence, dry skin during menopause);
- due to the presence of estrogen-like components, the oil is part of bust care, it helps the skin of the décolleté area to maintain elasticity and smoothness for a long time;
- treats inflamed flaky skin, fungal skin lesions, herpes, acne, dry eczema, lichen, skin ulcers, burns;
- purifies and aromatizes the air in the room.

Ways to use geranium essential oil:

  1. Bust massage mixture: 20 ml of jojoba, 20 ml of grape seed, 10 ml of peach seed, 3 drops of fennel or anise, 3 drops of ylang-ylang and 10 drops of geranium
  2. For burns: Apply pure geranium essential oil to the affected area.
  3. To treat the skin, use an infusion of geranium herbs: 1 dessert spoon per 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes
  4. Massages: geranium oil and neutral cream in a ratio of 1:4.


Cypress belongs to the genus of coniferous trees of the cypress family. Essential oil is obtained by distillation of fruits (cypress nuts).

A bit of history.
Cyprus is considered the birthplace of cypresses. In ancient times, temples and cities were lined with cypress trees, protecting them from evil spirits. Cypress wood was considered eternal, not susceptible to decay. Noble Greeks and Romans were buried in cypress coffins. The Phoenicians built warships from cypress and won their famous victories. Cypress resins were used to treat wounds and ulcers, and lung patients were sent to the island of Crete, famous for its cypress groves.

In cosmetics, it is used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, eliminate the smell of sweat, and dry acne.

Action and properties of essential cypress oil:
- effective for the treatment of rosacea;
- helps with varicose veins;
-reduces sweating;
- used for sweating feet and unpleasant skin odor;
- relieves heaviness in the legs, reduces swelling.

Ways to use cypress essential oil:

  1. Massage oil for varicose veins: 15 ml of olive, 15 ml of hazelnut, 2 drops of lavender and 4 drops of cypress
  2. Baths: 5-7 drops of oil per bath;


Neroli is an essential oil from orange blossoms from the rue family. The tree has a round crown and thin spines in the axils of the leaves.

A bit of history. The first mention of oranges in China dates back to the 6th century BC. The word "orange" is of German origin and means "Chinese apple". Orange was brought to Europe in the 1st century. In southern Spain, the Moors cultivated oranges in large areas. Columbus brought the orange tree to America.

In cosmetics, neroli is used as one of the most versatile oils that revitalizes, regenerates and rejuvenates the skin.

The action and properties of neroli oil:
- especially recommended for the care of "tired", dull, aging skin and rejuvenates it;
- effectively eliminates the effects of sunburn;
- fights against photoaging of the skin, treats its defects;
- has an antiseptic, tonic, regenerative effect on the skin;
- has an aphrodisiac effect.

Ways to use neroli oil:

  1. Mask to improve the complexion: 5 ml of grape seed oil, a teaspoon of honey, egg yolk and 3 drops of neroli. Apply for 15 minutes
  2. Bath: 12 drops of neroli
  3. Massage: 5-6 drops of neroli per 10 g of vegetable oil
  4. With stomatitis, gingivitis (rinsing the mouth): 1 drop of neroli oil per glass of warm boiled water
  5. Aromatization of a room up to 20 m2 4-6 drops in an aroma lamp.

Of course, there are many more useful essential oils, and I often add new useful aromas to my collection. In this article, I have described only the most necessary for the skin after 30 years.

Doses of essential oils

To add to carrier oils for face care: for 1 tablespoon of oil 2-4 drops of essential oils.

To enhance the effectiveness of creams and lotions: up to 5 drops of essential oil per 10-15 ml of cream.

For hair care: for 1 tablespoon of the base (mask or oil) we take 4-6 drops of essential oils.

When taking care of the body: Add 6-10 drops of essential oils to 1 tablespoon of base oil.

For rinses: 2-3 drops of oil in one glass of warm boiled water.

For aromatization of the home aroma lamps: 3-4 drops of essential oil (added to the water poured into the lamp bowl) per 15 m2 of area.

For baths: 4-7 drops of essential oils per bath, pre-dissolve in the base (milk, base oil, honey, cream, bath salt).

For massage: 3-6 drops of essential oil per 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of carrier oil.

For sauna and bath: 2-4 drops of essential oil per 15 m2.

For cosmetic purposes, 2-3% concentrations are used, for therapeutic purposes 4-5% and in some cases higher concentrations. It is not recommended to overestimate the indicated dosages, because essential oils are very concentrated substances, and it is easy to harm by misuse.

I also post very useful cheat sheets - tables on essential oils

This article lists essential oils with a description of them actions on the skin of the face and body.

After you find the ideal oil for you here, choose how to use it, method + dosage in the description of the selected essential oil, here:

Body care

Facial care


bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, analgesic, decongestant, antiseptic, deodorant.

Being the strongest antiseptic, oil promotes the healing of wounds, ulcers, cuts, burns, carbuncles, boils and other purulent skin lesions. It eliminates infiltrates, blisters, burning, pain, redness, swelling and itching of the skin. It has a positive effect on weeping eczema, psoriasis and other dermatitis. Regulates the sebaceous glands, helps with acne.

Pediculosis, scabies.
Dermatosis, boils, carbuncles, acne, acne, eczema, psoriasis cuts, ulcers, burns, infiltrates, blisters, swelling, skin itching, insect bites.


antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory.

Returns the elasticity of the chest and hips, moisturizes dry skin, relieves puffiness in the eye area. Essential oil cleanses, tones, renews the skin, gives it a homogeneous color. Restores the water balance of dry and dehydrated skin. Eliminates flabbiness and lethargy of the skin, smoothes wrinkles, relieves puffiness in the eye area. The oil increases the elasticity of the epidermis and connective tissue. Helps to increase the elasticity of the chest, abdomen, hips, "outlines" the contours of the face and body and is a recognized tool for "silhouette massage" and "contouring". Low concentrations of oil in massage mixtures help build muscle mass and increase the bust by improving their trophism. The use of higher concentrations of oil in massage mixtures helps to reduce the accumulation of fat in tissues and lose weight. Traditionally used to treat obesity and cellulite. oil effectively eliminates acne and is an excellent tool for skin care of adolescents with juvenile acne. Helps with calluses.

Neutralizes poisons of insects and snakes.

Obesity, cellulite.

Flabbiness of the skin, oily porous skin, acne, decreased elasticity of the bust, abdomen and hips.
Fennel essential oil is valued as an anti-wrinkle agent used for skin care of the neck and face.

Tea tree

antiseptic, bactericidal, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, astringent, antipruritic, embalming, wound healing.

Known throughout the world as the strongest antiseptic and effective healing agent.

In professional dermatology and cosmetology, oil is recognized as an effective antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent with a wide spectrum of action.

It does not cause burns even on the mucous membranes. Can be used instead of iodine, brilliant green and other traditional antiseptics.

It has a wound-healing and pronounced cleansing effect on the skin: it draws pus from infected wounds, abscesses and carbuncles, eliminates warts and papillomas, cleanses the skin after chickenpox and shingles.

When bitten by insects, it neutralizes poisons and helps to quickly eliminate irritation, itching, redness and swelling.

The essential oil restores a homogeneous color and a healthy skin texture.


for herpes, long non-healing wounds, ulcers, burns, acne, pustular inflammation and abscesses, boils, ringworm, eczema, insect bites, dandruff, for daily care of oily and impure skin.
wounds, ulcers, cuts, abrasions, bruises, burns (especially solar), acne, pustular inflammation, abscesses, boils, carbuncles, warts, impetigo, pediculosis, ringworm, athlete's foot, psoriasis, eczema, insect bites, itching, daily care for oily and impure skin; as a strong disinfectant that does not cause burns even on mucous membranes, which can be used instead of iodine, brilliant green and other traditional antiseptics.

Salvia officinalis


anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, wound-healing effect.

The essential oil balances the production of sebum (sebum) and is used to care for oily skin. Used for pore enlargement. It is an effective treatment for acne and other pustular skin lesions.
The oil also regulates perspiration, eliminating excessive sweating and body odours. Suitable as a deodorant.
Sage oil has hemostatic and regenerating properties. It stops blood from cuts and other skin injuries, stimulates the formation of scar tissue. Improves the condition of the skin with burns, frostbite, ulcers, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. Effective against cellulite.

It is used for insect bites to reduce pain and inflammation.

infectious skin diseases, pustular skin lesions, acne, enlarged pores, excessive sweating, unpleasant body odors, premature skin aging, cracks, festering wounds and ulcers, abscesses, light burns and frostbite, neurodermatitis, psoriasis (in remission), eczema, dermatitis , insect bites, cellulitis.

Clary sage


bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing, balsamic, deodorant.

Reduces excessive sebum production and eliminates excessive sweating.

The essential oil is recommended for oily, normal and mature skin. Essential oil promotes skin regeneration, prevents premature aging and wrinkles, helps keep skin young and healthy. Eliminates excessive sweating and unpleasant body odors, is a natural deodorant. Effective for pustular skin lesions. Reduces skin inflammation in psoriasis, eczema and other types of dermatitis. Heals cuts, wounds, burns. Relieves itching and irritation with herpes and thrush. Reduces excessive sebum production, especially on the scalp.

dermatitis, eczema, boils, pustular rash, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), skin aging, burns, poorly healing wounds, cracks, bruises, herpes.



Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. Whitens and deodorizes the skin. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action, equilipta oil effectively copes with various skin infections and inflammations. Equaliptus essential oil helps with furunculosis, acne and herpes. Disinfects, anesthetizes and regenerates damaged skin after burns and frostbite. Eliminates chemical burns associated with skin contact with undiluted "hard" essential oils (yarrow, lemongrass, wormwood). To prevent a strong irritating effect of primary used essential oils, it is recommended to add oil to them (1 drop of oil for every 7 drops of a new fragrance, sometimes up to 25% eucalyptus oil is added).

In dermatology and cosmetics, eucalyptus oil is used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and deodorizing agent.
With measles, shingles, chicken pox, acne, furunculosis, herpes, essential oil can be applied undiluted to the affected areas of the body. For the treatment of phlegmon, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes (stomatitis, gingivitis), boils, carbuncles, wounds, burns, it is also effective to use with eucalyptus oil.
Oil-enriched ointments, creams, tonics, shampoos, rinses are used for problem skin, open pores, hyperpigmentation, dandruff, acne, and also to strengthen hair.
The oil is also used for skin whitening, skin deodorization and oral hygiene.


antiseptic, bactericidal, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, balsamic, astringent, regenerating, wound healing, analgesic.

Tones and rejuvenates the skin, improves complexion and smoothes wrinkles. Reduces excessive activity of sweat and sebaceous glands. Refreshes and dries the skin.

The essential oil of the tree is used for all skin types. It improves the lymph flow and blood supply to the skin, normalizes the water-lipid and acid-base balance, warms and tones the skin, gives a rejuvenating effect, improves complexion and smoothes wrinkles. This is a great product for aging skin. The oil reduces the excessive activity of the sweat glands, and also controls the secretion of sebum. It is believed that the action of the oil is similar to the action of myrrh oil: it refreshes and dries the skin. This allows it to be successfully used for oily skin care. The antiseptic and wound-healing properties of the essential oil of the tree make it possible to successfully use it in aftershave creams, in cosmetics for the care of irritated and inflamed skin, with allergic rashes, as well as for the treatment of infected wounds, cracks, ulcers, bedsores, abscesses, fungal infections. Helps strengthen soft and brittle nails.


bruises, bleeding, cuts, wounds, abscesses, cracks, ulcers, bedsores, fungal infections, stretch marks (stretch marks), irritated and inflamed skin, skin wrinkles, allergic rashes, soft and brittle nails.

In Europe, the oil became popular in the 15th century and was included in ointments. It is still a component of some medicines today, including medical ointments and patches for the treatment of abscesses.