How to look like a million dollars no matter your budget. How to look like a “woman in a million” on a very modest budget. It's quite real! How to look like a million dollar blog

Clothes that suit you naturally look more expensive. Don't rush to buy all the outfits. Try to choose clothes that fit and shape well on you.

Do not spare money for quality items

Of course, spending money on expensive clothes is very difficult when the income is not too high. But when you have the money, instead of buying a lot of cheap things, get some quality new items. They will dilute your wardrobe and will probably last longer.

Don't be fooled by logos

On real designer clothes, you will never see the logos in the most prominent place. Cut off all labels and tags. No one will know where your clothes come from or how much they cost.

Dress smartly

If you look sloppy, no one will think that you are "rich". Choose your clothes wisely. Wear blouses, formal dresses, shirts, avoid cheap shoes and try to look well-groomed at all times.

Wear big sunglasses

This is a favorite accessory of almost all celebrities and wealthy people. Get some cool pairs of sunglasses to match your outfit perfectly.

Buy clothes made from natural materials

Natural fabrics like wool and cashmere look better than blended fabrics. Therefore, whenever possible, try to wear quality and comfortable clothing.

Only wear clean clothes

Again, to look rich, you have to look after your appearance. So, make sure all your clothes are clean and ironed.

Dress appropriately and for the weather

Always think about where you are going and what you are wearing. Always be prepared for any weather condition. A light chiffon dress and sandals are not the best outfit when it is raining and windy outside.

Buy good shoes

Don't be afraid to spend money on expensive shoes. If you don't, then you are not worried about your appearance. The first thing that all people pay attention to are shoes!

Wear discreet accessories and jewelry

All accessories and jewelry should be subtle. When there are too many of them, it speaks of posturing, not wealth. Complement your look with a few subtle embellishments. Yes, you will look simple, but tasteful!

Don't draw attention to yourself

If you do not know how to do this, it is better not to dare to take such a step. Vibrant, conflicting colors and outrageous outfits can get people's attention, but not what you hoped for!

Watch yourself

Wealthy people spend a lot of time looking well-groomed. Take a shower every day and spare no expense for personal hygiene items.

You should always smell good

Choose your scent wisely. Again, apply a small amount of light, non-cloying fragrances to your skin. Choose floral or woody scents.

Skin care, peeling

Spend your money on good, natural, organic and moisturizing cosmetics. Pamper yourself with a peel a couple of times a month. Cleansing and moisturizing are simple methods to help you stay younger and take better care of your skin.

Watch your nails

Peeled nails or chipped varnish are not very pretty. It is enough for men to trim their nails neatly and keep them clean, women should paint them and never bite!

Take care of your hair

When it comes to hair, it is best when it is washed and combed. You can follow the dyeing and haircut trends, but sometimes it is difficult to keep up with the fashion. Therefore, for a neat and tidy look, it is enough to wash your hair and make it easy to style.

Cut your hair regularly

Visit your hairdresser 1-2 times a month. And then your hair will look well-groomed.

Pay attention to facial hair

Men should make sure their faces are smooth at all times. Women should groom their eyebrows and shave off light fuzz on their face.

When it comes to dyeing your hair, using a lightening or darkening technique, it goes beyond your natural color and the chances that the color will benefit you is very small. Therefore, try to experiment less with dyeing curls and stick to your natural shade.

Use cosmetics in natural shades

Women often go overboard with makeup. Try to use as little makeup as possible and choose exclusively natural shades that highlight your natural beauty!

Whiten your teeth

If you can't afford a Hollywood smile, at least use a whitening toothpaste and good oral hygiene. Yellow teeth and bad breath will definitely not add to your charm.

Go public and behave yourself

To create the impression that you are rich, you need to be in crowded places. Make sure you get there and get noticed! Do not get drunk or rowdy, behave yourself.

Eat slower and be etiquette

Don't chew, don't chomp, try to chew your food thoroughly. When sitting at a table, always keep your back straight. Don't slouch, good posture is a sign of wealth.

Stay on top of your rich life

Explore expensive brands, new fashion items. Constantly inform yourself about what events or trends are happening in the circles of wealthy people.

Speak slowly and to the point

Monitor your speech. Speak coherently and clearly so that people understand you.

Always keep calm

Try not to be aggressive. Be calm and graceful under all circumstances.

Act as if you don't need anything

Rich people have enough. So make sure you don't act like you are poor!

Dedicate yourself to a fashion hobby

To qualify for this class, you need to master several activities, such as:

  • Navigation.
  • Golf.
  • Tennis.
  • Polo.
  • Skiing.
  • Trips.
  • Horseback riding.

Read more

Keep up to date with current events

Make sure you know what's going on in the world. This way you can become educated and informed. Learn more about art. Visit museums and art galleries. Try to travel as much as possible and learn about new places and cultures.

Pay attention to your social media accounts

A rich lifestyle is about managing all aspects of your existence. Pay attention to your social media accounts and the time you spend on it!

Don't brag

Very rich people do not brag about their money, their status can be read on their faces. Be humble and let people draw their own conclusions about you.

By following the tips above, you can create the impression that you are swimming in money. By doing so, you can enter different social circles, become a more confident and interesting person, you can even find a good job or change your circle of friends!


A lot can be accomplished with Vicky Oliver's Millionaire Handbook: How to Look and Act Like a Millionaire Even If You Are Not. For example, one brilliant piece of advice: Invest in clothing on a one-third basis. This means that you need to reduce the number of purchased items to one third, but the price of each of these items should be three times higher. Thus, for the same amount that you used to spend on a wardrobe, you will buy fewer things. But on the other hand - of excellent quality! Expensive and high-quality items of classic styles that will last more than one year are an excellent investment in your appearance.


Casual doesn't mean casual. Casual is a casual business, office style that can be easily transformed for both work and non-formal settings. For example, you can replace trousers with arrows with restrained, classic dark-colored jeans and pair them with a quality, well-fitting jacket with three-quarter sleeves or thumb length.

Keep an eye on black things: black only looks stylish when things are new. Washed and faded black looks lonely.


Loud brands make the image not expensive, but cheap. Difficult to identify items look better than a belt or bag with a distinctive print or a huge buckle with the letter H. Also, you should give up Chanel-style bags on a long chain, which set the teeth on edge of Burberry-style plaid scarves and other easily recognizable things, the true value whom everyone knows. This can provoke dissonance in the perception of your image: a potential employer or groom will think, where, in fact, do you have the means to buy such things?

For a long time, the worries of the fair sex about their wardrobe boiled down to two mutually exclusive problems - "nothing to wear" and "nowhere to hang". And in times of crisis, a third problem was added - "for what shishi to buy this?"

Everyone dreams of dressing beautifully and fashionably, but branded products are prohibitively expensive. Some of them deny themselves everything, save money to meet the latest peep and put on "outfit" exclusively with brand labels. Others dress up at flea markets because they can't afford expensive boutique clothes. But here's the paradox - a poorly dressed employee will never get a raise. This is the opinion of the famous fashion expert Evelina Khromchenko, and one can agree with this. But how to break out of the vicious circle?

What do real millionaires look like? Differently. On the red carpets, world stars with their frenzied royalties flaunt in designer outfits, furs and diamonds. And in everyday life, ostentatious luxury is considered bad form for them. Going outside near their home, they prefer to remain inconspicuous, wearing shapeless cardigans and T-shirts, ballet flats, cloth bags and dark glasses that hide their faces from pesky paparazzi. And at the same time they look simple, but stylish and with a casual chic. It is known that shoes, a bag and glasses give real elegance to an image.

How to look expensive and well-groomed without too much cost

Some ladies, having a certain amount, are in a hurry to buy as many things as possible. To change clothes every day and make an impression. But a more correct decision would be to buy one or two elegant and expensive items for this amount than a whole heap of cheap consumer goods. A high-quality purchase will become your favorite and will serve you for a long time until it decays into atoms. And it looks much better. Elegant boots made of genuine leather are several times more expensive than more democratic options, but they raise their mistress in appearance an order of magnitude higher than those who walk in cheap shoes with peeled toes and worn out heels. And such boots are worn for several years, while cheap ones will still have to be changed every year, which is ultimately more expensive.

There is a saying, which was also invented by millionaires - "we are not rich enough to buy cheap things." And since we are talking about shoes, try to change them as often as possible to the extent of your financial capabilities. It is advisable to purchase one expensive pair and two not very expensive ones every season. To alternate and combine them appropriately. And so that the first pair does not wear out so quickly. Nothing kills a look like worn-out shoes.

To look expensive and presentable, without letting yourself around the world, you must adhere to the following rules:

Make up a basic wardrobe

There are several compulsory subjects that make up the foundation. This is a medium length, black turtleneck, white shirt, straight-fitting jeans, a plain knitted dress without a pattern and unnecessary details. And a club jacket. The secretary Vera spoke about him in the "Office Romance". More than a dozen years have passed, and the club jacket is more alive than all living things.

You need to choose in such a color scheme so that they are in harmony with each other. Then it will be possible to make sets of them in many versions, combining a dress with a jacket, a skirt with a turtleneck and the same jacket, jeans with a shirt. With a few well-chosen capsules, you won't be puzzled over what to wear to work or a date. By adopting this principle, you will wean yourself from buying random junk under the influence of good discounts or impulsive impulses. They will then be doomed to waste space in the closet, since there is nothing to combine them with.

Do not acquire frank fakes

Things that are a rough parody of global brands shouldn't have room in your closet! Markets and shops are literally flooded with such products and accessories, and many fashionistas buy it up and proudly flaunt it in them. "And I go all this - in Dolce Gabbana!" in T-shirts and blouses, on which the inscription "D & G" goes through the entire chest. Or handbags with the same logo often bring a smile. The fact is that a real bag from these couturiers costs as much as a good three-room apartment in a regional city. And the prices for the latest models of world-famous designers are generally scary to voice. Such bags should be kept in a safe deposit box and walked with an armed guard.

But the magic letters on the product work flawlessly, and are in demand, although these bags did not lie next to real brands. At all times, such lovers of forgeries have been, are and will be. A classic example is Ellochka the Ogre. Her life motto is to catch up and overtake the daughter of the American billionaire Vanderbilt. With the help of a brush and green paint, she transforms the cape from a “Russian hare killed in the Tula province” into an exclusive cape made from the fur of an “American jerboa”.

Almost a hundred years have passed, and now in a popular video we see how a girl applies red paint to the soles of her shoes with the same brush, so that they are exactly like trendy "Louboutins". Do not imitate such "craftswomen". Do not.


For many, products made of precious metals and stones are a symbol of wealth and prosperity. And often young ladies wear the entire family gold reserve in order to increase their status. But the fact is that massive earrings, rings and chains, rings with huge stones that came from mom and grandmother are not in trend for a long time. Now even wealthy women wear graceful rings, small stud earrings adorned with tiny diamonds. today they are valued not for weight, but for beauty and artistic performance.

Avoid sequins and rhinestones

Do not buy dresses and blouses decorated with different shiny tinsel. This is wasted money, believe me. They are striking to everyone, and for the second time those around them will think: “Again she is in these rhinestones. Nothing else to wear? " Yes, and you yourself will get tired of it very soon, everything bright and catchy quickly becomes boring. As a result, you will wear a dress with sequins in the country, in the countryside. And stay away from forty - they love sparkling objects.

Give preference to black, white and pure natural colors

Black is the most versatile color and any other clothing suits it. And white outfits are usually worn by neat and confident people. Get some white T-shirts and blouses, both classic and sporty. Wash them daily - they should be “frosty fresh”.

Beware of dresses and suits of flashy, "acid" colors, they look vulgar and cheap. Soft, pastel and calm colors are the best solution.

Pay attention to the quality of sewing and cut

When choosing a new outfit, pay attention not only to color, style and material. Take a close look at how the seams are made, the details are processed. Curved stitching, protruding threads indicate that the craft was made in an underground workshop. According to patterns copied from world brands. And it was sewn by people who had just graduated from the accelerated courses in cutting and sewing. Self-respecting manufacturers will not allow such hack.

Bet on classic models

Classics have always been and remain relevant. If you are invited to a business meeting or interview, to the theater or to a tea party with your boyfriend's parents, then you can't go wrong if you dress in a classic style.

  • The classic options include straight trousers that cover almost the entire heel. They slim down your figure and lengthen your legs just to the height of your heel.
  • This is a white blouse that can be paired with both pants and a skirt.
  • It is impossible not to recall the famous "little black dress", which was invented by Coco Chanel. An elegant brooch, a beautifully draped lightweight scarf, and on special occasions a string of pearls will suit him.

Choose products made from natural fabrics

Synthetics have not been in demand for a long time, and high-quality clothes are made from natural materials. Pay attention to the composition of the fabric indicated on the label.

Follow the trends

You should not blindly follow fashion, you need to choose what suits you. Watch the latest magazines, reports from the world's catwalks, TV shows about the latest in the industry. Taking into account the main trends, you cannot go wrong in choosing a novelty.

Have a well-groomed appearance

Appearance is just as important as carefully selected bows. A shapeless hairstyle, problem skin and sloppy nails will negate all your efforts to update your wardrobe. Fall in love with yourself and make it a rule to regularly visit the hairdresser, manicure and beauty parlor. Save on something else, but your look must be flawless!

If you are slim, try to stay that way as long as possible. It will always be easier for you to choose a ready-made toilet, and it will look much better on a good figure. The investment in looks is worth it as it builds self-esteem and attracts success.

Dress for men

Women dress up for other women. They compete, whose attire is more beautiful and more prestigious. And they zealously make sure to be no worse than others.

And you dress for men. After all, your personal happiness, career advancement and salary growth mainly depend on them. And a husband, boyfriend or boss does not care which designer you wear your "outfit" from. The main thing is that it is not vulgar and that it emphasizes the figure well. Especially if there is something to admire. So choose something that is feminine, elegant and perfect for you.

You see, everything is not so difficult. You don't have to have that million in your pocket to look like a million dollars. Elegance, grooming, good taste - and you are no longer a girl, but a picture! All people are like people, and you are a queen!

On the street I often see not very pretty girls, but they look well-groomed, expensive ... I consider myself a pretty girl, but I don't have the means to dress beautifully. Of course, I dress well, but not in expensive stores. And you want to look gorgeous ... Is it possible, without spending a lot of money, to look "one hundred percent"?

Polina, Kharkov

How to look like a “million” while spending a lot less? This question, probably consciously or not, sooner or later asks each of us. In fact, a sincere desire to look attractive and well-groomed will cost you no more ... your own time, patience, creativity and ... love for yourself, your beloved, of course.

So, if you do not have the opportunity (mainly financial) to indulge all the whims of the Lady of Fashion, you can get out of the situation in a feminine way or cunningly (who you like) and find several mutually beneficial compromises with the trendsetter.

Compromise 1. Sales in expensive shops and boutiques. In fact, fashion is not as fickle as the manufacturers of world brands are trying to show. At the sales you can buy ever-trendy things: jeans, suits, flight dresses - they never get old in terms of fashion.

Compromise 2. Buy not only the squeak of fashion, but also the quality. There is a joke: your dress will last a long time if ... your man has a small salary. So, it is better to pay attention to the quality characteristics of the desired new thing once, than to mourn the prematurely faded, shabby or deformed "fashionable thing" later. Carefully consider not only the external, but also the internal seams, decorative elements, how they are fixed, the material. Simple things made from quality fabrics look much more attractive than synthetics in bling.

Compromise 3. You can still pamper yourself and splurge on one thing (two ... well, three things) of the luxury class! But choose such new clothes that could play more than one game in your wardrobe, i.e. had several combinations with existing things. The ideal option would be designer jeans or a stylish jacket.

Compromise 4.
Don't skimp on accessories and jewelry. It is better if the clothes are not too expensive, but the shoes should be of high quality and expensive, and a bag should match it. The same is with watches and jewelry, if a specialist does not immediately determine the "non-brand" quality of your well-chosen clothes, then cheap jewelry can be seen immediately and, believe me, from afar.

Compromise 5. A categorical "No!" all kinds of surpluses (sparkles, rhinestones, ruffles, bows, etc., etc. in the style of "circus left ...") and substitutes (leather, fur, varnish). Things with accented inscriptions and “under the brand” labels with “random” misprints also look ridiculous and useless.

Compromise 6. Quality, but not necessarily expensive (proven), should also be your cosmetics and perfumes.

Compromise 7. Your own alternative to the expensive but not always effective beauty industry. Avoiding direct sunlight, healthy eating, good sleep (the recipe of the legendary Sophia Loren) will successfully replace salon procedures and advertised cosmetics. Don't have money for gym classes and aerobics courses? Then let movement become your hobby: walk more (a wonderful way not only to take care of the slimness of the legs, but also to avoid oxygen starvation of the skin), jogging in the morning or shopping - what's the difference? The main thing is to have fun!

Compromise 8. Branded items, expensive jewelry, natural fur ... This is all good, but the main elements of the puzzle called "Gorgeous Woman" are in herself. In fact, it is not the wrapper that is important, but what is in it, i.e. - you. There are several aspects of appearance that must be 100% well-groomed: well-groomed hair (length and shape are not important), neat manicure (absolutely available at home, but if you come up with a creative ...), healthy teeth, clean well-groomed skin (no comment) ...

Compromise 9. The main one is with yourself, beloved. A fashionable woman, even in the most expensive clothes, will not look attractive if she does not like herself. It is necessary to love yourself, that's all!

Go for it!

Lina Talina

Twice a year, the fashion world explodes with news. Missed Fashion Week - and now you don't know: burgundy or red? Rhinestones or sequins? Which drawing to choose? If you're the type of person who gets bored with the show after 15 minutes, don't worry. We have memorized the best trends of this season for you. Pastel or brighter colors, patterns, ombre, animal print, service jacket, matte or glossy finish, metallic - we officially declare: this spring everything is possible. However, there are also nuances, without taking into account which, you run the risk of falling into an anti-trend.

By the way, nail enthusiast and Instagram star Evelyn Escobar-Thomas recommends all women to become more independent in 2020. The new fashion, in her opinion, is a manicure in her bed, with her own nail file and varnish.

Classic French manicure

Did you know that French manicure is not so French? 45 years ago, the founder of one of the most famous nail corporations in the world worked in Hollywood.

“The directors were unhappy that the actresses were taking too long to change the color of their nails. As soon as the girl changed clothes, she had to do a new manicure. They asked me to come up with a color that would suit everything at once ", - recalls Jeff Pink, head of Orly International.

This is how the famous flesh base with a white tip at the end of the nail was born. The designer used his unusual invention during a fashion show in Paris, and returned to America with the popular name “French”.

Classics cannot go out of style, you say. Yes it is. Beyonce, Reese Witherspoon, Victoria Beckham and many other stars consider French manicure as their favorite. However, this season, wearing a traditional jacket has become pas à la mode (not fashionable).

Designers suggest taking risks. A double jacket with stripes at the top and bottom of the nail? Animal print instead of white? Can you make up your mind?



Same design on both hands

“We have two identical hands, but for some reason the design on them must be different,” says nail-queen Evelyn Escobar-Thomas. Over the past 2 months, the girl has posted photos with different manicure twice. White stripes on the left and gold base on the right. Do you want to be in trend? Avoid symmetry and one color.




Bad news for lovers of geometric nails. None of the models at the Fashion Week show had this design. But we noticed all kinds of squiggles, large and small dots, thick and thin stripes. We are freaky artists this spring. And abstraction is in fashion.



Animal print in standard shades

... “Life is too boring anyway. Treat yourself to something unusual, ”advises Miss Pop. Standard animal print? Boring. Play with flowers, mix leopard and panda. Anything your heart desires. There are no reasonable limits.



Neon colors

In the fashion world, pastel colors are still at their peak. Peach to chocolate, smoky rose to salmon. Are you tired of Nude? Try different designs, rhinestones, metal plating. But our advice: refrain from bright neon colors for now.



Checkered skirt: 10 ideas to get admired for your style

The plaid skirt has long been a part of the business wardrobe. After all, it is mainly worn in the office, at school or at official events. But a plaid skirt can also be appropriate for casual and romantic outfits. You just need to find the right pair for her. 6 stylish ideas on how to wear a typical office skirt in the cold are already in front of you.

With a bulky sweater

The most obvious winter pairing: a plaid skirt and a sweater. Everything is very simple, just choose the top to match the pattern on the skirt and complement the image with accessories (brooch, wide belt or necklace). And to make the usual set look stylish, play with styles. If the skirt is short and narrow, then it is better to put on the pullover more spaciously and tuck its edge into the belt. A tight-fitting jumper is suitable for a long, wide skirt.

The most daring fashionistas will surely appreciate the combination of a plaid skirt with a printed sweater. Only the jumper pattern should be as angular as on the skirt. Then the look will be harmonious.

With colored turtleneck

Even a plaid skirt from a business suit can be part of a trendy and warm look when worn with a trendy turtleneck. Only its color should overlap with the shades of the print on the skirt, otherwise the set will be a failure. Complement the outfit with high boots in the same range as the top, or tight tights to match it.

With a blouse

Soften a tailored plaid skirt with a dainty blouse. In the trend are models made of delicate fabrics, with puffy sleeves, ruffles, a bow on the neck, a drop neckline and other romantic details. Pastels can also help create a sophisticated look. And if you prefer bold looks, then use juicy shades from the fashionable palette of the 2020 season.

With a plaid jacket

The tandem of a plaid skirt and the same jacket often looks rather prim and dreary. But not in this case. Pay attention to the size of the pattern of the skirt and choose a jacket with a print larger or, conversely, smaller. The checkered total look does not require any expressive details, except for jewelry. Therefore, a plain turtleneck, tights and shoes will be the best solution for this look.

With the Cossacks

Cowboy boots are the perfect pair of shoes for an oriental plaid skirt. The mix of two cultures looks very original and does not require additional accents. Therefore, put on a simple shirt or turtleneck of a neutral shade upstairs so that such a bright "union" does not overload the image. It is also better to refuse colored tights, but solid black or small polka dots will be just right.

With printed tights

A plaid skirt may not be the only printed item in the look. This simple pattern looks good with other geometric patterns, ornaments of a similar shape, and angular shapes such as stars, hearts, or letters. This means that fancy tights with such details will also successfully fit into the image with a plaid skirt and, moreover, will emphasize slender legs.