How can you create a pattern on the boy's head? Zipper: original haircut for boys. How to cut a boy with a typewriter at home step by step instructions

For adult men, a haircut is a routine, no more than a monthly procedure. But for boys, going to the hairdresser or even creating a fashionable hairstyle at home is always an important event. All the more so now, when the times of monotonous haircuts have passed - the image of a baby depends only on the imagination of the master or the wishes of a little client.

Haircut according to boy's age

When choosing a hairstyle for a boy, it is important to remember that it is appropriate for his age. So, for babies under three years old, simple and neat options are preferable. The main requirements are the absence of long bangs that will go into the eyes and neatness. It is better to postpone the delights: the thin hair of young children is difficult to style (and the use of styling products for them is strictly prohibited).

But starting from 4-5 years old, you can choose more complex models, giving your baby an opportunity for self-expression. A patterned haircut will help your child to express themselves and attract the attention of their peers. By the way, this year such hairstyles are just at the peak of their popularity.

Drawing rules

Usually, an experienced hairdresser can create such a haircut with just one clipper. But a less experienced craftsman (or a very complex drawing) will need scissors and a cosmetic pencil. Usually, the following requirements are put forward for a haircut with patterns:

  • Although the pattern can be applied all over the head, it is worth practicing with the back of the head or temples first. A haircut that is too eccentric can complicate relationships with teachers at school or even cause peer ridicule.
  • If you decide on a similar hairstyle, you need to grow your hair at least 6-7 mm. On shorter curls, even the most skilled craftsman cannot guarantee the sharpness of the pattern.
  • Correction will need to be carried out at least once every ten days, otherwise it is quite problematic to restore the pattern. Most likely, you will have to grow your hair for a month to create a new hairstyle.

A haircut with patterns is done for at least one hour, so prepare the boy for the procedure in advance (for example, think of an interesting activity for him).

Haircut steps

The formation of a pattern involves several stages, some of which even require preliminary preparation:

  1. Selecting the area for drawing the picture. The hairdresser will ask the boy or his parents exactly where the ornament will be.
  2. Selection of the pattern. Although artisans usually have multiple options in stock, you can always bring a photo or sketch of your desired design with you.
  3. Directly creating a hairstyle. If the drawing is intricate, the master will apply it using a cosmetic pencil. Then the excess is cut with scissors, and the machine completes the processing.
  4. The pencil is washed off the skin with a tonic.

Crossed lines, stripes, stars can act as a pattern in such a haircut. If the master agrees, you can depict his favorite cartoon characters on the boy's head.

Remember, your boy wants to be fashionable and creative no less than you. Do not be afraid to experiment - let your child enjoy an extraordinary hairstyle. And your task is to help him show his individuality.

You can familiarize yourself with the 2016 fashionable haircuts for boys in this one.

What patterns on the head can your baby boast of? Share in the comments.

At the moment, there are a huge number of techniques and means to make any kind of hairstyle that highlights a certain image of a person. The most creative way now are pictures on the head, which can be performed using completely different techniques. For example, pictures on hair with a typewriter look great for boys and young men, but for women, futuage is more suitable.

But what does this newfangled word mean, what are the patterns on the head and how are they produced? Since this direction in hairdressing is a rather new trend, let's take a closer look at this difficult issue in more detail.

The photo shows a children's haircut with a pattern.

Hairstyles with patterns for ladies

The photo shows hairstyles with prints on blonde and black hair.

As noted above, if a representative of the beautiful sex wants to highlight, or completely change her own image, then futuage is a good method to do this. This method involves stencil staining by different means, either of all curls, or individual areas on the head. (See also the article Graduated haircut for medium hair: how to do it.)

In this case, depending on the chosen means, the pattern will turn out to be either temporary or unchanged. In the first case, the pictures on the hairstyle are made with ordinary watercolors on a honey base or colored varnish, therefore it lasts only until the first shampooing.

In the second case, the patterns last for a month or more, since they are applied with special coloring agents that allow you to achieve a lasting effect. But both the one and the other dyeing option is not suitable for all hair.

Hair requirements for creating a futuage, and in what cases it is inappropriate

Combined with a suitable haircut, futuage helps to more precisely highlight a certain image.

Undoubtedly, a hairstyle made using the futuage technique is not suitable for everyday life. For example, a female representative who works in an office or in some municipal institution will look awkward with drawings on her head. But for various parties and other special events, this option is even very topical.

It should be seen that such pictures look best on long or medium strands, but for small haircuts contrast highlighting or coloring is more suitable. In addition, the owners of wavy curls will have to abandon futuage, because on them, because of the curls, the ornaments will simply not be visible.

Direct your attention!
To create a relief on some separate part of the head, futuage is often combined with a special haircut technique, where the appropriate effect is only emphasized with the help of stencil dyeing.

The photo shows a haircut, in which footage highlighted its relief.

Technique for making temporary futuage

Naturally, if you plan to make a more durable and long-lasting footage, to get a higher quality result, it is better to contact a master. Despite the fact that the cost of such a hairstyle is comparatively expensive, nevertheless, the acquired result from a specialist is worth it. (See also Robe Hair Bun: Features.)

Direct your attention!
The footage is done only for the finished haircut, otherwise the desired result cannot be achieved.

The photo shows a hairstyle with a print on straight strands in the form of a leopard color.

For those who still want to try making such a hairstyle with their own hands, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the temporary footage technique. If the sketch turns out to be bad, then it can be washed off without problems.

So, the annotation for creating ornaments on the strands contains the following steps:

  1. At first, a stencil with the desired pattern is purchased or created with your own hands. m.
  2. After the hair has been washed and dried into even strands, the stencil is fixed on a suitable area of ​​the head, in other words, where the future pattern will be placed. If, for example, a tiger or leopard sketch is chosen, then the strands under the stencil will need to be painted in the main tone with a special tonic.

The color of the strands under the stencil can be given with a hard tonic, as shown in the photo.

  1. Further, colored varnish from a spray can is sprayed onto the hair along the entire perimeter of the stencil... If, with all this, watercolor paint is chosen, then it is applied to the curls through a stencil with a brush. For those who have abilities in the visual arts, then a light sketch on the tinted part of the hair can be applied with your own hands (without a stencil) with an ordinary stick with a cotton swab at the end.

The process of applying paint to strands through a stencil.

  1. Then the pattern template is carefully removed, and the resulting sketch is fixed with a dull varnish.

Direct your attention!
For some ornaments, it is useful to use several colors of coloring agents, for example, for a leopard pattern, which looks very nice and lively.
When choosing one or another option, it should be borne in mind that on black curls, some paints will not look so pronounced, therefore, if necessary, the hair is slightly discolored in the past.

Hairstyles with pictures for boys and young men

The photo shows the process by which the master makes a hairstyle with patterns using a typewriter.

Pictures on the scalp can be created not with paints, but with a typewriter. This method is more suitable for men's haircuts. But it should be borne in mind that this requires certain professional abilities, and without them doing something similar with your own hands is unlikely to work.

Ornaments on the head are usually shaved not over the entire head, but only on the temples or the back of the head, but there are exceptions. The average duration of their "life" is less than 10 days, because with the regrowth of hair, at least some sketch becomes blurred and eventually, after now, if you do not make adjustments, evenly disappears.

Technique for making ornaments using a typewriter

The process of correcting the contours with a typewriter.

Naturally, each master has his own secrets of creating different ornaments on the head using a typewriter.

But there is also a standard annotation consisting of the following steps:

  1. At first, the area on the head where the pattern is planned to be created is separated from the total mass of hair..
  2. Further, with a machine or scissors, the hair at this place is shortened so that their length does not exceed 1 cm.
  3. Then the sketch itself is applied to the scalp with a cosmetic pencil..
  4. After that, with scissors with thin ends, the hair is cut according to the drawn pattern..
  5. Further, all the contours are processed with a machine without a nozzle (zero)... The more clearly and accurately it is made, the more attractive the result will be.

Direct your attention!
Men's hairstyles with machine-made patterns are also suitable for girls with a non-standard look who want to stand out from the crowd.

The photo shows a model with patterns on the head, which were made with a typewriter.


As a result, it should be seen that no matter what ultra-fashionable unusual clothes and shoes are suitable for such hairstyles. Also, depending on the chosen pattern, such hairstyles can even be matched to the traditional image.

In a word, you can be creative and fantasize using the methods outlined above as much as you like. And if you have not yet had a single thought about which pattern to choose or in which area to apply it, you still have not figured out how pictures are made on hair with paint, then watch the video in this article, because it will certainly help you to determine and understand everything better ...

The history of fashion knows many examples when the traditions of a subculture or youth movement made their way onto the catwalks, and then into the everyday images of most people. High platforms, frayed jeans, metal rivets ... And now the highlight of the hairdressing art - drawings on the shaved temples and back of the head. They can be seen in photos of movie stars, singers and even football players. In recent years, this phenomenon has captured absolutely all categories of modern fashionistas, whether they are young people who follow their image, bright and bold women of any age, or very young lovers of creativity.

Varieties of patterns on the temples

First of all, it is worth noting that in addition to the good old hair clipper, there are many beauty tools in the stylists' arsenal. Therefore, the drawing on the temple can be created in different techniques.

At the moment, 4 options are most common:

  1. shaving the pattern;
  2. artistic hair coloring on the temple;
  3. creating a picture using decorative cosmetics;
  4. tattoo.

The first option is considered "standard" and is the most popular. The fact is that the difference in hair length in this case is only a few millimeters, and therefore you can change the "picture" quite often - as soon as the hair grows back a little. And if you manage to get bored with this element of your image, you can simply style your hair in such a way that it is hidden from prying eyes (this applies to women's haircuts, but with men's haircuts, due to the short hair length, this is unlikely to be repeated). Of course, the same trick can be repeated with other options, covering a tattoo or a painted temple, but there are some nuances here. Brightly colored areas are noticeable even under the shock of hair, and a tattoo is, as you know, for life. In addition, some types of pigments block hair growth in the area with a tattoo, so it will not be possible to return to the "starting point".

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos of famous brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses its elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial office conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by the funds from Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

If you have blonde hair, it will be advisable to choose the option with dyeing, because the shaved areas will not be as noticeable as those of burning brunettes.

Drawings on the temples of men

In view of the unprecedented popularity of men's haircuts with shaved temples, young people are increasingly ordering a "bonus" in the form of a geometric or other pattern. As a rule, these are rather restrained, graphic options in the form of straight lines or clear patterns. But lovers of unrestrained creativity are ready to go beyond this framework, and therefore choose something more unusual. Lizards, inscriptions, hieroglyphs, tongues of flame - all this can flaunt on the head of connoisseurs of a boring life.

Interestingly, boys of school and even preschool age were also not spared this trend. Many modern mothers want their child to look like a miniature superstar, trying on the images of their favorite actors or wanting to bring up "the most stylish on the playground." I must say that the kids themselves go for experiments with great pleasure, actively participate in the choice of a drawing. Spider-Man's nets, Batman's sign or Wolverine's claws delight young superheroes.

Older boys also do not give up on an interesting trend. The drawings they choose are either as close as possible to the "adult" options, or are a reflection of adolescent rebellion. Bright oranges, acid greens and other stunning colors, graffiti drawings or crazy cartoons - it's hard to imagine that all this can fit on the temple of a teenager looking for himself. Such creativity often shocks parents, but what to do - perhaps it is worth understanding your boy's desire for memorable, vivid images and treat such decoration of family photos with humor.

Just think - one shaved temple turns a diligent student into a stylish and bright conqueror of men's hearts. And if you decorate it with an intricate pattern, you can safely send your photos to fashion magazines. Modern girls have long appreciated this phenomenon and are actively using it in practice. Indeed, for all its eccentricity, this hairdressing trend leaves room for a compromise: you just have to put your hair on its side - and your little secret is reliably hidden, you can even visit an overly conservative grandmother.

What do girls who want to turn their temples into an "art space" choose?

  • All the same stripes and geometric shapes that, like classic trousers, migrated to us from men's fashion.
  • Stars, hearts, bows - in a word, traditional "girly" prints designed to emphasize your femininity.
  • Predatory prints in the form of tiger stripes or leopard spots.
  • All kinds of tattoos in the form of birds, cats or abstract patterns.
  • Mehendi - temporary "tattoos" that are painted with henna. They last long enough to delight you and those around you with oriental beauty combined with western freedom of thought.
  • Images of animals in various techniques - black and white pandas, pink cartoon cats and even graceful dolphins, emphasizing the graceful curve of a female ear.

If you can't decide on a hairdressing experiment or choose a suitable drawing, turn to technical advances. Upload your photo to a graphic editor (for example, the well-known Photoshop) and try on the options you like. If you have minimal skills in working with such applications, you can draw your own unique pattern yourself.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. Both women's and men's haircuts with shaved temples give you and your stylist room to be creative and express yourself. A little courage and hairdressing skills - and now you attract attention with your unusual image and become the center of the composition in any collective photo.

No matter what century we live in, children's hairstyles for boys will always be of interest to young and modern mothers who want to see their son not only healthy and well-groomed, but also a stylish boy.

Agree that a beautiful haircut for a boy is a great opportunity to teach a kid to take care of himself from an early age. Moreover, the fashion for children's hairstyles for boys offers us quite diverse and bold haircut solutions for boys.

Naturally, there are boyish hairstyles that are easy to maintain, and there are equally original and slightly unusual hairstyles for teenage boys that require daily styling and constant grooming of bobbed hair.

Let's take a look and analyze the most fashionable hairstyles for boys 2019-2020, and you will try to choose the most stylish haircut for your young son.

First of all, we will try to divide the most beautiful and fashionable children's haircuts for boys by age categories and highlight interesting and original examples of hairstyles for boys among them. We will start, of course, from the smallest fidgets.

A short overview of haircuts for little boys

For many boys, getting their first haircut is a routine routine. At one year old, many mothers cut their baby's hair as short as possible, mistakenly hoping that after cutting the hair will become stronger and thicker. But this is not at all the case.

It is not at all necessary to wait a year to cut the hair of a child, and it is not at all necessary to do the shortest possible haircut for a boy.

There are very original and decent haircut options for a boy 2019-2020, from classic to model.

If your kid has inherited curly hair, it is better to choose a medium length haircut for him, such as a bob for a boy, such a haircut with curls looks cute and playful.

It is also worth trying pompadour-style haircuts for boys that are fashionable in 2019-2020. After all, many boys are delighted with the hairstyles worn by their adult idols and many want to imitate them, and the hairstyle is another way to inherit their heroes.

In addition, it has now become very fashionable to use adult men's haircuts on the smallest boys. Cropped weights and the back of the head, even parting, slicked back hair - all these hairstyles for boys look stylish and cute, making a little dandy out of a child.

In addition, it is very cool when dad and son choose the same hairstyles for themselves and together watch and look after her.

Fashionable kids hairstyles for school boys

The same can be said for children's haircuts for boys 6-9 years old. In most variations, trendy hairstyles for school-age boys are similar to those of adult men.

At this age, boys can afford to experiment and try even the most unusual haircuts for boys 2019-2020. Basically, these will be haircuts such as Canadian and pompadour.

Of course, if your boy spends more time in active activities, for example, he often goes in for sports, then it is better to choose one of the classic short haircuts for a boy, such as boxing and semi-boxing. A similar haircut can also be made more original and even unique by shaving a pattern and even a pattern on the head.

Unusual haircuts for boys with a shaving pattern are combined not only with ultra short haircuts such as "box" and "half box". Feel free to combine a shaved pattern with an undercut, or choose a more daring version with a mohawk.

In the new season, any restrictions on hair length are removed, so boys are allowed to wear both a short box and a long bob. The main trend is clear lines that divide the top and bottom of the haircut.

As for long hair, in 2020-2021 it is possible not to cut them off, since haircuts for boys with medium hair remain fashionable, mainly cascading haircuts for boys with long bangs, asymmetry and highlighted strands.

Trending haircuts for boys among teenagers today

So we come to the older boys. Stylish teen haircuts for guys 2019-2020 is probably the largest number of trendy haircuts for boys, starting from 12 years old. Because teenagers are almost adult men who want to look more masculine and therefore choose adult men's haircuts.

This is the age at which you can afford the original hairstyle, which could not have been done in early childhood, and which will be inappropriate at the age of an older man. For example, a Bieber hairstyle for a boy, or bold haircuts with a mohawk.

At the age of 12-15, boys are already able to choose their own style, which will be present not only in haircuts and clothes, but also in behavior. Stylish young guys already want to please girls and already understand something about fashion.

For romantic guys, the perfect haircut would be a pompadour-style hairstyle and an undercut with a comb back. For active boys and athletes, such short haircuts for boys as hedgehog, Canadian and tennis are undoubtedly suitable.

The most popular haircut options for boys 2019-2020

I would like to highlight several options for a modern haircut for boys, which will be suitable for a two-year-old boy and for older boys.

Probably, everyone is familiar with a samurai-style haircut with a bun on the top of the head. This hairstyle has become very popular among boys of all ages. An unusual hairstyle for a boy with a ponytail looks most advantageous on dark, straight hair.

Hairstyles for boys with a side parting are very beautiful and neat, from which not only mothers, but also young girls are delighted, are also universal for boys of any age category.

The above-mentioned haircut for a boy with a shaved pattern and pattern, which can be done at any age, and with any type of hair, will be able to give individuality.

In principle, on short-cropped hair, you can shave any pattern, from clear lines, ornaments, to complex patterns or symbols, which, for example, are associated with your favorite characters.

How to choose a haircut for a boy that matches the style of your heir, we hope our photo selection of the best ideas for children's hairstyles for boys 2019-2020 will help you.

Get inspired, save, consult with your baby and sign up with a master who will help you create a stunning look for your son.

The most fashionable children's hairstyles for boys of the season 2019-2020: photo ideas for haircuts for boys

On the head, they became fashionable thanks to sports stars and rap music performers. Recently, they have become very popular, both among young people and older people of both sexes.

The design of patterns for boys can be either very simple - in the form of straight lines, and sophisticated - in the form of whole pictures, the execution of which requires special skill from the hairdresser. Abroad, such haircuts are also called "tattoos" on the hair. Unlike traditional skin tattoos, they are safe for the baby.

When choosing a haircut style, the following features must be considered:

  • The plot of the drawing is dictated by the child's age and personal preferences.
Head designs for boys should be selected according to the age of the child

So, in the younger preschool and school age, images in the form of straight and curved lines (they are also a universal win-win option for any age), in the form of simple geometric shapes and cartoon characters will be appropriate. Do not make a small child too complex hairstyle, as it requires care and a lot of time to create it.

  • Hair in young children is distinguished by the fact that it is softer and thinner, therefore, relief forms are more difficult to achieve.
  • It is necessary to take into account the dress code that is adopted at the school where the boy is studying.

If the administration of the institution dictates strict rules, then it is better to give preference to discreet micro-drawings. You can make a brighter appearance that stands out from the crowd during the holidays or during the holidays. In 2-3 weeks, the hair will have time to grow back and you can change the hairstyle.

Drawings on the head for boys
  • When choosing a haircut that will form the basis of the image, it is necessary to take into account the features of the face shape. If it is round, then you should not choose a round hairstyle. It is more suitable for children with an elongated or triangular face.
  • For those boys who lead an active lifestyle, play sports, it is best to choose short haircuts that do not require maintenance. An ideal option would be a hedgehog haircut, with the hair length varying from a few millimeters to 1 cm.
  • It should be borne in mind that young children should not be disturbed by the details of the haircut. So, too long bangs can affect the vision of the child, and hanging strands - develop the habit of constantly correcting them.

After 2-3 weeks, the hair begins to grow back noticeably. In this case, it is required to either correct the existing hairstyle at the hairdresser or change the haircut.

Drawings on the head for boys in adolescence are performed according to the following basic fashionable hairstyles:

  • Undercut- shaved temples and a shock of hair at the top of the head, combed back or hanging over the forehead.
  • Canadian- it also has an increased volume of hair on the forehead and crown of the head, but the transitions are smoother. You can also make a Canadian with a side parting along which you shave a strip of hair. This option will add personality within the strict school dress code.
  • "Area"- short haircut, in the upper part of which they make a flat surface. It is suitable for those with coarse hair that keeps its shape well.

Basic rules for shaving a picture

When performing haircuts, hairdressers use the following methods and techniques:

  • In most cases, shaving is done for a hair length of no more than 1 cm. Long hair will fall in a chaotic manner, spoiling the pattern.

  • For novice hairdressers, it is best to use simple drawings in the form of shapes and lines. Complex images require a lot of experience.
  • For shaving, use small, lightweight T-shaped trimmers with fine tips. Models with an adjustable attachment are ideal tools.
  • Thin lines are made with a straight razor in the form of a knife (thinning barber's razor).
  • If the hair grows quickly, the shaved pattern can lose its clear lines within a few days. Therefore, for those who do such a hairstyle for the first time, it is better to postpone a haircut until the holidays.
  • Complex drawings can be made using stencils. They are printed from the Internet and cut out of thick paper.
  • To make it easier to complete the picture, its preliminary contours are made with white eyeliner. It is easy to wash and reapply to the hair.
  • For sparse hair, it is better to choose images that are not overloaded with small details.

General technique for making patterns using a typewriter

Head designs for boys can be done in various techniques.

The general sequence is as follows:

  • Perform a "basic" haircut, prepare the area for the drawing. Coarse hair is cut shorter, while soft hair is left longer.
  • Shave the main lines with a trimmer. To obtain straight contours, use the entire width of the blade, applying slight pressure to it. Hold the trimmer at an angle to shave curved lines. To make the hand more firm and not "torn off", the ring finger and little finger are used as support, holding them in one place, and the trimmer is rotated around them.
  • Shave short lines first along the hair growth, then you need to go back and detail this area in order to avoid mistakes in the desired design.
  • Increase the width of large lines gradually, making several passes with a trimmer. To “fine-tune” them, the blade is turned and worked against hair growth. This must be done very carefully, otherwise you can ruin the drawing by shaving out too much.

During the haircut, the child should sit still so that the hairdresser can see which lines need to be finalized.
  • Give the final touches with a barber's razor, also working against the hair. Since this procedure is fraught with the risk of damaging the skin, you need to act with light, short movements.
  • It is also necessary to warn the child to sit still. To make it easier to work with, you can pre-apply shaving gel to your hair so that you can clearly see which lines need finishing.

Types of patterns on the head

For boys of preschool and primary school age, the most popular plots shaved on the head are the following:

  • stars "drawn" along the contour;
  • zigzag lines and "lightning";

  • simple lines that emphasize the general image of the hairstyle;
  • "Spider web" (in the style of the character "Spiderman");
  • characters of various cartoons (Angry Birds, Mickey Mouse and others);
  • snowflakes made up of a few simple straight strokes;
  • airplanes;
  • "Tongues of fire";
  • the image of a bat (Batman);
  • sports themes such as soccer balls, the NIKE symbol.

Head designs for middle school students and teenage boys can be simple or more sophisticated:

  • rising Sun;
  • mandala;
  • Greek-style ornament and other ethnic patterns;
  • spiral elements;
  • letter inscriptions, including stylized ones;
  • drawing in the form of a faceted "diamond";
  • complex drawings in the form of images of animals or portraits of favorite idols.


Straight stripes are the simplest pattern on the hair. To get it, you can use the full width trimmer blade.

Most often, straight parallel stripes are shaved in the temporal region. The stripes can be made with a clear outline or with a slight gradient along the length of the hair.

Curved stripes are more difficult to obtain. They can duplicate the side parting of the basic hairstyle (or go right along it), and can also be performed as independent elements. The rounding, converging to the back of the head, looks harmonious if it follows the contours of the head.

One of the "extreme" options is the stripe pattern, which serves as a clear boundary between the top hairy part of the hairstyle and the fully shaved temples with the nape. This hairstyle is suitable for coarse and coarse hair.

For teenage boys, the elements can be done in a graffiti style. This pattern looks especially impressive on dark thick hair when a surface with a smooth gradient from sufficiently long hair to shaved temples is used as a base.


Zig-zag patterns for boys are more sophisticated, but they are done using simple straight-line elements.

Most often they are made in the form of patterns running from the temples to the back of the head at the bottom of the head or from the forehead to the back of the head.

One of the trendy options is the electric-type Pokémon-style lightning bolt. Such a zigzag pattern on a child's head, descending from the forehead to the back of the head, looks fun and perky.

In older, adolescent years, zigzags can be performed in a "rapper" style over the entire surface of the head on an ultra-short "hedgehog".

Smooth spirals with a winding structure look more elegant. The implementation of such a pattern requires a lot of experience and skills, it is best to use a stencil. It should also be borne in mind that the hair must be thick enough, otherwise the elements of the image will look like bald spots.


Another popular design for primary school boys is the Spiderman pattern. The spider web should be large enough to match the shape of the head.

As a basic hairstyle, various haircuts can be used - from "hedgehog" to "mohawk".

For teenagers, there is a more difficult option - a three-dimensional image of a spider web with a spider in the center.


The star pattern is also drawn from base straight lines.

This hairstyle looks quite fashionable and at the same time not too provocative, so you can go to school with it without breaking any norms.

For younger boys, the star is shaved along the contour or "set off" by leaving the hair behind. The area under the star should be large enough, so the hair is pre-cut to the same length.

Other geometric elements can be added to the star, for example, diverging rays or the "tail" of a falling comet, shifting the pattern closer to the back of the head.

As an extravagant option for adolescence, a combination of stars with a mohawk haircut is used.

Original patterns

Head designs for boys can be made from different images. As simple but original options are geometric elements or scientific formulas that "will be in the subject" for young students. Another versatile option is the corresponding zodiac sign.

For younger boys, cartoon characters such as Angry Birds are fine. However, the technique for their implementation is rather complicated, since almost all lines are curved and they need to be shaved off with a trimmer, tilting it at various angles.

Almost all boys adore Batman - a superhero who serves as a role model for them. The confrontation between Batman and Superman, whose invariable attribute is the bat, is one of the coolest and most catchy options for a shaved pattern on the head.

A popular symbol among teenagers is the cougar, which represents power and speed. Her silhouettes are often seen on sportswear emblems. It is better to choose a drawing for the head stylized and pre-mark it using a template for hair of the same length.

From aquatic animals, symbolizing power and strength, you can shave the image of a shark. To obtain recognizable contours, they are brought up with a hairdresser's razor.

A simpler, animal-style option might be the head of a wolf. Since ancient times, this animal has been the emblem of warriors, as well as an attribute of war, therefore it is suitable for the "male" theme of adolescence.

As an original drawing, made in a restrained style, for adolescent boys is a combination of shaved hair with a long shock on the top of the head.

The Saturn symbol is a good option for those guys who are fond of space themes, for sensual and vulnerable natures. This planet is often chosen for traditional tattoos as well due to its unusual appearance. In order to give it "volume", it is necessary to shave the hair along the edge of the circle to a shorter length.

For football fans, the image of a soccer ball is suitable. The gradation of shades is obtained by shaving to different hair lengths.

For the summer, the boy can do a hairstyle with shaved elements in the form of a flame. The "background" of the image is shaved last with the trimmer.

There are more sophisticated hairstyles that require a lot of skill from the hairdresser. At home, shaving such images will be difficult, as it requires the skills of an artist.

Easy drawing ideas

For simple drawings, it is best to select images that consist of rectilinear elements.

It will be a little more difficult to make a drawing in the form of a rising sun. It will suit boys of all ages. This image looks good from a distance. The beams can be made as narrow, in one pass of the trimmer, and wide.

Different patterns on the head are one of the modern trends for boys in hairdressing. They help personalize almost any type of traditional haircut.

To make your hairstyle even more original, you can change the shade of your hair or dye it neon. For everyday life, more simple, "strict" options with shaved stripes and micro-patterns are suitable.

Video about haircuts for boys

Head designs for boys: