Calcite stone: magical properties and meaning. Physical properties of calcite

Calcite(from the Latin "calx") - lime. Calcite is a rock-forming stone, the result of centuries-old sedimentary genesis. The bulk of calcites was formed in the process of evaporation of solutions saturated with calcium. An insignificant part is of metamorphic and magmatic origin. Usually, the mineral forms crystalline aggregates and druses of various volumes; in caves, calcites form bushy aggregates - stalactites and stalagmites. The shape of the crystals is very diverse: pyramidal, spherical, lamellar. Granular aggregates compose hydrothermal veins, marble strata, and carbonatite bodies. The chemical composition is calcium carbonate.

Calcite price

A small crystal of natural calcite (5-6 cm diagonally) will cost $ 5-7, the price of a druse made of several transparent crystals is about $ 60.

Physicochemical properties of calcite

  • Chemical formula - CaCO3.
  • Color - colorless, white, gray, greenish, brownish, light yellow, pink.
  • The system is trigonal.
  • Hardness - 3 on the Mohs scale.
  • Density - 2.7 g / cm3.
  • The fracture is stepwise.

Calcite varieties

In nature, there are a huge number of varieties of calcite. So, dense masses of the mineral are known as marble, soft ones form chalk, a group of calcites formed with the help of algae is called travertines. Calcite also includes a common finishing material - marble onyx. In color, it resembles agate: stripes of different shades alternate.

Transparent crystals are called optical calcites. They owe their name to a unique physical property - birefringence. If you look at an object through such a stone, the image will be bifurcated. For the first time, optical calcite was found in Iceland, so its middle name is Icelandic spar.

Black calcites belong to the group of anthraconites. The color, uncharacteristic for this mineral, is caused by the increased content of bitumen. Calcites are also classified, depending on the characteristics of the chemical composition, when calcium can be partially replaced by various impurities: manganese, zinc, iron, cobalt. In this case, a prefix is ​​added to the name of the mineral, denoting an impurity: manganocalcite, zincocalcite, ferrokalydite and others.

Processing and use

Transparent and translucent calcites are used as an element of the interior. Individual crystals and druses of different sizes are usually not additionally processed, but only cleaned and sometimes polished. Calcite inserts in jewelry would probably be in demand, but the low makes it impossible to use it in the jewelry industry.

Soft varieties of the mineral - limestone and marble - are popular materials in construction and decoration work. They are used for making both load-bearing structures of buildings and decorative elements.

In chemistry, calcite is used to produce carbon anhydrite, caustic soda and calcium chloride. In metallurgy, they are used as flux, crushed mineral is included in varnishes, rubber and paper. Icelandic spars are indispensable in optics, but recently they have been replaced by synthetic materials.

Calcite deposits

Calcites are ubiquitous on the surface of the earth. The USA, Italy, Greece and Mexico have significant reserves of lime spar. On the territory of the CIS, it is mined in Russia (Ural, Transbaikalia) and Ukraine (Donbass).

The magical properties of calcite

Calcite helps its owner to reveal extraordinary abilities - clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairvoyance. Experts say that even just wearing a mineral expands a person's consciousness, gives him the opportunity to foresee the consequences of new beginnings, new acquaintances, and allows him to comprehend the true attitude of other people towards the owner of the stone.

Calcite is very attached to its owner, and if a person loses or donates it, he blocks his magical abilities for a long time and refuses to serve the new owner. This stone can only be inherited. Moreover, the testator must prepare the calcite for the coming change - he must "acquaint" the stone with the future owner. After that, the new owner of the stone must hold the calcite under a stream of running water (to wash off the bond of the stone with the previous owner) and, focusing on the mineral, establish contact with it.

If a person does not have a desire to reveal his extraordinary abilities, meditation is not needed - the connection will be established after a week of constant wearing of the stone.

As a talisman, calcite is an excellent assistant to businessmen, economists, financiers, lawyers and doctors. He makes them far-sighted and protects them from professional mistakes. Astrologers advise motorists and professional chauffeurs to have calcite products, since it is believed that the stone is able to save the owner from the difficulties of the journey, in particular from accidents.

Medicinal properties

In folk medicine, there is an opinion that calcite is able to alleviate the course of diseases of the digestive system. The effect of a mineral on a diseased organ depends on the color of the stone. For example, orange calcite improves digestion, helps with spleen pathology. Red calcite helps with intestinal ailments. Calcite yellow relieves kidney pain. Calcite beads, set in silver, help with colds. Lithotherapists suggest that calcite pendants, as well as rings worn on the little finger of the right hand, help with heart disease. Calcite affects the parietal chakra.


Astrologers claim that calcite can be worn by people born under any zodiac sign other than Scorpio. He will refuse to serve the latter, since Scorpios are by nature inclined to engage in black magic, and calcite is a magic stone of light forces.


The Egyptian pyramids, the Tower of Babel and the columns of the Parthenon are all built from the same material. Calcareous feldspar, or calcite, is second only to quartz and feldspar in prevalence on earth. It is not surprising that this mineral has long enjoyed immense popularity.

The word "calcite" has been known since the middle of the 19th century. However, it is difficult to call it widely used. Most people have no idea how many materials around us belong to this mineral. Calcite is used to build houses, carve sculptures, and even produce food additives.

One of the planet's greatest natural structures, the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia, is composed of calcite. Its length is about 2 thousand km.

The ratio between the mass of calcites on the ground and the surface covered by them is 1 to 10: the weight fraction of the mineral in the earth's crust does not exceed 4%, while the occupied area is approximately 40%.

Girls love diamonds, but cheaper minerals turn up their noses, and in vain. It is recommended to look at calcite - an inexpensive stone, but serious and powerful. This mineral is found everywhere. Scientists believed that it is the most common on the planet. The mineral calcite is distinguished by an incredible variety of types, shapes and colors. It is safe to say that readers know about a dozen of its varieties. Let's see what it is.


Calcite is a noticeable stone, or rather, difficult for some of its varieties. The appearance of a mineral depends on the method of formation and the corresponding conditions. So, in the old days people collected and stored stones consisting of needles, transparent "cobblestones", as well as multi-colored stones. Everyone attracted attention with their extraordinary appearance.

But there are also simpler stones. By the way, lime is made of them by burning. Maybe we met such in the store. Let's face it, such stones are not suitable for crafts. However, an unpresentable appearance does not affect the magical properties. Since in magic the priority is given to energy.

The mineral calcite, as already noted, is found everywhere. Some of its varieties are mined commercially for use in crafts and jewelry. Semi-transparent stones of pastel shades are especially appreciated by specialists. They are framed in silver or cupronickel. Souvenirs are made from transparent and multi-colored calcites. Some specimens practically do not require special processing, they are so great. They are only lightly sanded. In the old days, they noticed the unique properties of a transparent mineral. The image looks double through it. Light is refracted in a special way.


Calcite (stone) is described by many peoples. For example, on the island of Yap in the Pacific Ocean, it was even used as money. Other nationalities associated him with the forces of light. It was believed that dark spirits eschew him, fearing to approach. In Evenki legends, calcite is a heavenly stone. He helps to find his way, to solve complex problems.

He is often found in the burials of shamans. Sorcerers used the mineral in rituals aimed at concentrating attention, organizing communication with otherworldly patrons.

And calcite helped ordinary people to solve complex problems. They noticed that if you think while stroking a beautiful pebble, then thoughts become clearer, and the problem no longer seems so complicated. Especially appreciated He destroys the fears accumulated in the aura.

This mineral is also used for medicinal purposes, but is more suitable for concentration. When communicating with him, a person calms down, frees himself from far-fetched anxieties, superficial experiences, and the like.

In ancient records, there are often references to the fact that they were treated with calcite. It should be added that the information concerns only certain types of minerals that have attracted human attention. Everyone else learned much later.

How to recognize natural calcite

In our amazing time, you need to have a serious amount of knowledge so as not to get confused in minerals. Let's not even talk about elementary fakes, there are not so many of them. Science is moving forward, technologies are developing, handicraft materials are not left without the attention of specialists.

Nowadays, a number of artificial substances are produced that look like minerals, but are not. And if such are suitable for decoration, then they are in no way applicable in magic or for the treatment of diseases. After all, it is important here. And it is described by a scheme similar to the combination of numbers 96. That is, the flows twist in two spirals in different planes. They cover all nearby objects, affecting their auras. Therefore, by the way, calcites are cleaned. The mineral, like a vacuum cleaner, draws into one contour the negative from the field of a person or animal, transfers it to the second, which rotates in the plane "earth - universe". This contour dissipates bad energy.

Recognize natural calcite by acid. Drop on the mineral, it will instantly react with violent dissolution.

Calcite (stone): magical properties

Wizards and sorcerers use this mineral only with good intentions. By the way, sorcerers also resort to it in order to protect against attacks from competitors. The mechanism described above, on which the energy of the stones acts (96), is important here.

Blue calcite is considered a protector against evil magicians. He deflects blows into the universe or grounds them. Other types of calcite are used to reveal intuition or the gift of clairvoyance. Although they also work as a defense. You just need to carry the mineral with you at all times, it will begin its effect. In order to sharpen clairvoyance, it is recommended to meditate on it. In addition, single girls are encouraged to wear calcite. They attract a suitable partner into life, removing damage and curses from subtle fields.

Medical use

This mineral affects the work of all chakras, therefore it is often used for treatment. Moreover, it is believed that stones of different colors affect individual parts of the body. Here's a short list:

  • red - the hip joint;
  • pink affects the work of the heart;
  • golden activates the activity of the brain;
  • orange stimulates sexual function;
  • blue stone eliminates pain, normalizes blood pressure;
  • green kills infections;
  • black is useful after injury;
  • colorless is considered an antiseptic.

To get the desired effect, you need to contact the mineral: hold it in your hands, apply it to the sore spot, and so on.

Calcite (stone): properties, zodiac sign

This mineral won't harm anyone. The only zodiac sign whose representatives are advised to be careful with him is Scorpio. The stars persuade these people to engage in witchcraft, depending on the circumstances. If this is the case in life, then you should stay away from calcites. They are in conflict with black energy, which will affect the state of the soul. Sorcerers do not even whitewash the walls in the house, so as not to spoil the connection with patrons.

Fire signs work best with the mineral: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. But with the rest, the conflict is minimal. When choosing a mineral, you should pay more attention to inclinations, subconscious craving for dark deeds, and not to the horoscope.

Why and who needs it

Calcite - a stone with multi-level energy - is very useful today for almost everyone. The planet is overflowing with negativity, which humanity is constantly increasing exponentially. Protection is not just a useful thing, but an extremely necessary one. In addition, each of us has our own assignment on the planet, received before birth. Part of this is to increase the overall vibration level on the ground. And calcite is irreplaceable here. It helps to cleanse your soul and space around you. Therefore, you shouldn't think too much about who is suitable for calcite. Probably, the Higher powers took care of the gigantic reserves of the mineral, bearing in mind the current state of humanity. He just needs support so as not to fall into hell by accident. But worshipers of the devil should stay away from him.

How to get working calcite

In fact, this mineral is not capricious. You will quickly become friends with him, especially if he evokes initially positive emotions. It's great when calcite is given with love. He is very sensitive to the surrounding energy. Because of this, it needs to be cleaned regularly. This is not difficult to do. Hold it in running water and put it in the sun to "charge". Calcites feel good in open natural spaces near water. Take your personal mineral to the sea, forest, fields or mountains. They feel stuffy in the city bustle, since the energy here is very saturated, confused, heavy. You have to work harder than in nature. Technogenic zones are harmful to calcites. That is, it is not worth carrying it to production, to the shop. In general, you need to make friends with the mineral, sometimes to verify secret thoughts and anxieties. He himself will understand how to help, and he will definitely do it.

Rozic calcite.

Keywords: emotional healing, compassion, joy .

Element: Fire water

Chakras: Anahata

Transparent pink calcite occurs in rhombohedral crystals that range from pale pink to salmon pink, sometimes with yellow tints. The richest source of such crystals is Mexico. (Translator's note: beautiful druses of similar calcite are found in Dalnegorsk)

Robert Simmons: A translucent pink calcite stone of deep compassion and it energizes those who work with it. Compassion comes, first of all, to oneself, to past mistakes and decisions made under the influence of fears, and then compassion for others appears.

Robert Simmons:Transparent pink calcite is a stone of deep compassion and it fills the person who works with it with this energy. Compassion comes, first of all, to oneself, to past mistakes and decisions made under the influence of fears, and then compassion for others appears.

Calcite pink facilitates the ability to accept without judgment and awakens unconditional love. This stone is associated with the Guan Yin energy, the bodhisattva of compassion, and those who are involved in its energy can feel harmonious resonance with these beautiful crystals. In fact, it is possible to use clear pink calcite crystals in meditation or ritual to consciously connect with Guan Yin. Sometimes in such meditations one can feel the unexpected joy of opening the heart, filling the physical and subtle bodies with love. When this happens, She is here.

Peering deep into pink calcite, one can enter a state of enthusiastic awareness of the beauty of being. This state, in turn, can ignite a fire of joy in your heart. For those who wish to experience a similar experience, it is recommended in meditation to imagine how a crystal of pink calcite enters your chest and merges with your heart.

Pink calcite resonates especially well with pink tourmaline and harmonizes with other heart stones such as rose quartz, morganite and kunzite. Combining it with purple lepidolite and / or amethyst, you can strengthen the connection with the higher realms. To further strengthen this bond, the use of phenocyte and danburite is recommended.

Naisha Ezian:Transparent varieties of pink calcite have fewer possibilities at the level of the physical body than their opaque brothers, but they are more effective for working with subtle bodies. These stones are one of the few that resonate simultaneously with the energies of water and fire, helping to balance the emotional and activity-oriented sides of oneself. They stimulate the heart and solar plexus, allowing a person to act according to the truth of his heart.

Transparent pink calcite helps dissolve energy scars and other vibrational debris accumulated in Anahata and Manipur. This allows you to free yourself from restrictions and provides an accelerated expansion of these energy centers. Healing the will and heart allows for self-confidence and supreme leadership. This, in turn, helps to get rid of the fear of action. Calcite pink enriches the heart with a sense of compassion and allows you to overcome personal limitations in order to serve as a guide of the highest.

Spiritual level. Transparent pink calcite helps cleanse the emotional body of past trauma, whether the trauma occurred in this life or in past lives. It helps clear ancestral emotional patterns from genetic memory in order to ensure healthy emotional expression in future generations. It opens, cleanses and stimulates the heart and solar plexus.

Emotional level. Clear pink calcite is good for all aspects of emotional healing. He helps to act according to the dictates of the heart. He gives rise to feelings of compassion and rays of love towards others.

Physical layer. Pink Calcite supports cardiac activity and relieves digestive problems caused by stress or emotional distress. It is a wonderful stone for a more complete connection between mother and child.

Affirmation.My body of emotions is healthy and whole, I spread grace my heartfelt compassion for myself and all beings.
(Author's translationR. Simmons, N. Ahsian The Book of Stones)

Judy Hall:pink calcite-heart crystal in contact with the angelic world. A stone of forgiveness, it removes the fear and grief that trapped the heart and brings selfless love. It helps self-esteem and self-perception, heals neuroses, relieves tension and anxiety. The presence of this stone prevents nightmares. It is useful for anyone who has suffered an injury or attack. Pink calcite is used in rituals to attract love. (D. Hall Magic Crystal)

Katrina Raphael: Pink calcite belongs to Anahata. Calcite forms in water, and is soluble in water. The energy of water is related to the emotional body. Pink calcite can be used in chakra layouts or in individual meditations. This nurturing crystalline being will help you get rid of old emotional patterns and fears, heartache, sorrow and grief. At the same time, it serves as a guide to the source of unconditional love. When this happens, the heart will be healed and released from emotional pain and will find a new path of love.
Pink calcite combines shades of rose quartz and pink tourmaline, displaying the qualities of both. Rose quartz exemplifies the inner nature of self-love, while tourmaline dynamically expresses love into the world. Pink Calcite does both !! He builds a bridge between self-love and its manifestation in the world. The new path of love is based primarily on self-respect and self-love. Self-love is the main prerequisite for the channels of the heart to open for sharing feelings with another person, with the Earth, and the Universe in general. Pink calcite can be used on any chakra in layouts in order to integrate love into energy centers. Also, in the process of expanding and growing the quality of love, pink calcite can be worn or meditated with. As soon as pink calcite integrates its vibration in the energy field of a person, a natural ability to rejoice, as well as freely give and receive love, appears.
(Author's translationK. Raphaell The crystalline transmission)

Lakshmi:The pink body ... it is simply impossible to call the cluster of these touching crystals in another way. The pink translucent little body pulsed at my approach, the gently ajar petals invited inside, and I wanted to take him in my arms like a child. What can you give me? Softness. Yes, gentleness was definitely necessary for me. I watched the passing year and realized that having played with obsidians, I became tough. I began to react harshly to events, people and situations. Cut hard, hard burn bridges, not a bit regretting what is happening. The warrior's condition has become permanent. And, probably, this stage of work is coming to an end. I learned to say no. Now we need to learnsay no without annoyance and defend yourself without aggression... Therefore, the stone of the next year for me is pink calcite - the most conflict-free stone.

I passed the golden stream through the stone, my chest felt hot and at the same time there was a feeling of pressure. As the pressure increased, pictures of past uncomfortable situations or grievances flashed through like a film. At the same time, emotions were not aroused, but remained even. She held the stone until the pressure began to weaken and give way to pleasant warmth.

Any calcite cleanses. Pink calcite purifies emotions. They become thin, transparent, leaving no deep furrows on the surface of consciousness. No outbreaks.

Then I asked the stone to show me how our ancestors used it. I saw women looking at the sun through mirrors made of calcite plates. It was explained to me that the sun's rays, passing through pink calcite, rejuvenate the skin. Rose quartz was used in the same way. Moreover, when these plates were directed to the sore spot, the pain was alleviated.

Pink calcite gives the brightness of the child's consciousness, openness and purity.

Rose Calcite Water is a scented eau de parfum. There is no stagnation or stormy waves in it. This water is formed when the bath is filled with rose petals, or when flowers fall into a small pool and infuse there.

The love that pink calcite gives is the love that you have for a child - love full of tenderness and warmth

Natalia Osadchaya Lakshmi
When copying, a link to the source is required !! I will post everyone who does not comply with this rule in shameful lists on all resources!

A stone and what it is scientifically.

What is Calcite?

Scientists call mineral calcite lime. The name is understandable when looking at the hero's formula: - CaCO 3. This is a carbonate from which and is complex.

The latter is a rock, that is, it also consists of other minerals. This , , . However, calcite in limestone is more than 90%. Therefore, the breed is called monomineral, but it still goes beyond the CaCO 3 formula.

In the photo there are calcite crystals

Calcite - stone pure composition. True, the same formula is characteristic of, for example, aragonite. However, the structure of the crystal lattices, and they themselves, are different.

Spatial calcite formula“Pours out” into scalenohedral aggregates. They resemble rhombs, but with a refracted central axis. Less commonly, calcite forms lamellar, branch-like, or needle-like.

Calcite properties

Properties the hero of the article has many faces, like the crystals it forms. So, lamellar calcite is called paper calcite because of its similarity to writing sheets. Prismatic crystals are called fangs.

There is also a calcite, as well as a wing. These are definitions of a mineral depending on the shape of the aggregates. Dozens of calcites also differ in color. So, samples are called anthraconite.

Symbircite is a reddish mineral. The caveman is blue calcite... Argentine has a silver tone. There is also cast calcite.

Calcite depends on the presence of impurities. gives the stone and tone. makes the mineral brownish, or. C and calcite, bluish. Sometimes, interspersed,.

Not without the classification of calcites by the nature of light refraction. Icelandic spar, for example, has a double. Each of the rays entering the crystal is split into two components.

As a result, putting calcite, for example, on the inscription, you see it in duplicate. By the way, the birefringence effect was discovered just on the example of Icelandic spar. It is transparent. Otherwise, birefringence would not have taken place. I noticed the effect of Rasmus Bartholin. He is a 17th century Danish mineralogist.

So far, mineralogists have counted 700 varieties of calcite. Not surprisingly, it is one of the most abundant in nature, ranking third after feldspar and quartz. The latter belongs to oxides. Silicate spar. Calcite grade- carbonates. This is indicated in the stone formula by the CO 3 group.

In respect of hardness calcite you cannot call it many-sided. All samples are given 3 points. This is only a point more than y, and 2 points more than the softest mineral.

So, calcite crystal easily scratched with almost any material. You can take from the henchmen. Scratching reduces calcite. It is glass by the stone.

Differs in calcite and perfect cleavage. Large forms of stone easily disintegrate into component parts, often lamellar or diamond-shaped. The split planes remain perfectly smooth.

Therefore, cleavage is called perfect. The structure of the mineral changes when heated to 400 degrees Celsius. At this moment, the hero of the article is transformed into aragonite. The latter, like calcite, is “afraid”. If you drop it on, a violent release of carbon dioxide will begin.

Mining and deposits of calcite

The hero of the article composes most of the sedimentary rocks. Calcite- a frequenter of hydrothermal veins. These are holes in the rocks through which mineral flows pass.

Elements from them, the same calcium, are deposited on stones, forming granular masses, crystals. Similar processes take place in caves. Drops of water falling from the ceiling leave behind a mineral composition.

This is how stalactites and stalagmites - stone columns of dungeons - are "born". Calcite is also present in the "columns" of the human body, that is,. In addition, the mineral is embedded in corals, sea sponges.

The extent of the distribution of calcite can be understood by looking at the Alps and Cordillera. These mountain ranges are completely made up of the hero of the article. For giant crystals they go to Iceland.

There are aggregates 5-6 meters long. In cryptocrystalline form, calcite appears in the form of marbles. They are in abundance in Russia, for example, in the Ural Mountains and the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Leningrad and Belgorod Regions.

Deposits in Evenkia are also being developed. The lands of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are rich in Icelandic spar. Not without calcite in Adygea, Karelia, on the Kola Peninsula.

Calcite application

Calcite application found, first of all, as a finishing and building material. The stone is rather fragile in thin slices, sections. But, massive blocks are durable.

The thickness of the stones makes them durable. Modern buildings are the hero of the article, basically just trim. In past epochs, some of the buildings were built from calcite. For example, the Tower of Babel and the Parthenon were built from it.

The first object has not survived. The ruins of the Parthenon are accessible to tourists. The remains of the temple are majestic, survived for thousands of years, which proves the viability of calcite as a building material.

In the photo is a ball of calcite

Gypsum, calcite, limestone,. This is a series of similar in composition and used in construction and decoration. The listed species and minerals are used to make slabs for walls, floors, and decorative items.

However, in jewelry they use only calcite. Photo stone in, appear mainly in American magazines and catalogs.

In the USA, the hero of the article is one of the favorite gemstones, despite the delicacy of the socks associated with low hardness. In the States, an orange-yellow variety of calcite is held in high esteem. It is appreciated for its decorative qualities.

In Europe, the beauty of blue calcite is preferred. In Russia, as a rule, marble is inserted into jewelry. It is a variegated variety of the mineral. The paints are arranged in layers.

In the photo there are figurines made of calcite

Recognize in the same way. This type of calcite is found only in the Ulyanovsk region, that is, it is a domestic curiosity. The stone got its name in honor of the old name of the city of Ulyanovsk. In its center, by the way, there is a monument to simbirtzite. Outwardly, it resembles, or.

The slight hardness of the hero of the article is a minus when wearing products, but a plus when creating them. The mineral is easy to cut. Some jewelers carve roses, leaves, music signs from calcite. The stone is plastic, like clay, and in the matter of decorating jewelry, this is important.

Calcite price

Buy calcite can be in the form of building materials, or collection samples. The real stone is "read" in the latter case. So, Icelandic spar is estimated at about 250-300 rubles per piece 2 centimeters long and about one and a half wide.

For an aggregate of crystals measuring about 15 by 8 centimeters, they ask for 4,000-11,000. The exact price tag depends on the shape of the aggregates, the purity and transparency of the stone, and its color scheme.

In the photo beads from calcite

Now let's go over small souvenirs. 7-centimeter blue calcite is exhibited for about 2,500 rubles. the same diameter on a stand is estimated at 7,000-8,000 rubles.

This is in the case of using blue calcite. A ball of whitish mineral costs 2,000-3,000 cheaper. A souvenir made of striped stone costs about the same.

A calcite bear figurine costs about 3,000 rubles and is unlikely to grow in value. The prevalence of the hero of the article "keeps" the cost at the same level. There is no shortage, and there are no prerequisites for an increase in prices.

Synonym: lime spar

Calcite group - aragonite

It is a stable form of calcium carbonate at all temperatures and pressures. In addition to the rhombic modification (aragonite), a hexagonal modification is also known, called vaterite (the mineral is unstable)

origin of name

The name comes from the Greek word for powder reduction when heated and referred to burnt lime. Latin "calc" - lime

Calcite. Large crystal

Chemical composition

Calcium oxide (CaO) 56.03%, carbon dioxide (CO2) 43.97%; often forms double salts with magnesium and iron, sometimes with manganese, less often with zinc (up to 2%) and strontium (strontium calcite). Impurities Mg, Fe, Mn (up to 8%), much less often Zn (up to 2%), Sr (stronziocalcite) and Co, Ba and Pb can replace Ca, but the first three elements usually play the most significant role in this respect.


Isomorphic impurities are very widely represented. Of the varieties according to physical characteristics, mention should be made of Icelandic spar- colorless transparent calcite difference (optic calcite) m, It is characterized by double refraction.

Marble onyx - banded variety of calcite.

Crystallographic characteristic

Syngonia trigonal

Symmetry class... Ditrigonal-scalenohedral - 3 m. v. With. L36L23PC. Etc. gr. R3 – c (D 6 3d). a0 = 4.98; c0 = 17.02. , ath = 6.42 A, a = 101 ° 55 ", Z = 4 for the cell of the cleaved rhombohedron or a0 = 4.98 A, c0 = 17.02 A, Z = 6, respectively, for a hexagonal cell, the unit cell has: arn = 6.37 A, a "= 46 ° 07", Z = 2

Crystal structure

The arrangement of ions in the unit cell is conformal to the cleaved rhombohedron. The Ca and CO3 ions are located both in face-centered lattices.

Main forms: The habit of calcite crystals is extremely diverse, mainly prismatic, tabular along (0001), rhombohedral with the forms (0142), (0221), (4041), rarely (1011), scalenohedral (2131). In contrast to other carbonates isostructural with calcite, for each of which ten or fifteen forms are known, for calcite there are more than 600 of them. cation stable scheme of rhombic aragonite. This may explain why calcite is very often found in crystals, while other trigonal carbonates prefer the aggregate form or only rhombohedrons (1011), which is more rare for calcite. The main crystallographic forms of calcite are: t (1010), e (0112), and (2131), s (0001), g (YM), (0221), (4041), (, (1120). The change in the habit of calcite crystals is, in all likelihood, controlled by a change in the supersaturation of the solution (due to a decrease or increase in temperature), which affects the development of crystallographic faces with different reticular densities. (0001) D (1011) - = 44 ° 38 ", (1011) D (1101) = 74 ° 57", (0110) D (0ll2) _ = 63 ° 44 ", (2131) D (3121) = = 35 ° 35 ", (0001) D (0221) = 63 ° 08 \ (4041) D (4401) = 114 ° 10". Twins on (0001) and (0112) are quite common, the latter are often lamellar; according to (1011) and (0221) are more rare.

Form of being in nature

Crystal form. Calcite crystals very diverse, mainly rhombohedra and scalenohedra. Calcite is found in single crystals and druses.

Crystals, found exclusively in voids, can be very diverse. The most common crystals are scalenohedral, less often tabular or lamellar, prismatic or columnar, rhombohedral - more often in the form of sharp rather than obtuse rhombohedrons.

80 different rhombohedra, over 200 scalenohedra and more than 1000 of their combinations have been established.

Doubles are frequent... Usually, the twin plane is the pinacoid plane (0001) or the face of a blunt rhombohedron (011–2), along which polysynthetic twins are often formed in marbles and crushed limestones (such twinning can be obtained artificially when the knife edge is pressed against the edge of a calcite fragment knocked out by cleavage) ... Less commonly, such a plane is the face of the cleaved rhombohedron (101–1), etc.

Aggregates. Calcite occurs in the form of parallel and sub-parallel intergrowths of fibrous masses (satin spar), stalactites, oolitic, coral-like intergrowths

It is also common in solid dense crystalline-granular aggregates (limestone, marble), earthy masses (chalk), lamellar and nodule formations in the form of granular veins, nests and individual inclusions. Often it is a dripstone in the form of stalactites and stalagmites.

Druses of calcite crystals, together with other minerals, are observed, as already indicated, in voids. Quite often, there are coarse-grained aggregates of transparent or translucent calcite with perfect cleavage of individual grains, which is striking. Asbestos-like calcite (satin spar), veined with a silky sheen, is rarely observed, the fibers of which are located perpendicular to the walls of cracks in the rocks. The "drip" formations of calcite in the form of stalactites and stalagmites in caves among limestones are widely known. Granular continuous aggregates in large dense masses are called marbles. Dense cryptocrystalline varieties of calcite rocks, often layered and rich in fauna, are called limestones. Loose limestones containing tiny foraminiferal shells are known as chalk. There are also oolitic limestones - "caviar stone". "Lime tuff", or travertine, is called spongy formations of calcium carbonate that occur at the exit points of both cold and hot lime-saturated mineral springs ( calcite in these cases, it is formed during recrystallization of precipitated colloids CaCO 3 or aragonite).

Sometimes, in connection with the deposition of carbonic lime from hot springs, wonderful thin-striped translucent dense varieties, known as "marble onyx", are formed, however, such formations are also associated with cold-water processes (karst).

Physical properties


  • Color. Mostly colorless or milky white, but sometimes colored by impurities in various (usually light) shades of gray, yellow, green, pink, red, brown and black.
  • The colorless water-transparent calcite variety with strong birefringence is called Icelandic spar.
  • Glass luster.
  • Damn it. White, light gray.
  • The ebb is dull, sometimes (on the cleavage planes) mother-of-pearl.
  • Transparency. "Crystal clear", transparent, translucent.
  • Refractive indices ^ Ng = 1.658 and Np = 1.486.


Reference hardness - 3. Fragile.
Density. 2.6-2.8, for chemically pure crystals 2.72 at 23 ° С

The cleavage is perfect in three directions (along the rhombohedron) (1010), as in all trigonal carbonates, which corresponds to the weak directions of the halite-like structure.

Separation according to (0112) is due to plate twins, which can form under pressure and are slip twins.

The fracture is granular, stepwise.

Chemical properties

Acid behavior. It dissolves easily in dilute hydrochloric acid
even in the cold with hiss (CO2 emission).

Other properties

When compressed, accompanied by twinning, it becomes electrified.

Samples of some deposits show the phenomenon of luminescence.

Crystals of calcite (white) and fluorite (yellow). Russia, North Caucasus, Belorecheskoye field

Diagnostic signs

Similar minerals. Aragonite, dolomite, amblygonite, chabazite, quartz, barite, gypsum, anhydrite, fluorite (easily differ in hardness, cleavage and behavior in dilute-hydrochloric acid).

In coarse-crystalline varieties, it is easily recognizable by the cleavage rhombohedron, relatively low hardness (easily scratched by the tip of a knife or needle), glassy or matte sheen and violent CO 2 evolution from a drop of HCl placed on a mineral or on its powder on a glass slide.

Can be confused with dolomite, magnesite, gypsum. It differs from dolomite and magnesite in the nature of the reaction with hydrochloric acid. Gypsum, unlike calcite, is scratched with a fingernail.
Associated minerals. Quartz, siderite, sulfide ores, ore ores, opal, chalcedony, barite, dolomite, fluorite.

Origin and location

Calcite formation is closely related to the geochemical features of calcium and CO2. Calcium is one of the eight essential elements in the earth's crust with a typical lithophilic tendency, and it occurs exclusively as a divalent cation (Ca2 + = 1.05 A).

Calcite is one of the most widespread minerals in the earth's crust, sometimes forming whole massifs (limestone mountains). This mineral is formed during a wide variety of geological processes in the form of limestone, chalk and marble. Limestones are chemical or biogenic marine sediments.

Endogenous conditions

Calcium plays an essential role in endogenous formations. It is included in the main rock-forming silicate minerals (plagioclases, hornblende, etc.) and to a large extent also in the composition of various carbonates, especially calcite, precipitating mainly during the hydrothermal stage. Calcite also forms under magmatogenic conditions as a result of differentiation of alkaline magma, forming carbonatite bodies. During the early stages of magmatic crystallization, calcium is found in significant amounts in apatite, and during the hydrothermal process, in fluorite. In hydrothermal veins, calcite often forms rich crystals of various habits and is one of the most recent minerals.

1. Among endogenous calcite, attention should be paid to calcite carbonatites - essentially calcite rocks containing forsterite, phlogopite, pyroxenes, sometimes magnetite and almost always minerals of rare metals: baddeleyite, pyrochlore, perovskite, etc. Carbonatites are spatially and genetically associated with alkaline and ultrabasic rocks, forming complexes of massifs of the central type. The origin of at least some of the carbonatites is magmatic, but their metasomatic formation is probably also possible.

2. Crystalline formations are widespread calcite of hydrothermal origin... In significant quantities, it is formed in contact-metasomatic deposits by redeposition or recrystallization of limestone. In pegmatites, it is one of the most recent minerals to characterize the hydrothermal stage of the process. It is characteristic that in numerous ore-bearing, mainly sulfide vein deposits, calcite, as a rule, crystallizes as one of the last minerals. The same category of formations includes the precipitation of crystalline calcite in the tonsils and geodes among effusive igneous rocks and deposits of aragonite and calcite from some mineral springs in the form of "calcareous tuff" (due to the rapid release of CO2 from them under the influence of a sharp decrease in external pressure).

Calcite. Biogenic aggregate

Exogenous conditions

Under exogenous conditions, the migration of calcium follows the migration of carbon dioxide, forming soluble bicarbonate, and in this form is carried out to sea basins. The deposition of CaCO 3 under exogenous conditions often occurs sequentially through various modifications: CaCO 3 (gel) - vaterite - aragonite - calcite. Calcite is the most stable modification and often forms paramorphoses after aragonite. Calcium accumulates in the form of calcite, in addition, biochemically by plants and various organisms. Plants extract CO 2 from bicarbonate solutions and, thus, reduce the solubility of calcium carbonate (for example, the formation of travertine), and organisms use CaCO 3 to build their shells, which, after the death of the organism, settle on the bottom of the sea. The solubility of CaCO 3 in seawater depends mainly on temperature, partial pressure of CO 2, pH and the content of other salts. Cold water, unlike warm water, contains huge amounts of CO 2 and therefore can dissolve more calcium carbonate, which explains the deposition of the last of the cold streams when they enter warm seas.

3. During weathering processes, although calcite is not found in large accumulations, nevertheless, in the form of new formations, it is observed quite often in cracks and voids in oxidation zones of ore deposits and rocks. The source for it in these cases are endogenous lime-containing minerals and air carbon dioxide decomposing in the weathering crust. It should be noted that in general, in the process of weathering of rocks, very significant masses of lime pass into solutions in the form of bicarbonate, which by flowing waters can be very far away, up to the sea, if conditions are not met along the route that make it fall out in the form of a crystalline or colloidal carbonate Ca [CO 3].

Stalactite formations in limestone grottoes are the result of carbon dioxide precipitation from saturated solutions slowly seeping to hollow spaces. These solutions, when hanging in the form of drops from the ceiling, by evaporation lose water, become highly supersaturated and release colloidal or finely dispersed sediments in the form of drip masses, gradually hardening and crystallizing with further dehydration.

4. Huge masses of Ca [CO 3] are formed by sediment, especially in sea basins, initially in the form of calcareous silts, dead marine plants and invertebrates with a calcareous skeleton. Later, all these substances turn into limestone. Oolitic limestones are most likely formed by coagulation of colloidal solutions of carbon dioxide around sand grains and gas bubbles suspended in moving water. The modern formation of ooliths in sea basins is confined to the coastal shallow zones of tropical and subtropical seas. Initially, these oolites are composed of aragonite, which later turns into calcite. Whichever way calcite is formed, in the weathering crust it is a relatively weakly stable mineral. Due to its easy solubility in acids, it passes into solutions in the eluvium zone, especially in the zones of oxidation of ore sulfide deposits. In the course of metabolic decomposition reactions, the replacement of calcite with other minerals (gypsum, dolomite, smithsonite, malachite, etc.) is often observed:

H 2 SO 4 + CaCO 3 + H 2 O = CaSO 4 2H 2 O + CO 2;
ZnSO 4 + CaCO 3 + 2H 2 O = ZnCO 3 + CaSO 4. 2H 2 O, etc.

On the surface of limestones in the zone of lime-saturated groundwater, not only the deposition of coagulates of iron hydroxides, colloidal silica, etc. is often observed, but the limestones themselves are replaced by them.

There are six known stable calcium isotopes: Ca40, Ca42, Ca43, Ca44, Ca46 and Ca48, their prevalence is 96, 97, 0.64, 0.145, 2.06, 0.0033 and 0.185%, respectively. There are four more radioisotopes with mass numbers: 39, 41, 45 and 49. When studying isotopic fractionation in calcium-containing minerals, especially in calcite of various origins, the Ca44 / Ca42 ratio is used, since Ca40 is partially radiogenic and can be obtained as a result of (i-decay K 4 O).

Calcite deposits

The developed deposits of limestone are widespread. Birefringent Icelandic spar is found in Iceland; in the basalts of the Lower Tunguska in Siberia, in Central Asia and in the Urals (Russia), as well as in other regions of the world.

Outstanding deposits of calcite: near Helgastadir near Eskifjord in Iceland, where, many years ago, crystals of optical quality were mined "from cavities in basalt (hence its name" Icelandic spar ") - one crystal from this region reached a size of 7 x 2 m; Alston Moore and Egremont in Cumberland, England; the Iseberg site near Harding Spring, New Mexico; Kongsberg, Norway; Pribram, Czechoslovakia, and elsewhere. In Fontainebleau, near Paris, there is the so-called "sandy calcite", in which calcite crystals are mixed with sand grains by more than 50%.

Large crystals of transparent calcite (Icelandic spar) are known in Russia in deposits along the river. Lower Tunguska, confined to effusive rocks - traps and Mandelsteins; here, together with prehnite and cellites, it lies in the form of veins and nests with gigantic sizes of monocrystalline individuals. So, the Razlom deposit is known for crystals up to half a meter, and for Lyuku-Munkambinskoye - up to 2 m.

Numerous small deposits of Icelandic spar are widely represented in Central Asia in the Zeravshan-Gissar, Pskem-Ugam and other regions.

Chalk in the form of rocks is widespread in the strata of Cretaceous carbonate rocks on the territory of the Russian Platform and in other places of Russia. On a large scale, it is mined mainly for the chemical and cement industry in the Belgorod region, near Slavyansk, Kramatorsk (Donbass, Ukraine) and elsewhere.

Marbles, distinguished by beautiful colors, are mined as facing stones in the Urals in the Ufaleisky, Zlatoustovsky and other regions, in Karelia, Transbaikalia, etc.

Deposits of onyx-marble of yellowish and greenish colors are known in the Transcaucasus on the territory of Georgia and Armenia. The Carrara deposits on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Genoa (Italy) and Greece are famous for their high-quality marbles, which at one time served as a material for remarkable antique sculptures.

Calcite. Practical use

The practical value of calcite, especially in the form of rocks, is very diverse.

1. Icelandic spar, due to its high birefringence, is used for the manufacture of various optical polarizing devices, mainly nicols for microscopes, polarimeters, colorimeters, etc .; suitable for this purpose are colorless ideal
transparent non-twinned crystals or their fragments, devoid of cracks, no less than 1.5–2 cm in size.