Serpentine stone has magical and medicinal properties. Serpentine: a talisman with strong energy

Serpentine is a common mineral that belongs to the serpentine genus. As a rule, the stone has a dark green or yellow-green hue with characteristic blotches. This color resembles snake skin, so many myths and legends have developed around the history of its origin.

The Urals became the homeland of one of them. People there thought it was the skin of the Great Snake - a snake guarding the treasures of the Ural Mountains. It was believed that he often parted with his skin. After some time, it solidified, and this mineral was obtained. In mineralogy, its name is associated precisely with serpentine, since this word is translated as "serpentine stone".

The first mention of this mineral dates back to the 3rd century BC. Products from this stone were found in China. In addition, it has been established that the Indians used the serpentine as a talisman and for various magical rites.

Be that as it may, people at all times believed that the serpentine has magical properties. In addition, the mineral also has healing properties. Therefore, it can be used not only as a talisman, but also as a means for the treatment of certain pathologies.

This stone has a different structure. In addition, minerals of different colors are found in nature. In this regard, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • bowenite is a pale green mineral;
  • Williamsite is a stone that has a green background, but shines blue;
  • ricolith is a mineral that has a bright green hue and characteristic dark blotches, it evokes associations with snakeskin;
  • vernantite - this stone has a dark green hue with sparkles that provide calcium inclusions;
  • ophite is a mineral with an even green tint that looks like jade.

The serpentine stone is opaque when it comes to a real mineral. However, some of its types may be translucent.

The magical properties of the Serpentine

The fact that the coil has magical properties has become known for a long time. Previously, it was worn by people practicing black magic. However, this does not mean that the mineral is capable of causing harm to a person. The thing is that it cleans the space around itself and the owner of negative energy, and also gives protection from evil witchcraft. This means that black magicians and sorcerers wore it to protect themselves from other people's witchcraft and to clear the space for their rituals. In everyday life, the mineral is also used to protect against the evil eye, damage, curses, gossip and envy.

The serpentine stone helps to achieve this goal. It gives strength so that a person can move forward and helps to overcome all obstacles that may arise in his path.

This mineral bestows protection on the home. It protects from fires, robberies and rampant elements. In addition, the stone maintains a friendly atmosphere in the house and prevents quarrels and scandals. To do this, you need to keep any product from the coil in a room where the whole family often gathers.

This mineral helps people who strive for self-development. He will show them the shortest path to knowledge. Also, the stone bestows wisdom. In addition, the serpentine will strengthen the owner's memory and help him to assimilate a large amount of information. In addition, the mineral will make it possible to understand your true purpose in life.

Another property of the mineral is that it promotes the development of hidden creative abilities.

The serpentine improves the physical condition of a person. With such a stone, the owner begins to run faster and swim better. Therefore, this mineral is recommended to be worn by athletes to improve their performance.

The serpentine helps to realize oneself professionally. With its help, you can quickly climb the career ladder.

However, this mineral can do a disservice to the owner. The fact is that the coil is often called a tempter. This is not surprising, because it is not for nothing that it looks like a snake's skin, and a snake, as is known from the Bible, can also be a tempter. In this regard, the stone can lead the owner astray, pushing him to vicious pursuits.

In addition, the coil can send a person various tests to check his "strength". If he withstands them and does not succumb to temptations, then for him the serpentine will become a reliable talisman and will give him protection and support in everything. However, the magic of the mineral is quite insidious. The stone can hide like a snake and wait for the wearer to weaken to strike him. Therefore, the stone is recommended to be worn only by people with a strong will, endurance and strong character.

The healing properties of the mineral

Folk healers, as well as stone healing specialists, claim that the serpentine has healing properties. In addition, the therapeutic effects of the mineral are recognized even by traditional medicine. There is scientific evidence that the coil increases the properties of various medicines. Therefore, it is also called the apothecary stone. The mineral is used for the production of containers for storing medical supplies.

It is recommended to use the coil for frequent migraines and headaches. In addition, the mineral is believed to help normalize high blood pressure. It helps with spasms of the blood vessels. In all these cases, the coil is recommended to be applied to the head or to wear earrings with this mineral.

The serpentine accelerates the process of bone healing in fractures and healing of soft tissues. It is recommended to use it for bruises, cuts and dislocations. In these cases, the mineral should be worn in a ring or bracelet.

The serpentine is recommended to be used for colds, as well as for diseases of the kidneys, blood and gastrointestinal tract. The mineral will facilitate the course of diseases, as well as contribute to the healing of ailments.

The serpentine is believed to relieve inflammation present in the body. In addition, it frees the blood from harmful impurities and increases the body's defenses.

The serpentine has a positive effect on the nervous system. It normalizes an unstable emotional background, relieves stress, depression and insomnia.

Coil energy is the most suitable for children. Therefore, this stone can be worn even by a small child, it will contribute to the normal growth and development of the baby.

There is a version that this mineral neutralizes the effect of snake venom. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for snake bites.

Who is suitable for Serpentine zodiac sign

Astrologers say that any stone - a talisman should be chosen according to the horoscope. Who is suitable and who is not suitable for the coil can be found in the table below.

Compatibility of the serpentine with the zodiac sign. Table 1.

Serpentine can be worn as a talisman by such a zodiac sign as Virgo. The mineral will reveal to him the secrets of the universe and help him find harmony with himself and with the world around him. In addition, the stone will help develop hidden creativity and intuition in the representatives of this zodiac sign. The serpentine will give them the opportunity to improve themselves and open the way to spiritual development.

This mineral is suitable for Capricorns. He will contribute to the physical development of the representatives of this zodiac sign. The mineral will increase their strength as well as their stamina. In addition, he bestows self-confidence.

Pisces is the sign of the zodiac that is not recommended to use the serpentine as a talisman. The fact is that they are more susceptible to temptation than others. In addition, the mineral will strengthen their negative character traits and weaken the positive traits.

The rest of the zodiac signs will not feel the influence of this mineral.

The Serpentine is a powerful but dangerous talisman. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear it for weak people.

The serpentine stone is not included in the gem group. It is better known as a decorative gem that attracts with its unusual color. The pattern of the stone looks like a polished snake skin.

History and legends of the serpent stone

The mineral has been known for over 5 thousand years. There is information about products from a coil of earlier periods: China III century BC. Jewelry, ritual items over a thousand years old, are found in the territory of the American Indians. The stone came to Europe later, in the 16th century.

In mineralogy, several names of rocks are used:

  • coil;
  • snake stone;
  • serpentinite.

There are many legends about the origin of the stone. The history of the stone is interesting and informative. The most ancient history of the origin of the stone is associated with legends and tales about the Serpent, the tempter of Eve. Adam tasted the fruit of knowledge (green apple) and choked. A piece of apple, flying out of the throat, was reborn and became a precious mineral.

The legends of the Ural writers explain the appearance of the mineral in a different way. The fabulous serpent that guarded the treasures of the mountains, Poloz, became the protagonist of the story about the appearance of the serpentine. They believe that serpentinite is the fossilized parts of the skin of a snake, which he shed, replacing it with a new one. The Great Snake is a character who has been believed in for many centuries. Placers of emerald green color are the remains of the skin of the great guard, petrified by time and natural processes.

Physical properties

According to the chemical content of trace elements, snake stone belongs to magnesium silicates. The properties of the mineral have become the basis for its use. Numerous objects and building materials are made from rock:

  • wall covering;
  • interior decorations;
  • decoration;
  • jewelry;
  • boxes;
  • dishes.

Characteristics of the properties of the mineral:

  • The hardness on the Mohs scale is close to natural gypsum - 2.5–4 units;
  • Viscous structure;
  • Withstands high heating temperatures - 600 degrees.

Possession of excellent refractory properties has created the conditions for new modern technologies. The mineral is used to create chrysotile asbestos, a heat-resistant material. The soft structure has attracted stone cutters since ancient times. It was called a stone tow. The following components are distinguished from the flexible composition of the breed: fibers, threads. They are used to create ornaments of special decorative forms.

Place of Birth

The rock is distinguished by the density of the stone and the saturation of the pattern. Varieties of minerals and rocks in natural conditions are found in various places of birth of the serpentine stone. The main difference is in color.

  1. Bonevit is not bright green.
  2. Williamsit is a blue green tint.
  3. Richolite is a bright tone with clearly visible veins.
  4. Vernantite is a rich green interspersed with shiny parts of calcite.
  5. Ophite is a noble species, an even green color.

The coil is widespread enough. Stone is a relatively cheap material. The cost allows you to buy the mineral in large quantities. The price per kilogram ranges between 10 and 60 rubles. Large areas are faced with it: facades, pool walls, fireplaces.

Large developed deposits are located in different parts of the world:

  • New Zealand;
  • China;
  • India;
  • Italy;
  • United Kingdom.

There are also several places for stone mining on the territory of Russia:

  1. Ural mountains. Bazhenovskoe and Shabrovskoe.
  2. Altai region;
  3. Orenburg region;
  4. Mountains of the North Caucasus;
  5. Siberian and Yakutsk regions.

Rock is mined in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan.

Jewelry craftsmen use and select noble designs. Instances have shine, silkiness, glow, pattern. The colors of the mineral are a fusion of green with dark tones, a yellow tint. The pattern is created by veins.

Popular names of the stone:

  • toligor;
  • flywheel;
  • antiburn;
  • korean jade.

Coil healing abilities

Among healers and alchemists there is an opinion about the special properties of the mineral. The name is a pharmaceutical stone. It is believed to enhance the effects of drugs. Containers are made of rock for the creation and storage of medicines:

  • flasks;
  • vessels;
  • mortars;
  • vials;
  • bowls.

There is a list of diseases in which the mineral becomes healing, and a description of how it should be used.

Earrings with a coil will help with such diseases:

  1. Migraine and headache attacks;
  2. High blood pressure;
  3. Blood vessel spasms.

Rings and bracelets will speed up recovery from disorders:

  1. Fractures;
  2. Cuts;
  3. Bruises and dislocations.

Beads and necklaces are worn to change the flow of processes:

  1. Colds;
  2. Inflammation;
  3. Kidney infections;
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. Blood infections.

Human value and healing properties are constantly expanding. The snake stone removes toxic substances from the body, cleanses of toxins. Improves the functioning of the nervous system, reduces irritability, reduces excessive emotionality. The snake stone strengthens the immune system.

Lithotherapists advise a stone for children. Amulets with serpentine activate the development of the logic of thinking, enhance the properties of memory.

The most powerful healing property is considered to be an antidote for snake bites.

Video: The magical and healing properties of the coil

The magical powers of the coil

The gem has a number of magical abilities. Previously, snake stone jewelry was preferred by sorcerers and black magicians.

Serpentinite is capable of many powerful actions:

  1. Takes away negative energy;
  2. Increases the urge to move forward;
  3. Helps people engaged in self-education;
  4. Strengthens the creative potential of a person, research aspirations.

The stone also has dangerous abilities. He is called the tempter (according to the first legend of the Serpent). Serpentinite can drag the wearer into vicious pursuits. Serpentines will distract from true goals, make you turn from the right path to the path of vice (depravity). If a person decides to independently carry out with the help of his magical witchcraft rituals, he may find himself in the center of new trials. Having coped with all the hardships of fate, the owner will become the owner of a strong mineral. The serpentine will become the slave of the brave man, give him the power of a shaman. But the stone should be monitored constantly. He has the character of a snake, he waits, hides when a person is distracted, strikes. Mineral is dangerous if you do not follow the rules for its wearing and use.

Talismans and amulets

Using the magical properties of the stone, talismans are prepared from the coil to protect houses. Various figurines, processed samples of rocks, items for interior decoration will protect the house not only from actions (thieves, fires, leaks), but also create comfortable psychological conditions for life. A photo of the stone will help you choose the shape of the amulet. The stone becomes an amulet for conducting rituals of communication with the universal forces of the Earth. He gives a person a vision of the world, adds intuitive abilities. The serpentine has special meanings for a person of certain professions.

  1. Entrepreneurs;
  2. Lawyers;
  3. Businessmen;
  4. Athletes.

The stone reveals professional abilities, helps in career growth, promotion.

Care of products

Jewelry with a stone is not recommended to be worn all the time. They can be worn two to three times a week. Serpentinite quickly accumulates negative energy. Moreover, the stone absorbs the negative emotions of both the person himself and the people around him. The coil needs to be washed often, cleaned of negativity. This does not require the purchase of any special cleaning products. The stone is kept under running water. The mineral should be rinsed longer, about 15–20 minutes. Simply immersing the stone in water will not help. Negative energy does not dissolve in water. It can be removed by rinsing under running water, that is, flowing away along with the negative. You can dry naturally, without napkins and fabrics. The product is placed on a surface and it dries. If quick drying is required, the product is not rubbed, but simply pressed against a dry cloth.

Serpentine and zodiac signs

Astrology offers lines of compatibility of the signs of the zodiac constellations with a gem. An ideal gem is not suitable for everyone according to the horoscope. For most, it is neutral. For Virgos, the mineral will produce many positive actions: the development of creative inclinations. People born under the sign of Virgo have an exacerbated perception of the world, sensual emotions intensify. A person comprehends the secrets of the world, strives for self-improvement.

The stone benefits Capricorns. It helps in physical development, increases strength, endurance. A person becomes dexterous, confident in himself, in his capabilities. The special role of a talisman for Capricorn is an athlete.

You should know not only to whom the coil is suitable, but also to whom it is contraindicated. Pisces, Cancers can lose the necessary character traits, the basis of spiritual strength. Signs become susceptible to temptations, there are descriptions of the degradation of signs using jewelry with a serpentine as a talisman.

Serpentine - the magical properties of the stone and the value of serpentinite for humans

Hello! Did you know that the serpentine stone, despite its unusual bright appearance, is not precious? What is the secret of his popularity, why do people trust him and believe in the ability to protect, help achieve goals? It's all about the special magical and healing properties, but not only them. Let's talk about what a coil is, where it came from, how it happens and how it is imitated.

What does a serpentine stone look like and what is remembered for

Visually, the coil cannot be confused with anything, even from the photo. A gem of bright green (sometimes with shades of yellow) with veins resembling snakeskin patterns.

The non-standard color not only became the reason for the appearance of an interesting name, but also the birth of numerous legends and stories related to the properties of the mineral.

And the color of the coil was the reason for the appearance of a different name. It is called serpentine, which is translated from the Latin "serpens" means "snake". Also, the stone is called pharmaceutical, for its active use in pharmacology.

How is a coil different from malachite? First of all, an opaque structure with fibers or leaf patterns, a special shade and, of course, the price. Some varieties are visually similar to jade, yielding to it in chemical composition and physical properties.

Historical reference

In Europe, stone began to be given special significance as an ornamental stone from the middle of the 16th century. Initially, it was considered suitable for creating exclusively furniture and interior items. Caskets, sets, clocks and serpentine countertops looked luxurious, expensive and noble.

Over time, the scope has expanded. The Germans, for example, gladly used the natural green material for the manufacture of pharmaceutical vessels, being confident in its special antiseptic properties.

As an ornamental stone, it has justified itself in all respects. It turned out to be quite hard and bright, while responding well to processing. Its qualities were appreciated not only by Europeans, but also by the inhabitants of Central America. Even before meeting Columbus, they practiced making talismans and colored mosaics.

In the countries of the East, the serpentine was given no less attention, but more often it was used as an inexpensive imitation of the more valuable jadeite and jade, creating inexpensive jewelry.

Interesting legends about the coil have been passed down from generation to generation, some of them are really noteworthy. The most ancient story - with the participation of biblical characters. We are talking about the Tempter Serpent and the apple of knowledge. According to legend, Adam tasted the heavenly apple and choked. A tiny piece came out of the throat, fell to the ground, where it sprouted and turned into serpentinite - a symbol of serpentine meanness.

There is a story associated with the appearance of the stone in the Urals. Local residents came up with the idea that the mineral is the Great Snake, called to protect the wealth of the Ural region, saturated with gems. To remain unnoticed, the snake shed its skin. Its petrified parts are the serpentine stone.

What it consists of: a description of the chemical composition

The coil is a dense rock with the inclusion of fibers with a fine-crystalline structure. Several types of stones with a similar composition are suitable for the category of a mineral. Most of them are the result of hydrothermal alteration of certain types of rocks with high concentrations of magnesium. This is about:

  • pyroxenites;
  • dunites;
  • peridonitis.

The chemical formula of the stone allows it to be classified as magnesium silicates with the inclusion of talc, carbonate and other minerals.

The green crystals, similar to snake skin, are not the hardest despite being visually sturdy. The Mohs scale hardness does not exceed 4, with a density of 2.6 g / cm³. All samples with a glass luster, a silky surface that lends itself well to polishing.

Coil shades and patterns depend on the proportions of the substances included in it and the general structure.

What happens: characteristics of species

The mineral is divided into several varieties depending on the color and patterns. There are such options:

  • Verdantite is a dark green color with black patterns, rich in calcite.
  • Bowenite is a pale green hue, most similar to jade, slightly transparent when viewed under light.
  • Antigorite - a landscape stone with a shade of yellow, was named after the deposit where it was discovered for the first time - Antigorio.
  • Williamsit is the most beautiful variation with its characteristic bluish-green color and black patterns.
  • Satellite is a gem with the ability to sparkle and an unusual pattern in the form of a cat's eye. It is considered a real find for collectors of natural minerals.
  • Ophikalcite is a gem with clearly marked spots of calcite and dolomite. Also called serpentinite marble.
  • Richolite is a bright green mineral with stripes.
  • Porcelain is an opaque green gem similar to porcelain.
  • Retinolite is a dark yellow color with a black tint.
  • Noble - a stone of characteristic green with shades of white or yellow and symmetrical black dots.

The latter variety is found most often in the Urals. They call it a flywheel, and options without dots are called an ophite.

Where is mined in the world and in Russia

Snake-like breeds are not rare. They are mined in different parts of the world. The first clusters were found in the United States and India, followed by samples found in New Zealand, Mongolia, Cuba and Afghanistan. Of course, impressive reserves of the mineral were also found on the territory of Russia - a deposit in the Urals, as well as in Siberia.

Healing properties: what can and how to use

In ancient times, people believed in the power of the stone to heal mental disorders. The serpentine was worn in order to get rid of negative energy, damage and the evil eye. Nowadays, healers and alternative medicine doctors confidently talk about the properties of stones to heal:

  • inflammations of a different nature;
  • migraine;
  • viral and colds manifestations;
  • hypertension;
  • renal failure;
  • problems with the digestive tract;
  • nervous disorders;
  • fractures and dislocations;
  • excessive excitability.

Earrings or a talisman with a stone will help get rid of migraines and excessive sleepiness. Accelerate bone healing in case of fractures - rings and bracelets.

It is believed that the green gem not only has healing properties, but is also capable of enhancing the effect of any medicine if it is stored in a container made of a mineral, as pharmacists did 400 years ago.

Magical properties: how the power of the coil manifests itself

They believed in the magical power of the mineral in antiquity, and continue to believe today. Leaders in regard to trust in the stone related to magic people:

  • shamans;
  • magicians;
  • medicine men;
  • fortune tellers;
  • sorcerers, etc.

Ordinary people use the abilities of the mineral not so actively and with caution, many, themselves do not know why, consider the coil to be a heavy stone. It's all about the prejudice that he is dangerous to the uninitiated in the subtleties of contact. Meanwhile, it is believed that everyone who tames the poisonous stone will become its only and permanent owner, whom it will help in achieving goals, changing life for the better, recovering and becoming in general.

Esotericists of the new generation do not doubt that the green stone really has a powerful positive energy and is able to help a person. Provides him with reliable protection from negative clots of energy, gives him confidence and courage.

The stone will be in its place in the life of active people who spend a lot of time in society. Lawyers, athletes, entrepreneurs, politicians - all of them can trust the power and energy of the mineral.

What zodiac sign interacts with a stone

Astrologers also do not doubt the cosmic power of the stone. Analyzing who the gem is suitable for, they unanimously argue that the serpentine simply must have representatives of the Virgo sign in the collection. In their opinion, the stone will help Virgo in the development of creativity, will allow them to find themselves and know the world, in addition, it will strengthen their intuitive perception. A green gem is also suitable for Leo. He will help this naturally strong sign to reach the goal faster.

The green mineral will be an excellent talisman and amulet for Capricorns, both men and women. For a Capricorn woman, the mineral will be a source of peace of mind and balance, will help enhance the best qualities of this sign:

  • improve physical development;
  • increase stamina;
  • adjust dexterity, etc.

Athletes men, Capricorns according to the horoscope, will find in the stone a real faithful companion and assistant.

What does the stone mean for the rest of the zodiac signs? The mineral is considered neutral, so there is no need to talk about incompatibility here. Astrologers pay attention to the need for stone processing and pauses during the wearing period. In order for the gem to retain its energetic strength and magical properties, it should be worn no more than several times a week, not allowed to be measured by other people, washed after each "going out" with running water to get rid of negative energy.

Despite the neutrality, it is recommended to be careful with the serpentine representatives of Cancer, Pisces and Gemini. For these signs, the stone is not the best choice, as it will cause the development of spiritual disharmony and even degradation.

Where and how it is used

Ural stone, serpentine, serpentine - it doesn't matter what you call it. The main thing is the versatility of the mineral, which makes it possible to practically not limit the scope of its application. What did they not come up with to make from a gem, from jewelry and ornamental work and ending with facing materials.

The coil is in demand and is actively used as an absolutely natural breed in creating unique designs for rooms with high humidity:

  • for a bath;
  • saunas;
  • swimming pools;
  • in an aquarium for decoration;
  • bathrooms, etc.

Interior items and souvenirs from a coil are beautiful and unusual, not to mention jewelry that has a wide range of admirers around the world.

Interesting facts about the snake-colored gem

In Mongolia, they believe in the miraculous power of the mineral to save snakes and insects from poison, and are worn as a talisman. In the Urals, thin fibers were made from the mineral for the manufacture of fabric. People believed in the power of the Ural serpentine guarding mountains with gems.

Today, the stone can be seen in the decoration of the walls in the capital's metro. And at one time it was appreciated by the masters of the Faberge company.

Original or imitation: how to distinguish

The coil is extremely rarely forged, given how much the breed costs. Nevertheless, there are “craftsmen” who are ready to pass off plastic as a mineral in crafts and jewelry. It is easy to recognize a genuine gem by its characteristic color, weight and temperature. A real mineral will be noticeably heavier than plastic and cool.

And finally, what stones is the serpentine combined with? The ideal tandem is obtained with the same green gems, the same jade, emerald and malachite.

Team LubiStones

Serpentine is a pharmaceutical stone, a stone of magicians and wizards, a stone that has a dozen names, a stone overgrown with myths and legends. An elegant and beautiful green mineral that bewitches, attracts and does not let go for a long time.

The historical fate of the stone

Serpentine stone is the local (Ural) name of an ornamental mineral, one of the varieties of serpentinite.

In almost all publications, serpentine is identified with serpentinite. Serpentinite is a dense rock consisting of semi-precious and ornamental stones. Serpentine is a natural ornamental stone of a subclass of layered silicates.

This mystical name has an objective and mythical basis. Scientists called serpentine stones of green color, with a range, from yellowish-green to dark green, with a clear pattern resembling snake skin. On the stone, blotches and veins with black and golden tints really tell the skin of a snake. Translated from Latin serpens - snake.

Studying the myths that gave rise to the name of the serpentine stone, one cannot but succumb to mysticism. In two regions, thousands of kilometers apart, these stones received the same name, long before scientists compiled their description.

In southern Europe, it is believed that the serpentine is the frozen poison of snakes, left by them during mating games.

The Ural myth speaks of the Great Snake, guarding the untold wealth of the Ural mountains. The snake skin, which he changes annually, turns over time into placers of emerald green minerals. The drawing on them exactly reproduces the patterns on the body of the fabulous Snake. Therefore, they called the stone a serpentine.

The oldest legend says that in the Garden of Eden the Serpent persuaded Eve not only to taste the green apple herself, but also to treat Adam to them. Under the persuasion of Eve, Adam bit it off and choked. The apple slice that flew out of the throat turned into a green mineral.

It has such a variety of colors and structure (density) that mineralogists distinguish about 10 varieties of this stone.

A mineral that has a uniform green tint is called ophite. This is a noble serpentine. It looks exactly like jade. You can distinguish it by hardness. The last, twice as hard as the meniral, is serpentine.

Green stones are called antigorite. Weakly colored, almost white, as well as bluish-green minerals are found. Their luster, depending on impurities, can be waxy, matte, glassy.

Bowenite is a translucent gem with increased hardness. May appear pale green, yellow-green, or bluish-green.

Particularly noteworthy in this group of gems is nephritoid and chrysotile, which have a fibrous structure.

Among the people, the serpentine stone was given several more names:

  • toligor;
  • flywheel;
  • korean jade;
  • mountain flax.

Physical properties of the coil

Serpentine is a magnesium silicate mixed with carbonates, talc and other impurities. The chemical formula of the mineral is diverse. In general, it can be represented as X (2-3) Si2O5 (OH) 4, where X = Mg, Fe2 +, Fe3 +, Ni, Al, Zn, Mn. The chemical composition is responsible for the variety of green colors of the stone. The pattern (stripes, dots and spots of various sizes) gives serpentine its internal structure: scaly or fibrous.

Another Ural legend is associated with the fibrous stone. As if the Ural craftsmen weaved a tablecloth from coil fibers. Nikita Demidov washed it in the fire in the presence of Peter I, sending the tablecloth to the fireplace after the feast. To the surprise of those present, she, after a fiery wash, turned out to be safe and sound.

Physical characteristic:

  • hardness (on the Mohs scale) varies from 2 to 4 units;
  • average density - 2.6 g / cm3.

In terms of hardness, serpentines are close to natural gypsum. This softness has attracted stone cutters since ancient times.

The serpentine stone is very widespread. Minerals are mined in Asia, Europe and North America. In Russia, in addition to the Ural deposit, its deposits are known in the Caucasus and Eastern Sayan Mountains.

The healing properties of the coil

The extensive, multifaceted healing properties of natural stone have been known for a long time. More than 5 thousand years ago, in ancient China, they were used to treat various diseases. Later, in the 16th century, in Europe, the healing properties of many medicinal powders and mixtures were enhanced with stone. For this, pharmaceutical vessels, mortars, bowls, and bottles were made from it. Hence, another name for the gem arose - "apothecary stone".

Modern healers believe that coils are natural stones, endowed with the ability to cleanse the body of poisons and toxins. They are used for blood infections and as an antidote for snake bites.

Earrings with a small serpentine will relieve headaches, especially with migraines, regulate pressure and dilate blood vessels during spasms.

Rings and bracelets made of natural stone will help faster bone healing in case of fractures, tissue restoration in case of open wounds, bruises and dislocations.

Beads and necklaces treat sore throats, bronchitis, various inflammatory processes caused by colds, diseases of the intestines and stomach.

The value of the stone for the treatment of a person is constantly increasing. Its natural capabilities have been supplemented with properties to strengthen the immune system and herald the onset of illness. At the stage of the disease, the gem begins to heat up.

Stone and magic

The centuries-old history of using the magical properties of the stone has shown that, despite its cunning, it is subject not only to magicians and sorcerers. He also obeys a common man, but he cannot take full advantage of his magical abilities.

The serpentine stone manifests its magical abilities in two ways. On the one hand, he imperceptibly draws his master into various entertainments, distracts him from his true goals and, in the end, destroys him.

On the other hand, if the owner was able to curb the stone, withstood the temptations, he receives absolute power over it. Submitting to the owner, the serpentine manifests the magical properties of the stone in full: it increases the physical strength of the owner, develops his intellect, and opens up supernatural possibilities of foresight.

But it should be remembered that once obeying, the stone will not become a slave for life. Possessing the character of a snake, he will constantly, using his magical power, try to break free, which fully justifies its name.

Zodiac signs and serpentine

According to the horoscope, the best zodiac sign for which the gem is suitable is Virgo and Capricorn. Those born under the sign of Virgo become the true owners of the gem. All of his magical arsenal, which manifests itself in individual zodiac signs in different ways, belongs to Virgo completely.

But for the signs of Cancer and Pisces, it is better to bypass this gem. He, using the character traits inherent in them, will easily cloud the brain and heart, which can destroy the life of people of this sign.

Anyone who suits this gem according to their zodiac sign should use it carefully. On days when a psychological recession sets in, it is better to abandon jewelry made from him or an amulet, since he will certainly take advantage of the momentary weakness of his master. Astrologers believe that a natural gem should generally be worn 2-3 times a week, even for Virgos.

But every rule has an exception. The gem can choose its own owner. Then neither the signs of the zodiac, nor the psychological state matter. If a hand, against will, reaches for a gem, he will never betray.

For all signs of the zodiac, a charm for the home, in the form of a figurine or other interior decoration, will not only protect against a thief, fire or flooding, but also create comfortable conditions for family members to live together.

The gem is of particular importance for entrepreneurs, lawyers, businessmen, and athletes. It reveals their professional abilities, helps in career growth and career advancement.

Serpentine products and counterfeits

Basically, the gem is used for wall cladding, making monuments and tombstones. Also used for the production of flame retardant fabric.

Ease of processing allows jewelers to make a variety of jewelry and crafts.

Despite the low cost of gem products, it is often counterfeited. In order not to buy a polymer fake, check:

  • natural gem impurities in the form of stripes, blotches and spots are inherent;
  • the polymer is several times lighter than the original;
  • the stone is cool, slowly warming in the hand.

Video on the topic: Serpentine Properties of stone

Important features of the stone

It is very important to remember about one more magical property of a gem: it cannot be sold or gifted. He is able to inflict a negative blow to the former owner from a distance. Only by inheritance can a stone change its owner.

To remove the negative energy accumulated over a week, it is recommended to rinse the gem under running water. Having become the owner of a unique gem, one should remember about its duplicity and not fall for temptations, but use only positive properties.

The serpentine is a unique stone. Despite its beauty, it is not considered precious, but popularity does not suffer from this. Serpentine, as this gem is called in another way, is loved not only for its cheapness and attractive appearance - everything is much more complicated.

The properties of the coil and its significance in the magic of stones are what we will tell you about today. The stone is also loved by lithotherapists and jewelers. But the gem has character, and not every person will suit him. How to achieve harmony with your stone? You will also learn this from the article.

Interest in the mineral in Europe first appeared in the sixteenth century. The magical properties of the serpentine stone were not yet known at that time. The craftsmen used the gem as an ornamental material. They made dishes, clocks, countertops from it, and decorated weapons with it. He looked luxurious and at the same time was quite affordable for an average city dweller or a poor aristocrat.

The more the stone came into fashion, the more they learned about who the coil is suitable for - both as a material and simply as a talisman. For example, it was useful to pharmacists: retorts, mortars, and pestles for grinding medicines were made from it. At the same time, alchemists and occultists drew attention to its magical properties.

Serpentinite, of course, attracted not only Europeans. Archaeologists have found talismans with a mineral in the tombs of the Incas and Maya Indians. The artifacts were placed there long before the gem was known in Europe.

In the East, serpentine rings and bracelets were replacements and, which only rulers had the right to wear. Serpentinites remained mere mortals. In the same place, in the Arab world and among the Jews, the first legends about the gem were invented.

For example, there is a story based on the biblical story of Adam and Eve. The progenitor of humanity tasted the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and choked. A small piece of fruit fell to the ground and turned into a serpentine - a stone reminiscent of the Snake-tempter and its meanness.

Interestingly, the snake is not always an evil and insidious creature. The ancient Slavs revered the snake, and even reached us. It was called the same as our stone - Serpentine.

No less interesting legend is told by the inhabitants of the Ural Mountains. They believed that their homeland was guarded by the Great Snake, a powerful spirit favorable to the locals. Like any other snake, he shed its skin. The scales from it turned into coils.

Where is the serpentine stone mined

The mineral serpentine is mined all over the globe. It is mainly supplied to the market:

  • in Europe - Great Britain, Italy;
  • in Asia - China, Kazakhstan, India, Tajikistan, Mongolia;
  • in both Americas - Cuba and the United States;
  • in Oceania - New Zealand.

Russia deserves to be told about it separately. This is the richest country in serpentine. Back in the eighteenth century, stone began to be mined in the Urals. Then deposits were discovered in Altai, in the Caucasus Mountains, in the Orenburg region, in Yakutia.

Physical and chemical properties

A serpentine is a dense rock with a fibrous structure. It is formed when magnesium compounds melt in the vents of volcanoes. As a rule, these are either pyroxenites, peridonites, or dunites. Talc belongs to one family with serpentinite.

The serpentine stone is far from the hardest and most durable among the gems. On the Mohs scale, its density does not exceed 4 points. The mineral has a glassy luster, it is opaque, it lends itself well to polishing and processing.

The properties of the serpentine stone, such as color and pattern, can vary depending on the chemical composition. Most often, the gem is colored in various shades of green, but there are also yellow specimens. All "sinewy" serpentinites, regardless of color, are combined into a separate group - ophites.

Coil color and varieties

The serpentine stone is very diverse, there are more than a dozen subspecies. The most basic ones are:

  • Verdantite is a dark green mineral rich in magnesium that forms black veins in the gem.
  • Bowenite is the only subspecies that boasts translucency. Its light green coloration makes it look like jade, which crooks often imitate in this way.
  • Antigorite is a yellowish gem, very cheap.
  • Williamsit is, on the contrary, a very expensive type of serpentine, with a beautiful bluish tint, reminiscent of the deep sea.
  • Satellite is an iridescent green stone with a pattern similar to. An extremely rare and expensive gem by the standards of non-precious stones.
  • Ophicalcite, also known as serpentinite marble, is a mineral with dark veins of dolomite and calcite.
  • Richolite is a bright green stone sometimes referred to as the "poisonous serpentine".
  • Porcelain is a subspecies that resembles porcelain and is sometimes used to imitate porcelain.
  • Retinolite is a dark orange mineral with a black sheen.
  • The noble, or Ural, serpentine is a green gem with white shades and a pattern of black dots.


A box made of natural stone will serve as an unorthodox gift for connoisseurs of beauty.

Serpentine is a completely versatile mineral. Countertops, decorations, frames, boxes - you can make anything from a coil. But this rock is also a finishing material. Due to its moisture resistance, it is used for:

  • lining of saunas, baths and pools;
  • decoration of aquariums;
  • decorating bathrooms.

Craftsmen from all over the world use serpentine stone to make their fantasies come true. It makes very beautiful figurines, seals, paperweights, and, of course, jewelry. Rings, beads, bracelets, earrings with serpentinite look no worse than those made of precious stones.

How to distinguish a fake

The price of the coil is small, the mineral is often found, but it can still be faked. A piece of plastic painted to resemble a gem is worth a penny in itself. So you still need to know how to distinguish a mineral from a fake.

Only a real serpentine is endowed with magical and healing properties.

Moreover, only natural stones are suitable for magic and lithotherapy. And even if you buy just a piece of jewelry, it will be unpleasant to overpay.

  • Weigh the jewelry in the palm of your hand. Serpentinite is quite heavy, unlike plastic.
  • The difference between what a coil looks like and a fake is obvious to the eye. Natural stone always has stripes, blotches, stains.
  • Hold the product in your hands. The plastic will quickly heat up from the warmth of the palms, a genuine gem will remain cold.
  • Squeeze the stone tightly in your fist. If it's real, you will feel a slight tingling sensation.

But there is no need to scratch the product, as is the case with other gems. The coil is soft and pliable, you will only damage it, and you will not receive any useful information about the authenticity.

Coil care

The coil itself is an unpretentious stone, but it is better to follow some rules. Then it will serve you for a long time and become a powerful talisman for the whole family.

The serpentine, like all gems, loves careful and careful handling.

  • It is not necessary to wear serpentinite all the time without taking it off, especially if it constantly touches the body. Wearing it more than three times a week is undesirable.
  • If you feel tired, depressed, or severely anxious, then it is better to remove the stone.
  • Once every five to six months, the gem must be cleaned of dirt. Soapy water and a soft cloth will work.
  • In addition to dust and dirt, the stone collects negative energy. To get rid of it, hold the stone for half an hour in running natural water (it can be a spring, a stream or even a river). If there are no bodies of water nearby, just a glass of salted or consecrated water will do.
  • Do not rub serpentinite after removing it from the water. Simply wrap in a cloth and leave to dry.
  • Do not store the mineral with other stones. He will be saturated with negative energy from them and can get scratched.

Only with careful and careful handling will the coil be able to fully reveal its magical potential.

The healing properties of the mineral

In ancient China, it was believed that serpentinite has the same healing properties as jadeite. European alchemists used the serpentine to enhance the effect of medicinal drugs. Equipment for pharmacies was made from it: bowls, mortars, pestles, scales, saucers. Therefore, the gem was called "apothecary stone". Contemporary lithotherapists agree with their medieval counterparts. The stone is able to make the effect of traditional medicines more persistent.

  1. Earrings with serpentinite improve hearing, treat migraines, lower blood pressure. They help you recover faster from strokes and head injuries.
  2. People who wear bracelets and rings with a stone suffer less from fractures, dislocations, bruises. The serpentine can speed up the healing of tissues or increase their strength.
  3. Those who suffer from frequent colds, tonsillitis, bronchitis, heart disease are advised to wear necklaces with a snake stone.
  4. According to some reports, serpentinite is able to strengthen the immune system. He also warns the wearer about diseases: when health is in danger, the mineral begins to heat up.

The crystal works best in combination with traditional medicine. In general, different treatments are best combined.

The magical properties of the coil

The magicians and alchemists of Europe noticed the serpentine as soon as it appeared in this part of the world. So that talismans made from other stones do not lose their energy, they are kept in a serpentine box. The gem is capable of absorbing negative influences, so that magic items will be protected from outside threats.

Serpentinite will help unleash your creativity.

A person who strives for self-improvement and unleashing potential needs to wear a serpentine amulet. If the stone is contraindicated by the sign of the zodiac, then you can simply include it in the interior of the room. The gem is able to send inspiration to the wearer, improve memory, show the right path.

The Legend of the Snake indicates that the mineral also has dangerous properties. Magic rituals involving a stone can call dangerous trials into your destiny. Those who cannot cope with them will lose their way in life and may even perish. But if a person with honor overcomes the temptation, then his abilities will be strengthened many times over.

Who is the serpentine suitable for according to the sign of the zodiac?

Not everyone will be able to make friends with a stone. For example, the serpentine does not fit the horoscope Cancer and Pisces... Under its influence, they will become deceitful, cunning and cunning. This will sooner or later lead to the collapse of all their undertakings.

Astrologers consider the serpentine not a suitable talisman for Pisces and Cancers.

Virgin and Capricorns on the other hand, they are favorite signs for a gem. It will help you find creative inspiration, become more successful, and avoid the vicissitudes of fate. When real harmony with the mineral is achieved, it has a positive effect on health.

For other Signs, the serpentine is neutral, but they can learn something useful for themselves, for example:

  • Aries can enhance their energy due to the action of the stone. They become more attentive and discerning, it is more difficult to deceive them. The wearer will become calmer and more balanced, anxiety, nervousness, fussiness will go away.
  • Taurus they will also begin to better “read” the people they interact with. Lies, flattery, falsity will be felt as soon as the interlocutor begins to speak. Serpentinite will also improve the host's attractiveness to the opposite sex.
  • If a person born under the sign starts wearing a gem Gemini, then he will become more decisive and bolder. Also, the stone eliminates excessive conservatism: the carrier will begin to cling less to the old and obsolete.
  • Lions will become more active, firmer and more severe. At the same time, excessive fussiness will go away. If you regularly wear the gem, you will notice that you have improved organizational and leadership skills.
  • Libra the mineral will help to find stability and stability in life. If you are tired of constantly changing places of residence, work, short-term relationships, then the serpentine is able to change fate for the better.
  • Coil for Scorpion, Sagittarius, Aquarius- a source of courage, resilience, extraordinary solutions. With its help, you will discover new talents and abilities in yourself, you will be able to realize the most daring plans.

This mineral has long been used to create a variety of products, decorations, and even used in construction. Outwardly, the serpentine is really similar to the color of the snake skin, it is from here that the name is taken.

Scientists, in turn, also use this name, but they often use the word serpentinite, which, in fact, is translated from Latin as "serpentine stone".

There is a whole class of minerals called serpentines, but the serpentine only belongs to this class and this mineral should not be confused with serpentine, although they are always similar.

By the way, if the coil according to the chemical formula is hydrous magnesium oxide silicate, then serpentine is also hydrous silicate, but magnesium.

Similar chemical properties give rise to a similar color, which is greenish yellow with black blotches. So, let's find out more about this magnesium silicate, that is, about the coil.

There are legends about this mineral, as well as about many other valuable stones. For example, on the territory of Russia, the coil was considered from ancient times to be the discarded skin of the Great Snake.

Who is this Great Snake - you ask?

This name means a mythical creature, a huge serpent that lives in the Ural Mountains. Actually, Poloz was considered the owner of the Ural gold, and there is also a lot of serpentine in the Urals, hence the legend about the skin of this snake.

If we take the legends of other countries, then, for example, in the territory of South and Latin America this stone has been used since antiquity to create ritual objects. European alchemists did not lag behind, who began to use this mineral to work with medicinal drugs and potions. The serpentine was considered an enhancer of drugs, therefore vessels and other containers were popular, and the mineral for a long time had a second name - the pharmaceutical stone.

In general, the stone was considered magical for almost the entire history of modern mankind. The history of the use of the mineral is at least five thousand years old, that is, it lasts throughout the existence of all modern civilizations.

Description of the stone and how to care

If you pay attention to some factual details, then the chemical formula of the stone should be noted - MgO [(OH) 8Si4O10]... As mentioned earlier, the color of the coil is most often greenish or yellow-greenish, but there are differences in color depending on the varieties, and we will talk about this later.

The mineral is quite soft and has a hardness of 2 to 3 on the Moss scale, a density of about 2.5 grams per centimeter, at a fracture the stone can look completely even and have noticeable chips and irregularities.

In order to maintain the original appearance, nothing essential is required, regular wiping with a soft cloth is enough. If we are talking about an amulet, then periodically you need to keep the stone for 10-15 minutes under running cool water.

Varieties and colors

The most noble variety is considered to be ophite, which outwardly resembles light jade.

  1. Vernintite is dark green with shiny veins.
  2. Richolite is bright green and has characteristic stripes.
  3. Williamsit has a bluish green tint.
  4. Bowenite contains pale greenish hues.

The healing properties of the stone

In addition to the property of enhancing the effect of drugs, the serpentine is considered to be an assistant in eliminating headaches and in fusing bones. This stone can also help in the prevention of ailments of internal organs and improve the daily emotional background, in other words, reduces nervousness.

The magical properties of the coil

In general, this mineral is most advised to use:

  • Athletes
  • Lawyers
  • Businessmen

This stone allows you to achieve the best results and exhibit the best professional qualities. Nevertheless, you should carefully choose a similar amulet for yourself, since the properties of the stone can manifest themselves in different ways depending on your zodiac sign and predispositions, we will talk about this in more detail below.

If we talk about ancient beliefs, then the serpentine has always been considered a stone that can only be worn by experienced magicians and sorcerers. Ordinary people were not advised of this mineral, since the coil could bring adversity and trials.

Nevertheless, if a common person overcame such obstacles, then the amulet rewarded the owner with the gift of foresight and extrasensory sensitivity.

The serpentine has always been considered a stone that can contribute to the absence of fatigue, the ability to run and swim quickly.

In addition, the magical properties of the coil extend to mental abilities. In particular, the stone grants the opportunity to learn better and the development of creative imagination. These properties are associated with the serpentine nature of the stone, as you know, the snake is a symbol of wisdom and can help in deep study of any subject, comprehension of the depths.

The coil should not be considered as capable of purifying water or serving as an antidote. However, the stone does indeed enhance the effects of drugs. Therefore, if you need to take any medications, thanks to the coil, you can slightly reduce the dosage - in a sense, magic.

Mineral applications

The range of use of the coil is very diverse, from jewelry and bijouterie to the creation of wall and floor tiles.

By the way, they often use the refractoriness of the stone, which can withstand temperatures up to 600 degrees Celsius.

Due to the availability and excellent workability of the mineral, artisans can make a variety of large items such as vases or lamps and more. In general, it is not uncommon to see a coil in interior design in one role or another. Equally often, this stone is observed in various crafts and jewelry.

Signs of the zodiac

The best option for this stone is for representatives of signs Virgo and Capricorn.

It is not advised to wear this stone, even periodically, to Pisces and Cancers, but for the rest of the signs the stone is almost neutral (but it can show both positive and negative sides) and can be used periodically.

The mineral is not yet advised to Gemini and Aquarius, since the stone excessively grounds these representatives of the air element.

Although Libra, which also represents air, can be grounded on one side, yet another part of the Libra essence soars due to the coil. For most signs of the zodiac, the serpentine can be used to remove negative energy; after use, the talisman is washed under running water.

How to distinguish a natural coil from an artificial one

This mineral has a relatively low cost, therefore, if fakes are made, it is most often made of plastic. In order to purchase a natural stone, you should first conduct a visual inspection and make sure there is a natural pattern with spots and blotches. Next, you need to estimate the mass, since plastic is always lighter.

Natural stone is soft and easy to scratch, but heating a natural coil is not easy, unlike plastic, which heats up almost immediately after contact with the body.

By the way, if you take a natural coil in your hand, you may feel a slight tingling sensation, according to experts.

Coil cost

The mineral is quite affordable and the cost of jewelry is often determined by the elegance of the jewelry. The stone lies in the ground in large layers, therefore, the coil is often sold in lumps and the cost of such a lump to create a facing tile is no more than $ 500.

If we talk about jewelry, then simple earrings or rings cost no more than $ 20, although there are also more expensive items.

Types of minerals distinguished by color and type of pattern:

  • Bowenite is a light green serpentine, similar in appearance to jade.
  • Verdantite is a natural serpentine stone of a deep dark green color, which has black veins due to the presence of calcite.
  • Williamsite is a very beautiful mineral of bluish-green color with small black blotches.
  • Richolite is a green mineral with a striped pattern.
  • Antigorite is a green-yellow or completely yellow coil.
  • Ophicalcite - or serpentinite marble, has this name due to the presence of spots of calcite or dolomite.
  • Satellite - rare and unusual, has an interesting effect of shimmering in a certain light. For collectors is of particular interest.
  • Retinolite is a dark yellow mineral with a certain resinous sheen.
  • The noble serpentine is a whitish-green or yellowish-green mineral stone. In the Urals, they call it a flywheel, and a monochromatic noble coil without any inclusions is called an ophite.

Gem application

Data-lazy-type = "image" data-src = "" alt = "(! LANG: serpentine vase" width="300" height="256">!} In the form of decorative cladding, the coil is preferred to use because of such a non-unique, but valuable property in cladding as hardness. For a mineral, it is considered small, which allows it to be used in decoration and in some ornamental jewelry works. Also, with the help of a coil, you can make stone carving in the production of stones.

Most often, the serpentine can be found as inlay in vases, candlesticks, earrings and any souvenirs you can imagine.

The healing properties of the stone

Nowadays, supporters of lithotherapy agree with the opinion of their predecessors and argue that the mineral is able to cleanse the body of all negative influences, remove toxins and toxins. And when storing the medicine in a serpentine box, all the useful properties will increase significantly.

Jpg "alt =" (! LANG: serpentine decoration" width="200" height="171">!} The effect of the mineral on the treatment of headaches, vascular diseases and changes in blood pressure is also noted. Serpentine has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system: it significantly calms and balances the emotionality of a person.

For various colds, you can carry the mineral with you to relieve the symptoms of the disease. It will relieve pain in inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, strengthen the immune system and have a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system. For children, the stone will help improve memory performance and fruitfully develop logic and thinking.

It is believed that the magical healing properties of the coil contribute to the healing of bones in fractures and help to recover from all kinds of injuries. To do this, it is worth wearing rings and bracelets as close to the damage as possible.

The magical features of the coil

In the common people, the serpentine is assigned the value of a very insidious stone. Often he is called a tempter, who may well lead the owner into bad hobbies, distracting him from normal life. Therefore, this mineral should not be acquired by a person with a weak spirit and self-doubt. However, if a person is able to withstand the power of the gem, he will receive absolute power over it, and the stone will help its owner in all endeavors.

The magical properties of the serpentine characterize it as a very strong amulet and amulet. The stone will help the owner achieve unprecedented career growth, increase the desire to move forward towards the goals set, and also increase the physical strength of its owner.

The amulet itself must be treated very carefully and should not be redirected. The mineral has the property of getting used to the owner and regards this as treason, the only exception is inherited. It is believed that he has a powerful energy, and he may well avenge betrayal at a distance.

In order for the mineral not to accumulate negative energy in itself, it is worth rinsing it under running water about once a week. With this approach, the mineral will serve for a long time and only accumulate a positive effect.

Green gem and zodiac signs

Data-lazy-type = "image" data-src = "" alt = "(! LANG: Capricorn" width="80" height="80">.jpg" alt="" width="80" height="80"> Змеевик для знаков Дева и Козерог (особенно для проактивных и интересующихся натур) - минерал поможет открыть новые возможности, добиться неплохих результатов в карьере и спорте. Особенно это касается врачей, предпринимателей, юристов и психологов.!}

Jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Cancer" width="80" height="60">.jpg" alt="Fishes" width="80" height="80"> Раки и Рыбы должны избегать долгого контакта с этим камнем. Змеевик может сломать привычный уклад жизни и внести суматоху. Другим зодиакальным знакам тоже стоит с опаской носить изделия из змеевика.!}

A proud and cold gem does not immediately activate its enchantment and attracts its owner, only true connoisseurs are able to assess its greatness and splendor. If you can fight the powerful energy of the mineral and look into the eyes of possible danger, this mineral will bring you only good and will become a faithful helper throughout your life.

Serpentine is a rock, the name of which comes from the Latin word for "snake". The stone is also called moss, Korean jade, serpentine, antigorite, toligor. Crystals are completely opaque, but have a silky glassy luster. The color is greenish with shades ranging from dark emerald to yellow. The mineral can be recognized by its characteristic pattern, reminiscent of the footprints of a snake left on the sand. The main deposits of gems are located in the USA, Russia, India, New Zealand, and Cuba. Serpentine is also found in Afghanistan, Mongolia and Italy.

The serpentine has been known to people for a long time. It was used both for medicinal purposes and in magical rites and rituals. It was believed that the mineral is capable of enhancing the effect of drugs. Therefore, many medicinal drugs, before giving to the patient, were placed in a mortar from a coil. If this is a herb, then it was ground, the powder was poured, the liquid was poured and insisted in such

The properties of the serpentine stone are aimed at strengthening the immune system. If you wear a ring or a bracelet made of mineral, then bones will heal faster, which is especially effective for fractures. Serpentine earrings can help relieve migraines and severe headaches. Do not forget about the magical power of this mineral. In ancient times, it was believed that ordinary people should not wear a serpentine stone. The photos of the crystal are very beautiful, therefore they attract many, but it is not suitable for everyone.

Previously, serpentine was worn only by healers, sorcerers, shamans and magicians, because only a knowledgeable person can cope with a stone and subjugate it. The serpentine does not always bring happiness, it is insidious and dangerous, therefore it received the name "tempter". He easily lures the owner and makes him plunge into the abyss of entertainment and debauchery. The properties of the serpentine stone can attract adversity and problems to a person, but if the owner of the mineral copes with everything, then he receives full power over the obstinate crystal.

Serpentine completely obeys the brave master and helps him in everything, prompts the solution of the most difficult life problems, shows the right way to get out of difficult situations. It was believed that the coil can also increase physical capabilities. The stone, the price of which is not so high, allows the owner to run, swim, walk faster, work tirelessly for a long time, and lift a lot of weight. Serpentine has an effect not only on physical performance, but also on mental performance. It increases the level of intelligence, develops intuition, allows you to learn something new, learn faster.

The properties of the serpentine stone are ideal for people born under the sign of Virgo. They are naturally inquisitive, and the mineral will only enhance this quality and help them grasp new information on the fly. Patronizes serpentine and Capricorns, it is especially effective in athletic performance. Who cannot wear this stone is Pisces and Cancers, because they risk getting caught up in temptations, getting used to a vicious lifestyle and losing their true path. The rest of the zodiac signs can wear jewelry with a gem, but no more than two days a week, so that he cannot harm them.