Cool watch for the new year. Class hour "We celebrate the New Year!". Currently his name is Santa Claus

"New Year at the Gates".

Teacher: Is the New Year flying from the sky?

Or coming from the forest?

Or from a snowdrift

Is the New Year coming to us?

He probably lived as a snowflake

On some star

Or was hiding like a feather

Frost has a beard.

He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep

Or to a squirrel in a hollow ...

Or an old alarm clock

Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle:

The clock strikes twelve ...

And no one knows where

New Year is coming to us!

Today we have gathered with you to rejoice at the approach of the New Year. We will sing, read poetry, play New Year's games, guess New Year's riddles.

And now the game.

1. Game "Finish the phrase".

There is one game for you:

I'll start poetry now,

I'll start and you finish

In chorus, answer amicably:

It's snowing in the yard

The holiday is coming soon ... (New Year).

The needles glow softly

The coniferous spirit comes ... (from the tree).

The branches rustle weakly

The beads are bright ... (shine).

And toys swing -

Flags, stars ... (crackers).

Threads of motley tinsel

Bells ... (balls).

Fragile fish figures,

Birds, skiers ... (snow maidens).

Whitebeard and red nose

Under the branches Santa ... (Frost).

Well, the tree, just a miracle

How smart, how ... (beautiful).

Here again they lit up on it,

Hundreds of tiny ... (lights).

The doors are wide open, as if in a fairy tale

The round dance rushes in ... (dance).

And over this round dance

Talk, songs, ringing laughter.

Congratulations on ... (New Year).

With new happiness at once ... (all).

2. We read poems to Grandfather Frost.

3. The game "We will go to the right ..."

We'll go right now 1, 2, 3

And then let's go left 1, 2, 3

Then we'll all get together 1, 2, 3

So then we all go our separate ways 1, 2, 3

We then we all sit down 1, 2, 3

And lightly stand up 1, 2, 3

Dance our feet 1, 2, 3

And clap your hands 1, 2, 3

4. Riddles

It grows upside down

It does not grow in summer, but in winter,

It will bake her in the sun -

She will cry and die. (Icicle.)

What kind of master is this

I applied to the glass

And leaves and herbs,

And rose bushes? (Freezing.)

Lives - lies, dies - runs. (Snow.)

Who changes clothes four times a year? (Earth - in spring, summer, autumn, winter.)

Bel, but not sugar, no legs, but walking. (Snow.)

I twist, hum, I don't want to know anyone. (Blizzard.)

Green skirts

Thorny girls.

Do not offend them!

Invite to the holiday. (Fir-trees.)

He is on a Christmas tree-queen

Runs down a thread

Metallic streams

Although not at all liquid. (Christmas tree rain.)

Lily of the valley blooms in May,
Aster blooms in autumn.
And in winter I bloom
I am at the tree every year.
I lay on the shelf for a whole year
Everyone forgot about me.
And now I'm hanging on the tree
Slowly ringing. (Christmas ball.)

5. Game "YES", "NO".

We have one secret

Are we going to reveal it?


The hall is warmed with smiles

So there will be a holiday?


You guessed it without difficulty!

Autumn is coming.


We will celebrate when

Let's say boredom together ...


Santa Claus went to the buffet.

Will we wait for him?


When he comes back,

Shall we scold Grandfather?


Very correct answer!

Does Grandpa love us?


- Forgets sometimes

Grandfather gifts at home?


At school we are always friendly

Let's just say "deuces" ...


And the "fives", it's not a secret,

We always say ...


Mom for a bag of sweets

Shall we say "thank you"? ...


Passing the urn without difficulty

Shall we throw candy wrappers?


- We forget sometimes

"Hello" we say ...


We will be the eldest in response

Tell a lie?


6. The game "If you have fun .."

To the music of a children's song.

7. Play to the music "Freeze!"

Music sounds, everyone dances, when the music stops, everyone should freeze, whoever moves, he comes out.

The old year is coming to an end

Good, kind year.

We will not be sad -

After all, New is coming to us!

May the New Year bring you

With snow - laughter, with frost - cheerfulness.

In deeds - success, and in spirit - firmness!

I wish everyone this year

Cheerfulness and success, joy and laughter!

Holiday "New Year at the Gates"

Topic: “New Year at the Gates. New Year's Poems Competition "

Objectives: to acquaint children with the history of the emergence of the holiday, the New Year tree, customs; develop curiosity, imagination, creativity, expressive reading.

Equipment: music, children's Christmas songs;

presentation - accompaniment to the story about the holiday;

Teacher: Dronova Nadezhda Nikolaevna

MOU "Koloskovskaya secondary school"

1. Organizational moment. Song "Round dance"

Teacher. “Guys, the New Year is coming soon - the most favorite holiday of most children and adults. Everyone is preparing for this day. We were also preparing for the New Year holiday. We decorated the class with garlands, learned how to make snowflakes, made a symbol of the year - good-natured monkeys, drew pictures, made New Year's crafts, learned songs, dances, and learned poems. Tell me, who is the main character of the New Year holidays? Do you know how Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appeared and why they decorate the Christmas tree? This is what we are going to talk about today. And we will definitely give Santa Claus and Snow Maiden a gift. We will run a reading contest with you. And our poems will be about winter, the tree, the Snow Maiden and our beloved grandfather Frost.

Of course, each competition is held with the participation of a fair jury. Welcome to the jury. (Presentation by the jury).

The leader reads a verse:

Quietly, quietly we'll sit next to you,

Lyrics enter our house

In an amazing outfit

Multicolored, painted.

And suddenly the walls will move apart

All the earth is visible around

The waves are splashing like a river of foam

The forest and meadow are lightly dozing,

Steppe paths run in the distance

Melt in a blue haze

These lyrics are in a hurry

And leads us along.

Leading: So, I propose to start ... Kolobok enters:

Kolobok: - Hello! I went to visit you, I heard you have a poetry competition on a winter theme, I also want to participate! I also know a lot of rhymes. For example:

I walked to you, in a hurry,

I met a cat on the street,

I didn't want to play with her,

Didn't even give me anything!

Leading: - Kolobok, don't you know what poetry is? Guys, has Gingerbread man read us a verse now? (No). How is poetry different from prose? (They have rhyme, they are beautifully composed). Who writes poetry?

Kolobok: - I know! The artist writes poetry.

Leading: - Guys, right? (No). And who is this (Poet). Right!

Well, Kolobok, you stay with us, listen to what our contestants have prepared, learn a little, and come to participate next year! Wait, take your time. I didn’t come empty-handed. I brought the youngest a new fairy tale "Kolobok"


I leaf through my volume of poetry

A page flashes past the page.

I look at the guys, I understand one thing,

That it was time for them to fight!

And so guys, now let's check how you are ready for our conversation. You must be very careful.

(1-2, 1-2, 1-2-3).

- New Year is coming ...
- It brings a lot of joy ...
- Santa Claus is a good old man ...
- Wears a fur coat and galoshes….
- He is not friends with the guys ...
- Likes to jump over puddles ...
- Let's skate ...
- And swim in the river in winter ...
- We are countless of winter fun ...
- We will eat snow in winter ...
- The night will pass, the day will come ...
- Helping us mom is too lazy ...
- We will celebrate the New Year ...
- We will not forget the Kolobok, we will not forget ...

Let me remind you, dear contestants, that when you read your poem, be sure to name the author, title, and then start reading. Read loudly, expressively, and most importantly, do not hesitate and do not worry, because your teachers and friends support you!

He will be the first to present his performance to us ...

Poems are read by grade 2 students

Leading: - So, our competition is in full swing, but Kolobok and I noticed that the guys were a little tired. Let's take a little rest and listen.

How did Santa Claus appear in Russia, when they began to celebrate the New Year?

Then listen carefully.

The history of the New Year holiday... Slide.

The tradition of celebrating the beginning of the new year goes back to the distant past... Among the ancient peoples, the celebration of the New Year coincided with the beginning of spring and what year they have in their yard: just a warm summer gave way to a rainy autumn, followed by a snowy winter, and after long cold weather streams rang. Some people counted how many springs they met, others - how many they could survive the harsh winters.

Slide. Later, on the day of the vernal equinox, people arrangedfestive procession, sang songs, danced, rejoiced in the awakening of nature from sleep to life.Several hundred years later, when a new religion came to us from the country of Byzantium, a new faith in God, a new calendar came, in which the new year began on September 1. People were harvesting. Slide.

Slide Peter 1. New changes in the calendar occurred during the reign of the famous Tsar Peter 1, who issued a decree to celebrate the New Year according to European custom - January 1.

Slide. Peter's decree. Peter invited all Muscovites to decorate their homes with pine and spruce branches. This is what was written in the Petrovsky decree: “On large and passable streets, noble people at the houses in front of the gates to make some decorations from pine and juniper branches” ... Everyone was supposed to congratulate relatives and friends. And at 12 o'clock at night, Peter 1 went to Red Square with a torch in his hands and launched fireworks into the sky. So on January 1, 1700, the first real New Year was celebrated, noisy, fun, bright. Slide. Feast in the time of Peter.

Physical education.

It's cold, hands are frozen, we hear sounds in the distance,

This is child's play, so that the kids do not freeze. (arms crossed over shoulders, pat)

And we start the song first together! (movement along the text)

2. Fierce cold prevailed, the wind flew to visit,

It's endless winter here, and now we have a game. (swing your arms over your head - wind)

We all stand up, we begin, we do not miss you with you,

Hands, feet, head, the game begins. (spring, arms, legs, head, 4 claps)

Chorus: Let's jump, jump, jump,

And we kick up, kick up, kick up our legs.

We will clap, clap, clap,

And we will sink with our feet, we will sink, we will sink!

We shake our heads, shake them, shake them

And we start the song first together!

Losing: 1. Heel + cotton, 2. Flashlights up / down (screw in the bulbs)

3.Everyone became warm around, a friend was near,

We continue to play, no patience, wait any longer. (fanning, hot)

We all stand up, we begin, we do not miss you with you,

Hands, feet, head, the game begins. (spring, arms, legs, head, 4 claps)

Chorus: Let's jump, jump, jump, And kick up, kick up, kick up. We will clap, clap, clap in our palms, And we will sink, sink, sink with our feet! We shake our heads, shake, shake, And we begin the song first together!

The competition continues.Poems are read by children of the 3rd grade.

Attention everyone! The gingerbread man offers a little rest. Sing the song "Russian Santa Claus"

Russian Santa Claus "

Goes through the forest through the snowdrifts
With a huge bag behind my back
On unbeaten roads
A wizard with a gray beard.

Everywhere he is a welcome guest.
We meet him with a smile -
This is how it was in Russia.

Russian Santa Claus,
Russian Santa Claus,
Russian Santa Claus,
Father Frost.

He will paint the windows with patterns,
He will light the garlands on the tree
He will make the holiday fabulous
He will sing a merry song.

We all know him from an early age,
Everywhere he is a welcome guest.
We meet him with a smile -
This is how it was in Russia.

I am friendly with the blizzard,
With a cold winter.
Snow are my friends
And the wind is icy.
Wrap yourself up in warmth
And take care of your nose!
Meet at the door -
I brought gifts!

He builds palaces of ice,
He hides in the snow at home,
He loves the vastness of Russia,
And winter is inseparable with him.

We all know him from an early age,
Everywhere he is a welcome guest.
We meet him with a smile -
So it was in Russia. We are friends with a blizzard, With a snowy winter, We are friendly with a blizzard And with an icy hill. Let the snowflakes circle among the stars! Santa Claus came to us, And with him - and the New Year!

4. Santa Claus. Slide.

- Who is the main character of the holiday?

Russian Santa Claus is a very mysterious figure. There is an opinion that among his relatives there is a Slavic spirit of cold - Treskun. In another way, he was called Studenets, Moroz. Slide. The ancient image of Santa Claus.

Many different tales and legends have survived about Frost - the owner of snow fields and forests, who brings cold, snow, blizzards to the ground. He was called differently: Moroz, Morozko, and more often, with respect - Moroz Ivanovich.

In those days, he rarely gave gifts, on the contrary, people who believed in his strength gave gifts to him so that he became kinder. Over time, he grew more kinder, his character changed, he began to bring gifts to children on New Year's Eve.

Slide. Father Frost's residence.

The modern residence of Father Frost is located in the city of Veliky Ustyug. Before the New Year, Santa Claus parses letters that come to him in huge quantities, comes up with original gifts and entertainment for children.

5 . Where did the custom of decorating a Christmas tree come from??

Tell me, how does the New Year celebration begin?

Slide. Christmas tree decorated with fruits.

Previously, people believed that by decorating a Christmas tree, they make evil forces kinder. Nuts, fruits and even vegetables were hung on tree branches. Over time, the evil forces were forgotten.

The tradition of celebrating the New Year with a Christmas tree appeared during the reign of Peter 1. It either faded away or revived again.

Slide. An old tree of the last century.

It is believed that the Germans living in St. Petersburg began decorating the Christmas tree with toys 150 years ago. The Russians liked this custom, and they began to install Christmas trees in their homes. Wax candles burned on the branches, then they were replaced by electric garlands. And shiny balls appeared a little over 100 years ago. Slide. Modern Christmas tree..

The jury sums up the results.

Gingerbread man makes riddles

Winter riddles

1.With a whisk in a bucket hat - Director of the Winter Yard. (Snowman)

2. We drag them up the hill to arrange a race. (Sled)

3. On the vents there are pictures of white cobweb. (Frost patterns)

4. Everyone is afraid of him in winter -

It may hurt to bite.

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,

After all, on the street. (freezing)

5. The man is not easy:

Appears in winter

And disappears in the spring

Because it melts quickly. (snowman)

The wind blew and frost

They brought us snow from the north.

Only since then

On my glass. (pattern)

Apparently the river was frozen

And covered herself with a blanket

And he can hardly open up,

If the sun doesn't help.

But when spring comes

The blanket will be gone. (ice on the river)

Only snowflakes fell

I ran along the path

And they run after me

My entire route is issued.

(footprints in the snow) Don't suck, tomboy,

Ice candy!

I swallow pills myself

Because I ate. (icicles)

Under my feet

Wooden friends.

I fly at them with an arrow,

But not in summer, but in winter. (skis) He flies from the sky in winter,

Don't go barefoot now

Every person knows

Always cold (snow)


Kolobok: - What are you attentive! They said everything right! Now let's get on with it! (the following participants are invited)

Leading: - That's all those who took part in our reading competition! The guys prepared poems interesting, unusual! And now it's time for our jury to work hard and say who won today. (word of the jury). Those of you who did not become the winner, do not be discouraged, we have prepared little surprises for all participants, and those who won our competition will present their poems to Santa Claus at the New Year's party. (the presenter and the Snowman give the children prizes for their participation.)

Kolobok: - Oh, guys, I liked it so much! You know so much! I will probably go to you every day and teach you something

Russian folk tale "Kolobok"

After Kolobok ran away from his grandfather and grandmother, he decided to find new friends. He had already made friends with the cheerful hare Slanting eye, with the gray wolf Koryusha and the sweet tooth Toptyshkin. The gingerbread man rolled along the path and loudly sang his favorite song:

I'm Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

But I found friends.

Oh, friends, my friends!

You can't eat me now

After all, you can't have friends

Even though you are a terrible villain.

At this time, Lisa was in a hurry to the holiday. A concert of amateur performances is to take place in a birch grove. It was then that she met a mischievous blue-eyed Kolobok, thinking that the prey itself had come into her hands. She asked him to sing this song again. The gingerbread man stood on a tree stump and began to sing even louder. Lisa liked this song so much that she, forgetting about everything, grabbed Kolobok by the hand and started dancing with him. The hare, wolf and bear, having heard the perky song, also rushed to the clearing. The slanting eye played the accordion, and Koryusha hit the bass. And they all sang loudly together.

Stand up, beasts, stand in a circle

Stand in a circle!

You are my friend and I am your friend

The most faithful friend.

And Kosolapy Toptyzhkin did not know how to sing, as in childhood they stepped on his ear, and he stepped aside. Enjoying the singing of his friends, rejoicing for them, he thought, “If you don't have a friend, look for it, but if you find it, take care of it.

  • (from Germany)
  • (Father Frost)

Frost, Frost Red nose.

Santa Claus is very many years old. At first it was a spirit of coldness. People did not expect gifts from him, but gave them to him themselves in order to appease Frost, so that his spirit would not get angry, not send a fierce cold. Then Grandfather became his prototype, whom the ancient Slavs considered the common ancestor of all families and the protector of descendants. In winter and spring, Grandfather was honored and offered refreshments. It became a symbol of the New Year holidays about 100-150 years ago.

The Snow Maiden is always young, unusually beautiful, a little sad ... But at the same time she is the cutest character on the New Year holidays.

  • Where does our Santa Claus live?

Father Frost's homeland - Veliky Ustyug - the oldest city in the north-east of the Vologda region. In a pine forest, fifteen kilometers from the city, the patrimony of Santa Claus. A Santa Claus shop, a post office and a museum have been opened in his village.

V America, Canada, Netherlands Santa Claus

In France brings gifts to children Peer Noel.

Have Finnish

His name is Iolupukki Norway Julebukk.

V Holland

V Italy Babbo Natale

Everything Santa claus
The British and Irish find gifts in the sock.

There are Mexicans in the boot.
In Sweden, Santa Claus puts gifts on the stove

And Spain on the balcony.

  • interesting customs... Each country has its own.

So, in England

V Japan

Even at Japanese there is a wonderful custom - to laugh at the time of the New Year.

V Romania

In Hungary

V Of Italy

V Spain

V Burma

V Guinea

it is customary to lead an elephant - for good luck.

Our school has a symbol of the New Year - a Christmas tree. It is decorated with toys - wishes to each other, which will become a symbol of happiness, good luck and prosperity for the whole year.

9.The bottom line

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"Class hour" We meet the New Year! " "

Class hour

"We are celebrating the New Year"

Theme:"We are celebrating the New Year."

Target: Acquaintance with the history, customs and traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries.

Develop creativity, thinking, speech, cognitive interest.

Education of ethical standards, respect for the traditions and customs of other countries.

Course of the lesson

1.Org. moment

Coming soon on the calendar January 1st. On this day, as you know, the New Year begins. New Year is the most favorite holiday. On this day, we all want to believe in a fairy tale. Even before the arrival of the New Year, New Year's markets open everywhere, lights on Christmas trees are lit, streets are decorated with illuminations. In every house, children and adults are preparing for his arrival. At midnight on December 31st, with the last strike of the clock, the New Year begins.

New Year, like a magician, helps to create miracles. There is some kind of fairy tale in this holiday and therefore it is the brightest, most beloved.

2. Setting a goal

Today we will find out: where this wonderful holiday came to us and how it is celebrated in our country and in other countries.

3. Conversation about the celebration of the New Year.

At all times, the coming of the new year was considered a holiday for all peoples. People were preparing for it.

New Year was celebrated in Ancient Russia in spring, in March, when nature woke up from hibernation. From the 15th century, the holiday began to be celebrated on September 1, after the harvest.

In the old days in Russia, on New Year's Eve, mummers - children and adults, dressed in masks and animal skins - went home. They sang, danced, sprinkled grain on the floor, wishing the owners a rich harvest, good health, glorifying the generosity of the owners.

And only 300 years ago everything changed.

In 1700, Tsar Peter 1 postponed the celebration of the new year to January 1. He issued a decree ordering the New Year to be celebrated on the night of January 1. He traveled with the singers to the boyars' houses and congratulated them. At this time, fires were kindled in the streets so that there was a lot of light and warmth. On this day, everyone congratulated each other, decorated houses with pine, juniper and spruce branches, arranged fireworks, lit fires and candles. So, with the light hand of Peter 1, the New Year became a winter holiday.

And since then it has been customary to put a decorated Christmas tree in every house.

    Where did the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with New Year's toys come from? (from Germany)

For the first time, the Christmas tree began to decorate in Germany in the Middle Ages. The first decorations were apples, nuts and various sweets. Later, the tree began to be decorated with shiny toys, lamps, candles, and a star was hung at the very top. She is a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem, which indicated the place of birth of Jesus.

    Who is the main character of the New Year? Who is this holiday not without? (Father Frost)

This is a favorite character who does good, makes people happy.

In any country, children and adults are looking forward to Santa Claus.

And what was Santa Claus called in the old days?

In the old days it was called differently: Ded Treskun, Moroz Yolkich, Studenets,Frost, Frost Red nose.

Currently, his name is Santa Claus.

Santa Claus is very many years old. At first it was a spirit of coldness. People did not expect gifts from him, but gave them to him themselves in order to appease Frost, so that his spirit would not get angry, not send a fierce cold. Then Grandfather became his prototype, whom the ancient Slavs considered the common ancestor of all families and the protector of descendants. In winter and spring, Grandfather was honored and offered refreshments. It became a symbol of the New Year holidays about 100-150 years ago.

The Snow Maiden is the granddaughter of Santa Claus. The image of the Snow Maiden is a symbol of frozen waters. This is a girl dressed only in white clothes. Her headdress is a crown embroidered with silver and pearls.

The Snow Maiden is always young, unusually beautiful, a little sad ... But at the same time she is the cutest character on the New Year holidays.

    Where does our Santa Claus live?

Father Frost's homeland - Veliky Ustyug - the oldest city in the north-east of the Vologda region. In a pine forest, fifteen kilometers from the city, the patrimony of Santa Claus. A Santa Claus shop, a post office and a museum have been opened in his village.

The address where you can write a letter to Santa Claus: 162340 Russia, Vologda region.,

Veliky Ustyug, to Santa Claus.

Today we will write a letter to Santa Claus.

    Are there such winter wizards in other countries?

Santa Claus is called differently in each country.

V America, Canada, Netherlands, and in some other countries it is known as Santa Claus... He is very similar to our Santa Claus, only instead of a fur coat he wears a red jacket and cap.

Sita-Klaus lives at the very North Pole. He arrives to visit the guys on a magic sleigh in a reindeer team. The most important deer is called Rudolph. He has a bright red nose that helps Santa Claus find his way in the dark.

In France brings gifts to children Peer Noel. He enters the house through the chimney, and children who do not want to be left without gifts put their shoes in front of the fireplace or stove. Peer Noel is afraid of the cold and is always dressed in white.

Have Finnish Santa Claus has long hair and wears a red hat that looks like a long cap and a jacket. He always comes with the gnomes.

Gifts to children in Finland are delivered not by Santa Claus himself, but by ... a goat!

His name is Iolupukki... He only gives gifts to children who are well-behaved. The goat writes all the pranks of children in his magic book. V NorwayYulebukk. In addition to him, the Christmas goat is very revered in this country, which helps him distribute gifts.

V Holland Santa Claus arrives by ship. He brings toys, fruits and candy flowers to children.

V Of ItalyBabbo Natale leaves his sleigh on the roof and enters the house through the chimney, where some milk and sweets are left for him.

Everything Santa claus bring gifts, but everyone does it differently.
The British and Irish find gifts in the sock.

There are Mexicans in the boot.
In Sweden, Santa Claus puts gifts on the stove

And in Germany he leaves it on the windowsill.

And Spain on the balcony.

    And where does our Santa Claus put gifts?

    They are very much associated with the celebration of the new year. interesting customs... Each country has its own.

So, in England according to the old custom, when the clock starts striking 12, they open the back doors of the house to let out the old year, and with the last blow they open the front doors to let in the new year.

They send Christmas cards to everyone they know, friends, and family.

V Japan in the morning, all residents of cities and villages go out into the street to meet the sunrise.

With the first rays of the rising sun, they congratulate each other

Happy New Year and exchanging gifts.
Even at Japanese there is a wonderful custom - to laugh at the time of the New Year.

V Romania On New Year's Eve, it is customary to bake various "souvenirs" in pies: small coins, rings, hot peppers, etc. If you come across a ring or a coin, then the coming year promises happiness, and if pepper, then ... do not blame me.

In Hungary in the first second of the New Year, they prefer to whistle to children's pipes, horns, and whistles. It is believed that it is they who drive away evil spirits from the dwelling and invoke joy and well-being.

V Of Italy it is customary to throw out broken dishes, old clothes and even furniture from apartments at the very last minute of the old year. Crackers, confetti, sparklers fly after them. It is believed that if you throw out an old thing on New Year's Eve, then in the coming year you will buy a new one. And all the children are waiting for the sorceress Befana, who arrives at night on a broomstick and enters the house through the chimney. She fills children's shoes specially hung from the fireplace with gifts.

V Spain there is a tradition, there are grapes on New Year's Eve. Before the clock strikes, you need to have time to eat 12 grapes, one for each of the twelve coming months.

V Burma(the hottest country) on this day it is customary to pour water on everyone

each country has its own traditions.

V Guinea on the first New Year's Eve through the city streets

it is customary to lead an elephant - for good luck.

In all countries, the New Year is celebrated in different ways, but everywhere this holiday has common features: the hope for happiness, prosperity and a better future.

3. What traditions of celebrating the New Year exist?

Our school has a symbol of the New Year - a Christmas tree. It is decorated with toys - wishes to each other, which will become a symbol of happiness, good luck and prosperity for the whole year.

9.The bottom line

May the coming year be the best for you and all your dreams come true!

Happy New Year 2015 to you!

Class hour "New Year at the gate !!!"

Target: to tell about how the New Year holiday appeared in our country, to acquaint with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries; to form an atmosphere of mutual understanding in the classroom team, to develop the ability to work in a team; develop a culture of behavior in society.

Event progress

Now the silver winter has come, slide 1,2
White snow covered the clean field.
Happy ice skating with children slide 3.4
Everything rolls around;
At night in the snowy lights
Crumbles ...
Writes a pattern in the windows slide 5.6
Ice needle
And knocks on our yard
With a fresh herringbone.

That's right, about the New Year's holiday, which people begin to celebrate on the night of December 31 to January 1. Why do you think the first month of the New Year is called January?

The month of January received this name thanks to the god Janus (two-faced), one face is turned to the outgoing year, and the other to the coming year. slide 7

And what is the symbol of the New Year? (Christmas tree) slide 8

The custom of decorating a Christmas tree appeared, apparently, in the Middle Ages in Germany. From there he came to Scandinavia, France, Russia and to those countries where spruce does not grow, where they are brought from the northern regions. At first in Russia, Christmas trees were decorated with paper flowers, in the 18th century. used silver-plated and gilded potatoes, and in the 19th century. - candles and shiny glass toys.

Slide 9 In Russia, people celebrate the New Year holiday thanks to Peter I. On December 31, around midnight, Peter I himself opened the holiday: he set fire to a rocket with a torch, signaling the approval of a new custom. Slide 10 The bells rang out, the cannons began to fire, the music struck. The gates of the houses were decorated with branches of pines, firs, and junipers. Everyone was told to put on their best new clothes, congratulate each other on the holiday, and go out all week. This is how the January New Year was celebrated in Russia for the first time with a Christmas tree.

People congratulated each other on the holiday, gave gifts. And at the end of the XIX century. there was a tradition of writing and sending congratulations on postcards (now they are called postcards). Postcards appeared in Russia on January 1, 1872. Views of Moscow can be considered the first postcards in Russia. Many stories for them were taken from the Bible, then New Year's cards became very diverse in content, with witty and good wishes. Slide 11 -14

Guys, what kind of heroes is there never a New Year? (Ded Moroz and Snegurochka) slide 15.16

That's right, in different countries Santa Claus is called differently and the New Year is also celebrated in its own way. Let's see.

(disc (Lessons of Aunt Owl. New Year's Adventures)

And how is the New Year celebrated in hot countries, in the exotic East, in Europe?

On new year's eve in Japanese temples the bells beat off 108 times. It is believed that a person can have six vices: greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecision and greed. As the bell strikes, vices are purified. With the final blow, it is supposed to go outside and meet the New Year with the first rays of the sun. People pouring out into the street begin to congratulate each other and exchange gifts. All day the streets are crowded with people, laughter and funny songs are heard, and only with the onset of dusk do people disperse. It is customary to spend the evening with your family.

In Vietnam New the year is met at night, with the onset of dusk. The Vietnamese light bonfires in parks, gardens or simply on the streets, at which several families gather; special rice delicacies are cooked on charcoal. On this night, all quarrels are forgotten, offenses are forgiven. New Year is a celebration of friendship.

V modern China New the year is a holiday of lanterns. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the lunar New Year. The New Year itself begins in January-February, so it is associated with the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Lanterns are given various shapes: animals, vegetables, fruits. Red, green, yellow, blue, orange lights of such lanterns color the houses and streets filled with a cheerful noisy crowd. The traditional number of the festive program is the "dragon dance", which is most often performed by men. They carry a writhing body made of paper or silk on long poles. From the inside, it is lit by many lamps and candles. The dragon has a huge head, fire-breathing mouth, sparkling eyes. In the evening hours, he seems alive ...

Cubans before New Year's glasses are filled with water, and when the clock strikes midnight, they throw it out through the open window onto the street as a sign that the Old Year is happily over, and they wish the New Year to be just as happy.

V Of Italy the custom has been preserved: on New Year's Eve to throw out old furniture and unnecessary things from the windows.

In villages on south of France the hostess, who is the very first to take water from the spring in the New Year, leaves a pie and a bun from the festive table next to it. The one who comes after her will take the pie and leave hers. So until the evening, the hostesses treat each other.

V Germany, as soon as the clock starts striking midnight, people of all ages climb onto chairs, tables, armchairs and with the last blow together, with joyful greetings, "jump" into the New Year.

V Moldova in the first day of the New Year at home and at a party (they must scatter grain so that the year is abundant and fruitful, and the house is full).

Different countries have different customs, but they are united by the fact that the New Year is celebrated as a good holiday, a holiday of peace and joy.

December, December slide 17
All trees are in silver.
Our river, as if in a fairy tale,
Paved frost overnight
Updated skates, sleds,
He brought a Christmas tree from the forest.
(S. Marshak)

    Winter sings - hunts, slide 18
    Shaggy forest lulls
    Stozvon pine forest.
    Around with deep longing
    Are sailing to a distant land
    Grizzly clouds.
    (S. Yesenin)

Guys, the New Year is like a fairy tale, like magic. Santa Claus and Snegurochka sent us different tasks. Let's find out what's here. (questions, riddles in the envelope.)

    What fairy tales do you know related to winter? (Snow Maiden, Morozko, Fox-sister and a wolf, By the pike's command).

    What songs do you know related to winter?

    It grows upside down
    It does not grow in summer, but in winter,
    It will bake her in the sun -
    She will cry and die. (Icicle.)

    What kind of master is this
    I applied to the glass
    And leaves and herbs,
    And rose bushes? (Freezing.)

    A long and narrow curling ribbon of colored paper that is thrown at the dancers at New Year's balls and masquerades. (Serpentine.)

    New Year's holidays are not complete without deafening explosions of firecrackers and rockets. In ancient times in China, the trunks of a hollow (empty) plant, which burst with a loud crack when burning, served as firecrackers. Name this plant. (Bamboo.)

    Lives - lies, dies - runs. (Snow.)

    Who changes clothes four times a year? (Earth - in spring, summer, autumn, winter.)

    Bel, but not sugar, no legs, but walking. (Snow.)

    I twist, hum, I don't want to know anyone. (Blizzard.)

What proverbs and sayings about winter do you know?

    The frost is not great, but does not order to stand.

    Snow will inflate - bread will arrive.

    Winter without snow - summer without bread.

    There is no union in winter and summer.

    Winter is not summer - she is wearing a fur coat.

    The summer is always red at the stove.

Guys, we are also preparing for the New Year. How do we prepare? They made crafts, drew pictures. That's right, you all tried and made very interesting and good crafts at home with your parents. We had a “Father Frost's Workshop”. We celebrated the best works and now the winners will be awarded. (Awarding of the winners in applied arts)

The class teacher thanks the participants, wishes everyone a Happy New Year and wishes the children an interesting and useful New Year's holidays. New Year's song from the m / f "Masha and the Bear" (children sing karaoke) slide 19