Komondor is a dog with an unusual coat. Breeds of dogs with dreadlocks: photos and names of the most shaggy breeds

They say commanders - one of the oldest breeds dogs. Ancestors of the current Hungarian Shepherds reliably protect sheep and goats from dangerous predators: wolves, bears - and even from the hands of insatiable thieves.

Often the shepherds left the commanders alone with the herd. That's why, where to lead your wards, smart dog decides. That is why commanders are such courageous, independent and strong-willed dogs.

Also Hungarian Shepherds masters of disguise. Thanks to their unique wool, they easily "dissolve" among the flock. Try to find them in a herd of white, shaggy sheep!

Strong "cords" of the commander protect the animal from bites and wounds. Rain and wind are not afraid of the dog, as well as low temperatures - the wool cover retains the internal warmth of the commander well and does not let the cold through.

It's interesting that in the service, the commander always stays with his herd, preventing the predator from chasing him.

Most people have never seen a Hungarian Shepherd in their lives. And all because in the whole world there are only about 10 thousand. Most of all dogs with dreadlocks live today... where would you think? Of course, in Hungary.

A family, in which the commanders live, becomes for them a herd, which they sincerely love and true protect.

Dogs of this breed need careful care. In a small puppy, the coat is fluffy and curls in curls. However, after 8-10 months, it begins to tangle and forms a kind of dreadlocks. Therefore, periodically the wool has to be cut and untangled into thinner curls.

The proud name of the Hungarian Shepherd Dog or Komondor is an incredibly beautiful breed of dog with original fur. In appearance, this is an unusual dog with dreadlocks. Such magnificent dogs are classified as shepherd dogs, however, they are practically nothing like their relatives. But it’s not even about the appearance, but also about the character of the animal. You will learn everything about this breed later in the article.

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Breed overview


This type of dog is considered to be one of the oldest herding dogs in Hungary. The ancestors of this powerful breed were brought from the Carpathians in the 9th century. By the way, this fact actually testifies to the fact that the Tibetan dog and Komondor are the closest relatives. The Hungarian Sheepdog helped its owners, who were nomadic shepherds, to protect large steels from attacks by large predators.

People in Hungary have a beautiful legend about the Komondor, according to which a wolf fell in love with a defenseless sheep, and as a result of their mutual love, the first Komondor was born.

The Hungarian Shepherd did not stand on ceremony with wolves and fought without fear. Also, this breed is considered an ideal watchman, the Hungarian Shepherd will guard your house to the last. It is noteworthy that during the defense of the herds, these dogs were greatly helped by their wool, so they merged with the lambs.


The Hungarian Shepherd Dog is a large dog with a powerful skeleton and excellently developed muscles. This is a very slender and elegant look that causes amazement and delight. The unusual coat of an animal is the first thing that can catch your eye. Because of the original "hairstyle" the dog's head looks more like a ball of wool.

The dog has a proportional wide skull. The superciliary arch of the pet is developed, you can observe the transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The nose of the Komondor is brown or black, in cases where the nose is flesh-colored, the participation of the dog in exhibitions is not allowed. The pet's jaw is also very well developed. The Komondor has beautiful almond-shaped eyes that are not deep set. The eyes of dogs of this species can only be dark, blue are not allowed.

At the withers, the growth of a boy can reach seventy-seven centimeters, girls - sixty-eight. Dogs weigh in the range of fifty to sixty kilograms. The breed is peculiar for its wool, the length of which can be twenty-four centimeters. The most valued dog with a dense and thin skin. Komondor acquires dreadlocks on wool at the age of two years.

Learn more about this breed by watching the following video.


These unusual pets live on average from ten to twelve years, depending on the degree of care the owner takes for his beauty.


The Hungarian Shepherd Dog has a peaceful and calm character. He just loves little kids, loves to be played with and stroked. The pet is easy to train, quick-witted. All commands of the owner are carried out quickly and implicitly.

However, since the dog has a fairly well-developed intellect, in a certain situation a decision can be made independently.

The ancient instinct for protection, which has been laid down in this charming animal for many years, has been preserved to this day. So, for example, Komondor can easily gather all the walkers in a heap and start to “graze” them, in fact, which is what his ancestors did. Such a dog will follow the owner anywhere.

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As for the care of this animal, it is rather complicated, since its unusual coat requires attention and care from the owner.

Cute dog dreadlocks should not be combed in any case, as they can lose their shape. It is allowed to sort out the formed strand so that it does not fall into one tangle.

These human friends are washed when the wool is sufficiently polluted, while taking into account how long the “decoration” of the pet dries.

The shepherd dog eats little despite its size. Regardless of this, the owner must make sure that his ward has a balanced diet, since the pet moves a lot and often.

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Video "Komondor sports"

We bring to your attention a cute video in which a child and Komondor are shown.

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Amazing creature!

Not a sheep, not a dog. Eyes tightly, like curtains, hung with wool. Because of this, it is impossible to understand what this miracle of nature is up to - to attack, retreat, or simply ignore you. Only the owner of the komondor can read the thoughts of his pet, and it is not a fact that he will read it correctly.

Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the thoughts of the komondor are always crystal clear, honest and straightforward. In a nutshell, this dog has one goal: "To serve and protect."

How to get lost in the sheep flock

If you believe the Hungarian legends, namely Hungary is officially considered the birthplace of these amazing dogs, then the Komondors occurred as a result of unnatural mating games between sheep and wolves. Of course, it's hard to imagine a wolf that, instead of just cutting a sheep's throat, begins, sorry, to take care of it or whatever happens to them in such cases.

And if there was at least a word of truth in these legends, then the consequences could be the most terrible. Just imagine a sheep commanding a pack of wolves, or a wolf, due to heredity, who knows the habits of sheep perfectly and, of course, shamelessly uses this for his own selfish purposes.

But we sincerely believe that there was "nothing" between the wolf and the sheep. And no matter where the Komondor came from, this dog turned out to be simply amazing: brave, strong, independent, well aware of his wards. A dog that, due to its appearance, can easily get lost in a flock of sheep, if, for example, you need to confuse, deceive or punish the same greedy wolf.

By the way, legends are legends, but experts officially state that the origin of this dog could not have done without wolf genes. One of the most important working qualities of the Komondor is that they can shift all responsibility for the protection of the flock for a long time, and these dogs will fully justify the trust placed in them.

The king of all dogs

But let's start in order. When the komondors appeared, no one knows. Various sources claim that the breed is about a thousand years old, but if documentary confirmation is required from these sources, then they, the sources, bashfully fall silent.

The first descriptions of komondors are found in chronicles of the middle of the 16th century. Then these dogs are mentioned by medieval authors more and more often, and in the most flattering terms. Such as: “Komondor is the king among the shepherds”, “Komondor is the leader and king among dogs”, “Only the Komondor can be trusted with your life” and so on. This shows that the Komondors made, and rightly so, an indelible impression on everyone who met them at least once and remained alive at the same time.

At the beginning of the 20th century, komondors received official status in international cynological organizations. In the USSR, they appeared immediately after the Great Patriotic War.


The Komondor is a large Hungarian Shepherd Dog covered with long, wavy white hair that even covers its eyes. Thick wool makes them visually even more. Komondors have considerable strength, not without reason they were used to fight wolves.

Height at withers: males 70-80 cm, females 65 cm;

The weight: males 50-60 kg, females 40-50 kg.

Color: white. Wool grows throughout life, reaching a length of 70 cm or more. The skin is gray, sometimes pink. Albinos are disqualified.

The history of the breed

The predecessors of the Komondor were brought to Hungary from the territory near the Black Sea by the ancestors of the Hungarians, the Magyars. Dogs were used for the protection of flocks of sheep from predatory animals.

The Hungarians used dogs exclusively for practical purposes and did not specifically breed the breed. However, the purity of the Komondor line is not in doubt, since crossbreeding with other dogs is not a tradition of Hungarian dog culture.

Character and temperament

Dogs of this breed very smart, which brings not only the joy of easy training, but also surprises, because animals know very well how to outwit their owners.

Komondors are excellent watchdogs. They are balanced and patient, and if you find a common language with them, they are also obedient. Wonderful get along with children who love to climb into their thick fur coat. Wary of strangers. However, with frequent guests, the families are on good terms.

Dogs represent a danger to the enemy by their physical superiority. Attacking, Hungarian Shepherd Dogs can break the opponent's spine. Even with blows of the muzzle, they can cripple the enemy. Of course, shepherd dogs will only use force in an emergency, as mentioned above, they are usually very friendly.

extremely smart. Therefore, communication with them must be built as if you were trying to teach something to a very small but smart child. Training must be diversified, otherwise the dog will start to get bored and lazy. Bitches are easier to train than males.

These dogs do not tolerate rough attitude towards themselves, they respond to it with aggression. But they respond to positive reinforcement with devotion and willingly fulfill any requirements of the owners.

Required for Hungarian Shepherds long walks during which they can run well and warm up. It is better to start Komondor in country houses with their own plot, where they constantly have the opportunity to be on the street, hiding from the weather in a booth made for them.


Komondors consume little food (1-1.5 kg of food per day for an adult). They are not picky about food. Adult dogs are fed 2 times a day, teenagers (from 6 months to a year) - 3 times, small puppies - 4 to 5 times a day. Can be used .

If you prefer natural food, try cooking porridge for your pet (oatmeal in water without salt and sugar is very useful) with the addition of lean meat (beef, veal) and meat broth. The diet should include vegetables and fruits that will appeal to the pet. Sweets (although they love them very much), salty foods should be avoided.

Natural bones should not be given too often: sharp edges can damage the delicate lining of the dog's stomach and intestines. The best solution is a special bone bought at a pet store.

Komondor hair care

The thick coat of the Hungarian Shepherd Dogs forms the so-called cords - strips of outer hair and soft undercoat. Sometimes it is necessary to separate the wool with your hands (it is not possible to use a comb). For teenage dogs, the procedure may be performed more frequently than for adults.

The problem associated with the presence of such a chic "fur coat" is that in spring and summer dogs can easily, so they need regular inspection after each walk, and it is also advisable to purchase special anti-tick collars for them.

Komondor molting happens Twice a year. They shed a little wool and do not cause much trouble in this regard.

After bathing, wet hair is almost has no smell, which is another "plus" in favor of these animals. However, it will take a long time to dry, perhaps several days, so you should once again not walk with your pet in heavy rain and do water procedures on warm summer days, when the likelihood of catching a cold is reduced.

It should be noted that most often Hungarian Shepherds look like they need more thorough care. But this is completely normal, and a slightly tangled coat should look like this.

Health and longevity

Komondor often suffer from hip joint deformities. This violation can cause severe suffering to the pet, since in severe form it significantly limits its mobility. With a disease as a result of an improper structure of the joint, its internal friction increases, which leads to the destruction of the articular tissue.

The cause of the development of the disease is a genetic predisposition and incorrectly calculated physical activity. Puppies should not be overexposed, and for adult dogs, physical inactivity, which leads to muscle atrophy and the development of a defect, should be avoided.

Dysplasia can be detected at a young age. External signs are: lameness, gait changes, low mobility. An x-ray of the extremities is required to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment is carried out with drugs that slow down the degradation of the articular tissue, or surgically, up to joint replacement.

Another common disease is entropy A disorder in which the eyelashes rub against the cornea of ​​the eye, resulting in inflammation. Due to genetics, dogs with an identified defect are not allowed to breed. Treatment is performed surgically.
The average lifespan of a Komondor is 10-12 years old.

How much and where can you buy

You can buy Komondor dogs in special kennels or from the manufacturer.

The price for Hungarian Shepherd Dogs starts from $1000 . The cost of a puppy depends on the compliance of its parents with the standards of the International Cynological Federation (FCI). For komondors produced from winners of international exhibitions, the price can reach $2000 .

Photo of the breed

A selection of photographs of Hungarian Shepherd Dogs or Komondors.


It can disguise itself as a mop, it is difficult to notice it on a fleecy carpet - all this is a dog with dreadlocks, a representative of one of the breeds called puli, komondor or bergamasco.

The biggest dog with dreadlocks. In the photo - this is a powerful shaggy giant, whose hair hangs down to the ground in twisted cords, covering his ears and eyes. The Komondor is a type of Hungarian Shepherd Dog. Its purpose is to help in grazing sheep. Looking at a photo of a dog with dreadlocks among a flock, you will not immediately find a four-legged shepherd in the picture. Dreadlocks are not the result of selection, this is a natural feature of the breed. Wool begins to curl in puppyhood, and the first pigtails appear at 6-8 months. It is unlikely that the ancient shepherds carefully combed their assistants, but they had to cut them along with the sheep. If this is not done, then the cords become tangled and the animal loses its beauty. Unusual wool was given to the Komondor not by chance: such a fur coat perfectly retains heat, so it tolerates cold and temperature changes well, which is very important when serving on pastures in the highlands. Wool covers even the eyes, protecting them from the sun.

Character features

The dog is completely independent. She will guard the object entrusted to her even in the absence of a person. This shepherd will not leave his post for a minute, even the males will not follow the bitch if they are in the service. But such solidity in the Komondor is developed over the years. This breed is also called the "eternal puppy", because up to the age of three, the dog is ready to frolic like a baby.

Magnificent security qualities - for this they love the mop dog. If the owner is in danger, she will attack the offender sharply and decisively. Dog breeders note the high level of intelligence of this breed. The Komondor is capable of making decisions on its own without human assistance. This affects training: the sooner socialization begins, the more adequate the animal will be in communicating with people. The Komondor perceives the family as an object entrusted to him for protection. He is extremely friendly with the owners, loves children, but with strangers he is always wary and can be aggressive.


Unlike the Komondor, the bullet has a more modest size. The height at the withers of a dog of this breed is 36-45 cm. Puli is also considered a Hungarian Shepherd Dog, although China is its homeland. Assistance in grazing was the main task of the dog, however, over time, it began to be used more as a companion or as a gun breed. The second name of the bullet is a floating dog. She got it for helping hunters pull game out of the water. But for its habits, the bullet could also be called flying: it perfectly jumps over the backs of sheep and overcomes a long distance in a jump.

Character features

Like the Komondor, Puli is extremely independent. She herself copes with a large herd: she understands where to overtake the animals, regulates the pace of movement of the flock, and quickly gathers living creatures around her. At the same time, human society is important for a bullet: it quickly becomes attached to the owner and perceives him as an unconditional leader. The owner can be only one, while the rest of the family members are “their own”, the dog shows respect for them, but not love. Whoever is among the strangers should be careful with this breed: first you need to earn the respect of the owners, and then the dog will accept the guest. The bullet has an ambivalent attitude towards children: it can tolerate pranks, but it cannot stand open mockery. Puli loves a kind attitude towards himself, and if you offend her, then the dog will close in on himself.

Another shepherd dog with dreadlocks, but already from Italy. It got its name from the name of the province of Bergamo. For several hundred years she has been helping shepherds in the Alpine plains. This breed can live in the most difficult conditions, it does not freeze, it tolerates food deprivation well. The only thing that bergamasco does not tolerate is the limitation in space. This dog needs space and the ability to actively run.

Character features

Very obedient and easy to train. Her character, like all herding breeds, is independent, but at the same time, a leader is important for Bergamasco. For the owner, she will become a real partner, partner and will never be the center of attention. This breed needs early socialization. Bergamasco accurately captures the thoughts of a person, so her family relationships with everyone develop individually. He loves children very much and prefers them to adults, because kids can be fun to play with. This breed is loyal to strangers, but until it feels threatened by a person. Then the Bergamasco will decisively defend its territory and its family.