Compliments to a beautiful lady. Compliment to a beautiful woman

Incredible facts

Anyone can tell a girl: "You are beautiful."

Let's be honest - thiscompliment became commonplace and uninteresting. It is unlikely that an attractive girl does not know about her physical merits.

Therefore, it is logical that she wants to hear something unusual, unbeatable and completely non-trivial.

So, what is it pleasant to hear from the fair sex from their beloved?

Beautiful compliments to a woman

1. You are strong

Every smart woman needs a guy who will not immediately notice her strength, because she is not in her physical aspect, but emotionally and mentally.

She wants a partner who will appreciate her strong side, will respect her for this and will not feel fear that his partner is not a weak, insecure girl, but a true woman.

2. You are smart

When a man notices a woman's mind, and not just the obvious, her beauty, it elevates him in the eyes of a woman.

After all, the fact that he looks at the girl's mind characterizes him as a deep, intelligent and not superficial person.

It also means that the guy is really interested in her, rather than looking for an overnight adventure.

After all, beauty is a passing phenomenon, and if a woman is smart, it will be interesting with her even after 20 years.

Beautiful compliments to your beloved

3. You are funny and interesting

Most women appreciate this compliment.

After all, if she makes a guy laugh, it means that both are on the same wavelength. Having a healthy sense of humor is one of the sexiest qualities and is absolutely essential in a serious relationship.

Unusual compliments

4. You are real

In a world full of falsehood and something artificial, it is so nice to find naturalness and naturalness in a woman.

Each girl is pleased to hear that she is unique and stands out from the crowd. And when a guy notices it, it's especially nice.

5. You captivate

Such a compliment sounds better than simply saying, "You are beautiful" or "You are sexy." Any member of the fair sex will appreciate it.

It is much more pleasant for a woman to hear a less banal phrase than a statement of the fact of her beauty.

Non-trivial compliments

6. You inspired me to do something

Any girl is pleased to know that she inspires a young man to do something great.

Therefore, there is no better compliment than to tell her that she inspires, that thanks to her, he becomes better and achieves success.

Even if her contribution to his success was not so significant physically or financially, her support and words of encouragement make the guy feel motivated and realize his dream.

Therefore, it is worth telling the girl about it.

The best compliments of a girl

7. You have an incomparable (here it is worth inserting the part of her body that excites you the most)

Of course, it's always nice to remind a girl that she is beautiful.

But if she just said, "You are beautiful," it may seem too corny to her. However, if you mark the part of the body that you especially like, she will certainly appreciate such a compliment.

Tell her that she has insanely soft hair, or an amazingly thin wrist, or an unusual lip shape that drives you crazy.

The best compliments

8. Next to you, I can be myself

Perhaps this is one of the best compliments for any girl. Everyone wants to hear something like that.

After all, this means that he feels comfortable with her. He can entrust her with the most intimate thoughts and deepest feelings.

Such a compliment is a sign of closeness and trust.

Lovely compliments

9. You are important to me

A guy who tells a girl that she is important to him is probably really in love.

Being significant to someone is much more important than just being beautiful.

This means that the girl brings something very important to the young man's life, and he undoubtedly appreciates this.

Best compliments for a girl

10. I respect you

If a man respects a woman, this means that he values ​​her and will never cross an unlawful line.

Generally, respect is the foundation of something very powerful.

Strong compliment

11. It is very important for me to hear your opinion

A guy who cares about his partner's opinion really appreciates and respects her.

Such a compliment suggests that he can trust the girl, share the most important things with her, and wants to hear her opinion on a particular issue.

Such a phrase is a huge compliment, it can become a real incentive for a girl to continue to support her partner.

12. When I'm with you, I'm the happiest man in the world.

If a young man says this to his girlfriend, it is worth a lot.

There are so many things in the world that make him happy, but if spending time with her makes him thrill with happiness ... what more could you ask for?

This is such a wonderful compliment, because making someone happy is the greatest gift, and not everyone succeeds.

13. I love your cute oddities

Some girls are embarrassed by their quirks, such as absent-mindedness or obsession with stupid things.

But when a man finds these oddities as cute twists, it's damn nice.

This means that he loves you completely, appreciates not only your pluses, but is also condescending to the minuses.

This attitude speaks of the true love of a man.

14. You are an amazing friend!

Of course, this compliment can be viewed in two ways.

On the one hand, no one wants to be in the notorious friend zone.

However, if this is said by a man with whom the girl is already in a relationship, then this indicates that he sees her not only as a mistress or a potential future wife, but also sees her as his best friend.

15. You are the best girl anyone could wish for.

Such a phrase will undoubtedly amuse the pride of every girl. This is a real balm for her ego.

Anyone wants to hear that she is the best girl in the world that one can wish for.

I want to be the best not only in the bedroom, but also in everyday life. Therefore, when a guy talks about it, he makes his woman happy.

This is one of those compliments that seems to say the following: "You suit me 100 percent."

16. You are elegant and sophisticated

Any woman can be fashionable and stylish if she has the means.

However, if a man tells his beloved that she is elegant and sophisticated, this means that she stands out from others and has a certain class.

An innate sense of taste and elegance will elevate you in the eyes of your partner. He will be proud that such a woman is next to him.

It is not a shame to introduce such a girl to friends or bring her to a corporate party and introduce her to colleagues.

17. You make me a better person

When a man meets a woman who challenges him and shows him what true love is, she inspires him to become a better man.

Therefore, every woman is pleased to hear that she had such a huge positive impact on a person that he was able to change.

This actually means that she brought him to a new level of self-development.

If a girl receives such a compliment, she can be proud of herself. After all, she succeeded in what others failed to do.

Sweet face, clear eyes,
The smile shines like a star:
Know that you are a princess, as if from a fairy tale,
You can conquer everyone without difficulty!

How beautiful is your stature and gait,
Kind heart, my soul is so pure!
In a word, you are just a beauty
Your beauty beckons me so!

Can I, while you read
With a smile these lines
I will say that there are all flowers in the world
At one point only grow?

And that point is your soul.
You may not believe me
She blooms there slowly
Any day of the week.

You're in my heart again. It means May!
And in fiery excitement
Love is calling: "Wake up, get up,
I'm just looking forward to it! "

You captivate with your tenderness
As soon as you can.
And if you just keep quiet,
The warmth in your eyes will warm you.

Any guy will say this:
You give a ray of light.
But I'm lucky for a reason,
You are my planet.

I definitely won't find one.
Similar? Do not!
Though sometimes I'm delirious
Raging like a tornado

With an excess of feelings, I long for you
And I am not indifferent.
I am the flame, I am the fire in the darkness!
Thank you for not extinguishing.

You are feminine, gentle as silk,
And sapphire facets
You shine. God I found
The only one in the world!

And the smell is not subtle perfume
In my imagination -
By the spring wind of sweet dreams
You smell also of lilacs.

Also, you know, I'll say ...
Well, honestly, don't laugh.
When I'm not around, I wander
At home, kill yourself.

I miss you already, can you imagine
I'm five minutes away.
And if ten is everything, leave it
I've lost my mind.

I really don't know why
Are you so strong?
I will step after her and into the abyss,
You got me through.

Your gait, profile, stance
Driven mad, of course.
I'm glad, I'm proud, I'm like a kid
In love forever.

That's why you are dear
You don't know how priceless.
And let there, outside the window, a blizzard,
I'm awesome with you!

You are the best, cool, cool!
You are gentle, sweet, just beautiful!
Unsurpassed and incomparable
You are the brightest and awesome!
Spectacular, fashionable, irresistible,
You are the very, very beloved by heart!

You are as beautiful as a star
That was created only for the sky!
Your gaze enchants everyone
Any outfit suits you.

You should be admired
It is impossible to look away.
Make you obey
Carry flowers at your feet!

Mysterious, tender
Like an ocean, endless
And bright, alluring -
You are a real fairy!

Desired and passionate
Airy, beautiful
And strict, playful -
My unique!


You are the most beautiful,
And just stunning
And you will be happy
After all, you are charming!

The most beautiful girl
Fate gave me!
Your beautiful smile
Every night I dream.

You are beautiful not only externally,
You are still beautiful in soul.
You combine in yourself: tenderness,
Beauty and intelligence with kindness.

Your eyes are like stars
And lips are like coral.
I saw you only once
And I lost my mind.

There is no salvation from love,
And I don't need it.
After all, I'm insanely happy
When you're just around.

You are like the sun in the spring
You warm my soul with warmth.
The stars are fading before you
Everything blooms around.

I can't imagine life without you
You are so beautiful alone.
Your cherry lips
They drove me crazy!

You are an angel sent from heaven
This heart whispers to me
You are just a miracle of miracles
It seems to me that I am in a dream!

My world shines in your eyes
You are as beautiful as a dream!
Let your heart know:
I am yours from now on forever!

Every woman deserves the best poetic and heartfelt words! But, not every man is able to express his feelings and his attitude in words. We bring to your attention a selection of compliments that will appeal to every woman.

A list of examples of the most beautiful words and compliments to your beloved girls and women!

Let's start with the compliments about the eyes:

You have wonderful, charming, lively eyes with sparkle and meaning.

You have such deep and beautiful eyes that my soul simply drowns in them (drowns) ...

Your brown eyes will drive me crazy!

You have green eyes, like a cat's, no, a real, wild panther or a predatory, but kind-hearted, tigress ... Don't eat me with your eyes! I'm already burning with passion for you. (It may not be the most successful compliment in the world, but during flirting, such childish babble is very effective.)

Your blue eyes are like two deep-water lakes - they enchant me and plunge me into the very pool of strong feelings.

Your blue eyes are like the sky, your golden hair is like the sun, you are more beautiful than all ordinary women living on earth.

Your black eyes burn right through me!

Your gray eyes are an eternal mystery ...

Well, and stuff like that - I think that if you are giving a compliment about the eyes of your beloved, and not the first girl you come across, then you should not have problems with beautiful words about her beautiful eyes.

And now from words - to a list of specific beautiful words, from which you can safely extract 1-2 or 3 expressions suitable for your particular case and go! Compliment your girlfriend with feeling and inspiration! By the way, some small but nice present at this moment will greatly contribute to the success of your heart outpouring.

And remember also - for a beloved and loving woman, there is no better gift even in the 30th year of life together than a sincere and sincere declaration of love. And even more, every beloved girl longs to become a beloved woman, or rather, a beloved wife, so I won't be mistaken if I say that the best, most original and cool compliment to any loving woman is a marriage proposal.

My dear, gentle, passionate! Wonderful mine, very, very beloved.

There is no one softer than you. You are my clear sun, a radiant star, an angel in the flesh and in reality.

You are my fairest, truthful, intelligent and kind.

My lovely ... nanny!

You are so young! So bright!

You are my warmth - with your warmth you melted the icicles (cold) in my heart.

You are the most romantic and dreamy nature I have ever seen!

You have the flying gait of a happy woman!

You are a very confident girl - and rightly so: you are beautiful, intelligent, sensitive, kind ...

You are simply stunning and unique!

You drive me crazy with your quirks, you drive me to the 100th degree of rabies and 10th heat, but that is why I cannot imagine life without you - a robber mischievous woman who has not an ice floe in her heart, but a fiery one, no - flaming , laser motor!

How many women I have not met in my life - they are all women. And you - you are a real woman: thin, sensitive, sensual, feminine, weak, so vulnerable and at the same time incomprehensible and inaccessible ...

You are my most beautiful, most wonderful, funniest, most caring, sweetest and most desirable wife in the world!

They say there are no miracles in the world ... People lie - after all, you are in front of me - and you are a real miracle!

A compliment to the heroine mother: You are my most fertile!

Noble lady of my heart.

What I love you for is that you appreciate my efforts and you have a grateful nature.

For me, you are the most perfect of women!

If nature has ever created something truly perfect, it is you.

You are such a cool and cool girl!

It's easy to talk to you.

I don't know why, but you immediately inspired my confidence. Probably because you are so friendly and always with a happy smile on your face.

You have such amazing eyes, my clear-eyed!

You are so musical! You feel the rhythm so subtly! Probably, you studied at a music school or is it from your nature? (note - the compliment is almost in verse

My love for you will last forever ... My love - as long as my life.

You are an amazing girl! Today you are so generous and hospitable, joyful and cheerful, lively and enthusiastic, and tomorrow you are so all in yourself, withdrawn and sad, incomprehensible and inaccessible ... How can I understand you? You are so different: today - one, tomorrow - another, the day after tomorrow - completely different. You are probably one of those women who alone embodies a whole harem.

You have a poetic soul.

You are a very energetic and strong, strong-willed girl - and I like that about you.

You are so groovy! You turn Me On…

My playful and incomprehensible minx!

You have a gorgeous, simply radiant, sun-blinding smile.

You are a happy woman: you enjoy sex. (Again, the beautiful words of the beloved in poetry, or rather, in a small rhyme.)

You are a charming and charming lady of my heart, the flesh of my soul, the meaning of my life.

For me, you are always desirable and charming.

You are so affectionate, gentle, soft, special ...

You are beautiful and feminine from hair to nail tips.

You are so simple - it is very easy for me next to you.

You are a capable student, you grasp everything on the fly.
How do you do it?

You have such clear eyes! You cannot tell a lie, because you will scan me with your attentive eyes and you will understand everything, better than the best lie detector.

You are so passionate! You ignite from just one look and touch ...

You look blooming.

You are a very sociable girl. You probably have a lot of good friends?

And you are madam, however, a loving woman!

You are just a unique woman!

Your kind and compassionate smile has a healing effect on me.

You're just a gifted person! Talented and brilliant, hardworking and passionate at the same time!

You are my most faithful wife, and I am your most faithful and loving husband.

You have magic hands.

I have never seen such a flexible figure!

You are as agile and fast as the wind blows.

And you are an original wench!

There is no beast more passionate than Tanya!

My naughty squirrel!

Peaceful you are mine.

You are the tidiest and most efficient girl I have ever seen - and this is a compliment: most modern girls do not know how not to cook borscht, but even to make the bed behind them.

You are so curious - you have a chance to become a rich woman, because curiosity is a sign of genius.

Although you are a vindictive lady, I will not leave you alone.

You are a femme fatale to me.

What I love you for is your independence and independence.

I appreciate in you the creative spirit and global creativity of thinking (an original compliment to a friend or work colleague).

How do you manage to always look so fresh, beautiful, full of energy, cheerful and rested?

You are the most advanced and modern girl in the world!

You're cool!

I love you for being a cool girl with a cool figure and a cool sense of humor!

You have an amazing figure. I'm shocked by her. (rather a funny compliment than a useful one for use in life - it is recommended only if the girl has a good sense of humor and has already started laughing, joking, having fun with you).

My fragrant May rose!

You are so elated! Your energy would probably be enough to blow up the world ... Or feed the starving Africa.

There are women who destroy everything around them, and there are women who create. You are the purest and kindest, creative being that I have ever met in my life.

And you are a wise woman, despite your young age and unearthly beauty.

My only one! Illuminated by the light! (plagiarism on a topic from Kirkorov)

You are as graceful and graceful as a mountain deer! No, like a heavenly swallow!

A ray of sunshine of happiness in my heart.

"I love you!" - these are the words that every compliment to your girlfriend should end with, whether original or cool. There are many beautiful words and they need to be said to the beloved woman in order to create a state of love, good mood and positive thinking for her and for herself. Love your young girls and beautiful women, say beautiful words to them and give them definitely positive compliments! After all, as you call your beloved, so she will behave with you!

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Girls love with their ears. Every man knows about it. But not everyone manages to easily attract the attention of a lady they like. Yes, so attract that she, too, responded with sympathy. The short one is what you need. All ladies love when their appearance is appreciated. But how to do it correctly so as not to look intrusive, rude or ill-mannered?

What do you need to know before making a short compliment to a girl about her beauty?

An individual approach is the most important thing in any communication. But there are several universal points, without which a verbal message can cause a completely opposite reaction:

  • sincerity (it would not be entirely honest to say about the beauty of a woman's figure if she came on a date in a down jacket that hides all the charms);
  • the emotionality of the message (when a man expresses his feelings when speaking, this is much more important than the text of this statement itself);
  • praise for the girl's impeccable taste (so one statement can kill all birds with one stone - evaluate the ability to dress, paint, behave);
  • brevity (a short compliment to a girl about her beauty will be much better perceived than a long tedious story in detail);
  • avoidance of ambiguity;
  • not everyone likes compliments in poetry (unless, of course, a man wants to show off his poetic talent);
  • without exaggeration (otherwise it can be perceived as a mockery).

Compliments to a girl about her beauty

Short statements can relate to appearance in general, individual features, as well as the feelings of a man that his companion evokes in him. In the arsenal of your general compliments, you can write:

  • "I am amazed at how intelligence and beauty are combined in you!"
  • "I admire you / your looks."
  • "I am proud that the dream of all men went to me."
  • "Only your / our daughter can be more beautiful than you."
  • "You are perfect itself."
  • "You are amazing / amazingly beautiful."
  • "You are a delight to my eyes."
  • "You are incomparable because you are the only one."
  • "I used to think that beautiful girls like you are soulless. Thank you for breaking my stereotype."
  • "How do you manage to be blooming and bright even on the most cloudy day?"

Compliments to the details of the girl's appearance

A short one about her beauty can relate to certain moments - eyes, smile, hair, figure, and more. The main thing is to emphasize the feelings that they cause in a man.

  • "I'm drowning in your eyes".
  • "Only a beautiful person can have such beautiful eyes."
  • "You have an angelic look."
  • "Your perky eyes always cheer me up."
  • "The beauty and smell of your hair just bewitched me!"
  • "You have very bright facial expressions."
  • "I love the way you bite your lips. It's very exciting / sexy."
  • "There is nothing softer than your skin."
  • "Your hair sparkles like a waterfall in the sun."
  • "You have such fragile shoulders ... I want to protect you."

Compliments with humor

  • "Have you seen my head? I think I lost it from your beauty."
  • "Do you know how to keep secrets? I will open one for you. When you are around, all men envy me with black envy."
  • "Fire your photographer! You are a hundred times better in life!"
  • "You are so slender! Where does the soul fit?"
  • "When you got better, you became very slim."
  • “You don’t think that you are the most beautiful of all? After all, in fact, everyone is worse than you.”
  • "If I was born a girl, it would only be as beautiful as you."
  • "Girl, you are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase to meet you."

It is difficult to say which compliment a particular girl would like best. It all depends on her preferences and the level of relationship with her. Indeed, on the first date, it is not entirely appropriate to hint about a lady's sexuality (if there is a desire to meet again, of course). Even worse - phrases that are on everyone's lips, like "I got a call from heaven ...". Continuation of such "does your mother need a son-in-law?" - one disappointment of the companion.

Everything should be from the heart, especially compliments to a girl in prose about beauty. Short or long, awkward or graceful - they must first of all be individual and sincere.

Thin as a doe, proud as a lioness,
Goddess of eternal beauty!
I dream of your image at night:
You're the girl of my dreams!

The lights are sparkling in your eyes
And they beckon and attract with their beauty.
You are like the sun in the sky to me -
So good and so warm with you!

I will never forget your scent
Your silhouette haunts me
You are flawless, dear, you are a miracle!
I only admire you alone!

What have you done to me I cannot understand
I have no rest without you, I cannot sleep,
I repeat your name, like a spell,
You are the limit of my dreams, you are my love!

Oh angel who descended from heaven to earth
Light and pure, wise and beautiful.
I will humbly hear your voice
You captivated my soul forever!
You are not around - I have no rest,
You are like the sun that gives a wonderful light.
You are like a flower, tender, subtle, you are a miracle.
I will never forget your image!

Even if it's rainy
You are insanely beautiful
And in the sunlight
More beautiful than anyone in the world!

Curls in waves on chiseled shoulders,
You can't believe beautiful speeches
Only your look has captivated forever.
Sweetheart, you are beauty itself!

The green of your eyes is like the foliage of a marvelous forest.
Your lips are like petals of wonderful lights.
Hair like waves of distant beautiful seas.
There is no one in the whole world more beautiful and more beautiful.

Beautiful nymph, heavenly muse,
With just one look, one gesture
You freed me from a heavy burden
My heart, with you I became alive again!

If I were an artist
I would paint you in the rain
And if you were getting hot
I would paint you in the rain ...

As pure as a morning flower
As light as a butterfly, you flutter.
I fly into the light like a moth
To you, and you know about it!

I dream about you, but the morning comes
I know the illusion will melt.
But every time, having met you by chance,
I am becoming happier than anyone in the world!

You are like a cat
Affectionate, sweetheart,
Sly a little bit
And very beautiful!

Beauty doesn't go out of style
Well, you are the ideal of beauty.
And whatever the time of the years,
You're the girl of my dreams!

I rejoice at every meeting
Like a flower at dawn
I am the happiest in the world
Thanks only to you!

There are no people like you in the world-
Beautiful, kind and lovely!
True to herself, you are different,
You are a wonderful light in my heart!

I've been thinking, but I can't understand
What is your eye unthinkable secret?
How did she captivate me with just one look?
You are just a miracle, there are no more such!

The color of the eyes of the heavenly blue
And your lips are like coral ...
And only you I saw
In my dreams - only you.

You are a miracle of miracles, insanely good!
A beautiful figure and a kind soul!
You, like you, cannot be found anywhere on this earth.
From now on, I only dream about you!

You remind me of a cat:
Playful but smart
Beautiful and a little cunning -
You are so alone!

They say that the mind is not friendly in women with beauty,
Apparently, those who think so do not know you.
Reasonable, give odds to many in intelligence,
The most beautiful girl in the world!

Why are roses red?
Ashamed of your beauty.
You know, there are no flowers
Can't compare with you
My sun is clear!

I dream every night of your amazing look
I remember every gesture you make and every outfit you wear.
If I meet you by chance in the evening crowd,
I will be happier than everyone else if you smile at me.

A new dawn illuminates the city
I can’t sleep again until the morning.
Just close my eyes, before me you-
You are my goddess of eternal beauty!

Your eyes are like a cornflower
And the hair shines like silk.
And I fly like a moth
In your beautiful look.

There is no one like you to find
On the path of life.
You are the queen of my dreams
To the ends of your hair!

Img by @yakobusan Jakob Montrasio 孟亚柯

There is not always the time and opportunity to say even a compliment prepared in advance. And sometimes just words are not enough to express your admiration for a girl or boyfriend. A short compliment is a good way to praise and support. You are looking for the shortest compliment to a girl in the world at the end of the text.

Sometimes, in an attempt to impress, people make long speeches. Of course, words prepared with the soul are able to conquer not only the addressee, but also those around them. It happens that just a couple is enough kind words, a short compliment from the bottom of my heart to make someone happier, to make a sad stranger smile, or just to cheer up a friend!

Img by 21TonGiant

A short compliment implies a few simple words or phrases. And, despite the lack of beautiful phrases, such compliments can be very pleasant, even touching. By and large, the main thing is attention, not how beautifully it is expressed in words. Let's say more - a compliment can consist of just one word! Yes, just one word and the girl is pleased, and the guy is pleased with himself. What's the shortest compliment in your opinion? What can you say to express admiration in one word? Look for the answer at the end of the article.

When do we give short compliments?

1. At a fleeting meeting. It is illogical to spend invaluable minutes thinking up and pronouncing praise. But a couple of kind words addressed to the interlocutor will be more than appropriate. After all, you would also be pleased if an acquaintance you met by chance on the street would say that you look great.

- You look great!

- And you are all good!

2. With frequent communication. If you know the interlocutor well and see him or her often, then regular long speeches about merits, appearance, or other points will sound somewhat ridiculous. A short but heartfelt compliment is a good way out.

- You are irresistible as always!

- You're lovely!

3. In a working environment. There are times when there is a lot of work, the work is in full swing. Long speeches are useless here. A short praise is enough.

- Well done!

- Great, keep it up!

4. When it is necessary to tell a person the most important thing so that he understands and hears, it is better to be laconic. Listening to a nice, long compliment, you can miss the point.

- You are so Beautiful!

- You are getting younger every day!

5. Talking on the phone. As a rule, people on the phone say only the most necessary, most important information. Therefore, if compliments are made remotely, then it is advisable to select short and simple phrases.

- And remember, you are the best!

6. Short (or first) acquaintance. If you don't know the person well, then it is rather strange to admire and make complex compliments. Most often, long laudatory phrases are uttered if they know the interlocutor well and some conclusions can be drawn about his personality. Therefore, in the case of a short acquaintance, a short compliment is the best way out of the situation if you want to please the person.

- You have beautiful eyes!

- You are an interesting person!

Img by Alaskan Dude

As you can see, nothing complicated. The easiest way is to say a short compliment, expressing your attitude towards a person (his appearance, clothes, actions), saying what you like about him or her. Thus, you can not be afraid that you will say something wrong, because you express your opinion and it is always positive, even if it does not coincide with the opinion of the person about himself.

Img by 58minutos

- I like your smile!

- It's nice to be next to you!

- You are a seasoned person!

The shortest compliment in the world, at least in Russian and English, consists of only three letters. Haven't guessed yet?

Img by Applegurl ♫

WOW!- this short compliment can express a sea of ​​emotions, the highest admiration for anyone and anything. And the main thing here is intonation. Try it, practice by saying "WOW!" differently. The English version of this compliment is "WOW!" (WOW!).

So, in order to please a person, you don't have to be a compliment master. Sometimes a few sincere words are enough to express what you really think and feel. Sincerity and desire to give a person minutes of positive emotions can always be expressed briefly.

Print and memorize!

3. caring

9. charming

10. charming




14. irresistible





19. divine


21. angelic

22. radiant



26. Awesome



29. seductive

30. flirtatious


32. Graceful

33. Cheerful


35. creative



38. tactful


40. romantic

41. versatile

42. fabulous



45. the only one












57. best
























81. Honest








89. Feminine










101. I like your crazy unpredictability ...

102. I like that you were able to become the one and only for me ...

103. I like that you often say: "With you I became REALLY happy."

104. I like that you understand me so well like no one else.

105. I like your sincere sensuality and unbridled sexuality.

106. I like that I was able to conquer the real embodiment of femininity.

107. I like that you think of me and believe in my strength ...

108. I like your wild seductiveness ...

109. I am captivated by your tender, intriguing, mysterious look ...

110. I like your "Moo-rr" when you cling to my shoulder ...

111. I like your smile inspiring great accomplishments ...

112. I like your figure of a beautiful nymph ...

113. I like your affectionate and playful cat behavior ...

114. I like that you are able to give an infinite amount of warmth and smiles to others ...

115. I like that you like to be beautiful just for me ...

116. I like that you are so touchingly tender with me ...

117. I like that you are so changeable - from a seductive devil when we are alone, to a strict and collected business lady, with an invariably flirting look when I pick you up from work ...

118. ... and in any guise you smile regal ...

119. I like that you know how to be silent with me ...

120. I like that you are interested in what I think about ...

121. I like that after kisses Your scent remains on My lips ...

122. I love that you miss me even after my short absence ...

123. I love the way you fall asleep on my shoulder ...

124. I like that you hear my heartbeat ...

125. I like that you are such an affectionate and passionate night that the next morning I just don't want to get up and it's impossible to tear myself away from you ...

126. I love that therefore we don't need to wake up early on the weekend ...

127. I like the sensations that arise when I stroke you ...

128. I like to carry you in my arms ...

129. I like that you give me the opportunity to feel like a man ...

130. I like that you are my sun ...

131. I like that you adore lying on my shoulder in the cinema ...

132. I like that after the movie my clothes smell like your perfume ...

133. I like that when I dress her the next day - the feeling that You are near and hug me ...

134. I like that you cook incredibly tasty ...

135. I love your soft and warm fingertips ...

136. I like the touch of your soft-cool palms ...

137. I like your naughty nails ...

138. I like that my heart pounds at the sight of you ...

140. I like our bets ...

141. I like to pleasantly surprise you and see the surprise on your face ...

142. I like that you are trying to surprise me in return ...

143. I like that you want to be for me very, very ...

144. I like your crystal laugh ...

145. I like the tickling of your fluffy eyelashes ...

146. I like the touch of your fingers to the point of insanity ...

147. I like that you taught me to believe in happy eyelashes and other signs, although I'm not superstitious ...

148. I love your playful bangs ...

149. I like that we are able to see the unusual in ordinary things ...

150. I like that you have opened new writers and their heroes for me ...

151. I like that we "entered the castle from the rain" ...

152. I like that only you can kiss my palms SO ...

153. I like that I smile, waiting for you ...

154. I like the way you accidentally touch me when we are in a cafe or restaurant ...

155. I like that all happy poems are about us ...

156. I love that you share my love for boating ...

157. I like that you adore when I massage you with aromatic oil ...

158. ... and then you turn into a witch, like Bulgakov's Smile ...

159. I like that you left traces of gentle cat's paws in my soul, clinging to it with claws ...

160. I like that you appreciate me ...

161. I like to feel your body when we lie in the bathroom ...

162. I like that you are my princess ...

163. I like that you are comfortable in my bed; Smile ...

164. I like that every evening I wait for your call ...

165. I like that you embrace me with your eyes ...

166. I like that you smile happily when I give you flowers ...

167. I like that you give me affection ...

168. I like the way you touch me with cold fingers quietly coming up from behind ...

169. I like that it is interesting for us to look at the beauty of the northern sky together ...

170. I like your unexpected visits ...

171. I like the fact that I suspiciously often accompany you home at night ... fate? Wink ...

172. I like that the sand stopped in the hourglass that you gave me ...

173. ... which means we are together until the end of time ...

174. I like that you DO NOT care about the opinion of others ...

175. I like the sensations when we massage each other ...

176. I like our frank conversations ...

177. I like that you learned how to make my favorite cocktail of vermouth and cola deliciously ...

178. I like that you are just with me, and no extra words and promises are needed ...

179. I like your view on many things and questions ...

180. I like that you try to be erotic and seductive for me ...

181. I like that you are doing good deeds to others ...

183. I like just walking with you ...

184. I like that you adore space ...

185. I like the way you send me a kiss when you say goodbye ...

186. I like that you believe that "everything will not be just good, but GREAT !!!" ...

187. I like to wake up in the morning only with you ...

188. I like that you want to be an unusual bride ...

189. I like that you love to play with my hands ...

190. I love that you are calling just to hear my voice ...

191. I love that you gave me the northern sky with its breathtaking white nights ...

192. I like that you dream of me ...

193. I like that you are attentive, gentle, feline-sexy, inventive, passionate, affectionate, playful mistress ...

194. I like that you are worried about our relationship ...

195. I like that the phrase: "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. You are the world to me." About Us...

196. I like that you seem like an angel in the rays of the light of the white night ...

197. I like that you are a LADY !!! ...

198. I like that you are my soul mate ...

199. I like that you are ALL my life ...

200. I like that I'm just happy if you're around ...

201. I like that you see me as a knight ...

202. I'm going crazy with romantic dinners prepared by you ...

203. I like that I want to see only you next to me ...

204. I like that you always try to understand me ...

205. I bow before your patience with my character ...

206. I like that my shirt, which you touched in the morning, keeps the warmth of your hands all day ...

207. I love that none of us tries to pull the Wink blanket at night ...

208. The sexuality of your tummy drives me crazy ...

209. I like the tenderness with which you take care of the flowers presented by me ...

210. I like that when you are near, the world around is filled with happiness ...

211. I like that people around smile when we walk, embracing, down the street ...

212. I like that even in business clothes you look very seductive ...

213. I like how we read poetry to each other at night ...

214. I like the commonality of our literary tastes ...

215. I like that my life after our meeting has become so unusual ...

216. I like those little holidays that you arrange for me ...

218. I like that your affection and love can raise even a very "gloomy" mood ...

219. I like that we are together despite all the circumstances ...

220. I love that you are so sensually seductive on Saturday evenings ...

221. I like to listen to the rain with you ...

222. I like our night walks ...

223. I love to sit with you in our favorite cafe ...

224. I like that when you are far away, you call and ask to put OUR music on the phone ...

225. I like that I learned to be gentle with you without losing my masculinity ...

226. I like that you and I successfully pass all the tests of our love ...

227. I like that my friends admire your charm ...

228. I love the way you make incomparable coffee ...

229. I like that the roses that I give stay at your house for long weeks without fading ...

230. I like that I have become a "model" with you, which my friends make their young people look up to ...

231. I like that we are burning with one fire ...

232. I like that we ourselves have chosen each other ...

233. I like that I am doing 1000 madness for you ...

234. I like that we can easily say goodbye before parting ...

235. I like that you are waiting for me, wherever I am ...

236. I like that when we lie, embracing, our hearts beat to the beat ...

237. I like that our hands themselves are looking for each other when we walk next to ...

238. I like that we can dance with you even without music ...

237. I like that my concern is dear to you ...

238. I am proud that you appreciate my ability to cook deliciously ...

239. I like that you left everything in order to be with me ...

240. I like that we can be around for an infinitely long time and not get tired of each other ...

241. I like that our relationship dragged us into an avalanche ...

242. ... and we didn’t flee from her Smile ...

243. I like that no one did the things for me that you could do ...

244. I like that our decisions are supported by the universe itself, giving an easy solution to complex issues ...

245. I like that no book novel can compare in brightness with the story of OUR love ...

246. I like that we constantly want to do something nice to each other ...

247. I like that the minutes spent together are so dear to us ...

248. I like that the star of our love shines especially brightly at night ...

249. I like that it is easy for us to be together ...

250. I like that our feelings are stronger than time and distance ...

251. I like that you are so relaxed and peaceful with me ...

252. I like your trust ...

253. I like that you and I feel each other's mood so subtly ...

255. I like that they say about us "perfect couple" ...

256. I like that we are able to smooth out the sharp edges of our characters ...

257. I like that you like to be at my house ...

258. I like that the flame of our love has not extinguished for a very long time ...

259. I like that you are interested in my opinion on many issues ...

260. I like that you do not argue with me about things about which I know a little more ...

261. I like that we understand each other's sign language ...

262. I like that you don’t take off the ring I donated even at night ...

263. I like that you smile when I look at you ...

264. I like that no one in this world can dance as incomparably as you ...

265. I like to constantly take care of you even in the smallest things (after all, this is so important) ...

266. I like that we are stronger than all obstacles that alienate us ...

267. I like that we can just listen to music for hours ...

268. I like that having breakfast with you fills me with a great mood for the whole day ...

269. I like that we easily give the warmth of our souls to each other ...

270. I like that we go crazy caressing each other ...

271. I like that you do not force me to make promises, but believe that I will do everything right myself ...

272. I like that you consider our meeting a PURPOSE ...

273. I like to see how happy you come home from work ...

274. ... and the fact that you realize how important my work is to me ...

275. I like that our warmth is mutual ...

276. I like that we read the same books in childhood and that is why we understand each other this way ...

277. I like that with you I began to write very beautiful poetry ...

278. I like that the touch of our hands is in my soul ...

279. I like that we were able to see each other's wings ...

280. I like that our "HONEY MONTH" Smile (as you called the crazy month after we met) is still going on for a very, very long time ...

281. I love that you get so funny after our favorite cocktail ...

282. I like that we both laugh at the word PIANIST ... and only we know why ...

283. I like that our relationship is not clouded by any suspicions ...

284. I am sure that no one in this world will give you even a hundredth part of the love and tenderness that I am trying to give ...

285. I like that you consider me a fairy tale ...

286. I like that on weekends we don't fall asleep until dawn ...

287. I like that you were able to tame me ...

288. I like that you chose me ...

289. ... and you still believe that you were not mistaken ...

290. I love the passion with which we shed our clothes ...

291. I like that we are not having sex, but LOVE ...

You intoxicate with your beauty,
And you drive all men crazy.
Although you beckon in a gentle way,
But you are one dream for everyone.
You are beautiful not only externally,
Your soul is lovely too.
Life has become sinless with you -
After all, the world is ruled by beauty.

Beauty radiates a wonderful light
And there is no big secret at all.
Everything should be fine in you
And Love, hope, faith - to live in the heart.

In the eyes - lakes and blue sky,
Become, walk so that, like the goddesses.
Gentle fingers to caress
The hands are strong - they did not know fatigue!

Oh! These forms, these eyes
I am not allowed to sleep peacefully
I wake up in the middle of the night
To caress you.

And we don't need a floor lamp
To feel love
Only caresses, only faith,
That everything will come back tomorrow again.

Oh! These forms, these tears,
Like a mirror of a dream
And there are only roses on the bed
Gray night, and me and you.

I admire your beauty.
Your charm is airy and unique.
I have not met in my life an earthly
Such a woman is irresistible.
You are very sweet, kind, gentle,
You are as dazzling as a star.
You are like a constant sinful dream,
That settled in my soul forever.

You can't be so beautiful
So that friends die
And from immeasurable envy
And powerlessness suffered so much
It's easier to be dear,
You have mercy on the male
You are piles of corpses
Leave in passing ...

I won't get tired of admiring you:
Incomparably good looking!
You are a balm for a sore wound
You are a delight to the eyes. Without breathing
Admiring your beauty
I look and look at you.
You are comparable to a wonderful spring!
Before you, like a candle, I burn!

Dreams are hidden in your smile
Flowers envy your beauty -
The pearl of a smile, the sparkle of your eyes!
There are no such worthy phrases in this world,
To describe you in detail!
And that's why I will repeat myself again:
You are more beautiful than the sunrise over the rose garden!
You are higher than the farthest stars in the sky!

Transparent skin is softer than jasmine
And roses are jealous of scarlet lips
They look from under the roof of your long eyelashes
Eyes majestic, like a Greek temple!
The bend of your waist the heart excites
Anyone who also appreciates beauty.
And the beautiful voice magically enchants!
And next to you - daisies are blooming!

You are more beautiful than angels, by God!
It's hard to compare them with you!
And the tenderness of a stern smile
You can conquer anyone!
Your hair is a lovely cascade -
Like the silk of a pure river.
The blush of the cheeks, and the shine is wonderful
In the eyes, like a reflection of a spark.

Graceful curves of the hand,
And the posture of the queens!
Could envy
All the most beautiful maidens
Your immodest beauty
Bright, festive, rich!
And in the eyes of your huge
It can be seen that the soul is winged.

Perhaps by the moon itself
You borrowed whites
For decorating delicate hands.
The most beautiful among friends,
You are not sick with pride,
Like meadows of humble flowers,
You will decorate any wreath!
God himself admires you!

What a glorious walk
How sensual to become!
You will become a godsend for that
Who can read by the eyes.
After all, they contain the history of the universe,
They are just the essence of life.
You are only because you are now a prisoner
Do not blame me for you.

Beauty, tell me: from where
Did you appear on earth?
You're just an angel, just a miracle
I have not seen a girl sweeter!
Glorious charm smiles,
Hair is heavy, delicate silk!
You are sweet charm
Capable of slaying even a regiment!

Beautiful, nice girl,
You smell great, you have a delicate taste,
All men eat you with their eyes,
They don't know that you are mine yet.

I want to honestly confess to you:
There is no one more beautiful than you!
You are dazzling and maddening!
You are so alone in the whole world!

You are wonderful, you are beautiful.
Words cannot be exhausted, uncountable.
My bird is a dove.
Sweetheart, you are like a queen.
Words cannot be counted.
May the bad weather disappear
There is no place for her here.
I kiss your hands
My eternal friend.
There is no shelter here for torment,
My sweetheart.
Take my arms.
Everything is here for you.

Such a girl, of course,
In the crowd, everyone is glad to notice:
The radiance of the snow-white skin,
Deep, kind, smart look!
You swim with a dancing gait
All gestures of grace are full.
And everyone calls you pretty
And everyone is amazed by you!

Compliments ladies
They love to receive.
We create them ourselves -
Compliments to the host.
I will answer you:
You are like the light of a star.
It will immediately become easier
If you are near.
And let it be envy
The dew is blooming for everyone.
Your gaze will lure us
At least half an hour.
