Summary of the spring walk in the preparatory group “Secrets and surprises of nature. Summary of a walk in the preparatory group. Theme "Air

Summary of an autumn walk in the preparatory group


Compiled and conducted


Konovalova O.N.


  • Fix the signs of autumn.
  • To give children the opportunity to feel the element of air, to acquaint with its properties.
  • Clarify ideas about the wind.
  • Develop observation skills.
  • Develop research activities, cognitive interest.
  • Activate the children's dictionary.
  • Exercise on the run, act on a signal, follow the rules in games.
  • Provide physical activity for children.
  • To cultivate the ability to work, clean toys, clean them of sand.

Materials and equipment:turntables for determining the wind; plastic bag; labor equipment (rakes, brooms, brushes); various toys for independent activities.

Walking progress.

Introductory part:

Children, we will now go for a walk. Look out the window, what's the weather like now?

What toys will we take?

Today, on our walk, we will look for traces of autumn. I have a surprise for you.

Children in pairs go to the site.

First, let's remember what safety measures we must follow while walking:

  • It is forbidden:
  • hide from the teacher;
  • touch unfamiliar objects;
  • stroking animals;
  • approach strangers and talk.
  • Can I fight?
  • Can I jump from a height?

- Well done boys. We have remembered the rules of safe behavior and now we can start our autumn walk.

Part I:

Now we will look for traces of autumn.

What is the weather today?

- How did we know that autumn had come? (By signs.)

What signs of autumn do you know?

Children's answers:

  1. The sun is shining, but it does not warm well.
  2. Migratory birds fly south.
  3. People are harvesting.
  4. People dress warmer.
  5. The leaves on the trees turn yellow, turn red and fall off.
  6. It often rains.
  7. The animals are preparing for winter.
  8. The day is getting shorter and the night is getting longer.

- That's right, guys, by all these signs, we learned that autumn has come. I have such a beautiful bag (show). Want to know what's in it?

The teacher takes a ball out of the bag.

Didactic game "Finish the sentence".Invite the children to stand in a circle, play with the ball, and finish the sentence.

  • The leaves turn yellow and ... (fall off).
  • Birds fly away to warm ... (lands).
  • Insects are hiding from ... (cold).
  • People are gathering rich ... (harvest).
  • The trees are standing ... (bare).
  • Wild animals in the fall ... (molt).
  • People dress in warm ... (clothes).

Well done, that's right.

Part II: Observing the Wind.

Look at the clouds. They are moving. Let's watch the trees.

Guys, why are the branches on the trees moving? (Answers of children).

And what is the wind? (Answers of children).

What is the wind, let's figure it out. Answer the question. What cannot a person live without? (Without air). We do not see it, we do not feel it, it has no smell, but it is always around us. We can feel it when it starts moving.

Research activities.The teacher shows an empty plastic bag.

I will now draw air into the bag. You can touch the air in the bag.

Conclusion: The person also has air.

Here are the turntables. If there is wind, they will spin. Let's run, walk with them, blow on them.

How do the turntables spin? (quickly, quietly).

Conclusion: Wind is the movement of air.

Now let's play with the turntables.

Relay with turntables.

Part III.

Labor activity.

Guys, have you seen what strong wind was recently. Look what he did on our site, even the last leaves were crumbling. Let's put things in order on our site.

Independent activity.

Guys, think about who and what would like to do. (Children are offered toys, games, attributes for role-playing games).

The independent activity of children is organized, during which individual work is carried out according to the plan.

At the end of the walk, outdoor games:

  • "Mousetrap";
  • "Golden Gate"

Bottom line.

Guys, the time of our walk has come to an end. Please tell me: Did you enjoy the walk? What was interesting during your walk today? What new have you learned? What useful activity did you do during the walk? (children's answers).

Guys, I want to say a big thank you to all of you for helping us clean up our playground! Look how clean and beautiful our site is! Well done! And now we are going back to the group.

Olga N. Osadcheva

educator MBDOU d / s number 38

Software content:

1. Continue to acquaint with the phenomena of nature. Writing the concept of the wind. To acquaint with its properties.

2. To teach in the process of observation and conversation to draw conclusions and conclusions. Develop cognitive interest.

3. In the process of work, to teach to bring what has been started to the end, to form an idea of ​​the importance of work for others.

4. Exercise in running, the ability to act on a signal, to follow the rules of the game.

Materials and equipment: illustrations depicting the wind, toy - sailboat, paper ribbons, cellophane bag, paper envelopes.

Walking course

Educator: If you guess the riddle, you will find out what we will talk about.

I will rock the birch

I will push you

I will heal, whistle,

I'll even take off my hat.

And you can't see me

Who am I? Can you guess?


What is the wind, let's figure it out. Answer the question. What cannot a person live without? (Without air). We do not see it, we do not feel it, it has no smell, but it is always around us. We can feel it when it starts moving.

Experiments are carried out:

Experience 1. Inflate an empty plastic bag.

Conclusion: The person also has air.

Experience 2. Children blow on the sails of a paper boat. They observe that if the boat is sailing, then there is air movement.

Conclusion: Wind is the movement of air.

Exercise "Find the mistake." The task is to find an error in the story.


Once we were sailing across the ocean on a sailing ship. The weather was calm, windless. Our ship in full sail flew to the distant mysterious shores.

The game of low mobility "Breeze".

Children perform movements on the text.

The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

The tree is getting higher, higher.

Didactic game "What a Wind".

Rules: determine the positive and negative properties of the wind (from the illustrations).

Word game "Pick a word".

Question: What can the wind do?

Children's answers. (Make noise, hum, rustle, howl, lift, swoop, etc.)

Question: What kind of wind can there be?

Children's answers. (Strong, affectionate, quiet, cool, harsh, etc.).

Sports game "Faster than the wind". Children as a team perform the relay race with a ribbon.

Outdoor game "Wind, breeze".

On the playground there are hoops - "houses", the number of which is less than the number of children. The teacher says the words, the children run freely around the playground.

Autumn, autumn at the gate

A round dance of leaves spins.

One, two, three - leaves are flying,

One, two, three - the leaves are circling.

It will rain soon, we need

Scatter home.

At the end of the words, the children occupy the "houses". A child who did not have time to occupy the house is eliminated from the game.

Labor in nature. Children watch withered flowers in a flower bed. The teacher offers to collect flower seeds for spring planting.

Educator: Guys, think about who and what would like to do. (Children are offered toys, games, attributes for role-playing games).

The independent activity of children is organized, during which individual work is carried out according to the plan.

Ekaterina Kulakova

Summary of a walk in the preparatory group on the topic

"Travel to the world of transport"

Educator: Kulakova E.A.

MBDOU No. 37 "Belochka"

GP Vulkanny

Target: to form an idea about the history of the emergence and development of transport, about the need with its emergence to create traffic rules.


1. Educational: consolidation of knowledge about the features of different types of transport (air, land and water); formation of a conscious attitude towards observance of traffic rules.

2. Developing: develop the ability to expressively convey an image through pantomime and speech, perform movements rhythmically, coordinate them with the text, develop imagination, spatial thinking.

3. Educational: foster a respectful attitude towards people's work, as well as a benevolent attitude towards young children and towards each other.

Integration:"Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Physical development"

Children's activities: communicative, productive, playful

Preliminary work: viewing multimedia presentations "From a carriage to a rocket", "Journey to the world of transport", conversations with children about the rules of the road and about the history of transport; learning poems about vehicles, viewing illustrations on the topic "Transport"; solving puzzles; work with parents: folders-moving "What to tell about transport?", "Crossing the street".

Observation progress: we observe the snow-removing tractor, we answer the questions:

1. What is it?

2. Mode of transport (land, water, air)

3. Where and how is it used?

4. Color and size.

6. What do you need to move?

7. How is it looked after?

Research activities: after observing the tractor, we try to find out whether it is so useful to a person. We first clear the snow with our hands, then try to do it with a shovel. We conclude that thanks to the large bucket of the tractor, it can easily cope with such a volume of work, even in bad weather. Without him, we would not be able to move along the streets, because they would not have been cleared.

Labor activity: using toy trucks to help kids collect toys on the site

Target: to consolidate the ability to perform labor activities; continue to develop teamwork skills.

Sedentary game: "Sky, sea, road"

Target: know the features of the movement of different vehicles; be able to navigate in space, be attentive, act on a signal.

Rules: the teacher gives the children the signals: "Sea" - the children depict a ship: their arms are stretched forward, form a triangle with their apex forward, swaying like on the waves. "Sky" - depict an airplane, fly throughout space. "Road" - depict driving a car, driving without breaking the markings. "Rails" - stand one after another, depicting train cars, and move in one direction rhythmically.

Outdoor play: "Funny cars"

Target: remember the basic rules of the road; develop attention, running in a certain direction and in different directions; be attentive to peers in the game.

Rules: Children line up one after another and, at the command of the teacher, begin to move. "Green traffic light" - we are going, "yellow traffic light" - slow down, "red" - stop. It is important that children do not collide with each other, follow the rules of the road.

Individual work on the development of movements: jumping on one leg.

Target: exercise to vigorously push off and land correctly.

Walking course

Educator: Guys! Today I want to offer you not just a walk, but an interesting journey, at the end of which a surprise awaits us. Want to try?

Educator: Then we go on a fun journey "To the world of transport"! There are many tasks awaiting us, but we will try very hard and cope with everything. See what it is?

Children: Pointers!

Educator: What do you think, and why do we need them?

Educator: Right! Let's take a look at what is on the first index?

Children: A cloud is painted there!

Educator: What kind of transport do you think we should call?

Children: Air.

Educator: And what kind of air transport do we know?

Children: Airplane, balloon, helicopter, airplane ...

Educator: Well done! But look closely, a letter is hidden in the cloud, what is this letter?

Children: Letter "C"

Educator: I think this letter contains the name of the air vehicle on which we will fly!

Children: It's a plane!

Educator: But in order for us to fly, we need to remember what parts the plane consists of?

Children: Cabin, propeller, landing gear, wings, tail.

Educator: And now we spread our wings, we start the engine. At first it works quietly and slowly: "so-so-so", then faster: "knock-knock-knock", and finally, the engine roared: "rrr".

We fly one after another, so as not to collide, we land near the next clue.

Educator: And here is the next pointer! It says "To go further, remember the poetry about the transport!" So, well guys, can we handle this task?

Children read poetry.

From carriage to rocket (Sergey Mikhalkov)

People traveled around the world

seated himself in the carriage.

But the twentieth century has come -

A man got into the car.


Then such a thing started!

The cities rattled.

The noise of engines, the rustle of tires -

Thousands of cars are racing.

Into steam slugs

Pedestrians were picked up.

And could they be on the way

Easy to get off on the go.


And now, under the sound of wheels

We are driven by an electric locomotive.

I didn't have time to say two words -

You look: you have to get out!

The ships were like that -

They swam like toys.

They sailed for a month, sailed for a year….

The steamer has appeared!

And today to the oceans

The giants are swimming.

White light surprises

The speed of naval missiles.

Obedient to only one winds,

A balloon rose.

Man knew how to dream

The man wanted to fly!

Year after year passed ...

The plane has appeared!

I sat down in a chair and ate breakfast.

What's happened? Arrived!

Well, and this, well, and this -

Around the world rocket!

From carriage to rockets!

Is it a miracle or not?

Educator: That's what great fellows we are! We know not only about modern transport, but also about the past of transport, as it used to be. And now we are moving on.

Guys, imagine that there is a lake ahead. We closed our eyes and presented it. And who can tell me how to get across the lake? (listening to options)

Educator: Look, is there another pointer? Let's see what is drawn here.

Children: There is a balloon on the sign!

Educator: But can we fly everything on it?

Children: No!

Educator: They probably want to confuse us. Guys, tell me, in what vehicle can you cross to the other side? It looks a lot like a balloon, and we can all fit in it.

Children: It's a balloon!

Educator: But first, we need to build it! What are the parts of the balloon?

Children: Basket, rope, ball.

Educator: Okay, what should we build first?

Children: Shopping cart.

Educator: Let's weave a basket of ropes, for this we stand in a circle, grab the handles. And now we inflate the balloon, inhale with the nose, exhale with the mouth! Inflated, flew! We move easily on our toes, because the ball is very light! The wind drives forward, and brings us down on the other side of the lake. And now we have a task for attentiveness, I will read you a riddle, you will guess it:

The miracle janitor is in front of us,

With raking hands

Raked up in one minute

An enormous snowdrift!

Children: Tractor

Educator: Tractor! Quite right! Have you found it yet? Here it is, standing. Let's take a closer look at it. (conducts an observation conversation)

Now let's play a little! The game is called "Sky, Sea and Road". What are you funny and mischievous!

Children: By car!

Educator: And the car consists of what parts?

Children: Cab, salon, windows, doors, wheels, motor.

Educator: Now read a poem with me and show the movements!

Drive, drive, imitate driving.

We press the pedal. The leg is bent, extended.

Turn on the gas, turn it off, turn the imaginary lever with your hand towards you, away from you

We look intently into the distance. Place your palm on your forehead.

"Wipers" clean off the drops, Hands bend at the elbows in front of them, palms open.

Right left. Purity! Lean your arms left, right.

The wind ruffles my hair. They move their fingers over their heads

We are chauffeurs anywhere! Raise your thumb up.

Educator: Since we are now drivers, let's remember the rules of the road

Need traffic rules

We not only know for sure

But also strictly comply!

Educator: Wait guys, I see something. (I take out the road signs from under the wheels). Perhaps we need to remember the name of each of them. (let's call the definition of each sign)

1. "What is the name of the part of the street along which the cars go?" (road)

2. "What is the name of the part of the street reserved for pedestrians?" (sidewalk)

4. “Why is it dangerous to play near the road? (life threatening)

3. "Why is it necessary to cross the street at a pedestrian crossing?" (it is safe, complies with traffic rules)

Educator: You answered all the questions! So we came to the pedestrian crossing, let's become pedestrians again, for this let's say these words "One, two three, turn into a pedestrian!" Look, there is a beautiful box near the traffic light. but in order to get to her, what do we need to do, what do you think?

Children: Go on the crosswalk!

Educator: Of course! We look at the traffic signals, what each of them means. (children's answers) Well, here we come to the coveted box! There is a note on it "When you can solve all the tasks, then you will be able to open the box!" Have we completed all the tasks? Then let's open up soon! (open the box) What did we have hidden here?

Educator: Now, each of you will take a typewriter. I see that the kids have scattered all the molds all over the road, they probably do not know the rules of the road, let's collect them with the help of our cars! By the way, in order to transport goods, what kind of car should it be? (children's answers) Well, of course, cargo! You are so smart! Now let's go! (collect toys, music sounds)

Educator: How good we did it! The road is now completely clear! Now you can have some fun! Let's play the Funny Cars game (play the game)

Educator: We have had such an amazing journey today! Did you like it?

Educator: I hope our guests liked it too!

(individual work is carried out on the development of movements)

Summary of a walk in the preparatory group of a kindergarten


Goal and tasks:

    To develop generalized ideas about winter as a season, its essential features;

    Continue to educate children about the properties of snow;

    To develop knowledge of educational activities: the ability to logically answer the questions posed, to prove one's thought;

    To cultivate love for nature, respect for it;

    To give an idea of ​​the importance of feeding for wintering birds;

    Improve the motor activity of children, the ability to perform movements on a signal;

    To accustom children to feasible work, to instill hard work, a desire to help others.

Equipment and materials: bird feeder on a birch, bird food, baby buckets, shovels, brooms.

Types of children's activities used for walks: observation, work, conversation, games of various mobility.

Location: the territory of the preschool educational institution, the site of the "Firefly" group.

Walking course:

Educator goes for a walk with the children.

1. Observation of bushes and birches.

The teacher brings the children to the bushes:

What fluffy pure snow
The bushes are dressed in white fur
They stand timid
like white bears.

The teacher addresses the children:

Guys, who tried to turn ordinary bushes into fluffy polar bears? Guess the riddle:

I have a lot to do - I am a white blanket
I cover the whole land, I take it into the ice of the river,
I whitewash the fields, at home, and my name is ... (children's answers - winter)

We went to the forest birch, raising our legs higher.

Through bushes and bumps, through branches and stumps.


Children, what kind of tree is this? (Birch)

Hello birch, hello beauty! (children greet the birch tree). Look guys how wonderful she is!

The teacher reads to the children a poem by A. Kulagina:

There is a birch in the snow.

Powdered hair!

Intricate bows!

There are diamonds on the bows!

Every curl is styled!

We admire from the windows

As in frosty frost

The birch is graceful!

The outfit is rich and light!

January noted her -

Appointed the first one

Your lady-in-waiting!

2. Observing the snow.


Guys, guess the riddle:

He's busy all the time
He can't go in vain.
He goes and paints white
Everything that he sees on the way.

(children's answer is snow)

Let's take a look around with you. Oh, how much snow has covered. See how the snow beautifully decorated houses, trees, how beautifully it shines in the sun.

Guys, why is snow compared to a blanket? What snow? (soft, light, crumbly, fluffy, warm, white, clean)

What other snow can there be? (wet, sticky, heavy, dirty).

What kind of snow is easier to make snowballs, a snowman from? (from wet, sticky).

Educator: What can be made of snow? (you can fashion a snowman, build a slide).

Educator: why do you think the snow is not melting now? (It's winter now, it's cold outside).

3. Outdoor play: "Snow and Ice"

Game rules: A driver is selected. He turns away and says SNOW at this time, all players run, jump, have fun. Then the driver says the word "ICE", at this time, everyone should immediately "fall asleep" (freeze in the positions in which they were at that moment). The driver at this moment turns around, and the player looks, who does not move, is chosen by the driver. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

4. Conversation about the importance of feeding for wintering birds

The teacher draws the attention of the children that a bird feeder is hanging on a birch tree. Guys, we can help the birds survive the winter by setting up feeders. Our wintering birds eat grains. When there is little snow, it is easy for them to find food, but when the snow falls and it becomes a lot, the birds cannot dig it out, they cannot find grains. And in winter, the days are short, the birds have little time in search of food. We need to build winter dining rooms for our feathered friends - feeders. You just need to know which feeder is correct and which is not. Don't be fooled into thinking the right trough is a brightly colored castle with pretty doors and turrets. First of all, the correct feeder is a feeder in which you constantly add food... Why is that? The answer is simple - the birds get used to the fact that a hearty meal is waiting for them in the feeder and every day they will look forward to food. And if you do not add food, then the birds may die. Therefore, it is important not only to make a feeder, but also to constantly add food. Tits, pigeons, flocks of sparrows regularly gather near the feeders, sit on branches of trees and bushes and wait for food to be taken out. Let's feed the birds. (The teacher and the children put pre-prepared bird food in the feeder).

The teacher reads to the children a poem by A. Yashin:

Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all ends
They will flock to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Their food is not rich.
A handful of grain is needed
One handful - and not scary
It will be winter.
How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And it's warm for the birds.
Is it possible to forget:
Could fly away
And they stayed for the winter
Along with people.
Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs you don't have to
We welcome spring!

Do you know how to behave around a bird feeder? (You can't make noise, speak loudly.)

5. Outdoor game "Crows"

Guys, let's imagine that you and I have become birds and will play the outdoor game "Crows".

“Here, under a furry tree, crows are jumping in the snow:

Kar-Kar! Kar-Kar!

(Children jump on 2 legs around the playground, around the tree, stumps)

Fight over the crust (run in different directions, waving their hands)

They screamed at the top of their lungs

Kar-Kar! Kar-Kar!

Only the night comes

All the crows fall asleep.

6. Labor activity

We played with you, and now it's time to work hard.

Who loves to work

Tom does not sit idle.

Today we will clear the path to the veranda, this will be done ...

They will sweep the hill ...

(the teacher gives the names of several children)

Benches will be swept ...

(the teacher gives the names of several children)

7. Individual work

"Sled race".

Purpose: to teach, sitting on a sled, from a given point on a signal to move to a snowdrift, pushing off with your feet.