DIY crown for girls: how to make a spectacular accessory for theatrical performance. DIY paper crown. Cutting template

Before the onset of all kinds of matinees in schools and kindergartens, many parents are puzzled by the manufacture of suitable costumes and accessories for children. Of course, now there are a lot of such things on sale, but not everyone wants to buy them for two reasons. The first is the high cost of the purchase, and the second is the desire to have an original outfit that should be unique and in a single copy. Therefore, most mothers and grandmothers have to invent and sew the necessary clothes on their own.

Royal majesty

Sometimes many parents have problems with making additional accessories for New Year's costumes for children. Most often, they do not know how to make a crown for a princess with their own hands. And this attribute, by the way, is of great importance for the full-fledged image of the fairytale heroine. Therefore, a poor-quality craft that has a clumsy appearance can ruin the whole look, even despite the beauty and chic of the dress.

You can achieve the desired result and give such a craft a beautiful look and royal grandeur by choosing high-quality materials for its manufacture. But the material chosen does not have to be expensive, since you can make a crown for a princess from improvised items.

Little beauty

Starting to make a craft with their own hands and not knowing how to make a crown for a princess correctly, some people make the same mistake when they try to mold it to a very large one. In fact, such a thing should be small, but at the same time very bright and visible.

The princess crown should not be confused with crafts for the king and queen, so all its lines and shape must be refined and curved. To achieve this result, various tools are most often used that allow bending the prongs of the product so that they look like the petals of a lily. A ready-made exquisite crown for a princess, made by hand, needs additional fasteners to the child's head, since it will not hold on on its own. Therefore, it will be possible to attach it with a thin transparent elastic band or invisibility.

Second life of old things

Speaking about the material from which a crown for a princess should be made with your own hands, it can be argued that most of the things that are available in every house are suitable for these purposes. Plastic bottles, cardboard, copper wire, fabric and other products can be excellent blanks for future crafts.

When choosing the right materials, so that a handmade crown for a princess is safe for a child, some nuances should be taken into account. This means that in no case should you use sharp, sharp or glass objects to create a blank and decorate a craft. It is also unacceptable to use toxic paints or varnishes.

Easy solution

The easiest and fastest way to make a craft for a child, a fabulous crown, is considered to be its invention made of cardboard. But it is only better to take not a simple cardboard, but a special, metallized one, which will not need to be additionally painted. Moreover, in such a material, all colors are very saturated and shiny, and it is not always possible to achieve a similar result by coloring other similar blanks.

Consider how a princess crown is made from cardboard of a similar sample, in stages:

  1. Draw an unfolded crown on a golden sheet of cardboard on the inside. The number of teeth should be no more than 5-7 pcs. They should be as sharp as possible and not exceed 10 cm in height.The length of the unfolded crown can vary from 10 to 15 cm.
  2. Cut out the image of the craft and roll it up, connect the joints with glue or pieces of tape, but you only need to do this so that there are no gaps between the edges.
  3. For homemade decor, you need to prepare stickers with pebbles of different shapes, as well as sparkles and pieces of chopped multi-colored rain.
  4. Before decorating the product, it is necessary to slightly bend the teeth of the crown. To do this, it is best to use a pencil, which, pressing with your fingers, must be placed against the edge of each clove and, having wound it, gently tug.
  5. All edges of the finished product should be smeared with glue using a brush, and then covered with sparkles and chopped rain.
  6. Stick the stickers with pebbles in a chaotic manner.

Plastic miracle

Also, a crown for a princess with your own hands can be made from a simple plastic bottle. The size of the future craft can be adjusted by using bottles of different sizes. An example of making one of the types of such an accessory will be considered below.

  1. Take a straight plastic bottle of a suitable size and draw a crown in its center in a circle. Draw the number of teeth and the distance between them so that the product looks harmonious.
  2. Cut out the pattern very carefully so as not to damage the material. Thus, we got a blank that does not need to be glued.
  3. Next, you need to paint the homemade product with golden paint on both sides.
  4. After the paint has dried, start decorating the product, for which use stickers with pebbles and small pearl beads.

To do such a thing, you don't even need a crown template for a princess, which is often the case in similar cases. Also, it takes very little time and effort to make it completely, so every child can independently make such a miracle and go to the ball in it.

How to make a crown for a girl with your own hands for the New Year: step-by-step master class.

How to make a crown for a girl with your own hands for the New Year

We continue to publish materials from the New Year's Masquerade competition and the Native Path website. And today you and I will make a charming and delicate crown for a girl. Simple, fast and beautiful! Svetlana Ponyaeva (Moscow) shared her master class. Svetlana made such a crown for her daughter, a preschool girl.

I give the floor to Svetlana for conducting the master class. She writes:

“My daughter really wanted to be at the New Year's party in kindergarten in a white dress and crown. We agreed that it would be a snowflake costume. I don't know how to sew a dress yet, but it was too late to buy a white dress, so I collected and finished a suit from what was at home. But there was no crown. On the Internet, I immediately found great master classes on crowns. I have chosen from different ideas making a lace crown - for the image of the Queen of Snowflakes.

I will describe here the details of making a lace crown for my daughter for the new year from my experience. And I will dwell on those nuances of its manufacture that were not indicated in the master classes available on the network. The result is such a crown (see photo below).

My daughter put it on along with a costume for a play at the kids' club. A two-year-old girl came up to her and literally froze in place with genuine admiration, as if she saw a real fairy-tale princess alive! I wish you the same emotions while getting the result from this master class! :) ".

DIY tools and materials for making a crown

To make a magic crown for your daughter - a princess or a snowflake, you need to prepare:

  1. Lace, like a crown, 42 cm. When buying, ask the seller to carefully cut the lace so that later you can easily combine the pattern. I didn't, and in the end there were some minor difficulties.
  2. PVA glue (in my case, there was a thick construction glue to reduce the production time)
  3. Sponge, stick for mixing glue.
  4. A plastic backing from under the food, where it was necessary to pour glue.
  5. Threads to match the lace
  6. Needle
  7. Scissors
  8. Newspaper to protect the floor or table from glue
  9. Baking paper (so you can put the glue-treated lace on it so it doesn't stick)
  10. Rhinestones (those that are the least in photo 2)
  11. Pearl Beads
  12. Glue Crystal Moment (transparent)
  13. A ready-made bezel to which you need to fasten the crown (so that it stays securely on your head)
  14. Ready knitted starched snowflake on a thin silver thread

Initially, in the technology of making the crown, it was supposed to process the crown with paint, but I decided to leave the original lace color.

How to make a crown with your own hands: a step-by-step description

Step 1. Prepare the workplace, taking into account that the lace will dry on it for several hours.

To prevent my daughter from accidentally crawling in with her fingers, I put a newspaper on the table, on top of it - baking paper along the length of the lace and then above the lace itself.

Step 2. Stir the PVA building glue with a stick, pour it into the substrate (take a little glue, this is very important, it is better to add a little). Dip a clean, dry sponge there and gently process the lace with wet strokes on paper, first on one side, then on the other.

I tried to do it with a wide brush, but it turned out to be worse - the lace pattern shifts, it turns out to be crooked. Therefore, I recommend using a sponge.

Step 3. Leave the lace to dry overnight.

Step 4. In the morning the lace was completely dry. We need to repeat the glue treatment and leave the lace to dry again until evening.

Step 5. In the evening, the lace was completely dry and already held its shape well when it was placed vertically (as the crown will stand on the head). You can proceed to the fifth step.

Using threads to match the lace, carefully sew the two ends of the lace, trying to match the pattern. In the original master class, on the basis of which I made my crown, it is proposed to glue the Crystal-Moment with glue, but I decided that, even if it was a few minutes longer, it would be more reliable to sew the two ends - so it would definitely not unstick into the most inappropriate moment and no need to wait 24 hours for the glue to dry to continue working.

Step 6. We decorate the crown with beads and rhinestones.

Sew the pearl-like beads onto the crown peaks. Honestly, this point is not at all required, especially if you want to do everything quickly. It took me about two hours to sew on these beads. Therefore, to save time, you can simply do with gluing rhinestones and other adhesive decorative elements.

Stick on matching rhinestones. It is best to stick them on transparent glue "Moment Crystal". It is very important that the glue was exactly transparent, because only the first two or three rhinestones turned out to be carefully glued, and then the glue got on the fingers and left spots on the lace, no matter how hard I tried. Since it was transparent, it turned out imperceptibly. Let the glue dry.

My editor's note: from my experience of making hairpins and headbands for girls using "Moment - crystal" glue. To prevent smudging, this glue needs to be used differently from how we use conventional glue. We apply a thin layer of glue to the decor part using a thin stick, toothpick, headless match. And we wait 5-7 minutes. When the glue starts to harden, becomes covered with a thinnest crust and stops spreading, we put the part in exactly the right place. And we press on it. There will be no glue spreading. Remember that this glue can only be used in a well-ventilated area when there are no children in it.

Step 7. We connect the bezel with the crown.

I put on a ready-made headband on the child's head, on top of the headband - a crown, outlined the places where the crown was attached to the headband, pinched one place with my fingers on one side, removed the headband with the crown and immediately fastened them with threads to match the crown - I just passed a double thread through the lace in the base of the crown and tied it to the rim.
Then she once again put a bezel with a crown on the child's head and did these steps on the other side of the bezel and crown. Now it is fixed on the bezel, and while it is on the head, the crown will remain in the same place :).

Step 8.
To decorate the headdress and complete the image, I took a ready-made white, knitted from cotton threads, a starched snowflake on the thinnest silvery thread. You can take a thread to match your hair color. And I just tied it to the crown at the back at some distance, as in the photo. The crown is ready.

A do-it-yourself crown can be made for a girl and for a boy for any occasion.

Sometimes even a holiday is not needed to arrange a fun event. Also, crowns are relevant for photo shoots.

It is easy to make them, it is enough to correctly use the materials that are available to everyone.

Every girl wants to be a queen, snowflake or princess at the holiday. Many characters cannot impress without an additional accessory like a crown.

DIY foil crown

In order to make a foil crown, it is enough to have, in fact, only foil.

You can make an accessory using wire - then it will hold its shape better and will not tear as quickly as it would with plain foil.

However, if there is no wire, follow this set of actions:

  • cut the foil roll into equal strips. It is better to cut the strips horizontally, along the long side. It is better if they are about a meter long;
  • put several strips on top of each other, and then start twisting them together. This should be done so that the protruding edges of each of the foil layers are not visible. It is better if twisted in the form of a small roundness, but it is important to remember that such a crown can wrinkle during operation;
  • may provide not only the presence of a crown, but also other attributes, for example, a magic wand, so you can make different stars, flowers from the remains of the foil, cut out interesting figures;
  • when the do-it-yourself foil crown ring is ready, you need to fasten the two edges of the foil in a circle. It is better to do this with PVA glue - unlike paper clips and a stapler, it will not become an additional weight that breaks the fragile structure of the foil;
  • now we begin to attach arcs and interesting curls, which are twisted in a similar way. They must be fastened first to the circle, and then to each other. Fantasy can be shown in different ways.

If you are ready to use the wire, you can pre-bend and cut it.

A foil crown will keep its shape better, not bend, and will last longer.

Foil should be wrapped tightly over the entire length of the wire in one row, and then, in a more relaxed manner, create a volumetric surface of the product, if this is the main purpose.

A tightly wrapped foil crown in several layers will last longer.

Tip: Straighten the wire well. This can be done with sturdy objects and even around furniture. If your desk leg is round, you can loop a wire around it and apply force to level the surface. True, you need to put something under the product so that the furniture does not deteriorate.

DIY plastic bottle crown

The work on this product will be more laborious, but the result will be beautiful and original.

The main thing is that such a crown can be used for more than one year, and anyone will suit it.

To create a crown from a bottle, you will need the following materials:

  • large beads, rhinestones, various shiny small jewelry, colored sand;
  • a plastic bottle with a large diameter, corresponding to the size of the child's head;
  • Scotch;
  • paper;
  • nail polish.

As for the varnish, you can choose one of the options: take a colorless coating that will be applied to colored sand, and the sand itself, in turn, to the surface of the crown smeared with glue, or use the option of applying a ready-made colored varnish with glitter.

The perfect choice is a nail shimmer. But just one jar of such varnish will be spent, since it will need to be applied in at least three layers, generously and thickly.

How to make a crown with your own hands from a bottle:

  • first, we take the prepared bottle and cut out a section approximately in its center corresponding to the width of the crown;
  • we take a sheet of plain paper and glue it with tape around the edges around the cut out segment of the bottle;
  • draw the upper outline of the crown on a sheet of paper. If you want to make holes inside the decoration, they must also be provided;
  • cut out the product along the drawn lines;
  • remove the paper;
  • decorate the crown from the bottle with varnish.

You can make a frame out of beautiful threads, openwork stripes and shiny beads.

However, it is recommended to apply at least one layer of varnish before decorating the various elements of the crown, so that its color is even and without white glints.

For the crown, you can make an original magic wand in similar colors.

The main advantage of using plastic is that there is no need to make the product in one piece.

You can make a cut in the center of the accessory at the back - this will provide an opportunity to use the crown not only for children, but also for adults, by adjusting the size.

You just need to be extremely careful, because during bending and unbending, the sequins can crumble, peeling off the surface of the crown.

DIY paper crown for a boy

A crown for a boy can be relevant for the New Year for a Prince's or King's costume.

It is very simple to make such a crown, for this you need:

  • colored paper;
  • 5 more yellow and orange paper modules (other colors are possible);
  • 5 red and 5 triangular modules each;

First, we need to make triangular modules. It's easy to do.

We take the paper and fold it in half and cut it.

Then fold it in half again and cut it. It turns out 4 identical square sheets.

We take a sheet and fold it in half (lengthwise).

Then we fold it into a small square.

We unfold the square and make a triangle along the fold (as if you are making an airplane).

We bend the edges of the plane into a triangle.

Fold the resulting triangle in half.

With less modules, you should do the same, only at the initial stage make 32 small squares from a large A4 sheet (fold several times and cut).

Our do-it-yourself crown for the boy will be made of such modules.

We glue large modules (triangles), forming a crown.

Rubies and emeralds can be made from small modules (by bending the triangle in half, cut up).

We insert our stones into the crown with our own hands for the boy.

DIY paper crown for a girl

It is quite simple to make it. From the picture you will understand that even a child can handle it.

Something has been stretched lately into crowns ... Today we are making two more crowns, this time crowns for the king and queen.

If we made the crown of the Russian Empire from a plastic bottle and polyethylene foam, then a thick cardboard 2-3 mm thick was prepared for the royal crown, which can be bent without leaving creases.

Royal crown in finished form looks like this:

Crown pattern, about 58 head size:

Of course, the teeth of the crown can be drawn in any shape you like.
First, we cut out the crown from the Whatman paper, try it on, and correct the height of the crown.

Cut out the blank of the cardboard from the crown. We glue in an overlap (did you forget about the glue allowance?).

We are preparing a glue gun with a large supply of rods, various ribbons, cords. The color of the braid does not matter - everything will be painted gold. We glue the cords and braid on the crown with a glue gun (or universal glue "Moment-crystal") as your fantasy tells you

We glue all sorts of different beads, pendants, buttons, brooches - everything that is at hand. It is desirable that the beads are assembled on a string, so it is safer than gluing one at a time.

When the decorative fantasy dries up, you can paint the crown. First, we prime, then paint with gold. I previously painted it with black spray paint, tk. I wanted to give the crown a certain antiquity. It can be primed with white paint - then the gold on the crown will appear especially brightly.

Don't be alarmed that this photo has a different crown. This is the crown of the queen, which will be discussed later. The principle is the same.

Now paint with gold spray paint.

Without further ado, I decorated this crown with acrylic rhinestones on an adhesive basis.

The crown is ready for the king. Oops! I almost forgot to show the inside of the crown.

I really like this seamy side: the rivets are just like real ones. But they turned out not from a good life: when I bent the cardboard blank of the crown into a ring, my cardboard gave the same hall in one place. I strengthened this hall by gluing a piece of cardboard on the inside of the crown. At the same time, of course, I had to stick them around the entire perimeter of the crown evenly. Then, with a glue gun, you need to quickly and quickly set points on these inserts, and then even faster (until the glue has cooled down) with something sharp, such as a thin screwdriver or the tip of a knife, push the points in the middle. This is how the forged rivets on the crown turned out.
At the bottom, on the inside of the crown, I have a soft part of the Velcro tape glued to it so that the crown does not crawl over my head.

Now about the crown for the queen.

The following shape of the crown was taken as a basis:

The process of making this crown is no different from the making of a royal crown. But in the decoration of the crown for the queen, more expensive rhinestones, pearls and glutinous semi-pearls, sequins were used. There are 5 pentagons on the crown, highlighted with a glued cord. Between the pentagons, the horizontal reliefs are "drawn" with a glue gun.

Finished crown for the queen:

Good luck to all in your work!

What is the most important thing in preparation for the holiday?
Mood! How to create it?

Simple, quick and easy to make a crown for your girl, so that she feels like a princess or queen.

If you have a lot of time to prepare, then we make a kokoshnik on the frame, or using cardboard, we cut out a template according to which we will make a crown for the Snow Maiden or snowflakes.

Unfortunately or fortunately, our kids are designed in such a way that the crown is needed instantly, literally in a few hours, or even better in a few minutes.

Note the crowns above. Each of them is done quite quickly, which cannot be said about these crowns in the next photo.

The first one is made using the kanzashi technique. A fairly well-known technique that has gained popularity when the product is made step by step from ribbons. This is the first photo, you must agree, beautiful and exclusive, but very fragile and not suitable for children.

The second photo is already a bead creation, it can be either on a wire frame or without it. See how sequins and large stones fit in here.
The rest of the beads complement and add charm. You can find all these details in any bead store, there will also be wire, stones and everything else that is required for such a creation.

Photo 3 - this is a kokoshnik embroidered with threads with elements of beads and made on a frame. Such beauty requires a lot of patience, attention and perseverance from needlewomen.

These crowns are very beautiful, but they are not suitable for little girls, since the time and amount of labor exceed the few minutes that little ones are ready to endure.

Therefore, we will consider quick ways to create crowns, while they are very effective and beautiful, they are not inferior to kokoshniks at all, having the main advantage - they are light!

  1. from foil;
  2. from a plastic bottle;
  3. from a peat pot;
  4. from a cardboard roll;
  5. frame decorated with tinsel;
  6. from lace;
  7. from paper.

We chose 7, since hundreds of thousands of options are made according to these templates, they will differ only in details in execution or decoration.

Having started to master the creation of a crown, we suggest that you remember that you also need it. Lots of ideas and tips from gym shoes, tights to finishing touches to accessories and crowns.
How to make a costume from what is at home or decorate a dress before creating an exclusive outfit.

And the crown will look perfect on the hairstyles specially selected in this article. They will suit snowflakes and queens, Christmas trees, Cinderellas and princesses. Lots of photos and videos available will show you how to replicate them on your girl's head, making them easy to recreate.
It's time to practice and make one of the proposed or your own version based on photo ideas.

Have you already chosen a hairstyle for your princess?

Foil crown

To create such a crown, you need a roll of baking foil, tear off and make volumetric rolls, creating a ring, then attach the top to it.

The foil bends well and maintains its shape. In addition to the crown, you can make other signs of royalty.

It is very easy to add new details or whole knots, the only drawback of this material, if it is too compressed, then it is very difficult to straighten it, but we recommend using everything that is at home and decorating it in 2 layers, giving "silver".

Plastic bottle crown

We found 3 options at once, they differ in the method of giving color and decoration, but the basis is the same - these are familiar and familiar plastic bottles that are in every home.


The golden crown is a plastic bottle painted with varnish, its main advantage is that it is not closed in a ring, it covers ¾ of the head, which allows any person to wear it, an adornment according to his opinion and taste.

Pay attention to the photo, painted plastic is well decorated with stones and other decorations.

You can buy them in the store or look for a needlewoman from her mother in her "hamster" stocks. Often purchased just in case. Choose sewn stones or with a flat inner side.

What is the crown decorated with?

The stones are glued with a hot gun or super glue. Sequins are glued around them, one bag will be enough to decorate the entire plane. Beads are also suitable, but we recommend choosing a small one, it weighs less.


To create a tiara, you need a 2 liter bottle and a template, according to which we will draw the picture with sparkles. Then we carefully cut it out and it is ready, if there is still time, then we paint it and glue rhinestones, stones, so it looks more valuable.


The base is a plastic bottle wrapped in shimmery paper, and the front is decorated with rhinestones in the form of seashells or sequins.

  1. Prepare a 5 liter bottle and apply the outline of the upper part to it, measure the baby's head first. The volume of the head should be equal to the length of the resulting shape and bottle.
  2. To get it beautifully and without alterations, draw the outline for the first time not with an indelible marker, but with a corrector or a pencil, but only after correcting errors with a marker. We want to reassure you, even if it didn't work the first time, it's not scary, because the front part will be decorated and the flaws will be hidden.
  3. Cut out the edges and make sure that they are 1-2 mm larger than the outline, because by running a lighter along the edge, we will make the edges less sharp and dangerous for the child.
  4. We glue the inside with shiny paper, this can be wrapping paper or from gift bags. We do this with scotch tape, a hot gun or superglue, which is at hand. Remember also about double-sided tape, it will adhere perfectly to plastic and hold the paper.
  5. We glue the sequins with a hot gun or super glue, apply from bottom to top so that the bottom layer overlaps the top one.
  6. We decorate the lower part with tinsel to match. For better fixation, use a stapler, it will speed up the fixing process and you will not see the staples, because she's shiny. Double-sided tape will work too.
  7. To make sure the structure is strong, turn it upside down before trying it on, let it dry for a few hours, so that the glue will set everywhere if you used it.
  8. Such a crown will suit a queen or a mermaid, or maybe a butterfly or queen. It all depends on the chosen color of the suit and the mood of your beauty.

Crown from a peat pot and a cardboard roll

And these materials are exactly in every home.

You will need: a cardboard roll of foil or sleeves for baking or film, possibly toilet paper, paint, a washcloth, stones and sequins for decoration, a hairpin, a hot gun or superglue, a paint brush and a pen.

Its manufacture is very similar, with a crown made of a cardboard roll, so we will not give the second description.

  1. Draw the peaks on the crown so that you can see the desired cutouts.
  2. We paint with white paint, it is better to take acrylic paint, it is necessary to paint our future crown inside and outside;
  3. We cover it with golden paint so that our crown looks like a real one, we use a sponge for this.
  4. Decorate with rhinestones, beads, sequins, then glue the hairpin for fastening.

When making from a cardboard roll, you need to make the bottom. Leftover rolls work well.

  • Attach the crown to cardboard or any thick paper. Draw a circle, but the circle should turn out to be 2. One is equal to the diameter of the crown, and the second is 2-3 cm larger.
  • We cut out in a larger circle and make cuts, right up to the second circle, we bend these segments, we glue them inward so that the bottom holds tight.
  • It is extremely important to glue inward, as the outside will look less aesthetically pleasing, so make sure that you do not get tangled and all the ponytails of the bottom are inside.
  • The rest of the points are similar.

Frame decorated with tinsel

The finished frame is very tight, preferably on glue or 2-sided tape, tinsel or rain is wound, if possible, add beads to the peaks of the tops.

It is important to inspect and neutralize any sharp or scratched parts with tape or other means. If there are sharp tips, then drip on them with a hot gun or soak in PVA glue and let dry.

Talk to your child about the shape of the crown she wants, show different options, while choosing not the most difficult ones.

Tinsel with a steel vein has appeared in stores, if you find it in a store, then speed up the manufacturing process several times. You do not need to wrap anything, you just need to connect the individual parts.

We make a crown of beads on the frame, but you cannot call such a crown simple and quick, so it remained outside the top, but the crowns sometimes turn out to be simply breathtaking. To make it you will need: pliers, round-nose pliers, wire, beads and beads, a lot of time and patience.

Lace crown

Any lace you like is cool starch, or grease with PVA glue (or rubber glue), let it dry, paint with acrylic paint and give the desired size (put on a jar or bottle).

What if you don't have lace?

Take a closer look, perhaps there are some lace curtains or an unnecessary blouse with openwork elements. This will all work too. It is only necessary to cut out the desired openwork element of the required length and then everything follows the algorithm, so you should not worry, even if this piece is stained or stained.

The advantages of this crown are simplicity and affordability, the disadvantage is the time it takes to dry.
The video will teach you how to make a crown out of lace:

Paper crown

Paper is a material that is in every home, so it is easiest to make a crown from it in a matter of minutes. Naturally, it will be far from festive and will be distinguished by its simplicity, but after spending a little more time decorating it, you will see that it will surprise and delight many guests of the festive matinee.
What are the simplest crown options:

  1. according to a paper template;
  2. origami;
  3. diadem;
  4. kokoshnik;
  5. from a paper plate.

Now a lot of templates have appeared on the Internet, having printed and planted on a rigid base - get a crown, as an alternative option is to stick it on cardboard.

Pay attention to the 5th and 6th crown, just cardboard or paper is decorated with sequins, and in the second case, lace and some beads are glued.

Before cutting out the crown, measure the child's head, determine if it will be elastic or will fit tightly.

How to make a work of art from a simple crown?

  1. Choosing a suitable simple template, the simpler the better. Apply it on a Whatman paper, print it out and transfer it in a pencil, or immediately draw peaks on the Whatman paper.
  2. We cut out according to the template of the required length. If the drawing paper is not very dense, then we glue the inner part in another layer or with silver colored paper.
  3. Purchase at a handicraft store: silver snowflakes, braid with rectangular or pointed, silver rectangular parts, glitter glue or glitters (glitter gel), simply replace with PVA glue and glitter.
  4. On the cut-out template, we apply a pattern in a shape reminiscent of drawing frost on windows only in a very simplified version, leave room for snowflakes - they are the main accent of the crown, glue them with a hot gun or super glue. Lay the braid along the edge so that each bend is with a border of them. If you don't feel like drawing, then choose a piece of fabric with such a pattern in white or transparent.
  5. Try on the finished crown and sew on an elastic band, if you planned it, but pre-process the edges with tape or glue a wide elastic band if you did not glue the 2nd layer of whatman paper.

It is important to choose exactly everything in a silver color, then white + silver will look elegant and in the style of snow.

Such a crown is suitable for a snowflake and for the Snow Queen, as well as a princess or other fairy-tale characters.

For a crown by a template, you need: a crown template, cardboard from a box, silicate and super glues, beads, beads, sparkles, a hoop, rhinestone stickers, a container for glue, glue brushes and a bead laying tool.

How this can be done at home is shown step by step in the video:

Crown for the Snow Queen

Similarly, a kokoshnik made of paper, like a diadem, is often used for decoration, tinsel or rain is often used, but the braid looks more advantageous, like snowflakes instead of sequins.


In origami technique

You will need: a sheet of paper and strictly repeat the folds according to the instructions, decorate to match your princess's costume with rhinestones, sparkles, snowflakes, beads and beads.
But that's not all to make a tall crown using the origami technique. It is enough to bend the right sides correctly.

Please note that there are 2 instructions in the photo, so choose the version of the crowns that you like best.

All our top closes, but one more type of crowns was left out. The reason is, they are easy if you know how to crochet.

Needlewomen on a note

Simple crowns or kokoshniks, with or without beads

If you know the technique of beading, then you can make such crowns for your favorite. We recommend making crowns on a wire frame, then the problem with maintaining the shape will not bother you.

Crochet crown

To crochet a crown, we do not take cotton (cotton) threads, remember, threads with lurex will make sequins and small rhinestones invisible.

Delicate crowns for snowflakes

We offer to knit a crown right now in 30-40 minutes even for a beginner!

You will definitely know the answer to the question of where to get it with video tutorials for beginners.
Here is a crown on a bezel, a hairpin, ideas for creating a crown for any head size. Just set aside 30 minutes and take a crochet hook, threads, and then there will be the magic of transformation.

Tie any of the crowns of the desired size and volume, all special calculations are given.

A few more secrets about knitting beads, pay attention to the photo.

What if the threads are of the wrong color?

When making a crown from threads of the wrong color, you should not be upset, you can dye it, but then you should not knit beads, it is better to sew them on later.

Beads, if you knit along the edge, are another option, put on a loop, but if you want it to be on top of the product, then it is better to string it on a thread before knitting and knit it through a double crochet, so all the beads will lie on top. In a single crochet, we show 2 knitting methods in the photo. 1 is an option on the Russian-speaking Internet, and 2 is an English-language option.

Now you have a lot of ideas and ready-made instructions for implementation, if our review was useful to you, click on the buttons on social networks.

If you have a boy, we offer you variations of crowns. So which crown will suit your knight? It's time to choose and make a crown with your own hands according to his order. Moreover, master classes with photo and video instructions.

And also New Year's costumes: squirrels, a hedgehog, a bunny, for everyone who wants to look original and surprise their friends and those invited to the holiday.

And if you need more creative ideas and tips, then check out this link too. Many will get a prize for an original costume! It's time to start right now and create your own version of the New Year's costume, because you are limited only by your fantasies.

Step-by-step master class on making a universal crown

This crown is ideal because it has no size and is simple, suitable for both a very young snowflake and an older one.

You will need: a thick elastic band or a stretchable band, a plastic cup, snowflakes, lace and all beautiful sequins and half-beads for decoration.

  1. Cut a tiara-like shape out of the glass.
  2. Sew the elastic to the plastic mold on both sides.
  3. Cut the bottom of the glass, where there is a bent nut, and decorate it with lace, sew it to the bottom with stitches using a needle and thread. On top of the lace we glue half-beads to get the necessary accents.
  4. We lay out a tiara from snowflakes and glue it with a hot gun or superglue.

How to make a universal crown for any head volume for a snowflake, video master class:

Tiara crown

We need: an old diadem, a mesh with sequins, tulle of 2 densities in blue and white, a snowflake, scissors and thread, a sewing machine.

  1. In order for our snowflake to be fixed and held on to the diadem, it is necessary to make a rigid tulle backing.
  2. To do this, we measure the size of the snowflake, applying it to the tulle and make a cut with a margin. From the resulting piece, we make a dense dense assembly either with a needle or with a typewriter. The denser the base is, the better, so we make assemblies frequent.
  3. The resulting volumetric detail will not work for us; it is necessary to make it flatter and even using an iron with a tulle or guipure mode.
  4. Tune the blue tulle to white.
  5. The third layer is a thin white tulle, it will be the background for the snowflake. Therefore, we lay it with uneven bending and then attach it.
  6. Cut off the bottom uneven edge of the tulle, then glue the diadem on top of it, thereby covering the seam. We glue with a hot gun.
  7. Similarly, glue a snowflake in the center.
  8. Cut off all 3 layers giving the crown a shape similar to the diadem. We move from the sides to the center, where our snowflake is located. Make sure it is symmetrical.
  9. Then, with an iron, add volume and splendor to the back layer.
  10. The crown of the fairy-tale princess is ready, it's time to try it on and go to the ball or matinee to school or garden.

Video on creating a crown from an old tiara:

Beaded crown

Beaded crown on the rim

Autumn crown

Autumn crowns are another type of separate beautiful decorations, which is the time to delight your girls in autumn, when there are especially a lot of autumn leaves.

How is a crown made of leaves?

There are many options for creating autumn crowns:

  1. weave a wreath from maple leaves;
  2. from maple leaves, darning with the tips of adjacent leaves;
  3. leaves on a ready-made frame made of paper or wire we glue or fasten;
  4. we cut out leaves from paper or other materials and glue or sew in the desired sequence.

On a rim of leaves

We fix the leaves with scotch tape

Another option with threads for attaching to the rim

Autumn paper crown

The leaf darning method

Forest crown

Elegant crown made of: hoop, wire, beads and roses.

Detailed video on creating a crown:

Great mood and inspiration to create a costume with a crown.