tongue-tied. The meaning of the word "tongue-tied" What is it

Dictionary Ushakov


tongue-tied, tongue-tied, pl. No, cf. (books.). Speech disorder, consisting in an unclear, slurred pronunciation.

| trans. Inability to speak fluently neglected).

Defectology. Dictionary-reference


violation of sound pronunciation, expressed in the distortion or replacement of speech sounds. It can act as one of the symptoms of general underdevelopment of speech, as well as an independent disorder. It arises as a result of anomalies of the speech apparatus, violations of its innervation (organic speech). At an early age, the immaturity of a child's speech manifests itself, among other things, in the so-called physiological language, which disappears as the child masters the phonetic system of the language. If this process is disturbed or difficult, it is possible to fix the wrong pronunciation (functional K.). Most often, hissing and whistling sounds, as well as the sounds of r and l, are subjected to distortion or replacement.

encyclopedic Dictionary


(dyslalia), incorrect pronunciation of speech sounds due to anomalies of the speech apparatus (language, palate, etc.), dysfunction of the nervous system or hearing loss.

Ozhegov's dictionary

KOSNOYAZ S CHIE, I, cf. Slurred, incorrect pronunciation, speech disorder.

Dictionary of Efremova


  1. cf.
    1. Speech disorder, which consists in the inability to correctly pronounce certain sounds; indistinct, indistinct pronunciation.
    2. trans. Inability to properly build speech.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


Lack of speech, which consists in the incorrect formation of sounds corresponding to individual letters. With the extreme development of this deficiency, speech becomes completely incomprehensible, similar to baby talk. If it is expressed to a moderate degree, then you can perfectly understand tongue-tied speech; only it acquires an unpleasant shade for hearing, and the wrong pronunciation extends either to all sounds, or, in most cases, only to some. For a correct assessment of this speech defect, it must be borne in mind that the ability to pronounce sounds corresponding to certain letters, in addition to the correct development of speech organs, depends on national characteristics. Many languages ​​have sounds that are completely uncharacteristic of others, and they cannot be pronounced correctly by a person to whom this language is alien, even if he was fluent in several other languages. Quite often, K. is reduced to such an inability in relation to certain sounds of the native language, mainly in relation to letters. r, l, Further s, g, k, as well as to some vowels that are not clearly pronounced, vague. These types of speech, which have received technical designations (rhotacismus, lambdacismus, sigmatismus, and so on), are observed with absolutely correct development of the speech organs. They must be considered functional disorders, in the sense that they are not based on any anatomical deviations from the norm in the sound-forming apparatus, and often they are due, as it were, to bad speech education, insufficient and incorrect exercise. Sometimes this kind of K. is combined with stuttering. In addition, K. may depend on mechanical causes, namely on shortcomings in the external organs of speech. The slightest irregularity in the structure of the palate, tongue, lips, larynx, and teeth must inevitably be reflected in the properties of sounds. Such irregularities can be congenital, for example. cleft lip, cleft palate, immobility of the tongue due to excessive density and shortness of its frenulum, etc.; they can also be acquired depending on the painful processes leading to paralysis of the palatine curtain, perforation of the palate, stiffness of the tongue due to cicatricial contractions, etc. Already in view of the listed conditions that underlie K. in these cases, it is clear that it can be very different in degree and character, and in some cases is reflected in the whole speech, in others only on certain letters. In the same way, K. can be healed if the lack of speech organs that caused it can be eliminated by treatment or surgery.

  • Tongue is a colloquial and obsolete name for pronunciation defects.

    Lack of speech, which consists in the incorrect formation of sounds corresponding to individual letters.

    With the extreme development of this deficiency, speech becomes completely incomprehensible, similar to baby talk. If it is expressed to a moderate degree, then you can perfectly understand tongue-tied speech; only it acquires an unpleasant shade for hearing, and the wrong pronunciation extends either to all sounds, or, in most cases, only to some.

    For a correct assessment of this speech defect, it must be borne in mind that the ability to pronounce sounds corresponding to certain letters, in addition to the correct development of speech organs, depends on national characteristics. Many languages ​​have sounds that are completely uncharacteristic of others, and they cannot be pronounced correctly by a person to whom this language is alien, even if he was fluent in several other languages. Often tongue-tied speech comes down to such an inability in relation to some sounds of the native language, mainly in relation to the sounds “p”, “l”, then “s”, “g”, “k”, as well as to some vowels that are not pronounced clearly , blurry. These types of tongue-tied tongue, which have received technical designations (rhotacismus, lambdacismus, sigmatismus, etc.), are observed with a completely correct development of the speech organs. They must be considered functional disorders, in the sense that they are not based on any anatomical deviations from the norm in the apparatus of sound production, and often they are due, as it were, to bad education of speech, insufficient and incorrect exercise. Sometimes this kind of tongue-tied tongue is combined with stuttering.

    In addition, K. may depend on mechanical causes, namely on shortcomings in the external organs of speech. The slightest irregularity in the structure of the palate, tongue, lips, larynx, and teeth must inevitably be reflected in the properties of sounds. Such irregularities can be congenital, for example. cleft lip, cleft palate, immobility of the tongue due to the excessive density and shortness of its frenulum, etc.; they can also be acquired depending on disease processes leading to paralysis of the palatine curtain, perforation of the palate, stiffness of the tongue due to cicatricial contractions, etc.

    Already in view of the listed conditions underlying in these cases tongue-tied tongue, it is clear that it can be very different in degree and character, and in some cases is reflected in the whole speech, in others only on certain letters. In the same way, tongue-tied tongue can be cured if the deficiency of the speech organs that caused it can be eliminated through treatment or surgery.

Tongue-to-tongue is a serious problem that makes it difficult to reproduce speech. This is an outdated vernacular word that is used to characterize pronunciation defects.

What it is?

A tongue-tied tongue is a lack of speech, which manifests itself in the incorrect pronunciation of individual sounds. With an extreme degree of development of human pathology, it is almost impossible to understand. Speech becomes slurred, like baby talk. With moderate development, the defect, of course, creates an unpleasant shade for hearing, but speech is quite understandable.

Forms of tongue-tied tongue

Tongue-tie is a nasty problem. There are several common forms of this defect:

  • Monoform tongue-tied tongue - a problem with the pronunciation of one or more letters from the category of hissing and whistling.
  • Polyform tongue-tied is a problem with the pronunciation of several letters at once from a variety of groups.
  • Physiological tongue-tied tongue is observed in children under the age of 5 years and is associated with an insufficient degree of development of the speech apparatus. With age, the problem usually goes away on its own.
  • The functional form is characterized by the absence of disturbances in the functioning of the speech apparatus. Speech defects are caused by problems with the central nervous system, hearing aid and articulation.
  • The organic form is the result of exposure to congenital, genetic or acquired articulation defects.

Common Causes

In order to effectively deal with the problem of tongue-tied tongue, it is important to understand what causes it. Here are the most common factors:

  • long-term chronic diseases (for example, colds or digestive disorders) that lead to neurological and physical weakening of the body;
  • pedagogical neglect, when parents do not pay due attention to the correct pronunciation of individual sounds by the child and do not try to set a positive example;
  • a multilingual family, when, for example, the father speaks Russian and the mother speaks Italian (in this case, the child accumulates different phonetic norms in his speech);
  • imitating a person who is a model of incorrect speech (this can be a parent, teacher, older friend, or any other individual with whom the child often contacts);
  • phonemic hearing disorder;
  • abnormal structure of the tongue, gums, teeth and other elements of the speech apparatus;
  • hereditary factors that are passed down from generation to generation (crooked or rare teeth, protruding jaw and other defects);
  • congenital disorders that were formed during fetal development;
  • acquired defects that could arise due to injuries received throughout life.

Tongue-tied tongue: how to get rid of?

Defects cause a lot of problems to the person himself, as well as to others who cannot accurately perceive information or are annoyed by incorrect pronunciation. The correction method is determined according to the causes of the problem. In any case, the likelihood of a favorable outcome is much higher in childhood.

In the event that tongue-tied tongue is a consequence of improper speech education, classes with a speech therapist will help correct the defect. But if the problem lies in the structure, special prostheses (orthodontic locks) can be used. In the most severe cases, surgery is performed.

Tongue-tiedness: synonyms

As mentioned earlier, the word "tongue-tied" refers to common expressions. In medical practice, this term sounds like "dyslalia". Nevertheless, in everyday communication you can hear a number of colloquial words that are synonymous with the concept in question. These are illegibility, indistinctness, slurring, inarticulateness, lack of language and other words that illustrate pronunciation problems.


It is worth noting that tongue-tied tongue is characteristic of all, without exception, children under the age of 5 who are just learning to speak. If over time the defect does not disappear, then this is a reason for an immediate appeal to a specialist. In most cases, the problem is solved by classes with a speech therapist. But if the reason lies in the incorrect physiological structure of the speech apparatus, more serious measures may be needed, up to surgical intervention.

— I read a lot, but my speech is tongue-tied. I am also afraid to speak in public, I can’t even recite poems that I have learned by heart. What can be done to change this?

- It takes willpower and desire! So, first things first!

Play this game with yourself. Take the simplest concepts: a coat, a magazine, a basket, a backpack. And give them definitions. Coat - what is it? How to explain this word to a foreigner, for example? And then check yourself in the explanatory dictionary. This game will develop thinking.

Thinking about any event, try to see the question, the problem and the way to solve this problem. Whatever you learn, always ask yourself why? For what? For example, they announced that on Saturday there will be a class hour about handmade greeting cards, do not just take note of this news, but think about why you will make cards. How to make it more interesting than other guys?

Speech is directly related to thinking: whoever thinks clearly speaks clearly. Written language will help develop thinking. What is written can be re-read and, as it were, heard from the outside. To see where your thought jumped, not turning around in front of the interlocutor to the end, where there were not enough words to express your feelings. Write letters, essays, diaries. And learn to think accurately and build oral speech.

“I think, therefore I am,” said the French philosopher René Descartes. That's how high he placed the ability of man to think.

Mind, attention, observation, the level of culture are manifested in speech. How do you talk, what are you talking about? Even if you know a lot, you will not be able to clearly formulate your thoughts, to convince the interlocutor. If there are not enough words, and the speech is inexpressive and indistinct, no one will understand, hear you, and will not want to listen.

Go to the mirror and talk to yourself. Listen if you have an unpleasant, aching intonation, as if you are always dissatisfied with something. Or maybe the intonation of your speech is too offensive and cocky, as if only enemies live around you? No? Very good. Try to keep your speech calm.

Do you chatter, choking, or are you able to pause in a conversation? He told the interlocutor an important thought, shut up. Let him think about what he hears and understand.

Sometimes you can hear this conversation:

And this one pops up!

And he - how to give!

At the same time, they wave their hands, but if you do not know what it is about, you will never understand it. The speakers are at a loss for words. Their vocabulary is small. Most of the words they know passively: they see them in a book or hear from adults and understand. But they themselves use two or three hundred words in conversations.

Do you know how many words a 3-4 year old child should know? Approximately two and a half thousand. Dictionary of A. S. Pushkin - 25 thousand words. Dictionary of W. Shakespeare - more than 50 thousand. They knew so many words and used them in their works. And in the dictionary of V. Dahl, the best explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, there are more than 200 thousand words. What a rich language we have! And for some, even a dozen words are enough.

Writer V.V. Veresaev recalled how during his childhood the whole family gathered at the table in the evening and how his father always asked what and who was reading now. With lively interest, the father found out from his son the smallest details of the life of Rebecca from Walter Scott's novel Ivanhoe. When Veresaev became an adult, he understood: during table talks about the books he read, his father taught him to speak, correctly express his thoughts and feelings, developed his speech.

Joy is tongue-tied and expresses itself in incoherent exclamations, sighs and kisses.

Paul Feval. Youth of Lagardère

Inarticulateness as a quality of personality - the inability to clearly convey one's thoughts to people, to speak fluently, with meaning; indistinct and incorrect pronunciation of words; n inability to clearly pronounce some sounds; express, write in bad style, with language errors.

American politician Donald Rumsfeld struck journalists with his tongue-tied tongue. The head of the Pentagon said: “Reports that something happened are always interesting to me because as we know there is known knowledge there are things about which we know that we know them. We also know that there are things about which we know that they are unknown, that is, we know that there are a number of things that we do not know. However, there are also unknown unknowns - those about which we do not know that we do not know them.

Inarticulate speech is often explained by banal fear, complexes, excessive shyness. For example, many people experience stage fright. By the way, this is one of the most common types of fear. Considering themselves unattractive, nondescript, uncharismatic, afraid of unflattering assessments addressed to them, people run from the audience like a vampire from holy water.

Some psychologists consider spontaneity of speech a panacea for tongue-tied tongue. You need to learn how to talk in a row, without stopping, on any topic. Only when the fear is overcome in the head - “shut up unexpectedly for yourself”, you can move on. The exercise is done as follows. By choosing any abstract phenomenon or any subject, you begin a kind of "argument on the topic." The main condition is no pauses.

Greed understands any tongue-tiedness. Nature speaks for multilingual lovers. Inarticulate speech becomes eloquent when it comes to superprofits. Elena Sirenko correctly noted: “Speaking correctly does not mean that you will be understood correctly; to speak clearly does not mean to be understood; people also understand tongue-tied people well if they speak to them in the language of their benefit.

The Psychological Encyclopedia interprets tongue-tiedness as “tongue-tied tongue (English dyslalia) is an incorrect pronunciation of speech sounds, expressed in their distortion or replacement. Reasons for tongue-tiedness. diverse: imitation of incorrect pronunciation, anatomical and physiological deviations of the speech organs, for example, their motor insufficiency, not pronounced changes in the structure of the articulatory apparatus (incorrect bite, position of the teeth, deviations in the shape of the palate, etc.). The most common types of stammering are rotacism (incorrect pronunciation of "r"), sigmatism (incorrect pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds) and lambdacism (faulty pronunciation of "l").

A stuttering man calls the police: “T-t-t-t-there l-l-l-horse d-d-d-dead l-l-l-lying, v-st-st-stinks. D-d-d-children x-x-x-walk, s-s-s-look, kill-b-b-would take n-n-need. - Okay, what street? — Mmmm… — Mayakovsky? - N-n-n-no. M-m-m-m-m… — Mironova? - N-n-n-no. Mmmm.. The other end hangs up. After a while, another call. - T-t-t-t-there l-l-l-horse d-d-d-dead l-l-l-lies, v-v-st-stinks. D-d-d-children x-x-x-walk, s-s-s-look, kill-b-b-would take n-n-need. - Okay, what street? — Mmmm… — Mayakovsky? - N-n-n-no. M-m-m-m-m…. — Mironova? - N-n-n-no. Mmmm... They hang up again. And another call! - T-t-t-t-there l-l-l-horse d-d-d-dead l-l-l-lies, v-v-st-stinks. D-d-d-children x-x-x-walk, s-s-s-look, kill-b-b-would take n-n-need. - What street? — Mmmm… — Mayakovsky? — D-d-d-yes, I t-t-t-dragged it there.

It would seem that common sense unequivocally says that inarticulate speech has nothing to do in politics. According to sanity and rationality, a large audience and tongue-tiedness, a crowd and slurred speech filled with pearls of stupidity are completely incompatible. However, not everyone thinks so.

Boxer Vitali Klitschko, who can easily be knocked out with a complex sentence with a participial turnover, unceremoniously got into politics. Despite his terrifying tongue-tiedness, he was not averse to taking the presidency. Here are some of his "brilliant" statements:

— I have two deputies, four of whom have been in the Cabinet of Ministers for a month now.

- I ask each of the people of Kiev to treat this problem with understanding - heat conservation and land preparation.

- I must confess. For a long time, many, many years, I have been a convinced lesbian.

- In the Odessa region there is a city 50 kilometers away - not far. You know, distance is not measured in kilometers. Two hours ... 50 kilometers need to go two hours.

- And today not everyone can watch tomorrow. Or rather, not only everyone can watch, few people can do it.

- I met with many policemen who died, with demonstrators who died; and everyone asks me...

We can provide hot water. To turn cold water into hot water, it must be heated. It's clear? This requires gas. The state of the gas ... We are waiting for the gas to be given to us. There is no gas.

Another well-known spokesman for tongue-tiedness was the politician Viktor Chernomyrdin.

Famous sayings of Chernomyrdin - part 1:

  1. “This has never happened before, and here it is again!”
    2. "Better to be the head of a fly than the ass of an elephant."
    3. "The people have lived - and will be!"
    4. "You have to think what to understand."
    5. "Whoever's hands itch - scratch elsewhere!"
    6. "You are there there ..."
    7. “We always have in Russia not what we need.”
    8. "We are still trying to milk those who are already lying."
    9. "We completed all the points: from A to B."
    10. "Some principles that used to be fundamental were actually unprincipled."
    11. “Actually, there is little success. But the main thing is that there is a government.”
    12. “There is still time to save face. Then you have to save other parts of the body.
    13. “I only have time to notice beautiful women. And nothing else"..
    14. "Government is not a body where, as many people think, only language is possible."
    15. "We should all lay down on this and get what we need to have."
    16. “We need wine for health. And we need health to drink vodka.”
    17. “Who says the government is sitting on a bag of money? We are men and we know what we are sitting on.
  2. The best statements of Chernomyrdin - part 2:
    18. “We remember when oil was bad. They just said there was no oil left. Then the eggs were pressed so that they were gone too.
    19. I won’t talk much, otherwise I’ll say something again.
    20. We will live in such a way that our grandchildren will envy us. “The Belarusian people will live hard, but not for long” (Lukashenko)
    21. For the first time in many years, there has been a reduction in livestock dumping.
    22. One must be born in charisma.
    23. Let's defend it to prevent it.
    24. And whoever tries to interfere - we know about them by sight! True, you can’t call it a face!
    25. The whole theory of communism was invented by two Jews. I had Marx and Engels...
    26. If I called everything what I have, yes, you would sob here!
    27. Here you are not here!
    28. And I know again how it is possible. And often, and as needed.
    29. And with whom to ask, I ask you? These are there, those are here, and so far no one has ever...
    30. Unfortunately, some of our collective members look like dead souls.
  3. Funny Chernomyrdin quotes - part 3:
    31. As someone said, appetite comes in time of trouble.
    32. Whatever public organization we create, we get the CPSU
    33. Clinton spent a year gouging for his Monica. We have one of these. We still applaud them. But the Constitution is another matter. It is written: you can’t go to Monica - don’t go! And go - answer. If you can't. And we m! we'll live. I mean the Constitution.
    34. When my country is in such a state, I will do everything, I will say everything!
    35. When I know it will help, I will not hold back!
    36. When it is difficult, we will always last. What you need.
    37. We have one course - the right one.
    38. People have a lot of money in stockings or socks. I don't know where - depends on the quantity..
    39. My life was spent in the atmosphere of oil and gas..
    40. We will conduct foreign policy with foreign hands.
    41. We are still trying to milk those who are already lying.
    42. We hope that we will not have constipation at the border.
    43. We continue what we have already done a lot.
    44. I can speak with everyone in any language, but I try not to use this tool.
    45. Let's get up on our feet, on the other we'll lie down.
    46. ​​We must all lie down on this and get what we should have.
    47. You have to think what to understand.
    48. Nobody prevents us from overfulfilling our laws.
    49. But we will calculate, and then everyone will know. And we are first. And if someone is too smart, let him think, and then we will check. And we will report anywhere.
    50. Previously, half the country worked, but half did not work. And now it's the opposite. Petr Kovalev 2014