Red hair color will suit me. What hair color is right for me: how to make the perfect choice

Each person has a unique set of external individual colors - such as the color of the eyes, skin and, of course, hair. Basically, genes are responsible for the color of the eyes, but the shades of one color or another are already an individual feature, formed under the influence of pigment and lifestyle, as well as the actual climatic conditions. You cannot preserve snow-white skin and brown hair in a tropical climate; under the influence of ultraviolet rays, they will still change.

Why do women dye their hair red?

However, the natural colors of the exterior change not only under the influence of nature, often the person himself makes drastic changes in the color palette, especially women who from year to year strive to emphasize their beauty, for example, with the help of hair coloring. Of course, the colors are chosen differently depending on the mood or trends of fashion, but some ladies go much further. They dye their hair red, which immediately distinguishes them from the general mass of beauties and literally lifts them to the pedestal of beauty. And that's why this is happening, let's discuss.

Usually, red hair or Titian, as they were called in ancient times, are possessed by women with a bright personality and explosive temperament. Also, red-haired women are considered sunny people who have not only a positive attitude and an optimistic outlook on life, but also the ability to charge others with their mood or share the so-called rays of happiness.

Is it any wonder that many women, striving to radically change their lives and get as many opportunities as possible, and, in fact, to achieve happiness, begin to experiment with hair color, and in most cases they stop at the red color, since the shades of this color are so multifaceted. that they can be matched to almost any type of appearance, with rare exceptions, of course.

How to choose the right red hair color?

It is not a secret for anyone that, first of all, any color should look natural, as if a woman was already born with it, which is why when choosing red color it is worth considering a few nuances, for example, skin tone or eye color, which, with the right hair color, will simply shine.

Let's say that the owners of snow-white skin and blue eyes are suitable for light red strands, which will add brightness to the appearance and emphasize the color of the eyes, adding depth and mystery to it. But when stained in a darker red color, natural blondes will achieve the opposite effect and without bright makeup, they will look unnatural and, one might say, asymmetric. Of course, you can use darker powder and pastel clothes, but, nevertheless, it will not be easy to achieve harmony with such an imbalance.

But brighter colors will suit the owners of brown and green eyes, since it is this combination that will not only emphasize the beauty of a woman, but also make her appearance brighter and more spectacular. By the way, it is green-eyed women that look the most advantageous, since since ancient times such a combination of colors has been considered the most enchanting. Of course, the owners of chocolate eyes look no less impressive, which, against the background of red-haired curls, literally shine with all shades of honey.

But dark shades of red are most suitable for women who are naturally brunettes, auburn and red strands will only dilute their cold beauty and add liveliness to their hair color and optimism to their character and, of course, such a hair color will make every woman feel like a queen ...

For whom is the red color contraindicated?

It is no secret that unsuccessful makeup, as well as hair color, can not only ruin the appearance due to an unsuccessful combination of colors, but also highlight the flaws that are generally not paid attention to. For example, the red color is not suitable for women who, due to their age or lifestyle, have formed mimic wrinkles, which will stand out against the background of red-haired hair. It is also undesirable to be painted bright red for those who have problem skin, because a rash or other skin imperfections with bright hair color will also look no less bright.

A dazzling blonde, a fiery brown-haired woman, or a fatal brunette? Among such a variety of hair dyes of all colors and shades, how to choose the one that suits you? Let's try to decide.

Will blonde hair suit you?

You can safely lighten your hair if:

- You were born blonde. In addition, if in childhood yours were light, and then darkened, or were dark enough, but easily faded in the sun, then, most likely, nature itself determined that blonde hair suits you.

- You can afford it monetarily. Being blonde is not a cheap pleasure. You will need to dye your hair regularly and maintain the color. In addition, only high-quality expensive paint, and not banal hydrogen peroxide, gives beautiful shining light shades.

- You are ready for increased male attention. Gentlemen still prefer blondes, and your attention is guaranteed. In addition, blonde hair gives the whole look some airiness, softness and dreaminess. Therefore, get ready for the fact that many men will consider you frivolous, weak-willed, or too approachable.

If you are going to lighten your hair at home, then it is better to choose a dye of a cold or neutral shade. For non-professionals, warm hues (often labeled “honey” or “golden”) tend to be too red or not at all. In any case, if you want to lighten more than two tones from your main color, then it is better to do it in the salon.

Too light, almost white hair looks good only if you have a healthy, well-groomed perfectly even shade or if you have daily careful makeup. In all other cases, bleached hair accentuates all existing imperfections and ages.

Would dark hair suit you?

You'd better dye your hair a darker color if:

- Your natural color is vaguely mousey. If you can't say with certainty what color your hair is, then your hair desperately lacks a brighter shade. After all, they must have at least some color.

- You have a dark complexion. This shade is most suitable for dark hair (and least of all for light red).

- You do not like to spend a lot of time to maintain color. Darker shades are easiest to maintain, and roots can be tinted less frequently. It is also the easiest color to darken at home.

- Your hair is not very thick and healthy. On thin, thin or damaged hair, dark shades look best. They visually add volume and density.

- You love bold makeup. Brunettes can afford brighter makeup than blondes, who often look vulgar with it. The darker the hair, the more daring it can be.

Remember, too, that a darker shade of hair visually makes your eyes brighter and your teeth whiter.

Would red hair suit you?

Hollywood was conquered by red-haired beauties. Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Bette Miller, Diana Kitton and Susan Sarandon are all redheads. In addition, this color has not gone out of fashion for several decades, since it immediately attracts attention with its brightness and boldness. But will the red color suit you?

The good news is that this or that shade of red suits almost everyone. But best of all red shades suit women with a "cold" pinkish. It is more difficult for women with a warm, yellowish or olive shade to choose a shade of red.

To determine if your skin is "warm" or "cold", look at faces in natural daylight. If your skin has a pinkish tint, then cool colors that are based on blue will suit you. If the skin is more of a golden or peach hue, then your colors are warm, with a yellow base.

Also keep in mind:

Red hair color - very bright and attracts attention, so you should be confident enough in yourself and not be afraid of increased attention.

Some shades of red - bright red or with an admixture of purple - do not exist in nature. They may suit you, but they look unnatural.

This is neither good nor bad, it is just a statement of fact. Natural reddish shade - orange and shades close to it. If you want to look as natural as possible, then choose from shades that are as close to natural as possible.

But you may want to look more bold and original, and this is your right. Just remember that bright, unnatural colors will age you, especially if you are over 35 years old.

After coloring you will have to pick up makeup suitable for this particular hair color. This is especially true of the labial. Therefore, it is worth deciding in advance on the shade of lipstick and choosing approximately the same hair color. And decide in advance on the eyebrows - neither too black nor too light shade of eyebrows will suit you.

Remember also that paints are ginger and red. fade faster than paints of other colors. This is because the molecules of the red shades are the largest, and it is more difficult for the hair to retain them for a long time.

That is why only healthy, well-groomed, enough should be painted in a red color. Always use maintenance and color-enhancing shampoos and conditioners, which are better designed specifically for red hair, almost from the first day of coloring. Use color enhancers every second or third shampooing. Use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners for the rest of the time, as dyed hair becomes too dehydrated.

The content of the article

Very often, girls radically change their appearance. It may depend on the mood, or it may be because of an insane desire to change something. Therefore, you can completely abruptly go for a short haircut for long hair or repaint it from dark to light and vice versa. However, these changes also often do not suit the person, if the girl did not prepare well for them, did not know what would suit her and what would not. So how, for example, do you know which hair color is right for you? The choice of hair color is quite difficult, but by adhering to some rules, it can be facilitated and a fairly good result can be achieved.

The basic rule is that the choice of a new hair color directly depends on your own hair shade and natural look (without makeup). Further, "" will tell you about other rules, adhering to which you will create yourself a unique and special image.

For owners of a light blonde

If a girl is naturally blonde, most likely, she will have a delicate blush and freckles on her face. In this case, warm light shades are suitable for coloring it - from a wheat tone to an intense honey one. The image can be freshened up with golden strands.

Natural blondes are not desirable in fiery red colors, as well as dark brown. Dark brown shades can give a girl an extra age.

Ash tide

Any girl or woman can dye her hair, so owners of a natural natural blonde with an ash tint are no exception. In this case, you can safely dye your hair in ashy, chestnut shades (from the lightest to very dark). In order to avoid the acquisition of a reddish skin tone, it is better to refuse copper and reddish paints.

For a warm appearance

A warm type of appearance is one in which warm shades dominate and contrast ones are present. These are brown-haired women, dark blondes with a reddish shade of hair with ivory or swarthy skin. With this appearance, there may be freckles.

Girls with this appearance are advised to choose red colors - from medium to darkest, as well as brown with a slight shade of red. It is highly undesirable to dye your hair in any cold shades, against which the skin will look painfully pale.

And now for the brown-haired women

Brown-haired girls also have their own color preferences. Such ladies have dark brown hair shine and have light, olive or dark skin. They should choose shades that accentuate their natural dark hair color. The ideal color is any shades of brown. In addition, blue-black or blue-purple tones are suitable. Stylists do not recommend natural brown-haired women to lighten their hair or dye it in dark copper shades.


Naturally, choosing the right hair color also depends on your eye color. Perhaps that is why it is quite difficult to determine uniform rules, because it is worth starting from the appearance of the girl as a whole. In order not to miscalculate in choosing a new hair color, you should seek help from stylists or a beauty salon. In addition, you can use special tests available on the Internet to determine the appropriate hair color.

What hair color suits me: Video

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Every woman who wants to change her image thinks, first of all, about a new haircut and hair dyeing. And at this stage the question arises: "What hair color is right?" Painting them is not as difficult as eliminating an unsuccessful result. That is why it is worth deciding in advance on the optimal shade.

What to look for when choosing a hair color

The color of the curls, like the skin tone, is at the genetic level. And this fact should be taken into account when choosing a coloring composition. Many girls are wondering - what hair color suits me? In general, there are four primary colors:

Basic hair shades

  1. Blond;
  2. Black;
  3. Chestnut;
  4. Ginger.

Coloring can be done independently. The main thing is to choose a high-quality dye that will not damage the hair structure and give it the promised shade.

To be blonde

Before choosing shades of blond, you need to take a critical look at the condition of your skin. In combination with light strands, all imperfections, even the smallest ones, will be more noticeable. With the right combination of shades, the image becomes more delicate and soft, feminine and a little dreamy.

Blonde hair, unlike dark hair, will make a full figure and plump face look more elongated and slender.

To become a brunette

Let's talk about. This subtype includes dark shades of brown and black. When choosing such tones, it is worth knowing and taking into account that they give the face a few extra years. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to choose black for women over 35 years old.

Brunette color

Dark shades will look good in combination with dark skin or bright and rich eye color. The staining procedure should be carried out especially carefully, since such colors are quite problematic to correct.

Maybe chestnut

They look very beautiful on the hair, and, above all, are recommended in the following cases:

  • with sparse hair;
  • with thin strands;
  • when the hair is weakened and looks lifeless.

Chestnut shades are the best way to hide imperfections and display the virtues of facial features.

The color will look good if natural or dark blond, and the eyes are predominantly brown.


Or a redhead?

The palette of hair colors has a fairly large number of options for this color. Therefore, owners of pink delicate skin should pay attention to a cold tone with a copper tint, and for peach and golden - with a slight yellowness.

It is better to refuse the red color altogether. It will look unnatural and vulgar.

Coloring options depending on the color type

There are 4 color types into which our appearance is subdivided: spring, summer, autumn and winter. by color type - they are determined depending on the color of the skin, hair and eyes, and are successfully used when choosing the optimal shade of the dye composition.

  • gentle spring. This type is cold, although it causes a feeling of tenderness in the image. It is characterized by the absence of sharp features, bright colors and contrasts. For women of this type, black hair and dark skin are not typical. It is recommended to color in honey, golden honey, nut, caramel, etc. The maximum effect will be achieved using the shatush technique or California highlighting;

California highlights

  • cold summer. For this type, ash and bluish shades will be characteristic. The contrast between the color of the skin and strands can be of varying degrees. Moreover, representatives of this color type cannot have light skin, red and;

In this case, the shade of the dye should be selected especially carefully. So with gray eyes and a cold skin tone, curls of ash, light and dark blond, straw or wheat color will be well combined.

  • bright autumn. Differences from summer are brighter colors and a tendency to freckles. The skin in such representatives does not tan, but rather quickly burns in the sun. Autumn hair can be curly or unruly with an amber or copper tint. When choosing a coloring composition, you should pay attention to copper, chocolate chestnut or;
  • cool winter... For women of this type, milky skin without sunburn and dark, thick strands are characteristic. Winter brings severity and seriousness to the image, combined with eyes of cold shades. The owners of this color type are black hair, chocolate, chestnut and other dark tones.

Dyeing black

Color type test

Must match your color type. It is quite simple to define it: it is enough to study your natural color of the strands, skin and eyes and compare with the parameters below:


Color of the skin:

  • bronze;
  • transparent;
  • ivory;
  • rosy.

Spring type

  • gray-green;
  • golden;
  • with a slight brown tint.
  • chestnut with golden tint;
  • honey;
  • with a copper tint;
  • straw.


Color of the skin:

  • pale;
  • gently olive;
  • dairy.

Summer type

  • with a greenish tint;
  • gray;
  • hazelnut.
  • light brown;
  • light;
  • may darken with age.


Color of the skin:

  • from snow-white to golden.
  • very often with freckles.

Autumn type

  • gray;
  • blue;
  • amber;
  • light shades of brown;
  • green.
  • redheads;
  • chestnut;
  • with a red tint;


Color of the skin:

  • white;
  • olive;
  • porcelain.

Winter type

  • gray;
  • dark shades of brown color;
  • shades of blue.
  • chestnut ();
  • black;
  • all shades of dark colors.

The winter type is characterized by thick, unruly hair and serious facial features.

Modern hair dyeing techniques

At the moment, there are several techniques. The most popular among them are:


Came to us from Hollywood. Looks great on hair of absolutely any length and gives it additional volume due to a gradual color transition. The roots remain the darkest, smoothly moving to lighter shades at the tips.

This technique is especially suitable for those girls who are proud of their natural hair color and do not want to radically change it.


Balayazh allows you to harmoniously combine the alternation of shades. In this case, the color scheme will be selected individually, taking into account the color type, face shape and other features. In the presence of short strands, coloring will occur only in the area of ​​the ends.


Gradient coloring or in another way "degradation" is in great demand, both among world-class stars and ordinary women. This technique is characterized by the use of contrasts, where sometimes the difference is more than 6 tones.

Usually the gradient is performed on dark hair and is distinguished by its naturalness.


This technique involves lightening individual strands and then dyeing them in the desired color. It may differ in the width of the colored curls, as well as in types: classic, American or. Each type has its own characteristics and expected effect.

Venetian highlights

If you highlight on dyed hair, lightened strands can take on a completely unexpected shade. The best option is considered to be a procedure performed on natural hair.

Pixel coloring

This fashionable novelty was invented by craftsmen from Spain and quickly swept the whole world. It is especially popular among young people who strive for shocking and creative solutions. The only and most important criterion for creation is perfectly straight curls. After all, it is on such strands that you can achieve high-quality pixel coloring with the application of the desired pattern.

Hair care after the procedure

Any coloring in one way or another negatively affects the health of the hair. That is why such hair requires special care.

The greatest negative impact occurs on curls when using cheap household dyes, as well as when lightening hair.

There are basic rules that must be followed in order for colored hair to remain healthy and beautiful:

  • correct combing. You should not do this procedure very often, it is enough to comb the curls in the morning and in the evening. If during the day they get confused, you can simply collect them in a ponytail, braid or create a different hairstyle;

Combing hair

  • shampooing no more than every three days. A daily procedure not only negatively affects the scalp and the condition of the hair, but also quickly flushes the coloring composition out of the curls, which means more frequent staining;
  • correct washing procedure. It is better to wash your hair not with hard warm water. To control the hardness, there are special filters installed on the tap;
  • do not combine several hair treatments. If, after dyeing, you make a chemical or permanent perm, keratin straightening and other procedures, then the hair will take on a lifeless and weakened appearance, and their loss will increase significantly;
  • the less colored curls will be dried with a hairdryer, the less moisture they will lose. Overdried hair also has an unhealthy look;
  • during the week after the staining procedure, it is not recommended to visit the pools. The presence of chlorine in water is extremely harmful to colored hair;
  • use care products, which are intended specifically for colored hair. Their components are aimed at color retention and gentle influence on the curls.


For an illustrative example of the behavior of the color type test, see the video


In general, it is able to refresh the image and, if necessary, paint over the gray hair. Competent selection of tone and high-quality dye will lead to the desired result and preserve the health of the hair as much as possible.

If you want to change the image, many resort to hair dyeing. To obtain good results, it is required to take into account the peculiarities of the woman's appearance and figure.

There are several simple ways to determine the appropriate range of colors that will successfully complement your look, help emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages.

How to choose the right hair color

In order not to be mistaken with the choice of the tone of hair dye, you need to carefully approach this issue. The following guidelines are important:

  1. Shades of eyes, skin and hair must match. It is better to choose colors 1-2 tones darker or lighter than natural.
  2. When choosing a paint, evaluate the condition of your skin. Very dark or light tones accentuate imperfections.
  3. To more accurately determine the color scheme, use the paint card.
  4. Try tinted shampoos / balms to the desired tone before applying long-lasting products. They will give temporary results. If desired, you can quickly restore the original hair tone.

To find the correct color scheme, you can use one or more methods. Popular ways:

  • by color type;
  • to the eyes;
  • to skin tone, face shape;
  • using a test;
  • through online resources.

By color type of appearance

Determining the color type of your appearance will help you choose the right hair color. When it is detected, shades of eyes and skin are also taken into account. You can determine the appropriate tone for coloring using the table:

Color type

Color type characteristics


Winter (cold)

Very light to very dark

Black, brown, blue, gray

Dark, light ash

  • black;
  • light brown;
  • ashy.

Spring (warm)

Light (green or blue)

From light blond to brown-haired

  • golden;
  • light brown-haired;
  • red dark.

Summer (cold)

Light, cool shades

Light (gray, blue, nutty)

Brown-haired, fair-haired

  • light brown-haired;
  • wheat;
  • blond.

Autumn (warm)

Golden, olive, bronze shades

Brown, hazel (light eye color is also possible)

Red, brown

  • milk chocolate;
  • copper shades;
  • dark blond;
  • chestnut;
  • black.

Eye color

The selection of hair color can be carried out in accordance with the shade of the eyes. The following guidelines should be observed:

  • For women with dark eyes (black, brown) and dark skin, tan, shades from dark blond to black are suitable. Light-skinned should choose chocolate, red, copper. If your eyes are light brown, you should use gold or amber paint.
  • The red-red palette (gold, fiery) suits the owners of green eyes. If it is difficult to decide on such experiments, it is recommended to choose an option from the chestnut range. Dark blond goes well with swamp eyes.
  • To choose a paint for blue eyes, you must take into account their shade. Ash, light blond are suitable for cold colors. If blue eyes are interspersed with hazel, coloring in caramel, red, golden would be a good option. Intense color is combined with light chestnut strands.

For fat girls

A suitable coloring option for girls with a full figure and face is a shade that is as close to natural as possible. To divert attention from the shortcomings, it is recommended to use various techniques: highlighting, ombre, coloring. The combination of several tones will emphasize the vividness of the color, visually make the face slimmer.

Overweight women should not choose too dark or light colors.

How to choose online

An online hair color test can help you change your appearance. The principle of operation of resources is based on a single algorithm:

  1. Upload the photo to the front. The picture must be clear.
  2. In the photo, you need to indicate the contours of the mouth and eyes (sometimes the entire face).
  3. Then you need to choose a hairstyle and coloring option from the proposed ones.
  4. Save the option you have arranged to your computer.

This function is offered by a large number of sites. List of popular resources based on user reviews:

  1. Hair ( The site in Russian will help women and men choose a haircut and coloring for free. To start the test, you need to upload a photo in which all facial features are clearly visible, or take a photo using a webcam. The next step is to install pointers along the edges of the lips, eyes. Then mark the contours of the face. After this procedure, options for suitable hairstyles will open. At this stage, you can choose the tone of the strands (button on the right). To save the result you like, click "Authorize", go through the proposed steps.
  2. Makeoveridea ( An international site with a language selection option. With the help of the resource, you can choose a staining option online. A feature of the service is a large database of hairstyles, the ability to choose makeup, try on accessories. The obtained result is saved on the PC. To work with the resource, you need to upload a clear frontal photograph from your computer, set up pointers in the necessary places. Then you can choose the hairstyle and tone of the strands using the menu on the left side of the window. To save the version you like, click "download the result".
  3. Instyle ( The site is in English and will help you try on the hairstyles of Hollywood stars. The resource assumes the use of a standard algorithm. To get started, you need to click the red Start your makeover button to upload a photo - Browse. The Zoom link will help to center the image on the screen. You will need to use the Next button to proceed to each next step of editing. To choose a paint, you need to select the option you like from the Change hair color menu. Click Save makeover to save the result.

How to choose a dye to match your hair

To choose the right dye, you need to consider the natural color of your hair. Should be guided by the following recommendations:

  • Redheads. For such hair, tones from a chestnut, chocolate, ash palette are suitable. Experts consider red shades to be appropriate. Do not use blond as the color will turn yellow. For the same reason, light brown and wheat shades are not suitable. Black may not match the skin tone of redheads.
  • Light brown. Owners of this color can choose paint from ash, caramel, chestnut, chocolate colors. When using blondes, yellowness may appear. To get rid of the undesirable effect, it is recommended to use silver, purple tint balms. When choosing black, you must take into account that you will have to tint the roots twice a month.
  • Dark. Brunettes are advised to choose an option from a dark chestnut, chocolate palette. To achieve a nutty color, you will need lightening, which often leads to hair damage. For this reason, coloring in light golden, blond is not recommended.
  • Light. For blondes who want to change their appearance, caramel, red, ash, honey, golden, light chestnut colors are suitable. Milk chocolate, cold platinum looks good.
  • Gray-haired. If a woman wants her hair to look natural, it is recommended to select an option 1-2 tones lighter than natural. Wine or light honey colors will help to give a fresh look. It is not recommended to use ashy, beige.
