Smokey brown makeup for brown eyes. The magic of a feminine look with smokey ice makeup: a step-by-step description

It is incredibly popular all over the world and every day the number of its adherents is only growing. Girls with any color and shape of eyes are instantly transformed thanks to smoky ice.

The soft transitions between colors, creating an enchanting haze around the eyes, are traditionally performed in black. But this gamut of shadows is more suitable for evening events, for every day it is not suitable because of its expressiveness and drama. Professional make-up artists offered a wonderful way out of this situation - colored smoky eyes. Thus, you can choose the perfect shade for a specific color type.

Made in brown tones, such a visage is perfect for every day, it simultaneously beautifully emphasizes the eyes and does not look defiantly bright. it is very simple even for a novice makeup artist, since for the convenience of girls, leading cosmetic brands began to produce ready-made eye shadow palettes, the colors in which were selected in accordance with all color requirements.

It is also very important to have a good soft pencil or black gel liner to create a smokey. Close attention should be paid to the quality of the pencil, since it draws a line in a very sensitive area - the inner mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. Such a procedure is not easily tolerated by everyone, and if a hard scratching pencil is still used for these purposes, then the result may not be beautiful makeup, but watery, irritated eyes.

Do not forget that smoky eyes (no matter what color the shadows will be used) focuses on the eyes, which means that lips should be painted with nude lipstick or a calm gloss.

Perfect daytime makeup option

The soft brown haze accentuates the eyes incredibly beautifully, but to achieve the best result, the skin should be especially carefully prepared before starting makeup. If a slight negligence is allowed in the shadows, giving a special charm to such a visage, then the tone of the face should be perfect. The presented step-by-step instructions for creating a smoky ice are designed for brown-haired women with light eyes, this visage will look most impressive with this type of appearance. But according to the same scheme, you can make-up for blondes and brunettes, adding minor changes to the selected shade of brown shadows.

Stages of creating smoky ice:

  • Even out skin tone and color with a foundation or other means suitable for the type of epidermis.
  • Apply a small amount of blush to the cheekbones.
  • To paint over and comb the eyebrows - beautifully defined eyebrows are very important for such a make-up, a pencil that matches the color of the hair is perfect for brunettes, a lighter shade for blondes, and a tone darker than hair for brown-haired women.
  • Cover the eyelids on top with the base for the eyeshadow, distribute a small amount also over the lower eyelid. If there is no base, then you can use a foundation.
  • Apply the darkest shade from the palette (for example, from L'Oreal Paris Color rich quadro) to the entire movable eyelid, carefully blending it.
  • Highlight the center of the moving eyelid with a pearlescent coffee shade; it should be applied with a small brush on top of the main color.

  • With a warm brown color, smoothly shade the transitions between colors, pay special attention to the border between the mobile and motionless eyelids.
  • Highlight the inner corner of the eyes and the strip under the eyebrows with the lightest shade to visually make the eyes larger and achieve a glow effect.
  • With a thin black liner, draw a neat arrow along the upper eyelid, moving from the inner corner to the outer corner.
  • Make an arrow along the lower eyelid with a brown pencil, the line should be quite intense, with a soft brush, slightly shade the borders of the color.
  • Apply black mascara to the eyelashes with a volume effect.
  • Complete the smoky brown makeup with a natural lipstick.

Brown smoky

Brown smoky eyes for the impending century

Smokey ice will help correct many imperfections in the shape and size of the eyes, therefore it is boldly called universal. With this technique, it is easy to "open" the eye and make it more expressive for such a common problem as a drooping eyelid. In general, the makeup for the overhanging eyelid has a number of features: it should be brighter than usual and it is imperative to focus on the outer corner of the eye, namely, the area for applying shadows should be pulled towards the temples. Smoky eyes in brown tones can be daytime, as they are calmer than the classic black and gray version, and they are also a great option for the evening.

Smokey ice for the impending century step by step:

  • Prepare your face for makeup (cleansing, scrubbing, toning and moisturizing). Since this is an evening make-up, increased requirements are imposed on the skin: it must be in perfect condition, thanks to this, the makeup durability will be higher and the image itself will be much more successful. With such a visage, the eyes attract close attention to themselves, so the skin of the face must meet high requirements.
  • Even out the skin tone with a tonal agent, mask the imperfections with a corrector, emphasize the cheekbones.
  • Fix the foundation with a thin layer of powder, including it must be applied to the eyelids. In this case, you do not need to use a primer, since the makeup base will be done with gel shadows.
  • Cover the entire movable eyelid with dark brown gel shadows, wipe the brush, removing the remnants of the shadow, and then blend the color towards the eyebrows. It is necessary to very carefully and gently pull them out onto the movable eyelid.
  • Apply the same eyeliner to the lower eyelid.

  • Fix the color on top with a cool shade of brown using a wide, flat brush.
  • With a blending brush, soften the clear border of the shadow towards the eyebrows.
  • With the same shadows (cold tone) fix also the lower line of the eyeliner.
  • Highlight the brow area with a gentle yellow tint, then make a slight accent on this area with the help of golden mother-of-pearl.
  • Draw an arrow along the upper eyelid with black gel eyeliner and paint over the mucous membrane below.
  • Curl your lashes with curling tongs and paint them in two coats with charcoal black mascara.
  • Make up lips with a colorless gloss.

Smokey ice makeup is created for those who are used to charming men at first sight. Only this eye shadow technique can create a truly eye-catching look. The unprecedented popularity of "smoky eyes" can also be explained by the fact that such a make up is suitable for all women, without exception. In order to achieve a fatal mesmerizing look, only one thing is necessary: ​​master the technique of application, choosing the right shades and their intensity.

Features of Smokey Ice makeup

What is smokey ice makeup? What are its main differences from the rest? To begin with, it should be said that "smokey ice" literally translates as "smoky eyes". This name fully justifies itself, because this technique implies a thorough shading of the shadows, thanks to which a languid and smoky look is achieved. In addition, this method of applying shadows makes the line of the eyes more expressive and defined. Even deep-set and small eyes will look brighter.

The smokey ice technique will also be an excellent choice for those who want to correct the shape of the eyes, in particular, to visually raise the corners, hide fine wrinkles, make the fixed eyelids taller, and visually “open up” the eyes.

This make up has one more feature: you can use shadows of various shades to create it. The opinion that only black shadows are suitable for smoky eyes is wrong. Dark eyes are the most common, you can't argue, but this is far from the only option. Purple, turquoise, mother-of-pearl, lavender, purple, gold, pink and blue shades are suitable for "smokey ice". Graphite shades look great.

"Smoky Ice" make-up technique

In order for your eyes to look the way you intended, first you need to make sure that you possess not only all the necessary knowledge, but also the "tools".

Necessary accessories:

  1. High-quality tonal basis.
  2. Black pencil or liquid eyeliner.
  3. Shadows in 3 shades.
  4. Make up brushes (beveled, flat and spongy eyelid brush).
  5. Cotton pads and sticks.
  6. Mascara.

Smokey ice makeup: sequence of execution

  1. Any make up, including "smokey ice", should start with skin preparation. For this purpose, tonal foundations and correctors are used.
  2. The next step is to use a pencil or eyeliner. Preference is still given to pencils, since the eyeliner will not allow you to achieve a "smoky effect".
  3. The line drawn with a pencil should be slightly raised at the outer corner of the eye and directed towards the temples. It should be thicker than the line at the inner corner.
  4. The line of the lower eyelid is also worked out with a pencil. The resulting strip should be thinner than the one that runs along the upper eyelid.
  5. Both lines should be shaded.
  6. A line of shadows comes up. Shadows should be close to each other in color. No contrast! All transitions should be as smooth as possible. It's great if the shadows will blend with the pencil.
  7. The darkest shadows are applied in a thick layer to the upper movable eyelid. Application method - from the outer corner to the inner corner. The same shadows outline the contour, emphasizing the arc in the eye socket.
  8. Now you should apply shadow to the lower eyelid. This should be done so that the color intensity decreases when approaching the inner corner.
  9. Lighter shadows are applied from the folds of the eyelids up to the eyebrows.
  10. Shading all borders.
  11. At the end, you must also apply mascara. The ink should be applied fairly thickly. In the outer corners of the eyes, you need to paint over especially intensively.

The proposed technique for performing "smokey ice", of course, is not the only one. However, it is used most often. There are other options for this makeup. For example, if you use the classic model, instead of the usual black shadows, you can use a thicker pencil line. Such a black strip is shaded up the moving eyelid. This operation is best done with the pads of your fingers, without the need for applicators or brushes. By the way, some makeup artists draw a line with a pencil only at the very end, after applying the shadows.

Smokey ice makeup: step by step execution in photos

"Smoky Ice" is a great option for both casual and evening looks. Of course, for the everyday version, you should select calmer and softer tones that will not attract undue attention to themselves, distracting from work and other affairs. A great option would be to use gray-brown tones. This color scheme can be used by a woman with any color type and eye color. In this case, it is better to refrain from drawing bright arrows.

Taupe "smokey ice": step by step instructions

We prepare brushes for visage, mascara, light milky and brown-gray shadows, brown pencil in soft tones.

Step one. We apply a base for future shadows on movable eyelids and a small amount on the lower growth lines of the cilia.

Step two. We take the prepared pencil and draw in the lower and upper eyelash growth lines. Lines can be made quite wide and not necessarily neat and clear, since in the future they will need to be shaded.

Step three. Take a small eye brush and start blending the eyeliner up and down. The result should be a smoky line.

Step four. Using a scapula brush, you need to apply shadows to the area of ​​the eye on which the pencil was shaded. This should be done with patting movements.

Step five. Now you need a barrel brush, with the help of which you need to carefully shade all the upper borders of the shadows. This should be done so that the color changes its intensity downward (darker tones on the moving eyelid and lighter in the fold and on the surface of the fixed eyelid).

Step six. Apply shadows of a light milky shade under the eyebrow. After that, you should evaluate the result obtained. If the main shadows turned out to be too dark, you can use the same "barrel" and light shadows to correct the unsuccessful areas.

Step seven. We take mascara. Apply to eyelashes. We repeat once more.

Classic "smokey ice": step by step instructions

The classic "smokey ice" is one based on the use of black shadows. Most suitable for evening events.

Step 1. Apply the base to the crease and the movable eyelid.

Step 2. Draw an arrow on the upper eyelid along the line of growth of the eyelashes. We also bring the lower eyelid, but only to the middle of the eye.

Steps 3-4. We draw the arrow to the outer corner and draw out the eyelid fold with a pencil. After that, all lines of the pencil should be gently shaded.

Steps 5-6. Take black shadows and use a brush to apply them to the lines drawn with a pencil. To prevent the shadows from crumpling, it is better to apply them with a patting motion. If the look is too dark, you can add some gray shadows.

Steps 7-8. Now you need to fill in all the voids on the movable eyelid. To do this, shade the bottom line and connect it to the outer corner.

If desired, you can apply a small amount of mother-of-pearl to the brow area and to the inner corner. Paint over your eyelashes twice and your makeup is ready!

Consider another series of step-by-step instructions:

In order for your seductive image not to seem sloppy and vulgar, you need to adhere to certain rules and recommendations:

  • First, don't forget about harmony. If you are using bright eye makeup, then it is better to choose lipstick or gloss of a neutral shade for your lips.
  • Second, study the shape and fit of your eyes. If your "soul mirrors" are too close to each other, then the line of the dark pencil should not reach the end of the inner corner. If you neglect this rule, then the eyes will seem even closer to each other. It is better to apply light shadows on this part.
  • Thirdly, always use only soft pencils, they lend themselves better to shading. If possible, it is best not to use liquid eyeliners.
  • Fourthly, the mascara should be with the effect of increasing the volume and length.
  • Fifth, when choosing a shade of eyeshadow, pay attention to your eye color and skin type. So, for example, dark-skinned girls need to pay attention to brown and olive tones. Girls with fair skin can safely experiment with purple, cornflower blue, lilac, blue shades.

It is very important to consider the color of the eyes themselves. Green eyes "make friends" with golden, chocolate, purple and green shadows. Blue eyes will "give preference" to pale pink, bright blue, jet black, lavender, lilac, golden, silver and brown visage. Shadows opposite in tone to the iris will make blue eyes especially expressive. "Brown eyes" with dark skin can use olive and brown shades, with light - lilac or cornflower blue. The lucky ones were the owners of gray eyes. In their case, you can use any shadows.

Possible mistakes

As you know, everything is good in moderation. This statement also applies to makeup. Especially if you are planning such a noticeable and self-sufficient eye makeup like "smokey ice". As mentioned above, this makeup allows you to use a variety of shades. However, if you plan to apply overly bright colors, then you should be extremely careful. Too much blue and purple-plum shadows can give a sick look.

The same applies to the overuse of black pencils and shadows. If you draw a line too thick or apply too much shadow, you can get the "raccoon or panda effect." The sequence of applying makeup is also very important. Make-up should always start with the eyes, so that later dirty circles from foundation and powder do not form around them.

Gained popularity back in the days of the Soviet Union. Then languid smoky eyes drove men crazy. Today smoky eyes are still loved by female representatives. True, such makeup is used to go out in the evening. To create an unforgettable image, you do not need to resort to the services of professionals. There are many tutorials that describe the technique of applying smokey ice makeup step by step.

Smoky eyes makeup

There is an opinion that this type of application of decorative cosmetics should be performed in black and gray colors and always with the use of matte shadows (photo 1). This statement is wrong. In fact, there are many options for smokey ice. Makeup can be done in browns, greens, blues and grays. Its texture can also vary. Colored makeup is selected for a specific type of face. The classic gray-black version has practically no exceptions.
The smokey ice makeup technique has several varieties. Charcoal black upper and lower eyeliner, black mascara and intense shading are common features. If you decide to start the lessons on applying shadows, then, first of all, you need to acquire the following tools:

  • shadows in three shades: light, medium and dark;
  • black eyeliner or eyeliner;
  • black mascara with a volume effect;
  • eyebrow pencil;
  • makeup base;
  • tone cream;
  • powder;
  • corrector;
  • makeup brushes;
  • cotton buds.

It is advisable not to use eyeshadows with mother-of-pearl, because they can give your eyes a puffy look. For the daytime version of smokey ice, you should opt for pastel shades of warm colors. Evening makeup involves the use of fairly bright, saturated colors in a cold range. Daytime smoky eyes is a new fashion trend and has a right to exist just like other types of makeup. The main rule of the technique is moderation in the application of shadows.

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Smoky ice shades and eye color

For each eye color, you can choose the most suitable makeup palette. So, for brown-eyed girls who have dark skin, shadows in olive and brown tones are ideal. If you have brown eyes and fair skin, then lilac, purple and blue colors will look amazing on you. Learn how to apply smokey ice makeup in these tones (diagram 1).
For green-eyed girls, the choice of shades is much greater. All shades of gold, dark green, copper, brown and violet will suit them. Pay attention to how the smoky makeup for green eyes is created (Scheme 2). An interesting technique of applying decorative cosmetics in emerald tones with the addition of golden shades.
Owners of light blue eyes need to be careful when using this type of makeup. It is not recommended to stop your choice on too bright colors. The best option would be lilac, gold and silver shadows.

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Smoky eyes makeup technique

Any lesson with the application of decorative cosmetics in the style of Smoky Ice begins by following some rules step by step. It is important to keep in mind that a smoky look may not work if you do not follow these guidelines:

  1. The complexion should be perfect (without rashes and redness).
  2. You cannot use bright lipstick.
  3. The shape of the eyebrows must be flawless.
  4. For blush, you need to choose gentle tones.
  5. The alternation of shades of shadows must be correct (diagram 3).

A step-by-step tutorial on how to create smokey ice makeup will help you quickly master the technique of applying cosmetics and avoid mistakes.
So, first you need to tackle the tone of the face. He must be flawless. The corrector carefully masks all spots and redness. Apply the foundation with a special brush. Thus, the tone will fall more evenly. Then, gently powder your face with a compact powder. This will be the final stage of preparation.

Use a charcoal black eyeliner to trace along the lash line.

Manipulation is performed on the upper and lower eyelids. After pointing the line, you should shade it with a brush. Thus, it will become less bright.
The next step is to apply shadows. Apply the darkest shade to the movable eyelid. Use a special flat brush for this procedure. Then start shading the borders.
A medium shade of shadows should be applied to the eyelid, starting from the outer corner of the eyes. The borders between the two tones should also be carefully shaded. The transition should be smooth and imperceptible.
The lightest shadow is applied to the crease of the eyelids. Keep your eyes open while doing this. Then start smoothing the outlines. It is advisable to apply a light shade to the inner corners of the eyes. This will give your look more expressiveness. In addition, this technique allows you to visually increase the width of the eyes. Accentuate the brow line with lighter shadows that are applied under the brows.
Now start working on the lower eyelids. Their inner part must be emphasized with a black pencil. Continue with a flat-tipped brush to paint over the lower lid with a medium shade of eyeshadow. This is done from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner.

The final stage will be curling the eyelashes with special tweezers. Then apply several layers of volumetric mascara. Both upper and lower eyelashes should be painted over. Your flawless makeup is ready.
The step-by-step scheme for applying smokey ice is very important to practice. Watching the lesson (video) will help you improve the results. Practice and patience will help you cope with the task perfectly and create an enchanting image.

Smoky eyes - literally translated from English "smoky eye". The name speaks for itself - this is an effect in makeup, in which a languid and seductive look is achieved due to good shading of the shadows. Colored smoky, technique of execution - more on that.

Exists erroneous stereotype, what smokey ice- This is makeup done in black. It's not like that at all. Smoky eyes- it is rather an effect of transition of dark shadows to light ones. And smoky can be bright (evening makeup smoky eyes) and light (daytime version). Shades of shadows and their saturation are selected in accordance with your appearance color (how to determine -). If you have light skin, blonde hair and light eyes, then, you must admit, a smoky in black will look foreign. The lighter the eyes and skin, the lighter the shade should be for smoky eyes; the darker the skin and eyes, the darker and tone for the smoky.

Smokey ice examples

Since in the classical sense smokey ice is an evening make-up, accordingly, it should be bright enough. Therefore, you should pay special attention to your skin - and completely hide the nuances on your face (bruises, redness).

In this makeup, the main focus is on the eyes, so lip makeup should be done in neutral shades.

Classic shading scheme

The first option is well suited for almost any eyes, enlarges the eye in width. But be careful: if you move the outer corner too far, then the eyes will visually become narrower (but for large, rounded eyes, this is a great option).
The second option is suitable for the lowered outer corner of the eye. Due to the fact that we draw the outer tip of the shadows higher, the eye visually rises.

Smokey ice makeup procedure

  1. We eliminate color nuances on the face, tint, powder (including the eyelids).
  2. We apply the pencil on about 2/3 of the movable eyelid (the area of ​​application depends on the size of the movable eyelid and the incision of the eyes) close to the ciliary contour, thus, so that there are no “empty” areas of the skin. Feather the borders.
  3. Apply with a brush or an applicator (it will turn out richer) the darkest shadows on a pencil base. Feather the border.
  4. Apply lighter shadows to the feathery border with a brush. We also shade.
  5. To make the haze more effective, you can add the third lightest shadows. And, of course, we shade as well.
  6. With the same pencil we draw the lower eyelid, reducing the line in width closer to the iris. Shading.
  7. Apply the darkest shadows. Shading.
  8. Apply lighter shadows to the border of the dark ones and to the middle of the lower eyelid. Shading.
  9. To give the look more expressiveness and depth, you can walk along the mucous membrane with a soft eyeliner. But pay attention: this way your eye can appear visually narrower. This stage is well suited for those with large, rounded eyes.
  10. We draw an eyeliner on the movable eyelid at the ciliary edge, thickening the line to the outer corner.
  11. We carefully paint over the eyelashes. For more volume, you can stick the beams on the outer corners of the eyes.
  12. We make up eyebrows, lips, apply blush.

Eye shadow shades

Remember that the image must be harmonious. Shades and their saturation should be selected not only for the color of the eyes, but also for the color of the skin and hair.

Smoky ice for brown eyes, shades: brown-olive (for swarthy girls), bright blue, cornflower blue, lilac and purple shades (for fair skin).

Smoky ice for green eyes, shades: chocolate, dark green, golden, purple shades.

Smoky ice for gray eyes, shades: bronze and sand (for golden skin), turquoise, blue, green, purple (for fair skin), dark brown, dark blue, green and chocolate shades.

To the attention of those who want to learn how to make smoky eyes! In St. Petersburg, you can sign up for the Smoky Ice Lesson! Duration - 4 hours with working off. Cosmetics and brushes are provided. For details.

Every woman should be able to emphasize the look without overloading it, even with the lightest shades. To achieve this goal, you only need to understand the principles of performing the smokey ice technique, which is suitable for everyone, but especially effectively giving brown eyes. How to choose a color scheme and create the perfect smoke?

What is smokey ice

The main female mistake is to assume that this name hides the application of a black shade of shadows on the entire eyelid. Smokey ice is a technique, not a color scheme. The palette that the master uses can be absolutely any: purple, green, blue, brown stretch. A gradient from black to light gray or white is considered a classic smoky ice, but not everyone is like it.

  • Traditional smoky make-up is the application of a dark color to the entire movable eyelid, extending beyond the crease.
  • Lightweight smoky ice - highlighting from the outer corner to the middle of the movable eyelid.
  • The technique is suitable for any eye structure, except for deep-set eyes, as it creates a shadow.

Features of smoky eyes makeup

Haze should be traced in absolutely everything - this is the main rule of this technique, which applies to color, shape and saturation. Professionals focus on the following details:

  • Perfect shading of borders, in which the transition from hue to hue cannot be traced without careful study.
  • Soft, muted tones at the base of smokey ice, even for brown eyes. If you need a pure bright color, it is taken with an accent in the inner corner, on the mucous membrane, in the center of the mobile eyelid, in the form of an arrow.
  • The classic version - black smoke - is used only for evening outings. Brown smokey ice is recognized as universal.

How to choose an eyeshadow palette for brown eyes

According to professionals, every woman can try on all the shades, but some will "sit down" immediately, being related to her color type, while others will have to be "built in" for harmony to happen. To choose a palette of shadows that will emphasize the appearance, and not themselves stand out to the fore, you need to take into account 4 factors: the color of the hair, eyes, skin, eyebrows. It is impossible to build on only one of them, since the image is always evaluated as a whole.

If you want to focus on the eyes, follow the following rules for owners of brown irises:

  • Dark shades will help to make the look languid, deep: purple, brown, plum, blue, indigo.
  • Contrasting tones will be able to draw out chocolate and coffee notes through smokey ice from brown eyes: red, green.

Do not forget about matching the saturation and brightness of the shades with the rest of the nuances of the appearance:

  • Dark hair and / or dark skin allows for deep shades, all the way to midnight black.
  • Pale skin and / or blonde hair requires you not to increase the saturation above average, otherwise the color spot will go against your appearance even with brown eyes.

What tools will you need

High-level professionals are able to perform smokey ice even with a finger, having only one shade of eyeshadow. However, it is much easier to work with if you have a basic set of products in your arsenal:

  • Fluffy brushes are a guarantee of a beautiful soft smoky ice for brown eyes, and for green eyes, and for other iris colors. The basic scheme is done with "petals" - a flat volumetric brush with a pointed tip. Professionals call a goat or a squirrel the ideal pile.
  • The shadows are satin or satin: it is easier for a beginner to cope with them, the shades flow into each other more easily. A minimum of 3 related tones are required.
  • An eyeshadow base that flattens the eyelid and makes blending light and makeup long-lasting.

Makeup technique

The general workflow differs depending on the textures you are using and the idea of ​​the image. Evening dark smoky ice requires starting with the eyes, as dark shades will inevitably crumble. Daytime in beige tones or cream products can be done last when you shape your face. Main rules:

  1. Shape your eyebrows. Without them, Smokey Ice eye makeup will look foreign. For an evening out, the eyebrow line should have clarity; for a day, a good filling of the form with shadows of low saturation is enough.
  2. Even out skin tone with foundation.
  3. Follow the instructions below for smokey ice for brown eyes.
  4. Remove anything that falls under your eyes. Cover the bruises with thick concealer.
  5. For evening makeup, be sure to add color to your lips. A light daytime look excludes this.

How to make smokey ice for brown eyes step by step

An alternative name for the technique is vertical. The color loses its saturation, going from the eyelash edge to the eyebrows. Keep in mind that half of the brightness is lost in the photo, so place the shadows more densely for shooting. Smoky makeup for brown eyes is shown step by step using a brown stretch mark as an example:

  1. Apply a drop of base to the cleansed upper eyelid. Wait 30-40 seconds with your eyes closed so that it is absorbed. A sticky surface will interfere with good blending.
  2. Using a large brush, use a flesh shade to cover the entire upper eyelid with a light movement.
  3. Using a smaller brush, select the color of caffeine, apply from lash line to crease. Fade the border 1-2 mm above it.
  4. Use the same brush to take the darkest brown. With a trampling motion, lay on the movable eyelid. Soften the border.
  5. With the same dark brown, connect the lower lash line to the upper eyelid.
  6. Use a pencil to draw in the mucous membrane if you have large eyes.
  7. The last stage is the application of mascara to the eyelashes and, if necessary, a bright accent.

Video tutorial: makeup smoky ice brown shadows