Bodyaga ointment: what it is used for. Gel "Badyaga Forte" - an ambulance in your first aid kit

Badiaga is a sponge that lives in freshwater reservoirs, which contains many useful substances. These include silicon, the organic component spongin, and certain phosphorus compounds. The properties of this natural substance have found their application both in cosmetology and in medicine.

The effect of badyagi on the body

Badiaga is a medicinal product of animal origin, which has a local irritant effect, and also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. This substance is obtained from pre-dried freshwater sponge, which has a unique skeleton, which consists of an intricate network of silica needles, interconnected by the organic element spongin.

When using drugs based on badyagi in medicine and cosmetology, skin irritation occurs with silicon needles of a mechanical nature. Due to this, blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer is increased, the pores on the skin are narrowed and deeply cleansed, dead cells of the epidermis are gently removed, and pigmentation after acne is reduced or completely disappears. Badyaga irritates nerve endings, due to which it is indicated for use in sciatica and neuralgia, as a distracting and anesthetic therapy.

In addition, the oxygenation of the skin improves, biologically active substances are produced faster, and the redox processes in the skin are improved. All these properties contribute to the rapid regeneration of skin cells.

Useful properties of badyaga

For medical purposes, badyagi preparations are used in powder, gel and ointments. The unique properties of the badyagi are manifested due to the components included in the composition:

  • Silica... This element forms the basis of badyagi, it intensively affects the epidermis at the cellular level. Silica acts like an abrasive, it removes dead skin cells, improves elastin production and activates the process of tissue regeneration. Due to this property, badyagu is often used to prepare anti-aging masks;
  • Silica forms in the body of a freshwater sponge a lot small needles which are irritating to the skin and subcutaneous layer. When applying drugs with a badyag on the skin, the vessels expand, and its blood circulation improves. Due to this, skin cells are renewed faster, which helps to quickly get rid of bruises, age spots and acne;
  • Sponginin, which is part of the badyagi, has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and pronounced resorption effect.

Medicines with badyagi are used to treat such diseases and conditions:

  • For joint pain;
  • With various superficial injuries;
  • With bruising;
  • With neuralgia of the muscle nerves;
  • With sciatica and myalgia;
  • For bruises and arthritis.

Badagu is also used to treat many skin diseases. With this natural remedy, you can get rid of acne, pigmentation and freckles.

Varieties of drugs with badyagi

In the pharmacy network, you can find several drugs based on badyagi. This powder, ointment and gel... Each of these medicines is quite effective and can be used both in cosmetology and for medical purposes:

  • Badyagi powder sold in small sachets for external use. This substance is tasteless, but it has a specific odor. Before use, the powder is diluted with water, hydrogen peroxide or oil. Powder diluted with water is applied to bruises and bruises and change compresses every 8-10 hours.
  • Badagi ointment most often used for medical purposes, for treatment rheumatism, radiculitis, arthritis and extensive bruises... In addition to badyagi, the composition of the ointment includes horse chestnut extract, pharmacy chamomile extract, as well as natural oils - tea tree, mint, juniper and arnica. The ointment with badyagi extract has a pronounced analgesic effect, since after its application, oxygen is quickly supplied to the affected area.
  • Gel Badyaga-Forte contains, in addition to badyagi, plantain and yarrow extract. Plantain has a wound healing, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. The extract from the herb yarrow has pronounced antioxidant, hemostatic, healing, antispasmodic and tonic properties.

All drugs with badyagu are used only topically. When applying, avoid the area of ​​the eyes, nasolabial triangle and lips.

Contraindications and side effects

When using badyagi, there may be allergic reactions, which are manifested by itching, rash, burning sensation and inflammation in the treated area. Side effects mainly develop when the recommendations for the use of the drug are not followed.

In addition to side effects, there are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account, these include:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drugs;
  • Various damage to the skin - scratches, abrasions, scratches and cuts;
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin.

With caution, it is worth using badyagu and with a tendency to allergic reactions. In this case, you must first carry out a simple test by applying a little powder diluted with water to the inside of the elbow bend, if the skin is not very inflamed in 15 minutes, then the powder can be used.

How to use a badyagu correctly

For a greater effect of drugs with badyagi, it is worth adhering to certain rules.

The badyagi powder diluted with water is applied to places of bruises and bruises for several hours, after which the composition is washed off and a new one is applied. This procedure should be repeated at least 3 times a day. For greater effect, you can dilute the badyagi powder with gel-forte or salicylic acid solution.

Drugs with badyagi for acne on the body used with great care. The formulations should not be applied to the area of ​​the heart, since the badyaga has a pronounced irritant effect and can cause rush of blood to the heart. It is not recommended to use any means with badyag on inflamed and flaky skin, as there may be allergies and even Quincke's edema.

For medical purposes, badyagi powder is diluted with water and easily rubbed into problem areas of the body. After that, the composition is kept for about 20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water. For joint pain, neuralgia, myalgia and rheumatism it is recommended to dilute dry powder of badyagi not with water, but with vegetable oil. The resulting product is applied to the affected areas and covered with cotton cloth and cellophane, the resulting compress is kept for a day, then washed off with water. If a strong burning or itching begins immediately after application, then the powder is washed off immediately.

Treatment of various diseases with a badyag

Badyagu is used to treat diseases in both traditional and alternative medicine. Freshwater Sponge Powder is indicated when diseases of a neuralgic nature, skin pathologies as well as to get rid of cellulite and age spots.

Treating bruises, bruises and extensive bruising

When treating hematomas and bruises, drugs with badyagi can be rubbed into the skin or applied in the form of compresses. In this case, you need to carefully monitor your feelings, if severe itching or other discomfort appears, then the badyag is immediately washed off.

In order to quickly get rid of hemorrhages and bruises, it is necessary to dilute the badyag with water to a mushy state, the resulting mass is applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin, then covered with cotton cloth and cellophane. The compress is kept for about 8 hours, then the medicinal composition is changed to a new one.

In order for the efficiency of the badyagi to be higher, it can be diluted not with water, but with a solution of salicylic acid, after which it can be applied in the form of compresses in exactly the same way.

To quickly get rid of a bruise or bruise, it is necessary to mix the powder of the badyagi with the gel-forte. The resulting mass is rubbed into the problem area, kept for about an hour and washed off with water. The procedure is performed at least 3 times a day.

The use of badyagi for pain in muscles and joints

In case of diseases of muscles and joints, you can rub gel-forte into sore areas, as well as make compresses and wraps with drugs that contain badyagu.

  • For treatment sciatica, arthritis, or rheumatism you can prepare the following healing composition:
    • Take 2 tablespoons of badyaga powder;
    • Add a tablespoon of olive oil, if it is not there, you can replace it with sunflower oil;
    • Stir until smooth and add 3 drops of juniper oil.
      The resulting composition is applied in a small layer to the diseased areas, covered with cotton cloth and cellophane on top, kept for a day, and then washed off with warm water.
  • For treating diseased joints you can take a teaspoon of soft butter and the same amount of badyagi powder. Mix the oil with the badyag until a homogeneous mass is obtained and rub into the affected areas overnight, then cover with a flannel diaper. In the first hour, severe burning and itching is possible, then everything goes away. Just 6–7 procedures are enough to get rid of excruciating pain.

Treatment of inflammatory processes on the skin

Inflammation is often seen in skin that tends to be oily. You can use a badyagu only if there is no damage to the skin or rashes of an allergic nature. In the treatment of inflammation and acne, masks with a badyag are used, which are applied for a certain time, and then washed off with water.

To prepare the medicinal composition, you need to take a tablespoon of oatmeal flour, a teaspoon of badyaga, 2 tablespoons of water and 10 drops of calendula tincture. All ingredients are mixed until smooth and applied to problem areas. Then wait 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Since childhood, most of us are familiar with brown-green powder with a funny name - badyaga, which mothers or grandmothers treated our numerous bruises. Badyaga has been known for its medicinal properties for a long time. True, it was originally used exclusively in folk medicine and cosmetology. But at the same time it was so popular that it was even sold for export before the First World War.

With the onset of the 20th century, other, modern and effective means appeared in the arsenal of cosmetology, and the badyaga finally passed into the category of folk medicine. However, at the end of the century, official medicine became interested in this wonderful tool. Today, the badyaga in its pure form is practically not used, but quite a lot of funds based on it are produced. One of them is the gel from the 911 series.

What is a badyaga?

Badiaga is an unusual drug that is obtained from freshwater, silicon sponges of the same name. Sponges live in fresh waters at shallow depths and outwardly look more like bizarre driftwood. If the sponge is not interfered with, it can grow up to several meters.

Despite the fact that sponges belong to the animal world, their life cycle is more similar to that of a plant. Growing up in the warm season, with the onset of cold weather, the colonies of sponges die off, only the buds remain alive, from which a new colony grows the next year. That is why the badyagu is harvested only in the summer.

Chemical composition

In dried form, badyaga resembles a porous sponge and easily crumbles, turning into the same brownish-green powder. You can use it both independently and by adding it to cream or masks for body and face. In addition, there are many ready-made preparations based on it. The badyaga has a healing effect due to:

  • Silica or silicon oxide, which is better known as an enterosorbent, but also has the ability to improve peripheral circulation and relieve inflammation.
  • Spongin is a natural protein that is able to suppress inflammation, relieve irritation and swelling.
  • Organic acids, which also have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Calcium phosphorus salts, which are able to penetrate the body and replenish the lack of phosphorus and calcium that occurs in various joint problems.

Badyagi-based drugs can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription or in specialized stores.

Useful properties of gel 911

The mechanism of action of gel 911 with badyagu is based on its local irritating properties. The smallest silica crystals at the site of rubbing the gel cause the capillaries of the circulatory system to expand and thereby improve blood circulation in the affected joint. In addition to this, badyaga provokes the production of substances such as histamines and prostaglandins, which also help to reduce inflammation, swelling and irritation. And not only on the skin, but also in the joints. In addition to the badyagi, the 911 gel includes:

  • Chamomile, known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to fight various infections.
  • Horse chestnut is a plant that can reduce blood clotting and thereby prevent blood clots.
  • Tea tree essential oil is a substance that has rightfully earned the fame of a natural antibiotic, as it is able to cope with almost any infections, fungi and viruses.
  • Essential oil of juniper with wound healing and analgesic properties.
  • Peppermint essential oil that helps relieve muscle fatigue and tension after intense physical activity or sports.
  • Arnica oil is known for its ability to help muscles and joints recover from injuries and surgeries.

Application features

Despite the fact that gel 911 badyaga contains only natural ingredients, it has a rather pronounced effect. The silica, which is part of the badyagi, gives it a light warming effect, thanks to which the gel quickly relieves pain and swelling that occur with injuries or diseases of the joints. The gel should be applied several times a day, applying to clean, dry skin. The course of treatment can range from two weeks to several months.

Do not apply the badyag gel to wet skin or immediately after a shower, as it can cause severe irritation. Be sure to read the instructions before use!


Gel 911 can be used not only for chronic diseases, but also as an ambulance. Due to the irritating effect of silica and the anti-inflammatory properties of essential oils and plants, the gel is good for removing bruises and bruises. Instructions for use recommend using the drug under the following conditions:

  • Diseases of the joints and muscles accompanied by inflammation, pain and swelling (arthritis,).
  • Conditions after injuries, sprains, bruises and dislocations.
  • and bruising resulting from trauma.
  • Muscle spasm that occurs after sports or outdoor activities.

In addition, Badiaga 911 gel can also be used for cosmetic purposes to eliminate age spots, blackheads and blackheads.


It would seem, how can a dried freshwater sponge harm? However, this remedy also has its own contraindications. They are mainly associated with the badyagi contained in the powder, and, consequently, in the means in which it is included, silica. In addition to this substance, gel 911 is also limited in its use due to essential oils. Absolute contraindications for use are:

  • Open wounds, severe irritation or inflammation of the skin where the gel was applied.
  • Allergic reactions to substances that make up the drug.
  • Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
  • Childhood.

If you suffer from skin diseases, then before using Gel 911 with a badag, be sure to consult a dermatologist.

The 911 gel should be used with caution in dry, sensitive, irritated and inflamed skin. The essential oils included in the preparation give it a strong aroma, which should also be taken into account by people suffering from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, such as, for example, bronchial asthma. When using the gel, make sure that it does not get on the mucous membranes or in the eyes.

Badiaga is a gray-green powder designed to eliminate the consequences of bruises. It consists of crushed freshwater sponge. The badyag helps with bruises under the eyes and edema.

How badyaga works

The intertwined silica needles form the skeleton of the sponge. When applied to the skin, the organic substance is highly irritating to the epithelium. The body reacts to this effect by increasing blood flow. The tool has anti-inflammatory effects. Badiaga is a powder from bruises, which accelerates the regeneration of tissues damaged after a blow. The drug is not absorbed through the skin and acts only at the site of application. Badiaga is available in the form of powders, gels and ointments.

Composition and properties of the drug

With the help of a badyagi, you can quickly get rid of bruises. The product contains the following components:

  1. Silica helps to cleanse the skin of dead epithelial cells. It stimulates the production of elastin and repairs tissue if damaged.
  2. Spongin fights harmful bacteria. Thanks to this substance, the badyaga stops inflammatory processes and relieves painful sensations after injury.
Any trauma leads to rupture of the capillaries under the skin. A bruise instantly appears at the site of the injury. The irritating substances in the badyag stimulate blood flow to the injured area. Due to this, the process of cell regeneration is accelerated many times over. You do not have to mask the bruise for a long time with foundation. After 7 days, there will be no trace of the fingal. Badyaga is used for bruising and for the treatment of various skin diseases on the face. The powder is able to get rid of annoying spots, scars and acne. However, you should be careful if there are closely spaced blood vessels near the treated area. The simplest way to eliminate the consequences of injuries is a badyag from bruises. Attention! Never use a badyag to treat bruises in young children, as their skin is too delicate.

How to use the gel

The most popular of them are Badyaga Forte and Badyaga 911 gels. They are much easier to apply than powder. Apply a thin layer of the gel to the bruise and wait for it to absorb. After 20 minutes, the product must be washed off the skin. Sponge powder is the main active ingredient of gels. In addition to it, the preparations include natural extracts of yarrow and plantain. They soften and moisturize the damaged area. Gel is more delicate than powder. It has a smaller structure. Badiha for the face will allow you to quickly eliminate cosmetic defects. To treat bruises under the eyes, it is best to use a gel, since these places have very thin, vulnerable skin.

Precautions when using badyagi

Care must be taken when using a badyagi. In case of contact with eyes or mouth, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Freshwater sponge powder can cause severe allergic reactions. To test for allergies, apply the product to a small area of ​​your skin. Badyagi will have to be abandoned when rashes and spots appear on the skin. The powder should not be applied to open wounds. This can lead to suppuration of the damaged area. The drug is available over the counter without a prescription. However, it is best to consult your doctor before using it.

The most effective remedies made on the basis of badyagi

Gel "Badyaga forte"

The active ingredient of the gel is a freshwater sponge extract. In addition to it, herbal extracts are added to the gel:
  • yarrow;
  • plantain leaves.
It relieves badyag from bruises under the eyes that occur after a blow. The healing properties of herbs prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. The active substance of the gel promotes faster healing of hematomas by improving blood circulation. Yarrow relieves inflammation and prevents swelling. Bee venom and red pepper extract have been added to the new series of gel. With the help of such a drug, even a large hematoma can be cured. Plantain has long been used as a wound healing agent. Bee venom enhances immunity and restores nutrition to damaged tissues. Red pepper not only kills harmful bacteria. It promotes the resorption of blood clots formed after a blow. The substances that make up red pepper will help you eliminate the fragility of blood vessels. It is forbidden to use the gel to treat hemorrhages in case of skin lesions. Also, it cannot be smeared on the skin in the presence of small cracks and scratches.

Gel "Badyaga 911"

The effectiveness of the gel is due to the complex of medicinal herbs that are used in its manufacture:
  • badyaga;
  • chamomile;
  • juice obtained from the tea tree;
  • arnica oil;
  • mint;
  • juniper extract.
Chamomile flowers help relieve inflammation and prevent the development of microbes at the site of injury. Arnica oil improves blood flow and reduces swelling. Mint is a plant with strong bactericidal properties. The composition of tea tree juice contains substances that contribute to the resorption of hematomas. Thanks to the juniper, blood vessels can be strengthened.

Powder use options

Badyagu in powder form can be used in the following ways:
  1. Mix the badyagu with hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. The result should be a homogeneous mass. Apply the gruel to the bruise and wait until the mixture dries. The procedure should be carried out once a day until complete recovery. If a strong allergic reaction occurs, treatment with a badyaga should be discontinued. The mixture helps to get rid of age spots on the face. It must be applied pointwise so as not to irritate other areas of the skin.
  2. To cope with a bruise, you can use compresses. To prepare it, mix the sponge powder with a little vegetable oil. Use the mixture to lubricate the damaged area. Put a piece of cling film on top, and fix the compress with a bandage. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bedtime.
  3. Mix a teaspoon of powder with 2 tbsp. spoons of plantain broth. Add moisturizer to the resulting mixture. Apply a paste-like mass to the hematoma. After 15 minutes, the mixture must be washed off. Add a little water to the powder and dip a cotton swab in it. Gently apply the mixture to problem areas. Take care not to get any material in your eyes or mouth. Otherwise, you will have to rinse them with cold water for a long time.
  4. A clay and freshwater sponge powder mask will help you quickly get rid of the bruise. To prepare it, mix the badyagi powder and white clay in equal proportions. The consistency of the finished mixture should resemble sour cream. Apply the finished mask to your face and wait until it is completely dry. After that, the hardened mask can be washed off. The substances contained in the ready-made mixture, eliminate pain after injury.
The mask is also used for cosmetic purposes. To increase its effectiveness, it is enough to add 3 drops of salicylic acid and a little tea tree oil to it. You should have a liquid mass. After applying the mask to your face, wait 10 minutes. The tool removes various defects on the skin of the face.

Badyaga from bruises. VIDEO

Face body is familiar to many women, especially because of its specific smell and strange name. However, those who have used this remedy more than once claim that there is no more effective remedy than face cream with Bodyagi.

In this article, we will tell you about the most useful and effective way to use Bodyaga and tell you about its beneficial properties.

About Bodyag

Bodyaga is a freshwater sponge, depending on the species, having different colors: green, brown, yellow. A powder is made from this sponge, which has a gray-green tint. This substance is used in the composition of many cosmetics for various purposes and directions.

Its beneficial effect is hidden in the unique composition and its properties:

  • Silica is a special component that forms the basis of Bodyaga. It intensively affects the skin at the cellular level. Thanks to silica, the product cleans the surface layer of dead cells, thereby activating the formation of new ones and the restoration of old ones. This speaks of the anti-aging properties of this substance. It hides wrinkles and tightens the skin.
  • The small needles are composed of the above-mentioned silica component. They perfectly heal damage to the epidermis, restoring its integrity. The needles activate blood circulation and dilate blood vessels. This stimulation makes cells actively regenerate and their immune defenses are triggered. This property can be clearly seen on skin with freckles, pigments, and acne marks. After several procedures of Bodyaga, significant changes are already noticeable.
  • Sponginnin is a protein that combines all the small needles together. This natural protein has absorbing, analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

The useful qualities of this sponge are widely used for cosmetic purposes and have not been tested by the first generation of women.

Indications for using the cream

  • Whitening agent for age spots and freckles;
  • Anti-aging skin cream;
  • To get rid of scars and blemishes after acne and pimples;
  • From bruises and bruises;
  • As a therapy for oily seborrhea;
  • For smoothing and cleansing the skin of the face.


Bodyaga face cream has many positive qualities, however, like many other cosmetics, it has its own contraindications.

You cannot use this remedy if:

  1. Very dry and thin skin;
  2. Sensitive type of epidermis;
  3. There are open wounds and abscesses;
  4. With rosacea and in the presence of vessels located close to the surface of the epithelium;
  5. With a pronounced growth of unwanted facial hair;
  6. There is an individual intolerance to Bodyaga.

Reinforced cream recipe

Many women and beauticians are confident that this substance brings maximum benefit if a combination of different forms is used. In this case, we will tell you how to prepare an effective cream using Bodyaga powder and gel forte.

All of these components can be purchased at the pharmacy. The powder is produced by various manufacturers, which vary the quality of grinding (large or small particles), as well as the weight of one bag. The gel contains a concentrated solution of Bodyaga, as well as extracts of plantain and yarrow. It perfectly cleanses the skin, restores it and relieves skin fatigue.

The cooking process is very simple:

  1. Add 1 teaspoon of powder to a non-oxidizing container. For sensitive skin, it is recommended to take finely ground powder, for more neglected - coarse.
  2. We dilute the powder with a small amount of hot water until the consistency of sour cream.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of gel to the diluted powder.
  4. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly.

It is necessary to apply this product in the form of a scrub cream, that is, with light movements, rubbing it into the skin, then the dead cells will peel off better. Then we leave this cream on the face for 10 minutes, and after the expiration of time, wash off with warm water.

Despite the fact that the result is visible after the first application, the best effect can be achieved by using Bodyaga cream for the face in a course. The course is about 10 procedures with an interval of 2-3 days.


Bodyaga face cream is an economical and effective remedy that helps to rejuvenate and restore the skin. Prepare an intense version of this remedy with your own hands using our recipe.

It is difficult to imagine a person who, at least several times in his life, has not had bruising, bruising or slight darkening on the skin after acne. The listed "artifacts" that form on or under the skin are a natural result of a string of biochemical processes and reactions taking place in tissues. People who are faced with bruises and edema, a natural question arises - is it possible to accelerate the course of natural processes and get rid of these "defects" in 1-2 days?

Patients who develop bruises from even a minor injury should undergo a medical examination. An unpleasant cosmetic defect in some cases signals problems with blood clotting, vitamin deficiency or liver disease.

In the 21st century, the range of cosmetic and medicinal products used to combat bruises and swelling has increased to an unprecedented size. But preparations based on greenish-brown powder, which were used by our grandparents, have not lost their relevance. The best example of this is the Badiaga 911 gel (cream), designed to quickly eliminate trauma marks.

Bodyagu for face is a medicine obtained by grinding silicon water sponges. In fact, these are living organisms that visually resemble ornate driftwood, living at a depth of 10 m, mainly in fresh water bodies. The life cycle of water sponges is almost identical to that of plants.

Dried and crushed sponges are the basis of many medicines used to combat dermatological diseases. In pharmacies, a wide range of products is presented, the main active ingredient of which is precisely the powder obtained by grinding colonies of coelenterates.

Let us dwell in more detail on the features of the action of this drug, therapeutic efficacy and recommendations for use.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Gel Badyaga 911 belongs to the clinical and pharmacological preparations of the local irritating type. Their main purpose is to eliminate inflammation in problem tissues, restore natural biochemical processes at the cellular level. A medicine is prescribed not only for dermatological problems, but also for joint diseases.

pharmachologic effect

The peculiarities of the mechanism of action of Badyaga 911 gel are due to its local irritating properties.

  1. Crushed silica crystals, after being applied to the surface of the problem area of ​​the skin, contribute to the expansion of blood vessels.
  2. The increase in the lumen of the capillaries is accompanied by an increase in the intensity of blood flow in the damaged tissues.
  3. In addition to local skin irritation, the badyaga activates the biochemical processes of the synthesis of prostaglandins and histamine.

After a short time, the edema and the focus of inflammation stop and dissolve. Due to the action of essential oils, the therapeutic effect extends not only to the superficial areas of the dermis, but also to the joints.

Release form and composition

The medication in question is available in 100 ml polypropylene tubes. The medicine has a gel-like consistency of medium density with a slight green tint. Small blotches of crushed algae are present. The composition has a pronounced specific smell.

Composition of Badyaga 911 gel:

The drug is used only externally, locally. Before applying the composition, it is important to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Storage conditions and periods

According to the official instructions indicated in the annotation, it is recommended to store Badiaga 911 gel at a temperature of 10 to 25 ° C and moderate humidity (up to 75%). It is preferable to keep the medication in a separate cabinet, in a dark and dry place out of the reach of children. The shelf life of a sealed tube is 24 months from the date indicated on the package.

Instructions for use

The instructions for the use of Badyaga 911 gel indicate that the medication is used only externally, locally. The composition of the drug contains mainly natural ingredients on a natural basis.

Method of using the drug:
  1. Only clean areas of the skin are treated with the medication. It is important to exclude contact of the composition with the area around the lips and eyes. In case of contact with mucous membranes, rinse with plenty of clean water.
  2. The gel should be used no more than 3 times a day. The thick consistency is evenly distributed over the problem area of ​​the skin with a thin layer. Rubbing into the epithelial layer with light massaging movements is allowed.
  3. The duration of treatment for extensive lesions is from 7 days.

Despite the fact that it is a very safe and effective remedy, doctors do not recommend using it on steamed or damp skin. In this case, there is a high likelihood of irritation of the dermis.

Indications and contraindications

Gel Badyaga 911 is an effective drug both for chronic tissue pathologies and for bruises, bruises and bruises. Silica provides a pronounced irritant effect, and essential oils quickly eliminate bruises and bruises.

Indications for prescribing a medication:

The drug in question is widely used in cosmetology. With its help, get rid of blackheads, acne and pigmented neoplasms.

Contraindications to the use of drugs based on dried freshwater sponge:
  • children under 6 years of age;
  • lactation and bearing a child;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the product;
  • the presence on the surface of the skin of open wounds, inflammation.

Before treating the problematic area of ​​the skin, it is important to consult a doctor, dermatologist, in order to neutralize the danger of aggravating the condition.

Method of administration and dosage

Gel Badyaga 911 is applied to the surface of the problem area with a thin layer. Then the composition is evenly distributed over the affected area. To accelerate the absorption of the epithelial layer, rubbing the drug into the skin with light massage movements is allowed. The dosage and frequency of treatment are set individually for each patient.

Side effects and special instructions

In the description of the drug in question, it is indicated that with its correct use, in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician, there are no side effects. With individual intolerance to the components of the medication, local inflammation, redness and itching are possible. The listed reactions have an allergic etiology and disappear after the pharmaceutical agent is discontinued.

Cream with badaga 911 is dispensed in pharmacies absolutely free, over the counter. The cost of the drug varies from 70 to 120 rubles (the average price in Moscow is 77 rubles). In regions, the specified plug is also respected.


A huge number of drugs based on badyagi is due not only to their therapeutic efficacy, but also to their affordability. A number of analogs with a similar therapeutic effect are on sale. The drugs differ in the concentration of the active substance and in minor ingredients. This medication has no complete analogues, but there are means with which you can get rid of bruises and the consequences of bruises in a few days.

  • "Heparin ointment";
  • "Bruise OFF";
  • Badyaga Forte;
  • Troxevasin.

It is important to check with your doctor before using any of these medications.