Medal for great jubilee services. Comic order to award a medal

Presentation of the medal for the anniversary.

For merits in the anniversary
To award a large medal
With a red ribbon with her.

Wearing requires decency
In vain do not force a medal
Badge of special distinction
Wear only on holidays.

Choose a place to wear sparingly,
To make people happy.
Let it hang above the navel
And slightly lower breasts.

Protect that medal from wax
Don't take greasy hands into your hands,
Make all movements catchy
Looking into the distance
Correct your hairstyle
And stroke the medal.


Awarding a commemorative medal.

Full name

Natives of the city:

For a sensitive attitude towards relatives, relatives and friends, for loyalty, for impeccable and long-term work for the good of the Motherland and in connection with the "____" anniversary, friends, relatives and numerous well-wishers made the decision:

1. (name and surname)


To award a commemorative jubilee medal and wish you good health, happy and joyful days in life and every prosperity.
2. The medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in the circle of relatives and friends at the festive table, organized at the expense of the hero of the day.
3. The medal is given the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased so that the medal can be viewed by all neighbors and simply those who wish, who have not been awarded such medals.
This Decree was made in the capital of our country, Moscow, and approved by the State Duma.
"________" _______________ 20 ___

The awarded medal is usually worn at home during family celebrations, namely:
- on wedding days

On the birthdays of both the awardees themselves and their loved ones;
- on the days of receiving a pension, winning the lottery, etc., etc.
So that the medal does not lose its appearance, and the hero of the day dignity, every year on the birthday the medal should be washed with alcoholic drinks of domestic and foreign spills, but with a good Russian snack.
The recipient of this medal has the right to:
- to carry out all the instructions and orders of the spouse;
- for free travel in the cars of the son-in-law and friends, "hare" in any public transport.

For free admission to clinics, supermarkets and other places of entertainment;
- demand from the spouse reimbursement of the costs of proper care for the medal.
A person awarded with a medal is prohibited from:
- get sick, gain weight, lose weight, get angry, grumble;
- it is strictly forbidden to grow old;

Use the medal as a load for salting cabbage, hammering nails, cracking nuts and other work;
- use the medal as a means of attack and self-defense.
As for friends and relatives, the awarded can be sure that they will always find him, especially on his birthday, about the cleaning of the medal.
Control over the safe storage of the medal shall be entrusted to police officers, the FSB and faithful children and grandchildren.
The manufacturer guarantees:
- respectful attitude towards the bearer of the medal;
- good mood;
- many long and happy years of life.

"______" ______________________ 20___

We offer you another option for presenting a comic memo to the award medal for the hero of the day. Let your anniversary evening be fun and memorable.


Full name

Natives of the city:

For a sensitive attitude towards relatives, relatives and friends, for loyalty, for impeccable and long-term work for the good of the Motherland and in connection with the "____" anniversary, friends, relatives and numerous well-wishers made the decision:

1. (name and surname)


reward with a commemorative medal and wish good health, happy and joyful days in life and every prosperity.

The medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in the circle of relatives and friends at the festive table, organized at the expense of the hero of the day.

The medal is given the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased so that the medal can be viewed by all neighbors and simply those who wish, who have not been awarded such medals.
This Decree was made in the capital of our country, Moscow, and approved by the State Duma.

"________" _______________ 20 ___


§ 1. The medal is a masterpiece of art of the second half of the 20th century and a unique relic.
§ 2. Technical data:


§ 3. Procedure and conditions of use:
The medal consists of the actual medal, donned, holes for donning.
In order to put on a medal, you need to take it by the put on and into the contour formed by the medal and put on, stick your head so that the put on hooks onto the part of the body that connects the head to the body. The medal should sit on the upper front of the torso with the right side out. The user of the medal needs to make a happy-solemn expression on his face. The lower edge of the medal must coincide with the upper belly of the hero of the day.
The awarded medal is usually worn at home during family celebrations, namely:
- on the days of weddings of both the awardees themselves and their loved ones;
- on the birthdays of both the awardees themselves and their loved ones;
- on the days of receiving a salary, winning the lottery, etc., etc.
§ 4. So that the medal does not lose its appearance, and the hero of the day dignity, every year on the birthday of the medal should be washed with alcoholic drinks of domestic and foreign spills, but with a good Russian snack.

§ 5. The recipient of this medal has the right:
- to carry out all the instructions and orders of the spouse;
- for free travel in the cars of the son-in-law and friends, "like a hare" in any worldly transport.
- for a free flight to the moon;
- for free admission to clinics, supermarkets and other places of worldly entertainment;
- demand from the spouse (s) reimbursement of the cost of proper care of the medal.

§ 6. The person awarded with a medal is prohibited from:
- get sick, gain weight, lose weight, get angry, grumble;
- it is strictly forbidden to grow old;
- use a medal for making teeth ;,
- use the medal as a load when salting cabbage, hammering nails, cracking nuts and other work;
- use the medal as a means of attack and self-defense.

§ 7. As regards friends and relatives, the recipient can have no doubts - they will always find him, especially on his birthday, regarding the cleaning of the medal (see p. 4).

§ 8. The awarding of a commemorative medal of the II degree is carried out on the day of the next anniversary, subject to paragraph 4 of this statute.
§ 9. Control over the safe storage of the medal shall be entrusted to police officers, the FSB and faithful children and grandchildren.

§ 10. The manufacturer guarantees:
- respectful attitude towards the bearer of the medal;
- good mood;
- many long and happy years of life.

"______" ______________________ 20___

Womens jubilee

Music sounds.

Leading. It was a long time ago: ... years ago. No, no, I'm not starting to tell you a fairy tale. I want to tell you about our hero of the day! So, ... years ago, a young, very modest, very pretty girl crossed the threshold of our institution, “a graduate ... of the institute. This was our dear hero of the day. True, her name was then simply - ... She was hired ... It was ... years. And since then she has grown in heart and soul ... to her beloved work. How much love for your profession you need to have, what kind of heart is it to carry this very difficult, difficult burden for ... years, never betraying it and yourself.

Leading. Dear ...!
Accept the same in the prime of years
Our warm, hearty greetings,
And without hiding our feelings,
We will raise the bowls for you!

Leading. Expensive...! Cheburashka came to our light and, having learned that there was an anniversary here, he wanted to congratulate you.

A young man with cardboard ears, like Cheburashka's, sings a song to the tune "Songs of Gena the Crocodile."

We did not come in vain -
It is clear to everyone -
And sat down at this table.
Anniversary congratulations
And leave as a keepsake
This song that we will sing!

Let the years not age you
In life, be in sight.
Sorry, birthday
Only once a year!

Anniversary, our friend,
Come out to our circle
And pour us some more wine!
After all, we are not often here
Getting together
On your solemn anniversary!

We congratulate you
And, of course, we wish
Stay the same:
Modest, kind and sweet,
Patient, beautiful ...
We cannot count all your merits.

Let your life go by
And without sorrows, and without troubles!
May health be strong
For fifty years!

Leading. There are so many guests here today! Everyone came to congratulate the hero of the day. And we will first give the floor to the director, our esteemed ...

The director reads out and presents the welcome address and gift.

Leading. Expensive...!
On this anniversary, we wish you prosperity.
And health for many years.
On the anniversary, we wish you good luck
And great happiness to boot.
So that the sun always shines on you,
So that the heart of the worthy loves,
So that grief, adversity and misfortune
They turned into a desired victory.

Leading. There are wonderful poems dedicated to a woman, and I dedicate these poems to you.

Holds her head like a queen
Emits a mysterious light.
This woman is eternal Eve
Lost in the ruins of years
At the end of a good fate,
As if carrying an astral vow.
These puzzles are necklaces.
These are the secrets of rings and earrings!
This scent with a hint of cinnamon
These dresses are inconceivable color,
And in the gaze of a seasoned tigress
A predatory glimpse of distant victories.
Time breathes easily and carelessly,
Milk from the May Gardens.
This woman is something eternal
And her art is great!
Sends longing and misfortune
And he calls, and wastes money.
Primal glow of passion
It burns under its biofield.
Through concrete walls and buildings
Penetrates "like a light shadow.
Excites the male consciousness,
Hurries up a feverish day.
Only lips tighten bitter
Over a parting strip of land.
What is her age, since he is no more?
What are her years, since the years have passed?

Leading. The staff of our institution has always been distinguished by its stability in personnel matters; it has always been and remains a single, cohesive organism, friendly and efficient. And today they congratulate ...

The collective sings congratulations to the tune of the song "I'm Standing at a Half-Station", gives gifts.

Friends and relatives are sitting
Sparkling wine flows,
And there is a long way behind.
Greeting words sound.

Where are you cherished years?
What has been passed cannot be returned.
As a sign of our attention
Please accept the wishes,
Live for the joy of all for many years.
Let the years, like a blizzard,
All are spreading gray,
And the light warms youth!
You indispensable happiness,
Success unchanged
We wish you great success many times.
Good health to you,
Hopes and personal happiness,
May youth not leave you!
Let adversity be forgotten
And all wishes will come true.
And let there never be grief.
Love if you love.
Live the way you want
And always be cheerful!

Leading. (Gives the floor to the rest of the guests for congratulations and gifts.)

Leading. I ask for a moment of attention. A large gold medal was cast in honor of our celebration.
Once again he congratulates the hero of the day, presents a comic medal and announces a break.

Leading. Dear Colleagues! Guests of our holiday! Today we learned a lot about the hero of the day, there were a lot of congratulations and wishes addressed to her. But not all those present have congratulated ... The floor is given to the husband of the hero of the day.
Invites guests to play.

Dear ...
You can't get away from anniversaries in life,
They will overtake everyone like birds
But the main thing is to carry through the years
Warmth of the soul, a particle of cordiality.
You have an anniversary today.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
And we wish the main thing in life.
Health, happiness, joy
And up to a hundred years without old age!
Everyone is singing the song "Praising".
We walked nicely on your holiday.
Nowhere have we seen a more beautiful holiday.
So be healthy, live richly,
And we are leaving home, to the hut!
The floor is given to the hero of the day. This is followed by an invitation to tea.
To introduce into a possibly formal procedure
celebrating the anniversary, humor, a joke, you can, for example, read out a personal decree, hold a win-win lottery.


For a sensitive attitude towards relatives, relatives and friends, for loyalty, for impeccable and long-term work for the good of the Motherland and in connection with ... the anniversary, friends, relatives and numerous well-wishers decided:
1. (Full name) to award a commemorative medal of the anniversary and command her (him) good health, happy and joyful days in life and all prosperity.
2. The medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in the circle of relatives and friends at the festive table,
organized at the expense of the hero of the day.
3. The medal is given the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased so that the medal can be viewed by all neighbors and simply those who wish, who have not been awarded such medals.
This Decree was made in the capital city of Moscow, approved in the ancient city ..., along the street ..., palace (house), mansions (apartment). Winters 20 __ ... year, month ..., day ...
We certify the fidelity and authenticity (signatures of all those present)

1. The medal is a masterpiece of art of the second half of the 20th century and a unique relic.

2. Technical data:
weight - ...,
diameter - ...,
thickness - ...,
supply voltage 220 V with a frequency of 50 Hertz, the number of donning is unlimited.

3. Procedure and conditions of operation.
The medal consists of the actual medal, donned, holes for donning.
In order to put on a medal, you need to take it by the put on and into the contour formed by the medal and put on, stick your head so that the put on hooks onto the part of the body that connects the head to the body. The medal should sit on the upper front of the torso with the right side out. The user of the medal needs to make a happy-solemn expression on his face. The lower edge of the medal must coincide with the upper belly of the hero of the day.
The awarded medal is usually worn at home during family celebrations, namely:
- on the days of weddings of both the awardees themselves and their loved ones;
- on the birthdays of both the awardees themselves and their loved ones;
- on the days of receiving a salary, winning the lottery, etc., etc.

4. So that the medal does not lose its appearance, and the hero of the day dignity, every year on the birthday of the medal should be washed with alcoholic drinks of domestic and foreign spills, but with a good Russian snack.

5. The recipient of this medal has the right to:
- to carry out all the instructions and orders of the spouse;
- for free travel in the cars of a son-in-law and friends, a "hare" in any mundane transport and for travel in a Moscow electric train if you have a ticket;
- for a free flight to the moon;
- for free admission to clinics, supermarkets and other places of worldly entertainment;
- demand from the spouse (s) reimbursement of the cost of proper care of the medal.

6. Those awarded with this medal are prohibited from:
- get sick, gain weight, lose weight, get angry, grumble;
- it is strictly forbidden to grow old;
- use a medal for making teeth ;,
- use the medal as a load when salting cabbage, hammering nails, cracking nuts and other work;
- use the medal as a means of attack and self-defense.

7. As for friends and relatives, the awarded can be sure that they will always find him, especially on his birthday, about cleaning the medal (see p. 4).

8. Awarding with a commemorative medal of the II degree is carried out on the day of the next anniversary, subject to paragraph 4 of this statute.

9. Control over the safe storage of the medal shall be entrusted to police officers, the FSB and faithful children and grandchildren.

10. The manufacturer guarantees:
- respectful attitude towards the bearer of the medal;
- good mood;
- many long and happy years of life.

1. Today you are not a hero of the day,
The laurel wreath does not shine for you,
You better accept from us
Bouquet of bay leaves.

2. Do not think you are angry with us -
A nail on the farm will come in handy.

3. So that your teeth do not hurt,
Clean them at least once a week. (Toothbrush).

4. You got a flower - a rose,
It does not fade from frost.

5. You wanted to win a flashlight,
But I just got a ball.

6. You got this soap,
To wash your hands more often.

7. To find out the income,
A notepad will come in handy.

8. Pour this into a glass
And take a sip.

9. After a glass, have a snack -
This is a very important matter.
Here's a sleeve for you
Paper napkin.

10. Do not be angry with us, my friend,
The boxes will come in handy.

11. Do not grieve, do not grieve,
Stand up, neighbor (neighbor) kiss.

12. And for sweet we have
There is a candy for you.

13. Would you like a piano
And got the calendar.

14. In life, one must hope for the best,
Take glue if something doesn't stick

15. Get the grand prize
You - a lattice from eggs.

16. Although the people say
Like vodka is poison
We give you as a reward
We have a glass of poison.

17. There is no typewriter,
We offer this item. (A pen)

18. We give you toothpaste,
So that you have toothy teeth.

19. Hooray! - shout to the whole world.
You have a souvenir car.

20. When you go for a walk -
So that the trousers do not sleep with you,
You carry with you
This pin is made of steel.

The best holiday for any woman is the one on which she feels like the queen of the ball, and if it is her own birthday or anniversary, even more so! Therefore, the most pleasant surprise for the hero of the day is to redeem her in attention and compliments, which will make her feel like herself. There are a lot of such surprises, they can be solemn and lyrical in nature or comic and playful, friends and family know better what the hero of the occasion will like more.

Here are some examples comic anniversary medals and coronations on a woman's anniversary, who may help you organize your ceremony or original congratulations.

1. Comic anniversary medals and titles for women:

1. You raised excellent children,

She dressed and fed them.

You are ready to give everything to them!

We award you the title - MOTHER!

2. You take care of your family hearth,

And you live well with your husband.

You are for him all the years

In everything, she is exemplary - WIFE!

3. You are a faithful wife to your spouse.

But we know for sure, you are still a great - FRIEND!

4. In the house - order, comfort, cleanliness

You do not wear the title of HOSTESS in vain.

5. You don't know how to sew, knit and embroider out of boredom.

We must again give the title - GOLDEN HANDS!

6. Nephews are your joy,

It would be necessary to give the title of AUNT.

7. Throughout the city ... ... rumor goes,

That you are an excellent GARDENER!

8. If there is a granddaughter,

We present the title of GRANDMA!

9. You honor the elders, you take care of the younger ones.

Patient and kind, you are called the middle SISTER!

10. Generous and rich, like spring,

She will give us a hundred smiles.

A meeting with her will turn out to be good luck for us,

And a WOMAN - such a miracle is called!

11. Let everyone remember forever

………..- GOOD MAN!


2. Awarding of the title "Queen of the holiday" and the coronation of the hero of the day.

(Such a "coronation" can be made as a separate congratulatory number, or it can be combined with the original meeting of the hero of the day at the very beginning of the holiday)

Today you are truly the queen of the holiday! And the queen is also entitled to a crown!

Today, here and this very hour

We'll take out the crown for you!

Let the queen rule justly

And our holiday will be beautiful -

Brilliant royal ball

Today I gathered all my friends!

Under the friendly applause

Let's get down to the coronation!

The crown is brought into the hall.

Let's redeem the Queen with a standing ovation and clinking glasses in honor of Her Majesty! And to your applause, I hasten to decorate another candle with the flame of your beautiful hearts. And our next toast will be for the Queen.


3. Anniversary ceremony "Queen's retinue"

This ceremony can be a spectacular continuation of the coronation of the hero of the day. To do this, the "Queen" must be seated on the "throne" in the center of the hall.

Leading: Dear guests, we just need to hold another anniversary ceremony, since, according to experts, after it is held, the hero of the occasion passes all ailments and sorrows, an irreversible process of rejuvenation begins. Everyone knows the expression that "the queen is made by the retinue", I ask those who wish to be favorites and maids of honor of our queen to come to me (those who want to go out - the host explains the rules to them).

Leading: In order for our ritual to turn out flawless, as at the best royal receptions, the retinue must show attentiveness and courtesy: everything is done strictly according to etiquette. Whenever the word "Ladies" is heard in the text - the girls from the suite make a beautiful curtsy, when the word "Cavaliers" is pronounced - the entire male half of the suite races, with a graceful bow, kisses the Queen's hand and quickly leaves again.

Text (read by the host)

LADIES and CAVALERS came to the Queen's jubilee. LADIES are wearing beautiful beads, earrings. CAVALERS smell of expensive perfume and captivate with impeccable shaving of the face. LADIES are good, energetic, charming. CAVALERS are courageous, smart, cheerful. LADIES and CAVALERS are ready to say a thousand words of congratulations and wishes to their queen. LADIES delight with fun, CAVALERS - an article and a willingness to fulfill her every desire. And, in general, LADIES, like LADIES, CAVALERS, like CAVALERS. Both LADIES and CAVALERS are good, congratulate the hero of the day from the bottom of the heart.


4. Presentation of the diadem and the title "Lady - 20 ..."

Autumn (summer)! Today, (name), you

Nature itself congratulates.

Gold leaves at your feet

Birches and aspens are thrown.

And bow before you

Like slaves, mountain ash.

Childhood and youth are not bad

Youth and maturity are already behind us.

Now a different era is dawning

The era of maturity is young.

Name -…., Age - 50!

Listen to what they say about you.

According to a survey among men

You are "Lady - 20 ..." for a number of reasons.

Count and be proud

After all, this is a ticket to a new life.

Kind (there is no time to be angry)

Merry (but there is time to be merry)

Smart (school and technical school behind)

Honest (with absolutely everything, especially with me)

Beautiful (no need to explain this)

Generous (her motto: let's live together)

Sweetheart (after all, a woman)

Modest (but not shy either)

Strong (in mind and body)

Economic (proves by deeds)

Sexy (it's already clear)

Gentle (the sign "Virgo" is not in vain)

Mysterious ("zest" everyone has their own)

Decent (noticeably well-mannered)

Interesting (not only for men)

Responsible (for a hundred reasons)

Caring (this is by nature)

Young (well, is it years?)

Faithful (family comes first)

Reliable (has its own "code of honor")

Slim (figure is what you need)

Charming (eye-catching)

Affectionate (melts the ice with my heart)

Necessary (life with her is sweet as honey)

Bright (like the sun burns)

Responsive (like Dr. Aibolit)

The only one (after all, there is no second the same)

Loving (we love you too)

Energetic (movement is life)

Hardworking (if you want to live cool - work hard)

Darling (priceless as a planet)

Amazing (eighth wonder of the world)

Talented (manifested in everything)

Dear (we live in your soul)

Charming (you are nowhere more beautiful)

Yes, what else to say? You are just OUR!

Have you counted? It is not enough,

I haven't said everything yet.

Is it these words

Would we end up with you?

I have something for all the words

There wouldn't be enough sheets!

And all these qualities

Not eccentricities at all.

For these reasons

Men like you.

And so I'm glad

Here to present you an award:

Tiara to the winner

Competition "Lady - 20 ...",

That is, the very best.

5. Comic medalsto the golden anniversary of the woman.

This glorious autumn (summer, etc.) at times
You have a golden anniversary.
You have become, believe me, golden,
Let's be honest, handing over medals.

1. Let's start with the hands, they are really golden!
On the table - what results!
They carry these little handbags,
They iron, cook, caress the children ...
They put things in order everywhere,
This house is ruled!

(we present the medal "golden hands")

2. And the head is golden!
The work is not easy in it.
Natural mind plus experience over the years
Gave the weight of respect to the lady!

(medal "golden head")

(medal "heart of gold")

4. Here you go through life,
And your soul is golden!
Broad and kind and rebellious,
And in her work she is invaluable, diligent.

(medal "golden soul)

5. Let's say about character: simple,
But, of course, it is also gold.
It is both durable and permanent forever.
You are a positive person!

(medal "golden character")

6 And you are such, Natasha, dear,
Gold all around, gold!
And you know that everyone is golden
Always stay young!

To the clink of glasses, the laughter of friends,
Let me take the floor today.
We gathered for the anniversary
We are dear to us.

So we wish you many years
Love, health and good luck,
Destiny that will take away from troubles,
And ours will solve the problem.

May all dreams come true
Trust me, they are realizable!
And as a source of kindness -
Give warmth to your loved ones!

Let the days, intertwining in a round dance,
They always bring happiness to your home.
And every year that comes
Add more tender passion!

6. "All-Russian Association of Family Welfare"

This Certificate, which reads: "This Certificate was issued by _________________________ (full name of the birthday girl) on the occasion that this lady really lived N years in a happy marriage with _______________________ (full name of her husband), who warmed and will warm your faithful with your love, warmth and light. From this day, which is nominated for the title "The Greatest Day of the XXI Century", the birthday girl must fulfill the following requirements:

live the same number of years three times in complete sanity;

to be happy, regardless of any troubles;

to be always young, no matter what age;

to love and to be loved;

always smile, even if the mood is not the best;

to be always beautiful, because beauty is the guarantee of health;

never need anything and never deny yourself anything.

The certificate is not subject to forgery and distribution! Any illegal copying and attempt to sell is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This Certificate is accompanied by a gold medal.

(During the presentation of the medal and certificate, a carcass sounds.)

7. Before the presentation of the anniversary medal - "Portfolio of the hero of the day"

Charisma is present.
Creativity gushes.
The figure is appetizing (model).
The character is Nordic.
The potential is endless.
The direction of the vector is only forward!
Temperament - off scale.
The mood is in good shape.
With friends - open.
With enemies - irreconcilable.
The tongue is sharp.
I am friendly with finances.
With the authorities - on an equal footing after 18:00.
Relatives love.
Girlfriends are in touch.
Colleagues - respect.
Summary: you can explore

8. Coronation of the hero of the day in a fairytale style.

(For greater showiness, a fairy-tale-style ceremony can be done in the form of a fancy-dress coronation)

As in one wonderful kingdom,
V so something the state (depends on the location)
Today the holiday has been announced
The working day is over!
Brother and matchmaker, merchants, boyars,
Wise men from the sovereign
Dress up, comb your hair,
Gathered in a friendly retinue
And they came at last
To this fabulous palace.
To observe solemnity,
I ask you to bring the throne here! (throne-chair)

Anniversary passes and sits on the "throne"

Well, a beauty is a damsel,
This evening you are the queen!
We ask you to be our queen
And we present a symbol of power!
After all, you really are worthy of the throne.
So, the crown is being handed over! (Crown)

To consolidate the triumph of the moment,
All the attributes of power should be handed over!
Son-in-law, family, godfathers,
Well, in general, the whole huge family!
Help to dress the queen,
Bring in the mantle as soon as possible! (mantle)

To your beloved loyal friends,
With whom do you share joy and misfortune in half,
Who is easier to be with in this life
It is entrusted to hand over this scepter! (bottle of cognac (wine)

Who (name of the hero of the day) closer, dearer in the world?
Like rays of light - beloved children.
You must live to see your great-grandchildren's wedding !.
And drink a cup of wine at that wedding!
Serve the Queen a sovereign goblet!
And let the audience applaud! (glass of wine)

And so that in this life forever
I only remembered good moments
Today, here and only for you
These stormy applause sounds! (guests applaud)

Begin the feast with a royal decree,
Command your guests to have fun.

Gather it at the table on your birthday. They say that you're lucky

This happens every year. Let there be less trouble for you. There is a hustle and bustle at work all day
Life is not the same today. So come on from the problems take a break - On the birthday they leave. They say that you're lucky
If the birthday comes back to the house.
This happens every year. May he bring you a lot of happiness!
If suddenly the body starts playing naughty,
Don't think about it seriously
And please don’t hang your nose.
They say that you're lucky
If again
Birthday will come to the house. This happens every year. May he bring health with him. 3.

Scene "Little pensioner" Today we have a little pensioner. You all know how little ones are capricious, they are afraid of colds, and they have a little mind, therefore, so that they do not puff in their ears, do not bake a head, and also so that different thoughts do not get into the head, we decided to give her a cap.

And also you all know that the little ones are so clumsy and so awkward that when they eat, they get dirty themselves and stain everything that surrounds them. To prevent this from happening, we give her an apron.

And I also want to add to the above that little retirees are upset for any reason, they always worry very loudly, so their eyes are always wet. To prevent our pensioner from crying, we decided to give her a dummy. The crown is brought into the hall. Let's redeem the queen with a standing ovation and clinking glasses of honor
And to your applause, I hasten to decorate another candle with the flame of your beautiful hearts.
And our next toast will be for
Korolev. (Source:

3. Anniversary ceremony "Queen's retinue"

This ceremony can be a spectacular continuation of the coronation of the hero of the day. To do this, the "Queen" must be seated on the "throne" in the center of the hall.

Dear guests, we just need to hold another anniversary ceremony, since, according to experts, after it is held, the hero of the occasion passes all ailments and sorrows, an irreversible process of rejuvenation begins. Everyone knows the expression that "the queen is made by the retinue", I ask those who wish to be favorites and maids of honor of our queen to come to me (those who want to go out - the host explains the rules to them)... In order for our ritual to turn out flawless, as at the best royal receptions, the retinue must show attentiveness and courtesy: everything is done strictly according to etiquette.

Whenever the word "Ladies" is heard in the text - the girls from the suite make a beautiful curtsy, when the word "Cavaliers" is pronounced - the entire male half of the suite races, with a graceful bow, kisses the Queen's hand and quickly leaves again. (read by the host) Came to the Queen's jubilee

LADIES beautiful beads, earrings. CAVALERS smell of expensive perfume and captivate with impeccable shaving of the face.
LADIES are good, energetic, charming. CAVALERS are courageous, smart, cheerful. LADIES and
CAVALERS are ready to say a thousand words of congratulations and wishes to their queen. LADIES delight with fun
CAVALERS - an article and a willingness to fulfill her every desire. And, in general,
CAVALERS are good, congratulate the hero of the day from the bottom of the heart. 4. Presentation of the diadem and the title "Lady - 20 ..." (Author
Autumn (summer) ! Today, (name) , you

Comic medals for congratulating the heroes of the day

Of course, there are many new and interesting congratulations for
The hero of the day, but the presentation of a gold, comic medal for the hero of the day is well established. You can beat the presentation of the award comic medal and make a whole show, amusing the guests and touching the hero of the occasion to tears.

Award medals are easy to make, a master class is shown, step-by-step instructions. Comic congratulatory medals, as well as memos to comic award medals. They also diversify any holiday, anniversary.

And very interesting medals for competitions, awarding guests in competitions. For example, award the winner of the contest "How well do you know our hero of the day" with a comic award medal "To the best friend".

This award will determine who knows his favorite hero of the day best of all, and treats him most attentively. And of course, throughout the evening and in the future, he will be considered as such.

Questions for guests, how well do you know our hero of the day, the winner receives a certificate of honor or a best friend's medal. 1. On what day of the week was our hero of the day born? 2. What was your weight and height at birth? 3.

Where was he born on the map? 4. What time or time of day was he born? 5. What was the name of the kindergarten teacher?

6. What was your favorite toy? 7. What was the name of your best school friend? ...

NOMINAL DECREE ON THE OCCASION OF ANNIVERSARY Awarding with a commemorative medal Natives of the city: __________________________________________________ For a sensitive attitude towards relatives, relatives and friends, for loyalty, for impeccable and long-term work for the good
Fatherland and in connection with the "____" anniversary, friends, relatives and numerous well-wishers made the decision: 1. (F.

I. O.) __________________________________________________ to award a commemorative medal and wish you good health, happy and joyful days in life and every prosperity. 2.

The medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in the circle of relatives and friends at the festive table, organized at the expense of the hero of the day. 3. The medal is given the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased so that the medal can be viewed by all neighbors and simply those who wish, who have not been awarded such medals. Real
The decree was made in the capital of our country
Moscow ....

55th birthday woman script in awards ceremony style

Editor: The choice of party style for organizing the 55th anniversary is dictated by the zodiac sign and the leading position of the birthday girl. Meeting with guests
Music sounds. Guests on the red carpet under the flashes of cameras go to the banquet hall.

At the entrance to the hall they are met by the hero of the occasion. Congratulations, presenting gifts. The organizer of the event takes the guests to the buffet area, treats them to drinks and invites them to leave their wishes on the "star alley". It can be a properly designed album or paper stars, which, after writing a congratulation, are hung on a prepared tree.

Guests can also visit the "Film of Life" gallery (a decorative element with photographs of the birthday girl, reflecting various moments of her life), where they can see themselves in episodes of the film. The beginning of the banquet
When all the guests have gathered, the presenters invite them to take their places at the table, after which the birthday girl is greeted with applause and fanfare. - Ladies and Gentlemen!
We are glad to welcome you at the gala banquet dedicated to the presentation of the prestigious life award - "Golden Lioness", established by
The Once We Live Charitable Foundation. - This prize is awarded only once in a lifetime for a special contribution to the development of life at
The earth. - Nominees and winners have passed a strict life selection, fire, water and copper pipes hand in hand with the chief referee of the award - Name of the birthday girl... - 55 years of competition flew by in one day. Many of those present did not even suspect that they were participating in such a serious selection. - The more valuable is the sincerity of their actions, which allowed them to become winners in such a truly universal selection. - But no matter how much we would like to find out the names of the lucky ones as soon as possible, we simply cannot help but raise the cup for the person who did this titanic work - out of the millions of applicants for the award, he chose you.

The first toast to the birthday girl
Voiced by the presenters. It should be short, contain compliments and wishes for further well-being. Most importantly, this toast should not contain age numbers.

The scenario for the anniversary of a 55-year-old woman, like any other event, requires regularity and clarity. Toasts and awards should not go one after the other. They should be separated by a time interval of 10-15 minutes in the first part of the holiday and 5-10 minutes in the following. Do not try to occupy all the pauses with speeches and actions. Better take this moment to add numbers from guest artists. Guests should eat, dance and relax while enjoying the conversation. These intervals will help to win the audience's favor, and they will eagerly await your appearance, listen to you carefully, and not be dismissed as an annoying fly. Second toast to parents
Leading again.

In the second toast, numbers may appear, but not in a direct form, like "our birthday girl is already 55!" back and over the years has proven its resilience. " If the parents are alive and present at the holiday, then they are awarded a prize indicating the nomination, a gift in the form of a statuette "Golden Lioness" and the word is given for congratulations.

Each guest at the festival will have their own nomination and, accordingly, their own statuette of the "Golden Lioness". The role of such a figurine can be played by a soft toy, a magnet, a figure made of balls, a candy bouquet. Even a bottle of lemonade with the label and design of the same name.

The third toast is for the husband
The presenters tell the story of the acquaintance of the heroine and her husband, announce the nomination, hand over the statuette and hand over the microphone for a response. At the end of the congratulations, the husband invites his wife to dance, which is a signal for the start of the break.

Dance block
The first dance block in the script for the anniversary of a 55-year-old woman is included not so much for dancing as for the guests to leave their homes and begin to communicate with each other. Therefore, do not strain if the guests, supporting the dance of the birthday girl with her husband, disperse to the companies, and do not go to dance.

This is a great opportunity to add vocal numbers and get to know the host better with the guests. Second and subsequent blocks
The second and subsequent blocks in the script for the anniversary of a woman of 55 years old are included with a breakdown of dances and are promoted according to the list of guests and the biography of the main referee of the award. Nominations are announced and awarded as people appear in the life of the hero of the day. Each award, in addition to a bright and recognizable nomination, should contain warm words about the nominee, sketches from life. Each guest should feel exactly how important he is, and feel his own significance and indispensability.

Rooms and scenes
If your budget does not imply spending on artists, then you can involve guests of the holiday in organizing the numbers. In advance, or directly at the holiday, about 20 minutes before the expected performance, give them the words of the converted song or the text of the theatrical congratulations. For example: "Conversation
Zeus and
Hera at the moment of the birth of the hero of the day "with a humorous prediction of the fate of the newborn", or "Cardinal
Congratulate "with the translator. When one reads out a congratulation in gibberish, and the other translates with an imperturbable air.

Do not get carried away and prepare a lot of such original congratulations: 2-3 numbers are more than enough. Game "Snowball" Let me remind you that we are not celebrating for children
Birthday, and the anniversary is 55 years old to the woman. Competitions and games in it should not be multiple.

It makes sense to add them only as an activation of the audience, when it is difficult for guests to get comfortable in an unfamiliar company. For example, in the first part of the holiday, it is appropriate to play the game "Snowball". To do this, prepare matryoshka envelopes (from large to small, included in each other). On each, make the inscription "Open for yourself ..." and add various signs that can be found among those present at the celebration. Long-haired, big-eyed, blue-eyed, boss, mustachioed, cheerful, etc. All definitions should be positive and make you want to pick up and open the envelope. Sign the last one "Open to the most chatty" and entrust the presenter to open it. Inside it, congratulations should be expected with the missing adjectives, which immediately, with the help of guests, fit in there and are read under the general laughter. __________ and _________ anniversaries. We are ________ guests, ________ gathered on this _________ day in the _________ hall, ________ _________ congratulate you on your ________ anniversary. And _________ wish: _________ health, _______ good luck and _________ understanding of ________ relatives and ________ friends. Let the _________ sun always shine over your ________ head, and the _________ birds sing. _________ bloom and ______ delight us with your _________ freshness and ________ aroma. With __________ love and _________ respect, your ________ colleagues, ________ friends, ________ relatives and _________ children who gathered at the ________ table on _________ day. (Underlined spaces are where to insert adjectives.) Game "Video clip in honor of the hero of the occasion" Not everyone can boast that a video is being shot in his honor.

Therefore, this gift will be highly appreciated. Select the 7 most active guests: 4 girls and 3 men. Assign roles and explain to everyone their general purpose in the video. Your actors will receive more detailed instructions along the way. The plot can be anything, for example, this. The girl in the park is waiting for the guy on a date, and the guy is obscenely late. A child with a ball is playing nearby, a tipsy man or another guy is wandering about trying to get to know her. And when the girl, twisted by the presenter, is already about to leave, a latecomer appears who, in a pantomime, tries to explain his lateness and beg forgiveness. The reconciled happy couple leaves. All this accompanied by cheerful recognizable music of any popular song. In the background, the entire clip is danced by a dancer, repeating the same rehearsed movements. The presenter guides the actors, complicating their tasks along the way, and comments on what is happening for the guests. Game "Bring Me" Adapted for adults version of everyone's favorite highchair game. The participants in the game stand in a circle and dance.

When the music stops, the presenter tells them the task: "Bring me (for example) a napkin." Whoever brings the napkin last is out of the game. Assignments should be such that they can actually be found in the banquet hall without breaking it at the same time, and go from simple to complex. Someone's 100 rubles, a handbag, a wrist watch, glasses, someone else's wallet, men's or women's shoes and men's pants, which can be brought along with the owner. The winner receives the main prize from the hero of the occasion: a commemorative plate with her image or a bottle of champagne, personally decorated by the hero of the day.