Fashionable trousers for women for full. Pants for women: fashion trends for full with photos of interesting and new images

Can't look stylish, elegant, fashionable and feminine? Most owners of magnificent forms drive themselves into a corner: some completely refuse to wear trousers, believing that they fill them even more, and go all their lives in skirts, while others believe that skirts and dresses are the only clothes in which they can look attractive. Both are wrong, but today we will talk about which trousers are recommended for making the figure more slender, emphasizing the advantages and, of course, hiding the flaws.

What pants can not be bought

Firstly, the owners of outstanding forms (however, like the rest of the ladies) should in no case be a size smaller, even if you are firmly convinced that you will go on a diet from tomorrow. Size to size - and nothing else.

Secondly, trousers for full ones do not mean shapeless harem pants. For some reason, many are convinced that it is they who will hide all the flaws and make them slimmer. Not! Even if they are black, such trousers can create even more additional volume, make the figure overweight and shapeless.

Thirdly, trousers for overweight women should not be made of “dry” thin knitwear, say, like leggings, fitting all your lines. If you really want to, then on top of such trousers there must be a cardigan or a long blouse to the middle of the thigh or almost to the knee. Pants are also contraindicated for full fabrics made of sequins or fabrics with any kind of shiny sheen, such as satin.

Fourthly, it is also better to forget about models with a low waist, as they pull the stomach, thereby exposing it even more to the public.

What remains?

And everything that does not contradict the above remains. Pants for full ladies with arrows look very good, as they visually make the silhouette taller, slimmer, creating an additional vertical line.

When making your choice, give preference to high-waisted trousers and make sure that there are no horizontal folds in unnecessary places - otherwise you either took the wrong size, or the item was made of poor quality, and therefore you do not need it. A high fit will provide a good frame for the abdomen, visually reducing it. The yoke on the front of the trousers performs the same task.

The fabric should be thick enough for cool weather or the office, like a jersey, preferably with a stretch effect, as it will stretch and hold its shape better. For summer, it is better to give preference to cotton products, and leave wrinkled linen in the store.

And finally, style. Pants for overweight women can be straight or slightly tapered to the bottom. They can fit the upper thighs and be slightly flared from the knee. Medium-width trousers, straight from the hip, will also look good. Pants that have been fashionable for more than one season, loose in the groin area (due to darts) and slightly narrowed to the bottom, will hide the fullness.

And the last thing: no matter what model you prefer, the length of the trousers should not be short, it is better if they reach the middle of the heel, the presence of which is highly recommended.

trousers for overweight

Pants: pros and cons

The indisputable advantage of trousers, which is appreciated by women with any type of figure, is versatility and freedom of movement. In addition, most ladies consider them to be an excellent means of masking figure flaws - an imperfect shape of the legs, too wide or narrow hips. But a mistake in choosing a style will not only not save you - it will only aggravate your shortcomings.

Textile. We pay attention to it first of all. It depends on its quality how this or that thing will sit on you. Choose trousers made of thick jersey or any soft suiting fabric. Dense silk (without excessive sheen) is suitable for the summer, in case of unexpected coolness - thin wool (lined) and any flowing, soft fabric - if the thermometer goes off scale above plus thirty.

Style. Slim-fitting, but not tight-fitting, classic trousers will suit almost everyone. As for the more interesting models - in the heat, overweight women look great in not too wide, but very spacious, flowing floor-length trousers. The top (top, T-shirt, blouse) should be as concise as possible and no longer than mid-thigh. A necessary addition in this case is wedge or platform shoes, in which the legs will appear longer, and the silhouette will be slimmer. Heels, of course, are also welcome. But in colder weather.

Timur Guchkaev

stylist, host of the Wardrobe Through, Beauty Demands!

Do not rush to hide your legs entirely! Take a closer look - you probably have beautiful, very slender ankles. In this case, we may well afford shorter trousers. Capris are suitable for full and tall women, and 7/8 length for miniature fat women.

Pay attention to the belt. The classic version of the cut, with a traditional location at the waist, will not suit everyone. But the high waistline is an almost universal option. If you have wide hips and little to no waist, opt for a beltless model that zips up the side or back and rests on your hips.

Drawing and color. The stereotype that dark and black slims, it's time to leave in the past. Any light, warm or bright colors suit full women no less than slender ones. The main thing is to know when to stop and not get carried away with prints and patterns. If you choose bright trousers, let them be plain.

Another stereotype is the vertical stripe "slimming" effect. Not every vertical has the unique property of hiding excess volume. For example, a wide and straight strip for full women is categorically contraindicated, and not only in trousers. But thin strips going from top to bottom, repeating the outlines of the figure, will work flawlessly. Originally beat the silhouette and contrasting color combinations. But the cut in this case should be such that the dark fabric areas fall on the “problem areas” that I would like to visually reduce, and the light ones on those that I would like to emphasize.

On the verge of a foul. With all the restrictions that obese women have to comply with when choosing a wardrobe, completely forbidden styles do not exist for them. For example, banana trousers that have returned to fashion from the distant 80s can also be afforded by a girl with full hips. But the transition from the top to the bottom should be as smooth as possible, and the lush top should fit the hips, giving them a little freedom, but not adding excessive volume. And again - a high waist can be a saving detail here. Roughly the same can be said about skinny trousers. For overweight women, their lightweight version is quite suitable, loosely fitting the figure, with a smooth transition from top to bottom, so that the narrowed lower part does not fit the ankle and does not create contrast with the top. If you have narrow shoulders with wide hips, you need to strengthen the top with shoulder pads.

Almost every woman, trying on new clothes, asks herself the question: “Does this outfit make me fat?”. Moreover, this question is asked by both overweight women and those whom nature has not offended with a figure. It’s just that each person has his own shortcomings, and everyone wants to hide problem areas. With the right clothes, this is very easy to do. We will tell you how to choose the right pants for overweight women, and what clothes to combine them with in order to present yourself in the most favorable light.

Let's not deceive ourselves and accept ourselves and our body as nature created it. Every figure has its advantages, and you can emphasize them with the help of clothes. You will learn the secrets that will help you gain self-confidence and feel like a beautiful woman.

How to choose pants for a full figure

When choosing clothes for curvaceous women, there are three main rules to consider: silhouette, simplicity and sexuality. Many women believe that they need trousers, and indeed all clothes, that are loose-fitting. But loose trousers visually make you even wider. Therefore, choose clothes according to your figure.

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"Slimming" fabric texture

Overweight women should avoid transparent and light fabrics such as chiffon, as well as dry fabrics (such as linen). Shiny fabrics, reflecting light, add extra pounds to you. Everyone knows that black has the ability to slim down, but if your black pants are satin, you will get the opposite effect. But matte fabrics absorb light, so they visually hide the volume. If clothes are made of shiny and light fabrics at the same time, this is the biggest mistake that a lady with magnificent forms can make. A white satin suit will be extremely plump.

The ideal fabric for trousers is a tight, smooth jersey. Jersey or soft suit fabric is perfect.

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"Narrowing" fullness color

Fat women are best suited dark colors. They absorb light and give the figure harmony. But this does not mean that overweight women should wear only black clothes. Crimson and burgundy colors, dark green and dark blue, brown, gray, plum are perfect. Remember that light shades always increase volume. You should not choose white, sky blue, mint, pale pink, cream and lemon colors. It is also better to refuse multi-colored fabrics, as well as the visual division of the figure horizontally (for example, a white blouse and black trousers).

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Optimal styles for curvy shapes

Pants for overweight women should be straight. It is desirable that they are made of dense fabric (for example, high-quality gabardine or raincoat). There is a technique that allows you to visually lengthen the legs - this is ironing the folds on the trousers. Is your figure proportional? You can wear low waist pants. Tight trousers at the waist and hips should be avoided.

On any figure, trousers with a flat front look slightly flared downwards. Women with curvaceous fit trousers or jeans with pockets, zippers, stripes. They reduce the figure visually. Young women fit wide long pants, which are commonly called "rappers".

You should not buy short trousers, even if they are made of the right fabric and are very fashionable. In any case, short trousers make you look fat and visually shorten your legs, and full women do not need such tricks. It is better to choose trousers that will cover up to half of the shoes. If a woman is not very fat, she can tuck jeans into high boots. Leggings and banana pants are far from the best option.

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Rules for the use of accessories

You should not choose pants with an emphasis on the waistline, even if yours is very thin. If you have wide hips and a small waist, and wear a belt that contrasts in color with your pants, your hips will look even wider. Do not wear wide belts. Also avoid patch pockets and other embellishments in the hip area.

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How to choose pants complete?

If you have a straight figure, and the waist is not pronounced, you need dark trousers with narrow legs with a dark wide belt. Are you a petite woman? Pants that are moderately spacious in the hips with elongated legs will help to hide short legs. Refuse tight-fitting models and too loose trousers that visually shorten your legs, try to find a “golden mean”. If you have wide hips, elegant trousers that flare from the middle of the thigh will suit you. If these are jeans, let them be slightly worn down the center of the leg, and let the paint at the side seams be dark. Do not buy tight and tapered trousers.

The most successful long trousers for overweight women are floor-length trousers. Maybe even longer. And this means that the heel is very welcome. Of course, shoes without a heel or with a small heel are also suitable, but remember that fullness visually reduces growth. Notice the platform shoes. When buying pants, first of all, pay attention to how they sit on the pope. Do not focus on the length, it can always be shortened. There should not be any creases in the groin area - if they are, then the trousers are not cut correctly or they are just too big for you.

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Jeans are the perfect choice

The dense texture of denim will hide imperfections and emphasize the dignity of the figure. Jeans, which used to be considered work wear, have become everyday trousers for many women. No wonder. After all, the variety of colors and models is simply amazing. Of course, it is not easy to find jeans that will fit perfectly on a full woman. If you can find "your" jeans, they will decorate your figure and give you comfort.

You should not choose wide jeans, they look ugly on full women. Manufacturers offer specially designed for full models. If you have a tummy, look at jeans with a special belt. Do you want to make your legs visually slimmer? Pick up jeans with side seams slightly shifted forward. Then the legs will appear narrower.

When choosing denim pants for a full figure, pay attention to the material from which they are made. Denim clothing can be made from natural fabrics, as well as with the addition of artificial fibers. For obese women, jeans with synthetic additives (stretch) are better suited, since natural fabric does not stretch. Choose a soft, thin fabric that does not pucker and still holds its shape well.

Do not repeat the common mistake of many ladies - take jeans one size larger. It is better to prefer stretch jeans a size smaller. After all, any fabric tends to stretch over time. An excellent choice for obese women - jeans with an elastic waist. This is your comfort and aesthetic appearance.

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What to wear with trousers for curvy ladies?

Wrap jackets and cardigans are suitable for women and girls with curvaceous forms under trousers. If you decide to buy a pantsuit, pay attention to double-breasted suits, three-piece suits. It is better to wear blouses loose, and choose sweaters with a slouch. Belts and straps in the same color as the clothes will help hide the tummy. Pay attention to clothes without a belt - it perfectly conceals extra pounds.

Belts and straps that contrast with trousers in color should be excluded from the wardrobe. Get rid of pullovers and shirts that are tightly tucked into trousers. Do not buy pants with a high waist.

And most importantly, self-confidence. Without this, no clothes, even matched according to all the rules, will look advantageous.

Some believe that pants are not suitable for women with forms, they should only wear skirts () or dresses (). Others, on the contrary, are pulled into tight jeans or put on wide, shapeless pants. Everyone is wrong.

If everything is simple with thin women, a lot suits them, then the choice of trousers for full ones must be approached wisely, knowing some little things. How to choose them for a woman who is not distinguished by thinness, so that she looks flawless.

Skillfully selected women's trousers do not make you fat at all, they can hide flaws, emphasize the dignity of the figure.

How to choose?

In this matter, you need to be guided by only three simple rules. Pants must be:

  • simple;
  • with the right silhouette
  • non-aggressive sexuality.

Those overweight women who believe that they only need to wear wide-cut trousers are mistaken, most often, such models give additional volume.

Clothing designers advise choosing fitted ones, but according to your figure, preferably with decorative elements.

What material to stop?

Light transparent fabrics, as well as satin, should be avoided. Such material reflects light and can add extra pounds. This even applies to black satin, which, as everyone believes, visually slims the figure.

Trousers made from linen, bouclé or corduroy should be avoided. But those sewn from jersey, suit fabric or smooth knitwear will look perfect on “dumplings”.

They visually “remove” a couple or two kilograms. Raincoat fabric or gabardine will also look good, you just need not to make a mistake with the color.

How to choose a color

Of course, saturated dark ones are most suitable for full ladies, but this does not mean that they should wear only black.

Crimson or “marine” tones are suitable for them: dark blue and green colors, plum, cherry, chocolate, eggplant, rich gray, marsh.

Light colors can afford full ladies with long slender legs, the rest should avoid them.

It is also necessary to avoid a clear division according to the principle: “black bottom, white top”, as this visually divides the figure into two parts.

We select according to the figure

If the waist is irretrievably lost somewhere, such ladies are recommended skinny trousers in dark colors with the same wide belt.

If you have luxurious hips, choose elegant models that flare from the hips. By the way, jeans slightly worn in the middle of the legs will look good.

Overweight, petite women should be careful with volume and avoid pants that are too wide or too tight, making the legs even shorter.

It is best for them to find their "golden mean", settling on the classic version - moderate width, straight along the entire length. Avoid large trim details: large pockets, wide belts.

When trying on, pay attention to how they sit on the pope. The main thing here is that there are no folds in the groin area, which means that either a bad cut or a model is too big for you.

Jeans for fat ladies

Jeans for curvaceous ladies will be a good choice. Dense fabric slims the figure, hides flaws, makes it possible to focus all attention on the merits.

The main thing here is not to pay attention to too narrow or wide models. Suitable models with stretch additives that tighten the tummy.

Jeans will look very interesting on them (, slightly flared to the bottom, with zippers, stripes, pockets that will make the figure slightly narrower.

What to wear?

Overweight women need to wear pants with wrap jackets or cardigans. For the office version, a strict trouser suit with a double-breasted jacket or a three-piece suit is suitable.

If a tummy with sides creates some problems, wear slouchy sweaters or loose blouses. A belt or sash in the same color as the pants will also help with this problem.

If you really want a bright blouse, choose models with an asymmetrical cut and wear it under dark trousers, by the way, this will help reduce the volume.

  • Even if you have a thin waist, do not focus on it with a belt or belt, as you will only emphasize wide hips.
  • Avoid any jewelry on the hips.
  • There is a great way to lengthen the legs and visually make the figure slimmer - these are ironed arrows.
  • Young plump girls can wear them in a rap style.
  • Do not get carried away with short or cropped models, even if they are fashionable. Let them be worn tall and thin, such styles make legs shorter, but you don’t need it.
  • No need to pay attention to leggings, jeggings () or banana pants, choose more elegant models.

And the most important advice to full women, dear, do not complex, be sure of your irresistibility. Indeed, in a fashionable style, the main thing is not volume, but the selection of a suitable model and style. Find what suits your face and figure, and you will always look great.

And listen to what the famous presenter Elena Malysheva and fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev are talking about.

Every woman wants to look fashionable and attractive, wear beautiful clothes that emphasize the dignity of the figure. However, not all women can boast of a perfectly slender body, so they are forced to choose a wardrobe that can mask the flaws and features of the figure.

The generally accepted “leader of disguise” is, of course, dresses, which most often make up the bulk of the wardrobe of full fashionistas. However, trousers for obese women are not inferior to them in popularity, which no less successfully help to hide problem areas, namely legs, hips and waist.

Styles and models of plus size trousers

Very well on full legs look trousers, narrowed to the bottom. Due to their style, they correct your silhouette, visually narrowing the hips and making them more proportional to the calves. The color of these trousers should be selected depending on the season - black, dark blue or brown colors are suitable for the cold season, and in spring and summer, give preference to juicy shades, for example, raspberry, light green or sky blue.

Wide trousers are perfect for those ladies whose problem area on the body is wide ankles. Moreover, the reason for their appearance may be associated not only with excess weight, but, for example, with swelling of the legs. The width of the pants will perfectly hide these unaesthetic places and allow you to create an image of a slender and healthy woman.

The cropped model of trousers, better known as capris, is very popular among fashion designers for overweight. She is able to correct a very overweight female figure, making it more refined. It is important to choose the right bottom part of the ensemble: a plain top or a blouse in a neutral shade will make the look very harmonious and stylish.

When choosing trousers for the winter period, special attention should be paid to the selection of fabric. Dense and voluminous will only visually increase the silhouette, so the choice should be made on warm, but rather thin materials. Thinned wool and denim are perfect. These fabrics, with a small thickness, perfectly warm, fit well into any bow and do not become electrified, which is very important in winter when wearing a large number of different materials at the same time.

Turkish trousers, or "harem pants", are a very popular model. But, unfortunately, girls with non-standard volumes are not recommended to wear them. Since the wide legs and elastic bands on the bottom of them create additional volume, excessive fullness will stand out much brighter and will only make the silhouette even larger.

Trousers that barely reach the knees are very popular in summer. They are not hot, they allow you to move freely and fit perfectly into the juiciest and summer looks. If you choose the right color and the print applied to them, then you can very successfully adjust the voluminous silhouette, giving it the right proportions.

Trousers in the Boho style, suggesting a loose fit and a variety of decorative elements, with the right approach, can be made the main weapon of seduction in the wardrobe of a slightly overweight girl. The use of elements such as flares, patch and slit pockets, "blinds" at the waist and bottom of the legs can be successfully used in adjusting your figure.

Pockets located just below the knees will help to balance the silhouette. Bulky hips will not be so conspicuous, and the waist will become a little thinner. The use of large jewelry in the image can "drag" attention to itself, because it will be the brightest, and, most importantly, the largest detail of the image.

Despite the fact that sports pants are designed to fit on the buttocks, they look great on full girls. This is achieved through the use of a special fabric in their tailoring, which visually corrects the silhouette. In addition, in some models, the material contributes to weight loss due to a special micro-massage, which is provided by the texture of the fabric.

All girls, despite their height, weight and other body proportions, want to look great on the beach. For this, special dresses, suits and trousers are created. Most often, these things are sewn from natural fabric, which has a light and flying texture.

In order to hide a voluminous belly, trousers with a high waist are perfect. Moreover, the greater the number of extra pounds, the denser the fabric should be. For minor and imperceptible deviations from the norm, you can wear trousers made of elastic knitwear, as well as stylish skinny jeans made of classic denim.

Culottes, which are gaining popularity, are, in principle, not recommended for overweight women to wear, since the voluminous shape and shortened style only add extra centimeters. But, by successfully combining the length, color and texture of the fabric, you can achieve amazing results.

Sultan trousers look very interesting and unusual. This model came to us from the Middle East, and it is very popular among Arab women. Since their style suggests a free and flying silhouette, they hide extra volume on the legs and hips. Often, these trousers use a floral print. When choosing for a full figure, it should be borne in mind that large flowers will visually significantly increase the volume of the body, so you should choose a pattern with small buds.

Models of fashionable jackets and cardigans can be found in the article: Jackets, cardigans for obese women and girls

Thinking about what coat to buy and stay fashionable and stylish in 2019. Current models can be studied in the review: Fashionable coats, jackets for obese women and girls: photos, news

Fashionable fabrics, prints and colors

In the 2019 season, obese women are advised to pay attention to black and gray models, which almost never go out of fashion. The most fashionable material will be tweed and wool. Corduroy trousers, made in restrained colors, will also be popular. Prints for the 2019 season will feature pinstripes, tartan checks, flowers and geometric patterns.

Overweight women should first of all pay attention to trousers made of fabrics that hold their shape and fit well. If these are summer trousers, then linen, matte dense silk, cotton are best suited. These fabrics provide good breathability. The color scheme of summer trousers for curvy women will be bright and juicy. The trend will be pink lilac, blue, orange, green colors and shades.

It is important that the fabric flows well and does not form ugly sags and folds. For the cool season, tight knitwear and thin suit fabric are perfect. Too textured and boucled fabrics that visually increase the already lush volumes are contraindicated for overweight women.

Do not forget about such fabric as jeans, because not only tight blue jeans are sewn from it. The dense texture of the material allows you to hide flaws and emphasize advantages. Models of trousers made of denim should be chosen not too wide, straight cut. Models of trousers with side seams shifted forward will help to make the legs more slender.

How to choose jeans for overweight women according to their figure?

Creating a stylish beautiful bow does not begin with the purchase of a product, but with an assessment of one's own capabilities. Going to the next shopping, carefully examine your own figure, your height, see where the widest part of the hips is located, etc. The following rules will help you buy jeans that will please you and your figure: