Is it possible to walk a solarium without panties. Additional reasons to use the cream in a tanning bed. Tanning rules in a solarium

Everyone knows. But not many people know how to properly go to a solarium, what specific cosmetics should be taken into it. In this article, we will answer the question that worries many ladies: Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without cream?

Solarium and our health

Before going to the solarium, any lady ponders a couple of times about the advisability of getting a rapid tan. Some say that visiting a solarium is useful, other experts give this refutation and provide evidence. So is it worth visiting a solarium or not? We will summarize the conclusions of both parties, voicing them in the advantages and disadvantages of a tanning bed.

Benefits of visiting a solarium:

  • Increases the tone of the body due to the dose of vitamin D, which can be taken in the sun.
  • Does not emit gamma rays harmful to the skin, which can be obtained by choosing a natural tan.
  • A perfect and even tan can be obtained in a short period, at any time of the year. There is no need to spend several hours on the beach and choose specific hours when solar activity is at its lowest.
  • Increases the protective properties of the skin to the penetration of the sun's rays into the cells of the epidermis
  • Solves troubles with certain skin diseases
  • Does not form complications if all precautions and rules for using the solarium are observed.
  • Relieves varicose veins.

Disadvantages of visiting a solarium:

  • Not recommended for everyone, for example, women with gynecological diseases. People with skin diseases should consult a doctor before visiting a solarium.
  • Catalyzes the aging process of the skin.
  • It is forbidden to visit the solarium quite often. A good option is to visit the solarium twice a week, no less than days after the end of the last visit.
  • In case of an overdose of a tanning bed, a very black tan appears, which looks unnatural.
  • Regular visits to the solarium lead to psychological addiction - tanorexia.

How to visit a solarium correctly?

By studying some of the rules for visiting a tanning salon, we can answer our basic question about the use of cream in a tanning salon.

  • Exfoliate your skin before visiting the solarium. On the surface of the skin, the stratum corneum of the epidermis is regularly renewed. If this is not done, the tan will stick to the skin, but the cells of the epidermis, they are scales, will peel off over time. As a result, there is a risk of becoming spotty, and there will be no trace of an even tan.
  • Before visiting the solarium, remove all makeup and jewelry.
  • Apply special creams made for tanning beds. You have the opportunity to purchase them in a specialized store or specifically in a beauty salon. It comes just about tanning creams in a solarium, and not about classic moisturizers. If you do not use the cream, the aging process of the skin will accelerate, and you will no longer receive from sunburn in order to enjoy it.
  • Use special tanning glasses, a hair cap, and a stikini to cover your chest area.

What happens if you do not use the cream when visiting the solarium?

If you refuse to use the cream when visiting a solarium, you can take a beautiful and even tan, but as we said above, at the same time, the processes leading to skin aging are activated.

Already at the end of two or three sessions, dehydration indicators will be visible on the skin with the naked eye, irritation, peeling will appear, the skin will not be as elastic as before. The circumstance for the appearance is contained not only in the absence of the use of cream, but above all in the intense evaporation of the liquid caused by the operation of the lamps and the air conditioner in the solarium.

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles and premature aging of the skin, use a tanning cream in a solarium, which must be selected in accordance with your skin type.

Is it possible to use sun protection cream in a tanning bed?

A moisturizer designed to protect against the sun should not be used in a tanning bed. Because of which? Due to the fact that sun protection products will not allow the skin to acquire a copper tint in unnatural conditions, where the flow of ultraviolet rays is strictly balanced.

However, tanning salon owners themselves recommend wearing cotton thongs. And before each next visit, try to combine strips of linen with stripes on the skin. Cotton will allow some of the UV rays to pass through, so there will be no pronounced white stripes.

Every day?

Not possible, but necessary. After all:

  1. We want dry skin with flaky patches.
  2. We want to get closer to old age faster.
  3. I'd like to experience firsthand what carcinoma, melanoma and other malignant formations are.

No kidding…

The smallest interval between artificial tanning sessions is two days. During this period, the skin produces and accumulates a sufficient amount of melanin. A substance that is not only responsible for the color of the tan, but also protects the skin. The more melanin, the less susceptible the skin is to UV rays.

Everyday sun exposure dramatically dehydrates the skin. It loses its elasticity, firmness.

Can I sunbathe in the sun after a tanning bed?

Can. And always on the same day. Then you will receive

  1. Deep red skin.
  2. A burn on open areas of the body, which will soon begin to slide down with pretty little white skins.
  3. Almost one hundred percent opportunity to see an oncologist every day.

No kidding ...

The result after visiting the "solar booth" appears only after a few hours. It seems to us that the skin has remained light. And we run to the beach.

As a result, the skin receives a double or triple dose of ultraviolet radiation. And this is not good. This is fraught with burns and increases the risk of cancer. Therefore, you cannot visit the solarium and sunbathe in the sun on the same day.

Without a protective cap?

Almost everyone does just that. And then they wonder why the hair has become dry, lifeless and brittle.

Ultraviolet rays are just as dangerous to hair as wind, frost, and frequent use of curling irons and hair dryers. Therefore, you need to take a special hat to the solarium. A regular shower cap allows 99% of UV light to pass through: it cannot protect the hair.

A solarium can be useful (vitamin D, good mood, preparing the skin for the sun's rays of the south, etc.), or it can become harmful. It is up to you to choose!

The answer to the question whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium without cream is categorically negative. And this is not due to any whim, but with a huge probability of ruining health. Those who neglect the protection of the skin, in fact, experiment with unpredictable results and often add to the list of cancer patients. No, even the most luxurious tan is not worth the torment of the disease.

Why tanning cream in a solarium is a must

In fact, everything is very simple and logical. The solarium performs one of the functions of the sun, that is, it produces ultraviolet radiation, which is the basis of any tanning. However, it is worth considering why it is enough to spend 5-10 minutes in a solarium, and in the sun you need to sunbathe for a couple of hours for the same result. Different intensity of radiation - this is where the secret lies. Solarium radiation is much more intense and harmful rays, due to the small distance to the skin, penetrate very deeply inside, hence the need to use special tanning products.

The main function of such products is to reduce the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, as well as to create a beautiful tan, with minimal impact on the client's health. You can draw the opposite analogy and just imagine what will happen to the skin of a person who sunbathed all day in the sun without cream. The consequences will be sunburn, peeling, dryness and dehydration of the skin, as well as its rapid aging and the appearance of early wrinkles. The same effect awaits customers of a tanning salon who neglect tanning products in it. It is necessary to purchase tanning cream in a solarium, not only for the body, but also for the face.

Additional reasons to use the cream in a tanning bed

Tanning cream contains substances that activate the body's production of tanning pigment - melanin. It is the poet that the tan lays down faster and lasts longer. Without using the cream, the client will have to go to procedures more often and use more time. Thus, additional financial resources and time are spent, but the effect is rather negative than positive.

In addition, the cream moisturizes and nourishes the skin, that is, does not allow it to fade. During the procedure, the skin and internal organs are heated, due to which the moisture it needs so much leaves the skin. The cream prevents this.

However, the cream must be chosen correctly according to the type of skin. For the first tanning sessions, it is better to buy a small package of kerm with a high sun protection factor and intense skin hydration, since at first it is these two properties that it needs. Then you need to switch to another cream, with less high protection, but with tanning enhancers. Of course, provided that there were no negative symptoms from the first visits.

It is also imperative to use the cream for people who have many moles of various colors, appearance and structure, or have various age spots. This condition is important if the visitors of the solarium value their health and do not want to become clients of hospitals.

You should never listen to the advice of friends, girlfriends, acquaintances when it comes to health. Their recommendations that the cream is not needed are relevant today, but not in a few months or years, when suddenly they have a serious illness. Or when, against the background of their peers, they will look much older due to wrinkles that have appeared from early photoaging of the skin as a result of tanning in a tanning bed without a cream.

It is necessary to remember this rule as a mantra and share it with everyone who asks if it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium without cream.

By visiting, you can get an even and incredibly beautiful tan. During the procedure, you must wear safety glasses and use a stikini for breasts and moles. But is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without cream? After all, sometimes you don't want to use another cosmetic product at all. The cream must be used without fail!

What is tanning cream for?

Many women are sure that in a tanning salon you can sunbathe without cream and the tan will be even and lasting. Of course, a bronze shade can really turn out beautiful without the use of cosmetics. But providing your skin with intense hydration and protecting it from ultraviolet radiation will not work without the use of a cream.

Do you have a regular SPF lotion? Is it possible to do without a special cream in a solarium? Some sunscreens are versatile. But most of them are intended for outdoor use. They contain a lot more fat. Doing so can damage the tanning equipment and cause uneven tanning. As part of special cosmetics for tanning beds, there is tyrosine, which stimulates the production of melanin, and antioxidants. Thanks to this, after using the cream, the skin:

  • quickly gets a dark shade under the influence of UV rays;
  • protected from various consequences of prolonged exposure to UV radiation (including premature aging);
  • retains elasticity, does not crack or peel off;
  • keeps tanning longer.
Which tanning cream to choose?

If you want to shorten the time spent in the tanning equipment, then you cannot do without a cream with a bronzer. In such a product there are substances that almost instantly give the skin an even bronze tint. Some bronzer creams contain substances that cool the skin. Such funds should definitely be bought for those who want not to feel an increase in the temperature of the skin during the session. These creams are recommended to be applied only to the body.

Are you very allergic? Is it possible to go to the tanning salon without cream or apply only a little? In a tanning salon, the skin is intensely exposed to UV rays and a powerful conditioner, so you cannot do without a cream. But it is necessary to abandon various products with dyes, bronzers, fragrances and ingredients that cool the skin or stimulate blood circulation. They may contain only tyrosine or other substances that accelerate tanning.

In modern society, many people believe that tanning in a tanning salon is the lot of women. But in reality, men also need such a procedure. In general, tanning in a tanning salon is the same for every sex. But there is one peculiarity. If for girls tanning acts as a certain aesthetic component, then for men such procedures can improve their health.

Exposure to ultraviolet rays promotes the active production of testosterone and vitamin D. Testosterone is the main sex hormone. Due to the influence of ultraviolet rays, a man's libido increases, the quality of seminal fluid improves.

Basic rules

If a man has decided to go to the solarium, then he needs to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Choice of clothes. The best fit are narrow swimming trunks that open up the body as much as possible. Traditional boxers will not work in this case.
  • Duration of tanning. It is determined by the type of skin. If a man visited a solarium for the first time, then you should consult with a beautician, finding out how much is permissible to sunbathe. For light skin, it is better not to exceed the duration of the procedure in five minutes. But subsequent sessions can be increased. There is no perfect tanning program, because every person is different.
  • Protective equipment. In large quantities, ultraviolet light is harmful to humans, especially to the eyes. Therefore, special glasses should be worn in the tanning salon. If your skin is overly sensitive, then you need to choose a sun cream - it will avoid burns. The cream is applied evenly all over the body.
  • Vegetation on the body. To obtain an even, beautiful tan, you should get rid of excess hair on your body. And in this case we are not talking about a beard at all.
  • Program selection. You should tan gradually. There is no need to try to tan in several sessions. It is better to stretch the procedure five to six times. These tips will help you achieve an even and beautiful tan while avoiding harm to your body.

Today, you don't need to sit in the sun for hours to get an even and beautiful tan. It is enough to spend a few hours in the solarium. This will give you the opportunity to get a tan that does not differ from the sun. The skin tone will be bronze even in winter.

The benefits of ultraviolet light

Ultraviolet rays contribute to the increased production of vitamin D3. These same rays give a person a true surge of happiness and joy. After all, endorphin is released into the blood. Ultraviolet light does not contain gamma rays that are harmful to humans. The sun's rays cannot boast of such.

True, before going to the solarium, it is advisable to visit a doctor and consult about the need for the procedure. Indeed, with high blood pressure, dermatitis, oncology, liver ailments, such diseases are strictly contraindicated. In the presence of the listed ailments, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to abandon the ultraviolet procedure.

Do not shower with soap before tanning. After all, such a substance washes away the protective shell of the skin. As a result, a person runs the risk of getting a severe burn. Epilation is not recommended. Perfume must not be applied to the skin prior to the corresponding procedures.

It is important to check with your administrator about how long and how often you can sunbathe. Remove any jewelry or watches before lying under the lamps. We must not forget about eye protection. You need to remove your contact lenses, because they can harm your eyes. Hair deserves special attention. It is highly desirable to wear a special hat on your head. Otherwise, the hair will become lifeless and brittle. In addition, a special cream must be applied before the procedure.

After sunbathing in a solarium, you must drink a special vitamin tea. Then rest. Better to sleep. During the day after the tanning bed, it is better to limit physical activity. After all, with a sunburn, the body strenuously consumes energy. As a result, ultraviolet rays speed up the metabolism. To return to the previous state again, you need a good rest.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without cream? Is it possible to sunbathe without a pair of tikinis and glasses? And every day? In what situations is a solarium contraindicated? Let's try to understand these issues once and for all.

Of course, if you want to sunbathe in a solarium without cream, no one is holding you back from this, you just need to remember some of the nuances. For example, a solarium is not a cheap procedure, and without a cream, you will not be able to achieve an even tan immediately. You will have to do a lot of procedures if you want to get a beautiful chocolate or bronze skin tone. The second point is dryness and flaking of the skin. The cream protects her from UV rays, but if you like dry skin, go ahead. And, lastly, a visit to the tanning salon without the use of special creams contributes to the formation of wrinkles. Maybe you want to look older so people will take you more seriously!

Tanning in a solarium involves the use of a special cream, but not the one that is usually taken to the beach. You need a special tanning cream that will help you achieve the desired shade. The cream must contain special components that activate the production of melanin. The cream will help moisturize the skin, protect it from UV rays and help maintain the water-lipid balance of the skin. When using these products, the tan will last much longer on the skin.

Without stikini

Is it possible to sunbathe without a stikini? Of course, all girls want to achieve a perfect tan without stripes on the body from underwear or stikis, but even here danger lies in wait. The halo of the breast is very sensitive, moreover, the skin in this place does not produce melanin, which can protect it. Artificial UV rays penetrate much deeper than natural ones, so it is imperative to cover your nipples with stikini - special stickers.

You can use cotton pads, special creams or balms that contain a high sunscreen. They must be applied immediately before the tanning procedure. If you risk sunbathing without a stikini, remember that this can even lead to breast cancer. Who needs this experience?

Every day

Of course, you can sunbathe in a solarium every day if you want to get closer to old age, to face wrinkles and dry skin, to try on your own experience what melanoma, carcinoma and other diseases are.

There should be a gap of at least two days between each procedure. During this time, the skin will have time to produce and accumulate a sufficient amount of melanin. Melanin is responsible not only for the color of the tan, but also helps to protect the skin. The more melanin in the body, the less ultraviolet rays will harm it. And if you visit the procedures every day - will the skin have enough time to accumulate enough melanin for that day? In addition, daily procedures in a solarium dehydrate the body greatly, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity.

With menstruation

During menstruation, many procedures are not allowed, the solarium also applies to them. Each girl's menstruation is different, the amount of discharge, sensation is different. It is worth remembering that the hotter it is around, the faster the blood moves through the vessels. It is best to avoid visiting the solarium on these days. By the way, during menstruation, you can get a tan with uneven spots. In addition to all this, you may find a general deterioration in the condition, menstruation will become more abundant and painful, pressure and temperature may rise.

Without glasses

Can I sunbathe without glasses? Solarium glasses are a must. Glasses should be special, they will allow you to close your eyes and prevent the appearance of white circles on the face. The eyes are very sensitive to light, bright lighting causes the pupil to constrict, which protects vision from ultraviolet radiation, but the eyes do not recognize the UV waves of the tanning bed. The pupil remains dilated, and therefore the eye is not protected. Irradiation penetrates the eyes, as a result of which the retina and the lens are damaged. Glasses should always be used! Even putting them on, close your eyes during the procedure.


A beautiful tan can beautify any girl. In summer, you can sunbathe on the beach, and in colder seasons, the solarium is gaining popularity. However, it should be taken more seriously than the sun's rays.

Solarium advantages

The ultraviolet rays produce vitamin D. It helps to strengthen the immune system. Also, vitamin D has a positive effect on the nervous system, blood clotting, heart function. Lack of vitamin D in girls provokes early aging processes. Wrinkles appear on the face, the complexion becomes dull, menopause occurs much earlier. A visit to the solarium for 5-7 minutes twice a week will help to fill the lack of vitamin D.

A lack of sunlight in winter and autumn can cause depression in girls. To prevent this, you need to be in the sun more often. Ultraviolet rays produce endorphins, a pleasure hormone. It is especially important to visit a solarium in the regions of the North.

Disadvantages of a solarium

Today it is known that the solarium causes addiction in girls. This phenomenon has its own name - tanorexia. It manifests itself in the fact that, without getting to the session in the solarium, a person begins to get angry and nervous.

Scientists have proven that the effect of ultraviolet rays in a tanning bed is significantly different from the action of natural sunlight. Solarium beams penetrate the skin much deeper. At the same time, ultraviolet light negatively affects collagen and elastin - skin proteins that are responsible for its youth.

Of course, any girl wants her entire skin to be covered with a beautiful golden tan. Girls try to avoid white areas on their skin as it doesn't look very attractive. As a result, many try to sunbathe in a tanning bed topless. But it is categorically impossible to do this, especially for girls.

It is forbidden for females to sunbathe without underwear, since there are many endings and vessels in the chest. Exposure to artificial ultraviolet rays on these endings can affect the deterioration of the girl's health. Especially if a lady has breast diseases, you should not sunbathe in a solarium without underwear.

According to medical statistics, it has been shown that tanning enthusiasts are much more likely to get malignant tumors than people sunbathing on the beach. As a result, we can conclude that when visiting the solarium, you need to use underwear or at least a towel.

Attention, only TODAY!

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I want to go to the solarium, but I don’t know which one is better, how long it takes to sunbathe. Do I need to use creams, which ones? What do you usually use to sunbathe? (naked, topless?) Please tell me. Desired by June 26th ... is this real? Thank you all for the answers


I sunbathe horizontally for 20 minutes once a week to maintain my tone. If you need to sunbathe, you can do it every other day. I don't use creams, I sunbathe in small thong panties, my darling really likes the white strip that remains. :)))

I go to the vertical. Naked. The first time I bought a cream, in the same place, in the solarium, as if for a better tan. Then I didn't buy, there was no super-result from the cream. If you tan well, a few times will be enough for you. I can already see it very well after 3 visits for 10 minutes.

There was a lot of talk about preschoolers being naked on the beach. and how many ohhs there were! I thought so too. Until I went to Bulgaria. They treat it quite normally there. We'll be in half a year 7. Or maybe I'm not understanding why? Everyone on the beach is busy with his own, the others do not care. And I don’t understand why there was so much talk that it was indecent, but how this is possible, etc. Now, of course, they will say - oh, do not get fooled by the topic!


When I was 8 years old, in the summer, on the Dnieper, my parents and I accidentally came to the beach, and I had neither swimming trunks nor a swimsuit with me, and they persuaded me to swim without a swimsuit. I probably remembered this day for the rest of my life, so I was very shy. Especially when I had to walk naked across the beach.

19.06.2017 21:57:05, Oksana Pavlova


Free radicals appear under the influence of UV rays. In a solarium, this process is much more aggressive than under the sun. Free radicals are cells that, under the influence of harmful factors, lose their nucleus and begin to attack a healthy cell in order to take away the part that is missing, but it will no longer be the same and triggers a destructive cervical reaction. Consequences: cancer, aging.
Solution: antioxidants (aloe, vitamin E, C ...) SPF protection.

07/14/2017 11:01:18 PM, Elveviel

It is not necessary to "accept initially" an incorrect statement. When used correctly, a solarium can give the beach a head start in terms of safety. The difference is that, having achieved an overdose of UV, the deterioration of her condition on the beach, a woman does not blame the sun, but having made a mistake in a solarium, she happily rushes to blame the car, staff, the state and everyone else for her stupidity.
At the expense of pregnancy specifically.
Firstly, it is not ultraviolet light in reasonable doses that is dangerous, but overheating. Doctors allow UV irradiation during pregnancy, only in lower doses.
Secondly, even newborns are sometimes prescribed UV treatments.
The general tone of the article raises these thoughts, but the conclusion, unfortunately, is logical for our reality: it is easier to prohibit, since there is no need to count on the rationality of people ...

05/20/2010 09:41:32 PM, D. Anna.