Can roll curtains be washed. Wet cleaning of roller blinds. Wash roller blinds

So you finally got rid of the annoying old ladies - the blinds. Now your plastic windows are covered with their rolled-up cousins ​​with a "high-tech" coating, to which neither dust nor dirt sticks. Are you asking how to wash such an interesting and unusual curtain without dry cleaners, at home? There is nothing difficult in this - the most common inexpensive means at hand will be enough for you.

Safe cloth

If the anti-dust coating does its job, and your curtains are not particularly dirty, then a simple damp cloth will be enough for you to clean them. Feel free to wipe the curtains from any material with it - it will not harm them in the least. But use only the softest cloth with a microfibre structure. Run it on roller blinds at least once a week.

Your old sock is fine for drying the curtains. But only if it is not woolen, but, say, terry or cotton.

If an ordinary cloth does not help much and your curtains are very dirty, then they will have to be cleaned regularly with a vacuum cleaner (regularly - this means at least 2-3 times a month).

No hard carpet cleaning attachments! Use only soft “sparing” attachment options.

And bear in mind: too strong a jet of air can damage the roll surface. Therefore, walk on the canvas with a nozzle very, very carefully. And if you can adjust the power in your vacuum cleaner, then when cleaning the roller shutters, always reduce it to a minimum.

So, neither a cloth nor a vacuum cleaner helped you much. Dust and dirt have eaten into their roller blinds very seriously. Well, there is no way out - you have to wash the roller blinds.

Remember right away: the entrance to the washing machine has been ordered for roller blinds - after it your roller blinds can only be used as a rug for a dog.

But in an ordinary home bathroom, it is very possible to wash roller curtains. But the truth here is what material they are made of: if they are made of plastic, vinyl or polyester, then your roller blinds are completely allowed to “water procedures”. But if the roller blinds are made from natural raw materials (for example, bamboo stems, jute cloths or, for example, reeds), then you will have to limit yourself to stain removers (we will talk about them below) - it is absolutely not allowed to immerse such "natural" roller blinds in the bathroom!

Bamboo roller blinds cannot be washed in the bathroom.

arrow_left Bamboo roller blinds cannot be washed in the bathroom.

Most often, roller blinds are made from a completely "washable" synthetic fabric - polyester (in 90% of cases).

You need to wash roller blinds in the bathroom like this:

    First of all, you remove the roll cloth from the shaft (that is, from the lifting mechanism) of the curtain.

    You spread it carefully in the bathroom. And be sure to make sure that creases and similar bruises do not appear on the fabric.

    You fill the bathtub with lukewarm water, but only about half. Add some pH neutral cleaning agent. If you don't have one at hand, then just add a few teaspoons of regular dishwashing gel to the water.

    Stir the water until bubbles start to appear.

    Keep the roller blind in such a foamed solution for about 20-30 minutes.

    Then you drain the water and wipe the fabric with a soft brush, sponge or cloth. This way you will completely clean the roller blinds from the dirt residues.

    Now you pour clean water into the bathroom and wash off the soap suds from the roller shutter.

    Then thoroughly wash the roll cloth under a good shower jet.
    Remember: you won't wash the canvas well, expect trouble - caustic soap residues will make the fabric easily vulnerable, the sun's rays will discolor it without much difficulty, and will leave “gifts” on it in the form of stains and streaks.

    After you shower, hold the cloth upright to drain all the water. And don't even think about wringing out the canvas - you will ruin it!

    Then place the curtain (evenly and horizontally) on the dryer and let it dry. Spread the rolls on the dryer well, otherwise kinks will form, which cannot be removed later. By the way, many people advise to dry the roller blinds on a rope, but you better not do this - a strong gust of wind can crush the fabric and there will be no more benefit from it.

    If you are in no hurry to dry the fabric, use the iron spout (but only with the spout, and not the entire surface) very, very gently iron the linen seams. But first, be sure to put a damp cloth on them. Do not even think of touching the canvas with an iron, otherwise you will spoil not only it, but also the surface of the iron to boot! It is also strictly not allowed to dry roller shutters on a conventional heating battery! From such drying, the canvas will shrink, shrink and completely deteriorate.

Remember: do not use aggressive detergents with roller curtains, which contain many different fragrances and bleaching ingredients. They will quickly ruin the color of the fabric, make it faded and faded.
If the detergent is in powder form, be sure to make sure that it completely dissolves in the water, as individual large grains of sand can seriously damage the fabric.

Well, you did it! The roller blinds are finally clean! Now all that remains is to attach them back to the lifting mechanism.

Removing stains from roller blinds

Did you see the spots on the roller blind? Do not panic, and do not rush to carry them to the dry cleaning. Removing stains is actually very simple.

Stationery eraser and toothbrush

Do not forget that the curtain is easy to "wrinkle". Therefore, before cleaning, spread the newspapers on the floor, and spread the canvas of your roller blind on top of them. If you don't have newspapers at hand, then find old patterns from thick paper and bed them. By the way, some washed old sheet, which is not particularly a pity, may well serve as a "bedding" for the roller blind.

Found a bedding, spread the curtain? Well, that's great. Now take a regular rubber band or a soft-bristled toothbrush and carefully, but without too much excitement, three with it on the spots. Believe me, you won't have time to get tired - the curtain will be clean in a couple of minutes.

True, an eraser or a toothbrush will most likely not get rid of greasy and heavily stubborn stains. But do not rush to be upset - fortunately, there are cooler ways to deal with roll mud.

Special stain remover

To get rid of deeply embedded stains, you need a stain remover.

Do not even touch solvents like acetone or gasoline - the roller blinds simply cannot stand them. They also hate various abrasive harsh products and chemical bleaches.

You can easily find a suitable natural stain remover on the internet.

arrow_left You can easily find a suitable natural stain remover on the internet.

In general, use only natural products, otherwise the curtains will have to be put on the floor rags or just thrown away.

So you've found an absolutely safe stain remover for your curtains (praise the know-it-all internet!). Then:

    Apply it to the greasy spot and do not rinse off as much as the instructions tell you to.

    Then rinse or clean the curtains from the surface.

Well, if the dirt is so ingrained that even a super-duper natural stain remover does not help, then you will have to throw out the white flag, admit that you cannot clean the fabric roller blinds yourself, and just take them to the dry cleaner.

Well, for a snack, take a look at an excellent workshop on washing roller curtains:

When buying roller blinds, many are wondering how to wash roller blinds and how to care for them so as not to spoil their initially attractive appearance?

Before answering the question of how to wash roller blinds at home, you need to find out how to care for them in order to maintain an attractive appearance.

All things need care

Care rules

If ordinary fabric curtains / blinds can be washed by putting them in the washing machine, and the plastic blinds can be simply wiped with a damp cloth, then with roller blinds, the situation is different:

  1. In order to keep them clean, it is necessary to periodically ventilate the room, especially in windy weather. The accumulated dust will be removed immediately when the wind blows.
  2. You can also remove dust with a vacuum cleaner with an appropriate attachment or a soft cloth. It is enough to carry out a similar procedure once a month.
  3. If spots appear on the canvas, then they can be removed with the help of a stationery eraser, which is sold in any stationery store. When using it, you need to be careful, you do not need to rub the stain too much, as you can damage the coating.

If even such a remedy did not help get rid of the stain formed on the roller curtain, then in this case it remains to think about how to wash it. But, can roller blinds be washed, and will they not deteriorate when washed?


Washing and cleaning

If over time the canvas has lost its former attractiveness, and also, if it was not possible to remove dirt, in the form of stains that are difficult to remove, you can apply one of the following methods:

  1. Dry cleaning. This method involves the use of a vacuum cleaner. To remove dirt from the surface, you need to use a delicate nozzle, and carefully walk it over the surface of the roller blind. But at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the air flow does not deform the fabric. If the stains have not disappeared even after gentle cleaning, you can try the second option.
  2. Dry and wet dry cleaning. This method is considered the most time consuming. When visiting a dry cleaner, you should consult with a specialist which cleaning method to choose: dry or wet.
  3. Cleaning stains at home. If the stationery eraser did not help to remove the speck, then before you wipe it off, you need to find out its composition. If the stain is greasy, then use stain removers on a natural basis. Do not use solvents - they can damage the fabric.

How to use stain remover? In order to remove dirt, apply the solution to the contaminated area and wait for a while. Basically, the manufacturer of detergents indicates on the packaging how many minutes to wait.

After that, you should gently wipe the place where the stain was. It should be remembered that rubbing this area is not recommended, otherwise a hole / discoloration may appear.

Dry cleaning

If all of the above methods did not help get rid of stubborn dirt, then there is another way - washing or wet cleaning.

Wet cleaning

So, before you start washing such curtains, you need to know how to do it so as not to damage the fabric. First of all, it should be noted that washing is allowed only in rare cases, and even then it is delicate.


  1. In order to wash the linen, it is necessary to use only neutral agents, as fragrances of various kinds can negatively affect the product - color change.
  2. After deciding on the detergent composition, it must be diluted in warm water.
  3. The cloth / soft sponge is moistened in the solution and begin to gently wipe the surface of the product with light circular movements.
  4. The remaining foam is washed off with a shower. It is necessary to rinse the curtain as carefully as possible so that in the future, when sunlight hits the canvas, stains do not appear, which will spoil the entire attractiveness of the product.
  5. Then the fabric is straightened and placed on a flat surface. If necessary, the canvas can be ironed through gauze soaked in water. In this case, the seams should be passed with the tip of the iron as carefully as possible.

Wet cleaning

What not to do

So that after washing / cleaning the roller blinds do not lose their attractiveness, you need to know what you can't do:

  1. It is forbidden to wash such a cloth in a washing machine, even if it is made of cloth. If this rule is not followed, then the coating will inevitably be damaged.
  2. It is impossible to dry in a crumpled, mint form.
  3. Ironing the coating is allowed only in rare cases.
  4. Use alkaline solutions.
  5. You should also not rub the canvas thoroughly in one place, otherwise the color will differ.

In order for the curtains (Roman, roller blinds and blinds, including) to retain their beauty for a long time, and need care only in rare cases, they must be treated with a special dust-repellent compound that not only protects the curtain from dust settling and burnout, but also from stretching.

With regard to washing, then this method of care should be resorted to in rare cases.

For thin metal lamellas

  1. When choosing, you should give preference to high-quality fabrics. If you want the product to serve for a long time, you should not save - the better the material, the better and easier it is to process it.
  2. It is not recommended to install such curtains near heating equipment: fireplace, stove, radiator, and so on. Also, they should not be installed in a room with high humidity.
  3. When cleaning the room, roll them up so that dust and dirt do not settle.
  4. Bamboo curtains should never be washed.
  5. Protect the product from cuts and punctures. When cleaning, you should try not to make creases.
  6. It is recommended to wash such curtains as rarely as possible - from frequent washing, the color fades, and the shape is deformed, which negatively affects the appearance.

Water procedures only in this form


In general, caring for such curtains is not so difficult. The main thing is to approach the cleaning process correctly. In order for the roller curtains to serve for a long time, without losing their attractiveness, all of the above rules and recommendations should be taken into account when caring for them.

An excellent alternative to traditional curtains can be roller blinds, which are practical, comfortable, modern and stylish. Special impregnation of surfaces, reduces dust settling on them.

Fabric roller blinds are similar in purpose to plastic and wooden blinds. Their main difference is that the textiles in the room look cozy and home-like.

However, many are wondering how to clean roller blinds, how to wash them by hand or in a washing machine, which is described in detail in the article.

Usually, fabric blinds for roller shutters are made of polymer-impregnated textiles. Despite the seeming ease of caring for them, this is not always the case.

So that the product is not damaged after the first wash or dry cleaning with your own hands, the instructions that the manufacturer draws up and applies to the product must be strictly followed. This is due to the fact that some curtains can only be cleaned dry, while others allow the use of a wet wash.

Tip: But you should always remember that frequent washing destroys the protective coating, which degrades the quality of the fabric.

Before you clean your roller blinds at home, keep in mind that:

  1. Polymer impregnation will deteriorate from exposure to hot water;
  2. The cloth changes its characteristics when using chemical detergents;
  3. Common gels and powders, especially harsh cleaning agents containing bleach, can damage the color of the garment.

All manufacturers offer about the same tips on how to clean roller blinds.

These include:

  • Periodic vacuuming is considered optimal and should be done every 2 weeks;
  • Major procedures, such as dry cleaning roller blinds or washing, should be carried out twice a year. However, sometimes the intervals may be different. For example, it is better to clean fabric blinds every month using special detergents, or to wash only in dry cleaning. And the answer to the question of whether it is possible to wash roller blinds, how and with what, the manufacturer decides, and indicates this in the instructions for their operation;
  • To reduce the rate of contamination, prevent staining, and maintain the neat condition of the canvases for a longer time, it is advisable to adhere to a few simple tips:
  1. Do not hang roller blinds on plastic windows in such a way that they are located in the area where there is an air curtain from heating appliances. There must be a protective barrier, it can be a window sill.
  2. It is better to ventilate the room in the house where there are decorated fabric blinds at least once a day. This will be the best way to get rid of dust that settles on textiles.
  3. The worst place for a roller blind is a smoking room.
  4. The resulting stain should be removed as soon as possible. A dried old stain is very difficult to remove, and frequent use of stain removers or washing will quickly ruin the appearance of the product.
  5. Bends and deformations of the canvas must not be allowed. It is necessary to raise and lower it without sudden movements, smoothly.
  6. If condensation appears on the glass, the fabric can become moldy and deteriorate. To prevent this, the curtains should be rolled up and the glass wiped regularly.
  7. If the mechanism for raising and lowering the curtains is jammed, you need to urgently fix everything. Replace the broken part, and lubricate the mechanism with oil or silicone spray.

Advice: The key to the good condition of roller blinds is the respect for the products. If installed in a kitchen, the curtain should be rolled up when cooking. For general cleaning or window cleaning, the curtains should be lifted and placed in a protective tube.

Maintaining cleanliness in the room helps to preserve the good appearance and condition of the roller blinds. Timely removal of settled dust on furnishings, regular wet cleaning, reduces contamination of window decor, it can be washed less often.

Preparing items for washing

Before washing roller blinds, the question is often asked, how to remove roller blinds for washing correctly?

This requires:

  • Roll the fabric tightly into a roll;
  • Unhook the guide line, if any, and then the weight caps sliding along it;
  • Remove the weighting agent from the bottom of the fabric, if it is removable;
  • Remove the protective capsule;
  • Take out the web together with the pipe for winding it. For this, the plug is carefully pushed back with a screwdriver, and the axle is removed from the bracket.

When installing a simpler model, fixed on a hinged bracket, you just need to remove the fasteners from the window, and then unhook the shaft from them. In this case, the roller blinds are fixed with self-tapping screws or double tape.

Unscrewing the screws is quite simple, but carefully peeling off the tape from the brackets is a more difficult task. It is necessary to try not to damage the coating on the plastic frame and not to break the structure bracket itself for attaching the axle. When assembling the curtain, the tape must be replaced.

Models, the price of which is high, are quickly and easily disassembled. The simpler the design, the more difficult it is to remove the curtain. In quality products, you can always replace the canvas, if necessary.


Many owners are interested in the question of how to wash roller blinds at home? Manufacturers of models with antistatic impregnation of fabrics do not recommend this. If the canvases are made of plain or synthetic fabric that has no impregnation, there are no restrictions on washing.

Before you wash the roller blinds, the method of work is selected. It can be done:

  1. Without removing the blade from the mount;
  2. After dismantling the structure.

The choice of method depends on the size of the product and the owner's skills in handling household equipment.

Tip: You should only remove the curtains from the mounts if you have a container of the right size. This is due to the fact that the fabric should not be folded during washing.

Before you wash the roller blinds at home with high quality, you need to purchase:

  • Container with a length exceeding the width of the canvas;
  • A brush with a stiffness corresponding to the density of the fabric of the model;
  • A stain remover that is safe for the base material and antistatic coating;
  • Detergents that do not harm the processed material;
  • Soft natural fabric;
  • Fan heater, in the absence of heating in the room, during work.

After that, the following actions are performed:

  • The pipe for winding the web is removed from the brackets, as described above. This should be done carefully, without damaging the control mechanisms of the structure;
  • The fabric is carefully inspected for stains, adhering fragments and other contaminants;
  • With a school eraser, try to remove large stains that stand out strongly on the fabric. Particularly large and voluminous fragments are pushed off or trimmed with a clerical knife;
  • A stain remover is applied to the fragments that have not been removed mechanically. The time specified in the instructions for use of the composition is maintained;
  • The remains of the stain remover are collected with a sponge. If necessary, the stain remover is reapplied;
  • The surface of the canvas is wetted with a cleaning solution. This should be done very carefully, without disturbing the structure of the fabric and without damaging the patterns applied to it. Wetting can be done with a spray gun or a soap roller;
  • Wait until the solution darkens. This indicates that the dirt has become soft and has come off the fabric. With light circular movements, the surface of the canvas is wiped with a soapy sponge;
  • The curtain is thoroughly rinsed using a hanging shower head, or by lowering the curtain into clean water. The rinse can be finished when the water is completely clear. Detergent residues can leave stains when dry;
  • The product is hung out until all the water has drained off.

Tip: It is strictly forbidden to wash roll products in the washing machine. With prolonged exposure to water, the aesthetic properties of the material deteriorate, and twisting will disrupt its shape.

Drying curtains

After getting acquainted with the process of how to wash roller blinds on plastic windows, it is equally important to dry them correctly so that the canvas does not deform and retains its original properties and geometry.

When drying washed linens, you must adhere to some rules:

  • The curtain, after removing most of the moisture from it, unfolds on a flat plane until it dries completely. Water is removed from the fabric faster if a dense natural fabric is placed under the material;
  • The canvas can be hung on an even and solid base, as shown in the photo. A slight draft or light breeze is allowed. However, care must be taken: strong air currents can twist and stretch the fibers of the fabric;
  • If creases form during operation, you can get rid of them with the help of an iron, with which the fabric is ironed at a low temperature through moistened gauze, from the wrong side, in order to prevent damage to the pattern on the curtain.

Advice: Do not dry the product at high temperatures! The canvas may warp and become out of shape. Drying roll models on heating radiators is strictly prohibited. The protrusions of the heaters will leave marks on the fabric that cannot be removed.


Not all fabrics can be washed, but how do I vacuum the roller blinds?

The set of such equipment includes nozzles made of soft brushes, with which you can take care of the products. If they are not very dirty, it is enough to clean the canvases weekly when tidying up the apartment, being careful not to break the fabric. It is almost impossible to fix such a defect.

The more difficult it is to clean the roller blinds - how to wash these items placed in rooms with high humidity and grease vapors?

In rooms such as the bathroom, dining room and kitchen, roller blinds get dirty much faster. In addition, a layer of organic deposits accumulates on them, which cannot be removed by a jet of air. Solves such problems by using a washing vacuum cleaner.

How to clean roller blinds at home using such a device?

For this:

  • A solution for washing fabrics with antistatic impregnation is purchased;
  • The washing vacuum cleaner is refueled according to the instructions attached to it and the detergent;
  • Roller blinds fit into a rolled position;
  • The canvas is rigidly fixed so that during processing it is taut enough;
  • Dust and other contaminants are removed by dry method. This should be done delicately without damaging the fabric. The adhering fragments of dirt are moistened with a detergent;
  • The pump turns on on the washing vacuum cleaner and the solution is applied to the entire surface of the fabric;
  • For some time, about 3-5 minutes, it is waited for the detergent composition to react with greasy stains and other deposits;
  • The liquid collects neatly from the curtain surface. The quality of the achieved cleaning process is checked. If necessary, the procedure is repeated;
  • The curtains dry well. If they are collected while wet, mold may form on the material.

If there is unused liquid in the vacuum cleaner container, the cleaning solution can be used to clean the glass on kitchen windows, the surfaces of which also suffer from steam and grease.

Advice: It should be remembered that the cleaning of curtains with a vacuum cleaner should not be carried out at the maximum retraction power of the unit. The vacuum can deform the fabric, this will lead to the formation of bulges and distortions.

Dry method of cleaning curtains

The method of dry cleaning of light-protective devices is used as a preparatory stage for carrying out a wet wash or as an event without it. This method involves the removal of various kinds of contaminants without removing the canvas from the base and without using soap solutions.

Depending on the operating conditions of the products and the types of contamination on them, dry cleaning is carried out in the following ways:

  • Dust removal... In the country, in the absence of a vacuum cleaner, this is done:
  1. With a soft brush or an old terry towel;
  2. Air currents;
  3. Gently shaking the cloth;
  4. Blowing over the canvas with a hairdryer, having previously turned off the heating of the spirals.
  • Removing oil deposits... An excellent remedy for this is regular table salt. It is completely harmless to dyes, plastics, natural and synthetic fabrics. The salt is spread over the surface of the canvas in an even layer and left for several hours. The salt is removed and the fabric regains its original purity.

How to attach roller blinds to plastic windows, how to wash and clean them in different ways, the video will tell you.

Each owner chooses the method of how to wash the roller blind, following the manufacturer's recommendations and performing all the work carefully, without rushing.

The photo shows roller blinds that fit well into any interior.

Rolled curtains decorate several rooms in my house. This is a very stylish and practical way to control the amount of light in a room. But sooner or later it becomes necessary to wash roller blinds. How to wash roller blinds with your own hands without much effort? We will understand this.

Cleaning methods

There are two main approaches to cleaning roller blinds at home:

  1. Dry processing.
  2. Wet processing.

Dry processing

Instructions on how to dry clean roller blinds:

Image Procedure

Method 1. Wet cloth
  1. Dampen a piece of soft cloth with clean, warm water.
  2. Unfold the blind to its full length.
  3. Gently wipe the entire fabric from top to bottom without much pressure.
  4. Let the fabric dry for 30 minutes.
  5. Finally, roll up the canvas.

This treatment must be done regularly. At least once a week.

Method 2. Vacuum cleaner
  1. Expand the canvas as much as possible.
  2. Attach the fabric attachment to the vacuum cleaner.
  3. Use gentle strokes to vacuum the entire blade from top to bottom.

There is another way in which such curtains are advised to steam clean. I strongly do not recommend doing this, as the steam can dissolve the special water and dust-repellent coating.

Wet processing

Before you start cleaning the curtains, you must carefully remove the roller blind. There can be many fastening mechanisms, but, as a rule, they all consist of a control chain, several brackets and the fabric roll itself.

Algorithm of how to remove roller blinds correctly:

  1. Use the chain adjuster to roll the fabric into a roll.
  2. Remove the bracket cover (in the diagram above, point 2).
  3. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the main bolts on both sides (in the diagram above, point 5).
  4. Remove the pipe with the curtain from the bracket (item 11 in the diagram).

Now let's get down to the question of how to wash roller blinds at home:

Image Procedure

Step 1

Remove the shade and lay it out on a flat surface. Remove all side brackets.

Step 2

Make a weak solution of any neutral pH detergent.

Step 3

Using a sponge soaked in solution, work the entire surface of the canvas. Try not to rub or press hard on the canvas.

Step 4

Use a damp cloth to remove any residual product and let the curtain dry.

Step 5

Finally, hang the curtains in place using the same procedure as for removing, only in reverse order.

7 operating rules

We have figured out how to wash roller blinds at home. But you still need to figure out the basic rules of operation and precautions. As a rule, these curtains are made of fabric that absorbs dust well, so they need to be cleaned regularly.

How to care for roller blinds:

Image Recommendations

Rule 1

You can hang such curtains only away from open and closed heat sources (stove, battery, heat generator).

Rule 2

Fabric roller blinds do not like excessive humidity and high temperature (it is completely unwise to hang them in the bathroom).

Rule 3

Roll up curtains when cleaning or preparing food, so they can be protected from unnecessary contamination. The fabric absorbs odors and soot very quickly.

Rule 4

Try to avoid the appearance of folds and creases in the fabric. Getting rid of them is very problematic.

Rule 5

It is advisable to resort to wet processing only when dry cleaning of roller blinds does not help to get rid of dirt.

Rule 6

Ventilate the rooms with the roller shutters down to get rid of accumulated dust.

Rule 7

If the lifting mechanism starts to creak, lubricate it with a special silicone grease (can be purchased at any hardware store, the price is available).

5 "no" in leaving

Now I’ll tell you what should not be done with roller blinds in any case. Detailed recommendations are presented in the table:

Image Rules
Prohibition 1. Washing machine

Can roller blinds be machine washed with an automatic machine? I strongly advise against doing this. Such processing will irreversibly spoil the canvases.

Prohibition 2. Drying

Dry such products only on flat horizontal surfaces.

Prohibition 3. Ironing

Use the ironing nets to iron the fabric.

The iron can only be turned on at the lowest temperature.

Prohibition 4. Powders

For washing, do not use powders with abrasive particles. It is better to use a liquid detergent.

Prohibition 5. Chemistry


We have figured out two main ways to clean roller blinds. And if you do not forget the basic rules for the maintenance and operation of such products, then you will rarely do a general cleaning of the curtains. The video in this article will show you all the intricacies of wet and dry curtains. Leave your questions and comments in the comments!

Roller blinds for plastic windows are becoming more and more popular, but from time to time they need to be cleaned. In order not to spoil their appearance, it is worth adhering to a number of rules. So, let's look at the methods and means for cleaning roller shutters.

What should be considered when washing roller blinds?

Such curtains should not be washed in the same way as ordinary curtains, especially if the fabric is 100% natural. To clean them, you must adhere to the special instructions. But before you start washing, pay attention to the following restrictions:
  1. They cannot be wrung or bent - they must be protected from any damage.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to machine wash such curtains. Some people think that since the canvases are made of fabric, they can be washed like other fabrics. But this is not at all the case. The difference between roller shutters and other things is that they are impregnated with a solution that maintains their original shape and protects them from dirt.
  3. Do not hang curtains to dry; this will cause creases.
  4. Any wet cleaning or washing should only be done when dry cleaning does not help. You cannot wash the curtains just like that, "for prevention."
  5. Never use solvents, bleaches or other harsh cleaning agents on curtain textiles.

The less often you wash your roller blinds, the longer they will last.

How to remove roller blinds for washing?

To remove roller blinds from a window for washing or cleaning, you need to follow a few simple steps:
  1. Roll the curtains tightly into a roll;
  2. Unhook the guide line, if there is one, and then the weight plugs that slide over it.
  3. Remove the weighting agent from the bottom of the canvas, if it is removable;
  4. Remove the protective capsule, if present;
  5. Now take out the web itself along with the tube on which it is wound. To do this, move the plug with a screwdriver or other convenient object, and remove the axle from the bracket.
If you have a simpler model that attaches to a hinged bracket, then you just need to remove the mount from the window. Then unhook the shaft from the mountings. In this case, the blinds are mounted on self-tapping screws or double tape. Here you have to work hard - unscrewing the screws is as easy as shelling pears, but it is not so easy to carefully peel off the curtain brackets from the tape. Be careful not to damage the cover of the plastic frame or break the shade bracket that holds and rotates the axle. Replace the tape when you put the curtains back in.

More expensive models are well versed. The simpler the roller shutter, the more difficult the process will be. High-quality curtains are also good because you can always replace the canvas if something happens to it.

Blinds can be dry cleaned independently, which can be carried out in various ways:

Vacuum cleaner

The easiest way to get rid of surface dust contamination is to vacuum the curtains. This must be done very carefully and at the lowest power. Use the delicate brush head, no pipe or regular brush head needed.

If you do not have a special attachment, sew a soft cloth cover onto one that does not have hard nap:

The most important thing in such cleaning is to avoid deformation of the blade and excessive friction.

Soft cloth

Another dry dust cleaning method is to wipe the curtains with a soft, long-nap cloth. The fabric must be dry! The dust-repellent coating does not allow dirt particles to penetrate between the fibers of the canvas, but this does not mean that dust will not settle on the curtains. Therefore, this cleaning should be done a couple of times a month.

Remember, just forget about dry cleaning against dust for a couple of months, and the rich, beautiful shade of the textiles will become dull. Few people have a desire to change curtains often only because of their own laziness.


Local cleaning of stains also does not require special knowledge or skills. The easiest way to remove a dry stain is to gently erase it with an eraser. An ordinary soft eraser, with which we get rid of pencil lines on paper, will be a faithful helper.

Before cleaning, check that the eraser is clean - free from pencil marks. It should be free of abrasive particles. Wash the stains very carefully and do not rub too much. If the stain persists, you will have to use wet cleaning.

Wash roller blinds

It is extremely rare to wash the blinds. Without a special reason, this should not be done at all, but if such a need arises, then carry out wet cleaning as follows:
  1. Dissolve in warm water a product with a natural cleansing composition without dyes or fragrances;
  2. Apply the product to the curtains with a sponge in gentle circular motions;
  3. Do not rub the dirty areas too much: their shade will change, and spots will appear on the curtains;
  4. Rinse the roller shutters with running water from the shower.
Wet cleaning should be done in the bathroom, and it will take no more than an hour.

Another wet cleaning method can help remove tough stains. In order to clean grease, stains from various liquids, berries or paints, you need to purchase a special cleaning agent. It should be natural, as in the case of washing.

Any chemical compounds in the cleaner will spoil the impregnating cloth and spoil the roller shutters.

The agent must be diluted according to the instructions and carefully cleaned the contamination. After cleaning, rinse well with a wet sponge.

If there is cleaning agent on the curtains, you will see ugly streaks when they dry. Another reason for stains can be rare dedusting - if you have not cleaned the dust for a long time, and then decided to locally wash some kind of stain, then the stains are guaranteed. In this case, you will have to wash the fabric.

Washable curtains can be wiped clean with a foam solution of common dishwashing detergent. Then the foam must be thoroughly washed off with a wet sponge. After cleaning, simply wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Dry the roller blinds unfolded on a flat surface. If they bend during drying, they will not be able to hang properly. You can steam them through a damp cloth, avoiding seams and areas above them. It is only possible to hang the blades on the shaft when they are completely dry.

Guidelines for the care of roller blinds

Unlike conventional curtains, roller blinds require special operating rules. Not at first glance they seem complicated, but in fact they take very little time and effort. Due to their peculiarities, such curtains are much more convenient and practical. Their plus is that if you take care of them, they will serve faithfully for decades.
  • Only those roller shutters that have been treated by the manufacturer with a dirt-repellent coating and anti-deformation agents will be durable. Cost is one of the main indicators of quality.
  • Such curtains cannot be used in rooms with excessive air humidity and a lot of dust.
  • They will deteriorate if they come into contact with heating devices.
If you use these curtains in the kitchen, dining room or nursery, then roll them up before cooking or eating, as well as when you are going to play with children. This will protect the curtains from accidental pollution.
  • Roller blinds need to be properly ventilated by opening windows and arranging light drafts, so dust will fly off them. Textiles must breathe. Such airy
  • The curtain mechanism requires lubrication, it is enough to carry it out once a year. Spray it gently with silicone spray lubricant. Make sure that it does not fall on the curtain. Too much of it can stain the control circuit, which in turn will stain the fabric.
How durable the roller blinds will be depends only on their operation. Simple handling and cleaning rules will preserve them for a long time. The most important thing in caring for these things is regularity.