Folk remedies for arousing women. Herbs and teas to increase libido in women: how to get excited and have an orgasm. Available phytotherapy methods

The male pathogen, prepared at home, will delicately help to increase the desire, to overcome the deterioration of sexual function. Deterioration of potency and a decrease in the need for sex causes psychological problems, destroys the trusting relationship between a man and a woman. The factors causing a decrease in arousal are hidden in inflammation, organ trauma, infectious diseases, and constant stress.

Only doctors can help with these problems, and you can increase arousal for a while on your own with the help of aphrodisiacs, odors, and special means. It is worth remembering that such help will be only temporary, and specialists need to treat the root cause.

  • Viagra. Initially it was created as a medicine for the heart, but could not treat it, but it had a positive effect on arousal. This is the first and most popular drug of this class, which is widely known abroad and in our country. Its cost is quite democratic.
  • Yangan-100. The drug is similar in composition to Viagra, but has fewer contraindications and side effects. It prolongs the time of intercourse and tones the male body.
  • Cialis. With the help of the active substance, tadalafil acts on the smooth muscles of the penis, relaxing them. The blood supply to the penis is increased and natural attraction is increased. Plus: if sex does not come, then arousal subsides naturally.
  • Horse pathogen. The drug, created for use in veterinary medicine, is adapted for the human body. It has the second name "VTS" (extract of textile serum. The blood circulation of the penis improves, the man feels a rush of desire.
  • Levitra. Active remedies: vardenafil. A new development that exceeds the effectiveness of Viagra several times. Fast action, increased potency, prolongation of sexual intercourse.

Aphrodisiacs in foods

There are many ways to quickly turn your man on or restore his masculine strength with products. Folk remedies have a positive effect on potency and desire:

  • Seafood high in zinc (mussel, oyster, shrimp);
  • (improves libido and acts well on the male body with erectile dysfunction);
  • Greens (cilantro, dill,);
  • (increases blood circulation);
  • Avocado;
  • Garnet;
  • Strawberry.

  • Read in more detail:

At home, you can do-it-yourself recipes that will excite and empower your boyfriend. It is not necessary to resort to chemicals for this. How to make such a recipe to turn a man on?

  • Fry ram testicles with onion rings to improve libido.
  • We take sesame oil of the first extraction, mix with honey. We take the mixture in half a tablespoon daily. You can replace the oil with sesame seeds.
  • Pour fresh oysters with lemon juice and add a glass of champagne to the mixture.
  • Finely chop the dill, parsley and cilantro, mix in a 1 to 1 ratio and take 2 teaspoons between meals.
  • Grind walnuts, pine nuts and almonds and mix with honey. Proportion: 2 to 1. The mixture is taken in a tablespoon 2 times a day for a month.
  • A decoction of ginseng with the addition of honey, taken daily for a month. Cannot be used for people suffering from heart or vascular disease.
  • Toning tinctures: Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola, Schisandra Chinensis.
  • Vegetable cocktail. Take celery, parsley and dill, mix in a ratio of 2 to 1 to 1. To improve the taste, add beet or carrot juice. This drink is drunk daily to increase attraction.

Aromatherapy has a positive effect on the male body, conveying signals of a pleasant smell to the brain, and then to the penis. Each smell has its own flavor.

  • Carnation;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Orange;
  • Patchouli;
  • Muscat;
  • Bergamot.

Some of them can be added to dishes, for example, cinnamon, goes well with coffee, and bergamot with tea. For male arousal, you can use scented candles with essential oils. Preparing a bath for two with a small amount of essential oils will help.

  • It is interesting to read:

Natural preparations

Not all stimulants are synthetic in nature, some are made on a natural basis.

  • Dragon Tornado. Country of origin: China. Made from saffron, black ants, seahorses, ginseng, deer penis extracts.
  • Australian kangaroo. The drug is made on the basis of animal penises (dry crushed raw materials), extracts from kangaroo testicles, ginseng and cystanzi. Effective, but sometimes allergic.
  • Strong for 10 days. Country of origin: America. Release form: tablets. Components: medicinal herbs. Action: fast pathogen, prolongs sexual intercourse up to 90 minutes, enhances sensitivity. Effective on the tenth day after the start of treatment.

In the life of the fairer sex, there comes a time when sexual desire is actively decreasing. This is due to hormonal changes in a woman's body, due to problems at work and nervous tension. Often, beautiful ladies resort to the help of pathogens to increase libido.

Today, many pathogens that increase sexual activity can be found on sale. Someone uses folk remedies, and someone prefers to make such a drug himself. How to make a female pathogen at home?

How to prepare a pathogen?

A long-known effective pathogen that affects both men and women is the "Shpansky fly", which can be made by yourself. For this, special small bugs are mined. Insects have a light shade of green. You can see them in May, when the lilac blooms.

First, they are dried, then pounded into a fine powder, in order to subsequently prepare the product.

The composition of the drug is so simple that it is tempting to prepare it at home.

However, at home it is impossible to achieve the proper degree of purification, which involves the use of special reagents. It is much easier to purchase a guaranteed safe drug from a reliable seller than to experiment at home.

"Shpansky fly" is no worse than the famous female Viagra. One drawback is that this pathogen does not act immediately, so it is not suitable for those who want an instant effect.

Important! The drug "Shpanskaya fly", with frequent use, is dangerous to health and even life. Strongly affects the human digestive system and, if used carelessly, can lead to serious consequences.

Modern methods

Another pathogen that can be prepared without leaving home is made from food available in the kitchen of any housewife.

Required components:

  • the hottest pepper - 1-2 pinches;
  • mustard - half a teaspoon;
  • raw chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • tomato paste - 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.

Method of preparation: these ingredients are thoroughly whipped into a homogeneous mass using a blender, then one glass of dry white wine is added to the resulting mixture, everything is put on gas and brought to a boil. The prepared drink is ready to drink and is an excellent way to arouse sexual desire in women.

There is one more recipe that any girl will like. It is a homemade nutty pathogen for women.


  1. Almonds - 45 gr.
  2. Hazelnuts - 40 gr.
  3. Walnuts - 50 gr.
  4. Honey - 40 gr.

Attention! The use of a nut mixture with oatmeal or flaxseed porridge can significantly enhance the effect.

How to cook:

  1. It is necessary to fry the nuts in a pan without adding oil.
  2. Peel the nuts and finely crush.
  3. Melt the honey and mix with the resulting mixture.
  4. Ready! Take one dessert spoon 3 times a day.

The effect of this dish will not be instant, but effective. Already after 5-7 days, a woman will have a desire to surrender herself to her man more often.

Sometimes there is no time to prepare special drugs to increase libido. In this case, you can simply eat certain foods that increase sexual desire in women.

  1. Banana- contains a special substance - bromelain, which increases energy in the female body and enhances sexual desire.
  2. Avocado- the content of potassium in it actively increases libido in women and men.
  3. Ginger- the components that make up the composition stimulate blood circulation in the genitals and help to achieve arousal.
  4. Fig- increases libido in women due to the high content of amino acids.
  5. Asparagus- The rich content of vitamin E affects the active production of sex hormones.
  6. Garlic- the substances contained in it help to activate the process of blood flow to the genitals, due to which arousal occurs.
  7. Almond- actively stimulates sexual desire.
  8. Dark chocolate- the most favorite product among women, promoting the production of the hormone of joy. The content of certain substances can increase the desire for intimacy.
  9. Oysters- contain the hormone dopamine, which actively affects libido.
  10. Mango- has a beneficial effect on the work of the sexual sphere of men and women.
  11. Dates- expensive pleasure, but very effective on the genitals.

Medicinal herbs

Herbal teas, tinctures and decoctions are perhaps the most powerful natural pathogens replacing Viagra for women. Among them: sage, juniper, rosemary, bay leaf, ginseng and many others. Also, the well-known herbs of parsley, basil, cilantro, dill are considered powerful natural stimulants.

From all these herbs, you can prepare such a powerful pathogen that is not inferior in its action to female Viagra. It is enough to grind all the herbs and use a teaspoon before meals.

A well-known herbal pathogen is artichoke mixed with olive oil. Take for 14 days, 3-4 times a day, and your sex life will become more intense.

How to Increase Craving with Herbs?

Here are some recipes:

  1. Take a hot bath with geranium, chamomile or ginseng decoction. Bath time should be at least 30 minutes. Medicinal herbs are brewed in a ratio of 100 gr. per liter of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. Thanks to water procedures, a woman will feel relaxation throughout the body and a rush of blood to the brain, which will give a signal about the excitement of sexual desire.
  2. Essential oils are also good pathogens. Essential oil is buried in a special pendant, which women like to wear around their necks as an adornment. The smell of these oils can excite a lady.
  3. Rosemary tincture. You can take fresh blueberry, juniper or strawberry leaves, heat them finely and add rosemary. All this is poured with boiling water and infused in a dark place for 3 days.

So, in modern society, there are many ways to increase sexual activity in women. Some will prefer to purchase expensive drugs that increase libido. Others have the opportunity to make a pathogen for women with their own hands. But still others use proven grandmother's recipes and other folk remedies that are not inferior to modern Viagra for women. Yes, and making the pathogen with your own hands or using the folk method is cheaper and easier.

The use of modern stimulants helps to increase female libido by increasing blood circulation in the genitals and arousing their sensitivity. Aphrodisiacs made from natural ingredients have practically no contraindications.

Maybe they do not act as quickly as pharmaceutical pathogens or drugs purchased in an intimate store, but they have been tested by sexologists, and the effect of their use will appear unambiguously. Men speak positively about popular pathogens, saying that their partners have become sexier and more sensual.

Female pathogens are designed to comprehensively improve the state of the body, in particular, to restore the functioning of the reproductive system. Their reception helps to increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones, enhance the production of vaginal secretion, and prolong intimacy with a partner. Most pathogens consist of a complex of natural ingredients, which can be bought at any pharmacy. In this article, we will look at ways to prepare them yourself.

Do-it-yourself aphrodisiacs

Do it yourself at home

Using a set of simple ingredients, you can prepare any pathogen for women at home with your own hands. Quality stimulants are usually obtained from the following aphrodisiacs:

  • ginger;
  • ginseng;
  • Cayenne pepper.

All products have an active effect on the vegetative system, increase the properties of the immune system and improve all vital processes in the body. With a decrease in sexual activity, their use helps to normalize the synthesis of hormones and stimulate the blood circulation in the small pelvis.

An effective aphrodisiac is a mixture of honey and dried fruit... The product has a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, activating blood circulation in the pelvic organs. To prepare it, mix equal amounts of raisins, figs and prunes, and then pour natural honey until a thick and homogeneous mixture is obtained.

It is necessary to store the product in the refrigerator, and use one tablespoon three times a day with food. This mixture can be taken over a long period of time until the woman finally regains healthy sexual activity.

Honey has a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system

The best recipes for women

Recipes for pathogens for women usually contain greens - an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamins that are beneficial for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. In order to increase libido, a person is recommended to use fresh herbs. in the form of a tonic mixture.

To prepare it, you will need:

  1. parsley;
  2. cilantro;
  3. basil;
  4. celery leaves.

The listed ingredients must be chopped and seasoned with olive oil. Take two tablespoons per day in pure form or add to salad.
Herbal medicine is no less effective in the fight against low libido. As an example, we present tinctures made from medicinal plants.

With a disorder of sexual function after childbirth or with the onset of menopause, it is useful to take a remedy that contains:

The ingredients must be mixed in equal quantities and filled with alcohol at the rate of one part of dry components and ten parts of alcohol. The tincture should be left in a cool place for three days. Take two tablespoons two hours before intercourse.

Video decreased sex drive in women

Experts talk about why female libido decreases.

What pathogens for women can be bought

In order to increase arousal in women, it is enough to take the pathogen, which can be purchased at online pharmacies. Today there is a fairly large selection of female stimulants, in the form of tablets, powders, liquids.

Chili peppers have a stimulating effect

Chili Pepper Recipe

The recipe for the female pathogen from pepper has stimulating properties due to the fact that it consists of:

  • hot pepper (on the tip of a knife);
  • dry mustard (0.5 teaspoon);
  • one egg;
  • lemon juice (teaspoon);
  • tomato paste (tablespoon).

All components should be thoroughly mixed (you can - in a blender), pour a glass of dry white wine and put on low heat. Without bringing to a boil, the drink must be removed from the stove and cooled slightly. It is recommended to take the remedy one hour before the start of sexual intercourse.

The female pathogen from pepper gives strength, increases activity, improves mood and eliminates drowsiness. It has a positive effect in reducing physical activity caused by stress, depression, overwork, hormonal imbalance. A contraindication to taking this drink is the presence of an allergy to any component.

The price of drugs in drops, powders, tablets

Every woman, girl can today choose a pathogen in a suitable form for admission and a price category. Here you can see the price range for female pathogens.

Recipe with a strong effect

A strong female pathogen, prepared by hand, is safe for the human body, since it does not contain harmful synthetic components in the composition. You can use nuts to prepare it. Nuts contain a large amount of healthy fats and amino acids, improve blood circulation and normalize the functioning of the nervous system. In order to qualitatively increase libido, they should be used in combination with honey.

The best tonic properties are possessed by almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts. Nuts chopped in a blender must be mixed with honey. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator and consume two to three tablespoons a day with meals.

Another aphrodisiac is made from pickled ginger. To do this, you need to grind 300 grams of pickled ginger, pour it with red wine in proportions 1: 6, and then leave for three days. Add a tablespoon of berry syrup or honey to enhance the taste. It is recommended to take the pathogen daily at 50 milliliters. The tool increases libido, activates the production of natural lubrication, and helps to achieve a lasting positive orgasm.

Video how to properly excite a girl

In the video provided, you can find out what erogenous zones a woman has and how to quickly arouse her.

How to make drops with your own hands

Do-it-yourself exciting drops are prepared from the Shpanskaya Fly beetle. Today it can be bought dried. The beetles are collected in the summer and then used in alternative medicine to treat frigidity and impotence. To prepare a stimulant, you need to grind dry insects into powder. Pour 20 grams of the resulting powder with one liter of alcohol and leave in a dark place for two weeks. The finished product is recommended to add five to six drops to any dish or drink, using no more than once a day.

Such exciting drops effectively activate the blood flow in the small pelvis and increase sexual desire, however, they have a number of contraindications. They are not recommended for use in chronic pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, as well as in the case of exacerbation of kidney and gastrointestinal tract diseases.

Drops should be taken within one to two months.... Discontinue use of the stimulant if any adverse reactions occur (eg, dizziness, fever, or nausea). It is recommended that you consult your doctor before taking a natural remedy that affects the nervous and circulatory systems.

Quite often, family quarrels are caused by intimate problems.

After living together for some time, people begin to complain that having sex has become uninteresting, banal, static. The spouses do not experience any storm of feelings, new sensations.

What to do, how to restore the extinguished desire, excite each other, increase intimate mood? Aphrodisiacs can come to the rescue.

Modern medicine offers the beautiful half of humanity various libido enhancers - pills, vaginal creams, ointments. But today we will learn how to quickly get a woman excited with the help of folk remedies.

Aphrodisiacs are drugs that can cause sexual arousal in a person.... The term originated from the name of the goddess of beauty and love of ancient Greece, Aphrodite.

Aphrodisiacs help a person to strengthen the sexual instinct even when he does not want sex.

Despite the fact that today there are a huge number of stimulating pills, creams, lotions for women, it is still better to resort to the help of natural aphrodisiacs.

They are non-addictive and do not need to be found in specialty stores because they are all around us.

The main thing is to know what foods, plants, oils cause excitement in women.

Thanks to natural aphrodisiacs, you can:

  • create a romantic mood;
  • completely relax, get maximum pleasure;
  • activate sexual desire;
  • quickly get a powerful and long-lasting orgasm;
  • to liberate even the most constricted and shy girl;
  • prevent painful menstruation, pathological processes in the mammary glands, genital venous congestion, frigidity by getting an orgasm.

Depending on perception, natural aphrodisiacs for women can be either gustatory (ingested with food) or olfactory (smells).

The most powerful aphrodisiacs for women are those that:

  • have a natural composition;
  • done right and with love;
  • prepared independently, extracted from nature, and not chemically (without tablets).

The easiest way to increase your sex drive is to prepare a romantic candlelit dinner, where the main emphasis should be on the platter. There are foods that arouse burning desire in women.

To raise the romantic and sexual mood will help:

The effect of honey as an aphrodisiac was noticed back in the days of Kievan Rus. Then the guests gave the newlyweds barrels of honey. They had to drink honey drink for a month to awaken passion and successful conception. This is where the well-established expression "honeymoon" came from.

When choosing aphrodisiac products for women, it is important not to overdo it.... You should not eat honey with spoons, eat a whole watermelon or gobble up dark chocolate. In addition to allergies and banal overeating, the dangerous appearance of bloating, flatulence, colic, you will not get anything.

You need to eat aphrodisiac foods wisely: it is enough to eat one piece of watermelon or a banana to activate sexual desire.

And it is imperative to take into account the characteristics of the body: if you are allergic to honey, then you do not need to eat it, it is better to give preference to other products.

Olfactory libido enhancers - smells, just like food, can sharpen the senses in a female.

The best erotic fragrances for her will be the following aroma oils:

When buying essential oils to increase the intimate mood in women, be sure to take into account that only natural oils have a strong stimulating effect. Synthetic analogs of oils for increasing libido are not suitable.

Therefore, before buying, be sure to read the inscription on the label. If it says Natural oil, then the oil is natural; if there is an inscription Fragrance - then you shouldn't buy such a fragrance either.

There are many plants that have a beneficial effect on female sexual arousal. Aphrodisiac herbs are brewed, taken immediately before sexual intercourse:

Making a female aphrodisiac on your own

Despite the fact that today a huge number of libido-enhancing drugs are sold, experts are still sure: it is best to do an aphrodisiac for women with your own hands.

So you can convey all your feelings to your soul mate, and this will further enhance the effect of the aphrodisiac. We present to your attention several recipes for increasing sex drive:

You will need the following ingredients: quail eggs (8 pieces), honey (100 g), fresh raspberries (optional), gelatin (15 g).

Make foam from egg whites by adding honey there. For color, add raspberries to the foam.

Soak gelatin in cold water. Add it to the egg-honey mass. Put on low heat, do not boil.

Then cool, pour into bowls and refrigerate. An erotic dessert for a lady is ready.

Sensual salad

Ingredients: spinach, mushrooms, avocado, feta cheese... Boil the champignons, peel the avocados and pits.

Cut the prepared foods into cubes, season with sauce (mix olive oil, bite, salt and sugar), garnish with dill sprigs on top, as well as pieces of any fruit or berries.

In order not to buy expensive perfumes, it is better to make them yourself, making the most of the means that increase libido:

Add to 10 ml of a base oil such as peach essential oil.

Add the following essential oils to it: jasmine, rose (2 drops each), bergamot or sandalwood oil (1 drop each). Or you can add 3 drops of ylang ylang oil or 2 drops of jasmine.

Choose essential oils based on aroma and sensations so that the girl will like the scent.

To kindle the fervor of a woman, not to let it fade away, you need to know what factors reduce libido:

  • smoking;
  • stress;
  • lack of sleep;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • junk food - salty, fatty, fried foods.

All these factors cause fatigue, negatively affect health, exhaust the nervous system, and dull desire.

Therefore, if a woman sleeps little, smokes, abuses alcohol and eats poorly, then no natural and even synthetic aphrodisiac remedies will help her. You need to revise your lifestyle and make adjustments to it.

Now you know how you can rekindle an extinct sexual instinct... Aphrodisiac products, scents, herbal teas - all these types of aphrodisiacs can be skillfully used in order to turn a woman on, to make her excited.

The main thing is not to overdo it, use them wisely, so that they help and not harm.... And be sure to prepare aphrodisiac products with love.

It should also be remembered that good rest, proper nutrition and good mood are female helpers who guarantee the health of the whole body, normalizing sexual desire.

Currently, not all married couples can claim that their intimate life is flawless and ideal. Modern women and middle-aged men often cease to feel the need for sex. Why?


This can be explained by many reasons: an unfavorable environment, a frantic pace of life, physical ailments, poor health, stress, conflicts at work, and much more. Of course, the occurrence of frigidity is a weighty argument for seeking help from a specialist. However, the peculiarities of the national mentality are such that only a few can entrust their intimate problems to a sexologist. One way or another, but only he will be able to provide qualified assistance to those who have lost libido.

What to do

Is there an alternative in this case?

To a certain extent, yes. Today, many people take aphrodisiac drugs to enhance their sexual desire, which are presented in the widest range in pharmacy chains.


Of course, today it will not be difficult to find a medicine that is focused on improving your sex life. Excitatory drugs that are sold in large quantities in pharmacies, for the most part, really increase libido, restore libido. They contain vitamins A and E, which affect the production of sex hormones. Blood begins to flow more actively to the genital area, and the person feels the need for intimacy. However, stimulants of a pharmacological nature also have disadvantages. Firstly, any of the above medicine is not without contraindications. And secondly, most of the drugs that increase sexual desire have a short-term effect. And after some time, the need for their use appears again.

Male pathogens

Of course, a huge number of the fairer sex are interested in the question of what kind of stimulants for men can be tried to solve problems in the intimate sphere.

You can recommend special antler balls, which are really capable of encouraging a man to "work miracles" in bed. This drug has no analogues, and if you take it systematically, you can get rid of some pathologies that are not related to the intimate sphere.

We cannot discount the well-known "Viagra". Despite the fact that, along with Cialis and Levitra, the drug is focused on solving the problem of erectile dysfunction, it also enhances attraction to the female sex. However, it should not be abused because, according to numerous reviews, it is addictive. One way or another, no matter what aphrodisiac drugs you use for men, you should understand that they will not be able to provide one hundred percent effect if the person does not have the appropriate emotional mood.

Female pathogens

Today there are a huge number of drugs designed to increase libido in the fairer sex. Women's Viagra also exists. We are talking about such a tool as the "Golden Spanish Fly". It not only enhances attraction to the male sex, but also allows you to get maximum pleasure from intimacy.

As part of this product - a special natural formula, which is based on the enzyme-pathogen HS, which is extracted from the body of a small insect that lives in East Asia.

What means to arouse a woman yet? Not so long ago, the "Silver Fox" was created. This is an innovative development, which in terms of efficiency is no worse than the "Shpansky Fly". It is no exaggeration to say that "Silver Fox" is a powerful aphrodisiac, consisting of herbal extracts used in traditional Chinese medicine, and the factor of excitement of passion - L-algenin, which is synthesized in Brazil. This drug is a colorless liquid that has neither smell nor taste.

Application features

As already noted, today virtually all pharmacy kiosks offer stimulants. Reviews of this or that drug to enhance sexual desire are completely contradictory. Why?

This is because when buying an unfamiliar drug, a person does not bother to get a preliminary consultation with a specialist about whether it can be used or not. And then certain diseases become aggravated in him, and he begins to declare that the acquired medicine against frigidity is ineffective. Remember the contraindications and the correct dosage of the drug, otherwise you may acquire additional health problems. Do not take funds after a hearty meal, after taking alcohol and fatty foods - all this complicates the process of assimilation of the drug.


Despite the popularity of pharmaceutical drugs, which are based on unnatural ingredients, they have one serious drawback - they have a short-term effect, not to mention contraindications.

In this sense, it would be a mistake to ignore the achievements of traditional medicine in the field of increasing libido.

For women

Exciting remedies for women are jasmine flowers, oregano, ylan-ylang and, surprisingly, homemade geraniums. Promotes enhanced production of hormones infusion based on licorice root. Increase female libido and flax seeds, since they contain the lion's share of estrogen and vitamin E. Hop cones will help to enhance sexual attraction to the male sex. In the old days, a plant called arnica was used to solve the problem of frigidity. Also, a composition based on crushed aloe and honey had a good effect - it helped to increase blood flow in the pelvic organs. A stimulant for sex is also tea tree oil. A decoction of the golden root, which is recommended to be taken one hour before intimacy, will also help to normalize a woman's intimate life.

For men

As for the stronger sex, such an exotic plant as ginkgo biloba will help to establish sexual harmony with a woman: it enhances the flow of blood to the genitals. Pumpkin seeds, which contain a huge amount of zinc, also contribute to an increase in male libido. In addition, they normalize the reproductive function of the body.

A plant such as cardamom will also help to normalize intimate life. The main thing is not to overdo it with it: there is enough amount that fits on the tip of the knife, but half a teaspoon can aggravate the problem.

Excellent aphrodisiacs for men are ginger root, dill seeds, caraway seeds. Marjoram, basil and fennel will also help you feel like a man in bed. To get rid of frigidity, it is recommended to eat rape, celery and artichokes, as well as garlic and onions.

As for medicinal herbs, the best stimulants here are decoctions of wormwood leaves, nettle and plantain seeds. Ginseng and Eleutherococcus tinctures are also highly effective.


Of course, intimacy is an important part of the relationship between spouses. Can you do without sex? Yes, but then family life will seem insipid and monotonous. So why deprive yourself of pleasure if there are drugs that increase libido? And if you want to completely get rid of frigidity, then a specialist will help you. First of all, contact him, and do not start an independent search for ways to solve the problem.