Natural food and cooking is a source of natural beauty. The most beautiful Leo girls

Human attractiveness - how to be attractive and improve your appearance.
We often worry about how we look. Perhaps everyone goes through this anxiety to one degree or another. It is common for him to be a little dissatisfied with some parts of our body, our appearance, our level of attractiveness. This anxiety is especially evident when we think about dating or a romantic date.

Attractiveness of a person

However, one must understand that appearance is not the only aspect that forms the attractiveness of a person. Our personalities can influence how others see us. In addition, our confidence and social skills can generate attraction, passion, and intrigue in potential partners.
After all, these "unchanging" parts of our appearance do not determine a person's attractiveness in any way! Contrary to popular belief, a symmetrical nose, a perfectly proportioned figure, or a classic face is not as important as presenting yourself, something that can be changed.
Megrabian and Bloom (1997) began their research with a simple idea—they asked what physical traits were most attractive to the opposite sex. In particular, they wanted to reveal the importance of fixed characteristics (such as body type or height) versus variables (such as make-up and clothing) in shaping a person's attractiveness. In essence, they were wondering what combinations really make someone "attractive."
To answer this question, they presented 117 university students with photographs of 76 partners of the opposite sex. The students rated the attractiveness of the people depicted, and the researchers also measured their emotional responses. Then, based on statistical analysis, the researchers figured out who was attractive and why.
They were surprised to find that by far the most attractive features fell under the “self-service” category. These were aspects such as grooming, neat hair, quality clothes, good posture and a healthy weight. In fact, the most attractive features in a person (male or female) is that they have made some effort to be attractive - picked up clothes, formed a good posture, took control of their diet.
Further, in order of importance after "self-service" were three aspects of a person's attractiveness - "masculinity", "femininity" and "pleasantness".
Masculinity, how attractive it is for women, consisted of some features (depending on time in the gym) - musculature, shoulder width, developed chest.
Femininity, as attractive to men, contains more variable features - the presence of makeup, long hair and more femininity and fluidity in movements.
Finally, pleasantness, how attractive it is to both men and women, is determined by whether people are positive in the relationship.

In general, the vast majority of aspects of appearance that are important to a person's attractiveness are relatively easy to change. Just taking care of yourself, developing a straight posture, choosing a decent wardrobe, and staying relatively healthy - all this makes you attractive! In addition, if you are pleasant and friendly in communication, it really attracts. Finally, if men spend a little time in the gym, or women want to grow their hair and put on makeup, then they can have the whole complex of the listed traits of a person's attractiveness. Please note, implants, Botox, silicone are not required...

What does this mean for your privacy

Being attractive is easier than you think. Just adjust these fickle features as much as you can.

1) Grooming is by far the most important feature. Take some time to take care of yourself. Be clean, tidy, do not forget about the shower and toothbrush. All this takes a little time and effort!

2) Clothing is also an important and relatively easy to adjust feature. The study says that three aspects of clothing are attractive - neat, well-fitting, and more or less decent. Simply put, your clothes should be clean, ironed, and in good condition. It should also match your image, make your figure attractive.

3) Posture - achieved by practice. Keep your head up high. Pull your shoulders back. Buy comfortable shoes, a good chair and table, or a corset if necessary. Good posture is sexy.

4) Communication - don't forget to smile. Be pleasant, positive, friendly. The charm of the individual may even overshadow other physical problems that may be present.

5) The figure - of course, this is not as easy to change as other aspects. But, studies do not speak of the ideal figure in any case. Basically, it's about a healthy weight. Thus, there is no need to get hung up and give up on yourself. But do your best to eat well, move more, take care of your health.

6) Femininity, masculinity - look at yourself from the outside, what would you like to change to enhance these aspects of your attractiveness. To be more masculine, pump up your muscles. To be more feminine, learn how to properly apply makeup, emphasizing the eyes and lips. In addition, you can grow your hair longer.


The attractiveness of a person. How to achieve it? Buy clothes that fit you, stand up straight, smile, and don't forget to take care of your health. That's all it takes to be attractive and sexy. And there is no need for a plastic surgeon.

Is it possible to give certain parameters of female attractiveness, focusing only on appearance? After all, everyone has different tastes and preferences. And why then can men bypass a well-groomed beauty and reach for a completely ordinary, but charming girl?

Today we will tell you about what is feminine in the eyes of a man.

Of course, the first impression is formed literally in 4 minutes and is mainly based on appearance: grooming, neatness, sense of style and healthy appearance. But there are no less important factors that affect both the first impression and the further perception of a woman. Here we will talk about them.

Secrets of female attractiveness


There is nothing strange in this. Self-confident women have a straight posture, a beautiful gait, a high head and free gestures. Have you noticed how stiffness of movements spoils beautiful girls? Having a pleasant appearance, they create a hunted impression.

In addition, men can not stand complaints about cellulite, lack of breasts or the presence of extra pounds. A confident woman will never flaunt her flaws, even if she has them.


Female attractiveness from the point of view of psychology is, first of all, an internal state.

Light sadness and a timid look are a willing bait for many men. But to live with a woman who is constantly in a depressed state is flour. Men appreciate lightness and warmth, a positive attitude and good disposition. With such a woman, there are more chances to build a harmonious family.

And besides, who wants to go to a house where the atmosphere is heavy?


A woman who can surprise always leaves an indelible mark on the male subconscious. Often we remember not the person himself, but the emotions that he evoked. A predictable woman is boring.

How to increase female attractiveness?

Increasing female attractiveness is, first of all, your work on yourself. No stylist will give you permanent confidence, no hairdresser will give you inner harmony. To gain confidence, you must learn to accept and love yourself and your body. The more you focus on your own shortcomings, the more you feed them, the more noticeable you make them to others. Learn to appreciate and emphasize your strengths. Write them down in your notebook, review and complete.

Work on your posture: make it a rule to walk for 15-20 minutes every day with a book on your head. Over time, you will get used to keeping your back straight and your head held high.

Naturally, it is impossible to always be in a good mood, but learning to control your condition is quite realistic: affirmations will help you switch from negative thoughts to a lighter mood.

There is a practice called "Sun". Try to imagine a white, warm ball radiating light in your solar plexus area. Feel it, let it fill you with its warmth and radiance. Imagine yourself emitting this light. At first, it may take you a long time to evoke the necessary sensations. But each time it will be easier for you to achieve the desired result. Over time, you will notice that people are drawn to you, that it is easy and pleasant for them in your company.

Try to look into the eyes of the interlocutor. It has been observed that women who avoid eye contact seem less attractive to men.

Every woman wants to be attractive to men. Even if she is married, she is still pleased to catch admiring male glances. And if a woman is in search, then she just needs to be attractive and a decoy for men. But just what is this female delicacy? In an impeccable appearance, in activity towards men, in the art of flirting or in an internal state?

There are several secrets of female attractiveness, which does not depend on external data or age. And this attraction for men is not in the external, but in the internal state of the woman.

There are many perfect women who cook well, study male psychology and try to meet all the criteria, groom themselves and try to be perfect, but they often find themselves abandoned. Sometimes for the sake of one that is far from ideal and does not know and does not even know half of what an “ideal woman” should know and be able to do.

So what's the deal? What is the secret of female attractiveness really?

Three secrets of female attractiveness

The first secret of attraction. Conformity of intentions and "signals"

This is when words match deeds, and deeds match intentions. If a woman declares that she is looking for a man for a serious relationship, creating a family and having children, and comes on a date with an incredibly deep neckline, in a short skirt and flashy make-up in the “lady vamp” style, then the man may simply experience cognitive dissonance . That is, a woman’s intention seems to be one, but she broadcasts a completely different one.

In a word, there is a discrepancy between his created female image and the request for a man. The woman says that she wants a serious relationship, she is worthy and wise and is looking for a worthy and noble man, but at the same time she may find herself in bed with a man on the first or second meeting (probably in order to test him for his ability to be a father). And after such testing, men disappear forever, and women remain at a loss. That is, she is only as a mistress for quick sex. Since her behavior and appearance does not quite match her statement that she wants to become a faithful wife and caring mother.

Therefore, when choosing and searching for a man, it is important to broadcast the right signal! And the words must match the deeds and behavior. Yes, no one denies high heels and cleavage, it is feminine and beautiful, but balance and a sense of proportion (which is a sign of high culture) must be observed.

You can learn how to broadcast the right signal and easily attract the right men to you by downloading the free plan. How to make a man fall in love in 6 steps

The second secret of attraction. Translation of Love

Make the phrase “what I radiate is what I attract” as your life motto. Get used to this phrase, as this is the basic law of the universe. Just don't confuse radiation with action. That is, I do something and then I get something for it. The point here is a little different. What matters is what you broadcast, what you feel, what you radiate into the world. This is what you get back.

Often women say that they are disappointed in men and no longer believe in love. That they don’t need any relationship, and they need a man only to satisfy physiological needs. They declare their manifesto, which says that “men have all died out and degraded”, “you won’t find normal men now with fire”, “all males and traitors”, and all in the same spirit. And in their souls at this time, a wide variety of gamuts of feelings blaze - from resentment to contempt and hatred. And in the end, the universe returns it all back to them, just in the very form and image that they talk about.

Let's be honest with ourselves and face the truth. Every woman wants love and intimacy, but if her psyche is destroyed by some kind of trauma, then she begins to deny it. Although in fact she madly wants mutual and sincere love. And men want it too! All people want because it is a natural need! But having accumulated some sad life experience, many people give up on the search for love, on the search for a person with whom you can create a lasting union based on the proximity of not only the body, but also the soul.

As a result, everything superficial is cultivated, and everything genuine is blocked and not noticed. And women, promoting "relationships without obligations", subconsciously still want true true love. And they themselves deprive themselves of it, blocking their soul and not allowing it to seek love. A woman in this case radiates the state of “no love” and as a result receives a lack of love in her life.

The Third Secret of Attractiveness Is Inward Focus

Any phenomenon in our life is an interaction of two principles - male and female (yin and yang). And also in relationships. The tandem of a woman and a man is based on the fact that a man is his external beginning, and a woman is his internal. The energy of a man is centrifugal, but centripetal. And if we compare the energies of a man and a woman with a spring, then the masculine tends to stretch, and the feminine tends to compress. Both psychologists, and biologists, and philosophers, and many ancient knowledge say that a man personifies an external beginning, and a woman - an internal one.

In a word, a woman attracts with her inner state, her special state of calm, her positively calm emotional background. With her condition, a woman gives a man an impetus to activity. And a man is attractive precisely by his external achievements, precisely by his ability to behave in society, his ability to protect a woman and get everything she needs. A man is attractive by his actions, and, in particular, in relation to a woman. And only thanks to the combination of these two differently directed vectors does balance, harmony and, ultimately, a long-term union arise.

Nature herself judged so. Look at the animals. In their world, males have to demonstrate secondary sexual characteristics (some external qualities that “speak” of their high reproductive ability) and be active in order to win the female. Look at the animals - the males always look beautiful and gorgeous, and the females are nondescript and not very "attractive". But lions - with manes, deer - with horns, peacocks - with tails.

And only in people today everything happens exactly the opposite. Men do not particularly demonstrate anything, they “just exist”, and women compete in brightness, skills, grooming, beauty, trying to prove something to a man.

Women unrestrainedly demonstrate their "secondary sexual characteristics" - gorgeous breasts, long legs with stilettos, plump lips. What caused it? The fact that men today are becoming a limited resource of the species and therefore women have to fight for them?

Maybe it's time to stop? And to realize that all sorts of female tricks (bringing yourself to perfection, studying cooking and ingenious sexual techniques, and so on) will not help a man near you. Just because the energy vector in this case is directed to the outer space and it turns out that this is a woman fighting for a man, when it should be quite the opposite. When "the outside connects with the outside" no chemistry will happen, no balance will occur. Balance is the union of the outside with the inside.

Maybe it's time to learn how to first translate love and the female state? Maybe it's time to learn to live from the feminine?

Be feminine, happy, loved and blooming!

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Cm … Synonym dictionary

attractiveness- ATTRACTIVENESS, enticing, tempting, piquancy, charm, attractiveness, seductiveness, obsolete. magnetism, obsolete. temptation, temptation appetizing ATTRACTIVE, delicious, enticing, enticing,… … Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

ATTRACTIVENESS, attractiveness, pl. no, female distraction noun to attractive. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

ATTRACTIVE, oh, oh; flax, flax. Such, to ry attracts, disposes to itself, it is pleasant. Attractive appearance. Attractive prospect (tempting). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

attractiveness- great attractiveness extraordinary attractiveness irresistible attractiveness striking attractiveness amazing attractiveness ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

J. distraction. noun according to adj. attractive Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

Attractiveness, attractiveness, attractiveness, attractiveness, attractiveness, attractiveness, attractiveness, attractiveness, attractiveness, attractiveness, attractiveness, attractiveness (Source: ... ... Forms of words

Unattractiveness… Antonym Dictionary

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attractiveness- (3 f), R., D., Pr. attraction/attractiveness… Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language


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What is it - female attractiveness? This is the ability of a woman to please men. And since for men a woman is, first of all, a sexual object, it means that being attractive means, first of all, being desirable, sexy. Sexuality (translated from English sex-appeal - "sexual appeal") is all that attracts members of the opposite sex.

Female attractiveness is a complex concept that includes many components: not only appearance, but also attractive manners, posture, gait, gestures, postures, voice timbre, smell and sparkle in the eyes, state of mind. It is not enough just to have beautiful external data so that men, as they say, "fall in piles." A woman with rather inexpressive natural data, but able to emphasize them favorably, and most importantly, internally attractive, charming and competently using body language and clothing, has more success with men than a well-groomed hand-written beauty, repelling men with arrogance and inability to communicate on a subconscious level. Beauty and attractiveness are not the same thing.

About the preferences of men in women.

The basis of the internal attractiveness of a woman is, first of all, confidence in her attractiveness and sexuality, a harmonious state of mind, as well as love for life, for people, and therefore love for men themselves. Most men like direct, natural, with a twist, able to take care of their appearance, flirtatious, confident in their attractiveness, not enslaved, sexy, emotional, friendly women.

Of course, a man really appreciates the appearance of a woman, this is important for him. But surveys of men on the topic of an ideal life partner show that men rarely put beauty in the first place, but above all they value tenderness, caring, affection and the ability to be a good mother. A man appreciates when a woman admires him, when he knows how to evoke in him with his feminine fragility a sense of his masculinity and a desire to protect and protect. Of course, there are also individual preferences, which, of course, play an extremely important role in choosing a partner. Men really like women who love sex, who know how to be skillful mistresses, who are liberal in bed. According to men, attractive, sexy women are more likely to have sex, think and talk about it more. It has been observed that sexy women are more likely to read romantic literature and experience romantic fantasies. A man adores a woman who is able to take the initiative in sex and who shares his love for spontaneous sex. A sexy, attractive woman knows how to enjoy sex and is not ashamed of it, is not afraid to show what she wants - both with her appearance and behavior, but subtly, unobtrusively, often on a subconscious level. When a man sees that a woman wants him, it has an exciting effect on him. Sexuality adds a sense of humor and the ability to have fun and enjoy the beautiful aspects of life. It enhances the desirability of a woman, her selectivity in choosing a man. Most of all, most men like it when a woman easily approaches him, but is inaccessible to other men. If it is difficult to access for everyone without exception, it is alarming.

Men do not like women who do not like sex (or pretend to be), speak negatively about sex, act enslaved when talking about it, show their reluctance to have sex, condemn the sexuality of a man. Men do not like women who are indifferent to them (negative attitude is better than indifferent ignoring). Excessive seriousness, inability to enjoy life, discomfort, bad mood, gloom, prevailing negative emotions, criticality, the desire to control everyone and everything, enslavement, severity, emotional deafness, and the exaltation of their high intelligence above the intelligence of a man (men love smart women, but not those who seem smarter to them).

It is important not to be too inaccessible to all male representatives, or too accessible, very critical and fastidious, or just admire and look at a man like a light in a window, anticipating all his desires. There must be a golden mean in everything. Carrot and stick tactics can be very effective. Studies have shown that men named the most attractive woman who, in the video they were shown during the study, behaved at first rather coldly, and then softened.

Certain conditions can contribute to enhancing sexuality or attractiveness. For example, experienced together strong emotions caused by a risky situation. The effect of novelty also excites sexuality - a woman new to a man is very attractive.

The so-called "halo effect" in psychology can also work, for example, in a situation where a woman is in the company of very pretty friends, she herself is perceived by men as more attractive (only if the difference between her appearance and the appearance of her friends is not too great, otherwise there will already be another feeling - contrast). If a woman looks and behaves so perfectly that it seems that she is just an ideal, this can scare her away. In one study, video footage of various people was shown. There were both attractive in appearance and behavior, and repulsive, but most of all I liked the person who was pleasant in every respect, but, as if by accident, knocked over a glass of water. That is, an attractive woman must have weaknesses too.

To be successful with the opposite sex, it is very important to look accessible in body language. It is believed that an active role in choosing an object of sympathy belongs to a man. But, as a rule, a man chooses a partner among those women who themselves paid attention to him and do not hide it, demonstrating their interest with the help of subtle and delicate body language: sexual gestures, postures, glances, smiles. A man usually likes those women who positively perceive his views, postures, gestures, words and other microsignals. If a woman, even without realizing it herself, does not respond to microsignals with a positive reaction, then the man does not like her either.

Sexual attractiveness is greatly influenced by the intonation of the voice. Well, the smell in this case can act just phenomenally.

Most of all, a man in the perception of a woman is affected by visual images. Therefore, the appearance of a woman is very important among the components of sex appeal. Sexuality is enhanced by the ability to advantageously, tastefully present one's appearance: choose clothes, makeup, hairstyle, accessories that suit this particular woman, the ability to wear all this beautifully.

Of course, it is important to subtly feel and use the language of clothing in relations with the opposite sex, this is especially important at the first meeting. There are certain clothes, make-up, hairstyles, etc., which are usually perceived by most men as extremely enhancing the sex appeal, attractiveness of a woman in their eyes. Oddly enough, but very often opinions on this matter between men and women differ. For example, many female representatives believe that the most attractive woman is a woman who is expensively and elegantly dressed, very well-groomed - with a chic, carefully styled hairdo and bright makeup a la "freshly from a beauty salon." Most women are critical of their appearance and hide their flaws under long or loose clothing, believing that this way they will look much more beautiful. But will they be perceived as sexy and attractive by men? Men like well-groomed women, but too well-groomed, carefully combed, etc. may seem inaccessible. Sexy, according to men, the design of a woman's appearance is close to her natural appearance. As they say in one familiar saying: "No clothes make a woman so beautiful as her absence" :). This means that the more clothes, hair and makeup emphasize the lines of the female body and the naturalness of hair and face, as nature created them, the more sexy it will be perceived. For example, clothes that fit the body, revealing feminine forms, a hairstyle made from loose, slightly disheveled (natural) hair, natural makeup. Most men are not as critical of women's appearance as women themselves. A woman, for example, believes that her legs are not very beautiful, and hides them under a long skirt or trousers. A man will like this woman much more if she puts on a miniskirt instead of hiding her legs. Because in fact, her legs seem attractive to a man only for the reason that they are female. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are all too rare. Usually natural data is quite proportional, you just need to keep them in shape, take care of yourself.

Now let's talk about the components of female attractiveness in more detail.


The main rule here is to emphasize the female figure as much as possible. This is done with the help of fitting styles, as well as opening the body:


  • + In clothes, tightness of the body is important. Silhouette - the most fitted, let's also say semi-fitted.
  • - Clothing that diverts attention from the contours of the female body is categorically rejected: hooded, voluminous, shapeless, too loose silhouettes, behind which the figure is not visible. I don’t like clothes that distort the lines of the female body - styles with huge false shoulders, too puffy sleeves, with a belt not at the waist, a lot of distracting details: folds, ruffles (especially on attractive parts of the body), patch pockets, frilly, complex elements of clothing. It looks ugly and repels too tight clothes that seem out of size (a woman may think that in this way she will hide extra pounds), squeezing, squeezing the body - a corset, a too tight belt, tight clothes that are not sized.
  • + The length of the clothes is mini, and also just above the knees.; the length just below the knees is much less desirable, the length to the middle of the calf is acceptable for older men (50 years and more).
  • - Maxi length is rejected by almost all men.


  • + All men like a dress, as well as a skirt with a blouse (a topic, a blouse, a thin tight-fitting jumper, etc.), less a skirt with a jacket.
  • - I don't like trousers and shorts (although some exceptions are tight styles, especially tight-fitting short shorts, some people like tight jeans as well), trouser suits are especially rejected. Unattractive are also youth baggy trousers, wide shapeless styles, strict non-fitted business suits. Excessively revealing clothes (too short mini, frankly transparent blouse, very deep neckline, etc.) are shocking, so few people like it. Extravagant, too unusual, artsy models of clothes are not sexy. We see that a fitted dress is the most winning option. And also very effective mini-skirts complete with tight-fitting "top". You can also look sexy in a business suit (but not a pantsuit), if it emphasizes the figure.


  • + Suitable clothes that reveal the body as much as possible: front and back neckline, transparent inserts and clothing details, mini length, long slits, open shoulders, back. Most of all I like the neckline on the chest, the styles with bare shoulders, chest and back are also very cute, then there is a neckline only on the back. Well, the model with bare shoulders closes the list. Models with transparent inserts, or with tempting small cutouts of a simple form, can be interesting. For example, I witnessed the stunning effect produced on a group of men by a girl dressed in tight-fitting jeans, on which a row of small "holes" was cut out on both sides of the sides, almost from the waist to the bottom of the trousers :) (apparently, the men were intrigued question - are there panties under the jeans?). Although this option was recognized by them as sexy, it was also shocking - too frankly and unusually, according to the men themselves.
  • - Closed clothing is not attractive: a closed collar, styles that cover the legs, and all attractive parts of the body (shoulders, décolleté). Closed clothing is a subconscious signal of enslavement - "Don't come near me."


  • + What in itself follows from the previous paragraph, attracts clothing that intrigues the imagination, exciting fantasy. For example, a long clasp on a dress, a skirt with a clasp in front, 1-2 top buttons of a blouse unbuttoned. If the clothes contain elements due to which they can be easily and quickly removed, this is always attractive to men. Men are fascinated by the absence of a bra under their clothes. In general, clothes that are quick and easy to take off are sexy. I also really like the slits on the skirt, dress. 1 back incision is most preferred, followed by a side incision.
  • - Repels: Lots of fasteners and clothes. Complex patterns that can get confusing.
  • + Attractive fabrics with a soft, pleasant to the touch, feminine texture that you want to touch: silk, satin, velvet, fur. As well as fabrics that intrigue the imagination: transparent, translucent. The fabric should be thin, allowing body heat to pass through, favorably fitting female forms. Natural fabrics are much more attractive than synthetic ones, apparently because of the pleasant sensations when touched. Cotton, and then wool, is also liked, although by a wide margin from the previous ones (men under 40 do not often mark these fabrics as attractive).
  • - Rough, thick, hard fabrics are rejected.


  • + Sexiest colors: cherry, black, white, blue, followed by red (I like red a little less, apparently due to the fact that some men find it too aggressive and bright, annoying, especially men over 50). Blue is also considered attractive, but less so, it is especially attractive to men over 50 (men of this age group usually prefer calm blue to red). Green and lilac do not stand out, but rather like than dislike.

That is, women look sexy in clothes of open, noble, saturated colors of red-blue and black-and-white. Among the pastels, only blue stands out. Among the dark ones - cherry, black, behind them - blue.

  • - I don't like gloomy, muted, complex, mixed, earthy, undersaturated colors. Pastel colors are also not very favored by men (the exception is blue, and sometimes lilac). Bright ones are also rejected: yellow and orange. The most unattractive colors: mustard, protective (rejected by almost all men). Also gray is not sexy. The same applies to warm orange-peach tones. Slightly less unattractive are pink and light green colors.

Conclusion: men are indifferent or negative towards yellow, orange, beige-brown, gray, as well as turquoise and purple colors.

  • + The coloring of clothes should not distract attention from the contours of the figure. This means that the simpler and more inexpressive the pattern, the better. All men like plain fabrics the most. Then come patterned fabrics, with rounded lines, as well as floral motifs being perceived as more attractive than geometric patterns, with straight lines or pointed shapes.
  • - Patterns that distract attention from the figure reduce sex appeal: very expressive, bright, with a contrasting, catchy combination of colors, complex, too large, fabrics with inscriptions. The sharp contours of the drawings are rather repulsive, perceived as sharp and aggressive, and not at all feminine and sexy. The straight lines of the drawing are strict, limiting, "setting within certain limits."


  • + Feminine hairstyles, long (semi-long) hair are of the greatest interest. Always intriguing is a slight negligence in the hairstyle - hair, a little disheveled. For example, loose hair, slightly tangled, or carelessly pulled up with loose strands standing out from the general mass, with curls at the temple, slightly opening the neck. In addition, the more natural hair styling, the younger the woman looks. Hair colors are natural. It is known that men prefer blondes, perhaps due to associations with something light, soft, tender, somewhere defenseless and fragile. Or maybe just because light hair color more often emphasizes facial features advantageously, makes the face visually more youthful. By the way, in a group of several women, the blonde is the first to catch the eye, for some reason it attracts attention. Perhaps this hair color is just a brighter accent that draws attention to its owner. The absolute champion in terms of eroticism is long loose, flying, slightly disheveled, slightly wavy, soft, shiny (which means healthy) hair. Especially if the hair is also light. By the way, blondes with a cold, noble, ashy shade are more like blondes with a warm, golden, yellowish hair tone.
  • - I don't like unfeminine short haircuts, extravagant unnatural hair colors, pretentious styling, as well as overly neat, all of them too "correct" hairstyles. Carefully laid, taken back, especially carefully "sleek" hair hints at strictness, restrictions, prohibitions, including sexual ones, in general, there is no time for erotic associations. Excessive sleekness and correctness in the hairstyle can also repel men because of the seeming inaccessibility of their owners. In addition, young girls usually do not wear well-groomed hairstyles yet, so such hairstyles can make women visually older. Also, loose, too smooth and neatly combed hair loses to hair with a sign of slight negligence, freedom of movement. Unattractive dull, unkempt, coarse, damaged hair, as well as sticky and hard from the abundance of hairspray on them.
  • + Face with makeup is much more attractive than without it. Although many men say that they like women without makeup at all, in fact, they often refer to a face with skillfully done, natural makeup, with a "make-up as if not made-up" effect. There are two rules in the most sexy makeup: 1) it is better with makeup than without it, because, as you know, with its help, attractive facial features can be made even more beautiful, and flaws, on the contrary, can be smoothed out, moreover, a woman with makeup is subconsciously perceived more well-groomed, brighter, attracts more attention; 2) makeup should be natural, and the more natural, the better. That is, facial features are emphasized, made more expressive, while cosmetics are almost invisible. Men like a slight blush on the cheeks, expressiveness, sparkle of the eyes, sexy slightly redder than the natural color of the lips (because this is how a woman's face looks in moments of excitement and sexual intimacy). Many men like wet lip gloss (due to well-defined associations, it is clear which part of the female body is in an excited state). Some men like bright red lipstick, but most agree that the softer and more natural shade of red, the better. Some men don't like lipstick at all. I like expressive, long and thick eyelashes that enlarge and make the eyes more expressive, which are emphasized with mascara.
  • - Excessive, too bright makeup is unattractive, when the paint is especially visible on the face, unnatural tones of cosmetics (for example, purple lipstick), an abundance of foundation. Eyes outlined in black pencil look vulgar and tasteless (often women try to enlarge them in this way, although they achieve the opposite effect). Too bright contrasting makeup is unattractive (but it is worth noting that the makeup "pale face with red lipstick, as well as with thin black arrows drawn in pencil on the upper eyelid" makes the faces of the so-called "winter" color type of women very beautiful (dark hair, saturated color eye, contrast of the iris and white of the eye), as it emphasizes their natural bright color and looks attractive on them).
  • + I like well-groomed hands, natural colors of nail polish, neat manicure (at the same time, nails may not be long).
  • - Excessively long nails are repelled by unnatural, extravagant (black, purple, green, etc.), as well as aggressive nail polish colors, as well as too long nails.
  • + Attractive open, feminine, elegant models - shoes and sandals. Women's legs look extremely sexy in shoes with high (or medium) thin heels. A high elegant heel emphasizes the shape and beauty of the legs, lengthens them, makes the size of the legs visually smaller, and also makes the walk sexier. Moreover, men consider stiletto heels to be the most attractive, while many fashionable heels that women like do not give men pleasure. Open shoes are preferable to closed shoes. For example, shoes with an open heel, a deep neckline and decorative thin buckles at the ankle. Sandals, consisting of thin details and buckles, look especially erotic. Light (white, pastel) sandals with elegant moderate decorations also look erotic, with a slight shimmer.
  • - Rejected: lack of a heel, or low heel, rough massive models, a massive platform, sports shoes, unattractive boots, shoes with a high, not a deep cut. Excessively extravagant models are rejected.


  • + Jewelry emphasizes femininity and sexuality. A thin elegant chain on the wrist, or a pendant that mysteriously gleams and draws attention to the neckline, earrings with pendants, necklaces, thin rings look sexy. Almost all men agree that jewelry makes a woman more attractive. As for jewelry, not all men like it.
  • - Annoying large earrings, massive jewelry. Most men have a negative attitude towards piercing.
  • + Very sexy, of course, stockings, both with and without a belt, and tights, body colors, as well as black. Well, from the sexy, exquisite lace transparent and translucent underwear, men, as you know, are completely delighted!
  • - Styles of clothing with a belt look less sexy than those that emphasize the waist only by fitting it (for example, a tight-fitting dress made of thin, soft, flowing fabric, without a belt). The belt may subconsciously indicate any restrictions, frames, which does not contribute to eroticism. Although if the belt is feminine, thin, graceful, beautiful, then it, additionally emphasizing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe female waist, is positively perceived by men. - A woman with glasses is perceived as businesslike, too smart and educated, which can alert many men - "What if she is smarter than me?" Glasses in any case reduce sex appeal. The exception is sometimes sunglasses, making the face mysterious, but without glasses it is still best.

Smell is an incredibly potent ingredient in sexual preference.

  • + The most sexy, of course, is the natural smell of a healthy body, since quite certain parts of the body, namely: the skin of the chest, genitals and nearby areas, the skin of the armpits, hands, feet and face, emit sexually exciting odors - pheromones ( attractants). It's so laid down by nature, it's stupid not to use it. Representatives of the opposite sex react strongly to the natural smell of the body, so trying to completely get rid of it with the help of very thorough frequent washing, as well as strongly “interrupting” it with perfume smells, would be a mistake. You can successfully attract the attention of the opposite sex with the help of your own attractants. An increase in the number of attractants in the body is facilitated by a good mood, a healthy lifestyle, and exercise. In the autumn they are produced more, in the spring - the least. In the female body, attracting substances are released in the maximum amount in the middle of the monthly cycle. You can also increase the number of pheromones by using herbs, infusions. For example, tenacious bedstraw, angelica, lovage, agrimony, yarrow can be used as ordinary infusions, or baths, or simply place a bunch of grass somewhere in the room. A positive effect on the production of attractants and odors that contribute to a harmonious state, relieving depression. Sexually repels body odor. Careful hygiene and a slight smell of perfume will help here. If a person is in a bad mood, depressed, or stressed, his body produces an excess of substances opposite to attractants - the so-called repellents, which repel. From the foregoing, it follows that the most attractive is the natural smell of a healthy body.

Perfumes can also be quite attractive if they are tastefully chosen and applied in small quantities. The more natural body odor, the better. Men like feminine, subtle, light fragrances, as opposed to heavy, spicy and harsh ones. They are very fond of pleasant-smelling women. The smell of perfume and eau de toilette and thorough frequent washing "muffles" the smell of attractants. But this, of course, does not mean that you do not need to wash at all. Everything is just good in moderation. The main rule for body odor: the weaker and thinner the natural body odor and the smell of perfumes, the stronger its effect on others.

Rejected: too strong smell of perfume, pungent smell of sweat.

  • +Voice can be very attractive. Especially if it sounds free, liberated, calm and friendly. A sexy voice has soft intonations, warmth, lightness, and can carry a smile. Many men like the voice muffled, with a slight breath, or with a bewitching hoarseness. An example of a sexy voice is often called the voice of TV presenter Tina Kandelaki.
  • POSTURE. Beautiful posture is essential for attractiveness, as the wrong body position can ruin a lot. In order for the posture to be beautiful, the head must be kept straight, slightly raised, do not push the chin forward, take the shoulders back (to find the correct position for the shoulders, it is enough to raise them as high as possible, take them back, and then lower them), tighten the stomach, raise the chest ( stand up straight, inhale deeply (pull in the stomach), exhale and relax the body), do not push the chest forward, and do not push the shoulder blades and buttocks much back. You can check the correct posture as follows: stand straight at a distance of 10 cm from the wall, lean your head, shoulders and buttocks against the wall and check if your entire back touches the wall. If all - the posture is correct, if the distance from the waist to the wall exceeds 5 cm - you should work on the posture.
  • GAIT. A walk can be both very attractive and repulsive. Attractive, sexy gait - smooth, easy, laid-back, confident, natural. To make the step smooth and easy, the foot is placed on the ground gradually - first with the heel, then smoothly move to the middle part, and then to the front of the foot. The toes are pointing straight ahead. If, when walking, the feet are placed at a distance of 7-14 cm from each other, this is normal. But by putting them closer to each other (at a distance of 5 cm), you can enhance your own sexuality. You need to walk "from the hip": when taking a step, bring the hip forward, and not just the knee. You should not specifically swing your hips, it will already look vulgar. The effect of a feminine, light swaying of the hips is achieved by the fact that the step is taken from the hip and the feet are placed at a close distance from each other. The back is straight while walking, the head is raised, the shoulders are straightened. It is important not to swing your arms to the sides; for this, the elbow is slightly brought back during the movement of the arm. Non-sexual gait: wide, or shallow steps, feet spaced far apart to make walking safer.


When a woman is interested in a man, she can imagine the continuation of their relationship. At the same time, her body often betrays what is on her mind. Success in sexual relationships often depends on the ability to send and recognize signals sent from others. After all, a person trusts subconscious signals more than words. Women who give off a lot of suggestive body signals are much more likely to be attracted to men. You can use all these gestures also consciously, which will greatly enhance sex appeal. And in any case, do not restrain such subconscious movements in the presence of a man who likes. And vice versa, watch your movements so as not to inadvertently attract a man who is undesirable for one reason or another.


  • Preening: touching the hair; fixing clothes; shaking hair - a movement of the head that throws hair from the face or from the shoulders to the back.
  • Sexy sitting style: A sexy woman sits relaxed, free, relaxed, and at the same time full of self-esteem. Very sexy poses:
  • the interweaving of the legs, in which they seem to line up in one line, directed at the object of the woman's interest, is the most attractive female manner of sitting.
  • slowly throwing one leg over the other in front of the eyes and returning them to the opposite position;
  • sit casually on the ankle of one leg with the knee of the other in the direction of the one who is cute.
  • Playing with objects:
  • playing with the shoe on the toes speaks of a free, relaxed posture, and phallic diving in and out of the shoe is very sexy.
  • playing with jewelry, a lock of hair.
  • Stroking objects or parts of the body:
  • gentle stroking of the thighs with a hand.
  • stroking a cylindrical object - the legs of a glass (or thoughtfully run your finger along the edge of the glass), cigarettes, pens, fingers, and other long objects).
  • Demonstration of open tender skin: wrists - by turning them towards the man, front of the neck - slightly tilting the head back.
  • Rocking the hips.
  • Slightly open mouth, wet lips - a symbolic image of the female genital organs in an excited state. Slowly holding the tip of the tongue along the upper lip is also very erotic.
  • Gesture with placing the thumbs behind the belt, or its refined modification.
  • Turning the lower body towards the one of interest. The toe of the foot turned towards the man, even if the woman is talking enthusiastically with someone else, clearly indicates to whom her interest is actually directed.
  • Entering a man's personal space (very close to him), either by coming very close, or leaning close, or continually invading this area with his hand or the toe of a shoe during a conversation. Well, touch is the "top" of the invasion of personal space and is a very powerful signal. For example, you can touch a man's hand during a conversation, touch him while exchanging objects, or touch his body, as if by chance, with his body. These gestures give out the desires of its owner very clearly and strongly.
  • Bold poses (for example, leaning over a table, kneeling on a chair) evoke appropriate associations.
  • Other body movements are also effective - shrugging, tilting or shaking the head, flashing the ring on the finger, etc.
  • - Some body signals can alert, create a powerful barrier to rapprochement, therefore, not only significantly reduce attractiveness, but also cause a loss of interest in a woman. These are signs of closeness, tension: arms crossed on the chest, legs crossed, clasped fingers, clasped lips, biting lips, a suspicious look from under the brows, a restless shifting look, fingers constantly fiddling with objects, etc .; lack of interest: turning the body (especially the lower part of it) away from the man, avoiding looking in his direction, or a short cold look; etc.


The look can be very exciting and intriguing. This can show your interest both in response to the interest of a man, and as an unobtrusive first step. Eye contact is a very powerful tool in gender interaction. Therefore, it is important to know how to use it correctly. Often a woman who is interested in some man, without wanting it herself, can repel him only by not responding to his gaze, will hide her eyes. She may do this simply because she is too shy or reserved, while a man may interpret her behavior as evidence of her lack of interest in him.

A woman who can freely and openly look into a man's eyes is much more attractive than one who stubbornly does not look at a man, which is perceived as detachment, coldness, secrecy, lack of interest. It's sexy when you feel the call in the look, but not too frank. The look seems to say: "I'm interested in you, I like you." Most often, this entails a reciprocal sympathy. A warm, smiling look is very attractive.

  • The sparkle of the eyes, the "fire" in the eyes, is stimulating.
  • Dilated pupils indicate interest.
  • It is very tempting to look "far-down-at a man", then look away, and again "far-down-at a man", etc.
  • No less intriguing is the sidelong glance from under half-closed eyelids, and when a man notices this, as if embarrassed, quickly look away (this creates the feeling that a man is being watched with interest), which is very enticing.
  • Also bewitching is a long gaze into the eyes, he is talkative. Then the eyes are turned away. It’s also not worth looking into the eyes, it already looks menacing, embarrassing, and besides, it acts overexciting.
  • The gaze of a sexually interested person descends from the line of the interlocutor's eyes down to chest level and above, which is subconsciously perceived by another person that they are interested.
  • Sideways glance from behind a raised shoulder (a rounded raised shoulder is an imitation of one's own chest).
  • + A smile is a magnet! She can attract men to her owner even more than a very beautiful, but not smiling face. A woman's smile for a man is a powerful sign that she likes him. A soft, friendly, sweet, natural, sincere smile of a relaxed face is what you need! A slightly shy, mysterious smile is also attractive, as well as a little mischievous. A smiling woman is perceived as open, not enslaved, benevolent, positive-minded, happy, loving life, and all this cannot but attract. Without a smile, coquetry, which is so attractive, simply cannot be. Facial expression is often more important than the features themselves.
  • - And vice versa, an unsmiling, gloomy, tight-muscled, enslaved face is very repulsive, even if many other things in a woman look attractive. The tense state of a person makes a smile fake, forced, and completely unattractive ("I'm not nice to you, I'm not up to you").

Using all these recommendations in practice, you can easily see how effective they are and how they can increase a woman's success with the opposite sex, and the ability to be happy in her personal life. You can clearly see the image of a super-sexy woman on the screen, remembering, however, that one of the properties of the image of "stars" is exaggeration of qualities, which is not worth doing in life, it will already be too much. One of the clearest examples of female attractiveness is a group with the eloquent name "Via Gra" :). It is obvious that good competent professionals work with these girls. There are many erotic moments here, and sexual movements that are extremely sexually affecting men, and a sexy "inviting, inviting" style of appearance. Girls are as close as possible to the look that a woman usually has during sexual intimacy with a man - they are half-naked or in figure-hugging clothes, with expressive features artfully emphasized with almost natural makeup, their long hair is either loose and slightly tangled, or casually gathered back, with curls knocking out, their looks and postures are eloquent, their voice is erotic, they behave softly and femininely. An important place in their images is occupied by humor.

Of course, their image is exaggerated, as it should be in show business, and therefore very visual.

Finally, I will give another example of the image of an attractive woman. This time, the example is not from show business, where everything is presented in a somewhat enhanced form, but from life. A photographer I know, who works in a marriage agency, before photographing girls who want to find a husband via the Internet, set them an indispensable condition: to be photographed in tight-fitting, open clothes, always in a miniskirt that opens legs (tight-fitting short shorts were also allowed), in tight-fitting tops with a decollete, or blouses that emphasize the chest, in open elegant shoes or sandals with heels (barefoot was also allowed, which also looks erotic), with loose hair, or hair hastily pinned back, mandatory make-up in a natural style, made professional makeup artist. He advised all girls not to cut their hair - the longer, the better. During filming, he relaxed the girls with jokes to keep them natural, and asked them to smile, remember something pleasant, and also make their facial expressions as soft as possible. He said that experience shows that men react much less to photographs of women in long skirts or trousers, as well as to a gloomy, even without a hint of a smile, facial expression. How did the girls react to these "mandatory conditions"? Most of them were perplexed. Some said that they did not want to look "like prostitutes", while others assured the photographer that they look much better in a different style of clothing, that it suits them more, others refused these conditions, explaining that they had something " the legs are ugly”, then “the back is not tanned” and “the chest is not pleasant”, etc. But the photographer was adamant. For he knew what he was doing (after all, he was commercially interested in girls getting as many reviews as possible from men). Would you know how many letters came to these girls from potential suitors! True, there was one more condition - the agency worked only with girls who did not have seriously pronounced imbalances.