A newborn or baby sleeps a lot: is it worth worrying? When all else fails. Transient neurological disorders

It takes just a few seconds for a newborn to "emerge" from the aquatic environment, rebuild and start breathing air. A short cry - the baby took in air in the chest - and now he is already breathing on his own, switched to pulmonary breathing. But it may take another couple of weeks until the baby fully adapts to the new conditions. During this period, he has some disturbing symptoms for inexperienced parents, such as sudden pauses in breathing, blue lips, rapid pulse, some strange heart sounds. As a rule, this is not a cause for serious concern: the frightening phenomena are explained by the fact that the baby's blood circulation must adapt to completely different conditions of "extrauterine" life.
V first weeks of life newborn fully occupied with adapting to new conditions of life. He has not yet figured out how day is different from night. Of the 24 hours that make up a day, he can sleep for a total of 18 to 20 hours. Sleep is a means of "self-defense" for a baby. In order not to overload from numerous environmental factors, his system is simply turned off.

When the baby is looking for the nipple of the mother's breast, as soon as you touch his cheek or touch his lips with his finger, he begins to suck. These are manifestations of an innate reflex. The grasping reflex fades away after three to four months. Other reflexes remain for life: blinking, breathing, swallowing, coughing, sneezing.

On its own, the baby cannot yet change its position. Only lying on his stomach, he tries to overcome the powerful force of gravity: at least for a couple of seconds, but to raise his head.

A newborn can see, hear, feel, smell, although his senses work differently from that of an adult. A baby can see very clearly by about six months. At this age, it is best for him to examine objects from a distance of twenty-five centimeters. But now the child is able to distinguish the voices of people and distinguish them from other sources of noise. When the baby hears the familiar voice of his mother or father, he begins to show increased attention, other acoustic noises do not interest him.

  • Feeding on demand is the most appropriate during this period. The baby wakes up every two to three hours, and sometimes even more often.
  • In the early weeks, try to be more restrained with a dummy. This will benefit breastfeeding. Help the child, bring the handle to his mouth, let him suck on his fist better - this is a great way to comfort him.
  • You don't have to tiptoe all the time. This is unusual for you and your baby to fall asleep and sleep more difficult.
  • Baby baths are great for the baby at first. Be careful! Better to bathe in a round basin. To prevent the baby from slipping, place a soft towel on the bottom.

The heart of a newborn beats quickly, making 110-150 beats per minute (in adults, 70-80 beats are considered the norm). It beats at such a speed, because it is small and, accordingly, the volume of blood pumped by it in the body is still small. Since the heart beats quickly, the baby breathes faster.

In the first weeks of life, the baby can take up to 50 breaths per minute, moreover, irregular and noisy. Some also sigh heavily, snore, and sniff loudly. And only in the phase of deep sleep do they breathe silently, which, again, is very alarming for parents. Adapting to a new environment is hard work for an infant, so short pauses in the breathing process are normal. Sometimes a whole second passes - an eternity! - while the baby takes the next breath.

It is necessary to sound the alarm if the child sharply turns pale or turns blue during this respiratory pause - then urgent medical intervention is necessary.

When a baby cries loudly, he, too, may turn blue, since when crying, the rhythm of breathing becomes disordered, not sufficiently enriched with oxygen, the waste blood returns to the circulatory system. As soon as the child is lifted, picked up and calmed, the skin returns to its normal pink color.

Yellowing of the skin in a newborn is also associated with the restructuring of the body. Since the baby is already breathing on its own, now he needs fewer red blood cells than during his stay in the mother's womb. Their excess is processed in the liver, thus forming bilirubin, which stains the skin yellow. Three quarters of newborns have "jaundice", but after a few days there is no trace of it.

There is another important problem - heat conservation: the child must constantly maintain a slightly elevated temperature in his body - from 37 to 37.5? C. Hypothermia is dangerous for him, because in this case the body needs more oxygen to retain heat. In this situation, it is useful to put on a hat for the newborn, it protects him well, because the heat mainly goes "through the head". Cold hands or feet are not yet an indicator that the baby is overcooled. Clothes for newborns should not be too warm or irritating. In the early days, it will be enough to swaddle the baby and do not immediately dress him in rompers and overalls. Better to touch the skin on the back and tummy, it should be pleasantly warm, but not sweaty - this symptom shows that the baby is doing well.

For unstable blood circulation, a cold bed is also a great load. Cold means additional work for the heart - it needs to make more efforts to fill in the missing heat. Therefore, before putting the baby in the crib, be sure to warm up the bed, for example, by placing a heating pad or a bottle of hot water in it (the bottle should then be removed or placed so that the baby cannot accidentally touch it).

The neonatal period is a particularly difficult time for a child. This is the period of adaptation to environmental conditions - existence outside the womb. The functions of all organs and systems are being rebuilt: respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, immune, etc. Many problems and many questions may arise in this difficult period for mom and dad. Therefore, the baby should be under the constant supervision of a doctor - starting with the maternity hospital, and then in the clinic at the place of residence. The child undergoes the first examination immediately after birth. Didn't have time to be born, the first marks are already being put. Doctors assess the health of an infant by testing it on the Apgar scale. Heartbeat, respiration, skin color, muscle tissue tension are monitored, congenital reflexes are checked. Most toddlers receive seven to eight points for this. A closer look at the results of this "exam" is observed when a certain delay in the development of the child appears.

The doctor listens to his heart, lungs, feels the head, tummy, limbs; checks sucking, grasping, plantar and other important, characteristic of a newborn. In the maternity hospital, the child will receive the first vaccinations: during the day, the first vaccination of hepatitis B is carried out; on the third - seventh day of life, a healthy newborn is vaccinated against tuberculosis (BCG).

After that, on the first or second day, a doctor from a children's clinic comes to the house. He gets to know his mother, the living conditions of the family, finds out the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy and childbirth. After a detailed survey and a thorough examination of the child, the doctor should tell the mother about the peculiarities of the adaptation period: explain why the baby loses weight in the early days, what is a sexual crisis in girls and boys (swelling of the mammary glands, spotting in girls and swelling of the scrotum in boys) ... The doctor and the local nurse teach the mother to treat the umbilical wound with brilliant green or a solution of potassium permanganate until it is completely healed. This is important because the umbilical sore can be an open door for infection. It also provides advice on feeding, bathing and caring for a newborn.

During the first month of life, the doctor visits the child three times. When the baby is one month old, the mother and child are invited to the children's clinic for an appointment. Weighing is carried out, height and circumference of the chest and head are measured. The doctor checks whether the child is developing correctly, gives recommendations on nutrition, explains the benefits of breastfeeding. Often, children are prescribed vitamin D to prevent rickets. At the age of one month, the child is given the second vaccination against hepatitis B. In addition, the mother and the baby should get an appointment with specialists: a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, an orthopedist.

Early diagnosis of abnormalities in the child's health helps timely and successful treatment.

After months of waiting for the baby to be born, the mother and the newborn are finally at home. However, literally in a few days, parents have to look for an answer to the question of what to do if the child is constantly crying. Maybe something hurts him, and you need to urgently call a doctor, or you can solve this problem yourself?

Why can a newborn cry

Many parents learn to understand without words what causes their baby to cry. In some families, not only mothers, but also fathers achieve complete mutual trust with the baby. However, due to the fact that the mother spends much more time with the baby than the other relatives, plus everything else she breastfeeds, they have a special bond.

At the same time, understanding between parents and the baby usually improves by two or three months. Whereas in the first weeks, the newborn and the parents get used to each other. That is why each subsequent month, the process of upbringing and understanding the child seems to the mother much easier during the first weeks after birth.

Despite the fact that every baby is different, there are some of the most common causes of crying in newborn babies:

  • hunger;
  • discomfort from heat or cold;
  • pain in the tummy.

The most common reason a baby cries constantly is hunger. To understand whether this is really so, you can touch your finger to the corner of his mouth. A hungry newborn will begin to turn its head, opening its mouth and trying to grab a finger. Such a baby must be fed immediately.

The newborn usually expresses discomfort from heat or cold in the form of a lingering whine. You can check the condition of the child by touching his handle in the wrist area (if you feel the baby's fingers, you can draw the wrong conclusions). In the event that the wrists are too cool, the child should be insulated. If the wrists are sweaty and too hot, remove excess clothing from the child.

It should not be forgotten that in the heat, newborns feel much worse than with hypothermia. This moment must be taken into account when dressing a child for a walk or at night.

What if the baby is constantly crying from tummy pain?

Rarely do parents manage to avoid colic - they bother the baby in the first months. The reason for the pain in the tummy, which prevents the child from sleeping well and the parents to have a good rest, is the not yet strengthened and not well-established work of the digestive system, because only after birth it begins to function, digesting food.

A newborn may scream and cry violently from these tummy pains. He can go into hysterics from crying, jerk his legs, squeeze them and strain them a lot. He even blushes from strong crying. It is difficult to confuse such crying from colic with crying caused by other reasons.

It is very difficult to help a child get rid of this problem. You can try to attach the baby to the breast, but if the newborn begins to cry after eating, this method most likely will not help.

In some situations, you can use a gas pipe. It is sold in almost all pharmacies. The essence of the procedure is as follows:

  • the baby is laid on its side;
  • the thin end of the gas outlet tube is lubricated with baby cream (petroleum jelly is also excellent) and inserted into the anus (approximately 1 cm);
  • the other end of the tube is lowered into a container filled with water (for example, a glass).

In the event that the reason for the strong crying of the child is the gases accumulated in the tummy, then bubbles will appear in the glass. In addition, the use of the tube promotes bowel movement, which can also alleviate the condition of the child.

At the same time, the flue gas tube must not be used too often. If the newborn cries too often, a tummy massage may be helpful. It also helps to relieve gas and colic. When massaging, you need to gently press on the tummy, massaging it in a circular motion.

After the procedure for feeding the baby, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to regurgitate the trapped air. This is important in preventing the accumulation of gas in the intestines. In the process of feeding the baby, as well as at the end of the feeding, you need to hold the baby upright. For this purpose, you can put it on your shoulder for 3-5 minutes. However, it should be noted that not in all cases such a procedure can relieve and prevent colic problems in babies.

What to do when massage, regurgitation, and venting are not working? You can try to lay the baby on the tummy, placing a heating pad under it, having previously wrapped it in a towel or diaper. Before placing your baby on the heating pad, make sure that it is not too hot. For some newborns, dill broth works well.

How to calm a baby if he is crying

If all options have been tried, and the newborn is still crying, you should try to calm him / her in other ways. And colic will pass after a few months when the digestive system is working properly.

To calm the baby, you can shake him, dance, holding him in your arms. Some kids like it when an adult's movements in dance resemble a waltz, others like it when the dance is like a march. You can hold the child in different positions - in an upright position, on the tummy, placing it on your lap or placing it on the belly of an adult. Most children like it when they are placed on their hand in such a way that their head is on the elbow, and the palm of their mother or father warms their tummy.

From two months of age and older, babies start crying with fatigue. Then the baby may suffer from the fact that he cannot fall asleep as a result of overwork. This is due to excessive emotional overexcitation, which parents should help the baby to reduce. To calm down and fall asleep, he needs to be rocked, sang a lullaby, given a pacifier or mother put it to his chest.

Do not be afraid to spoil your baby with motion sickness or singing lullabies. If parents show calmness, care for the child and patience, then he will grow calm. After a few months, the baby will learn to calm down and fall asleep without motion sickness.

For a baby to learn to fall asleep on its own, he needs to feel confident that, if necessary, parents will always be there.

Why does a baby drop a breast and cry?

Often, mothers have to deal with a situation when the child starts to eat, and after a while drops the breast and cries a lot. What to do in a similar situation? As a rule, if the child is a newborn, then the development of stomatitis may become the reason for this.

This ailment is easily recognized by the formation of white spots on the tongue, gums, the inside of the cheeks, palate and even on the lips. The child's behavior becomes capricious, restless. The symptoms of stomatitis are expressed by itching and burning. Negatively affect the health of the child and refusal to eat. The cause of the onset of the disease can be an infection, which the baby's body is not yet able to withstand.

At the first sign of stomatitis, appropriate measures should be taken immediately. Parents in no case need to self-medicate, it is best to seek qualified medical help. The doctor will be able to diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment.

Another reason why a child refuses to eat may be the first teething. This usually applies to babies over 3 months old. Despite the fact that the teeth themselves may not appear soon enough, they can cause restless behavior and crying of the child. The symptoms of teething are increased saliva production, which can lead to redness and irritation of the skin around the mouth and chin.

How can you help your baby if he refuses to eat?

Before feeding in the baby's room, you can close the curtains, thereby darkening the room. It is desirable that nothing annoys and distracts the child, the room should be quiet.

In some cases, feeding while standing may help. You can make smooth rocking movements - this will calm the child. In the event that the newborn refuses to breast, you can first try to calm him down a little (dance with him, shake him), and then try to feed him.

Don't panic in situations like this. Many breastfeeding mothers speculate that the reason the baby is reluctant to eat is because the mother’s milk is not good enough for the baby or tastes bitter. In fact, you can see that the baby began to give up breast only at a certain time, and not at every feed. As a rule, night feedings are normal. Such a crisis can continue for several weeks, after which the situation will return to normal.

Over time, every caring mother will learn to understand the nature of her child's crying and distinguish between his needs, whether it be hunger, discomfort or pain. The latter can also be caused by a cold, which is usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature or the appearance of a runny nose. In such cases, it is imperative to call a doctor.

A calm toddler who sleeps for a long time and does not bother his parents is perceived by many moms and dads as a gift of fate. However, in reality, this may be completely different: if the baby sleeps for a long time, it means that he eats little, and this leads to serious pathologies of the development of the little man. So, why can a baby sleep for a long time and not wake up, what to do to correct the situation - these issues need to be understood in detail.

How to determine your sleep rate?

The number of hours of sleep for a newborn is on average 18–20 hours. In this case, the baby should eat every hour and a half, since he eats very little in one feeding, besides, breast milk is very quickly and well digested. So sleep without waking up for 4, 5, 6 or more hours should alert parents.

Children have different sleep norms at every age.

It is interesting. The volume of a newborn's stomach is about 7 ml.

If a child skips a meal (and it doesn't matter: it is breast milk or formula with artificial feeding), then he does not receive the elements necessary for development, which means that he weakens and sleeps even more. It turns out a vicious circle. From 1–1.5 months, toddlers begin to sleep a little less during the day, the breaks between feedings at night increase to 5–6 hours. Gradually, the night's sleep becomes more "whole", that is, the child sleeps longer without interruption. So the deviation from the norm is easier to observe by the duration of daytime sleep.

Table of sleep norms in children under one year old

The number of daytime sleep by norms Daily sleep rate of a child in hours Norms of wakefulness in a child in hours Child's sleep rate in hours Daily sleep rate of a child in hours
Age 1-3 weeks
The kid does not sleep according to a strict schedule and may wake up earlier or later than the prescribed time. 8-9 hours About 4 hours 10-12 hours, wakes up 3-4 times to eat 18–20 hours
Age 1-2 months
4 daytime sleep and 1 nighttime sleep About 8 hours (2 times for 2-3 hours and 2 times for 30-45 minutes) 4 hours 10 hours with 2 breaks 18 hours
Age 3-4 months
4 daytime sleep and 1 nighttime sleep 6-7 hours (2 times for 2-3 hours and 2 shallow sleep for 30-45 minutes) 7 o'clock 10 hours 17-18 hours
Age 5-6 months
3-4 days of sleep At 5 months - 6 hours (2 times for 2 hours and 1 time for 1-1.5 hours), at 6 months - 5 hours (2 times for 2.5 hours) 8-9 hours 10 hours 15-16 hours
Age 7-9 months
2 day naps 2 times for 2.5 hours 9-10 hours 10-11 hours 15 hours
Age 10-12 months
2 day naps 2 times for 2 hours 10 hours 10 hours

True, sleep rates for newborns and babies are approximate. Let's dwell on the factors that can affect the duration of sleep.

When not to worry?

You do not have to worry about small deviations in the baby's sleep mode if the child sleeps 1-1.5 hours longer than the norm, but at the same time he

  • gains weight well;
  • grows and develops in accordance with the norms of its age;
  • in between sleep it is cheerful, cheerful, actively moves and requires attention to itself;
  • phlegmatic by the type of temperament (this can also be determined by the fact that the toddler falls asleep in his mother's arms himself, without motion sickness and lullabies).

Reasons why a child sleeps a lot

If your baby does not fall under the characteristics described above, that is, it does not gain weight well, is lethargic, etc., then this is a reason to consult a doctor. The fact is that such hibernation can cause serious health problems.


This is the most common cause of a baby's long sleep patterns. The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky believes that there is no point in talking about "sleep mode" without a "meal regimen".

Refusal to feed may be due to a baby's runny nose, and sleep may be a reaction to malnutrition.

Refusal to eat can be caused by a number of factors:

  • the child did not receive colostrum in the first hours of life (due to the laxative effect of colostrum, meconium is excreted from the newborn's body, which prevents the absorption of bilirubin and protects against the development of jaundice);
  • improper structure of the nipples - too flat or too elongated (breastfeeding experts recommend, firstly, expressing the first portion of milk before feeding, and secondly, correctly applying the baby to the breast);
  • the taste of milk (if a young mother does not adhere to a diet or takes some medications, the milk acquires an unpleasant taste, which can push the baby away from the breast, and when taking antibiotics in the mouth of the crumbs, candidiasis can begin, which provokes pain when sucking);
  • excess or lack of milk (in the first case, the child chokes, and in the second he puts too much effort and gets tired quickly);
  • pathology of the palate in an infant (as a rule, violations are found in the hospital, but, for example, cleft palate in the depth of the mouth at such an early age is difficult to determine);
  • runny nose and otitis media also complicate the sucking process.

To solve these problems, you need to consult a pediatrician and, possibly, switch to a mixed diet. If the toddler is an artificial, then it makes sense to switch to other mixtures, but only after it has been agreed with the doctor.

Difficult childbirth

The first days after childbirth, due to the stress experienced at birth, the baby sleeps a lot, interrupting for feeding. Violations of this regimen can be the consequences of taking medications during childbirth (including painkillers), as well as stimulants. Some of these pharmacological substances can cause a baby's sucking reflex or reflex swallowing and breathing to be impaired during feeding. Conclusion: if you had a difficult birth, your child sleeps a lot and eats little, you need to consult a specialist (pediatrician). He will carefully study the history and make a plan for further action. The same is the sequence of actions if the baby was born prematurely.


Sleep disturbance usually occurs during teething (5–6 months). Usually babies feel pain especially strongly at night, from this they cry. And it is not surprising that they sleep longer than they should during the day - this is how the body reacts to fatigue. This period must be experienced, and the mother's breast will help to do this. After all, mother's milk perfectly restores strength and strengthens the immunity weakened by pain.


In the first year of life, children undergo several very serious vaccinations, the reaction to which can be a rise in temperature. Usually doctors are advised to give antipyretics as a preventive measure, which have a soporific effect. In this case, long sleep is the norm.


If your child has suffered some kind of illness (ARVI, flu or rotavirus), then naturally, the crumbs' body needs strength to recover, so he sleeps long and soundly. And if such a dream is not accompanied by a disturbance in the rhythm of breathing (the child does not wheeze), an increase in temperature (above 37 degrees), changes in complexion (no redness), then there is no reason for panic. But even with such a useful dream, it is simply necessary to attach the baby to the breast - the healing process will go faster. It is especially important to do this if the baby is diagnosed with the jaundice of a newborn. The fact is that liquid helps to remove excess bilirubin from the blood, and in its absence, the concentration of this substance does not decrease, which means that recovery does not occur.

It is interesting. If a child sleeps a lot, while he has diarrhea, vomiting, then this may be a manifestation of poisoning. With these symptoms, you should immediately call an ambulance. Remember that it is better to disturb the doctor in vain than to risk the health of the baby.

External factors

These include

  • family quarrels;
  • working TV;
  • too bright lighting.

These factors determine a long sleep as the inclusion of the body's defense against nervous overload.

Sleep can be a reaction to external noises

It is interesting. Scientists have identified an interesting pattern: if the house is noisy, children sleep better. However, such a dream is not complete and useful for their development.

When is a long sleep a reason to call an ambulance?

The child needs urgent medical attention if

  • he sleeps for more than 3 hours in one position;
  • cries quietly;
  • fused fontanelle;
  • the temperature rises;
  • mucous membranes are bluish and dry;
  • less than 5 diapers are consumed per day, that is, rare urination is observed;
  • sweating increases.

Do I need to wake up how to do it right?

If the toddler misses one feeding, it's not scary. But for the next one it is better to wake him up.

It is interesting. The task of the mother is to find out the most suitable awakening options for her baby by trial and error.

Mom herself must find a suitable way to wake up her sleepyhead

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the child can only be awakened during REM sleep. It is not difficult to determine it: his eyelids begin to twitch, pupils move under them, limbs move, and grimaces appear on his face. The following actions can be as follows:

  • we apply the crumb to the breast (the smell of milk will wake him up), if there is no reaction, then we drip milk onto the lips;
  • we raise the blanket, carefully undress the baby (only if the room is warm!);
  • change the diaper (if necessary);
  • gently massage the back, legs;
  • wipe your face with a soft warm damp cloth;
  • we raise the baby to an upright position;
  • if the baby is more than 6 months old, you can plant him;
  • we begin to talk quietly with sleepyhead, singing songs to him.

Please note that the light in the room at the moment of awakening should be muted so that when the little ones open their eyes, the little one does not close them instinctively from sharp irritation.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion: to wake up or not to wake up?

Dr. Komarovsky claims that with normal development, the baby himself is able to determine how much to sleep. And the violent interruption of sleep, just because the parents are convinced that the time has come for the little one to eat or do other things, is nothing more than actions against nature. At the same time, the doctor focuses on the fact that the baby sleeps for a long time, but at the same time he has no health problems. Otherwise, mom does not need to come up with a way to wake up the baby, but consult a doctor for advice.

Video. Dr. Komarovsky: when to wake the baby

From the experience of parents

Some parents have learned from their own experience that sleepiness is not a cause for panic.

A long sleep is a reason for parents to more closely monitor the health of their baby.

My amazing "spit" was Also initially advised to wake up for feeding, but this option did not work. Up to 2 years old, I slept 2 times a day, and for an hour and a half or two.

Making plans

My daughter was born at 35 weeks, weight 2980 and height 49cm. In the hospital I slept constantly, in the hospital the doctors were also surprised that Reb. constantly sleeps and does not wake up for food. There was a problem with feeding, just horror. Because of this, they did not even want to write out. But in fact, this is just a feature. But now, as if in one place.

There are also quite unequivocal opinions as to whether it is worth waking up the baby for feeding.

A good neonatologist and the VMA told me that sometimes babies sleep a lot from weakness.


Yes, and it's better to feed every 2 hours. My 2700 was born, 2400 were discharged from the RD. After 2 weeks. thundered to the hospital, where it turned out that the increase was only 200 grams. The doctor said wake up and feed. Even at night, every 2 hours the alarm clock started. Bottom line: + 800 g in 10 days.



I am not responsible for these words, I am quoting the children's doctor, if anything. So, I heard from her that, on the contrary, a baby can sleep hungry and even very hungry. When instead of three hours passed five or more, that is, he missed one of the feedings altogether, then she explained something about the brain and the nutrition of his brain. And in simple words - the child simply no longer has the strength to wake up, he sleeps as if in a hungry sleep. Applies only to newborns in the first 2 months of life.



Summing up, I must say that all children are individual, the approaches to them are also different. But even though sleep situations are similar, the first thing a parent needs to do is see a pediatrician. Only a doctor who knows everything about your baby's health will give the right recommendations.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective view of the present are the key lines of my 31-year life. Strong qualities: responsibility, desire to learn new things and improve oneself.

Elena Zhabinskaya

Baby's tears can cause panic in a young mother. I remember very well that feeling when the baby starts screaming, and you rush around, not understanding what the matter is.

Meanwhile, in the vast majority of cases, it is very easy to determine why a newborn is crying, following certain rules. Crumbs have a limited number of reasons for dissatisfaction. We will talk about them today, as well as learn how to recognize and eliminate.

Experienced pediatricians distinguish 3 groups of reasons for crying in a child:

  1. Instinct. A newborn is not viable alone. Therefore, nature has endowed him with the ability to call for help when he feels that he is alone, just to feel the warmth of a large and strong adult and to make sure that he is safe.
  2. Unsatisfied natural needs (want to drink, eat, pee, poop, sleep).
  3. Discomfort or pain (rubbed the elastic from the diaper, wet, diaper rash hurts, tummy hurts).

The baby cannot say about all of the above in words, because his only way of communicating with you is screaming and crying.

Accordingly, if a baby is crying, this does not mean that something terrible has happened right away. And all that is required of you to begin with is to understand what is the cause of the tears.

How to understand why crying

  1. Take the crying baby in the arms. Calmed down? This means that nothing terrible has probably happened. Because the pain and discomfort do not go away by themselves from picking up the baby. Most likely, the reason for the tears was that the baby missed you, lost you, and generally wanted attention.
  2. You took the baby in your arms, but he did not stop crying? Check the diaper, if full, change. Think about how long the baby has been drinking and eating, if more than 2 hours have passed, offer water, breast or mixture.
  3. Crying has not stopped? We are looking for the causes of discomfort or pain.

A separate topic is the capriciousness of a child due to illness, read how to recognize this.


Think if the baby is hot. In infants, metabolism is much faster than in adults, so the baby's body produces more heat per unit of time. We add here the imperfection of the perspiration system, and we find that it is very, very easy for the baby to overheat.

The air temperature in the room where the newborn is above 22 degrees is dangerous for the baby overheating. Moreover, one layer of cotton clothing is more than enough.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the child's body, it is impossible in principle to supercool the child if the room is above 16 degrees.

And how do most families live with us? When in winter the apartment is plus 28, the crib is closer to the radiator, an additional heater, a bunch of clothes on the poor child: a shirt, sliders, a hat, socks, a jacket. As I can imagine, I already want to roar!

It is especially painful to sleep at night in such conditions, therefore, most likely, the toddler does not sleep at night, but screams.

It is overheating that is dangerous because when you find its obvious signs (red wet skin, wet head, diaper rash), this is already an extreme situation, indicating that the baby has lost an enormous amount of fluid and salts, and there is a real threat of dehydration.

In such a situation, against the background of loss of fluid by the body, intestinal juices become thick, viscous, and are not able to digest the food eaten qualitatively.

Tummy hurts

Therefore, we smoothly come to the following reason for children's crying: tummy hurts, gas, colic.

The main causes of tummy problems are overheating and overfeeding, that is, food for every squeak, every 30 minutes or more.

As you already understood, without eliminating the causes of this trouble, you will not deal with the consequence (screaming and crying).

It is certainly worth offering food no earlier than 2 hours after the last meal.

When a toddler has a tummy ache, he can cry constantly, all the time: during the day, and in the evening, and at night. How can you help him right away?

As a temporary measure for gas and colic, you can try:

  1. Massage the baby's tummy clockwise.
  2. Special medicines for children with simethicone (commercial names Espumisan baby, Subsimplex, Bobotic). Before using, of course, you should consult a pediatrician. By itself, simethicone is interesting in that it is not absorbed into the body, but reacts exclusively with gases in the intestine, binding them and eliminating them. Thus, it is safe for the baby.

Crying while swimming

When a previously calm child begins to scream at the moment of immersion in the water, or while in the water, we should stand in his place and think about what is wrong.

Water temperature? The optimum temperature for babies is about 34 degrees Celsius. Moreover, if the baby bathes in a large bath and moves actively, then even this temperature is high for him.

Therefore, if you cram a newborn at 37-38 degrees, the reason for the discomfort is quite obvious - too hot!

Pay attention to the lighting. It often happens that the baby lies on the back, and the lamp shines directly into his eyes, blinding and frightening. It may be worth dimming the lights to eliminate this cause of concern.

Before urinating

A fairly common problem in boys is inflammation of the foreskin. You can recognize it just by the fact that before peeing, the child screams heart-rendingly, after which he urinates and calms down.

Before the arrival of the doctor, you can try to alleviate the condition of the crumbs by the following actions:

  1. Wash the baby with a solution of furacilin or chlorhexidine (up to 4 times a day).
  2. After that, pull the foreskin up a little and carefully drip inside from a clean pipette or syringe (without a needle) about three drops of a sterile oil solution of vitamin A or E (sold in ampoules in pharmacies).

If, however, the baby does not calm down even after peeing, if he cannot pee in principle, if something is swollen or blue, a surgeon is urgently needed, do not torment the little one with self-medication, but hurry to the doctor!

How to behave when the baby screams and screams, and you feel that you are about to explode? Pull yourself together. Take the baby to a crib or playpen where he cannot hurt himself, bump or fall, close the door and exhale.

If possible, go to the farthest room, where it is as quiet as possible. Take a shower, sip on a large, cozy mug of lemon balm or chamomile tea. Take a 15 minute timeout and try to relax. Even such a short respite can restore emotional balance and restore a sober mind.

In the end, the baby will either fall asleep during this time, or you will hug him with renewed strength, after which he will instantly calm down.

Time flies mercilessly fast. And, looking back once, you will be surprised when and how from a crying lump hanging around the clock on a mother, the baby managed to turn into an independent teenager with his own personal space and kisses only on holidays.

Therefore, appreciate these moments - priceless moments of happiness with your baby - when he is here, at arm's length, eating, playing and even when crying.

By the way, modern pediatricians recommend hanging special carousel mobiles on the cribs of babies older than 1 month. Looking at this device, the baby learns to concentrate attention, strain and train the eye muscles and focus on the subject, which is very important for timely development in all parameters. In addition, the toddler quickly calms down, interested in such a toy, and can look at it for a long time, giving mom invaluable minutes. I bought such a mobile in Mytoys... Large selection, reasonable prices, inexpensive delivery. So take it on board!

All the children are crying. And if it is not difficult to find out and understand the reasons for crying in big children, then it is not so easy to understand why a newborn child is crying. After all, the usual methods of communication are not yet available to the baby, and he is also unable to cope with his own, even minor troubles, on his own.

The main reasons for crying

The main reasons for crying a newborn baby are related to the most important needs and problems for him: hunger, pain, fear, thirst, discomfort, hypothermia or overheating, overwork, desire to communicate.

At first, parents find it difficult to understand why their little baby is crying. But, communicating with him on a daily basis, the mother begins to distinguish between the types of children's crying by intonation, volume and duration.

How to understand the reason

The most powerful irritants for any person are hunger, pain and fear ... Therefore, we will hear the loudest and most abrupt crying in a newborn in these situations.

  1. Crying when hunger will be loud, lingering, its intensity gradually increases and turns into a choking cry. If the child is just beginning to feel hungry, then crying will be inviting. Advice to young mothers: if the child is hungry, he will start looking for the breast as soon as it is in your arms.
  2. Crying in pain , as a rule, mournful, its intensity does not change, only sometimes there are notes of despair. If the pain has arisen suddenly, then crying will immediately be loud and loud.
  3. Crying associated with fear , starts suddenly, it is loud, sometimes hysterical. It may just stop suddenly.

Parents should react to such crying immediately and not wait for the child to calm down on his own. In other cases, the screams will first be inviting, and then, if the baby is still uncomfortable, certain features will appear.

Conscription cry - This is an attempt by the crumbs to declare their problems. It is quiet and short, repeated at short intervals. The kid screams for a few seconds and then waits for your reaction. If there is no answer to the “request to come”, then the crying is repeated, with each repetition the cry will be louder.

Why does a child cry if nothing hurts and is not hungry?

  1. If wet diapers bring discomfort to the child, then the cry will be whimpering, and the baby will fidget, trying to move from the wet place. If a child is wearing an overflowing diaper, then he will show signs of discontent in his arms.
  2. If the child is cold, then crying will gradually turn into hiccups with sobbing. Your baby's skin is pale and cool to the touch.
  3. If the child is overheated, then crying is accompanied by a reddening of the face, the crumb makes flapping legs and arms, his skin is hot.
  4. When overworked, the baby begins to be capricious, cries at any attempt to entertain him, but calms down with motion sickness.
  5. If you need to communicate or contact with your mother, the baby cries invitingly and calms down when he hears the approaching footsteps.

Knowing the underlying causes of crying can help you calm your baby down. It is enough to eliminate the reason: feed the hungry, sleepy rocked, change the diaper or clothes if necessary (if the baby is overheated or cold). Crying because of pain can be difficult, because it is not always possible to immediately eliminate its cause. But the main thing here is to be patient and behave calmly.

Watching the video:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Other situations

Babies sometimes start crying when bathing, feeding and even sleeping. There are many reasons for such screams.

Baby crying while bathing

  • Cold or hot water - the water temperature before bathing must be checked with an "elbow" or a thermometer, it should be 36-37 degrees C. (Article: child);
  • This procedure scares the baby - try to talk about each action in a calm tone while bathing and distract the child, any of your actions should be gentle and smooth (Article: The child is afraid to swim :);
  • You are insecure, your fear is transmitted to the child - stop being afraid yourself and invite someone to help you with bathing;
  • There are areas of inflammation on the child's body (diaper rash, mosquito bites, scratching) - try to prevent the appearance of wounds;
  • Add to baby's bathing water;

Crying while feeding

  • While feeding, the baby feels pain. This happens with inflammation of the oral mucosa. (stomatitis,), with infections (sore throat, ears), with swallowing large amounts;
  • The kid doesn't like the taste. Milk changes with the abuse of strong-smelling foods or foods with a pungent taste (what). Particles of rancid milk can remain on the surface of the nipple, so the breast should be washed before feeding. The product that is used to treat the breast before feeding has an unpleasant taste and smell for the baby. (