New kids toys for boys. toys for girls. Smart watch Vtech Smart Watch DX

On the eve of the holidays, I want to please my beloved children with beautiful and necessary toys. And it's one thing when you have your own child and you are looking for a gift for him. And it is quite another thing - when you are still quite young, you have not got a family and you have no children, and you need to present the gift to your nephew or godson. How can you please your baby? In this article, we will review popular toys for children.


The top popular toys for children are opened by the legendary Danish designer. He conquered kids and adolescents all over the world. More than one generation of children has grown up on it, and an interesting fact: parents who played Lego at a young age are happy to rediscover the constructor when they have their own kids. Why is this toy so attractive? The constructor has a wide variety of parts, so you can easily build anything from it: a house, a car, a ship or an entire station. Unique constructors are also produced. For example, 6 years old is the set "Volcano". Such a constructor not only allows you to assemble a fire-breathing mountain, but also to fully study a unique natural phenomenon. For older children, there are kits that allow you to master the basics of architecture. The set of such "Lego" does not include arbitrary parts, but bricks, beams, ceilings and component parts of the tiles.


A popular toy for children, especially for older girls, is the legendary doll. The first Barbie appeared more than half a century ago, but is still the object of desire of any little fashionista. Why are these dolls so popular? Barbie has exaggeratedly ideal proportions, very long legs and a narrow waist. Her face is always beautifully painted and her hair is thick and long. This is what any girl dreams of becoming when she grows up.

Every year, marketers are increasing the popularity of Barbie through all kinds of advertising. Today in the store you can find not only a doll, but also her beau, horses, house and pets. Also, various outfits for Barbie, collections of shoes and jewelry are produced. Sometimes it seems to parents that new clothes for this doll cost the same as clothes for their child.

Remote control cars

Radio-controlled technology is popular. These can be racing cars, boats, or even tanks. And not only boys will be happy with such a gift. Girls just want to feel like a racer. What can I say, even parents rarely refuse to "get behind the wheel" of a small copy of a large vehicle. Avoiding obstacles, overcoming barriers and scaring the cat - everything is the children's leisure. Moreover, if some parents think that such a gift is useless, nothing like that. An expensive toy will be appreciated by a child, he will not treat it in the same way as everyone else. Especially if the radio-controlled car was a little boy's dream.

Remote controlled helicopters

Some of the most popular toys for children are radio-controlled aircraft models. Such a helicopter can be launched both in the apartment and on the street. More expensive models even know how to deal with strong gusts of wind. The remote control helicopter replaces the kites that used to be popular for children. Today, you do not need to prepare for the launch for a long time, it is enough to find a level platform and go ahead.

With such popular toys for children of 7 years old, you can even arrange competitions. For example, to see whose plane can fly faster over the playground and dive onto the bench. The main thing is to make sure that children do not organize air battles and that toys do not fly onto the balconies of the lower floors.


The most popular toys for children are those that can be played for several years. A dollhouse is the thing with which it will be interesting to spend time with a girl both at the age of 5 and at 8-10. Due to the fact that the toy can be improved and modernized, it will never get bored. If the girl wants any changes, she can change the kitchen with the bathroom. Or he can independently sew curtains or new pillowcases into the house. And if the child has absolutely nothing to do, then you can offer to re-glue the wallpaper in the house. A unique feature of this toy is that it can be played alone or by three. Teamwork helps girls learn to get along better and, most importantly, teaches them how to share things and work as a team.


Girls from a young age want to help their mother cook. But sometimes the best they can do is not get in the way. Therefore, many mothers find such a way out: they buy a toy kitchen. Here the girl will be a full-fledged mistress. It can cook on the stove, which will even make a hissing sound if turned on. And also with the help of the oven it will be possible to bake pies. Parents in any case should not dismiss the culinary masterpieces that their daughter "treats" to. You need to "try" and say "thank you".

The toy kitchen will teach the girl not only to cook, but also to love this process. When a child grows up, he will perceive cooking as an exciting game, and this is very good.

Laser tag

Popular toys for children 8 years old are all kinds of guns and assault rifles. If you do not know exactly what to give the boy, present him a set for playing laser tag. It includes two laser pistols and two vests. Opponents put on uniforms and start running after each other. When one of the guys is startled, a light flashes on his vest. So it will be impossible to deceive the opponent with the phrase “missed”. Some dads enjoy playing this kind of catch-up with their sons. Still, school-age boys prefer to play laser tag with friends. It is especially interesting when there are not two people in the team, but four or 8. The fight does not have to be arranged within the same yard. You can restrict yourself to the limits of a small microdistrict, because this will make the game even more interesting.


Popular toys for children 10 years old are vehicles. It can be a scooter or a trendy hoverboard. Such a thing will not only be a pleasant surprise, but also help you quickly get to school or a store. After all, it is much more pleasant to ride than to walk. Unlike a bicycle or scooter, a hoverboard does not require a child to pedal or kick. This vehicle is powered by a battery. Do not think that such a toy is completely useless. She teaches the child to keep balance and react quickly to what is happening around. After all, when you ride on a gyro scooter on the sidewalk, you need to turn now and then to the right, then to the left, so as not to hurt passers-by.

It is better not to give such a toy to small children 5-6 years old. They will not appreciate her, and even more so they will not be able to understand the degree of danger she carries. After all, if you go on a gyro scooter to the roadway, then there is a great chance of being hit by a car.

Magic screen

If you think about the most popular toys for the New Year for children, various drawing gadgets immediately come to mind. One of the most sold out is the magic screen. This is such a device on which you can draw anything you want with multi-colored felt-tip pens. And then you can quickly erase the drawing with the built-in brush. Today you can even buy improved models that you need to apply images to with your fingers. But still, drawing with felt-tip pens is more pleasant and useful. After all, when a child applies an image with a special stylus, then he must make an effort. The child understands what pressure is and how to regulate it.

Rubik's Cube

Popular toys for children 5 years old are presented not only by various dolls and cars. Puzzles are also in demand. One of the most popular is the Rubik's Cube. This toy may well be assembled by a child at the age of 5. All you need is skill and a little effort. Why strain a child's brain with puzzles, because he already has to memorize a lot? The thing is that at the age of 5, children are good at assimilating large amounts of information. Do not be afraid that you will burden your child with unnecessary knowledge. Everything that is needed, the brain will remember, and everything else can be repeated.

Puzzles instill in the child a thirst for knowledge and for the eternal search for the best solution. Rubik's cube is also useful because the child learns to correlate colors and impose certain shapes on them. Thus, a unique picture of the world is built in the child's head.

Kinetic sand

Popular ones can look different. These can be cubes, puzzles, or, for example, sand. What is living sand? It is a substance that holds its shape well, but at the same time crumbles when touched. What can be collected from such sand? You can build a castle or mold pies. And with the help of such sand, you can arrange various games with children. For example, parents can bury various stones in the sandbox, and the child will have to find them. With the help of all sorts of shapes, you can learn the alphabet or learn to distinguish the contours of different animals. The biggest advantage of this substance is that your hands are always clean, and so do carpeted floors.

Hello kitty

The famous kitty has long gone beyond the scope of children's products. She is loved by both small and already grown girls. The cute kitty of Japanese descent was originally a stuffed toy.

You can still buy this variation today. But all kinds of plastic gadgets have become much more popular. It could be a radio, an alarm or a clock. Hello Kitty decorates baby clothes, bags, pens notebooks. Girls do not want to part with their beloved character even when they grow up, so they often wear keychains, watches with a cat, and all kinds of hair ornaments.

Wooden figurines

Eco-style of life becomes more and more popular every year. Therefore, you do not even need to ask why people prefer to buy their children not plastic toys, but wooden ones that are cut and painted by hand. The variety of such figures is simply amazing. There are sets of trees where you need to distinguish an apple tree from a pear and properly decorate the trunk and branches with fruits. There are kits that feature animals. You can even collect entire cities and villages. There are sets with racing cars and other vehicles.

Children love wooden figurines. They are pleasant to hold in your hands and they smell good. And many guys like to try toys for the tooth. And parents do not mind, because there is no chemistry in the composition of the product.

Jigsaw puzzles

Both adults and children enjoy assembling an image from disparate parts. After all, what could be more exciting than spending an hour or two collecting jigsaw puzzles with the whole family ?! In such a game, the child will feel like a part of the team, because he works on an equal basis with everyone else. Collecting pictures brings you closer together. Because in the process you can find out how someone is doing at school or in kindergarten.

Large soft puzzles are made for small children. With the help of them, they learn colors and try to correctly correlate shapes.

Each holiday presents parents with a choice: what kind of gift to give to the child? I always want a new toy to be interesting to the child not for a couple of days, but to interest him for a long time. For this, it is worth considering the age of the child and his wishes.

We will not be able to answer the question: what kind of gift to buy for your child. But we will be happy to offer a large list of the most popular toys in 2019, which can be safely called the hits of the season. If you like the gift option, click on the name or picture to go to the store.

TOP-25 popular toys 2019

In this list you will find famous brands: Barbie doll, Hot Wheels tracks, Nerf blasters, Lego constructor. Each brand has new items every year that become hits of the season in the world of toys. We tried to collect in one list all the new items and popular toys of 2019.

1. LOL doll

The LOL doll is a miniature toy in a ball. When buying, it is impossible to guess what kind of toy will come across. The set includes the doll itself, a bottle, a dress, shoes and various stickers. Each toy has its own peculiarity. To find out which one, you need to give it water from a bottle. The chrysalis can drink, spit, go to the toilet, or change color. For children from 3 years old.

LOL capsule LOL Pearl LOL Water surprise

2. Doll Baby Born (Baby Bon)

Baby Bon is a super popular baby doll among girls of all ages. The doll is very similar to a small child. She is quite large 43 cm, can drink from a bottle and walk on a pot. All the necessary accessories for caring for a Baby Bon baby are included: a bottle, food for the doll, a pacifier, a pot and a diaper. Baby Bon is produced in different versions: baby doll, Sorceress, Sister and others. For children from 3 years old.

Baby Bon boy Baby Bon winter Baby Bon The Little Mermaid

3. Draw with light

An interesting set for drawing in the dark. The tablet has a special coating that keeps light on the surface. The drawing is applied with a special marker with a light beam. The main rule is that you need to draw in the dark to make the picture bright. After 15 minutes, the image will start to fade. The drawing will completely disappear after 1.5 hours. You can find out how the Draw with Light set works at.

4. Nerf Nitro

Nerf Nitro is a unique racing car launcher. Part of Hasbro's Nerf line of toy weapons. The set includes the launcher itself, cars, a springboard and other obstacles. There is a large line of Nerf blasters that shoot like real shotguns. The bullets are safe as they are made of soft foam. If you want to know more about the features of Nerf blasters, read on.

5. Poopsie Surprise Unicorn

This is a cute unicorn with fluffy hair. She can be dressed up in different clothes and braided. The set with the unicorn comes with many accessories: pants and a T-shirt, a comb, a toilet, a bottle and others. The chrysalis knows how to eat special food. Feed her and plant her on the pot: there will be a colored slime in the toilet.

6. Bumblebee virtual reality mask

The mask is able to superimpose volumetric video on top of a real image of the surrounding environment. To do this, you need to install a special application on your smartphone and insert the phone into the toy. Now, looking at your room, you can see opponents and fight with them boldly. The mask is conveniently attached to the head with a strap. The set also includes glasses, a glove and augmented reality discs.


Interactive FINGERLINGS have conquered the whole world. After all, 12-centimeter toys behave like real monkeys! They perfectly know how to hold on to a finger or hang on a tail. Thanks to the built-in sensors, the toy reacts to the actions of its owner: it moves, blinks, sings songs or falls asleep. In total, the monkey performs about 40 actions and emits 50 different sounds.

8. Barbie doll

Barbie has remained at its peak of popularity since 1945, when it began to be released. The doll has many variations that will appeal to modern girls. For example, a very flexible Barbie from the series "Limitless Movements", Barbie Rainbow Mermaid or Fairy with fluttering wings. There are also many options for doll houses for this doll and an incredible variety of additional accessories: furniture, appliances, outfits, jewelry, pets.

9. Toys and sets "My Little Pony"

Incredibly popular pony heroes from the famous cartoon. The manufacturer produces different versions of toys: small collectible figures, soft plush toys, as well as interactive ones. In addition, play sets are sold. For example, "Magic Castle Flicker" has a huge number of accessories and game locations. There is a movable mermaid pony carousel, a waterslide, an elevator, revolving terraces and a host of other finds. For children from 3 years old.

All My Little Pony Toys >>

Magic Castle
Princess Celestia
Floating Pinkie Pie

10. Littlest Pet Shop toys (pets)

Little pets pets from the pet store are not only heroes of the popular cartoon, but also favorite toys for little girls. You can find large soft pets, minifigures and play sets. There are a lot of pets, so you can choose a toy animal to your liking: bunnies, pandas, bears, hamsters, kittens and others. For children from 3 years old.

11. Toys and sets "Paw Patrol"

Rescue puppies from the cartoon of the same name have long been popular with Russian children and will be a good gift for a child. Toys are sold separately or in sets. One of the largest sets is called the Rescue Office. It includes the Paw Patrol base, which has a slide and post for quick descent, an elevator and periscope, and a police car. When you press the button at the base of the office, sound and light effects are activated. For children from 3 years old.

All Paw Patrol toys >>

12. Race track "MagicTracks"

The Magic Track set includes 220 track parts or more, one or two racing cars. A road of any shape can be assembled from parts. It can bend, bend, rotate in any direction, or even form a ring. The detail is important - the road glows in the dark. For children from 3 years old.

13. Constructor LEGO

Lego ninjago

14. Dogs in your Chi Chi Love purse

Chi Chi Love are plush dogs in a purse, realistic prototypes of the Chihuahua breed. This accessory will suit young fashionistas who dream of their glamorous pet. Each dog has its own clothing, and the carry bag is a design masterpiece when combined with the included stickers. For children from 5 years old.

15. Transformers

Transformers easily transform from a robot to a car and back thanks to the hinge mechanisms. Fun games can be created with both figures. The robots are made of high quality durable plastic. For children from 3 years old.

Transformer optimus prime Transformer Wild Screachers
Transformers Titans, 30 cm.

16. Fairy with soap bubbles

Barbie in the form of a Fairy who blows bubbles with her wings. It is worth lowering the pupa with its wings into a soapy solution and pulling on a special cord. The built-in fan will blow bubbles into the air. Bubbles are included with the Fairy. A good gift for a child 3-5 years old.

17. Spider Yellies

These interactive Yellies are adorable cuties. But they are afraid of noise and screams. Their built-in sensors respond to sound. The louder the cry, the faster the spiders scatter in different directions. The collection contains 6 spiders of different colors, with different faces. A great toy for a fun company of children.

18. Play-Doh "Create the world"

Plasticine Play Do is Hasbro's ageless brand. This is a special plasticine, which is much softer and more elastic than usual and does not stick to hands. Hasbro's Super Game Play-Doh is a Build World Bundle. You can make cartoons with it! Dazzle your character, place it on the special platform that comes with the kit, and scan it using the free Play-Doh app on your smartphone or tablet. Your character will "come to life" and find himself in a virtual fairy world. For children from 3 years old.

Mister nibbler Miracle oven 8 cans of plasticine Ice cream castle

19. Playsets from Sylvanian Families

All Sylvanian Families sets are connected by one plot - they are funny forest animals that live in their houses. One of the sets is called "House of Mary". Miniature furniture and various accessories will create a cozy atmosphere in the toy house where the rabbit Maria lives. For children from 3 years old.

20. 3D handle

Toy locomotive

This toy railroad is a model of locomotive of the year 1940 - and each one can fit a 6-7 year old child. The locomotives are made of stainless steel and aluminum. In general, the child will have to make every effort to break something.

The railway itself, that is, mini-rails, are also made of metal - lightweight and durable. The creators of the system position it as a toy for children from 3 to 13 years old.

Snow blaster

Hmm, now I would like to be a child ... A snow blaster is a device that shoots snowballs, and the range of the shot is up to 20 meters. The blaster is multiply charged, so all your enemies will be defeated, that's for sure. Only one question arises - can such a device be considered safe for a child?

Night-vision device

In fact, the manufacturer claims that this device is a full-fledged night vision device - not your average toy with light and green glass.


This is actually not a toy, but a kind of designer for a professional architect. But of course, an inventive child may well build something unimaginable from such a system.

Personal Triceratops

The cub of Triceratops, whose name is KOTA, should appeal to any child - especially since he knows how to play music, growl, squeak and blink. In general, an almost complete simulation of the behavior of a Triceratops - who knows, maybe these ancient creatures growled like KOTA growls?

Nerf N-Strike Vulcan EBF-25

Hmm, a rather dangerous "toy" - this device shoots what you think? Real darts for playing darts. Actually, it is dangerous to trust him even an adult, what can we say about a child. If matches in the hands of a child are dangerous, then a machine gun that fires 3 darts per second is generally a nuclear bomb.

My own musician

KidiJamz is a whole music studio that includes emulation of 10 different musical instruments, 5 directions, three buttons that set the rhythm. Such a device allows you to develop the abilities of a real DJ in your child.

Radio controlled aero surfer

This is not even a toy anymore, but a whole prototype of a real device that allows you to move through space with amazing ease.

Kid's sports car

This device is a radio-controlled car (the remote control is at the parents), repeating the outlines of sports car models. The maximum speed of the toy is 6 kilometers per hour.

Helicopter Falcon

This helicopter is capable not only of flying, listening to the control panel in your hand, but also of shooting small balls, attacking the enemy.

Annually holds the Toy Awards competition, in which he chooses the best toys of the year. And this is not a dry opinion of adults, no, these toys are given to 250 children for 6 weeks, who determine whether they like to play with them or not? How entertaining is the game, won't it break when you get bored? Only real "users" can answer this question. And that is why the results of this competition are very interesting for parents.

The full list of 2017 winners can be viewed. We chose the 25 most fascinating toys from it, in our opinion. We are looking forward to their appearance in Russian stores!

Board Game Orchard Toys Cheeky Monkeys

Board game where two players must compete in collecting bananas. Develops memory and strategic thinking. Approximate price: 760 p. (hereinafter - the price in pounds, converted to rubles at the current exchange rate)

Anki Cozmo Robot Loader

This robot recognizes the face of the child, greets him, talks, jokes and shows emotions, depending on the actions of the kid. Approximate price: 15200 r.

K'nex Thrill Rides Web Weaver Rollercoaster Race Track

A modular race track that glows in the dark and has an air-powered car. Approximate price: 1200 r.

Fisher-Price Zoom n Crawl Monster Toy

A toy that can throw out balls for the child to collect, or run away from the child, reacting to his approach. Approximate price: 2600 r.

Chicco Red Bullet bike

Bicycle with adjustable seat and handlebars, very lightweight, good balance. Approximate price: 2600 r.

Homemade robot M.A.X. (Meccano Advanced Xfactor)

Homemade robot controlled from a smartphone. Quite difficult to program, intended for children from 10 years old. Approximate price: 11,400 rubles.

Orchard Toys Magic Maths

A game based on math. Whether the child has guessed the example correctly will be prompted by "magic" heat-sensitive cards that need to be warmed with hands. Approximate price: 900 r.

Puzzle Little Red Riding Hood SmartGames Little Red Riding Hood

Maze puzzle with Little Red Riding Hood. Game board, five puzzle pieces, three trees, figurines and a special brochure. Approximate price: 1500 r.

Toy Coffee Machine Le Toy Van Honeybake Café Machine

Toy coffee machine with two cups, a spoon and interchangeable color inserts. Approximate price: 2200 r.

Microphone Mi-Mic

Microphone that connects to Bluetooth. The child can sing any song in karaoke mode, distort the voice and add sound effects to the singing. Approximate price: 1900 r.

RC Truck Monster Smash-Ups

A toy truck with radio control, has a speed of up to 15 kilometers per hour, easily passes obstacles. Approximate price: 2600 r.

Clementoni Evolution trainable robot

Children can assemble and program the robot themselves, for example, to collect toys. He has 5 facial expressions, hands move, sound effects. Approximate price: 4500 r.

3D puzzle Ravensburger American Flag Sneaker

3D puzzle that, after assembly, can be used as a pencil holder. Approximate price: 1100 r.

Electronic Monkey Vtech Chase Me Casey

Monkey for catch-ups. Knows how to run away from the child if he comes close, as well as play music, numbers and letters. Approximate price: 2900 r.

Ozbozz Light Burst Scooter Scooter

Scooter with rear brake, lighting effects and adjustable frame. Approximate price: 2300 r.

Fire Station Vtech Toot-Toot Drivers Fire Station

Prefabricated fire station with vehicles. There are many movable elements (elevator, windows, stairs), there are built-in sound effects. Approximate price: 2400 r.

Toy TOMY Lightseekers

A smart toy that can talk, glow and be transported to augmented reality using a smartphone. Approximate price: 5300 r.

Children's robot Fisher-Price Teach n Tag Movi

The robot has 60 facial expressions, can play and dance, and is very friendly. Approximate price: 3400 r.

Toy Ice Cream LeapFrog Scoop & Learn Ice Cream Van

This toy gives the child the task of collecting ice cream, recognizes colors and flavors, and plays music if the toddler has done everything right. Approximate price: 3000 r.

Zimpli Kids Slime Blaster

Pour a special liquid into a container, shake it and bullet the mucus in all directions. The mucus is hypoallergenic, non-staining and environmentally friendly. Approximate price: 1500 r.

Flappy Elephant Toy

A soft toy that can sing and move the ears. Approximate price: 3200 r.

Tomy Spin & Splash Jelly Fish Bath Toy

The toy jellyfish rotates its tentacles and sprinkles water in small sprays. Approximate price: 760 p.

Toy for newborns The Gro Company Ollie the Owl

Plays lullabies, has three backlight modes. If the baby wakes up, automatically turns on 20 minutes of music to calm him down. Has a convenient mount. Approximate price: 2600 r.

Smart watch Vtech Smart Watch DX

This is a clock, pedometer, alarm clock, calculator, stopwatch and voice recorder, with 8 built-in games, which can take photos and videos. Approximate price: 3500 r.

Homemade Snow Zimpli Kids SnoBall Battle Pack

The powder is mixed with water and snow is obtained. Hypoallergenic, non-staining. Approximate price: 380 r.

Most on the planet, what are they? Today you will see 12 of the most interesting toys for children. One thing that all these toys have in common is their high-tech component. Most of them can play music and videos, and also have the ability to connect to a personal computer. Such toys can not only entertain, but also teach your child many useful and interesting things!

1. Mini-water park Little Tikes Super Splash

One of the best toys on the planet is the Little Tikes Super Splash Mini Waterpark. Ever dreamed of turning your yard into a water park? Little Tikes will help you do this. Little Tikes Mini Water Park features a sprinkler slide, two water cannons, two tunnels, an obstacle course, and a recreation island.

2. Extreme slides "Step2"

The mini-slide “Step2 ″ will turn any yard or basement into an amusement park. There is no bicycle helmet included, but its use is strictly recommended. This is certainly not as safe as online games at, but your kids will get a dose of real extreme! Plus, playing outdoors will distract your child a bit from their electronic entertainment center.

3. LEGO Creator Monster Dino

Now you can bring the creature to life and control your LEGO monster dinosaur toy. It is enough to press the button and the "ward" will go or growl. The toy is intended for children from 9 years old and has three different types of construction, during which the dinosaur can also transform into a crocodile or a spider. The toy is controlled by a remote control. Today you can buy such a Lego constructor at most children's toy stores. It will be a great gift for every child.


The toy from Magnetix is ​​a hybrid MP3 player with a ball slide. We listen to music and enjoy the picture.

5. Brain Brown

This gadget (animatronic brain) includes The Brief Encyclopedia of Britannica, Dictionary, World History Diagram, Clock, MP3 Player, Calendar, Keyboard, Speakers, Sound Voice Analyzer for responding to voice commands. The Brain can store not only personal information and phone numbers, but also use it as a phone when connected to a telephone line.

6. Air Hogs Havoc Heli Laser Battle

Also the best toy considered Air Hogs Havoc Heli Laser Battle - a game for the whole company. A set of two remote controlled helicopters equipped with a laser cannon will surely delight the boys. If the enemy's laser hits the target, the helicopter goes into a tailspin.

7. Electric Plane Launcher

As the original name suggests, it is an electric paper airplane launcher. In this case, the maximum achievable speed is as much as 50 km / h! A lot of fun for children and adults is guaranteed.

8. Smart

The smart bike is designed for kids from 3 to 6 years old. The device combines a cycling trainer and game console with intelligent educational games for learning numbers, letters, shapes and colors.

9. Station for creativity RipRoar

With RipRoar, you can create clips, share and star in your own videos. The included Green Screen changes backgrounds when shooting video, and the software allows you to edit, edit the resulting videos, add additional objects, sounds, music. In general, really - a director himself, and at the same time a clip maker!

10. Transformers-MP3

The MP3 player in the form of Transformers with card reader for Mini S will become a favorite gadget in the pocket of any boy - and there is nothing to think about!

11. Remote controlled spy helicopter

Radio-controlled helicopter with a digital camera, the image of which is displayed on the control panel! This contraption will help every child fulfill their dreams of spy adventures.

12. Jakks Eyeclops Bionic Eye

EyeClops is more than just a microscope. This is a device that will turn your TV into a TV toy. EyeClops enlarges the image of an object 200 times and translates it onto a monitor or TV screen. EyeClops will become the best toy for curious schoolchildren, in particular, those who dream of biology's laurels in the future.